Lutoslawski Concerto | Hayoung Choi - Queen Elisabeth Competition 2022

  • Опубліковано 31 січ 2025


  • @kims0730
    @kims0730 Рік тому +60

    Not only this extremely difficult to play but to play this from memory is just ...incredible. CRAZY GOOD. Already such an incredible artist at such a young age.

  • @0reason2exist
    @0reason2exist Рік тому +13

    So energetic! Lutoslawski would be proud.

  • @mrc8578
    @mrc8578 Рік тому +18

    Amazing Hayoung. Amazing conductor. Amazing orchestra. Amazing Lutoslawski!

  • @delo9997
    @delo9997 2 роки тому +80

    와.....먼저 Lutoslawski 작곡가에게 존경과 박수를
    드릴 수 밖에 없는 멋진 곡이였습니다.....
    고도의 집중력과 에너지로 난해한 소리 속에 풍성히 채워주며 훌륭한 해석과 연주를 해낸 최하영님..
    현대음악으로 그것도 첼로라는 악기로 해석을 납득할 수 있게 들려온건 오랜만입니다. 웅장하고 아름다우면서 파격적이였습니다. Brussels philharmonic orchestra
    와 함께 멋진 타이밍을 끌어내주신 STÉPHANE DENÈVE지휘자님 그리고 집중해준 현장 관객분들 모두 고맙습니다.
    이외 모든 참여자분들도 훌륭했습니다✨👏🏻👏🏻
    제게 음악적 영감을 받을 수 있는 환경을 열어주신 Queen Elisabeth Competition관계자 모든 분께 감사드립니다.
    소리는 기적이자 경의로운것이며 음악은 삶 그 자체입니다!!💛✨

  • @pippi1164
    @pippi1164 2 роки тому +67

    최하영 첼리스트의 우승을 정말 축하합니다 🎉 👍 💕 😍 😄 🎉 정말 대단합니다!! 짝짝짝!! 앞으로도 힐링과 감동의 연주들로 최하영 첼리스트를 응원하며 기대합니다♡

  • @jeonglucy6873
    @jeonglucy6873 2 роки тому +46

    쇼스타코비치도 어려웠던 나에게 끝까지 이 곡을 듣는게 가능할까 싶었는데... 현대 음악이 난해하기만 한 건 아니라는 것을 알려주는 연주였습니다. 멋지다는 말 밖에는 표현할 길이 없네요.

  • @paolofrigeriomusic3691
    @paolofrigeriomusic3691 2 роки тому +30

    this one deserve first price....... she won at the end? really well done high rendition of the masterpiece . thanks for sharing paolo from Italia

  • @paulkim6692
    @paulkim6692 7 місяців тому +9

    내내 들르면서 이런 콩쿨을 준비하는 천재의 광기를 노래한것 같단 생각이 들었네요. 멋집니다!

  • @hanajan5339
    @hanajan5339 Рік тому +43

    첼로곡이 이렇게 변화무쌍하고 드라마틱할수 있다니 너무 놀랍습니다. 이 곡이 좀 널리 퍼졌으면 좋겠는데..^^파이널곡으로 현대곡선택해서 연주해주시다니. 연주하시는거보면 이해도가 너무나 최상일뿐더러...천편일률적인 레퍼토리에서도 벗어나서 모험하신건데 정말 너무 좋습니다. ㅋㅋㅋ오케스트라와 지휘자님도 한번도 안 해본 곡이라 10일동안 벼락치기로 연습하면서 난감해하셨다고하던데..너무 좋은데요. 결과물이...늦었지만 정말 감사합니다. ^^..

    • @yong-gilchoi8614
      @yong-gilchoi8614 7 місяців тому

      이미 류토스왑스키의 대표작으로 유명한 작품입니다. 음반도 여러 장이 나와있습니다. 20세기 가장 명성이 높은 첼로 협주곡, 프로코피예프, 쇼스타코비취와 더불어 20세기 클래식으로 꼽힙니다.

  • @75Chopin
    @75Chopin 2 роки тому +98

    Amazing that she chose this rare piece for competition, daring. I would say even dutilleux would have been less daring

  • @amitrotem9094
    @amitrotem9094 2 роки тому +30

    Wow . Wow. Wow. What a wonderful, unique artist.

  • @sangayoon3152
    @sangayoon3152 2 роки тому +17

    she's so good I love her

  • @francoisnoufnouf8347
    @francoisnoufnouf8347 Рік тому +11

    Incredible !! Incroyable !!
    On dit parfois "Atteindre les sommets", mais là .. On les dépasse !!
    Je trouve qu'à l'heure actuelle, il y a un nombre incroyable de talents (génies ?) en musique. Plus je découvre de jeunes interprètes, plus je suis estomaqué, abasourdi par leur talent, leur virtuosité, leur compréhension des œuvres jouées.
    Ayant la chance d'être à proximité d'une très belle salle de concert (TFM Compiègne - France), je profite de concerts plus fantastiques les uns que les autres.
    De plus, UA-cam me permet de découvrir d'autres musiques, artistes phénoménaux !
    Merci à tous les partageurs ..
    Bises du groin à tous du petit goret curieux, et que vive la musique !!

  • @jacquelinefoquet5773
    @jacquelinefoquet5773 13 днів тому

    Vandaag in Antwerpen Elisabeth zaal met ASO. Absoluut integraal innemend. Wat een grandiose dame in deze overweldigende klanken
    Om uit immens diepe put te klimmen

  • @jackbandit1615
    @jackbandit1615 2 роки тому +17

    화장실에 앉아있다 우연히 듣기시작 했는데, 일어날수가 없었습니다. 다리에 쥐가 나기 시작했는데도 일어날수가 없었습니다.
    20분께 부터 정밀도가 미세하게 떨어진다는 느낌이 드는건 혹시나 어디가 끊어져 이 훌륭한 연주가 완주하지 못하게 되는게 아닐까 하는 그녀의 걱정때문이 아니었을까 하는 클래식 문외한인 저의 생각입니다;
    지휘자 분 정말 ...와...

  • @federicolee1945
    @federicolee1945 2 роки тому +27

    Vive la Corée Dynamique et la nouvelle reine du violoncelle!!!

  • @mathewarrellin
    @mathewarrellin Рік тому +9

    This is one of the best pieces I've ever heard--and Hayoung's performance was mind-blowing 🤯

  • @75Chopin
    @75Chopin 2 роки тому +47

    I don’t think the Jury needed to listen to anything else after this white HOT emotionally intense performance. A performance of the century!

    • @francoisnoufnouf8347
      @francoisnoufnouf8347 Рік тому +4

      Hello .. I think the same (but actually ,the number of extrordinary talents is incredible !! )

  • @jiuzz0
    @jiuzz0 2 роки тому +26

    곡이 여백이 많으면서 실험적이라 저같은 문외한에게는 들으면서 뭔가 어렵게 느껴졌지만 동시에 참 표현력이 좋으신 것 같았습니다. 우승을 축하드리며 들을 수 있어 영광입니다.

  • @pusanazum
    @pusanazum Рік тому +23

    난해한 이 시대를 살아가는 여러 군상들의 발버둥치는 형상이 떠오르는 작품입니다. 최하영 첼리스트의 연주는 그 긴장감을 고조시키는 매력이 넘치고 어느 순간 목을 조여오는 압박감으로 스트레스의 최고조를 달리며 아우성치는 현대인들의 위축된 심리를 잘 표현하고 있다는 느낌을 받습니다. 복잡하게 얽혀있는 인간관계 속에서 길을 찾으려는 한 인간의 고뇌가 담겨 있어서 감상하는 내내 온 몸의 세포가 쭈뼛쭈볏 서고 꿈틀대는 것 같아 실감났습니다. 오케스트라와의 밀고 당기는 듯한 기싸움이 날카로운 선율에 그대로 표현되어 있네요. 정말 실험적이고 클래식이란 고전적 틀을 확실하게 깨부수는 마력있는 작품 잘 감상했습니다. 앞으로 세계무대에 나가 이 감동과 전율을 계속 전해주시길 바래봅니다. 미완성인듯 아닌듯 라스트가 더 매력 쩝니다🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @slateflash
    @slateflash Рік тому +6

    She'd better have won! By the mere fact that she played this from memory

  • @listenspeaklisten
    @listenspeaklisten 5 місяців тому +1

    연주가 끝난 후 밝게 웃으시는 최하영 님의 얼굴을 보고 다시 현실에 돌아온 듯한 신기한 느낌을 받았습니다. 연주 음미했던 내내 무언가에 홀린 듯처럼…. 저는 지금 음악을 듣고 있고 컴퓨터 앞에 앉아 있고 지금은 아침이라는 사실을 알고 들었는데도, 끝에 이런 느낌을 왜 받았는지는 모르겠습니다. 요즘은 사람들의 웃음소리가 19:02~21:07 부분처럼 들립니다. 신기합니다 짜릿하고 이 댓글 작성하는 지금도 손가락 끝에 기분이 오묘합니다. 상상을 많이 할 수 있게 해주신 모든 연주자분 정말 감사합니다.

  • @MrPheegoo
    @MrPheegoo 2 роки тому +25

    Haunting, manic, full of dejection and anguish and horror and destruction -- resonates with our age; superb performance both soloist and orchestra

    • @raindancer751
      @raindancer751 5 місяців тому

      To describe this as "full of dejection and anguish and horror and destruction" - I wonder if you only started listening from around 14m onward? The first half of it before then, seemed quite perky and playful to me.

  • @크라운-e8i
    @크라운-e8i 2 роки тому +16

    최하영 첼리스트의 우승을 진심으로 축하드립니다. 기뻐요.

  • @reartcollective665
    @reartcollective665 Рік тому +4

    Wonderful!! What a great performance! BRAVA!!!!

  • @MarcBoubonis
    @MarcBoubonis 10 місяців тому +3

    It takes some incredible vision to pull this off. Most music has something resembling a melody but here the thread isn’t melody, it has a a constant anxiety that evolves like a kaleidoscope. The cellist and instrument fulfills Lutaslawski’s screaming like the horse in Picasso’s Guernica.

  • @peachcat17
    @peachcat17 Рік тому +11

    이제는 이런 현대음악이라 하는 클래식 곡 전환이 이뤄지는 것 같아 반갑고, 이번에 김태한님 우승 소식에 들으러 왔다가 되려 여기에 압도 되서 한참을 들었네요. 너무 압도적인 곡 선택이었던 것과 같이 열정적인 연주여서 놀랍고, 올해 공연 소식도 들리던데 활동도 응원합니다. 🎉🎉🎉

  • @박은수-k5p
    @박은수-k5p 4 місяці тому +1

    연주자가 갖고있는 음악성은 고전곡보다 현대곡에서 더 극명하게 드러나는것 같습니다. 정말 대단하고 아름다워요.

  • @maligunaguno9026
    @maligunaguno9026 2 роки тому +16

    긴장감 쩐다!! 우승도 축하합니다.

  • @mycorazonfuerte
    @mycorazonfuerte Рік тому +7

    이 난해한 곡을...저정도로...그저 경외심이...
    어떻게 저 긴 곡을 다 외울수 있나..인간이 어찌 저게 가능한가 하는 느낌..

  • @marcellodantedealmeidanune9445
    @marcellodantedealmeidanune9445 7 місяців тому +3

    Não há palavras para exprimir tanta admiração por essa violoncelista e todo o conjunto orquestral, que venceram com muitos méritos as dificuldades técnicas dessa obra prima do grande mestre Lutoslawski!!!! Sem nenhuma dúvida esse Concerto é uma das maiores obras de todos os tempos. Parabéns ao canal por exibí-la.

  • @dariuszz2495
    @dariuszz2495 2 роки тому +47

    It is just amazing! What a profoundly thoughtful performance!!! So mature, so vivid, so mathematically correct :) Lutosławski would appreciate this :)

  • @공성천공성천
    @공성천공성천 2 роки тому +19

    듣기도 어려운데 최하영은 얼마나 많이 연습했을까 축하 🎉

  • @KarolKoechlin
    @KarolKoechlin Рік тому +4

    1:56 - pickup to harmonics
    6:20 - 8:10 - tranquilish passage
    3:37 - 8:51 pizzicato
    14:05 3rd movement?

  • @pablogabrielpizarro8046
    @pablogabrielpizarro8046 9 місяців тому +2

    BRAVOOO Hayoung Choi!!!!!

  • @kh.b2801
    @kh.b2801 Рік тому +3

    Супер виолончелистка! Браво!
    Брр! Музыка как саундтрек к фильму ужасов 😂

  • @decor_art_mignon_lovehouse
    @decor_art_mignon_lovehouse 2 роки тому +10

    감동 그 자체~~~♡-♡

  • @donkeychan491
    @donkeychan491 8 місяців тому +2

    Stunningly good cellist

  • @axelpierrard5729
    @axelpierrard5729 9 місяців тому +2

    Ce Concerto est absolument sublime........

  • @YOU-rl3rx
    @YOU-rl3rx 2 роки тому +6


  • @primadonna82
    @primadonna82 2 роки тому +25

    대단하세요!!! 자랑스러워요!!!

  • @hanajan5339
    @hanajan5339 Рік тому +12

    헐...현대음악이라하면 현대미술같이 좀 추상적이라고 생각했는데, 최화영씨 연주는 마치 영화나 드라마보는 느낌을 주네요. 클래식음악이 아름답긴해도 자주 듣다보니 식상해지는 감이 없잖아 있긴한데, 현대음악을 이리도 잘 해석하고 재밌게 연주해주시다니!!!!!! 클래식음악보다 현대음악을 많이 들려주세요....락공연같은 느낌도 나고 너무 재밌습니다. ^^

  • @jocelynsprouse1325
    @jocelynsprouse1325 Годину тому

    First Prize Winner 2024

  • @nelsongrimaldi3926
    @nelsongrimaldi3926 Рік тому +5

    Her playing and the maggini cello are heavenly

  • @하지현-v2c
    @하지현-v2c 2 роки тому +17

    음악의 문외한인 제게는 생소하고 난해한 곡이라 반복해서 들으며 역사를 찾아 보기도 합니다. 솔직히 좀 기괴하기도 해요🤨🤨
    최하영 첼리스트가 이 곡을 선택한 배경이 궁금합니다🧐🧐🧐 멋진 연주 감사합니다.

  • @user-pq7gz1wu8l
    @user-pq7gz1wu8l 2 роки тому +9

    축하드립다💜눈물나는 연주에요😭🙇🏻‍♀️

  • @jeongyeongong6401
    @jeongyeongong6401 2 роки тому +8

    와우! 얼마나 열정적인지가 여기서도 느껴져요
    활털이 몇번씩이나 끊어졌네요

  • @happinessg1062
    @happinessg1062 2 роки тому +11

    가야금 소리와 비슷한 분위기의 도입부~

  • @persistancep2456
    @persistancep2456 2 роки тому +6

    I'm so proud of the fact that she is Korean. Congrats 👏

  • @sooya0823
    @sooya0823 2 роки тому +9

    超絶技巧 !!!!

  • @kristina-cello6838
    @kristina-cello6838 Рік тому +7

    she's such an angel

  • @수진송-e6e
    @수진송-e6e 2 роки тому +4

    그녀는 아주 아주 아주 아주 아주 아주 아주 잘쳐요.🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉그녀가 그래서 대회를 나간것 갔아요.손길도 빨라요.😂😂😂😅😅😅

  • @유미사랑-b7g
    @유미사랑-b7g Рік тому +1


  • @배병학-u2p
    @배병학-u2p Рік тому +1

    한국인최고,최하영 최고!

  • @pibbles-a-plenty1105
    @pibbles-a-plenty1105 11 днів тому

    Today (Jan 20, 2025), of all days, Lutoslawski's work of an orchestra waging war against a cello is chillingly appropriate. 🤨

  • @75Chopin
    @75Chopin 2 роки тому +21

    Amazing she chose this most uncompromising rarely performed piece for competition! And she won! It would have been less daring if she chose dutilleux instead.

  • @gena4745
    @gena4745 2 роки тому +5


  • @da96103
    @da96103 2 роки тому +12

    20:44 onwards: The orchestra is really upset with the soloist.

    • @izabella1476
      @izabella1476 2 роки тому +3

      is that what the composer intended?

  • @ididntchangedmynumber
    @ididntchangedmynumber Рік тому +2

    첼로 협주곡에 피아노가 있는게 신기하네요😅😅

  • @challesyani7956
    @challesyani7956 2 роки тому +6

    트럼펫 소리 쩐다 ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ

  • @resentimentgohome
    @resentimentgohome 7 місяців тому +1


  • @얌냠튜브
    @얌냠튜브 2 роки тому +3

    와 디진다~ 외계인이다 우아 노력을 얼마나 했을지

  • @zokar
    @zokar Рік тому +2

    난해하다. 듣다가 졸다가 놀래서 깼다. 뭔지 모르겠다. 듣기 힘들다. 솔직히 고문하는 음악같다. 그래도 계속 들어봐야겠다.

  • @thanq3696
    @thanq3696 2 роки тому +10


  • @markchentx
    @markchentx 2 роки тому +21

    She made it a soloist's seduction to the orchestra.

    • @cageynerd
      @cageynerd 2 роки тому +4

      It's the opposite -- she made a convincing battle against the orchestra.

    • @cageynerd
      @cageynerd 2 роки тому +5

      “My aim was to find some justification for employing these two
      contradictory forces: the solo instrument and the orchestra. The
      relationship between these two forces undergoes a change in the
      course of the concerto. There is even a moment of complete
      harmony in the cantilena, but this provides the opportunity for the
      most violent of the interventions, this time from the whole brass
      section.” -- Lutoslawski

    • @markchentx
      @markchentx 2 роки тому +7

      My impression from performance by Rostropovich, Paul Watkin and a couple other cellists were in line with Lutoslawski you quoted here. But her interpretation and playing style were different. That's why I said she "made it" that way. She brought something new to the table and won!

    • @수진송-e6e
      @수진송-e6e 2 роки тому

      소리 지독해

  • @masonma3041
    @masonma3041 2 роки тому +5

    무심코 보는 데, 뒤로가기를 못누르겠네;;;;...

  • @수진송-e6e
    @수진송-e6e 2 роки тому

    음악이 빨라

  • @서재호-z2e
    @서재호-z2e 2 роки тому +11

    수제비를 쌈장에 발라 튀겨내는 경지네요...답이 없다.ㅠㅠㅠ

    • @mjkim5482
      @mjkim5482 2 роки тому +4

      ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 신박한 표현이네요

  • @johanrojas3034
    @johanrojas3034 2 роки тому +5


  • @jinwookim343
    @jinwookim343 2 роки тому +11

    오케스트라가 못 따라갈정도의 실력이군요.. 대단합니다 !

  • @User11726
    @User11726 2 роки тому +9

    초반 트럼펫소리가 먼가 불협화음같고...첼로소리는 왠지 중간중간 가야금소리도 나는것 같고...바이올린은 활을 안잡고 손가락으로 팅기고, 먼가 난해한것 같기도 하고

  • @zamfully
    @zamfully 2 роки тому +13

    Phenomenal cellist and phenomenally ugly piece

  • @hlim431
    @hlim431 2 роки тому +5

    I think Ms Choi ALREADY won before the finals --- for me Lutoslwski is thankfully NOT "standard repertoire" give me Peteris Vasks concerto #2 ANYDAY there is ZERO substitute for tune & melody power & music needs to appeal to listeners & give them something worthwhile to listen to! Otherwise Classical Music is lost...

    • @MargaretUK
      @MargaretUK Рік тому +1

      I couldn't agree more 👍

    • @JesseMN1980
      @JesseMN1980 Рік тому

      It appeals to me much more then the Vasks concerto. I like the Vask but it hasn't the qualities of this work. It's such a powerful composition.
      I have to admit i am a huge fan of Lutoslawski...

    • @richardandaya3932
      @richardandaya3932 5 місяців тому

      The Lutoslawski is unquestionably a masterpiece.
      Hence the many recordings.
      I would give it another chance if I were you.

  • @michalinakrakus9488
    @michalinakrakus9488 Рік тому +2

    This sounds like intrusive thought

  • @cageynerd
    @cageynerd 2 роки тому +7

    I would say this is a bunch of noise. And it is true, this piece is a bunch of noise. But this bunch of noise had not been performed but for 1 time MAYBE by this cellist before -- her ability to execute this noise and in a convincing way made her deserve first prize. She took a risk and it paid off -- the entrepreneurship for such a competition really is everything we could ask for aside from the excruciating preparation. If you know nothing about indeterminacy or aleatoricism -- do not comment. You just look stupid.

    • @paulfreeman4900
      @paulfreeman4900 2 роки тому +1

      So go away and listen to Classic FM. You will not be missed

    • @cageynerd
      @cageynerd 2 роки тому +3

      @@paulfreeman4900 Uhh, you know nothing about music history then. Lutoslawski would term this a bunch of noise as well -- that's the art of his epoche.

    • @paulfreeman4900
      @paulfreeman4900 2 роки тому +1

      @@cageynerd I've had enough of you. Go away and listen to Classic FM. You will not be missed. Leave real music ro the educated.

    • @zgart
      @zgart Рік тому +4

      Actually the lutoslawski has been performed at competitions a decent amount before

    • @richardandaya3932
      @richardandaya3932 5 місяців тому

      The Lutoslawski Concerto is a masterpiece.
      You need to listen to more diverse music I think.
      The language is unique and masterful.

  • @NativeBakJaesaram0001
    @NativeBakJaesaram0001 Рік тому +1

    나이는 숫자에 불과하다

  • @FindAReason-mi7go
    @FindAReason-mi7go 11 днів тому

    Like indidental music for a horror movie.

  • @FindAReason-mi7go
    @FindAReason-mi7go 11 днів тому

    Modernist garbage.i like lRomanticism and mediaeval dance.

  • @farfranfar89
    @farfranfar89 Рік тому


  • @serafin1719
    @serafin1719 2 роки тому +1

    She seems very nice and is a good cellist. Nevertheless she seems too weak at certain parts and not rapid enough. She was definitely not the best cellist in this competition.. still one wishes her well, she appears to be a very sweet and kind person, so all good to her! And partly her interpretations were amazing!!

    • @MegaSoyP
      @MegaSoyP Рік тому +3

      What's your point?

    • @serafin1719
      @serafin1719 Рік тому +2

      And what’s yours?

    • @serafin1719
      @serafin1719 Рік тому

      @@mdlg-nx6jp I know the piece well enough. Do you know, that almost everytime this piece gets played in a final the musician won? Paulo, Geneva, Queen Elizabeth… do you know why? Because problems like vibrato or creating touching moments can be avoided by playing rather abstract music. I love Lutoslawski, especially this Concerto, but the reason, why she choose this piece is obvious. It was allowed and she took advantage. Check her program again and look for pieces of the romantic period. She plays great and there is no question about it, but to cellists, that are rather high level, it was a surprise, that she took the First Prize.

    • @serafin1719
      @serafin1719 Рік тому

      @@mdlg-nx6jp I appreciate your detailed explanation. I also do think her Lutoslawski is very good. However you see yourself that her choice of program is obviously avoiding the romantic era. Britten is later than romantic and Paganini focuses rather on fast playing and double-stops. Not only Petar made some mistakes in Boccherini, she had memory problems and also an unfortunate slip. It’s also not only the last round, that counts choosing a first prize. I also know jury members that are very unhappy sometimes about the first prize winner. Kits was great in all rounds. Niederhauser had such a great final round. Maybe Fliedl was the most interesting and has such a great technique and control over his cello besides his maturity in music. Although he might be too special and he choose the wrong concerto in the final, because Schumann is up to taste. Some like it classical and some romantic-style. So there will be always people, that don’t like his dramatic interpretation. Neither of them avoided romantic repertoire and they showed diversity with their programm. Choi‘s limited herself with having repertoire of the same era. Janacek, and Ysaye in the first round (not really changeable), but then Penderecki, Britten, Lutoslawski and the commissioned piece. All people that even knew themselves. Her recital was mostly post modern. And although Paganini is romantic period it is clear that she couldn’t show big melodic lines such as in Brahms or in any of those pieces. Again she is a good cellist, but unfortunately in a competition you need to be measured brutally and your technical flaws are talked about and people will be always unhappy no matter who wins.

    • @serafin1719
      @serafin1719 Рік тому +1

      @@mdlg-nx6jp Her slip occurred at around minute 2 in Boccherini. Probably she was unsure of the text, but one can feel, that she was very nervous about this piece in general. I also heard that Fliedls a-string was not very good. Hayoungs Bergonzi is very different and extremely projecting almost like a trumpet. I’m sure the regular public likes her a lot as I do. But in a competition, it’s also about the Olympic challenge. Technique, sound, being in total control and of course being able to make impeccable music at the same time. For me in comparison she lacked diversity. Every musician knows it’s easier to play modern music, because creating special effects is easier, than playing long beautiful lines. Her clever choice of repertoire helped and she would be the only competitor in the world, if she wanted to break rules and play contemporary pieces to be daring. Everybody wants to win and chooses pieces according to what’s best for them to present. In this case, I was a little surprised, that her program was rather one-sided. Boccherini being an exception, which she didn’t really deliver. Haydn was great and she played this piece already a million times so it was no question. In my not so important opinion, if somebody can not include the big romantic repertoire in three rounds, they failed to show the whole range as a performer. I also heard her Rachmaninoff and it was very nice sounding and I was very excited for her. Now she has a lot of concerts and will develop very quickly!