You and Alderiate are the reason I started to play this game seriously, not only because of your game sense or mechanics but your MINDSET, you made me learn to focus on my performance and know when I can blame myself or not. So thank you sir for aller those vids ans stream :)
i used to play Trynd and now i'm enjoying Garen Jax more. I watch Ranger coz I feel he has a rly good game knowledge and does rly good calls, my macro rly improved by watching him, even if I don't play Tryn anymore
This video is the medicine we need. From full mental locking in Yuumi ADC because supports trollpick to 85% wr. Thank you and keep up the great work. The game is so much more enjoyable when approaching it like this.
To be honest it's Riot fault for letting you get away with that. The game would be a better place if everyone really tried to win, not just when you're on a winstreak
If you don't make the best play tho don't you need to not tilt and just accept that you messed up, say to yourself "it's fine for now" and keep focus. Think about what you could've done better after the fact. He already didn't make the play what else do you want him to say? Yea I messed up the game is over..
Tbh ur way to explain the things is so precise and thorough that this helped me a lot to really trust some of my own insights more and start to get better on them. Rare ppl really give this kind of insights to this game! U are one of a kind as a player / coach 👏🏻 Thx for the video and keep these content coming 🤩
Having a good mentality is the most valuable asset in the long run because it applies to every season, role, champion. It should be the number one priority for every player interested in getting better and climbing the ranks.
This is not a how to win at league of legends video, this is a how to win at life video. If I had as much effort and focus as I put in league into something productive, I would probably be a trillionaire by now XD.
Great video. I related to your ranked experience a lot except from a low elo and newer player POV. I started playing like 1.5 years ago and started taking ranked more seriously this split having previously been silver. I two tricked Garen and Kayle (one tricked both at different times) to Plat and then a couple weeks later to Emerald. Similar to you I played very focused and "singleplayer" as you described. Unlike many other players I couldn't mentally play many games back to back with full focus so I would take long breaks between games, only a couple games per day on my serious account. The "winner's mentality" as I call it sort of clicked for me at some point, where my only goal playing a game was to win. This mentality was helpful because I would never tilt and always focus on myself (i.e. at worst I would be a Kayle ult for our carry or split pushing mosquito on Garen). At 54 mins you talk about how you didn't watch other players to become successful yourself and how it isn't necessary. I can see how this would make sense given how long you have played the game, but for newer players I think watching others is almost necessary for large and rapid improvements. In my head its sort of like the difference between learning math from a textbook vs creating math from basic axioms if that makes sense. Bwipo and Alois are the best for toplane imo.
21:39 To this point I used to understand the concept that internalizing blame would lead to improvement, but I wasn't actually putting it into practice, I still found fault in others and externalized blame. So I started telling myself, that It's my fault essentially when anything would go wrong in the game, even if objectively it was untrue. Which allowed me to see the outcome of my games more in the sphere of my influence and control rather than outside, and lead to a way more proactive approach to finding areas for improvement in my game. It also resulted in a drastically improved positive mindset towards ranked when compared to my mindset before, which led to me rarely ever tilting, and better focusing on my play. I would highly recommend doing the same for anyone who struggles with internalizing blame, and finding fault in their gameplay. It sounds ridiculously simple, but just saying it's my fault and consequently searching my mind for things I could have done better, has reconditioned my mindset away from taking zero accountability for the outcome of my ranked games, to continually searching for improvement. Which I think is completely necessary for continued improvement, even if objectively your teammates are hurting your chances of winning, putting any stock in that does not serve you in any way towards improvement.
first time watching a 1hour video or a movie or anything this long without stopping and fully focused since covid , ranger is the ADHD killer , be my professor plz
i thought what you said about internalizing it being important is really interesting -- reminds me of the whole "allen carr easy way to stop smoking" method, idk if you've heard of it, but the idea is he writes this long book and he not only goes over everything that is bad about smoking carefully, he describes every reason that you might want to smoke and explains in detail why those reasons aren't valid -- obviously the smoker who wants to quit has heard all of those things before, but for many people being forced to internalize it by reading that book found that it was incredibly helpful in quitting.
I LOVE this! I recently saw a video way too focused on consistency and not coin flipping, with this conformist philosophy behind it. This is a pretty much needed breath of fresh air, backed up with the craziest opgg I have ever seen
Great video, very eloquent speech. Also very rare to find people so articulate about their process. My personal feedback about a couple of things that could be misinterpreted (sometimes depending on the elo): 1. play to win vs play to improve: I understand that for you are equivalent terms for many people they are not. In sport psychology there's a big difference between result-oriented mindset and performance-oriented mindset. For istance a person could beat their personal record in 100 m sprint but still come last because other people are fastert. a RO mindset will still consider that a loss, while a PO mindset would not. The same can be said in league and I think that's what most educational videos refer to. 2. Runes and itemization. I think for mid to high elo your points are all valid, although for low elo what you said in my opinion does not apply. At low elo where the individual skillset is much more prevalent, builds are fundamental irrelevant and people should always build the same stuff every game and the build the like the most, no matter (unless is complete grief) the win rate. The logic is the same as one tricking. Always the same reduces the amount of variables you have to factor in your game, your power spike is always the same, your AS, MS and so on. Again, congrats for the content, really rare to find stuff this good.
My best take away from this was the lolalytics data. The bit about the win rate differences was really eye opening. I'm try harding this season and I'm seeing massive improvements - so much of it is mental. Thank you for the video!
Holy shit ur great at speaking, and more specifically at explaining things concisely, and in an interesting way. Thank you so so much for this video!! It genuinely helps a lot
Nice video and mentality. I got back to league after 6 years, or even more. I never played it constantly, I was a dota player since 2006. I played all the important moba out there, but the only one that made me feel great was league, even when I lose. Also with this I discovered the most toxic and the most professional community of all. At the same time. I am level 23 and I kind of want to go for rank in the future, even though I don't think I will get past gold. Not even gold, maybe silver. I looked some builds ți refresh my memory, and I found your channel. Do you know that there are very few people that teach others mindsets, for a game, and not gameplay mechanics? And this is the base for a future good player. Mindset. Mechanics come with the territory and muscle memory. Mindset is the only thing that keeps you down, or help you rise up. My respects for you and for your work. I will watch your videos and learn a little more each time, so I will have more fun. Thank you 🥂
21:41 I am so glad to hear you say that, I had lots of bronze/silver players looking up to me but instead of asking "what could I have done" they were going at long length about how terrible their teammates were doing, going extensively into their mistakes in terms of builds or plays, and when I told them this is irrelevant because the only common point between your games is that YOU will be playing them so YOU are the only thing worth focusing about it was either "ah-ha! moment" or full denial (in which case I gave up x) ). Next time someone will ask me I will lead them to this video. But first, I will try to take the advice for myself :) thanks for your work.
Excellent video. I greatly value this content, especially coming from such a well regarded and highly skilled solo q player. Really enjoyed this type of content, would love to see more regardless of what that entails.
Leaving a comment to show my appretiation, uve been a great player and creator to follow for years, dont change and keep up the good work mate, ghostaaaaang
Thank you Rangerzx, this guide helped get out of pisslow, find happiness in life, wife, 4 children and im getting nobel prize next week i will mention you as my greatest inspiration
As someone who mains Shen, I found this highly useful even though my champ is as far from a solo carry you can get in the top lane. Thank you for this video.
i hope u will bring us more content like this, it really helps a lot for who those like me that wanto to improve hut dont have that much time, at least for now, to play league more
ngl this is probably top1 league related video ive seen since playing this game, if u think this is what u wanna continue doing personnaly i would love seeing specific toplane content
Playing to win is really something so many players hoping into ranked don't do. It's insane how easily triggered some players gets and as soon as they throw a fit, they run-it-down or just afk farm (refusing to really play).
This is crazy timing on this video. I was literally thinking about this yesterday for a while and what you were talking about with actually going in with the mindset of "wanting to win" and apply that to the game 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥crazy good vid ty
Thanks so much for this, I play support & I definitely see my team like chess pieces haha! There's a big theme here of adaptability, & it seems that most people do not care about winning enough to adapt their runes/build/playstyle, game to game, or moment to moment. I lost a game recently, & I think if I had adapted & built a different item then *I may not have* & that should hurt!! I'm mad & it fuels me to think more about what I'm doing in the future. Having a growth mindset, & the intention of winning every single game is SO important.
a few words about full focus, if you really play with full focus, you don’t get pleasure from the game, you’re in focus, you’re in the moment, and any other action can take you out of it, after the game you can get the thrill of winning and that that you are satisfied with your game. but in the moment you cannot be distracted from yourself even by a good game/ thats it
Insane quality video, this really highlights few concrete ways to think about the game and improvement, where I was lost before. Now it's just up to me to take the stuff learned here to heart or to keep on sucking. We shall see! 🔥🔥🔥
i love your point that playing to improve *is* playing to win. i feel like many people somehow think that playing to win is a bad thing. if a certain strategy helps you win more, then why wouldn't you keep doing it? are you scared that it's cheese? but if it really works, is it really cheese?
Great video. Good mental = more wins. Also i would recommend not spam ping and flame your teammates cuz thay can lose focus because off it. I get easly distracted if my team spam ping me but ill just mute them and get back to my gamepaly, but some ppl will just get offended and play worse
npc will do npc thing,that's why you never think about them,you'll game once with them and never again unless you are challenger 1k+,never think about their feeling never change your own playstyle because someone may get offended,fuck em
But realistically speaking pinging once or twice does nothing in this game, normally spamming pings is to send a message, if i spam ping danger means get the hell out of there as soon as possible, if i pinged twice u'd be like "oh, i just need to be careful" or something like that, which is not what i want to communicate.
I think it's great to understand what kind of player you are in addition to the champions you like to play. For me i would be a neutralizer support/frontline on the toplane. I do play carries sometimes, but i will never be as effective as when i play tanks or weird neutralizers like karma or swain. I can set up or create space, but i'm neither a dmg dealer nor assassin. I don't carry the team with damage i carry the team with space creation for my teamates.
Do you ever watch your replays while you're thinking about what you could do differently? If so, what sorts of things are you looking for? I'd like to start doing it more, but I'm not sure I know what questions I should be asking myself. Thanks for the guide, btw. This was great.
22:04 I think is the most important part. I feel like most people play to win if it means they are the reason they win, but can't do the second part of "helping the team if it is the best course of action". It seems like the main reason people lose games is because they can't stand to admit that they need to play around someone else on the team when they are behind, and once they are behind, they cant focus on keeping themselves from dying and getting back in the game with CS and team fights.
I always stick to a quote that I heard years ago. “The difference between playing to win and playing to not lose, is eveything. If you wanna win, play to win.” Also great video Saku! Thank you for blessing us with wisdom
Great video buddy but just wanted to point on something, at 29:00 you say that it's not good saying "it's fine" on a play where u messed up. Actually saying "it's fine" keeps your mental rather than blaming yourself and then having a bad mood cause you know you did something wrong. If i get nervous and say to myself "yeah fck i could've ghosted there and won the lane" and keep that in mind for the next 3/4 mins it will just make me mad more than anything else, but saying "it's fine" can also be explained as saying "yeah my bad there i could've won the lane on that one trade but ill do better next time and fix my mistake".
RangerZ, you are my favorite streamer for years now, I picked up trynda because of Fogged, but im playing him to this day because of you. Would you consider doing an unranked to masters educational with trynda, just like Alois? You could teach 10 times more about trynda and the matchup-specific things than him
I’m to the point where I feel it’s impossible to win a game. My last bot lane was a duo that died 30+ times combined. So it’s basically a 3v5 with most of us just going even in our lanes. This kind of stuff happens on repeat btw
If i play champs like skarner or many support champs in general its still important to play around your teammates and learn to micromanage/mindcontrol them, just not as much for Carry Champs like Top/Mid/Jngl
I found my champion I've started winning now i need to know how to keep winning, when everyone knows what you're planning just by looking at your champion.
"Fuck 'fine'." Totally my mentality right there. Best video on the topic as well in my opinion. Fuck all these "Every Silver player does these 10 things wrong." videos. And then they give you a list of things to remember and apply. And the list is always different but has major overlaps to others ofc. Yet all of them miss the most important part of any kind of improvement: reflection. It's like our teachers in school failed to teach us how to learn. Learning is a skill in of itself.
Hi man, loved the video! I was wondering if you plan on making an updated Tryndamere matchup list as well as guide to the matchups? I saw KillaaG make one (Gwen otp) and it was quite well made as he went over each matchup briefly, how you lose/win it, when you spike, how you can get by the bad one with itemization/rune/spell changes, etc. It would be greatly appreciated as a lot of people have differing opinions and I think your thought process and knowledge is the best of any tryndamere/top main there is
id love to see more educational content. trynda or otherwise, loved this.
rangerzx cured my adhd
how come?
@@tahatasl5219long video
@@tahatasl5219 this is 56 Minutes of unscripted talking about conceptual league of legends
torturous to watch if you have adhd
You and Alderiate are the reason I started to play this game seriously, not only because of your game sense or mechanics but your MINDSET, you made me learn to focus on my performance and know when I can blame myself or not. So thank you sir for aller those vids ans stream :)
i used to play Trynd and now i'm enjoying Garen Jax more. I watch Ranger coz I feel he has a rly good game knowledge and does rly good calls, my macro rly improved by watching him, even if I don't play Tryn anymore
@@hisoka8202all p3do champions
@@bagelsconcern yes ik since they're both Tryn mains, Ranger even coached Alderiate and said he played too passive
@@bagelsconcern yeah I saw them playing both in the same game they had some reversed besto friendo energy XD
Le mental d'Alderiate
This video is the medicine we need. From full mental locking in Yuumi ADC because supports trollpick to 85% wr. Thank you and keep up the great work. The game is so much more enjoyable when approaching it like this.
To be honest it's Riot fault for letting you get away with that.
The game would be a better place if everyone really tried to win, not just when you're on a winstreak
If you don't make the best play tho don't you need to not tilt and just accept that you messed up, say to yourself "it's fine for now" and keep focus. Think about what you could've done better after the fact. He already didn't make the play what else do you want him to say? Yea I messed up the game is over..
Tbh ur way to explain the things is so precise and thorough that this helped me a lot to really trust some of my own insights more and start to get better on them.
Rare ppl really give this kind of insights to this game! U are one of a kind as a player / coach 👏🏻 Thx for the video and keep these content coming 🤩
Having a good mentality is the most valuable asset in the long run because it applies to every season, role, champion. It should be the number one priority for every player interested in getting better and climbing the ranks.
Thank you so much for this video, it really shows me the actual way to think about the game and improving
This is not a how to win at league of legends video, this is a how to win at life video. If I had as much effort and focus as I put in league into something productive, I would probably be a trillionaire by now XD.
This is what it looks like when a very intelligent person chooses to put their focus into League. What a thing to witness. Incredible video mate.
Great video. I related to your ranked experience a lot except from a low elo and newer player POV.
I started playing like 1.5 years ago and started taking ranked more seriously this split having previously been silver. I two tricked Garen and Kayle (one tricked both at different times) to Plat and then a couple weeks later to Emerald. Similar to you I played very focused and "singleplayer" as you described. Unlike many other players I couldn't mentally play many games back to back with full focus so I would take long breaks between games, only a couple games per day on my serious account. The "winner's mentality" as I call it sort of clicked for me at some point, where my only goal playing a game was to win. This mentality was helpful because I would never tilt and always focus on myself (i.e. at worst I would be a Kayle ult for our carry or split pushing mosquito on Garen).
At 54 mins you talk about how you didn't watch other players to become successful yourself and how it isn't necessary. I can see how this would make sense given how long you have played the game, but for newer players I think watching others is almost necessary for large and rapid improvements. In my head its sort of like the difference between learning math from a textbook vs creating math from basic axioms if that makes sense. Bwipo and Alois are the best for toplane imo.
The best part is when you say “fk fine, screw fine, don’t settle for fine. Go for the best play..”
I think this is the best video I have ever watched about League. I've been playing for 12 years.
This is by far the best way I've seen league been described. Great job on this video
This is so amazing. Your educational content is one of the best in the league community Saku, thanks for this.
One of the best videos ever seen about how to mindset in league
21:39 To this point I used to understand the concept that internalizing blame would lead to improvement, but I wasn't actually putting it into practice, I still found fault in others and externalized blame. So I started telling myself, that It's my fault essentially when anything would go wrong in the game, even if objectively it was untrue.
Which allowed me to see the outcome of my games more in the sphere of my influence and control rather than outside, and lead to a way more proactive approach to finding areas for improvement in my game. It also resulted in a drastically improved positive mindset towards ranked when compared to my mindset before, which led to me rarely ever tilting, and better focusing on my play. I would highly recommend doing the same for anyone who struggles with internalizing blame, and finding fault in their gameplay.
It sounds ridiculously simple, but just saying it's my fault and consequently searching my mind for things I could have done better, has reconditioned my mindset away from taking zero accountability for the outcome of my ranked games, to continually searching for improvement. Which I think is completely necessary for continued improvement, even if objectively your teammates are hurting your chances of winning, putting any stock in that does not serve you in any way towards improvement.
Absolute favorite player has now made my absolute favorite video. W day. TY Saku
first time watching a 1hour video or a movie or anything this long without stopping and fully focused since covid , ranger is the ADHD killer , be my professor plz
i thought what you said about internalizing it being important is really interesting -- reminds me of the whole "allen carr easy way to stop smoking" method, idk if you've heard of it, but the idea is he writes this long book and he not only goes over everything that is bad about smoking carefully, he describes every reason that you might want to smoke and explains in detail why those reasons aren't valid -- obviously the smoker who wants to quit has heard all of those things before, but for many people being forced to internalize it by reading that book found that it was incredibly helpful in quitting.
Wish there were creators like this for mid.
Good video
I LOVE this! I recently saw a video way too focused on consistency and not coin flipping, with this conformist philosophy behind it. This is a pretty much needed breath of fresh air, backed up with the craziest opgg I have ever seen
I fkg love your ruthless approach about playing to win
Great guide! Very thorough and mature concepts and smart delivery
cant wait to go pro with this banger
Great video, very eloquent speech. Also very rare to find people so articulate about their process. My personal feedback about a couple of things that could be misinterpreted (sometimes depending on the elo):
1. play to win vs play to improve: I understand that for you are equivalent terms for many people they are not. In sport psychology there's a big difference between result-oriented mindset and performance-oriented mindset. For istance a person could beat their personal record in 100 m sprint but still come last because other people are fastert. a RO mindset will still consider that a loss, while a PO mindset would not. The same can be said in league and I think that's what most educational videos refer to.
2. Runes and itemization. I think for mid to high elo your points are all valid, although for low elo what you said in my opinion does not apply. At low elo where the individual skillset is much more prevalent, builds are fundamental irrelevant and people should always build the same stuff every game and the build the like the most, no matter (unless is complete grief) the win rate. The logic is the same as one tricking. Always the same reduces the amount of variables you have to factor in your game, your power spike is always the same, your AS, MS and so on.
Again, congrats for the content, really rare to find stuff this good.
My best take away from this was the lolalytics data. The bit about the win rate differences was really eye opening. I'm try harding this season and I'm seeing massive improvements - so much of it is mental. Thank you for the video!
Holy shit ur great at speaking, and more specifically at explaining things concisely, and in an interesting way.
Thank you so so much for this video!! It genuinely helps a lot
Nice video and mentality. I got back to league after 6 years, or even more. I never played it constantly, I was a dota player since 2006. I played all the important moba out there, but the only one that made me feel great was league, even when I lose. Also with this I discovered the most toxic and the most professional community of all. At the same time. I am level 23 and I kind of want to go for rank in the future, even though I don't think I will get past gold. Not even gold, maybe silver.
I looked some builds ți refresh my memory, and I found your channel. Do you know that there are very few people that teach others mindsets, for a game, and not gameplay mechanics? And this is the base for a future good player. Mindset. Mechanics come with the territory and muscle memory. Mindset is the only thing that keeps you down, or help you rise up. My respects for you and for your work. I will watch your videos and learn a little more each time, so I will have more fun. Thank you 🥂
Love educational league youtubers. btw, how did I not know you exist when I'm a Tryn main as well. Welp, glad I found you now.
21:41 I am so glad to hear you say that, I had lots of bronze/silver players looking up to me but instead of asking "what could I have done" they were going at long length about how terrible their teammates were doing, going extensively into their mistakes in terms of builds or plays, and when I told them this is irrelevant because the only common point between your games is that YOU will be playing them so YOU are the only thing worth focusing about it was either "ah-ha! moment" or full denial (in which case I gave up x) ). Next time someone will ask me I will lead them to this video.
But first, I will try to take the advice for myself :) thanks for your work.
This video is SO GOOD. Im saving this.
Excellent video. I greatly value this content, especially coming from such a well regarded and highly skilled solo q player. Really enjoyed this type of content, would love to see more regardless of what that entails.
Leaving a comment to show my appretiation, uve been a great player and creator to follow for years, dont change and keep up the good work mate, ghostaaaaang
Thank you Rangerzx, this guide helped get out of pisslow, find happiness in life, wife, 4 children and im getting nobel prize next week i will mention you as my greatest inspiration
Very nice explanations, really enjoyed the mindset you have about this game
As someone who mains Shen, I found this highly useful even though my champ is as far from a solo carry you can get in the top lane. Thank you for this video.
I am surprised I got all of this information completely for free.
You are doing a really good thing, thank you
i hope u will bring us more content like this, it really helps a lot for who those like me that wanto to improve hut dont have that much time, at least for now, to play league more
I never comment in yt videos. But I just want to say thank you for the effort. Good video and great advice!
ngl this is probably top1 league related video ive seen since playing this game, if u think this is what u wanna continue doing personnaly i would love seeing specific toplane content
"There's no fine plays. Fuck fine" is going to be my league mantra from now on.
Best LoL coaching video I've ever seen. Kudos
Playing to win is really something so many players hoping into ranked don't do. It's insane how easily triggered some players gets and as soon as they throw a fit, they run-it-down or just afk farm (refusing to really play).
This is crazy timing on this video. I was literally thinking about this yesterday for a while and what you were talking about with actually going in with the mindset of "wanting to win" and apply that to the game 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥crazy good vid ty
could you imagine league without rangerz? i can not.
Thanks so much for this, I play support & I definitely see my team like chess pieces haha! There's a big theme here of adaptability, & it seems that most people do not care about winning enough to adapt their runes/build/playstyle, game to game, or moment to moment.
I lost a game recently, & I think if I had adapted & built a different item then *I may not have* & that should hurt!! I'm mad & it fuels me to think more about what I'm doing in the future. Having a growth mindset, & the intention of winning every single game is SO important.
You and Neace got me into tryndamere. Such a fun champ.
I think the only thing that was better than the great information in this video was the fact that I got to listen to it delivered by Ranger :)
Pretty valuable information for improving in league fast. Keep it up brother.
Man, this is such a fantastic video, words of advice from a man who has gone there and done it. Ggwp sir thank you so much for the free content ❤️💪
a few words about full focus, if you really play with full focus, you don’t get pleasure from the game, you’re in focus, you’re in the moment, and any other action can take you out of it, after the game you can get the thrill of winning and that that you are satisfied with your game. but in the moment you cannot be distracted from yourself even by a good game/ thats it
Tf you talking about lil bro? You can full focus and then enjoy the match when it's over.
This video is awesome Ranger! This type of content is literally useful to every league player no matter the elo. Thank you brother!
great vid mr rangerz
Insane quality video, this really highlights few concrete ways to think about the game and improvement, where I was lost before. Now it's just up to me to take the stuff learned here to heart or to keep on sucking. We shall see! 🔥🔥🔥
i love your point that playing to improve *is* playing to win. i feel like many people somehow think that playing to win is a bad thing. if a certain strategy helps you win more, then why wouldn't you keep doing it? are you scared that it's cheese? but if it really works, is it really cheese?
Great video. Good mental = more wins. Also i would recommend not spam ping and flame your teammates cuz thay can lose focus because off it. I get easly distracted if my team spam ping me but ill just mute them and get back to my gamepaly, but some ppl will just get offended and play worse
npc will do npc thing,that's why you never think about them,you'll game once with them and never again unless you are challenger 1k+,never think about their feeling never change your own playstyle because someone may get offended,fuck em
@@ogaimon3380 ok big guy go back to school and learn reading, i never said anything about changing playstyle because off someone else
But realistically speaking pinging once or twice does nothing in this game, normally spamming pings is to send a message, if i spam ping danger means get the hell out of there as soon as possible, if i pinged twice u'd be like "oh, i just need to be careful" or something like that, which is not what i want to communicate.
@@HollowR1130 im talking about flame pinging like when your laner dies 1v1 and you spam ping him after etc
10/10 helping us randos figure out what the purpose of the game is
I think it's great to understand what kind of player you are in addition to the champions you like to play. For me i would be a neutralizer support/frontline on the toplane. I do play carries sometimes, but i will never be as effective as when i play tanks or weird neutralizers like karma or swain. I can set up or create space, but i'm neither a dmg dealer nor assassin. I don't carry the team with damage i carry the team with space creation for my teamates.
Do you ever watch your replays while you're thinking about what you could do differently? If so, what sorts of things are you looking for? I'd like to start doing it more, but I'm not sure I know what questions I should be asking myself. Thanks for the guide, btw. This was great.
really good mentality. for life in general
Lol, no hate but the chapter being called "have the best thought" with the chat on 23:14 kills me 🤣🤣
22:04 I think is the most important part. I feel like most people play to win if it means they are the reason they win, but can't do the second part of "helping the team if it is the best course of action". It seems like the main reason people lose games is because they can't stand to admit that they need to play around someone else on the team when they are behind, and once they are behind, they cant focus on keeping themselves from dying and getting back in the game with CS and team fights.
I always stick to a quote that I heard years ago.
“The difference between playing to win and playing to not lose, is eveything.
If you wanna win, play to win.”
Also great video Saku!
Thank you for blessing us with wisdom
a guide on itemization and teamfighting on tryndamere would help significantly.
Best league coaching video out there 👍
Great video buddy but just wanted to point on something, at 29:00 you say that it's not good saying "it's fine" on a play where u messed up. Actually saying "it's fine" keeps your mental rather than blaming yourself and then having a bad mood cause you know you did something wrong. If i get nervous and say to myself "yeah fck i could've ghosted there and won the lane" and keep that in mind for the next 3/4 mins it will just make me mad more than anything else, but saying "it's fine" can also be explained as saying "yeah my bad there i could've won the lane on that one trade but ill do better next time and fix my mistake".
id love to see more educational content that's geared towards non top lane players specially about the macro aspects of the game
The example with blitzcrank flash hook in lategame felt personal
Great video, I think it was assumed knowledge for me that I really needed to hear and visualize . E2 hoping to hit diamond before end of season.
This video is literally a true masterpiece thank you so muh Rangerzx...
RangerZ, you are my favorite streamer for years now, I picked up trynda because of Fogged, but im playing him to this day because of you. Would you consider doing an unranked to masters educational with trynda, just like Alois? You could teach 10 times more about trynda and the matchup-specific things than him
I’m to the point where I feel it’s impossible to win a game. My last bot lane was a duo that died 30+ times combined. So it’s basically a 3v5 with most of us just going even in our lanes.
This kind of stuff happens on repeat btw
please do more this is so valueable content !!!!
Yeah the favorite champ thing is so real, ever since the fiora rework i haven't really found any that fit me
3:00 good rule of thumb is to sort by "release date" and pick something new
Most of the current dominant champions in the meta are releases from before 2018, including several from season 2 and 1. You're delusional.
If i play champs like skarner or many support champs in general its still important to play around your teammates and learn to micromanage/mindcontrol them, just not as much for Carry Champs like Top/Mid/Jngl
As a yorick main , 16 win streak right now in hardstuck Emerald, I believe this video will help me get to diamond
the best mindset in league for sure 🙌
I am only 18 minutes in and this is already such a GOATED video
Great Video Mate!
this is so good, love your content keep it up!
What a great fucking video, thank you.
This was extremely educational.
this made me ghost to success irl, ty boss man
Solo carry into solo throw the game is definitely my style. I'm very good at throwing games.
I found my champion I've started winning now i need to know how to keep winning, when everyone knows what you're planning just by looking at your champion.
Great timing as I'm coming back after a year to get the Victorious Trynd skin
Loved the video but kinda fun to see chat at 23:34 xD
i just saw Drum & Bass list and had to give a like
"Fuck 'fine'." Totally my mentality right there.
Best video on the topic as well in my opinion.
Fuck all these "Every Silver player does these 10 things wrong." videos. And then they give you a list of things to remember and apply. And the list is always different but has major overlaps to others ofc. Yet all of them miss the most important part of any kind of improvement: reflection. It's like our teachers in school failed to teach us how to learn. Learning is a skill in of itself.
great video brother, always.
Hey really good video. Thanks man
121k views on content like this and yet every other video is tryn focused, we need more of this stuff big bro
Hi man, loved the video! I was wondering if you plan on making an updated Tryndamere matchup list as well as guide to the matchups? I saw KillaaG make one (Gwen otp) and it was quite well made as he went over each matchup briefly, how you lose/win it, when you spike, how you can get by the bad one with itemization/rune/spell changes, etc. It would be greatly appreciated as a lot of people have differing opinions and I think your thought process and knowledge is the best of any tryndamere/top main there is
Seriously amazing video
Elite tanking some blame here :D
(still a great guy, keep it up dude)
Thank you so much for lending me the lambr rangerzx
Great tips, best mindset.