La Ciel refers to the world on which this song is based, the world in which the Surge Concerto games are based on (the planet's name is La Ciel.) Also, Ar tonelico, which came before Surge Concerto and is confirmed to be the same universe as Surge Concerto, has its setting in the planet Ar Ciel.
Yes, as it has been confirmed by Akira Tsuchiya that both exist in the same universe. Additionally, the terminology screens in Ciel Nosurge explain concepts that are completely consistent with those shown in Ar tonelico (such as the basics of Wave Science).
Actually, the correct way of writing the title would be "ra-ciel". And it's the name of a Planet located very far away from Ar Ciel, which serves as the setting for Ciel Nosurge.
wa-fen, tes, ye-ra jec, aru-yan, gin-wa-fen;
a-z wa-fen-du chef-in yan=koh wa-fen-du refu;
fam-ne wa-fen-ny rei-yah-ea;
ahih yei chei, ah-ih-cyen-du kog var-i
ahih rei-yah, ah-ih-cyen-du reth-i
ahih aru-yan ah-ih-cyen-du fao-i
yah, jen i-ten-ne koo-ja cyou-uii
捧げるこの想いの波(は)は ゆらりゆらり漂ひて
届くか 星となるか 空即是色の鳥のよう
いろはにほへど いずこへ
那由他の度をする 光とともに 駆け抜けて
遠く 永い 時空(とき)を越えてふたり
数多のいのち巡り 謳う丘目指し 辿り着く
ふたつ ふたりの 魂(たま)惹かれ逢い
くるり くるり くるりと舞い踊る
幾重の硝子に 立てた指は 朱の光絡みあひて
137億光年の 詩は こころ融け結いだ
今宵 一つの空に舞う
七に彩る天の川 上りし魚(うお) 奇跡の邂逅す
La Ciel refers to the world on which this song is based, the world in which the Surge Concerto games are based on (the planet's name is La Ciel.) Also, Ar tonelico, which came before Surge Concerto and is confirmed to be the same universe as Surge Concerto, has its setting in the planet Ar Ciel.
When the Genius (Tsuchiya) and the Goddess (Shikata) teams up, expect that everything would be OTHERWORLDLY AWESOME.
Yes, as it has been confirmed by Akira Tsuchiya that both exist in the same universe. Additionally, the terminology screens in Ciel Nosurge explain concepts that are completely consistent with those shown in Ar tonelico (such as the basics of Wave Science).
I can't stop listening to her!!
why are there dislikes? this is work of greatness!
Madoka magica vibes in this music
Technically it's more of an Ar Tonelico vibe.
Agreed. These two were just meant for each other when trying to create new worlds.
Great song! Nice tunes.
How can 2 dislike such an AMAZING voice!
It should. This song is a vocal version of Ciel Nosurge's ending theme, and considering that said game is set in the same universe of Ar tonelico...
just give me another ar tonelico story ( origins, or in the first and second era , they never discuss that)
That`s wonderful
Actually, the correct way of writing the title would be "ra-ciel". And it's the name of a Planet located very far away from Ar Ciel, which serves as the setting for Ciel Nosurge.
La Ciel ~ Ar Ciel... :P
you can say that again , pal !
This song's Composition & Arrangement are not Akiko Shikata.
Akira Tsuchiya composed & arranged this song.
reminds me of Ar Tonelico
!? You mean both game have a tie-in between them?
ohh is good suggohi
*le ciel
le* ciel