FSSAI's Initiatives - Dr. Eram S Rao

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @almost_sanskaari
    @almost_sanskaari 5 років тому +2

    proud to see teacher of our college(Bhaskaracharya college) on Fssai. She has also contributed to books released by fssai.

  • @VikashKumarShaurya
    @VikashKumarShaurya 4 роки тому

    Ma'am .... Just fantastic .... Your explanation is mind blowing
    I truly learnt whatever you described ......
    Huge respect to you ma'am.....

  • @an_optimistic4212
    @an_optimistic4212 5 років тому +2

    Respected mam, your way of teaching and presentation is quite excellent. Thank you very much mam for sharing. Please I request you to deliver the lectures on food safety officer/ technical officer exam oriented syllabus. Once again thank you mam.🙏🏼

  • @priyankayamini2435
    @priyankayamini2435 Рік тому

    U r outstanding mam ❤❤

  • @nipunchaudhery3472
    @nipunchaudhery3472 5 років тому

    Your teaching style is really great .thank you mam to guide as thank you very much....

  • @shubhi2490
    @shubhi2490 5 років тому

    Mam ur teaching style is truly inspiring and u have a deep knowledge of the subject.... Plz cover the food analysis and testing part also..

  • @karthiknaruto7naruto410
    @karthiknaruto7naruto410 5 років тому

    Very informative and compiled information

  • @actualconcept22
    @actualconcept22 5 років тому

    Excellent teaching way maim....And thanks fssai

  • @nutrition2830
    @nutrition2830 3 роки тому +2

    I have a request, these videos should be translated to local languages. Like where we reside the advertisements automatically are translated into the local language. A lot of people in India do not understand fluent English.

  • @dreamer7544
    @dreamer7544 Рік тому

    thank u maam...fssain assitant 3:22am 2/11/23. God bless

  • @upchemistry4u
    @upchemistry4u 5 років тому +1

    Excellent lecture

  • @mazakiya1430
    @mazakiya1430 5 років тому +1

    So nicely explained. Thank you so much ma'am

  • @adityabharadwaj1
    @adityabharadwaj1 5 років тому

    Best video ma'am

  • @DOCSRUCS4265
    @DOCSRUCS4265 5 років тому

    Thanx mam fr a clear cut lecture 👍🙏

  • @shihabudeenmachingal6012
    @shihabudeenmachingal6012 5 років тому

    Thanks a lot

  • @maddeshmallimar5937
    @maddeshmallimar5937 5 років тому

    mam How many video lectures have you done regarding fssai, if possible please send me all that video link.... thank you

  • @archnasingh9770
    @archnasingh9770 4 роки тому

    Madam, are these books available in pdf also

  • @jcessatlovekush
    @jcessatlovekush 5 років тому

    Very nice madam

  • @letlive1235
    @letlive1235 5 років тому

    Hiii mam ... Seeing you after a year

  • @Dragon34th
    @Dragon34th Рік тому

    I think India's chief of police staff Vishal Guni needs to tell the FFSAI to the American interference by banning MacDonald, KFC, Subway and Burger King for selling their junks in India 😊

  • @sanethio
    @sanethio 3 роки тому

    Kind Attention
    Actually, I am very much concern of insertion of Hindi and/or Regional Labelling .
    I'm very much surprise, why this concern never be raised during amendment in course of period . Might it had been raised earlier after formation of FSSAI in 2009. or it had been withdrawn from industry
    Though still it always revolve my mind because you are very much aware,as Consumers have been empowered in Europe in 4-5 languages even in Gulf region on labelling issue.
    It's high time for India to go for it.I know industries are uncomfortable.
    I am still working on a draft states that what would be hurdles,if India goes for insertion of national language (at least hindi ) on food labelling.
    Please share your thoughts
    Kind regards
    Sanjay Goyal
    Sr. Faculty (Food Tech)
    Ethiopian Technical University)

  • @dranseenaa.k.8380
    @dranseenaa.k.8380 5 років тому

    Excellent lecture