Trailer: Finding Mashiach. Coming out July 2024

  • Опубліковано 8 чер 2024
  • So delighted to be part of this amazing movie Finding Mashiach. Release date July 2024. Enjoy the trailer!


  • @rorschach7623
    @rorschach7623 14 днів тому

    I wish i could be this Moschiach for you, i wish i could be the bridge between heaven and earth for you, for all of you my heart burns, i adore your faith and perseverence

  • @israelsattleen9373
    @israelsattleen9373 Місяць тому +1

    Nice…I’m gonna have to watch this!

  • @N108funshow
    @N108funshow 6 днів тому

    I just got chills. 1:19

  • @SeekingToServe
    @SeekingToServe Місяць тому +1

    Looks amazing

  • @julieschechter3995
    @julieschechter3995 Місяць тому +3

    Wow! Can’t wait to see this!How do we have access to this documentary?

    • @Olamchesed
      @Olamchesed Місяць тому +2

      I think it's on Berel Solomon's channel

  • @mdevorah6833
    @mdevorah6833 Місяць тому +1

    Moshiach NOW and Elijah. I prayer for it daily❤

  • @MyParis8
    @MyParis8 7 днів тому

    Great. Where can I watch it ? 😊

  • @stefaniecolonius4780
    @stefaniecolonius4780 25 днів тому

    Can't wait to watch this with my family when we get the chance. 💖🙏

  • @TheMessiah666
    @TheMessiah666 Місяць тому +2

    How will humanity come to recognize him?
    Do they expect a man to come out of nowhere and suddenly start changing the entire world without help?
    Will he try to communicate with humanity and gain friends to help him change the world?
    How will everyone know if he starts off as a regular guy?

    • @Andriel324
      @Andriel324 Місяць тому

      To answer your first question ask Ariel Agemian. To answer your second question... I hope not...😅
      To answer your third question. What makes you think he hasn't? And to answer the forth, what makes you think that he wouldn't be anything other than a regular guy?😅
      Though I digress, Be with Shalom Shalom and Ruach Salem. I pray that Father Most High draws you close to Mashiach so that Mashiach may reveal The Father to you.. 😊 Regardless of whom you think you are and whom you are not... Shalom.

    • @EmetSheker
      @EmetSheker Місяць тому

      G-d will bring nissim. There is too much makhlokhet in the mean time, and humanity is so divided, yet "every knee shall bow". The best Promises are the ones that are so unfathomable and yet they still happen 'somehow'. That is the definition of a miracle, because the "somehow" is HaShem.
      I happen to believe there are perhaps some Prophecies that have been kept hidden from the public, so that only the real moshiach would possibly fulfill them...and without having known to.

    • @user-zc7lb8dn3n
      @user-zc7lb8dn3n Місяць тому +1

      there will be special Light that will open our hearts and minds, and people will recognize him

  • @bookmouse2719
    @bookmouse2719 Місяць тому +2

    In every generation there is a potential moshiah. He won't come unless we are All ready, unified, got it together. The requirement is there has to be world peace, so I am waiting for world peace.

    • @user-zc7lb8dn3n
      @user-zc7lb8dn3n Місяць тому +2

      read the prophecies how our God will clean the world, so you are not right in this case

    • @Janita5770
      @Janita5770 6 днів тому

      He will come, but he will come sooner if we are all unified.

  • @montoyojewellers
    @montoyojewellers Місяць тому +2

    Will this be available in Philippines?

    • @user-zc7lb8dn3n
      @user-zc7lb8dn3n Місяць тому +1

      in whole world, but many will be gone, especially the idol worshippers that God of Israel hates the most

  • @josephcohen1740
    @josephcohen1740 20 днів тому

    Wen will I b able too c this n newzealand please

  • @Jasn_Chvz
    @Jasn_Chvz Місяць тому

    May it be

  • @user-zc7lb8dn3n
    @user-zc7lb8dn3n Місяць тому +2

    we don't have to look for him, we have to be ready, separate yourself from the goish world, stay away from them like from fire, yes, when you watch their movies and other stuff, you are damaging yourself, and it'll be painful for your to go through the process of redemption.

    • @lisaking4291
      @lisaking4291 25 днів тому

      What do you imply, of you meaning, it will be painful for the non Jewish people to go threw, I've had a painful life all of my life, people have used me and picked me apart, and enjoyed my pain, and lied about it and lied about me, people have manipulated their crawley apone me, I've seen how abhorrent humanity is, their not sorry for it, somethings terribly core rootedly wrong with them, they are rotten to the bone, every moacule fiber of their being, it doesn't stop and their children are the same, and you can't change that, no hope is for them, no change is in them, a tiger does not change it's spots, it is already painful for me, I long for them to stop and be good, but people enjoy violence and they like how they behave, crime is on the rise, the world can not behave, people killing each other in horrific ways, the world is bleeding hemorrhaging pulling itself apart, the greed and the hate knows no bounds, satisfaction is what they feel, they are so used to it desensitized they act like children, squabble and steal and try to wriggle out of the blame, everything is about ego, everything is about gain, take take take, where I the actual real compassion in them, they complain when they suffer but not any regards for how they've treated anybody else, it's only about themselves

  • @josephcohen1740
    @josephcohen1740 21 день тому

    Moschiach of this generation loves u dearly the tru heir to Jacob's stone throne of david

  • @josephcohen1740
    @josephcohen1740 Місяць тому

    I'm here

  • @mikebee-nn7qd
    @mikebee-nn7qd Місяць тому

    But the Rav already has had enough Moshiachs atcha door?

  • @ronaldijester
    @ronaldijester Місяць тому +1

    We will see dajjal face reveal with this one.

    • @13thAssassin
      @13thAssassin Місяць тому

      And the Dajjal is who they'll follow.

  • @WarPigMCC
    @WarPigMCC 17 днів тому

    Do you think the Mashiach could be Seth Rogen? Do you think he'll wake up tomorrow and realize his mission?

    • @Janita5770
      @Janita5770 6 днів тому

      At this time, Seth Rogan is not a candidate. But if he turns his life around, becomes a Torah scholar, and keeps Jewish law 100%, then he certainly has the potential to be, if his male lineage can be direct line from king David

  • @KeepingWatch95
    @KeepingWatch95 23 дні тому +1

    _Zechariah 12:9 _*_And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem._*
    _Zechariah __12:10__ And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: _*_and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn._*
    _Zechariah __12:11__ _*_In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon._*
    _Zechariah 13:6 _*_And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends._*
    _Zechariah 13:7 Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the LORD of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered: and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones._
    _Zechariah 13:8 And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the LORD, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein._
    _Zechariah 13:9 And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: _*_they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD [ יְהֹוָה ] is my God._*

    • @godisreality7014
      @godisreality7014 19 днів тому

      Jerusalem is Mystery Babylon.

    • @KeepingWatch95
      @KeepingWatch95 18 днів тому

      @@godisreality7014 _Zechariah 12:9 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem._

    • @godisreality7014
      @godisreality7014 18 днів тому

      @@KeepingWatch95 Dear sir, Jerusalem is known as "the bloody city", where Messiah was slaughtered. It is the home of mystery babylon, that great counterfeit. We are already in the 76th year.
      Line upon line, precept upon precept.

    • @immanuel.isaiah7.14
      @immanuel.isaiah7.14 14 днів тому

      Exactly! Jewish friends if you do a bit of research, Isaiah 52:13-ch 53 has traditionally been referred by the Jews to be the Messiah (until the 11th century), who suffers and dies as the ultimate atonement (kaparrah) for the sins of Israel and the world. Ten reasons why these verses are about Yeshua Messiah, not Israel:
      1.Consistent use of singular pronouns (him, his) not plural.
      2. Israel cannot die for Israel's sins.
      3.Israel never died unlike the Suffering Servant.
      4. Messiah suffers for the sins of others, so they do not need to suffer for their own sins.
      5.The Suffering Servant "sprinkles" many nations (Gentiles). Israel's blood was never offered on behalf of others for cleansing.
      6.The Suffering Servant is depicted as innocent. Not true for Israel who is in captivity because of her own sins.
      7.The Suffering Servant suffers for others sins, Israel suffered for her own sins.
      8.If Israel were the righteous servant it would have been impossible for her to suffer and die.
      9. If the Suffering Servant is Israel who bore the sins of the people (Gentiles), then the Gentiles would not need to be punished for their sins, but they were.
      10.The "Arm of the L-RD" (Isaiah 53:1) in the Tenakh always acts on behalf of Israel, it is not Israel .

  • @Sun_State_88
    @Sun_State_88 Місяць тому

    Lol he might not know the answer, but I do.

  • @_Iam777_
    @_Iam777_ Місяць тому +1


  • @minnahealy1659
    @minnahealy1659 9 днів тому

    The Messaiah came and left because His mission was to change hearts first: reconsile the goim with HaShem, but He will come back and establish the Messianic Kingdom!

    • @Janita5770
      @Janita5770 6 днів тому

      He never came, otherwise there would be world peace, as is supposed to be fulfilled by Moshiach. And your cheesy crust doesn’t fit the criteria

  • @MessiahSonOfDavid
    @MessiahSonOfDavid 18 днів тому +1

    I'm here already

  • @lisaking4291
    @lisaking4291 25 днів тому

    How will the moshiach?? know if their the moshiach ?? And, i feel sorry for whomsoever is the moshiach, its not a stroll in the park, wont be a holiday for them, they will be put threw investigation, and screwtany, the roll for the moshiach is huge

  • @alfamejeu7237
    @alfamejeu7237 12 днів тому

    Jesus was the messiah. Descendant of King David.

  • @WarPigMCC
    @WarPigMCC 15 днів тому

    What if the Messiah hides himself and chooses not to be Messiah because he's afraid the Jews and modern-day Romans might crucify him again to get out of the troubles they've got themselves into?

    • @Janita5770
      @Janita5770 6 днів тому

      God’s true messenger has no fear of anyone or anything but God Himself . And as a messenger, he does what is required of him, it’s his mission

  • @TheMessiah666
    @TheMessiah666 Місяць тому

    What if the Messiah hates everyone?
    I’ve heard how humanity will be the worst they’ve ever been in the end times...
    If the spirit of God rests upon him and starts teaching him, isn’t it reasonable to assume he will try to tell as many people as possible?
    So, how do you think the worst people in history will treat a guy who comes along and claims to be the messiah on the internet?
    I think he will be brutally disrespected and rejected by the majority and it will trigger and extreme deep seeded hate for humanity within him...
    So, what if he hates humanity and rebukes the masses like Isaiah 2:4 (KJV)?

    • @user-zc7lb8dn3n
      @user-zc7lb8dn3n Місяць тому +1

      the evil of course will reject, that's how Gog u Magog will starts, there will go after him, Mashiach will be accepted by the good people around the world, they will want him to become a King for their country, and he will be. But the evil will fight till their end ...

  • @krisztiweitner7082
    @krisztiweitner7082 Місяць тому

    The whole house of Israel will surely know that God has made him Lord and Christ, that Jesus whom you crucified.
    What they heard touched their hearts, and they asked Peter and the other apostles: What shall we do, my brothers and men?
    And Peter said to them: Repent and be baptized all of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
    Because the promise is for you and your children and all those who are far away, but whom the Lord our God has called.
    With many other speeches, he admonished and begged them: Get rid of this evil generation! (Acts 2, 36-39)

  • @Darius-ty5yy
    @Darius-ty5yy Місяць тому +1


  • @EmetSheker
    @EmetSheker Місяць тому

    This looks cool but I mean, what if moshiach isn't the one you wanted him to be, right? So, I don't think you'll find that he comes before the very last minute unfortunately. So many of us already have a "sure thing" we think is moshiach. And I am hearing people say it is a generation rather than an individual. It doesn't seem to make sense for someone to come until everybody is absolutely desperate for ANYBODY willing to lead...but what real-world scenario could cause such desperation? And this is why miracles will be associated with Geulah, as it is written "every knee shall bow".
    Every, and not some.
    What would it take for even an atheist to believe? Open miracles. What kind of miracles? The kind where everybody in their "right mind" is fleeing, but a small number are showing up to fight and prevail against all odds. Which sounds like it gets worse until ACTUAL desperation sets in, because who moshiach is actually...that isn't negotiable by men. That isn't up to any human. And so the real moshiach doesn't have to do anything at all, just study and teach. Because it will take a real miracle for every knee to bow to G-d.

  • @TheMessiah666
    @TheMessiah666 Місяць тому +2

    What is the messiah is in a suffering servant type scenario?
    Born in an evil country surrounded by people who know who he is but try to hide it from humanity while they abuse him for amusement?
    What if he needs help from humanity but nobody is truly looking for him?

    • @EmetSheker
      @EmetSheker Місяць тому

      No no no no no no.
      Also, no.
      Absolutely not.
      Isaiah said who the "servant" is. The entire Jewish people. So yes Israel will be vindicated, however, those who have accused us and engaged in inquisition among us will weep, per Isaiah 53.
      You are not moshiach. There is no moshiach in Isaiah 53. That's the non-Jews weeping who have oppressed us and done ill to is, and every time it worked as they intended, they said "see? Proof that G-d has rejected them!". Never realizing it was because you placed a snare for us that we stepped into it, not that "G-d allowed it to happen".

  • @krisztiweitner7082
    @krisztiweitner7082 Місяць тому

    " Philip found Nathanael, and said to him, “We have found him, of whom Moses in the Torah, and the Prophets, wrote: Yeshua of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” 46. Nathanael said to him, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.” 47. Yeshua saw Nathanael coming to him, and said about him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!” 48. Nathanael said to him, “How do you know me?” Yeshua answered him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.” 49. Nathanael answered him, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are King of Israel!” 50. Yeshua answered him, “Because I told you, ‘I saw you underneath the fig tree,’ do you believe? You will see greater things than these!” 51. He said to him, “Most certainly, I tell you all, hereafter you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”

    • @godisreality7014
      @godisreality7014 19 днів тому

      First the man of sin, who will rule for one hour. Rev 17/18

  • @prayercodes
    @prayercodes Місяць тому

    rambam is WRONG . so are you

  • @teahilton
    @teahilton Місяць тому

    The Moshiach was to be the marriage of the family of Abraham Isaac and Jacob with the family of the mixed multitude at Sinai as reflected in the marriage of Moses, who carried the Staff of Joseph given by Jacob to his best beloved, and Zipporah ushering in Geula for all humanity uniting the upper and lower world as one family of families. Instead the men of these two families at Sinai chose the Golden Calf, the Scepter of Egypt and the Scepter of Judah - thus divorcing the Shekinah from their presence who ascended to the upper worlds again as with Adam in Eden. The Moshiach today will be the marriage of the Family of Chabad men women children with the marriage of a mixed multitude Family that also experienced Holocaust in the land that the Rebbe Rayatz arrived at on March 19 1940. The Family of Chabad will choose Peace the Staff of Joseph and Moses over the Scepters of Kings.

  • @BatTsiyyonAryeh-lw2vc
    @BatTsiyyonAryeh-lw2vc Місяць тому


    • @j.k.9763
      @j.k.9763 Місяць тому +1

      Based on what? Why not 5784?

    • @BatTsiyyonAryeh-lw2vc
      @BatTsiyyonAryeh-lw2vc Місяць тому

      double 8's for double completion

    • @BatTsiyyonAryeh-lw2vc
      @BatTsiyyonAryeh-lw2vc Місяць тому

      and 5788 is 2028

    • @BatTsiyyonAryeh-lw2vc
      @BatTsiyyonAryeh-lw2vc Місяць тому

      and if you throw in Daniel's Day 1335 you get 1 33 55 7 88

    • @EmetSheker
      @EmetSheker Місяць тому +1

      ​@@BatTsiyyonAryeh-lw2vcis this because moshiach has to fulfill every mitzvah twice? 1226 as opposed to 613? Two sets of tzitzit? Double completion?

  • @user-cs5fv6qw3d
    @user-cs5fv6qw3d 9 днів тому

    He is here already, he will make himself known to the world in 2026 according to the dream I had from the Lord Jesus Christ, I show him and he pretended to be Jesus Christ but when I paid clear attention I noticed some dirty patches on his garment

    • @Janita5770
      @Janita5770 6 днів тому +1

      lol, yeah you must be so special, he revealed himself to you! Are you a prophet? Do you keep the Torah 100%? If not, neither you nor cheesy crust will be revealed the day of Moshiach

    • @user-cs5fv6qw3d
      @user-cs5fv6qw3d 6 днів тому

      @@Janita5770 lam Christian, the bible said in those days I will pour out my spirit to all fresh, young men will dream dreams, I show that dream, he is not the real messiah, he is the Antichrist his number is 666 he was not clean.

  • @WarPigMCC
    @WarPigMCC 15 днів тому +1

    If Jesus was a descendant of David and Solomon, and they killed him, why, in your hubris, do you think the real Messiah would ever show his face to you?

    • @Janita5770
      @Janita5770 6 днів тому

      Why do you think Jesus was the messiah? And he wasn’t a male descendant of king David

    • @Janita5770
      @Janita5770 6 днів тому

      And he was killed by the Romans fyi

    • @Janita5770
      @Janita5770 6 днів тому

      And didn’t God promise the Jews? Are you saying God is so flaky that he charges His mind? God direct know the future? Maybe your man-god is limited to the present, but not the Almighty who has no physical attributes

    • @WarPigMCC
      @WarPigMCC 6 днів тому

      @@Janita5770 I'm asking a simple question and you're denying the reality of it. Jesus was a descendant of David through Solomon and they killed him. Why would the Mashiach, knowing this, go to Israel if he was killed by God's chosen people? It doesn't make sense. I am a descendant of King David

    • @Janita5770
      @Janita5770 6 днів тому

      @@WarPigMCC you’re not asking a simple question, you’re giving me the incorrect answer to your own question. The Jews did not kill your “saviour,” the Roman’s did. Moshiach (the messiah) can only come through the MALE LINE of king David, which means jeesy cannot be Moshiach. Impossible. Yosef was not his biological father, he was out of town when she got pregnant. He was a mamzer.

  • @JohnStark-dy1zi
    @JohnStark-dy1zi 15 днів тому +1

    Lol...victim card...🤡🤡🙋🙋🙋🙋😭😭😂🤣😂😂

  • @berrowboy
    @berrowboy Місяць тому

    What nonsense. Such obvious self serving propaganda for juveniles.

    • @EmetSheker
      @EmetSheker Місяць тому +1

      What is propaganda about a religion 3,000 years older than your "messiah"?

    • @berrowboy
      @berrowboy Місяць тому

      @@EmetSheker You do know that Child sacrifice and first born child (fertility) sacrifice was common 3000 years ago?

    • @EmetSheker
      @EmetSheker Місяць тому

      @@berrowboy ok but it is now 3,000 years IDGAF about what pagans used to do. Child sacrifice is child sacrifice. 3,000 years ago you do realize there were no Muslims and no any other modern religions except Hinduism?
      So just sit back and enjoy the places we take you.

    • @EmetSheker
      @EmetSheker Місяць тому

      @@berrowboy sounds like that same propaganda you claimed to be in the video is coming out of your face hole.

    • @jamesking3874
      @jamesking3874 Місяць тому

      @@EmetShekerRead Isaiah 53