My great-grandfather's idea of retirement was a 200 acre cattle ranch that he worked literally until the day he died. He passed in his home whole fixing lunch. He had put in a full morning prior to that. THAT is how I want to go. Hands dirty, heart full, loving the Lord and loving my family, just like he did.
Oh man, I would love to have a 100 acre tract of land to live on. 200 acres is wild. That is a lot of space and that sounds wonderful! Your great-grandfather sounded like an awesome man!
Trees reach toward the light. As seeds they need to go into the darkness and be baptized before they break forth and illumination comes. They drink waters from under the earth and then stretch forth their branches in praise towards Him.
While I'm listening to Voochie Bauchman's sermon on "The Three Trees", I'm sitting in my car in the front yard observing a group of oak trees from bottom to top and noticing how the branches intertwine. I am in awe of the beauty and grandeur of what God creates in nature as Mr. Bauchman illustrates. Earlier this morning, I thought about my grand uncle who was also my godfather. When I was a little girl, he used to take me for walks. I would be in awe of the beautiful and simple things in nature. Innocently, I would point at water trickling through a small brook and say" Ooow weee! Look at the waaa waaa!!!🎉Life can be joyful if we sometimes examine God's handiwork with childlike wonder.❤🎉❤
Finding Voddie Baucham sermons has been a breadth of fresh spiritual air, to here one speak about the gospel with such zeal and energy, May God bless him as he continues to enlighten us as we grow in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Very good sermon! The other day started thinking about how I can commune with Jesus more throughout my day. In the mundane, in the normal and ordinary. I began to look around me while taking a walk and all I saw was stop lights, power lines, cell towers and just blah stuff. I then asked God how can I see you though these mundane things. He spoke and I began to see God as a creator of precision and order. It was pretty cool. Then my friend recommended this sermon.
"Gods Truth" lies in this video-title and of course the c-section. Its so full of truth and bless, its amazing:
this great , to hear him say things about about food, there have been times i have eaten a juicy pear or a mandarin orange, and said to God oh ty God this is so tasty you make good food, one time i washing dishes and was just staring out the window , was feeling sad about something , then all of a sudden there was a humming bird in flight but holding his position ,and i knew that God sent that little bird to take my mind off my sorrow and it worked, i had never seen live up close a hummingbird , i use to think people would think my thoughts and my awe in God was silly. God really knowing what im feeling, and also what i needed in that moment and make it happen , i really believe God sent two playful chipmunks chasing each other around this big tree to make me laugh at a time when something that had happened felt so bad it felt unbearable . then i wondered if he made them adorable on purpose . i dont know how God knows what we are feeling when there are billions of people and many who are going through things way bigger than what i was going through , so now i know im not silly, He is to much for our minds to even understand how He does anything , but if we just pay attention we can get a glimpse of how much he loves us
It is obvious that bro.Voddie is taught by the spirit of truth. His doctrine is unrefrutable. This man of God is a blessing to us. I thank the Lord that you have the right understanding
@ Eric Martindale I am praying for the same thing for my business (God's business) as well in Jesus name and I pray that both our businesses will not just profit but serve to witness of God's goodness.
Thank you Heavenly Father for your words being brought to life though the words of your beloved servant. Let them pierce the heart of myself and many others and used as fruit in our lives. Thank you and Amen.
There are only a handful of Pastors or teachers like you.. but God will continue to strengthen and protect and keep them with boldness to keep on spreading the Gospel Truth of Jesus verse at a time to a perverse and evil world . God bless Your Servant.and give Him Your Wisdom to go on proclaiming Your Truth..
Thank you ! I am a teacher from South Africa - taught till I was 73. Thank you for this amazing message - you convinced me to start eorking again from home. Magriet Barnard
I'm quite excited to see the gospel invigorate African people to thrive in the gospel...and create beauty with passion for have great ideas for their own sake, and to work towards making a great culture that is distinctly theirs.
If you haven t heard Pastor Bachmans Brokenness sermon yet.....please do. I wouldn't want to leave this earth without such a beautiful testimony of Gods mercy. God bless you all
Want more God-Talk? "Gods Truth" lies in this video-title and of course the c-section. Its so full of truth and bless, its amazing:
A men! A men! A MEN! My brother in Christ! I was just directed to this pastors videos and I absolutely love it, refreshing, sadly rare and wonderfully bold.
Praise the Lord 💛 Beautiful scriptures and sermon. My Father dedicated the second half of his life to the Lord's work and he died as an active Pastor. Although he faced many obstacles medically he kept it between himself and the Lord not wanting to burden anyone. He carried the Lord's cross until his last breath ✝️
When you diligently ask God Will talk to you always and ever through his servants so that we transmit that precious words to others. How amazing our God speaks
This preaching is true, good and beautiful. May it lead to Christian unity! He doesn't know it yet. but this man is a future Catholic (a real Catholic, not like the unfortunate thousands of lukewarm and C & E Catholics). Such depth. What a shepherd!
@@michi-bi The ONLY reason we can trust the pope in matters of Faith and morals is because of Jesus--who said He would build His Church on Peter, the Rock, and the gates of Hell would not prevail against it. Papal protection, via the Holy Spirit, only extends to Church teaching/dogma. Everything else is fallible. Faith in the triune God alone, my friend. Don't buy into anti-Catholic propaganda.
@@workin4alivin585 Do you pray to God for Guidance? Do you ask him to provide teachers who will teach God word correctly? I'm tired of people taking verses out of context to mislead people. My cousin got brainwashed by her cult because she didnt read her Bible. Because they took the bible verses of context, her faith was lost, she doesnt think Jesus dying on the cross is enough to save her anymore. Having this happened to our family shook us to the core, It was the wake up call i needed, to study God’s word earnestly and understand what I believe. When this happened it was around the time i came back to Christ, A couple years back i was mad at my Minister over something political, i stopped attending Church. I tried living my way, but it just made me depressed. It got to a point where I realized I needed God. I knew God was real from all the archaeological research i did, knowing God was real, was what stopped me from leaving my faith entirely. The true head of the CHurch was alway Jesus. Peter and the other apostle’s Job was to preach the Gospel. The Holy Spirit doesnt belong to the CHurch! The Holy Spirit is God. Do you not understand the Trinity when you first become a believer of CHrist? Repent, Believe & accept, and Be Baptized. Repent of your Sins to the Father Believe and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior Be Baptised and be filled by the Holy Spirit Do you understand what Jesus meant to be born again? I know when fellow believers are born again, they talk about their personal relationship with God. I read my Bible so i understand God’s will which is too Love God with all your heart and mind and love your neighbor as yourself. Dont put your pride in the Church, put your Faith in Jesus. Dont get me wrong, the church is important too. Church is supposed to be a way for people to worship and honor God together. Its supposed to be a place were you can encourage and fellowship together when you are struggling with sin, we can rely on each for encouragement whether we pray for each other or offer suggestions to strengthen faith or ways to overcome sin.
@@michi-bi @Mi Bun I agree with nearly everything you've said. And I'm glad you stayed faithful to Christ, just a couple of tweaks needed (see below). 👍 I will pray for your sister's return to the fold, from the clutches of the wolf. (Her story is the exact reason Jesus established one Church, which He promised to protect from the father of lies (and He keeps His promises). The heresies began almost immediately [needfor circumcision, etc.], and there had to be an authority to steer the ship and keep it on course, to develop Jesus's teachings and protect them from everyone's personal interpretation, where everyone goes their own way, universal popery. Recall there was no official Bible until the 380s. Thus the importance of "papal" and Apostolic teaching and authority to keep the flock as one--per Jesus's repeated prayers in John 17 as He sweat His Precious Blood for us.). Just a couple of tweaks: 1) Jesus IS the head of the Church (no past tense). The pope is like the king's prime minister, who administers and oversees the Kingdom until The King's return (thus the giving of the keys to the kingdom). Caring for the vineyard/kingdom is all our duties, however, as loyal subjects. 2) The Holy Spirit works through The Church as God's primary, ordinary conduit of Grace, however, He is not limited by it. The universe is His and He will go wherever He wills. Praised be God! 3) Pride is of the devil. The Catholic Church isn't my work, but God's. I can take no credit for it, and am humbled to be a part of it (once I recognized and understood the pearl of great price before me, that is). The responsibility is huge, however, as my every sin becomes a weak point in The Body, a place for enemies to attack. Jesus Chist crucified is my only boast. How blessed we are to be called God's children, and how great the duty of being a member of the Royal Family. Heavy the head that wears the crown. Sin is my only "boast". All else is the gift of Grace. 4) There are three infallibles, all protected by the Holy Spirit: -Sacred Scripture -Sacred Tradition -Magesterial Teaching (The Pope is only infallible when he formally teaches on Faith and morals under these three things. His opinions and comments are not infallible, and he is not impeccable--as papal history clearly demonstrates.😔 And yet, sinful popes glorify God, too, in that He protects His Church regardless of man's weakness. Despite scandal, the Teachings have never and will never, can never, change. That is the nature of Truth. Thank you for a lovely discussion. Know that you and your sister will be in my prayers. May God bless you.
At 8:04..ouch! That statement went straight to my soul. This is why I love Voddie, he is absolutely amazing at getting to the heart of our shortcomings. And he explains things in such a clear and concise way. I imagine this was much of how those who heard the Apostle Paul felt when listening to his sermons. It is humbling, makes one sorrowful for not following God's commands.
Thanks brother. I'm a pastor without a "pulpit" at the moment. There are times where my labor seems less significant than when I was a "full time vocational minister", it's good to be reminded of the value and sanctity of physical/mundane labor.
I was kinda going thru middle age crisis .I'm 38 years old and thinking what I'm I doing with my life serving at church and working .I was thinking God what do you have for me in the Future kinda feel empty but now I know is to work until I die and serve the Lord until he lets me praise him thru work cause worship is not music but an action and the way I live for the what a sermon praise jesus
this life is a blink. this world is passing away. don't live for this short life in this broken -- actually, evil -- world system. You are destined for the NEW HEAVEN and THE NEW EARTH!
Cessationism Doctrine from Atrocity There are few things I have been more shocked by as a devout believer in Jesus Christ than the concept of cessationism. I had already read 1st & 2nd Corinthians when I first learned about this supposedly Christian view and couldn’t understand how anyone could believe such obvious nonsense. The Bible is the perfect true eternal word of Almighty God. The Holy Spirit is the guide that unlocks the scriptures for believers who meet God’s conditions. When I heard the scriptural basis that cessationists claim supports their view, I was even more dumbfounded. As you may have heard, cessationists believe some of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit have ceased to exist while others have not. In researching the origins of this unbiblical doctrine, I discovered something so unbelievably horrible that I knew I had to expose it not only to end it but to enable others trapped in this unholy schism that is now staining the Body of Christ with the blood of the innocent. Blood spilled by a psychotic Catholic sycophant, John Calvin. He was no reformer. He was an agent of Satan. In only 5 years while ruling in Geneva, John Calvin advocated for the murder of 58 people with competing Theological viewpoints or people he felt were rivals. They were all either burnt at the stake or tortured and then burnt at the stake or beheaded for nothing more than a differing view. That’s nearly one person executed each and every month of John Calvin’s 5 year reign of terror in Geneva. These people weren’t murderers or thieves or rapists or molesters of children. They were people who thought of God in a different way than John Calvin. Calvin even plotted for years to kill someone who thought John Calvin was a colleague, Michael Servetus. Calvin bragged about it in his journals. “Servetus offers to come hither, if it be agreeable to me. But I am unwilling to pledge my word for his safety, for if he shall come, I shall never permit him to depart alive, provided my authority be of any avail.” - Letter to Farel, 13 February 1546. Calvin also had 76 more people exiled for their beliefs and then banned all art of any kind except for music. This included any art of our Lord Jesus. Décor of this type in Church was made illegal. During all of this horror, cessationism was born. John Calvin utilized the writings of a Catholic, Augustine, to justify his appetite for murder and control over others. So here you have a supposed reformer incorporating the writings of a Catholic to advocate murder. Reformers don’t consult Catholics for doctrine. Reformers are opposed to Catholics. In addition to this, Calvin completely ignored Paul’s instructions on how to deal with unbelievers. “A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people. Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth” (2 Timothy 2:24-25). Calvin loved the idea of prolonged torture. “I am persuaded that it is not without the special will of God that, apart from any verdict of the judges, the criminals have endured protracted torment at the hands of the executioner.” - Calvin's letter to Farel on 24 July Calvin was said to have never repented for his primary role in the execution of 58 innocent people. This is the man who cessationists think was a wonderful person and a gift to Christianity from God himself. This poses the question, what god are they referring to? Let’s take a closer look at what cessationists believe. Cessationists believe that the spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing and speaking in tongues ceased with the end of the apostolic age. They also do not believe in any miracles or miraculous events attributable to God. In addition to this, most believe demon possession or people who have been demonized are actually experiencing mental health issues. They deny the biblical fact that demons exist and are to this day active and working against God by claiming those beliefs are primitive. Again, no scripture supports this view, none. Cessationists state that scripture is enough yet ignore the scripture revealing the spiritual gifts given to believers by the Holy Spirit. It is a twisted road leading into the cessationist mind. The end of the road however, is quite clear if you have eyes that see. Facts about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit as written in the Holy Bible Prophecy warns. They are communications from God through His servants to warn believers and nonbelievers alike. Healing shows the power of God on Earth. The laying on of hands shows the power of God through His servants. Speaking in tongues is meant as a sign of God to unbelievers so they may learn about God. Casting out demons. This goes hand-in-hand with healing and was a primary ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. Have you noticed anything yet? Are the pieces of the puzzle coming together yet? Let’s take a look at Satan’s perfect Christian. Cannot prophecy and is unable to warn the Body of Christ or anyone for that matter. Has no ability to heal others through the power of the Holy Spirit and cannot represent God’s power here on Earth Cannot speak in tongues because they have never met the conditions for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit Has no ability to cast out demons using the power of the Holy Spirit Does not believe in miracles from God demonstrated by the Holy Spirit Do you have eyes that see and ears that hear? Still need proof? Have you noticed who was chosen to appear on the satanic mainstream media as a “Christian Hero”? That’s right, a cessationist, John MacArthur. What better way to lead the unsaved right into the arms of a powerless church. Promote it as THE Christian church! Make the powerless church heroic in the public eye so that many would flock to it. Cessationist churches are in fact powerless. The evidence is in the word of God. Without the spiritual gifts we are also without the Holy Spirit who bestows those gifts through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. There’s a very good reason why Jesus never specifically defined what Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit was. Clearly this was not up for discussion or debate. It was a warning, plain and simple. It was a warning to not even get near it. Fear of the Lord is the proper response, not question the Lord. This is a warning cessationists completely ignore to this day. Cessationists incessantly violate scripture by adding and/or taking away from it where they please, just like John Calvin did. Deuteronomy 4:2 warns against this very clearly. Cessationists habitually place the mind of man in front of the word of God because they are in love with their own minds. They substitute eloquence for accuracy and sweet for bitter. They are blasphemers, all of them. They serve Satan whether they know it or not regardless of their intentions. Cessationists have no fear of the Lord but they do have an abundance of pride. Cessationists have never met the conditions to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Without humility and repentance, they never will. Cessationist pastors condemn their congregation by insuring they will not be the prepared bride for our Lord Jesus. They follow the unbiblical doctrine of a murderous psychopath who was a Catholic sycophant. But did we really need to break this down as I have or can we simply agree that John Calvin was a psychotic, hard-hearted, murderous unrepentant monster. He was not a hero. There is nothing he could contribute to Christianity that isn’t stained with the blood of the innocent. Not one single thing. He was also a fraud and not a Christian. He was said by people who knew him that he worked himself to death while never repenting for what he had done. Catholics believe you are saved by works also and not by grace alone. I submit to you that John Calvin worked himself to death hoping the Catholics were right. They weren’t. They still aren’t. If you attend a cessationist church, leave while you can. The Holy Spirit is not in your church and your pastor is a liar. Cessationist Preachers and Personalities John MacArthur Voddie Baucham Todd Freil RC Sproul Paul Washer Ravi Zacharias Dr. Charles Stanley Dr. David Jeremiah Tom Pennington Dr. Michael Heiser Justin Peters Dr. Sam Waldron Richard Gaffin Daniel B. Wallace Charles Swindoll Timothy Keller Rick Warren Doug Wilson John D. Hall Dr. Theodore Zachairides There are many, many more…. Cessationist Denominations All Presbyterian Churches Nearly All Baptist Churches (excluding Southern Baptist and few others) Nearly All Calvinist and Reformed Churches (75 million members worldwide) (40 million members worldwide) (75 million members worldwide) Many Episcopal and Anglican Churches (85 million members worldwide) There's more than one evil behind the pulpit. Now can you see why many are called but few chosen? There is only ONE CHURCH and it is The Church of Jesus Christ as represented in the Holy Bible. Denominations fragment the Body of Christ and distort the Word of God. This isn’t going to improve until our Lord Jesus returns. Will you be a martyr defending His church or will you drift further into oblivion? The coming Revival will produce many martyrs. Will you do for Him what he did for us? Speak the truth of the word until they kill you? Those who endure until the end will be saved.
John Barnett (DTBM) said that the sin of the elderly was comfort, security, and leisure. PRAISE God this in only the second time I've heard a teaching on this subject, Thanks
So, now I understand why I am still working being 100% VA Disabled at the age of 72. My neighbor Tim rides his riding mower the same age as me. But I find it a joy to work at cutting the grass every summer and come winter pushing the snow behind the snowblower. I have two nerve damage and Parkinson’s disease and I am sick every day with dizziness and nausea. And yes, it is very difficult. I Left Employment at age 44, and today I am 72. Vietnam War veteran. Work is a joy.
Hi just wanna take this opportunity to appreciate you guys for your support. I read all your comments here before I messaged you as the luckiest fans feel free to add me up on my private email :
May God’s truth, beauty and goodness reign in our lives so that we may treat everyone with the dignity we all deserve. We are made in God’s image. Thus, cannot love God and not His creation 🙏❤️
Hi just wanna take this opportunity to appreciate you guys for your support. I read all your comments here before I messaged you as the luckiest fans feel free to add me up on my private email :
Cessationism Doctrine from Atrocity There are few things I have been more shocked by as a devout believer in Jesus Christ than the concept of cessationism. I had already read 1st & 2nd Corinthians when I first learned about this supposedly Christian view and couldn’t understand how anyone could believe such obvious nonsense. The Bible is the perfect true eternal word of Almighty God. The Holy Spirit is the guide that unlocks the scriptures for believers who meet God’s conditions. When I heard the scriptural basis that cessationists claim supports their view, I was even more dumbfounded. As you may have heard, cessationists believe some of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit have ceased to exist while others have not. In researching the origins of this unbiblical doctrine, I discovered something so unbelievably horrible that I knew I had to expose it not only to end it but to enable others trapped in this unholy schism that is now staining the Body of Christ with the blood of the innocent. Blood spilled by a psychotic Catholic sycophant, John Calvin. He was no reformer. He was an agent of Satan. In only 5 years while ruling in Geneva, John Calvin advocated for the murder of 58 people with competing Theological viewpoints or people he felt were rivals. They were all either burnt at the stake or tortured and then burnt at the stake or beheaded for nothing more than a differing view. That’s nearly one person executed each and every month of John Calvin’s 5 year reign of terror in Geneva. These people weren’t murderers or thieves or rapists or molesters of children. They were people who thought of God in a different way than John Calvin. Calvin even plotted for years to kill someone who thought John Calvin was a colleague, Michael Servetus. Calvin bragged about it in his journals. “Servetus offers to come hither, if it be agreeable to me. But I am unwilling to pledge my word for his safety, for if he shall come, I shall never permit him to depart alive, provided my authority be of any avail.” - Letter to Farel, 13 February 1546. Calvin also had 76 more people exiled for their beliefs and then banned all art of any kind except for music. This included any art of our Lord Jesus. Décor of this type in Church was made illegal. During all of this horror, cessationism was born. John Calvin utilized the writings of a Catholic, Augustine, to justify his appetite for murder and control over others. So here you have a supposed reformer incorporating the writings of a Catholic to advocate murder. Reformers don’t consult Catholics for doctrine. Reformers are opposed to Catholics. In addition to this, Calvin completely ignored Paul’s instructions on how to deal with unbelievers. “A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people. Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth” (2 Timothy 2:24-25). Calvin loved the idea of prolonged torture. “I am persuaded that it is not without the special will of God that, apart from any verdict of the judges, the criminals have endured protracted torment at the hands of the executioner.” - Calvin's letter to Farel on 24 July Calvin was said to have never repented for his primary role in the execution of 58 innocent people. This is the man who cessationists think was a wonderful person and a gift to Christianity from God himself. This poses the question, what god are they referring to? Let’s take a closer look at what cessationists believe. Cessationists believe that the spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing and speaking in tongues ceased with the end of the apostolic age. They also do not believe in any miracles or miraculous events attributable to God. In addition to this, most believe demon possession or people who have been demonized are actually experiencing mental health issues. They deny the biblical fact that demons exist and are to this day active and working against God by claiming those beliefs are primitive. Again, no scripture supports this view, none. Cessationists state that scripture is enough yet ignore the scripture revealing the spiritual gifts given to believers by the Holy Spirit. It is a twisted road leading into the cessationist mind. The end of the road however, is quite clear if you have eyes that see. Facts about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit as written in the Holy Bible Prophecy warns. They are communications from God through His servants to warn believers and nonbelievers alike. Healing shows the power of God on Earth. The laying on of hands shows the power of God through His servants. Speaking in tongues is meant as a sign of God to unbelievers so they may learn about God. Casting out demons. This goes hand-in-hand with healing and was a primary ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. Have you noticed anything yet? Are the pieces of the puzzle coming together yet? Let’s take a look at Satan’s perfect Christian. Cannot prophecy and is unable to warn the Body of Christ or anyone for that matter. Has no ability to heal others through the power of the Holy Spirit and cannot represent God’s power here on Earth Cannot speak in tongues because they have never met the conditions for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit Has no ability to cast out demons using the power of the Holy Spirit Does not believe in miracles from God demonstrated by the Holy Spirit Do you have eyes that see and ears that hear? Still need proof? Have you noticed who was chosen to appear on the satanic mainstream media as a “Christian Hero”? That’s right, a cessationist, John MacArthur. What better way to lead the unsaved right into the arms of a powerless church. Promote it as THE Christian church! Make the powerless church heroic in the public eye so that many would flock to it. Cessationist churches are in fact powerless. The evidence is in the word of God. Without the spiritual gifts we are also without the Holy Spirit who bestows those gifts through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. There’s a very good reason why Jesus never specifically defined what Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit was. Clearly this was not up for discussion or debate. It was a warning, plain and simple. It was a warning to not even get near it. Fear of the Lord is the proper response, not question the Lord. This is a warning cessationists completely ignore to this day. Cessationists incessantly violate scripture by adding and/or taking away from it where they please, just like John Calvin did. Deuteronomy 4:2 warns against this very clearly. Cessationists habitually place the mind of man in front of the word of God because they are in love with their own minds. They substitute eloquence for accuracy and sweet for bitter. They are blasphemers, all of them. They serve Satan whether they know it or not regardless of their intentions. Cessationists have no fear of the Lord but they do have an abundance of pride. Cessationists have never met the conditions to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Without humility and repentance, they never will. Cessationist pastors condemn their congregation by insuring they will not be the prepared bride for our Lord Jesus. They follow the unbiblical doctrine of a murderous psychopath who was a Catholic sycophant. But did we really need to break this down as I have or can we simply agree that John Calvin was a psychotic, hard-hearted, murderous unrepentant monster. He was not a hero. There is nothing he could contribute to Christianity that isn’t stained with the blood of the innocent. Not one single thing. He was also a fraud and not a Christian. He was said by people who knew him that he worked himself to death while never repenting for what he had done. Catholics believe you are saved by works also and not by grace alone. I submit to you that John Calvin worked himself to death hoping the Catholics were right. They weren’t. They still aren’t. If you attend a cessationist church, leave while you can. The Holy Spirit is not in your church and your pastor is a liar. Cessationist Preachers and Personalities John MacArthur Voddie Baucham Todd Freil RC Sproul Paul Washer Ravi Zacharias Dr. Charles Stanley Dr. David Jeremiah Tom Pennington Dr. Michael Heiser Justin Peters Dr. Sam Waldron Richard Gaffin Daniel B. Wallace Charles Swindoll Timothy Keller Rick Warren Doug Wilson John D. Hall Dr. Theodore Zachairides There are many, many more…. Cessationist Denominations All Presbyterian Churches Nearly All Baptist Churches (excluding Southern Baptist and few others) Nearly All Calvinist and Reformed Churches (75 million members worldwide) (40 million members worldwide) (75 million members worldwide) Many Episcopal and Anglican Churches (85 million members worldwide) There's more than one evil behind the pulpit. Now can you see why many are called but few chosen? There is only ONE CHURCH and it is The Church of Jesus Christ as represented in the Holy Bible. Denominations fragment the Body of Christ and distort the Word of God. This isn’t going to improve until our Lord Jesus returns. Will you be a martyr defending His church or will you drift further into oblivion? The coming Revival will produce many martyrs. Will you do for Him what he did for us? Speak the truth of the word until they kill you? Those who endure until the end will be saved.
Brother Voddie, My concerns are, as Father God says : My people are perishing because of lack of wisdom of knowing ME. I am very impressed with the insights given to you by the Holy Spirit to teach Father God's family. My blessings are warmly to you and family. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Me: based off the title, I should be enjoying a sermon about the tree of knowledge and evil, tree of life, and the cross Voddie: you’re gonna wish you buckled up for this theological roller coaster
Hi just wanna take this opportunity to appreciate you guys for your support. I read all your comments here before I messaged you as the luckiest fans feel free to add me up on my private email :
Cessationism Doctrine from Atrocity There are few things I have been more shocked by as a devout believer in Jesus Christ than the concept of cessationism. I had already read 1st & 2nd Corinthians when I first learned about this supposedly Christian view and couldn’t understand how anyone could believe such obvious nonsense. The Bible is the perfect true eternal word of Almighty God. The Holy Spirit is the guide that unlocks the scriptures for believers who meet God’s conditions. When I heard the scriptural basis that cessationists claim supports their view, I was even more dumbfounded. As you may have heard, cessationists believe some of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit have ceased to exist while others have not. In researching the origins of this unbiblical doctrine, I discovered something so unbelievably horrible that I knew I had to expose it not only to end it but to enable others trapped in this unholy schism that is now staining the Body of Christ with the blood of the innocent. Blood spilled by a psychotic Catholic sycophant, John Calvin. He was no reformer. He was an agent of Satan. In only 5 years while ruling in Geneva, John Calvin advocated for the murder of 58 people with competing Theological viewpoints or people he felt were rivals. They were all either burnt at the stake or tortured and then burnt at the stake or beheaded for nothing more than a differing view. That’s nearly one person executed each and every month of John Calvin’s 5 year reign of terror in Geneva. These people weren’t murderers or thieves or rapists or molesters of children. They were people who thought of God in a different way than John Calvin. Calvin even plotted for years to kill someone who thought John Calvin was a colleague, Michael Servetus. Calvin bragged about it in his journals. “Servetus offers to come hither, if it be agreeable to me. But I am unwilling to pledge my word for his safety, for if he shall come, I shall never permit him to depart alive, provided my authority be of any avail.” - Letter to Farel, 13 February 1546. Calvin also had 76 more people exiled for their beliefs and then banned all art of any kind except for music. This included any art of our Lord Jesus. Décor of this type in Church was made illegal. During all of this horror, cessationism was born. John Calvin utilized the writings of a Catholic, Augustine, to justify his appetite for murder and control over others. So here you have a supposed reformer incorporating the writings of a Catholic to advocate murder. Reformers don’t consult Catholics for doctrine. Reformers are opposed to Catholics. In addition to this, Calvin completely ignored Paul’s instructions on how to deal with unbelievers. “A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people. Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth” (2 Timothy 2:24-25). Calvin loved the idea of prolonged torture. “I am persuaded that it is not without the special will of God that, apart from any verdict of the judges, the criminals have endured protracted torment at the hands of the executioner.” - Calvin's letter to Farel on 24 July Calvin was said to have never repented for his primary role in the execution of 58 innocent people. This is the man who cessationists think was a wonderful person and a gift to Christianity from God himself. This poses the question, what god are they referring to? Let’s take a closer look at what cessationists believe. Cessationists believe that the spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing and speaking in tongues ceased with the end of the apostolic age. They also do not believe in any miracles or miraculous events attributable to God. In addition to this, most believe demon possession or people who have been demonized are actually experiencing mental health issues. They deny the biblical fact that demons exist and are to this day active and working against God by claiming those beliefs are primitive. Again, no scripture supports this view, none. Cessationists state that scripture is enough yet ignore the scripture revealing the spiritual gifts given to believers by the Holy Spirit. It is a twisted road leading into the cessationist mind. The end of the road however, is quite clear if you have eyes that see. Facts about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit as written in the Holy Bible Prophecy warns. They are communications from God through His servants to warn believers and nonbelievers alike. Healing shows the power of God on Earth. The laying on of hands shows the power of God through His servants. Speaking in tongues is meant as a sign of God to unbelievers so they may learn about God. Casting out demons. This goes hand-in-hand with healing and was a primary ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. Have you noticed anything yet? Are the pieces of the puzzle coming together yet? Let’s take a look at Satan’s perfect Christian. Cannot prophecy and is unable to warn the Body of Christ or anyone for that matter. Has no ability to heal others through the power of the Holy Spirit and cannot represent God’s power here on Earth Cannot speak in tongues because they have never met the conditions for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit Has no ability to cast out demons using the power of the Holy Spirit Does not believe in miracles from God demonstrated by the Holy Spirit Do you have eyes that see and ears that hear? Still need proof? Have you noticed who was chosen to appear on the satanic mainstream media as a “Christian Hero”? That’s right, a cessationist, John MacArthur. What better way to lead the unsaved right into the arms of a powerless church. Promote it as THE Christian church! Make the powerless church heroic in the public eye so that many would flock to it. Cessationist churches are in fact powerless. The evidence is in the word of God. Without the spiritual gifts we are also without the Holy Spirit who bestows those gifts through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. There’s a very good reason why Jesus never specifically defined what Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit was. Clearly this was not up for discussion or debate. It was a warning, plain and simple. It was a warning to not even get near it. Fear of the Lord is the proper response, not question the Lord. This is a warning cessationists completely ignore to this day. Cessationists incessantly violate scripture by adding and/or taking away from it where they please, just like John Calvin did. Deuteronomy 4:2 warns against this very clearly. Cessationists habitually place the mind of man in front of the word of God because they are in love with their own minds. They substitute eloquence for accuracy and sweet for bitter. They are blasphemers, all of them. They serve Satan whether they know it or not regardless of their intentions. Cessationists have no fear of the Lord but they do have an abundance of pride. Cessationists have never met the conditions to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Without humility and repentance, they never will. Cessationist pastors condemn their congregation by insuring they will not be the prepared bride for our Lord Jesus. They follow the unbiblical doctrine of a murderous psychopath who was a Catholic sycophant. But did we really need to break this down as I have or can we simply agree that John Calvin was a psychotic, hard-hearted, murderous unrepentant monster. He was not a hero. There is nothing he could contribute to Christianity that isn’t stained with the blood of the innocent. Not one single thing. He was also a fraud and not a Christian. He was said by people who knew him that he worked himself to death while never repenting for what he had done. Catholics believe you are saved by works also and not by grace alone. I submit to you that John Calvin worked himself to death hoping the Catholics were right. They weren’t. They still aren’t. If you attend a cessationist church, leave while you can. The Holy Spirit is not in your church and your pastor is a liar. Cessationist Preachers and Personalities John MacArthur Voddie Baucham Todd Freil RC Sproul Paul Washer Ravi Zacharias Dr. Charles Stanley Dr. David Jeremiah Tom Pennington Dr. Michael Heiser Justin Peters Dr. Sam Waldron Richard Gaffin Daniel B. Wallace Charles Swindoll Timothy Keller Rick Warren Doug Wilson John D. Hall Dr. Theodore Zachairides There are many, many more…. Cessationist Denominations All Presbyterian Churches Nearly All Baptist Churches (excluding Southern Baptist and few others) Nearly All Calvinist and Reformed Churches (75 million members worldwide) (40 million members worldwide) (75 million members worldwide) Many Episcopal and Anglican Churches (85 million members worldwide) There's more than one evil behind the pulpit. Now can you see why many are called but few chosen? There is only ONE CHURCH and it is The Church of Jesus Christ as represented in the Holy Bible. Denominations fragment the Body of Christ and distort the Word of God. This isn’t going to improve until our Lord Jesus returns. Will you be a martyr defending His church or will you drift further into oblivion? The coming Revival will produce many martyrs. Will you do for Him what he did for us? Speak the truth of the word until they kill you? Those who endure until the end will be saved.
@@daysofnoah if you are a true Christian, you should pray for who you think are wrong, and keep it to your self, instead of gossiping your thoughts that don’t do good to anyone. satan is the one that always put doubts, division, and sadness. Days of Noah, does your family know the lord Jesus Christ ? Are they saved? Do you talk with your neighbors about Christ? Do you give bibles to your neighbors? Do you have a good testimony in your family and neighbors? Do you preach the gospel with people on the streets? Do you talk about the death and resurrection of our lord? That He died for us sinners, Days of Noah, instead of gossip talk about Christ
Booker T Washington started a school for ex slaves built on the same principles as the school pastor Voodie is involved with. It was very successful. Mr Washington like the men engaged in this endeavor were strong Christian men of faith. Would that God would inspire more men and women to do this task. Thank you pastor Voodie for your dedication and faithfulness to working the work of the gospel in whatever way the Spirit directs you.
I remember asking my mother a question about, it's amazing how our aches and pains, such as feet, knees, joints etc. And you would hear the elders especially say that, it's going to rain, snow or very bad weather etc. This is how my mother explained it. She said that we are a part of the earth. This is the reason why we feel these types of things. It made perfect sense to me because we studied the Bible together ❤ 😊 Thank you for sharing this wonderful teaching ❤
"Gods Truth" lies in this video-title and of course the c-section. Its so full of truth and bless, its amazing: Here, have this URL to a comment AND a Video, both in once. Have Fun!
AMEN. The crazy thing is that people don't want me to work, they want me to claim a menial wage for grovelling to some employer which I will not do. I have no goal to attain a leisure retirement, but my life and time does not belong to any other man. It belongs to God.
What so ever your hands find too do, do it with all your might as unto God. I worked in the world and I don’t feel I accomplished much, but now that I am older I wish too spend time in learning and praying.
Neville Goddard teaching from experience will wake you up when you came down and called man, the death on this planet repeats for teaching you never dies except in man, you a original sons of god never dies, its a play and no ones lost.
While some disciples are certainly called to work in "ministry" (i.e. pastors, elders, deacons, missionaries, etc.), I think we often forget the ministries of engineering, science, medicine, lawyers, homemakers, cashiers, accountants, and a host of other professions. See, many of us think of pastors, missionaries, etc. As somehow having a more "Christian" job than the doctor, engineer, or lawyer. But, while it's vreat to work around fellow disciples, we must not forget these other professions and the impact we can have for Jesus and in fulfilling the dominion mandate. My desire is to be a mechanical engineer. In that way, I seek to improve existing technologies and create new ones to better people's lives on earth. Engineers take the knowledge aquired by scientists concerning the structure and functions of God's universe and apply that for the good of mankind. On top of that, we are all called to make disciples and we each have a specific area of influence in which to do just that. You don't have to be a full-time missionary overseas to make disciples. Your own neighbor may need to hear of and see the love of Jesus in your life.
You are exactly right. This is why I hate to see some churches pushing young men into full time vocational ministry (pastors, missionaries, etc.), as though there is something more spiritual, more righteous, more Godly, in being a pastor than in being a Christian engineer (or architect, or biologist, or plumber, etc.). I am not saying that serving in full-time ministry is not to be desired, by any means. It is extremely important and a worthy calling. But some churches talk as though non-ministry vocations are less important, less Godly. And that is wrong.
When you don’t welcome God and the Holy Spirit in nobody’s there but you and the people that is there welcome God and the Holy Spirit in so he can rest up on your heart when you minister Amen 🙏
Give Glory to God in the highest for this sermon and not to this man ! I thank Yeshua the Messiah for giving this world another labor for the harvest !! Well done , sir !
@@kaharian4455 Prophet: noun a person who speaks for God or a deity, or by divine inspiration. I would say Paul certainly qualifies as a Prophet and many others. Jesus was Thee Prophet but also The Creator and Sustainer of the universe and KING. The Son of God.
My great-grandfather's idea of retirement was a 200 acre cattle ranch that he worked literally until the day he died. He passed in his home whole fixing lunch. He had put in a full morning prior to that. THAT is how I want to go. Hands dirty, heart full, loving the Lord and loving my family, just like he did.
That's beautiful. Right there with you brother 🙏
Oh man, I would love to have a 100 acre tract of land to live on. 200 acres is wild. That is a lot of space and that sounds wonderful! Your great-grandfather sounded like an awesome man!
What a beautiful remembrance of him❤ I can't wait to see you both in our heavenly work!
That is beautiful. That's my dream and hope one day
What a blessing
I retired at 70 from “work” and then God put me to “work” at my church!!!!! Lol 😂
I'm retired as well and am listening for His voice to get me on purpose possibly for the first time in my life.
So good. When you hear some preachers talk all about themselves, then when you hear a preacher talk all about God!
That’s when ya know!
I couldn't figure out what it was. This is it.
Amen! ALL glory to our God, Lord Jesus Christ. Respect for Pastor Voddie for sharing God's beautiful wonders 👏👏
The tree of good & evil was a test of mankind.
Trees reach toward the light. As seeds they need to go into the darkness and be baptized before they break forth and illumination comes. They drink waters from under the earth and then stretch forth their branches in praise towards Him.
While I'm listening to Voochie Bauchman's sermon on "The Three Trees", I'm sitting in my car in the front yard observing a group of oak trees from bottom to top and noticing how the branches intertwine. I am in awe of the beauty and grandeur of what God creates in nature as Mr. Bauchman illustrates. Earlier this morning, I thought about my grand uncle who was also my godfather. When I was a little girl, he used to take me for walks. I would be in awe of the beautiful and simple things in nature. Innocently, I would point at water trickling through a small brook and say" Ooow weee! Look at the waaa waaa!!!🎉Life can be joyful if we sometimes examine God's handiwork with childlike wonder.❤🎉❤
Finding Voddie Baucham sermons has been a breadth of fresh spiritual air, to here one speak about the gospel with such zeal and energy, May God bless him as he continues to enlighten us as we grow in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Very good sermon! The other day started thinking about how I can commune with Jesus more throughout my day. In the mundane, in the normal and ordinary. I began to look around me while taking a walk and all I saw was stop lights, power lines, cell towers and just blah stuff. I then asked God how can I see you though these mundane things. He spoke and I began to see God as a creator of precision and order. It was pretty cool. Then my friend recommended this sermon.
Hands down the best sermon I have heard in a long time so practical and relevant for todays church! Thank you
"Gods Truth" lies in this video-title and of course
the c-section. Its so full of truth and bless, its amazing:
Amen !!!
I can't wait to see Voddie Baucham someday... I think I'm going to give him a hug and say THANK YOU
this great , to hear him say things about about food, there have been times i have eaten a juicy pear or a mandarin orange, and said to God oh ty God this is so tasty you make good food, one time i washing dishes and was just staring out the window , was feeling sad about something , then all of a sudden there was a humming bird in flight but holding his position ,and i knew that God sent that little bird to take my mind off my sorrow and it worked, i had never seen live up close a hummingbird , i use to think people would think my thoughts and my awe in God was silly. God really knowing what im feeling, and also what i needed in that moment and make it happen , i really believe God sent two playful chipmunks chasing each other around this big tree to make me laugh at a time when something that had happened felt so bad it felt unbearable . then i wondered if he made them adorable on purpose . i dont know how God knows what we are feeling when there are billions of people and many who are going through things way bigger than what i was going through , so now i know im not silly, He is to much for our minds to even understand how He does anything , but if we just pay attention we can get a glimpse of how much he loves us
Love your post, sister 💕
Found out this preacher, Voddie Baucham 2 days ago. I'm really impressed. Him and Pastor Gino Jennings are men of true God.
I love you for these words my sweet sister
Oh Ladybug you are such a delight. I think the same way.
Listening to Voddie’ s sermons just gives me goose bumps. He really drives the point home. Thank you for the teachings
" I work as my Father works in me.."
Man must work
Our Lord was never idle
It is obvious that bro.Voddie is taught by the spirit of truth. His doctrine is unrefrutable. This man of God is a blessing to us. I thank the Lord that you have the right understanding
Lord, let your “truth, beauty, and goodness” guide my business (which is really your business) today.
@ Eric Martindale I am praying for the same thing for my business (God's business) as well in Jesus name and I pray that both our businesses will not just profit but serve to witness of God's goodness.
Thank you Heavenly Father for your words being brought to life though the words of your beloved servant. Let them pierce the heart of myself and many others and used as fruit in our lives. Thank you and Amen.
There are only a handful of Pastors or teachers like you.. but God will continue to strengthen and protect and keep them with boldness to keep on spreading the Gospel Truth of Jesus verse at a time to a perverse and evil world . God bless Your Servant.and give Him Your Wisdom to go on proclaiming Your Truth..
Thank you ! I am a teacher from South Africa - taught till I was 73. Thank you for this amazing message - you convinced me to start eorking again from home.
Magriet Barnard
I'm quite excited to see the gospel invigorate African people to thrive in the gospel...and create beauty with passion for have great ideas for their own sake, and to work towards making a great culture that is distinctly theirs.
what a wonderfull ceremony. so thankfull I got to hear it all the way here in sweden.
I'm appreciating this while I'm doing my....what???...... WORK!
If you haven t heard Pastor Bachmans Brokenness sermon yet.....please do. I wouldn't want to leave this earth without such a beautiful testimony of Gods mercy.
God bless you all
Thank you for the recommendation
God bless you too.
Wow!!! Amen!!! Hallelujah. Praise you, Lord. Bless this powerful man of God in all aspects ofhis life. ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏 I learned a lot. Thanks so much. ❤
8Pm, June 16: Soooo Thankful, Pastor Ben Cross directed me to Voddie's teaching!!
From the time I started working as a teenager, I never agreed with retirement. This is the first time I've heard a preacher talk about this.
Want more God-Talk?
"Gods Truth" lies in this video-title and of course
the c-section. Its so full of truth and bless,
its amazing:
Excellent sermon. Thank you sir for being a man, and not a smiling wimp.
A men! A men! A MEN! My brother in Christ! I was just directed to this pastors videos and I absolutely love it, refreshing, sadly rare and wonderfully bold.
Me, too, just found him this week. Been fellowshipping since, I'm sure more is to be revealed to me.
God bless you.
I shared this with my middle daughter, I want her to know what she is missing from her labour.
she's incredible too. I hope she'll listen 👂❤️
Praise the Lord 💛 Beautiful scriptures and sermon. My Father dedicated the second half of his life to the Lord's work and he died as an active Pastor. Although he faced many obstacles medically he kept it between himself and the Lord not wanting to burden anyone. He carried the Lord's cross until his last breath ✝️
My brother extra is what we all need .. praise God for his word and Holy Spirit 🙏🏿🙏🏿❤
Voddie is like a man calling out in the wilderness. Thank you Mr Baucham
When you diligently ask God Will talk to you always and ever through his servants so that we transmit that precious words to others. How amazing our God speaks
I am now 27 Years now and feel like I have 127 years ahead...AMEN THE MESSAGE WAS POWERFUL.
What a beautiful sermon
Voddie Bachman!!!
What a phenomenal teacher.
God is so good to us.
This preaching is true, good and beautiful. May it lead to Christian unity!
He doesn't know it yet. but this man is a future Catholic (a real Catholic, not like the unfortunate thousands of lukewarm and C & E Catholics). Such depth. What a shepherd!
Put your faith in Jesus, not the Pope.
@@michi-bi The ONLY reason we can trust the pope in matters of Faith and morals is because of Jesus--who said He would build His Church on Peter, the Rock, and the gates of Hell would not prevail against it. Papal protection, via the Holy Spirit, only extends to Church teaching/dogma. Everything else is fallible.
Faith in the triune God alone, my friend. Don't buy into anti-Catholic propaganda.
@@workin4alivin585 Do you pray to God for Guidance? Do you ask him to provide teachers who will teach God word correctly? I'm tired of people taking verses out of context to mislead people. My cousin got brainwashed by her cult because she didnt read her Bible. Because they took the bible verses of context, her faith was lost, she doesnt think Jesus dying on the cross is enough to save her anymore. Having this happened to our family shook us to the core, It was the wake up call i needed, to study God’s word earnestly and understand what I believe. When this happened it was around the time i came back to Christ, A couple years back i was mad at my Minister over something political, i stopped attending Church. I tried living my way, but it just made me depressed. It got to a point where I realized I needed God. I knew God was real from all the archaeological research i did, knowing God was real, was what stopped me from leaving my faith entirely.
The true head of the CHurch was alway Jesus. Peter and the other apostle’s Job was to preach the Gospel. The Holy Spirit doesnt belong to the CHurch! The Holy Spirit is God. Do you not understand the Trinity when you first become a believer of CHrist? Repent, Believe & accept, and Be Baptized.
Repent of your Sins to the Father
Believe and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior
Be Baptised and be filled by the Holy Spirit
Do you understand what Jesus meant to be born again? I know when fellow believers are born again, they talk about their personal relationship with God. I read my Bible so i understand God’s will which is too Love God with all your heart and mind and love your neighbor as yourself.
Dont put your pride in the Church, put your Faith in Jesus.
Dont get me wrong, the church is important too. Church is supposed to be a way for people to worship and honor God together. Its supposed to be a place were you can encourage and fellowship together when you are struggling with sin, we can rely on each for encouragement whether we pray for each other or offer suggestions to strengthen faith or ways to overcome sin.
@@michi-bi @Mi Bun I agree with nearly everything you've said. And I'm glad you stayed faithful to Christ, just a couple of tweaks needed (see below). 👍 I will pray for your sister's return to the fold, from the clutches of the wolf. (Her story is the exact reason Jesus established one Church, which He promised to protect from the father of lies (and He keeps His promises). The heresies began almost immediately [needfor circumcision, etc.], and there had to be an authority to steer the ship and keep it on course, to develop Jesus's teachings and protect them from everyone's personal interpretation, where everyone goes their own way, universal popery. Recall there was no official Bible until the 380s. Thus the importance of "papal" and Apostolic teaching and authority to keep the flock as one--per Jesus's repeated prayers in John 17 as He sweat His Precious Blood for us.).
Just a couple of tweaks:
1) Jesus IS the head of the Church (no past tense).
The pope is like the king's prime minister, who administers and oversees the Kingdom until The King's return (thus the giving of the keys to the kingdom). Caring for the vineyard/kingdom is all our duties, however, as loyal subjects.
2) The Holy Spirit works through The Church as God's primary, ordinary conduit of Grace, however, He is not limited by it. The universe is His and He will go wherever He wills. Praised be God!
3) Pride is of the devil. The Catholic Church isn't my work, but God's. I can take no credit for it, and am humbled to be a part of it (once I recognized and understood the pearl of great price before me, that is). The responsibility is huge, however, as my every sin becomes a weak point in The Body, a place for enemies to attack. Jesus Chist crucified is my only boast. How blessed we are to be called God's children, and how great the duty of being a member of the Royal Family. Heavy the head that wears the crown. Sin is my only "boast". All else is the gift of Grace.
4) There are three infallibles, all protected by the Holy Spirit:
-Sacred Scripture
-Sacred Tradition
-Magesterial Teaching
(The Pope is only infallible when he formally teaches on Faith and morals under these three things. His opinions and comments are not infallible, and he is not impeccable--as papal history clearly demonstrates.😔 And yet, sinful popes glorify God, too, in that He protects His Church regardless of man's weakness. Despite scandal, the Teachings have never and will never, can never, change. That is the nature of Truth.
Thank you for a lovely discussion. Know that you and your sister will be in my prayers. May God bless you.
I was listening to this as I was outside adding beauty by repotting flowers and herbs-- subduing the earth!
Very nearly four years later and still a beautiful and powerful sermon! Thank Rev. Baucham and THANK YOU Lord for this wonderful pastor!
At 8:04..ouch! That statement went straight to my soul. This is why I love Voddie, he is absolutely amazing at getting to the heart of our shortcomings. And he explains things in such a clear and concise way. I imagine this was much of how those who heard the Apostle Paul felt when listening to his sermons. It is humbling, makes one sorrowful for not following God's commands.
Amen Brother!! Preach about the glory of GOD!!
Thanks brother. I'm a pastor without a "pulpit" at the moment. There are times where my labor seems less significant than when I was a "full time vocational minister", it's good to be reminded of the value and sanctity of physical/mundane labor.
The world now is your pulpit.
God bless you always.
I too am a Pastor without a pulpit, but i have found a ministry working with atheist , here in SW Florida.
You are always a shepherd. If only for one sheep and not a whole flock.
God bless you, Voddie. What an amazing man
You are an inspiration and do good in moving the sometimes faltering faith in us that need further reinforcing. Thank you!
I was kinda going thru middle age crisis .I'm 38 years old and thinking what I'm I doing with my life serving at church and working .I was thinking God what do you have for me in the Future kinda feel empty but now I know is to work until I die and serve the Lord until he lets me praise him thru work cause worship is not music but an action and the way I live for the what a sermon praise jesus
If that gets repetitive try visiting the sick & finding widows to help......maybe orphans to give a hand to.....those are the forgotten
Amen bro
this life is a blink. this world is passing away. don't live for this short life in this broken -- actually, evil -- world system. You are destined for the NEW HEAVEN and THE NEW EARTH!
Doctrine from Atrocity
There are few things I have been more shocked by as a devout believer in Jesus Christ than the concept of cessationism. I had already read 1st & 2nd Corinthians when I first learned about this supposedly Christian view and couldn’t understand how anyone could believe such obvious nonsense. The Bible is the perfect true eternal word of Almighty God. The Holy Spirit is the guide that unlocks the scriptures for believers who meet God’s conditions. When I heard the scriptural basis that cessationists claim supports their view, I was even more dumbfounded.
As you may have heard, cessationists believe some of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit have ceased to exist while others have not. In researching the origins of this unbiblical doctrine, I discovered something so unbelievably horrible that I knew I had to expose it not only to end it but to enable others trapped in this unholy schism that is now staining the Body of Christ with the blood of the innocent. Blood spilled by a psychotic Catholic sycophant, John Calvin. He was no reformer. He was an agent of Satan.
In only 5 years while ruling in Geneva, John Calvin advocated for the murder of 58 people with competing Theological viewpoints or people he felt were rivals. They were all either burnt at the stake or tortured and then burnt at the stake or beheaded for nothing more than a differing view. That’s nearly one person executed each and every month of John Calvin’s 5 year reign of terror in Geneva. These people weren’t murderers or thieves or rapists or molesters of children. They were people who thought of God in a different way than John Calvin. Calvin even plotted for years to kill someone who thought John Calvin was a colleague, Michael Servetus. Calvin bragged about it in his journals.
“Servetus offers to come hither, if it be agreeable to me. But I am unwilling to pledge my word for his safety, for if he shall come, I shall never permit him to depart alive, provided my authority be of any avail.” - Letter to Farel, 13 February 1546.
Calvin also had 76 more people exiled for their beliefs and then banned all art of any kind except for music. This included any art of our Lord Jesus. Décor of this type in Church was made illegal. During all of this horror, cessationism was born. John Calvin utilized the writings of a Catholic, Augustine, to justify his appetite for murder and control over others. So here you have a supposed reformer incorporating the writings of a Catholic to advocate murder. Reformers don’t consult Catholics for doctrine. Reformers are opposed to Catholics. In addition to this, Calvin completely ignored Paul’s instructions on how to deal with unbelievers.
“A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people. Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth” (2 Timothy 2:24-25).
Calvin loved the idea of prolonged torture.
“I am persuaded that it is not without the special will of God that, apart from any verdict of the judges, the criminals have endured protracted torment at the hands of the executioner.” - Calvin's letter to Farel on 24 July
Calvin was said to have never repented for his primary role in the execution of 58 innocent people. This is the man who cessationists think was a wonderful person and a gift to Christianity from God himself. This poses the question, what god are they referring to?
Let’s take a closer look at what cessationists believe.
Cessationists believe that the spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing and speaking in tongues ceased with the end of the apostolic age. They also do not believe in any miracles or miraculous events attributable to God. In addition to this, most believe demon possession or people who have been demonized are actually experiencing mental health issues. They deny the biblical fact that demons exist and are to this day active and working against God by claiming those beliefs are primitive. Again, no scripture supports this view, none. Cessationists state that scripture is enough yet ignore the scripture revealing the spiritual gifts given to believers by the Holy Spirit. It is a twisted road leading into the cessationist mind. The end of the road however, is quite clear if you have eyes that see.
Facts about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit as written in the Holy Bible
Prophecy warns. They are communications from God through His servants to warn believers and nonbelievers alike.
Healing shows the power of God on Earth. The laying on of hands shows the power of God through His servants.
Speaking in tongues is meant as a sign of God to unbelievers so they may learn about God.
Casting out demons. This goes hand-in-hand with healing and was a primary ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Have you noticed anything yet? Are the pieces of the puzzle coming together yet?
Let’s take a look at Satan’s perfect Christian.
Cannot prophecy and is unable to warn the Body of Christ or anyone for that matter.
Has no ability to heal others through the power of the Holy Spirit and cannot represent God’s power here on Earth
Cannot speak in tongues because they have never met the conditions for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Has no ability to cast out demons using the power of the Holy Spirit
Does not believe in miracles from God demonstrated by the Holy Spirit
Do you have eyes that see and ears that hear? Still need proof?
Have you noticed who was chosen to appear on the satanic mainstream media as a “Christian Hero”? That’s right, a cessationist, John MacArthur. What better way to lead the unsaved right into the arms of a powerless church. Promote it as THE Christian church! Make the powerless church heroic in the public eye so that many would flock to it.
Cessationist churches are in fact powerless. The evidence is in the word of God. Without the spiritual gifts we are also without the Holy Spirit who bestows those gifts through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. There’s a very good reason why Jesus never specifically defined what Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit was. Clearly this was not up for discussion or debate. It was a warning, plain and simple. It was a warning to not even get near it. Fear of the Lord is the proper response, not question the Lord. This is a warning cessationists completely ignore to this day. Cessationists incessantly violate scripture by adding and/or taking away from it where they please, just like John Calvin did. Deuteronomy 4:2 warns against this very clearly. Cessationists habitually place the mind of man in front of the word of God because they are in love with their own minds. They substitute eloquence for accuracy and sweet for bitter.
They are blasphemers, all of them. They serve Satan whether they know it or not regardless of their intentions.
Cessationists have no fear of the Lord but they do have an abundance of pride.
Cessationists have never met the conditions to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Without humility and repentance, they never will.
Cessationist pastors condemn their congregation by insuring they will not be the prepared bride for our Lord Jesus.
They follow the unbiblical doctrine of a murderous psychopath who was a Catholic sycophant.
But did we really need to break this down as I have or can we simply agree that John Calvin was a psychotic, hard-hearted, murderous unrepentant monster. He was not a hero. There is nothing he could contribute to Christianity that isn’t stained with the blood of the innocent. Not one single thing. He was also a fraud and not a Christian. He was said by people who knew him that he worked himself to death while never repenting for what he had done. Catholics believe you are saved by works also and not by grace alone. I submit to you that John Calvin worked himself to death hoping the Catholics were right. They weren’t. They still aren’t.
If you attend a cessationist church, leave while you can. The Holy Spirit is not in your church and your pastor is a liar.
Cessationist Preachers and Personalities
John MacArthur Voddie Baucham Todd Freil RC Sproul Paul Washer Ravi Zacharias Dr. Charles Stanley
Dr. David Jeremiah Tom Pennington Dr. Michael Heiser Justin Peters Dr. Sam Waldron Richard Gaffin
Daniel B. Wallace Charles Swindoll Timothy Keller Rick Warren Doug Wilson John D. Hall Dr. Theodore Zachairides
There are many, many more….
Cessationist Denominations
All Presbyterian Churches Nearly All Baptist Churches (excluding Southern Baptist and few others) Nearly All Calvinist and Reformed Churches
(75 million members worldwide) (40 million members worldwide) (75 million members worldwide)
Many Episcopal and Anglican Churches
(85 million members worldwide)
There's more than one evil behind the pulpit.
Now can you see why many are called but few chosen?
There is only ONE CHURCH and it is The Church of Jesus Christ as represented in the Holy Bible.
Denominations fragment the Body of Christ and distort the Word of God.
This isn’t going to improve until our Lord Jesus returns.
Will you be a martyr defending His church or will you drift further into oblivion?
The coming Revival will produce many martyrs.
Will you do for Him what he did for us?
Speak the truth of the word until they kill you?
Those who endure until the end will be saved.
John Barnett (DTBM) said that the sin of the elderly was comfort, security, and leisure. PRAISE God this in only the second time I've heard a teaching on this subject, Thanks
So, now I understand why I am still working being 100% VA Disabled at the age of 72. My neighbor Tim rides his riding mower the same age as me. But I find it a joy to work at cutting the grass every summer and come winter pushing the snow behind the snowblower. I have two nerve damage and Parkinson’s disease and I am sick every day with dizziness and nausea. And yes, it is very difficult. I Left Employment at age 44, and today I am 72. Vietnam War veteran. Work is a joy.
Another excellent teaching/exhortation by Voddie Baucham.
The three trees of truth, beauty, goodness...
Hi just wanna take this opportunity to appreciate you guys for your support. I read all your comments here before I messaged you as the luckiest fans feel free to add me up on my private email :
@@voddiebaucham4881 stop it
@@voddiebaucham4881 You are not him.
May God’s truth, beauty and goodness reign in our lives so that we may treat everyone with the dignity we all deserve. We are made in God’s image. Thus, cannot love God and not His creation 🙏❤️
I am enjoying your videos since they explain the gospel of Christ as it suppose to be. Can't stop listening to knowledgeable. Awesome.
I wish I'd been aware of this back when I was working.
Working at the grill while listening to Voddie describe good food... Bro!!! I'm ravenous now!
This is an amazing sermon! We need more like you brother! Such practical expository preaching. Amen!
Hi just wanna take this opportunity to appreciate you guys for your support. I read all your comments here before I messaged you as the luckiest fans feel free to add me up on my private email :
@@voddiebaucham4881 You are not him.
My lord this brother can preach❤❤❤🔥🙌🙌
Doctrine from Atrocity
There are few things I have been more shocked by as a devout believer in Jesus Christ than the concept of cessationism. I had already read 1st & 2nd Corinthians when I first learned about this supposedly Christian view and couldn’t understand how anyone could believe such obvious nonsense. The Bible is the perfect true eternal word of Almighty God. The Holy Spirit is the guide that unlocks the scriptures for believers who meet God’s conditions. When I heard the scriptural basis that cessationists claim supports their view, I was even more dumbfounded.
As you may have heard, cessationists believe some of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit have ceased to exist while others have not. In researching the origins of this unbiblical doctrine, I discovered something so unbelievably horrible that I knew I had to expose it not only to end it but to enable others trapped in this unholy schism that is now staining the Body of Christ with the blood of the innocent. Blood spilled by a psychotic Catholic sycophant, John Calvin. He was no reformer. He was an agent of Satan.
In only 5 years while ruling in Geneva, John Calvin advocated for the murder of 58 people with competing Theological viewpoints or people he felt were rivals. They were all either burnt at the stake or tortured and then burnt at the stake or beheaded for nothing more than a differing view. That’s nearly one person executed each and every month of John Calvin’s 5 year reign of terror in Geneva. These people weren’t murderers or thieves or rapists or molesters of children. They were people who thought of God in a different way than John Calvin. Calvin even plotted for years to kill someone who thought John Calvin was a colleague, Michael Servetus. Calvin bragged about it in his journals.
“Servetus offers to come hither, if it be agreeable to me. But I am unwilling to pledge my word for his safety, for if he shall come, I shall never permit him to depart alive, provided my authority be of any avail.” - Letter to Farel, 13 February 1546.
Calvin also had 76 more people exiled for their beliefs and then banned all art of any kind except for music. This included any art of our Lord Jesus. Décor of this type in Church was made illegal. During all of this horror, cessationism was born. John Calvin utilized the writings of a Catholic, Augustine, to justify his appetite for murder and control over others. So here you have a supposed reformer incorporating the writings of a Catholic to advocate murder. Reformers don’t consult Catholics for doctrine. Reformers are opposed to Catholics. In addition to this, Calvin completely ignored Paul’s instructions on how to deal with unbelievers.
“A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people. Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth” (2 Timothy 2:24-25).
Calvin loved the idea of prolonged torture.
“I am persuaded that it is not without the special will of God that, apart from any verdict of the judges, the criminals have endured protracted torment at the hands of the executioner.” - Calvin's letter to Farel on 24 July
Calvin was said to have never repented for his primary role in the execution of 58 innocent people. This is the man who cessationists think was a wonderful person and a gift to Christianity from God himself. This poses the question, what god are they referring to?
Let’s take a closer look at what cessationists believe.
Cessationists believe that the spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing and speaking in tongues ceased with the end of the apostolic age. They also do not believe in any miracles or miraculous events attributable to God. In addition to this, most believe demon possession or people who have been demonized are actually experiencing mental health issues. They deny the biblical fact that demons exist and are to this day active and working against God by claiming those beliefs are primitive. Again, no scripture supports this view, none. Cessationists state that scripture is enough yet ignore the scripture revealing the spiritual gifts given to believers by the Holy Spirit. It is a twisted road leading into the cessationist mind. The end of the road however, is quite clear if you have eyes that see.
Facts about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit as written in the Holy Bible
Prophecy warns. They are communications from God through His servants to warn believers and nonbelievers alike.
Healing shows the power of God on Earth. The laying on of hands shows the power of God through His servants.
Speaking in tongues is meant as a sign of God to unbelievers so they may learn about God.
Casting out demons. This goes hand-in-hand with healing and was a primary ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Have you noticed anything yet? Are the pieces of the puzzle coming together yet?
Let’s take a look at Satan’s perfect Christian.
Cannot prophecy and is unable to warn the Body of Christ or anyone for that matter.
Has no ability to heal others through the power of the Holy Spirit and cannot represent God’s power here on Earth
Cannot speak in tongues because they have never met the conditions for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Has no ability to cast out demons using the power of the Holy Spirit
Does not believe in miracles from God demonstrated by the Holy Spirit
Do you have eyes that see and ears that hear? Still need proof?
Have you noticed who was chosen to appear on the satanic mainstream media as a “Christian Hero”? That’s right, a cessationist, John MacArthur. What better way to lead the unsaved right into the arms of a powerless church. Promote it as THE Christian church! Make the powerless church heroic in the public eye so that many would flock to it.
Cessationist churches are in fact powerless. The evidence is in the word of God. Without the spiritual gifts we are also without the Holy Spirit who bestows those gifts through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. There’s a very good reason why Jesus never specifically defined what Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit was. Clearly this was not up for discussion or debate. It was a warning, plain and simple. It was a warning to not even get near it. Fear of the Lord is the proper response, not question the Lord. This is a warning cessationists completely ignore to this day. Cessationists incessantly violate scripture by adding and/or taking away from it where they please, just like John Calvin did. Deuteronomy 4:2 warns against this very clearly. Cessationists habitually place the mind of man in front of the word of God because they are in love with their own minds. They substitute eloquence for accuracy and sweet for bitter.
They are blasphemers, all of them. They serve Satan whether they know it or not regardless of their intentions.
Cessationists have no fear of the Lord but they do have an abundance of pride.
Cessationists have never met the conditions to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Without humility and repentance, they never will.
Cessationist pastors condemn their congregation by insuring they will not be the prepared bride for our Lord Jesus.
They follow the unbiblical doctrine of a murderous psychopath who was a Catholic sycophant.
But did we really need to break this down as I have or can we simply agree that John Calvin was a psychotic, hard-hearted, murderous unrepentant monster. He was not a hero. There is nothing he could contribute to Christianity that isn’t stained with the blood of the innocent. Not one single thing. He was also a fraud and not a Christian. He was said by people who knew him that he worked himself to death while never repenting for what he had done. Catholics believe you are saved by works also and not by grace alone. I submit to you that John Calvin worked himself to death hoping the Catholics were right. They weren’t. They still aren’t.
If you attend a cessationist church, leave while you can. The Holy Spirit is not in your church and your pastor is a liar.
Cessationist Preachers and Personalities
John MacArthur Voddie Baucham Todd Freil RC Sproul Paul Washer Ravi Zacharias Dr. Charles Stanley
Dr. David Jeremiah Tom Pennington Dr. Michael Heiser Justin Peters Dr. Sam Waldron Richard Gaffin
Daniel B. Wallace Charles Swindoll Timothy Keller Rick Warren Doug Wilson John D. Hall Dr. Theodore Zachairides
There are many, many more….
Cessationist Denominations
All Presbyterian Churches Nearly All Baptist Churches (excluding Southern Baptist and few others) Nearly All Calvinist and Reformed Churches
(75 million members worldwide) (40 million members worldwide) (75 million members worldwide)
Many Episcopal and Anglican Churches
(85 million members worldwide)
There's more than one evil behind the pulpit.
Now can you see why many are called but few chosen?
There is only ONE CHURCH and it is The Church of Jesus Christ as represented in the Holy Bible.
Denominations fragment the Body of Christ and distort the Word of God.
This isn’t going to improve until our Lord Jesus returns.
Will you be a martyr defending His church or will you drift further into oblivion?
The coming Revival will produce many martyrs.
Will you do for Him what he did for us?
Speak the truth of the word until they kill you?
Those who endure until the end will be saved.
Brother Voddie, My concerns are, as Father God says : My people are perishing because of lack of wisdom of knowing ME. I am very impressed with the insights given to you by the Holy Spirit to teach Father God's family. My blessings are warmly to you and family. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Glory to God who gave you insight to preach and explain HIS words. Thank you brother for your sermon.
Such wisdom as this help me so much, and challenge me to dwell deeper in the word.
Me: based off the title, I should be enjoying a sermon about the tree of knowledge and evil, tree of life, and the cross
Voddie: you’re gonna wish you buckled up for this theological roller coaster
Does not goodness tell you about the tree of life?
Does not truth tell about the tree of evil?
Does not beauty point you toward the Cross ?
Just found about about him. I can't get enough.
My brother Voddie love your expository teaching of God's Holy word. I praise God for teachers such as yourself.
Hi just wanna take this opportunity to appreciate you guys for your support. I read all your comments here before I messaged you as the luckiest fans feel free to add me up on my private email :
@@voddiebaucham4881 stop🤦
Doctrine from Atrocity
There are few things I have been more shocked by as a devout believer in Jesus Christ than the concept of cessationism. I had already read 1st & 2nd Corinthians when I first learned about this supposedly Christian view and couldn’t understand how anyone could believe such obvious nonsense. The Bible is the perfect true eternal word of Almighty God. The Holy Spirit is the guide that unlocks the scriptures for believers who meet God’s conditions. When I heard the scriptural basis that cessationists claim supports their view, I was even more dumbfounded.
As you may have heard, cessationists believe some of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit have ceased to exist while others have not. In researching the origins of this unbiblical doctrine, I discovered something so unbelievably horrible that I knew I had to expose it not only to end it but to enable others trapped in this unholy schism that is now staining the Body of Christ with the blood of the innocent. Blood spilled by a psychotic Catholic sycophant, John Calvin. He was no reformer. He was an agent of Satan.
In only 5 years while ruling in Geneva, John Calvin advocated for the murder of 58 people with competing Theological viewpoints or people he felt were rivals. They were all either burnt at the stake or tortured and then burnt at the stake or beheaded for nothing more than a differing view. That’s nearly one person executed each and every month of John Calvin’s 5 year reign of terror in Geneva. These people weren’t murderers or thieves or rapists or molesters of children. They were people who thought of God in a different way than John Calvin. Calvin even plotted for years to kill someone who thought John Calvin was a colleague, Michael Servetus. Calvin bragged about it in his journals.
“Servetus offers to come hither, if it be agreeable to me. But I am unwilling to pledge my word for his safety, for if he shall come, I shall never permit him to depart alive, provided my authority be of any avail.” - Letter to Farel, 13 February 1546.
Calvin also had 76 more people exiled for their beliefs and then banned all art of any kind except for music. This included any art of our Lord Jesus. Décor of this type in Church was made illegal. During all of this horror, cessationism was born. John Calvin utilized the writings of a Catholic, Augustine, to justify his appetite for murder and control over others. So here you have a supposed reformer incorporating the writings of a Catholic to advocate murder. Reformers don’t consult Catholics for doctrine. Reformers are opposed to Catholics. In addition to this, Calvin completely ignored Paul’s instructions on how to deal with unbelievers.
“A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people. Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth” (2 Timothy 2:24-25).
Calvin loved the idea of prolonged torture.
“I am persuaded that it is not without the special will of God that, apart from any verdict of the judges, the criminals have endured protracted torment at the hands of the executioner.” - Calvin's letter to Farel on 24 July
Calvin was said to have never repented for his primary role in the execution of 58 innocent people. This is the man who cessationists think was a wonderful person and a gift to Christianity from God himself. This poses the question, what god are they referring to?
Let’s take a closer look at what cessationists believe.
Cessationists believe that the spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing and speaking in tongues ceased with the end of the apostolic age. They also do not believe in any miracles or miraculous events attributable to God. In addition to this, most believe demon possession or people who have been demonized are actually experiencing mental health issues. They deny the biblical fact that demons exist and are to this day active and working against God by claiming those beliefs are primitive. Again, no scripture supports this view, none. Cessationists state that scripture is enough yet ignore the scripture revealing the spiritual gifts given to believers by the Holy Spirit. It is a twisted road leading into the cessationist mind. The end of the road however, is quite clear if you have eyes that see.
Facts about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit as written in the Holy Bible
Prophecy warns. They are communications from God through His servants to warn believers and nonbelievers alike.
Healing shows the power of God on Earth. The laying on of hands shows the power of God through His servants.
Speaking in tongues is meant as a sign of God to unbelievers so they may learn about God.
Casting out demons. This goes hand-in-hand with healing and was a primary ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Have you noticed anything yet? Are the pieces of the puzzle coming together yet?
Let’s take a look at Satan’s perfect Christian.
Cannot prophecy and is unable to warn the Body of Christ or anyone for that matter.
Has no ability to heal others through the power of the Holy Spirit and cannot represent God’s power here on Earth
Cannot speak in tongues because they have never met the conditions for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Has no ability to cast out demons using the power of the Holy Spirit
Does not believe in miracles from God demonstrated by the Holy Spirit
Do you have eyes that see and ears that hear? Still need proof?
Have you noticed who was chosen to appear on the satanic mainstream media as a “Christian Hero”? That’s right, a cessationist, John MacArthur. What better way to lead the unsaved right into the arms of a powerless church. Promote it as THE Christian church! Make the powerless church heroic in the public eye so that many would flock to it.
Cessationist churches are in fact powerless. The evidence is in the word of God. Without the spiritual gifts we are also without the Holy Spirit who bestows those gifts through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. There’s a very good reason why Jesus never specifically defined what Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit was. Clearly this was not up for discussion or debate. It was a warning, plain and simple. It was a warning to not even get near it. Fear of the Lord is the proper response, not question the Lord. This is a warning cessationists completely ignore to this day. Cessationists incessantly violate scripture by adding and/or taking away from it where they please, just like John Calvin did. Deuteronomy 4:2 warns against this very clearly. Cessationists habitually place the mind of man in front of the word of God because they are in love with their own minds. They substitute eloquence for accuracy and sweet for bitter.
They are blasphemers, all of them. They serve Satan whether they know it or not regardless of their intentions.
Cessationists have no fear of the Lord but they do have an abundance of pride.
Cessationists have never met the conditions to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Without humility and repentance, they never will.
Cessationist pastors condemn their congregation by insuring they will not be the prepared bride for our Lord Jesus.
They follow the unbiblical doctrine of a murderous psychopath who was a Catholic sycophant.
But did we really need to break this down as I have or can we simply agree that John Calvin was a psychotic, hard-hearted, murderous unrepentant monster. He was not a hero. There is nothing he could contribute to Christianity that isn’t stained with the blood of the innocent. Not one single thing. He was also a fraud and not a Christian. He was said by people who knew him that he worked himself to death while never repenting for what he had done. Catholics believe you are saved by works also and not by grace alone. I submit to you that John Calvin worked himself to death hoping the Catholics were right. They weren’t. They still aren’t.
If you attend a cessationist church, leave while you can. The Holy Spirit is not in your church and your pastor is a liar.
Cessationist Preachers and Personalities
John MacArthur Voddie Baucham Todd Freil RC Sproul Paul Washer Ravi Zacharias Dr. Charles Stanley
Dr. David Jeremiah Tom Pennington Dr. Michael Heiser Justin Peters Dr. Sam Waldron Richard Gaffin
Daniel B. Wallace Charles Swindoll Timothy Keller Rick Warren Doug Wilson John D. Hall Dr. Theodore Zachairides
There are many, many more….
Cessationist Denominations
All Presbyterian Churches Nearly All Baptist Churches (excluding Southern Baptist and few others) Nearly All Calvinist and Reformed Churches
(75 million members worldwide) (40 million members worldwide) (75 million members worldwide)
Many Episcopal and Anglican Churches
(85 million members worldwide)
There's more than one evil behind the pulpit.
Now can you see why many are called but few chosen?
There is only ONE CHURCH and it is The Church of Jesus Christ as represented in the Holy Bible.
Denominations fragment the Body of Christ and distort the Word of God.
This isn’t going to improve until our Lord Jesus returns.
Will you be a martyr defending His church or will you drift further into oblivion?
The coming Revival will produce many martyrs.
Will you do for Him what he did for us?
Speak the truth of the word until they kill you?
Those who endure until the end will be saved.
@@daysofnoah if you are a true Christian, you should pray for who you think are wrong, and keep it to your self, instead of gossiping your thoughts that don’t do good to anyone. satan is the one that always put doubts, division, and sadness. Days of Noah, does your family know the lord Jesus Christ ? Are they saved? Do you talk with your neighbors about Christ? Do you give bibles to your neighbors? Do you have a good testimony in your family and neighbors? Do you preach the gospel with people on the streets? Do you talk about the death and resurrection of our lord? That He died for us sinners, Days of Noah, instead of gossip talk about Christ
@@deliarobinson3185 Ephesians 5:8-14, Psalm 94:16, Titus 1:10-13, 1 Corinthians 6:2. READ YOUR BIBLE.
10 minutes in and my toes are already crushed 😭
Taste buds and the fruits, that particular quote in this sermon can enlighten us to the proof of evidence of existence and the glory of God.
I was in a great need of this sermon. And God directed me here !! Amen and praise the Lord
Booker T Washington started a school for ex slaves built on the same principles as the school pastor Voodie is involved with. It was very successful. Mr Washington like the men engaged in this endeavor were strong Christian men of faith. Would that God would inspire more men and women to do this task. Thank you pastor Voodie for your dedication and faithfulness to working the work of the gospel in whatever way the Spirit directs you.
Yeah ! Absolutely ! The world was made for us , plants were made for us , nothing will happen to the earth unless God does it
I am soaking in all I can of John MacArthur and R.C. Sproul. I am still learning to work outside of my head, for a change and share my knowledge
"Truth, Beauty and Goodness"
Excellent commentary on the value of work. My husband also doesn’t plan on retiring
a great sermon on work ethics and more
I remember asking my mother a question about, it's amazing how our aches and pains, such as feet, knees, joints etc. And you would hear the elders especially say that, it's going to rain, snow or very bad weather etc. This is how my mother explained it. She said that we are a part of the earth. This is the reason why we feel these types of things. It made perfect sense to me because we studied the Bible together ❤ 😊
Thank you for sharing this wonderful teaching ❤
"Gods Truth" lies in this video-title and of course
the c-section. Its so full of truth and bless,
its amazing:
Here, have this URL to a comment AND a Video, both in once.
Have Fun!
Thanks voddie from Kenya
The crazy thing is that people don't want me to work, they want me to claim a menial wage for grovelling to some employer which I will not do.
I have no goal to attain a leisure retirement, but my life and time does not belong to any other man. It belongs to God.
The tree of life = Jesus
The tree of knowledge = Moses
The 3rd tree = Elijah
3 trees with glory = Matthew 17:1-4
What so ever your hands find too do, do it with all your might as unto God. I worked in the world and I don’t feel I accomplished much, but now that I am older I wish too spend time in learning and praying.
Thank YOU JESUS for this man of God!
This is very profound and so transforming. Thanks for posting
Really appreciate your sermons.
Powerful bless the man of god
I long to find a church in my area that teaches like Voddie does. So far none seem to teach anything but a watered down gospel.
If I could only sit at your feet for three years and follow you as you follow Christ...
What a wonderful message by a awesome brother
Thank you Voodie, what a powerful message.... God bless your family...
Wow. A great message with clear goals. Truth, beauty, and goodness should be part of the light that shines from the city on the hill.
Thank You Pastor Voddie. I look forward to meeting you in the future.
Neville Goddard teaching from experience will wake you up when you came down and called man, the death on this planet repeats for teaching you never dies except in man, you a original sons of god never dies, its a play and no ones lost.
While some disciples are certainly called to work in "ministry" (i.e. pastors, elders, deacons, missionaries, etc.), I think we often forget the ministries of engineering, science, medicine, lawyers, homemakers, cashiers, accountants, and a host of other professions. See, many of us think of pastors, missionaries, etc. As somehow having a more "Christian" job than the doctor, engineer, or lawyer. But, while it's vreat to work around fellow disciples, we must not forget these other professions and the impact we can have for Jesus and in fulfilling the dominion mandate.
My desire is to be a mechanical engineer. In that way, I seek to improve existing technologies and create new ones to better people's lives on earth. Engineers take the knowledge aquired by scientists concerning the structure and functions of God's universe and apply that for the good of mankind. On top of that, we are all called to make disciples and we each have a specific area of influence in which to do just that. You don't have to be a full-time missionary overseas to make disciples. Your own neighbor may need to hear of and see the love of Jesus in your life.
You are exactly right. This is why I hate to see some churches pushing young men into full time vocational ministry (pastors, missionaries, etc.), as though there is something more spiritual, more righteous, more Godly, in being a pastor than in being a Christian engineer (or architect, or biologist, or plumber, etc.).
I am not saying that serving in full-time ministry is not to be desired, by any means. It is extremely important and a worthy calling. But some churches talk as though non-ministry vocations are less important, less Godly. And that is wrong.
Yes my people yes,!!!!
Thanks for the good news.
Amen 🙏 Out of all thy getting get understanding 🙏
Thank you Voddie!!
When you don’t welcome God and the Holy Spirit in nobody’s there but you and the people that is there welcome God and the Holy Spirit in so he can rest up on your heart when you minister Amen 🙏
Excellent teaching!
Purpose! Thank you Pastor Voddie 🙏
A must listen
Amazing!!! Lots of great information and inside let's see this again and again 😊🙏🙏🙏
This was DEEP
GOD bless and keep you in CHRIST JESUS!!!
Beautiful, thank you. Truth, beauty,, goodness
The Lord planted the garden unlike out side the garden:. The garden of the Lord, and there He placed the man
Give Glory to God in the highest
for this sermon and not to this man ! I thank Yeshua the Messiah
for giving this world another labor for the harvest !!
Well done , sir !
Amen brother praise Jesus
God always has His Prophets.
Jesus was the last prophet, none of his disciples were prophets. Neither was Paul.
@@kaharian4455 Prophet: noun
a person who speaks for God or a deity, or by divine inspiration.
I would say Paul certainly qualifies as a Prophet and many others. Jesus was Thee Prophet but also The Creator and Sustainer of the universe and KING. The Son of God.