That's how it works with limo drivers and strip clubs in vegas. You can get a free limo ride to a strip club no problem. Getting them to take you back to the hotel after they've already made their money from the club kickback can be a nightmare depending on the limo service.
Cab drivers often get payed 'cockmoney' ('Schwanzgeld' in german). It means, the cab driver gets a certain amount of money from the brothel, if he brings in customers. Maybe that's also why he recomended going to another place.
@@harryheart6018 Don't think Americans even care about paying more money bc they don't have Red Light District in their country...They are just happy to try it legally. It's similar to paying high prices for weed when it first became legal...everyone was just so excited to walk into store and buy it legally
Michael Paul ~~~ Atleast us “typical American marks” can afford to get ripped off . Maybe if we were broke like you we’d be more careful with our money haha
Tom and Christina you exposed Josh Potter to the world so much, and i just wanna thank you. Love him and would love to go see him. His shamelessness is right down my alley. Thanks Jeans
I get the sentiment honestly. I got ripped on in a strip club in Vegas the first time I ever got drunk because the girls kept coming up and asking if I wanted a private dance in the back and I wound up paying for four trips to those back rooms because I was worried the girls would feel insulted if I turned them down 🤣
@@volcryndarkstar bro almost the exact same thing happened to me on my 21st birthday lmao I felt so bad turning them down lmao so needless to say I was pissed at myself the next morning after looking at my bank account balance. Vegas baby lol 😂😩
@@someguy8049 That sucks man. At least you didn't fuck up like I did and lose your virginity in there. I wish I would've waited for someone I cared about.
As I already said under the podcast video (and everybody else pointed out) , you fell for the oldest trick in the book. These taxi drivers have deals with rip-off establishments. Should've just gone to the red light district.
Exactly....there is an area like 15 blocks square that all you have to do is walk around and choose...... The red light district is hilarious after dark.....some of the crazy stuff that goes on. I love Amsterdam. I stay near Central station and the red light is right there across the canal.....then just walk around after dark.....I only take cabs to the museum district and the airport. People don't can be really tame and cultured in Amsterdam or you can party like have to actually go there to understand it.
True.....I like to travel though and like adventure....I walked into Colombia a few years back through the Panamanian jungle.....stuff like that. Gonna lay off it for a while till this virus goes down and my money goes up.......
Not in Amsterdam. They take tourist safety pretty seriously. A "hostel" like operation would be impossible in western countries. On the flip side there are horror stories about trafficking from poorer countries into western countries.
I took a stroll down the Red Light District with my girlfriend when we did our Euro trip a few years ago. It was PACKED. Shuffling slowly down a street shoulder-to-shoulder with people while you look at women behind windows giving you a "come hither" look isn't as sexy as it sounds. Such a weird vibe.
Josh calls himself a roach, but in reality he is kind, honest, and considerate of others. He's a cool dude and his show is darkly funny, i like it alot.
Red light district is more enjoyable because you have the girls hanging out the window trying to get you in and I feel that would be made for some funny stories
Only once in my life have i paid for these kind of services and yeah i could not finish either...i guess im part of those people who do like the intimacy more and without it i can't do it.
Yeah, should’ve hit the redlight! And they’re not all old and worn out. I saw a ton of 20-something year olds. Curious what the entry fee was on the private spot though...?
You got marked. I don't mind it that much as long as the target can afford it, but as a general rule always consider all locals as mafia out for your money ;)
As a dude living near amsterdam, we all look at the red light district like the cab driver. Im glad it exists so those girls dont have it even worse but i dont know anybody that would be that desperate to actually go there. Whenever you walk there (by the way the red light district is really close to the main train station so u can hardly avoid it) it is mostly filled woth tourists and hardly any actual dutch guys actually go use the prostitutes
An emotionally disconnected, apathetic misanthrope is the kind of person who can truly enjoy such an unsatisfying experience. And Tom was jovially unsatisfied
Yeah they got fleeced, same girls but the cabbie gets a cut for taking them to the bar. And the girls ain't from Italy, it's all Eastern Europe but Italy sounds more romantic ;)
When I lived in Holland...the girls along the canal were the best and youngest...the further off the main strip you go the older and uglier they got. There is also a red light area in Utrecht we called, The Boats...where they are on house boats. At least in the 80s and 90s...the girls on front row of Canal Strasse were like PLAYBOY quality....from every corner of the world.
You should never let a cab driver take you anywhere in Europe, its always a shit place that they get money for bringing you to. Red lights is cool as hell!
To be fair, it would actually cost this much in the US, so it's not like the price would seem outrageous to an American. And it would be just as lame (condom blowjob and all). Truth is, if you really want to get quality sex from a woman who isn't really into you, you gotta pay a LOT of money. Like spend thousands a month on a sugarbaby. THat's just how incredible the sexual imbalance is between men and women.
300 euros... damn, you got robbed. There are soooo many young (late teen, early twenties) girls in The Red Light District and they only charge 50 euros for a suck-and-a-fuck.
The red light district is not that can walk all over it in a few hours. If you go to Amsterdam you should see the red light district no matter what you think about it. It would be like going to Vegas and not seeing the strip or the Fremont.
Sounds exactly like what I would expect from an experience from a redlight district. This is this same reason going to a strip club was never appealing. Imma go to a huge room full of dudes to get drunk alone and pay girls to show interest in me? Yikes
Kinda sounds like Potter is sapiosexual. He requires an emotional bond to achieve full arousal. You get big doses of oxytocin upon orgasm, which is the chemical that makes you bond with someone(mothers get huge doses of it naturally during labor). You can get micro doses from finding someone attractive, funny, etc. So maybe the mechanism for the release of oxytocin is more closely wired for Potter than others. People with sex addiction(kinda the opposite of Potter's issue) have been found to have lower doses both during orgasm and in day to day life.
Sapiosexuals are people that are attracted to intelligence; they find intelligence sexy. Demisexuals aren't fully sexually attracted to someone until they form a solid relationship. Now the time it takes to form a strong relationship varies from demisexual to demisexual but it's hard for them to have one-night stands, which explains why Josh couldn't hold an erection with the Italian prostitute let alone cum. I think that if Josh meets a nice girl, doesn't rush into it, he'll be filling that pussy with his essence in no time.
Wilhelmus van Nassouwe ben ik, van Duitsen bloed, den vaderland getrouwe blijf ik tot in den dood. Een Prinse van Oranje ben ik, vrij, onverveerd, den Koning van Hispanje heb ik altijd geëerd. In Godes vrees te leven heb ik altijd betracht, daarom ben ik verdreven, om land, om luid gebracht. Maar God zal mij regeren als een goed instrument, dat ik zal wederkeren in mijnen regiment. Lijdt u, mijn onderzaten die oprecht zijt van aard, God zal u niet verlaten, al zijt gij nu bezwaard. Die vroom begeert te leven, bidt God nacht ende dag, dat Hij mij kracht zal geven, dat ik u helpen mag. Lijf ende goed tezamen heb ik u niet verschoond, mijn broeders, hoog van namen hebben 't u ook vertoond Graaf Adolf is gebleven in Friesland in den slag, zijn ziel in 't eeuwig leven verwacht den jongsten dag. Edel en hooggeboren, van keizerlijken stam, een vorst des rijks verkoren, als een vroom christenman, voor Godes woord geprezen, heb ik, vrij onversaagd, als een held zonder vrezen mijn edel bloed gewaagd. Mijn schild ende betrouwen zijt Gij, o God mijn Heer, op U zo wil ik bouwen, Verlaat mij nimmermeer. Dat ik doch vroom mag blijven, uw dienaar t'aller stond, de tirannie verdrijven die mij mijn hart doorwondt. Van al die mij bezwaren en mijn vervolgers zijn, mijn God, wil doch bewaren den trouwen dienaar Dijn, dat zij mij niet verrassen in haren bozen moed, hun handen niet en wassen in mijn onschuldig bloed. Als David moeste vluchten voor Sauel den tiran, zo heb ik moeten zuchten als menig edelman. Maar God heeft hem verheven, verlost uit alder nood, een koninkrijk gegeven in Israël zeer groot. Na 't zuur zal ik ontvangen van God, mijn Heer, het zoet, daar na zo doet verlangen mijn vorstelijk gemoed: welk is, dat ik mag sterven met ere in het veld, een eeuwig rijk verwerven als een getrouwen held. Niet doet mij meer erbarmen in mijnen wederspoed dan dat men ziet verarmen des Konings landen goed. Dat u de Spanjaards krenken, o edel Neerland zoet, als ik daaraan gedenke, mijn edel hart dat bloedt. Als een prins opgezeten met mijner heireskracht, van den tiran vermeten heb ik den slag verwacht, die, bij Maastricht begraven, bevreesde mijn geweld; mijn ruiters zag men draven zeer moedig in dat veld. Zo het den wil des Heren op dien tijd had geweest, had ik geern willen keren van u dit zwaar tempeest. Maar de Heer van hierboven, die alle ding regeert, die men altijd moet loven, en heeft het niet begeerd. Zeer christlijk was gedreven mijn prinselijk gemoed, standvastig is gebleven mijn hart in tegenspoed. Den Heer heb ik gebeden uit mijnes harten grond, dat Hij mijn zaak wil redden, mijn onschuld maken kond. Oorlof mijn arme schapen die zijt in groten nood, uw herder zal niet slapen, al zijt gij nu verstrooid. Tot God wilt u begeven, zijn heilzaam woord neemt aan, als vrome christen leven, 't zal hier haast zijn gedaan. Voor God wil ik belijden en Zijner groten macht, dat ik tot genen tijden den Koning heb veracht, dan dat ik God den Heere, der hoogsten Majesteit, heb moeten obediëren in den gerechtigheid. De originele tekst van het Wilhelmus Wilhelmus van Nassouwe Ben ick van Duytschen Bloedt, Den Vaderland ghetrouwe Blijf ick tot inden doet; Een Prince van Orangien Ben ick vry onverveert. Den Coninck van Hispangien Heb ick altijt gheeert. In Godes vrees te leven Heb ick altijt betracht, Daerom ben ick verdreven Om Land, om Luyd ghebracht: Maer Godt sal my regeren Als een goet Instrument, Dat ick sal wederkeeren In mijnen Regiment. Lijdt U, mijn Ondersaten, Die oprecht zijn van aert, Godt sal u niet verlaten Al zijt ghy nu beswaert: Die vroom begheert te leven, Bidt Godt nacht ende dach. Dat Hy my cracht wil gheven Dat ick u helpen mach. Lijf ende goed al te samen Heb ick u niet verschoont, Mijn Broeders, hooch van Namen, Hebbent u oock vertoont: Graef Adolff is ghebleven, In Vrieslandt in den Slach, Sijn siel int eewich leven Verwacht den jonghsten dach. Edel en Hooch gheboren Van Keyserlicken stam: Een Vorst des Rijcks vercoren, Als een vroom Christen-man, Voor Godes Woort ghepreesen, Heb ick vrij onversaecht, Als een helt zonder vreesen Mijn edel bloet gewaecht. Mijn schilt ende betrouwen Zijt ghy, O Godt, mijn Heer. Op U soo wil ick bouwen, Verlaet my nimmermeer; Dat ick doch vroom mag blijven U dienaer t'aller stond Die tyranny verdrijven, Die my mijn hert doorwondt. Val al die my beswaren, End mijn vervolghers zijn, Mijn Godt wilt doch bewaren Den trouwen dienaer dijn: Dat sy my niet verasschen In haeren boosen moet, Haer handen niet en wasschen In mijn onschuldich bloet. Als David moeste vluchten Voor Saul den tyran: Soo heb ick moeten suchten Met menich edelman: Maer Godt heeft hem verheven, Verlost uit alder noot, Een Coninckrijck ghegheven In Israël, seer groot. Na tsuer sal ick ontfanghen Van Godt, mijn Heer, dat soet, Daer na so doet verlanghen Mijn vorstelick ghemoet, Dat is, dat ick mag sterven Met eeren, in dat velt, Een eeuwich rijk verwerven Als een ghetrouwe helt. Niets doet my meer erbarmen In mijnen wederspoet, Dan dat men siet verarmen Des Conincks landen goet, Dat ud de Spaengiaerts crencken, O edel Neerlandt soet, Als ick daeraen ghedencke, Mijn edel hert dat bloet. Als een Prins opgheseten Met mijnes heyres cracht, Van den tyran vermeten Heb ick den slach verwacht, Die, by Maestricht begraven, Bevreesde mijn ghewelt; Mijn ruyters sach men draven Seer moedich door dat velt. Soo het den wil des Heeren Op die tijt had gheweest, Had ick geern willen keeren Van u dit swaer tempeest: Maer de Heer van hier boven Die alle dinck regeert, Die men altijt moet loven, En heeftet niet begeert. Seer christlick was ghedreven Mijn princelick ghemoet, Stantvastich is ghebleven Mijn hert in teghenspoet, Den Heer heb ick ghebeden Van mijnes herten gront, Dat Hy mijn saeck wil reden, Mijn onschult doen oircont. Oorlof mijn arme schapen, Die zijt in grooten noot. U Herder sal niet slapen, Al zijt ghy nu verstroit: Tot Godt wilt u begheven, Sijn heylsaem woort neemt aen, Als vrome Christen leven, Tsal hier haest zijn ghedaen. Voor Godt wil ick belijden End sijner grooter macht, Dat ick tot gheenen tijden Den Coninck heb veracht: Dan dat ick Godt den Heere, Der hoochster Majesteyt, Heb moeten obedieren, In der gherechticheyt.
Thats the thing I've always thought about places like that...the woman just isnt into you..its a job...and she really doesn't want to do this or you for that matter....and to some people thats ok...but for me...its a hard pun intended.
Josh is an interesting dude to listen to. But I’m totally lost on how he’s a “comedian”. Can anyone provide me with some content that showcases him actually being funny? They have him on a LOT, but I just don’t get it. Seems dull. Hoping I’m wrong!
P.s. I love dry humor. So please don’t suggest his humor is just dry. It’s just non-exultant from what I’ve seen. Again - totally interesting dude.....I’m just trying to understand how he’s considered a professional comedian. Trying to give benefit of doubt.
NRD 2000 .....UPDATE: That was my first introduction to Josh - so I was going off zero context. I’ve since done a complete 180. Josh is the man! P.S. My jeans aren’t too high and tight, nor are they too low and loose. They are just right. Don’t be stingy, Mark. 😉
I love Christina sending pictures of their kids to keep Tom from getting ideas😂😂😂
TigerBites4000 I died
She's awesome lol
The subtext being if you cheat you’ll never see your kids again
Lmfao so brilliant
@@musicf3b thanks for clarifying!
Yeah that cabbie gets a kickback for bringing tourists to that spot.
Maybe. They probably just have two flag drops. One for the red light District
100%. The cabbies will always recommend something else. The sex clubs are alright. kinda pricey
Wtf do you need a cabbie to drop you off in the red light district for? Can find the blocks and blocks with literal red lights?
Probably doesn't even cost that much for locals.
That's how it works with limo drivers and strip clubs in vegas. You can get a free limo ride to a strip club no problem. Getting them to take you back to the hotel after they've already made their money from the club kickback can be a nightmare depending on the limo service.
I would love to be a fly on the wall, just to see Tom sitting uneasy at the bar of a brothel, as he sips a diet coke
That’s the real show.
Cab drivers often get payed 'cockmoney' ('Schwanzgeld' in german). It means, the cab driver gets a certain amount of money from the brothel, if he brings in customers. Maybe that's also why he recomended going to another place.
Makes sense , you're probably right
@@Keeith7 no hes definitely correct
We got a genius on our hands!
Its true, same in Vegas
This whole story is a lesson in what NOT to do. They got ripped off like typical American marks.
It's ridiculous that they don't get that they got screwed (in a bad way).
@@harryheart6018 Don't think Americans even care about paying more money bc they don't have Red Light District in their country...They are just happy to try it legally. It's similar to paying high prices for weed when it first became legal...everyone was just so excited to walk into store and buy it legally
I mean listen, we'll kind of settle for anything if it means we don't have to worry about being thrown in a cage over a little gash, nah'mean?
Michael Paul ~~~ Atleast us “typical American marks” can afford to get ripped off . Maybe if we were broke like you we’d be more careful with our money haha
11:05 "WE picked her".. Always makes me laugh!!😂
Tom and Christina you exposed Josh Potter to the world so much, and i just wanna thank you. Love him and would love to go see him. His shamelessness is right down my alley. Thanks Jeans
"Can you tell them I don't think they're ugly" 😂
I get the sentiment honestly. I got ripped on in a strip club in Vegas the first time I ever got drunk because the girls kept coming up and asking if I wanted a private dance in the back and I wound up paying for four trips to those back rooms because I was worried the girls would feel insulted if I turned them down 🤣
@@volcryndarkstar bro almost the exact same thing happened to me on my 21st birthday lmao I felt so bad turning them down lmao so needless to say I was pissed at myself the next morning after looking at my bank account balance. Vegas baby lol 😂😩
@@someguy8049 That sucks man. At least you didn't fuck up like I did and lose your virginity in there. I wish I would've waited for someone I cared about.
As I already said under the podcast video (and everybody else pointed out) , you fell for the oldest trick in the book. These taxi drivers have deals with rip-off establishments. Should've just gone to the red light district.
Yep. He could've came 20 times in half a block.
the woman their are pretty nice
It is touristy but is still legit and there is enough of a choice for sure.
Bummed they got swindled by the cabbie and didn't just go to the Red Light District... Total ripoff.
Exactly....there is an area like 15 blocks square that all you have to do is walk around and choose......
The red light district is hilarious after dark.....some of the crazy stuff that goes on. I love Amsterdam. I stay near Central station and the red light is right there across the canal.....then just walk around after dark.....I only take cabs to the museum district and the airport.
People don't can be really tame and cultured in Amsterdam or you can party like have to actually go there to understand it.
@@bmphil3400 most americans do t go out of their state let alone across the globe
True.....I like to travel though and like adventure....I walked into Colombia a few years back through the Panamanian jungle.....stuff like that. Gonna lay off it for a while till this virus goes down and my money goes up.......
Hey everyone just saw Josh in Baltimore would strongly recommend seeing him if hes in your town. Great guy and great show!!!!
Should of just gone to the red light district honestly.
"how are we gonna fuck in a jacuzzi?"
I think I'm starting to understand Josh's problem lol
Tom and Josh were lucky they didn't end up in a real life version of Hostel.
Not in Amsterdam. They take tourist safety pretty seriously. A "hostel" like operation would be impossible in western countries. On the flip side there are horror stories about trafficking from poorer countries into western countries.
You know its gonna be a crazy YMH clip when Josh Potter is on there!
9:52 thanks t buns I fell on the floor laughing
Honestly I think Josh is just waiting for the Bills to win a super bowl before he blows it!!!
Josh potter's glasses if held st the right angle to the sun could light the world on fire
Cannot believe you guys went to Amsterdam during SOBER OCTOBER
Josh is gaining clarity LoL
I was kinda hoping for actual footage from Amsterdam, based on the thumbnail.
Still, thanks mommy.
They get pissed when you photograph. Have seen the prossys smash on the glass and worse when they see them taking photos.
8:35 Tom "My friend's up there."
😂😂 6:00 GREAT story Tom. You seem like a man of principals but honestly who can resist while literally in the red guys playground
Luciana from Milan. She was probably they all say they're Italian...
Who’s randy
Dont bring anyones mother into this
sum1 please answer this question for real......
Hash Haze go to this video they talk about all of the sound bites from the intro
I took a stroll down the Red Light District with my girlfriend when we did our Euro trip a few years ago. It was PACKED. Shuffling slowly down a street shoulder-to-shoulder with people while you look at women behind windows giving you a "come hither" look isn't as sexy as it sounds. Such a weird vibe.
“Nerd” lol 😂!
13:00 not having an ATM in the Netherlands sex club is really missing an opportunity.
haha, their descriptions are pretty spot on. I've been their several times and it looks like a dentists room.
Started out funny and then it ended with me just feeling bad for Josh.
Josh calls himself a roach, but in reality he is kind, honest, and considerate of others. He's a cool dude and his show is darkly funny, i like it alot.
Red light district is more enjoyable because you have the girls hanging out the window trying to get you in and I feel that would be made for some funny stories
Yeah exactly. Imagine going to amsterdam and instead of having a night at the RLD you go to some shady bar where you payed 300$ XD
If Josh looks directly in the sun he will burn his eyes out 😂😂
Tom definitely cracked some shi
Love the B-Lo rep !!
I just got back from Amsterdam.
The red light District is pretty awesome.
No AC in the red rooms though!!
Don’t go in July like I did 🥵
He actually thinks she’s from Milan 😂
Tom is fighting for his life to not slip up and tell the real story 😂😂😂😂😂
Toms smiling picture reminds me of the girl smiling while standing in front of a fire.
I swear....your moms house has never been better😁👍
im not mad, im just disappointed
I turn into a telescope
Just lemme eat cha
I'm home here now
Only once in my life have i paid for these kind of services and yeah i could not finish either...i guess im part of those people who do like the intimacy more and without it i can't do it.
I know this is old but at what’s up with 1:42. She can just interject and spoke without being spoken to and go unscathed?
Yeah, should’ve hit the redlight! And they’re not all old and worn out. I saw a ton of 20-something year olds.
Curious what the entry fee was on the private spot though...?
tom's a great friend! lol
Rookie mistake, The Girls at redlight would have been SO much better.
This does sound especially bad
Christina is a rockstar - hilarious
YMH better be paying Mr. T licensing fees for using his voice in the intro.
If not one night, Mr. T gonna show up in Tom's bedroom and pity da fool.
I know it's probably been answered, but Where does the "Who's Randy" sound bite come from
this made me sad for josh
its 50 euros if you just go to the RLD. They got ripped off SO hard hahah, that cab driver was in it also btw.
Lemme get the name of this place headed there in a few months
Club vandersex ! I dunno
You got marked. I don't mind it that much as long as the target can afford it, but as a general rule always consider all locals as mafia out for your money ;)
Go Bills!
As a dude living near amsterdam, we all look at the red light district like the cab driver. Im glad it exists so those girls dont have it even worse but i dont know anybody that would be that desperate to actually go there. Whenever you walk there (by the way the red light district is really close to the main train station so u can hardly avoid it) it is mostly filled woth tourists and hardly any actual dutch guys actually go use the prostitutes
Just go down skid row if u dont want the clinical experience
I've paid for sex a couple times and his description of how things go is SUPER accurate.
now there's a cool guy 🎸🕴🏻
I think Tom partook of the girls in the brothel.
100% they rehearsed the story before telling Christina
Wtf are you Americans even taking cabs for? They're crazy expensive, and everything that's relevant in Amsterdam is at walking distance.
Josh is Duce Biggalo
His experience is exactly why i have never been into strip clubs or hookers.
Josh should go to Tijuana with Bobby Lee!
Next time in Holland - ask a local - not a cabdriver! There is more than Amsterdam in my country
How come Josh doesn't list his upcoming dates at the beginning of each podcast as well?
He's too busy filming foot and hairy shoulder fetish videos.
@@overweightactor lol
It’s not his show.
@@1pt21gw the show not being his doesn't answer the question
Joe Nasty yeah it does
just another stop on the #MakeJoshCum Tour
potter looks like an alien from men in black
So is Josh saying this place was an IHOP? International house of Pootang?
An emotionally disconnected, apathetic misanthrope is the kind of person who can truly enjoy such an unsatisfying experience.
And Tom was jovially unsatisfied
imagine it's it was all a setup for a kidnapping ring
lol they got ripped off. Its 50 euros in the RLD. They paid crazy amounts even for a sex club
Yeah they got fleeced, same girls but the cabbie gets a cut for taking them to the bar. And the girls ain't from Italy, it's all Eastern Europe but Italy sounds more romantic ;)
MeNtA1CaSe naaaa big word
To ya mutha
I just commented on here without watching the video to say, Josh Potter really creeps me out.
He seems very sweet and genuine to me.
I'm curious what you find creepy about him?
When I lived in Holland...the girls along the canal were the best and youngest...the further off the main strip you go the older and uglier they got. There is also a red light area in Utrecht we called, The Boats...where they are on house boats. At least in the 80s and 90s...the girls on front row of Canal Strasse were like PLAYBOY quality....from every corner of the world.
Exactly, why the fuck would you go anywhere else.
Can imagine when the girl sees his shoulders?
The suuuwoooo district
You should never let a cab driver take you anywhere in Europe, its always a shit place that they get money for bringing you to.
Red lights is cool as hell!
This is why you NEVER travel without Viagra!!
This experience sounds awful....not for me
Jesus 3 mins and I already knew this was a tourist scam, the only reason you didn't know you wasn't scammed was because you good afford it.
To be fair, it would actually cost this much in the US, so it's not like the price would seem outrageous to an American. And it would be just as lame (condom blowjob and all). Truth is, if you really want to get quality sex from a woman who isn't really into you, you gotta pay a LOT of money. Like spend thousands a month on a sugarbaby. THat's just how incredible the sexual imbalance is between men and women.
300 euros... damn, you got robbed. There are soooo many young (late teen, early twenties) girls in The Red Light District and they only charge 50 euros for a suck-and-a-fuck.
No one takes pride in their work. She is just looking out the window.
THREE HUNDRED EURO?!?! For a wiped down, over the condom, unenthusiastic blowey and sex?!?! Thats like 350 in real money?!!? Outrageous 🤣
The red light district is not that can walk all over it in a few hours.
If you go to Amsterdam you should see the red light district no matter what you think about it. It would be like going to Vegas and not seeing the strip or the Fremont.
It is very much a tourist attraction. I've seen whole families walking around in the evening just taking in the sights.
Not that large ?
Larger then that shit they went to with 5 girls.
That was a hard f..
This sounds like a straight human trafficking situation. Cabbies are paid by shady brothels for things like this.
Sounds exactly like what I would expect from an experience from a redlight district. This is this same reason going to a strip club was never appealing. Imma go to a huge room full of dudes to get drunk alone and pay girls to show interest in me? Yikes
Kinda sounds like Potter is sapiosexual. He requires an emotional bond to achieve full arousal. You get big doses of oxytocin upon orgasm, which is the chemical that makes you bond with someone(mothers get huge doses of it naturally during labor). You can get micro doses from finding someone attractive, funny, etc. So maybe the mechanism for the release of oxytocin is more closely wired for Potter than others. People with sex addiction(kinda the opposite of Potter's issue) have been found to have lower doses both during orgasm and in day to day life.
More demisexual
Yeah, I think you're right. Whats the big contrast between the two? Or did I just use sapiosexual incorrectly?
Sapiosexuals are people that are attracted to intelligence; they find intelligence sexy. Demisexuals aren't fully sexually attracted to someone until they form a solid relationship. Now the time it takes to form a strong relationship varies from demisexual to demisexual but it's hard for them to have one-night stands, which explains why Josh couldn't hold an erection with the Italian prostitute let alone cum. I think that if Josh meets a nice girl, doesn't rush into it, he'll be filling that pussy with his essence in no time.
dude ! i probably know where that was ! LOL
lol got ripped off, would have at red light as well.. best places are not in amsterdam or use online service
so basically, you got scammed
It must've been a legal place cuz tom is oozing narc energy 😂 "i won't be drinking or having sex but I will be paying for everything.." bruh what?!?
Wilhelmus van Nassouwe
ben ik, van Duitsen bloed,
den vaderland getrouwe
blijf ik tot in den dood.
Een Prinse van Oranje
ben ik, vrij, onverveerd,
den Koning van Hispanje
heb ik altijd geëerd.
In Godes vrees te leven
heb ik altijd betracht,
daarom ben ik verdreven,
om land, om luid gebracht.
Maar God zal mij regeren
als een goed instrument,
dat ik zal wederkeren
in mijnen regiment.
Lijdt u, mijn onderzaten
die oprecht zijt van aard,
God zal u niet verlaten,
al zijt gij nu bezwaard.
Die vroom begeert te leven,
bidt God nacht ende dag,
dat Hij mij kracht zal geven,
dat ik u helpen mag.
Lijf ende goed tezamen
heb ik u niet verschoond,
mijn broeders, hoog van namen
hebben 't u ook vertoond
Graaf Adolf is gebleven
in Friesland in den slag,
zijn ziel in 't eeuwig leven
verwacht den jongsten dag.
Edel en hooggeboren,
van keizerlijken stam,
een vorst des rijks verkoren,
als een vroom christenman,
voor Godes woord geprezen,
heb ik, vrij onversaagd,
als een held zonder vrezen
mijn edel bloed gewaagd.
Mijn schild ende betrouwen
zijt Gij, o God mijn Heer,
op U zo wil ik bouwen,
Verlaat mij nimmermeer.
Dat ik doch vroom mag blijven,
uw dienaar t'aller stond,
de tirannie verdrijven
die mij mijn hart doorwondt.
Van al die mij bezwaren
en mijn vervolgers zijn,
mijn God, wil doch bewaren
den trouwen dienaar Dijn,
dat zij mij niet verrassen
in haren bozen moed,
hun handen niet en wassen
in mijn onschuldig bloed.
Als David moeste vluchten
voor Sauel den tiran,
zo heb ik moeten zuchten
als menig edelman.
Maar God heeft hem verheven,
verlost uit alder nood,
een koninkrijk gegeven
in Israël zeer groot.
Na 't zuur zal ik ontvangen
van God, mijn Heer, het zoet,
daar na zo doet verlangen
mijn vorstelijk gemoed:
welk is, dat ik mag sterven
met ere in het veld,
een eeuwig rijk verwerven
als een getrouwen held.
Niet doet mij meer erbarmen
in mijnen wederspoed
dan dat men ziet verarmen
des Konings landen goed.
Dat u de Spanjaards krenken,
o edel Neerland zoet,
als ik daaraan gedenke,
mijn edel hart dat bloedt.
Als een prins opgezeten
met mijner heireskracht,
van den tiran vermeten
heb ik den slag verwacht,
die, bij Maastricht begraven,
bevreesde mijn geweld;
mijn ruiters zag men draven
zeer moedig in dat veld.
Zo het den wil des Heren
op dien tijd had geweest,
had ik geern willen keren
van u dit zwaar tempeest.
Maar de Heer van hierboven,
die alle ding regeert,
die men altijd moet loven,
en heeft het niet begeerd.
Zeer christlijk was gedreven
mijn prinselijk gemoed,
standvastig is gebleven
mijn hart in tegenspoed.
Den Heer heb ik gebeden
uit mijnes harten grond,
dat Hij mijn zaak wil redden,
mijn onschuld maken kond.
Oorlof mijn arme schapen
die zijt in groten nood,
uw herder zal niet slapen,
al zijt gij nu verstrooid.
Tot God wilt u begeven,
zijn heilzaam woord neemt aan,
als vrome christen leven,
't zal hier haast zijn gedaan.
Voor God wil ik belijden
en Zijner groten macht,
dat ik tot genen tijden
den Koning heb veracht,
dan dat ik God den Heere,
der hoogsten Majesteit,
heb moeten obediëren
in den gerechtigheid.
De originele tekst van het Wilhelmus
Wilhelmus van Nassouwe
Ben ick van Duytschen Bloedt,
Den Vaderland ghetrouwe
Blijf ick tot inden doet;
Een Prince van Orangien
Ben ick vry onverveert.
Den Coninck van Hispangien
Heb ick altijt gheeert.
In Godes vrees te leven
Heb ick altijt betracht,
Daerom ben ick verdreven
Om Land, om Luyd ghebracht:
Maer Godt sal my regeren
Als een goet Instrument,
Dat ick sal wederkeeren
In mijnen Regiment.
Lijdt U, mijn Ondersaten,
Die oprecht zijn van aert,
Godt sal u niet verlaten
Al zijt ghy nu beswaert:
Die vroom begheert te leven,
Bidt Godt nacht ende dach.
Dat Hy my cracht wil gheven
Dat ick u helpen mach.
Lijf ende goed al te samen
Heb ick u niet verschoont,
Mijn Broeders, hooch van Namen,
Hebbent u oock vertoont:
Graef Adolff is ghebleven,
In Vrieslandt in den Slach,
Sijn siel int eewich leven
Verwacht den jonghsten dach.
Edel en Hooch gheboren
Van Keyserlicken stam:
Een Vorst des Rijcks vercoren,
Als een vroom Christen-man,
Voor Godes Woort ghepreesen,
Heb ick vrij onversaecht,
Als een helt zonder vreesen
Mijn edel bloet gewaecht.
Mijn schilt ende betrouwen
Zijt ghy, O Godt, mijn Heer.
Op U soo wil ick bouwen,
Verlaet my nimmermeer;
Dat ick doch vroom mag blijven
U dienaer t'aller stond
Die tyranny verdrijven,
Die my mijn hert doorwondt.
Val al die my beswaren,
End mijn vervolghers zijn,
Mijn Godt wilt doch bewaren
Den trouwen dienaer dijn:
Dat sy my niet verasschen
In haeren boosen moet,
Haer handen niet en wasschen
In mijn onschuldich bloet.
Als David moeste vluchten
Voor Saul den tyran:
Soo heb ick moeten suchten
Met menich edelman:
Maer Godt heeft hem verheven,
Verlost uit alder noot,
Een Coninckrijck ghegheven
In Israël, seer groot.
Na tsuer sal ick ontfanghen
Van Godt, mijn Heer, dat soet,
Daer na so doet verlanghen
Mijn vorstelick ghemoet,
Dat is, dat ick mag sterven
Met eeren, in dat velt,
Een eeuwich rijk verwerven
Als een ghetrouwe helt.
Niets doet my meer erbarmen
In mijnen wederspoet,
Dan dat men siet verarmen
Des Conincks landen goet,
Dat ud de Spaengiaerts crencken,
O edel Neerlandt soet,
Als ick daeraen ghedencke,
Mijn edel hert dat bloet.
Als een Prins opgheseten
Met mijnes heyres cracht,
Van den tyran vermeten
Heb ick den slach verwacht,
Die, by Maestricht begraven,
Bevreesde mijn ghewelt;
Mijn ruyters sach men draven
Seer moedich door dat velt.
Soo het den wil des Heeren
Op die tijt had gheweest,
Had ick geern willen keeren
Van u dit swaer tempeest:
Maer de Heer van hier boven
Die alle dinck regeert,
Die men altijt moet loven,
En heeftet niet begeert.
Seer christlick was ghedreven
Mijn princelick ghemoet,
Stantvastich is ghebleven
Mijn hert in teghenspoet,
Den Heer heb ick ghebeden
Van mijnes herten gront,
Dat Hy mijn saeck wil reden,
Mijn onschult doen oircont.
Oorlof mijn arme schapen,
Die zijt in grooten noot.
U Herder sal niet slapen,
Al zijt ghy nu verstroit:
Tot Godt wilt u begheven,
Sijn heylsaem woort neemt aen,
Als vrome Christen leven,
Tsal hier haest zijn ghedaen.
Voor Godt wil ick belijden
End sijner grooter macht,
Dat ick tot gheenen tijden
Den Coninck heb veracht:
Dan dat ick Godt den Heere,
Der hoochster Majesteyt,
Heb moeten obedieren,
In der gherechticheyt.
In red light you get it all for 50 euro
Thats the thing I've always thought about places like that...the woman just isnt into you..its a job...and she really doesn't want to do this or you for that matter....and to some people thats ok...but for me...its a hard pun intended.
Josh is an interesting dude to listen to. But I’m totally lost on how he’s a “comedian”. Can anyone provide me with some content that showcases him actually being funny? They have him on a LOT, but I just don’t get it. Seems dull. Hoping I’m wrong!
P.s. I love dry humor. So please don’t suggest his humor is just dry. It’s just non-exultant from what I’ve seen. Again - totally interesting dude.....I’m just trying to understand how he’s considered a professional comedian. Trying to give benefit of doubt.
Sounds like your jeans are just low and loose.
NRD 2000 .....UPDATE: That was my first introduction to Josh - so I was going off zero context. I’ve since done a complete 180. Josh is the man!
P.S. My jeans aren’t too high and tight, nor are they too low and loose. They are just right.
Don’t be stingy, Mark. 😉
Why is Christina always asking if things are legal lol. Shut up and don't ask questions!