The animation is about, how life is so miserable for a child who has to live in the life of hard-hearted adults... The child boy, tries not to turn into one of them and his imagination is his only free space for him to do something enjoyable and funny... Adults, even lost their imagination and live a very boring and regular life... That is why the surrounding is in grey color. There is hardly any bright color in the animation... Even the candies look grey... That is shortly, what this animation is showing. Don't except a funny or a surprising shocking ending... The animator probably took inspiration from his childhood times... * * * Bu animasyon, kalpleri taşlaşmış büyüklerin dünyasında yaşamak zorunda olan bir çocuğun zavallı hayatını anlatıyor... Genç erkek çocuk, yetişkin birine dönüşmemeye çalışıyor ve hayalgücü, eğlenceli ve ilginç şeyler yapabileceği tek özgür alan... Büyükler, hayalgüçlerinin renkliliğini bile kaybetmişler ve bu yüzden sıkıcı ve yavan bir hayat yaşıyorlar. Animasyondaki her şeyin gri tonlarda olması bu yüzden. Animasyonda neredeyse tek bir parlak renk bile yok. Mumlar bile gri gözüküyor. Bu animasyonun göstermeye çalıştığı şey kısaca bu. Komik veya sürpriz sonlu bir animasyon beklemeyin... Animasyonu yapan, büyük olasılıkla çocukluğunda yaşadıklarından esinlenmiş...
The meaning of film: I think this shortfilm is trying to tell us a story about the difficult side of childhood. The first scene shows how the child has a different reaction from everyone when the train crosses his town. In his face we can see an amount of surprise, while the adults just let it pass by without paying attention. Also, we can see the crows and how they don't look intereseted in the first quarter. Then, they go to the church where everything look gray. However, the church is a boring place for a child (I say that from my own childhood memories 😂). Now, at the moment that they went out of the church and go to the grandmother's house I noticed two interesting facts. A): when the father kills the little rabbit we can see how the crows wants to eat or play with its body. B): The kid doesn't pay attention to the factory by the side. Then, during the party, we see again how the adults are just talking between them and acting like the crows (whether they were having a good time or not, it didn't look like an authentic reaction). So, the kid decides to go out and repeat what he was doing in the morning: put a coin on the road. It seems like some people did not understand this part of the film and I want to explain what happened. The bear was not real. It was just a fantasy from child's mind. But despite the fact there wasn't a real bear, something died during the scene. I guess it was the child imagination.How? Well, just look at the birds. They start to play with this coin like it were a death body. It didn't happen with the first one. And when they go to their house again, the Kids looks interested in that cold and boring factory. In conclusion, the kid is becoming an adult.
Okey... that boi has seen a fuckin bear that was suicided on a traintrip... DO YOU THING THIS FACKIN LIFE IS SOOO BORING?!?!AND WHY IS HIS LIFE BORING?!?!?
@@dadimhungryhihungryimdad9418 no it is not. There is no need for you to tell us your life is worser, that's private. But that childhood is not normal I have a friend who has a better life and people in our society call that normal. You are out of your mind.
Death seemed to be closer than they all think. I mean, just one step on the rails, you'll be turned into a pancake. The adults are so used to the haunting of death ( This is maybe represented by the shaking everytime the train passes by. The train itself is death.) that they just let it pass. It's so traumatic for a child to see this. He also closes his eyes (just like the adults) yet he never closed them after seeing the bear incident.
Bear wanted to go home.. to Canada by train He smells the coin with symbols Canada and bear, than he sits near this coin in reils .. waiting for train to home
This animation reminds me of mychildhood. It was ever so boring, cause everything was planned. I didn't liked adults too. They always look tired and say cruel things. Because i didn't like my daily life, i always imagined myterious and dangerous things. and then i realized i suddenly become adult :( this animation means a lot to me thanks for your great work😊
The things which took my interest in the movie. 1. Train 2. Animal killings 3. Father's dream of cutting a log with saw and price tag on it. 4. Grandfather's dream of tractor. 5. Mundane role of mother and grandmother. 6. The party which family of father mother and son attended which seems to be happening at his grandfather's home. 7. Last but not least The crows and their arrival after each and every killing. (I use the word killing on purpose as all those could have stopped so I am reluctant to call any of those as an accident) Through all these I generated a specific meaning . Which may or may not be helpful for others. Here I think the train symbolises time, a continuous moving entity , which is there in the begining and in the end as well. Father and grandfather's dreams are dedicated to their wish of getting more capital through different means. Though grandfather being old only can dream of that but father is still struggling to reach the top. Mother and grandmother are both shown very neutral just taking care of kid in one or another way, (which I didn't like as if that is only thing woman can think of ). And the people at party just behaving as those crows outside. Talking and eating ( as a crow do while eating on the deceased) and not caring to be able to anything around them, just noticing for a minute and then moving on with their lives. I choose to explain the role of child in end because he is most significant through out the story . He's playing with the coin by keeping it at train track indicate his zero conception and understanding of the value of money and time. Which makes him different from all others in the movie (specifically adult but he's the only kid so I am not able to create a kid's and adult's world as separate for this movie) but later while trying to call for that bear it's been shown that he tried to make change when he noticed wrong around him but no gain and hence he leaves the bear in that coin at the track. Giving up all the efforts he goes back to the world of not care because caring didn't help either and made him self more disciplined as if welcoming his understanding of helplessness and accepting it completely and finally the factory in the last indicate his arrival as disciplined child back to the modern world .. you can see the track is still in the picture and their car didn't stop at factory either which indicate the ongoing process and that it's not end.
I love this film. Every now and then I come and watch it again. Such a lovely style and beautifully animated, the story, the sound, every little detail.
we seem to close our eyes to the inevitability and the large presence of death in our lives, occupied with the habits and cycles we go through as we wait for it to come. likewise, we take life so nonchalantly when we eat, hunt, travel and survive that we’re almost numb to death, and some even take it as a trophy and something to be proud of when we induce it. some deaths create large ruckuses and disturbances in hopes that the dead would be remembered. but they only will be remembered partially through images and the memories of others. ultimately, death is quick and fleeting, and once it happens, life continues to go on no matter what. bit of a gloomy outlook in my opinion, but quite interesting.
Keira Ediza haha im glad you liked it. and death is quite a thing to wonder about for a time! it definitely is quite mysterious, even though it’s something we all go through. would it be alright to ask why you’ve been wondering about it? and feel free not to answer; this is a public platform after all.
Vegan sentence, I would make you notice NOTHING is eternal absolutely NOTHING you see, not even the sky stares univers or planets all die or disappear one day. What? It’s sad?
This is so well done, even down to their radio in the car, then it ending when the grandma turns off the radio in the house and constant exaderations to the story just how that a little kid would be perceiving things, I fell in love
Et l'objectivation des femmes a l'époque genre elle fait tout et c'est aussi elle qui doit assurer l'éducation religieuse de toute la famille ! Elle est tellement fatiguée que la seule fois où elle ouvre les yeux elle a des énormes cernes
@@lenaderohan3167 Faut arrêter avec ces histoires. Quand on présentes des personnages féminins actifs, on dit que ce sont elles qui font tout, et quand elles ne font rien, on dit qu'elles sont paresseuses.
for the people who speak English here the word Dimanch is French for Sunday and Sunday in French speaking countries is a day to be spent with family which is why they went to their grandparents house and the relatives who came later and also the obvious one a day to go to church and this animation most likely takes place in Quebec, Canada since the coins said Canada in it and Quebec is the French speaking Province
Acho que a maioria dos comentários daqui acabaram que tirando da minha cabeça o que eu estava pensando sobre esse desenho. A vida sem " sem cor " dos adultos acabaram que transformando o mundo colorido de uma criança em " sem cor ". Acho interessante a parte da igreja, onde o pai do menino está dormindo enquanto sonha com os bens materiais! Acho que isso representa a obrigação que a maioria das pessoas têm de ir na igreja, não é como se elas fossem realmente para a igreja ouvir a palavra ou algo do tipo, é como se fosse uma rotina, e aí entra a questão de que muitos estão na igreja enquanto seus pensamentos estão no mundo. Bem, eu acabei que interpretando assim. Gosto de assistir essas curtas-metragens e ler as opiniões diferentes que se encontram no comentários, porque para mim todas as versões fazem sentido
Ç’était pénible à cette époque, jusqu’à l’arrivée de génération du Wi-fi. Je peux le comprendre parfaitement. Dans ma famille, ma soeur et moi nous contentions que d’admirer le court d’eau du fleuve ou de jouer à cache cahe dans la ferme avec nos cousins & cousines durant nos visites chez nos grands-parents de la campagne. Il n’y avait pas d’énorme activité à s’inventer et aucune grand intérêt d’écouter la conversation des grandes personnes. C’est triste mais c’était beaucoup mieux d’aller jouer dehors pour profiter du plein airs que d’y rentrer clouer à l’intérieur assis à la table.
It's funny and incredible that I understood everything you wrote there because my native language is romanian and we have almost the same words as in your language for writing this.
C’est tellement mieux la génération d’aujourd’hui, tous accos au wifi tellement que ça en devient pathétique et une génération de gros tatas. Je dit pas que le wifi est plate au contraire mais j’ai beaucoup aimé mon enfance, plus que de voir à quel point il y a des caves et des conneries qui m’hypnose tout le temps avec le wifi. Mais aussi je suis née dans les années 1990 fait que j’avais les jeux vidéo regardais des films et jouais dehors, je suis pas veille non plus.
After a long time when I see this type of Childhood video I just feel relax. And I imagine my childhood what a beautiful days and so memorybel. And That time I feeled my life is so boring 😑
While I love Disney and can at least appreciate anime, it's nice to see animated films that DON'T fall into either of those categories or emulate those styles. That being said, this is an awesome short film. It and "Wild Life" are two of the best animated shorts to not only come out of Canada, but two of the best animated short films I've ever seen ("Wild Life" is one of my personal favorites). Thank you for posting this, Canada Film Board!
Reading through some great interpretations and readings here, there is a bit more to it, but I think you pretty much nailed it and in such a precise summarizing comment
Segun la descripcion del video dice que se trata de un niño que para perseguir su aburriminto el domingo coloca bajo el paso del tren una moneda y su experiencia sin embargo dara un giro increible..
Childhood sucks when you have no one your age. Adults impose their rules on kids from the very beginning and it makes life miserable when you're too young to understand why.
I think the bear represents the "change", something that the kid want to do because everything that the adults impose to him is boring and all the time is the same, but when the bear try to do a different thing he is smashed by the train, and when the kid saw that he just accept that the change doesn't exist.
Thanks to the one comment explaining this it is quite interesting on how life is impossible to enjoy with adults with impossible rules or live by impossible standards it's a sin but so children must live on with it it makes me sad on how some kids could think this is normal
Para la gente que habla español, de nada ;D Mi explicación: La animacion es anormal, como la vida es tan miserable para un niño pequeño que ah vivido en el mundo de los adultos de corazón duro, el niño trata de no recurrir a uno de ellos y su imaginacion es su unico espacio libre para que haga algo agradable y divertido... los adultos incluso pierden su vida viviendo en una vida aburrida y regular por eso el entorno es de color gris, casi no hay un color brillante en la animacion, los dulces se ven de color gris incluso eso es poco, lo que muestra en la animacion no es un final gracioso o sorprendente El animador debio de haberse inspirado en los tiempos de la infancia... De nada! La verdad la explicacion se la debemos al comentario de ingles que esta abajo del mio, no sabia copiar y pegar asi que anote todo su texto y lo traduci del traductor de google para después copiarlo en papel y asi escribirlo aqui Tengan un buen día espero haber sido util Ten un dulce de un color brillante * se lo da* 🍭🍬🍫 Adios! *Camina por los pasillos de youtube*
Tats a very unique take on it, many threads of thought in terms of interpretation for this animation are leaning toward other directions but I think there's something in your reading, it made me look at it differently, adding more to it, thank you
Grass Dungeon it's just metaphor of 'adults rarely open their eyes'. closed by world: (1) what they want; and (2) what they need. so everything is 'flat'. if not, it would be full color short movies. because they will turn on their right brain, play or have fun with the kids. because it's primary needs of child.
attend... ;-; le titre est en français ;-;,les personnages dans la vidéo parlent français ;-;,la description est en français ;-; et les commentaires ne sont pas en français ;-; moi je comprend rien ;-;
3:52 - 4:01 It reminded me Coraline , when Spink and Forcible gave her the bowl of old candy. Me recordó a Coraline, cuando Spink y Forcible le dieron el tazón de dulces viejos.
Bem... o que eu entendi da animação foi o seguinte: O garotinho vive uma vida muito chata, parece que ele deve ficar apenas entre os adultos. Sua rotina é muito entediante e isso o deixa muito abalado. Então, para se ''divertir'' um pouco, ele colocava moedas nas trilhas do trem para que elas fossem amassadas. Quando o garotinho foi na casa da sua avó, percebi que ali se encontravam apenas adultos. Bebiam e conversavam apenas entre eles. Tudo para aquele garoto era sem graça, sem cor. Tudo era cinza. Eu acredito que o Urso que estava na parede era a sua imaginação. Era preso pelos os adultos, viva sem cor e infeliz. Eu acho que quando o trem passou por cima do urso, estava representando a imaginação e a felicidade do garoto morta...
La animación trata sobre cómo la vida es tan miserable para un niño que tiene que vivir en la vida de adultos de corazón duro ... El niño niño trata de no recurrir a uno de ellos y su imaginación es su único espacio libre para él. para hacer algo divertido y divertido ... Los adultos, incluso pierden su imaginación y viven una vida muy aburrida y regular ... Es por eso que el entorno es de color gris. Apenas hay un color brillante en la animación ... Incluso los dulces se ven grises ... Esto es, en breve, lo que muestra esta animación. No lo hagas, excepto un final divertido o sorprendente ... El animador probablemente se inspiró en su infancia ...
The animation is about, how life is so miserable for a child who has to live in the life of hard-hearted adults... The child boy, tries not to turn into one of them and his imagination is his only free space for him to do something enjoyable and funny... Adults, even lost their imagination and live a very boring and regular life... That is why the surrounding is in grey color. There is hardly any bright color in the animation... Even the candies look grey...
That is shortly, what this animation is showing. Don't except a funny or a surprising shocking ending... The animator probably took inspiration from his childhood times...
* * *
Bu animasyon, kalpleri taşlaşmış büyüklerin dünyasında yaşamak zorunda olan bir çocuğun zavallı hayatını anlatıyor... Genç erkek çocuk, yetişkin birine dönüşmemeye çalışıyor ve hayalgücü, eğlenceli ve ilginç şeyler yapabileceği tek özgür alan... Büyükler, hayalgüçlerinin renkliliğini bile kaybetmişler ve bu yüzden sıkıcı ve yavan bir hayat yaşıyorlar. Animasyondaki her şeyin gri tonlarda olması bu yüzden. Animasyonda neredeyse tek bir parlak renk bile yok. Mumlar bile gri gözüküyor.
Bu animasyonun göstermeye çalıştığı şey kısaca bu. Komik veya sürpriz sonlu bir animasyon beklemeyin... Animasyonu yapan, büyük olasılıkla çocukluğunda yaşadıklarından esinlenmiş...
Good explanation! Thanks
@@plongeonanime5124 Your welcome
Loss or lost not loose like moose.
Türkçe de yazaydın
The meaning of film: I think this shortfilm is trying to tell us a story about the difficult side of childhood.
The first scene shows how the child has a different reaction from everyone when the train crosses his town. In his face we can see an amount of surprise, while the adults just let it pass by without paying attention. Also, we can see the crows and how they don't look intereseted in the first quarter.
Then, they go to the church where everything look gray. However, the church is a boring place for a child (I say that from my own childhood memories 😂).
Now, at the moment that they went out of the church and go to the grandmother's house I noticed two interesting facts.
A): when the father kills the little rabbit we can see how the crows wants to eat or play with its body.
B): The kid doesn't pay attention to the factory by the side.
Then, during the party, we see again how the adults are just talking between them and acting like the crows (whether they were having a good time or not, it didn't look like an authentic reaction). So, the kid decides to go out and repeat what he was doing in the morning: put a coin on the road.
It seems like some people did not understand this part of the film and I want to explain what happened. The bear was not real. It was just a fantasy from child's mind. But despite the fact there wasn't a real bear, something died during the scene. I guess it was the child imagination.How? Well, just look at the birds. They start to play with this coin like it were a death body. It didn't happen with the first one. And when they go to their house again, the Kids looks interested in that cold and boring factory.
In conclusion, the kid is becoming an adult.
Jesus Martinez Cruz Wow thank u
I’m genuinely impressed and didn’t consider that perspective. Thank you for sharing ❤️
The adults were protecting him, that train is dangerous.
So stupid people make these long responses to shorts hoping to get likes 🌬
@@agentrogue6208 Its more like an explanation for simple-minded people who dont get it like me
poor boy, his life is so boring
No we play fornite
I love to see this *spoilers bc I get curious sometimes lol*
Okey... that boi has seen a fuckin bear that was suicided on a traintrip... DO YOU THING THIS FACKIN LIFE IS SOOO BORING?!?!AND WHY IS HIS LIFE BORING?!?!?
@@aniqharraz7359 fortnite is cancer
@@aniqharraz7359 fortnite is just sh*t ok fortnite is cancer and boring
The bear...
The bear is dead
*Drifty * when he died
Its his imagination that died.
Oh God 😢
The story has no moral but it shows the worst part in childhood
...oh no it doesn't. childhood has way worse parts, unless you got really lucky.
H H like what?
@@dadimhungryhihungryimdad9418 no it is not. There is no need for you to tell us your life is worser, that's private. But that childhood is not normal I have a friend who has a better life and people in our society call that normal. You are out of your mind.
@@Superchmchi you must be very privileged then.
Sometimes life is unfair as a kid we never understand death but at least we let them go easily
I was already having a existential crisis when I was 6 or something lol
High five friend.
@@samuraijackoff5354 ye up top
its stranges as a child I always understand death but I heard there is people lying to there children that death doesn't exist
@@dadimhungryhihungryimdad9418 DAMN BOI SHE THIC!!
Death seemed to be closer than they all think. I mean, just one step on the rails, you'll be turned into a pancake. The adults are so used to the haunting of death ( This is maybe represented by the shaking everytime the train passes by. The train itself is death.) that they just let it pass. It's so traumatic for a child to see this. He also closes his eyes (just like the adults) yet he never closed them after seeing the bear incident.
I am in love with this interpretation ♥️
So, the bear wanted to die in the part where it smiles at dreaming about the train?
He did close his eyes after.
Bear wanted to go home.. to Canada
by train
He smells the coin with symbols Canada and bear, than he sits near this coin in reils .. waiting for train to home
I think a black train represents death somewhere. I don't know where or who I got that from but apparently a black train represents death.
This animation reminds me of mychildhood. It was ever so boring, cause everything was planned. I didn't liked adults too. They always look tired and say cruel things. Because i didn't like my daily life, i always imagined myterious and dangerous things. and then i realized i suddenly become adult :( this animation means a lot to me thanks for your great work😊
0:58 that's what I'll be doing the next time my clothes are wrinkled
Lol I just figured that out
Does it bother anyone else that he just left the sink running like that
Yep dear... Even I was thinking abt water wastage
oh don't worry I am sure the grandma will turn it off later
At 4:35 😜 you should mention dear.
@@surinmansukh3603 fr I hate comments that don’t mention
Buenos Noches.
이런거 보는 한국사람 저밖에 없나요?
저는 이런 그림체 너무 좋아서 이런 거 계속 보게되요
4:53 I love how in that part the music is rhythm with the voices
The things which took my interest in the movie.
1. Train
2. Animal killings
3. Father's dream of cutting a log with saw and price tag on it.
4. Grandfather's dream of tractor.
5. Mundane role of mother and grandmother.
6. The party which family of father mother and son attended which seems to be happening at his grandfather's home.
7. Last but not least The crows and their arrival after each and every killing. (I use the word killing on purpose as all those could have stopped so I am reluctant to call any of those as an accident)
Through all these I generated a specific meaning . Which may or may not be helpful for others. Here I think the train symbolises time, a continuous moving entity , which is there in the begining and in the end as well. Father and grandfather's dreams are dedicated to their wish of getting more capital through different means. Though grandfather being old only can dream of that but father is still struggling to reach the top. Mother and grandmother are both shown very neutral just taking care of kid in one or another way, (which I didn't like as if that is only thing woman can think of ). And the people at party just behaving as those crows outside. Talking and eating ( as a crow do while eating on the deceased) and not caring to be able to anything around them, just noticing for a minute and then moving on with their lives. I choose to explain the role of child in end because he is most significant through out the story . He's playing with the coin by keeping it at train track indicate his zero conception and understanding of the value of money and time. Which makes him different from all others in the movie (specifically adult but he's the only kid so I am not able to create a kid's and adult's world as separate for this movie) but later while trying to call for that bear it's been shown that he tried to make change when he noticed wrong around him but no gain and hence he leaves the bear in that coin at the track. Giving up all the efforts he goes back to the world of not care because caring didn't help either and made him self more disciplined as if welcoming his understanding of helplessness and accepting it completely and finally the factory in the last indicate his arrival as disciplined child back to the modern world .. you can see the track is still in the picture and their car didn't stop at factory either which indicate the ongoing process and that it's not end.
I don't think a big train like that, going that fast, could stop in time.
Ur funny if you think I'm reading that
Who did?
@@notyethere7815 except for the GTA V train
I love this film. Every now and then I come and watch it again. Such a lovely style and beautifully animated, the story, the sound, every little detail.
Moral of the story:
*Trains are the biggest things in the universe*
Working with the railroads is a biggest challenge too.
Inosuke: I couldn't agree more
@@annisarahimahbasri666who the hell is inosuke?
we seem to close our eyes to the inevitability and the large presence of death in our lives, occupied with the habits and cycles we go through as we wait for it to come. likewise, we take life so nonchalantly when we eat, hunt, travel and survive that we’re almost numb to death, and some even take it as a trophy and something to be proud of when we induce it. some deaths create large ruckuses and disturbances in hopes that the dead would be remembered. but they only will be remembered partially through images and the memories of others. ultimately, death is quick and fleeting, and once it happens, life continues to go on no matter what. bit of a gloomy outlook in my opinion, but quite interesting.
Diana de Gracia In my opinion, you deserve more likes @-@
Keira Ediza haha thank you. thats just my take on it though, not everyone is entitled to see it the same way
Yours is really deep though. I've been wondering about death for a long time now @-@
Keira Ediza haha im glad you liked it. and death is quite a thing to wonder about for a time! it definitely is quite mysterious, even though it’s something we all go through. would it be alright to ask why you’ve been wondering about it? and feel free not to answer; this is a public platform after all.
Vegan sentence, I would make you notice NOTHING is eternal absolutely NOTHING you see, not even the sky stares univers or planets all die or disappear one day.
What? It’s sad?
This is so well done, even down to their radio in the car, then it ending when the grandma turns off the radio in the house and constant exaderations to the story just how that a little kid would be perceiving things, I fell in love
Je trouve que ça capture vraiment bien l'ennui dans lequel on se trouvait parfois, enfant.
Et l'objectivation des femmes a l'époque genre elle fait tout et c'est aussi elle qui doit assurer l'éducation religieuse de toute la famille ! Elle est tellement fatiguée que la seule fois où elle ouvre les yeux elle a des énormes cernes
@@lenaderohan3167 encore aujourd'hui c'est la femme qui fait tout
@@GLMKYT tu n'es pas très intelligente toi
@@lenaderohan3167 Faut arrêter avec ces histoires. Quand on présentes des personnages féminins actifs, on dit que ce sont elles qui font tout, et quand elles ne font rien, on dit qu'elles sont paresseuses.
@@samsara450 ba non ! a vous de changer de mentalité à notre sujet
This short did a really good job at making everything look boring, I felt the same way as that kid! Very well done!
I feel that way right now.
for the people who speak English here the word Dimanch is French for Sunday and Sunday in French speaking countries is a day to be spent with family which is why they went to their grandparents house and the relatives who came later and also the obvious one a day to go to church
and this animation most likely takes place in Quebec, Canada since the coins said Canada in it and Quebec is the French speaking Province
6:26 Parece a cena do v em Spring Day
This reminds me of the V scene on Spring Day
Me too
me too
o surto da armoKKK meu pai se toca
Seeee :000
Acho que a maioria dos comentários daqui acabaram que tirando da minha cabeça o que eu estava pensando sobre esse desenho. A vida sem " sem cor " dos adultos acabaram que transformando o mundo colorido de uma criança em " sem cor ". Acho interessante a parte da igreja, onde o pai do menino está dormindo enquanto sonha com os bens materiais! Acho que isso representa a obrigação que a maioria das pessoas têm de ir na igreja, não é como se elas fossem realmente para a igreja ouvir a palavra ou algo do tipo, é como se fosse uma rotina, e aí entra a questão de que muitos estão na igreja enquanto seus pensamentos estão no mundo. Bem, eu acabei que interpretando assim. Gosto de assistir essas curtas-metragens e ler as opiniões diferentes que se encontram no comentários, porque para mim todas as versões fazem sentido
The story is very abstract. And beautiful too
3:56 me recuerda a Coraline con la taza de cereal xd
Oye, sí! Xd
S8 jajaja
Yeh eu ia falar isso
X6 :v
I love this s animation, the tiny feet, tiny wheels, everything's off kilter, very cool
Los adultos y sus rutinas junto a la falta de empatía por los animales, hacen de la vida del niño, algo gris y sin mucho sentido para él...
Es verdad
Sus ojos están cerrados, al movilizarse en sus hábitos por la pura inercia.
Es verdad
I love the music. French music gives me happy and sad vibes at the same time.
Ç’était pénible à cette époque, jusqu’à l’arrivée de génération du Wi-fi. Je peux le comprendre parfaitement. Dans ma famille, ma soeur et moi nous contentions que d’admirer le court d’eau du fleuve ou de jouer à cache cahe dans la ferme avec nos cousins & cousines durant nos visites chez nos grands-parents de la campagne. Il n’y avait pas d’énorme activité à s’inventer et aucune grand intérêt d’écouter la conversation des grandes personnes.
C’est triste mais c’était beaucoup mieux d’aller jouer dehors pour profiter du plein airs que d’y rentrer clouer à l’intérieur assis à la table.
Michaël Gervais pour moi C'était les dimanches avec Jacques Martin, un traumatisme ! Je hais les dimanches, on s'emmerde !! 😫
It's funny and incredible that I understood everything you wrote there because my native language is romanian and we have almost the same words as in your language for writing this.
C’est tellement mieux la génération d’aujourd’hui, tous accos au wifi tellement que ça en devient pathétique et une génération de gros tatas.
Je dit pas que le wifi est plate au contraire mais j’ai beaucoup aimé mon enfance, plus que de voir à quel point il y a des caves et des conneries qui m’hypnose tout le temps avec le wifi.
Mais aussi je suis née dans les années 1990 fait que j’avais les jeux vidéo regardais des films et jouais dehors, je suis pas veille non plus.
T'as raison 😧😯.
Ça veux dire quoi gros tatas?
After a long time when I see this type of Childhood video I just feel relax. And I imagine my childhood what a beautiful days and so memorybel. And That time I feeled my life is so boring 😑
While I love Disney and can at least appreciate anime, it's nice to see animated films that DON'T fall into either of those categories or emulate those styles. That being said, this is an awesome short film. It and "Wild Life" are two of the best animated shorts to not only come out of Canada, but two of the best animated short films I've ever seen ("Wild Life" is one of my personal favorites). Thank you for posting this, Canada Film Board!
Une animation au style trés plaisant. Beaucoup d'inventions surprenantes. Et en dépit de la stylisation, on obtient une vrai tranche de vie. Bravo !
Sometimes, living in a way where you choose to sacrifice fun and happiness in exchange for necessities is just something that won’t always work out.
Reading through some great interpretations and readings here, there is a bit more to it, but I think you pretty much nailed it and in such a precise summarizing comment
The father always plays some good music in the car ☺ just how i wanted it ❤
6:23 its remind me of taehyung in spring day
I thought I was the only one 💜💜💜
oh man holy shit-
Kpop boy group's Inkigayo army
The art style is absolutely fantastic
日本人~いませんか~(*‘ω‘ *)
@卵と油揚げのどんぶり por que japones?
@@palomapaz07 ni yo sé 🤣🤣🤣
日本人(っ´;ω;`с )
This is why we should be thankful, that our lives isn't THIS boring.
6:28 i remember taehyung from the mv spring day lol
For those who don’t know, “Dimanche” means “Sunday” in French!
No entendí ni una sola palabra we pero me dio pena lo del oso xd
I can feel all of it !!! Veary good work !!! Thank you for that amazing animation to all worked hard for it ! ✌️👏✌️
Like si bajaste a ber los comentarios si algen abia entendido el video pero todo estaba en ingles
Yo tampoco entendí
x2 jjajjaniose
Yo. Menos
Shi ;w;
I love the animation and artstyle
Me gustó la animación, pero no la entendí. Saludos desde Argentina
Yo igual
Gracias v: saludos desde la parte más fría de Argentina
Segun la descripcion del video dice que se trata de un niño que para perseguir su aburriminto el domingo coloca bajo el paso del tren una moneda y su experiencia sin embargo dara un giro increible..
Te mando un gran saludo desde México Hidalgo y ps siento q está caricatura q todas las personas son muy tristes en su vida y su entorno no crees
Brilliant drawing and colour palette
What's the name of the musical at @2:36
I watched this movie 10 times every now and then. I love such movies, although there wasn't much going on, the film interested me a lot.
6:24 okay but like why does this remind me of spring day when Tae lean down on the rail Road??
I thought so too
Oh the beanie too right lmaooo
@@KimTaehyung-db8yc hi Deku
Oh man .. this 9 minutes animation need 2 time watch to interpret it and it worth my time ...
As much as i love the film style, i have problem to understand the story or is it meant to have different interpretation for each of us?
Childhood sucks when you have no one your age. Adults impose their rules on kids from the very beginning and it makes life miserable when you're too young to understand why.
I think the bear represents the "change", something that the kid want to do because everything that the adults impose to him is boring and all the time is the same, but when the bear try to do a different thing he is smashed by the train, and when the kid saw that he just accept that the change doesn't exist.
That train is WAY too big for those tracks, but i like the cartoonish style! It gives a lot meaning to the animation, good work!
The adults rarely open their eyes.
Gosh that’s true
I think it's the saddest cartoon I've seen. I like the animation, thank you.
Hmm, I wish I had these songs
Does anyone know or have a playlist with this kind of music?
Animator: **makes short film with a very unique style**
People Who watches it: **gives it meaningful meanings**
Animator: ...
Thanks to the one comment explaining this it is quite interesting on how life is impossible to enjoy with adults with impossible rules or live by impossible standards it's a sin but so children must live on with it it makes me sad on how some kids could think this is normal
There are actually a lot of story behind the animation which is really cool
I loved it. It’s charming w/o being treacley. Gorgeous subdued color palette. Trés bien.
I liked the music, where can i find it?
You are not the only.
Awesome creations
ARMY are you familiar? 😂 6:25
강배 i am armyy
Soy Army ❤️
Fuck you, nigga
I love the animation style. Keep doing what you're doing, ONF. 👍
Para la gente que habla español, de nada ;D
Mi explicación:
La animacion es anormal, como la vida es tan miserable para un niño pequeño que ah vivido en el mundo de los adultos de corazón duro, el niño trata de no recurrir a uno de ellos y su imaginacion es su unico espacio libre para que haga algo agradable y divertido... los adultos incluso pierden su vida viviendo en una vida aburrida y regular por eso el entorno es de color gris, casi no hay un color brillante en la animacion, los dulces se ven de color gris incluso eso es poco, lo que muestra en la animacion no es un final gracioso o sorprendente
El animador debio de haberse inspirado en los tiempos de la infancia...
De nada! La verdad la explicacion se la debemos al comentario de ingles que esta abajo del mio, no sabia copiar y pegar asi que anote todo su texto y lo traduci del traductor de google para después copiarlo en papel y asi escribirlo aqui
Tengan un buen día espero haber sido util
Ten un dulce de un color brillante
* se lo da* 🍭🍬🍫
*Camina por los pasillos de youtube*
Les dimanches sont vraiment fantastiques
This seems like such a fond memory of the animator's. Even if the memory wasn't as enjoyable as he'd have liked it to be.
Tats a very unique take on it, many threads of thought in terms of interpretation for this animation are leaning toward other directions but I think there's something in your reading, it made me look at it differently, adding more to it, thank you
Ни черта не поняла ( • _ •)
Полностю согласен
Только что хотела написать)) слово в слово😅😅😅
И я
Да, но медведя жалко(
The song in final?
6:22 BTS!! SPRING DAY!❤️
And the morale of this story is: Never let a bear sit on the railroad tracks.
8:56 why are his eyes closed while he’s driving
Grass Dungeon it's just metaphor of 'adults rarely open their eyes'. closed by world: (1) what they want; and (2) what they need. so everything is 'flat'. if not, it would be full color short movies. because they will turn on their right brain, play or have fun with the kids. because it's primary needs of child.
Anyone know the song?
6:24 this part reminds me V of Bts on Spring Day
да похоже !
@@madelinehickman6669 it was related to the drowning of Sewol Ship
Edit : I typed the ship name wrong
it does...
4:46 That Guy wearing a yellow sweater and a scarf is my drawing that i drew him. I also named him Stephen.
attend... ;-; le titre est en français ;-;,les personnages dans la vidéo parlent français ;-;,la description est en français ;-; et les commentaires ne sont pas en français ;-; moi je comprend rien ;-;
Pas De Nom pareil
Moi aussi 😂
Tu ne parle anglais?
Infernus Black bah oui on parle français
@@saikikusuo526 je parle un peu français et anglais
*9:14** to **9:46** instrumental name pls?*
Wait is that a miniature city or the train is huge????
CJ's fault
@@itzartexd7497 I think it's a symbol about the importance and the danger of technology in our lifes. Probably this village is older than the train.
I wish I were a kid a again so that I could really really appreciate this
3:52 - 4:01
It reminded me Coraline , when Spink and Forcible gave her the bowl of old candy.
Me recordó a Coraline, cuando Spink y Forcible le dieron el tazón de dulces viejos.
love the style!
Someone know what is the music who play at 02:30
March of spring
1000 subs with no video challange
Which one is it??
¿Encontraste la cancion?
@@cokkielei7376 Yep, the up guy say me =)
@@cokkielei7376nope 😢
هذآ القصص جميله😘😘😘
همزين وحد عربي ما سب المسيحي 😭
Bem... o que eu entendi da animação foi o seguinte:
O garotinho vive uma vida muito chata, parece que ele deve ficar apenas entre os adultos. Sua rotina é muito entediante e isso o deixa muito abalado. Então, para se ''divertir'' um pouco, ele colocava moedas nas trilhas do trem para que elas fossem amassadas.
Quando o garotinho foi na casa da sua avó, percebi que ali se encontravam apenas adultos. Bebiam e conversavam apenas entre eles. Tudo para aquele garoto era sem graça, sem cor. Tudo era cinza.
Eu acredito que o Urso que estava na parede era a sua imaginação. Era preso pelos os adultos, viva sem cor e infeliz. Eu acho que quando o trem passou por cima do urso, estava representando a imaginação e a felicidade do garoto morta...
Now I know why my cousin loves this short!
Then I realized it practically had dark humor in it xD
Бедный медведь.
Мне его жалко.
А так мультфильм интересный)
Cool animation.
It really shows how boring our lives are.
وااو احب زي هذي الكرتون 😍😍😍😍😄😄😄🙂☺🙂☺🙂
Ever think about how the train divides their town? you can't walk over the tracks because the train could come.
The crows were amazing!
Dimanche means Sunday in I right?
The Anime Spot yes you are
@••LØVĒLŸ GÃČHÅ•• no..but I studied french from class 5 to 8 I understand a bit😅
The Anime Spot the story is french
@••LØVĒLŸ GÃČHÅ•• bah non il est pas
whats the music's name at 2:30 minutes?
is this a metaphor for something?
Adult ignorance.
i remember this video like once a year
Trop bien fait franchement ! 🙌🏼❤️par contre je voit aucun français dans les commentaire 😂
T le deuxième que je vois sur 100 🤣
La Bruxelloise hé bah c’est rare de trouver des français dans cette vidéo 😭🤣👌🏼
Congratulations for 100k sub u deserve it
La animación trata sobre cómo la vida es tan miserable para un niño que tiene que vivir en la vida de adultos de corazón duro ... El niño niño trata de no recurrir a uno de ellos y su imaginación es su único espacio libre para él. para hacer algo divertido y divertido ... Los adultos, incluso pierden su imaginación y viven una vida muy aburrida y regular ... Es por eso que el entorno es de color gris. Apenas hay un color brillante en la animación ... Incluso los dulces se ven grises ... Esto es, en breve, lo que muestra esta animación. No lo hagas, excepto un final divertido o sorprendente ... El animador probablemente se inspiró en su infancia ...