Wrong. That false preacher is a D.I.E. bishop. People aren't doing it on purpose. But call it for what it really is. D.I.E. DEI means God/Deity and people are unintentionally mocking god, calling this insanity "DEI" All people have to do, is switch two letters and you've taken the lefts ability to make you mock god, and you throw their insanity right back into their faces.
@@MikaiGamer1286 Matthew 5:17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. Christ did not void the laws nor the commandments of God his father. They still apply and we should all strive to do right, Christ saves us frrom our inevitable failings in one format or another. Whilst we are to do our best to live righteous lives, we will find the Glory of God even flawed and inadequate through Christs salvation, he makes us clean. She is making no offense.
@@xion1305 I was raised in the faith sorry to tell you but she is fake especially being a hypocrite as she is in the gaming scene she wants to be holier then thou then she better show it herself rather than saying things without following her own words.
Is she just a Pastor, or an actual Priest or some sort of an official in an actual church? Cuz this lady looks like a typical Lesbi@n, and is espousing stuff that is absolutely wrong. EDIT: Wow, apparently she's a Bishop who wears some sort of rainbow colored outfit. That has to be the worst church ever. What a laughable house of Worship that is.
She's better and more righteous of a woman than Melonie who's just a GRIFTER KVISTLING moneygrubbing WHORSE who would spit on the face of Christ if it gave her more male attention. And she did JUST that not 5 years ago.
That lady better be asking for mercy from our Lord because not only she isn't supposed to speak at the podium but is advocating for abominations as well. She really needs to repent. Also no one need to fear over Trump. I wish people would actually focus on Jesus and not the people of the world.
Seriously. The president cant really do that much on their own. Its just the most flashy position in our government but we literally have three branches. There is nothing to fear other than the corruption that's already been there. Which we've survived this long with, so like, dont worry so much, you know?
I asked for her. I encourage you to, as well. Our brothers and sisters are being led into a meat grinder, because of people like this. Pray that the Lord checks her before he wrecks her.
That’s according to your religion. You see we have this pesky thing called the first amendment that gives people who are not you freedom to practice theirs, even if you do not like it.
Trump already did his thing for 4 years while he was sabotaged from every direction, and he still outperformed Obama and Biden. As a european, I am horrified by what the US has become. When we were kids, we looked up to the US, now we look away. No offense to americans, but life in Europe is so much better (except if you are filthy rich, then you can bend the laws in the US). I hope you guys fix your country. With Trump and Musk you might have a shot.
@@luispalomo-sh9rh Nah, that’s stupidity. Unlike Catholics, we protestants believe in the bible, the Word of God alone. Not in made up saints like catholics.
It’s not a church it’s been infiltrated by Marxists Just like the commies wakes us wanted Look at the Vatican The pope Hess a leftist Marxist communist Everything he says it’s like ur listening to the un or wef The democrat party
2 Timothy 4:3-4 NLT [3] For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. [4] They will reject the truth and chase after myths.
We need to start putting all of that "They're afraid" nonsense back on them. Who told these kids that when we disagree with their beliefs we literally hate them? Oh that's right, the pro-trans advocates *themselves* are telling children that. So if anyone is to blame for the depression or alleged increase in suicidality trans-identifying people have, it's them, not us.
Good point, the hateful propaganda to isolate the people they're targeting so they join the cult and then do permanent damage to their bodies because of it so they can't back out is extremely vile and should be spotlighted by everyone opposing their evil
10:30 Though the demons inside people may go into a frenzy and start saying vile things against you when you mention Jesus, plenty of other people are here to stand with you, Melonie. And you're right: It's not so much _you_ that's the problem... it's _Who_ you're proclaiming. They hate Jesus. But one of the most loving things we can do as believers is to call out and rebuke sin. People need to know they're sick with the disease of sin and sin corrupts, erodes and leads to destruction. But Jesus, the Great Physician, can wash away their sins and transform them into a new creation 💙
This woman marched with BLM, has spoken at multiple anti-Trump rallies, and after this, immediately went on a news cycle tour, including going on the View. Who failed at vetting her?
I listened to this as it was going on and could not believe it. I understand why she said what she said, but it was not the time or place. All it did was stoke tension and derision. Instead of unity, it turned into a lecture, instead of asking for peace, it was an "us versus them" sentiment, grandstanding is all I could think of to describe it.
People wonder why there's declining attendance in church in this country. Jesus is outside knocking begging to be let in and this bishop has locked him out. LEAVE SECULAR MATTERS OUT OF CHURCH!
Most importantly why was this "pastor" allowed to speak in the first place when she has a history going back years of bashing Trump. It's hard to believe that Trump wasn't already aware of this.
Thank you for being so inspiring! I haven’t read my Bible in about 2 yrs but hearing you talk about reading the Bible is making me want to go back and read my Bible! Thanks!
Women cannot be Men and Women cannot be Bishops'. America is under construction until further notice--J.D.'s face is super funny though--StayGroovy beautiful people.
To be fair, she's an Episcopalian which almost isn't a real church anyway....plus when Paul said women should be silent in the church he was talking about this woman SPECIFICALLY....
The Bible is one of the most relevant books of all time despite being 2000 years old. So yes it matters now. Just say you don't understand what Paul meant @@Markunator
This is why I watch your content Melonie. Don’t worry about the gooners trying to detract you of your religious beliefs about sexual perversion in video games, stay true to your convictions and continue to walk with Jesus. Don’t stop doing what you’re doing, keep going!
I don't think that woman in that video is neither " Christian " nor a qualified " pastor or bishop " according to 1 Timothy to Titus the ministry books of the Bible she isn't.
I really think people should learn the difference between the ancient churches and other denominations. It's disheartening to see so many self described Christians not understand the difference between Catholic and Episcopal.
As far as Trump's faith, I know he's always been Christian but I do believe getting shot was a wake up call for him and that made him want to be closer to God so he's been trying harder to be close to God since then. I imagine that will make him even better in his second term because I believe he will ask God for guidance in how to lead the country for the next four years.
"Trump is a baby Christian" I want that in a news headline lol. Much better than "Here's How Trump is Literally H!tler" being brought up again by the woke mob.
At around 6:45 it's so mask off. That "preacher" isn't a follower of Jesus, how could she be. "Nobody comes to the father except through me." Melonie translating Melania's sass is so fun. Love it. Oh, did you get an email about the Tomb Raider Switch thing shipping? I did :)
That insane female Bishop did accomplish one thing and that was getting some people to pray for her soul. Me included. All I could think of was the Lord from the cross saying... "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." She is truly ignorant and doing more harm with the best of intentions. Sad.
Timothy 2:12 I allow no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to remain in quietness and keep silence [in religious assemblies]. She is not a bishop. That goes directly against God's wishes.
"Many will say to me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?' "And then I will profess unto them, 'I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity'. Matt 7:22-23 KJV
@@nathanielbables8652and certain dioceses of anglicanism, congregational baptists, particular baptists, Presbyterians, independent baptists, non denominational churches, some Pentecostals, etc. But besides that, the command is that women are not to lead the people of God in a pastoral position. It does not matter who does or does not practice it
What's funny is, she didn't even have the respect to mention the victims of migrants crime. Like why not say, What happened to laken Riley is so tragic, AND there are many good immigrants blah blah. Nah, because it is all about HER. Her moment. Her 5 minutes. Probably already shopping book deals.
She kept saying our God, my God, what God does she worship? It's not the one of the Bible because she's doing the opposite of everything. That it says to do in the Bible.
As a gay man she even made me cringe tf, i might not agree with religion but i still respect religious people's views and some of my close friends believe in god and she had no right to preach her views in a church of all places, and bringing up gay/trans kids...like please thats just parents pushing there views on kids, kids shouldn't even be thinking any of that
I saw this video. President Trump is pissed😡 and shocked. He knows what’s happening. He doesn’t want to be lectured about it. She went to the view and some other tv shows. She looked like an idiot.
The Bible says judge not. We need to advocate love and compassion. We are all sinners and God doesn't rate sin. Jesus won souls through love not legislation. We need empathy not paranoid hate.
@MelonieMacGoBoom Do not judge, or you too will be judged" in Matthew 7:1. We must judge the sin not the sinner. For every soul is a child of God and thus a brother and sister to us. We need to embrace them with compassion and understanding. We must show through our love why their choices are sinful. For when we go to the Gates of Heaven we must be held accountable for the judgments we've had on people. And since none of us are God and do not have the right to condemn others then maybe we should have more open hearts.
12.9 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.12.10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;12.11 Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;12.12 Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;12.21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.12.20 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.12.19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.12.18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.12.17 Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.12.16 Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.12.15 Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.12.14 Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.12.13 Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality. 12.15 Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.12.16 Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.12.17 Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.12.18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.12.19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.12.20 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.12.21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans. God is truth God is love. God wants us to hate the concept of evil but to cling on to good. To Love Thy Neighbor even if they are an enemy we shall feed them. We don't make fun of them we don't hate them because God is not hate. Every person on this Earth is a child of God we have to keep him in our hearts to rise above the hate
Just saw you on Asmongold video. Checked your YT page, saw the title of this video and instantly subbed. I'm not a Bible thumper by any means but I do know that it specifically says abomination regarding what the so-called "bishop" was talking about. That is the first word that came to my mind while listening to her "sermon".
A person of religious authority using the pulpit to directly address ppl in the audience is an abuse of church authority in any delineation I know. The church is full of sinners; you do not address them like that.
God tells us “Don’t be of the world”, this is the most secular thing that bishop could muster… She’s not speaking in tongues for God, she’s speaking in tongues for the democrat party
I truly love you sister, you're the real deal. Keep fighting the good fight, don't let the haters get you down. God will lay low those who oppose you for your faith in him and his son.
A clear example of a DEI bishop
This is why men have left the church.
@@uslegend24Suppose. This is just blasphemy
Wrong. That false preacher is a D.I.E. bishop. People aren't doing it on purpose. But call it for what it really is. D.I.E. DEI means God/Deity and people are unintentionally mocking god, calling this insanity "DEI" All people have to do, is switch two letters and you've taken the lefts ability to make you mock god, and you throw their insanity right back into their faces.
walk outside in the Sun.
Satanic dei Bishop should be scared.
If the bishop were a true believer in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ she wouldn’t be promoting sin.
neither would Melonie but she focuses mainly on the old testament and is a hipocryte herself so eh
@@MikaiGamer1286 Matthew 5:17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
Christ did not void the laws nor the commandments of God his father. They still apply and we should all strive to do right, Christ saves us frrom our inevitable failings in one format or another.
Whilst we are to do our best to live righteous lives, we will find the Glory of God even flawed and inadequate through Christs salvation, he makes us clean.
She is making no offense.
@@MikaiGamer1286 we're all hypocrites, dork. Are you claiming to be some angel?
@@xion1305 I was raised in the faith sorry to tell you but she is fake especially being a hypocrite as she is in the gaming scene she wants to be holier then thou then she better show it herself rather than saying things without following her own words.
@@MikaiGamer1286 whats an example
She’s not a bishop she’s an activist
Is she just a Pastor, or an actual Priest or some sort of an official in an actual church? Cuz this lady looks like a typical Lesbi@n, and is espousing stuff that is absolutely wrong.
EDIT: Wow, apparently she's a Bishop who wears some sort of rainbow colored outfit. That has to be the worst church ever. What a laughable house of Worship that is.
We all know that they love to infiltrate everything
She's one of the sxtanists planted by Soros Deep State to infiltrate churches
If you are talking about Melonie Mac. You are very right.
She's better and more righteous of a woman than Melonie who's just a GRIFTER KVISTLING moneygrubbing WHORSE who would spit on the face of Christ if it gave her more male attention. And she did JUST that not 5 years ago.
This is not a bishop, this is blasphemous
well its the episcopal church they're already de facto schismatic heretics, and this is their fruit.
Heretic. Suffer them not ...
So is the whole Roman Catholic church
Read Revelation Chapter 17 this will show you who the Roman Catholic church and they're not of Christ
She is yours, Protestant Episcopal "bishop"
Trump had that “You are so fired” look on his face.
Trump : ( looks to the right ) Who is responsible for this shit!? YOU'RE FIRED!
LOL Shes fired BIGLY 😂 😂
I LOVED Melania's Icy stare, spoke louder than words.
@xion1305 I thought she was trying to blow her head up, like scanners 😂 that stare is awesome though. Scares me and turns me on in equal measure 😂
Talk about using the Lord's name in vain in a nutshell.
Blaspheme against the Holy Spirit is the only unforgivable sin. I fear for her soul.
@@johndurham6172she will burn in hell. I am sure
And his name is????
@@johndurham6172it's all made up, don't worry about it 😉
Melonie uses the name of the Lord as her chokers, just a FASION accessory to obtain male attention.
JD Vance’s face had me laughing HARD!!!
Me too lol
JD Vance gave that look, "really? This is what you're doing?"
Looked like he was about to get up and do something but I think he wife held him back🤣😂😅..
You can't see the Second Lady's face or the rest of the clan behind them. Their faces are great to watch.
Same 🤭
That lady better be asking for mercy from our Lord because not only she isn't supposed to speak at the podium but is advocating for abominations as well. She really needs to repent. Also no one need to fear over Trump. I wish people would actually focus on Jesus and not the people of the world.
Seriously. The president cant really do that much on their own. Its just the most flashy position in our government but we literally have three branches.
There is nothing to fear other than the corruption that's already been there. Which we've survived this long with, so like, dont worry so much, you know?
And yet Jesus Christ is in the midst of the people of the world. He suffers in them.
I asked for her. I encourage you to, as well.
Our brothers and sisters are being led into a meat grinder, because of people like this.
Pray that the Lord checks her before he wrecks her.
That’s according to your religion. You see we have this pesky thing called the first amendment that gives people who are not you freedom to practice theirs, even if you do not like it.
Trump already did his thing for 4 years while he was sabotaged from every direction, and he still outperformed Obama and Biden.
As a european, I am horrified by what the US has become.
When we were kids, we looked up to the US, now we look away.
No offense to americans, but life in Europe is so much better (except if you are filthy rich, then you can bend the laws in the US).
I hope you guys fix your country. With Trump and Musk you might have a shot.
Wolves in sheep's clothing.
Anyone can wear a bishop costume for halloween.
She needs to be removed from her station. SHE. DOES. NOT. BELONG. THERE.
It's the Episcopal Church; this is what they've become. Most of the others aren't far behind.
@@GordonRunklePhotothen they are on a path that will lead them straight to hell
I love that the Left's argument against mass deportation is "no you can't deport my slave class!"
Yeah, they always say that. And it is so funny how they out themselves.
"Who's gonna clean my toilets?"
How can a woman be a Bishop?
Thats protestantism for you.
Nah, that’s stupidity.
Unlike Catholics, we protestants believe in the bible, the Word of God alone. Not in made up saints like catholics.
They can't.
it's the present where freedom rings
It's the episcopal church which is protestant, they're already schismatic heretics, and this is their fruit.
He should have walked out.
THIS! that would've been hilarious!
Trump will not turn his back on that Jezebel; he has had Satan try and kill him. He and family are on a “Mission from God.”
Blasphemy doesn't even come close to describe that so-called sermon. What a disgrace!
Abusing religion for activism. Absoluut disgrace
@@axelhens7831y'all took Bible's teachings and just twist it the way you want to fit your narratives and you act like you're in a cult 🤷🏽
Vergüenza TRUMP no conoce la vergüenza
That Vance eye turn happened faster than I thought.
She's just a cosplayer
Even cosplayers have more effort and passion than her!
She’s like the communist infiltrators McCarthy railed against. I don’t like his methods but he was right about the threat.
Textbook definition of Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Susan from the parish council girlbossed too close to the sun.
Love you Melonie. So glad our country is back!!! MAGA for life!
She got Trump praying real quick... "God give me strength"...lol
Why no one who goes there regularly didn't stand up and rebuke the demon shows how much that "church" has fallen.
Would've been legendary if someone had.
it's a protestant church it was fallen since 1517
And that's called the mystery of lawlessness.
It’s not a church it’s been infiltrated by Marxists
Just like the commies wakes us wanted
Look at the Vatican
The pope
Hess a leftist Marxist communist
Everything he says it’s like ur listening to the un or wef
The democrat party
Congregation waiting patiently for donated flavoraid to lace it with a poison.
That was a Parody of a Church Service.
Satan will use many to deceive the righteous.
Melonie is such a deceiver
The meltdowns have been legendary.
Like the one in this video?
2 Timothy 4:3-4 NLT
[3] For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. [4] They will reject the truth and chase after myths.
This... This sums the whole thing up perfectly...☝️
We need to start putting all of that "They're afraid" nonsense back on them. Who told these kids that when we disagree with their beliefs we literally hate them? Oh that's right, the pro-trans advocates *themselves* are telling children that. So if anyone is to blame for the depression or alleged increase in suicidality trans-identifying people have, it's them, not us.
Good point, the hateful propaganda to isolate the people they're targeting so they join the cult and then do permanent damage to their bodies because of it so they can't back out is extremely vile and should be spotlighted by everyone opposing their evil
Are you dense??? This bitch just literally called them abominations in her own video, like wtf are you talking about??? 🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽
THANK YOU for calling out that she shouldn't even BE a pastor. That was honestly the first thing I thought before I even heard what she had to say.
As someone pointed out in a different video this is not prayer. Prayers are to God and God alone. This is an activist lecture.
Evil woman. Thanks for being the voice of reason Mel!
That Bishop dude is confused
I bet she can't even move diagonally.
😂 checkmate
Bischop thinks she's a queen 😂😂😂
She’s a pawn of Satan.
10:30 Though the demons inside people may go into a frenzy and start saying vile things against you when you mention Jesus, plenty of other people are here to stand with you, Melonie.
And you're right: It's not so much _you_ that's the problem... it's _Who_ you're proclaiming. They hate Jesus. But one of the most loving things we can do as believers is to call out and rebuke sin. People need to know they're sick with the disease of sin and sin corrupts, erodes and leads to destruction. But Jesus, the Great Physician, can wash away their sins and transform them into a new creation 💙
Thank you so much 🙏🏼
@@MelonieMacGoBoom I'm always here for ya :) 💯🙌
Amen! So well said!
This woman marched with BLM, has spoken at multiple anti-Trump rallies, and after this, immediately went on a news cycle tour, including going on the View. Who failed at vetting her?
I listened to this as it was going on and could not believe it. I understand why she said what she said, but it was not the time or place. All it did was stoke tension and derision. Instead of unity, it turned into a lecture, instead of asking for peace, it was an "us versus them" sentiment, grandstanding is all I could think of to describe it.
I don’t understand why she said what she said.
People wonder why there's declining attendance in church in this country. Jesus is outside knocking begging to be let in and this bishop has locked him out. LEAVE SECULAR MATTERS OUT OF CHURCH!
Most importantly why was this "pastor" allowed to speak in the first place when she has a history going back years of bashing Trump. It's hard to believe that Trump wasn't already aware of this.
Because they're evil and it's planned by a congressional committee.
Forgiveness maybe
Vance also used to be a never-trump
Amy Klobuchar is in charge of all of the inauguration events, including this one.
That's not a bishop, that's Baphomet
Thank you for being so inspiring!
I haven’t read my Bible in about 2 yrs but hearing you talk about reading the Bible is making me want to go back and read my Bible!
You got this! 😊
She 100% abused her platform.
No woman should hold this position.
This is what happens.
False doctrine teaching 🎉
Women cannot be Men and Women cannot be Bishops'. America is under construction until further notice--J.D.'s face is super funny though--StayGroovy beautiful people.
To be fair, she's an Episcopalian which almost isn't a real church anyway....plus when Paul said women should be silent in the church he was talking about this woman SPECIFICALLY....
He said that 2,000 years ago; nobody gives a shit anymore.
The Bible is one of the most relevant books of all time despite being 2000 years old. So yes it matters now. Just say you don't understand what Paul meant @@Markunator
@@Markunator Christian denominations that aren't liberal absolutely do. Women aren't allowed to be pastors or priests.
This is why I watch your content Melonie. Don’t worry about the gooners trying to detract you of your religious beliefs about sexual perversion in video games, stay true to your convictions and continue to walk with Jesus.
Don’t stop doing what you’re doing, keep going!
You are badmouthing a preacher because scantly clad e-girl IN HER 40'S told you to. Brother REPENT.
Where in my comment did I bad mouth a preacher?
That thing around her neck isn't a cross, it's an ankh. Word of the day: Bishop. "Who does that Bishop there think she's talking to?"
I don't think that woman in that video is neither " Christian " nor a qualified " pastor or bishop " according to 1 Timothy to Titus the ministry books of the Bible she isn't.
She's 100 times the believer Melonie is. She's a shamewless grifter shaking her a$$ and Bible for male attention.
Hope she gets fired
I really think people should learn the difference between the ancient churches and other denominations. It's disheartening to see so many self described Christians not understand the difference between Catholic and Episcopal.
Which is why Orthodoxy is Based.
Vance is thinking "are you fuckin' serious?" While the "the only thing they fear is you" music playing in his head.
Melanias face 😂 7:20. Didn't even notice
As far as Trump's faith, I know he's always been Christian but I do believe getting shot was a wake up call for him and that made him want to be closer to God so he's been trying harder to be close to God since then. I imagine that will make him even better in his second term because I believe he will ask God for guidance in how to lead the country for the next four years.
I'd have put "female" in quotes for the title too
Amen sister 🙌✝️👑 !!
Look at Trumps face. That says it all.
"Trump is a baby Christian"
I want that in a news headline lol.
Much better than "Here's How Trump is Literally H!tler" being brought up again by the woke mob.
At around 6:45 it's so mask off. That "preacher" isn't a follower of Jesus, how could she be. "Nobody comes to the father except through me."
Melonie translating Melania's sass is so fun. Love it.
Oh, did you get an email about the Tomb Raider Switch thing shipping? I did :)
Yesss can't wait to get the delivery! 😁
I got scorned for using the word abomination in this context 😂 All the best with this one Mel. 🎉
Were there any repercussions for the "pastor" doing this? I can't imagine that this would be considered acceptable.
The catholic church has fallen sadly. She'll be praised not rebuked.
In some Churches ⛪️ it is. Look what's going on in the Methodist Church right now.
@@xion1305 She's Not Catholic Genius, She's Episcopalian.
@@xion1305 bro that wasn't a Catholic bishop, it was the episcopal church which is protestant.
why? 90% of protestants believe and prescribe to the woke satanic agenda.
Now that’s a damn good show . Hit the nail on the head.
That insane female Bishop did accomplish one thing and that was getting some people to pray for her soul. Me included. All I could think of was the Lord from the cross saying... "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." She is truly ignorant and doing more harm with the best of intentions. Sad.
She lost any credibility in 2 sentences.
I pray to the Lord Jesus to open her eyes so that she repents and truly gets to be saved
Amen, i love this. We need to pray for her🙏🏼
@ she’s misleading many people that congregate at that church, so that they may also find a real Christ centered church
LOL LMAO Karen bishop gonna Karen.
Thank you for covering this MM. It’ll be interesting to see Trump’s comments on this issue. 👍❤️
Edit: Trumps comments were spot on.
Time to find a new church
Women should not be bishops - woke or not. (I am a woman) just as a footnote
Timothy 2:12
I allow no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to remain in quietness and keep silence [in religious assemblies].
She is not a bishop. That goes directly against God's wishes.
I agree with Trump! It was very boring. The way she talks alone makes me sleepy 😭
"You can just say Mexicans..." 😂
Hahahah! She was this close to saying "the people who clean our toilets"
You should've saw Jds wife expression she kept rolling her eyes at everything she said it was funny
"Many will say to me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?' "And then I will profess unto them, 'I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity'. Matt 7:22-23 KJV
This "Lady" has a son that works for Barry sortoro, so there's that.
You mean caricature. Or better yet, creature...
Barry Sortoro ????
Has a son & is lesbian. Loads of lies & deceite on her path
@nathanielbables8652 Obama's real name
Religion is not suppost to be in politics. Church is suppost to speak the word of god not the word of a political idealogy
you are amazing. keep up the good work Melonie🙏🕊️
We cannot be the savior of the world. That’s what these weirdos want, and it’s just not feasible.
I'm an old fashioned grandma, i agree with you completely!
I love how you mentioned the US will not succeed without being a Christian nation. Very true.
WHY there's a woman "bishop" in first place? Didn't Paul said something about not allowing women to teach but to learn in silence?
The only denominations that still practice that I think are catholics and orthodox.
@@nathanielbables8652and certain dioceses of anglicanism, congregational baptists, particular baptists, Presbyterians, independent baptists, non denominational churches, some Pentecostals, etc.
But besides that, the command is that women are not to lead the people of God in a pastoral position. It does not matter who does or does not practice it
@@nathanielbables8652so the only real religions (christianity wise).
If you don't follow the bible in your religion you have no religion but a farce.
You're saying this while watching a woman on youtube you freaking hypocrite
@ is she in a pastoral position, as the comment above you specified, you dense MF? Go back to Hypnotic and the rest of your porn-addicted cumbrains.
What's funny is, she didn't even have the respect to mention the victims of migrants crime. Like why not say, What happened to laken Riley is so tragic, AND there are many good immigrants blah blah.
Nah, because it is all about HER. Her moment. Her 5 minutes. Probably already shopping book deals.
She kept saying our God, my God, what God does she worship? It's not the one of the Bible because she's doing the opposite of everything. That it says to do in the Bible.
As a gay man she even made me cringe tf, i might not agree with religion but i still respect religious people's views and some of my close friends believe in god and she had no right to preach her views in a church of all places, and bringing up gay/trans kids...like please thats just parents pushing there views on kids, kids shouldn't even be thinking any of that
I pray that you repent and come to know Christ
@@ScribeAlicious Am good, thanks
Melonie is based!
A 40 year old childless whorse who praised LGBTQ+ not 5 YEARS ago and dresses like a gutterslag sluut is based? Brother REPENT for you LUST
No meloni is a grifter.
I saw this video. President Trump is pissed😡 and shocked. He knows what’s happening. He doesn’t want to be lectured about it. She went to the view and some other tv shows. She looked like an idiot.
Black gossip picked it up too. Gave her the ButchBtchBishop nickname 😂
She isn’t a shepherd, she is a wolf in sheep’s clothing
Speaking facts❤️🩹☦️
I freaking love your passion! You rock!
This person shouldn't lecture anyone .
Since when do churches do DEI hiring?
The Bible says judge not. We need to advocate love and compassion. We are all sinners and God doesn't rate sin. Jesus won souls through love not legislation. We need empathy not paranoid hate.
That passage says to judge righteously and not hypocritically, not to not judge at all. Try actually reading it.
@MelonieMacGoBoom Do not judge, or you too will be judged" in Matthew 7:1. We must judge the sin not the sinner. For every soul is a child of God and thus a brother and sister to us. We need to embrace them with compassion and understanding. We must show through our love why their choices are sinful. For when we go to the Gates of Heaven we must be held accountable for the judgments we've had on people. And since none of us are God and do not have the right to condemn others then maybe we should have more open hearts.
12.9 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.12.10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;12.11 Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;12.12 Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;12.21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.12.20 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.12.19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.12.18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.12.17 Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.12.16 Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.12.15 Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.12.14 Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.12.13 Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality. 12.15 Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.12.16 Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.12.17 Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.12.18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.12.19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.12.20 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.12.21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans. God is truth God is love. God wants us to hate the concept of evil but to cling on to good. To Love Thy Neighbor even if they are an enemy we shall feed them. We don't make fun of them we don't hate them because God is not hate. Every person on this Earth is a child of God we have to keep him in our hearts to rise above the hate
@@vingrier87 Yes let's embrace heretics and become one of them.
Beware of false prophets that preach falsehoods in my name for they are wolves in sheep’s clothing
Bless you!!
I really appreciate how articulate you are in voicing your point of view respectfully while also making it very clear.
This is the most heretical and disgusting thing I’ve seen in a long time.
God bless you Melony for speaking truth with grace.
Just saw you on Asmongold video. Checked your YT page, saw the title of this video and instantly subbed. I'm not a Bible thumper by any means but I do know that it specifically says abomination regarding what the so-called "bishop" was talking about. That is the first word that came to my mind while listening to her "sermon".
God bless you, thank you 😊
Bible thumping is Based though. Especially Proverbs.
A person of religious authority using the pulpit to directly address ppl in the audience is an abuse of church authority in any delineation I know. The church is full of sinners; you do not address them like that.
God tells us “Don’t be of the world”, this is the most secular thing that bishop could muster… She’s not speaking in tongues for God, she’s speaking in tongues for the democrat party
I hope Trump has been or does get baptized soon 🙏🏻 Mark 16:16
I truly love you sister, you're the real deal. Keep fighting the good fight, don't let the haters get you down. God will lay low those who oppose you for your faith in him and his son.
Thank you so much. Much love, God bless 🙏🏼
@@MelonieMacGoBoom may God bless and look after you as well sister. †
Saw the activist playing preacher & thought; let's check mel 😁