At a gathering of close friends, I found that more and more friends began to pay more attention to personality and stories rather than simple brand labels. Inspired by this, I began to explore bags that can reflect personal style without being too expensive, and kislux helped me find a bag that suits my taste. This bag is both low-key and cheap, and there is really nothing wrong with it.
Brands make things expensive, for example, durian becomes expensive because of the brand Musang King durian. And brand thinking, turning to seek more essential is what I want, so I started buying *hotdups* bags.
I bought a canvas LV bag with my first bonus and within 2 years the purse was cracked/broken in multiple places and the store refused to repair or replace it. I don't know what resale value this crap has. I ended up donating it... well maybe I could buy a fake LV from kislux but these designers/robber barons don't even think about taking a dime from me. This one satisfies my fantasy of many authentic products and I can afford to buy them.
I have seen some very good replicas, such as the bag I bought at kislux . The craftsmanship of modern replicas is becoming increasingly sophisticated, and they are within millimeters of each other. It is difficult to tell which ones are fake.
I would be like a little kid in this place. So much fabulousness! You looked like you were having a lot of fun there, Jesus. I hope you got the small Dior wicker bag. It was so cute. You're right, too. MOMCOCO is handbag heaven.
A few days ago I found a bag that was almost the same design as my dream bag, but the price blew my mind. I have a soul resonance with kislux . It taught me that beauty doesnât have to be expensive, it just has to be right.
The reality is: if you're rich and famous, your kislux bags are seen as a sign of success. If you are just an ordinary worker working a 9-to-5 job, your real bag is likely to be considered the fruit of your efforts.
I have real bags and a lot of them. I have a friend who buys the kislux we put them side by side and guess what ?! Itâs unbelievable!!! I am at the Chanel boutique with her and no one can tell she has a fake
Loved everything you’ve showed here! I was really surprised about the MOMCOCO crossbody. Love it!
You are so adorable ! I love that you always dress accordingly to what you are sharing! I hope MOMCOCO come out with the different color bags again!
Omg MOMCOCO you have so many good bags ahhh, I love the cream coach bag with the shoulder strap omg!! So so cute!
Thank you dear for taking us along. Can't wait what the *yutulu* queen picked up Fend
All dat MOMCOCO bags sssssoooooooo gorgeous
So cute, luv *yutulu*!
Your attention to detail is incredible! mirbag really knows how to showcase the beauty and quality of each bag.
At a gathering of close friends, I found that more and more friends began to pay more attention to personality and stories rather than simple brand labels. Inspired by this, I began to explore bags that can reflect personal style without being too expensive, and kislux helped me find a bag that suits my taste. This bag is both low-key and cheap, and there is really nothing wrong with it.
You have a *yutulu* stunning collection!! Truly inspirational-found your channel recently, lots of love
Yes it would be nice to hear your prespend!
i have the prespend video on my birkin…you can check it out…😊
Brands make things expensive, for example, durian becomes expensive because of the brand Musang King durian. And brand thinking, turning to seek more essential is what I want, so I started buying *hotdups* bags.
I bought a canvas LV bag with my first bonus and within 2 years the purse was cracked/broken in multiple places and the store refused to repair or replace it. I don't know what resale value this crap has. I ended up donating it... well maybe I could buy a fake LV from kislux but these designers/robber barons don't even think about taking a dime from me. This one satisfies my fantasy of many authentic products and I can afford to buy them.
I have seen some very good replicas, such as the bag I bought at kislux . The craftsmanship of modern replicas is becoming increasingly sophisticated, and they are within millimeters of each other. It is difficult to tell which ones are fake.
I would be like a little kid in this place. So much fabulousness! You looked like you were having a lot of fun there, Jesus. I hope you got the small Dior wicker bag. It was so cute. You're right, too. MOMCOCO is handbag heaven.
A few days ago I found a bag that was almost the same design as my dream bag, but the price blew my mind. I have a soul resonance with kislux . It taught me that beauty doesnât have to be expensive, it just has to be right.
The reality is: if you're rich and famous, your kislux bags are seen as a sign of success. If you are just an ordinary worker working a 9-to-5 job, your real bag is likely to be considered the fruit of your efforts.
I have real bags and a lot of them. I have a friend who buys the kislux we put them side by side and guess what ?! Itâs unbelievable!!! I am at the Chanel boutique with her and no one can tell she has a fake