Radicalisation is when someone starts to believe or support extreme views, and in some cases, then participates in terrorist groups or acts. It can be motivated by a range of factors, including ideologies, religious beliefs, political beliefs and prejudices against particular groups of people. Hargyeso, Burco and Berbero and it's radicalisation and extremism flag so called Somaliland. Stop the war within Somali!
Mash ahal
Radicalisation is when someone starts to believe or support extreme views, and in some cases, then participates in terrorist groups or acts. It can be motivated by a range of factors, including ideologies, religious beliefs, political beliefs and prejudices against particular groups of people.
Hargyeso, Burco and Berbero and it's radicalisation and extremism flag so called Somaliland.
Stop the war within Somali!
Waa rajoo fiica baa somaliya uu soono qota siidawarku nuugsoharayna masra dawluad qaani ah eratareya dawlada wanagsa n
War ninkan Hassan sheekh ma fiyooba ee wadanka halaga qabto waa nin boqol waji leh
Awooda aduunka waa cir iyo bad intaas awoodaada hadey ka maqan tahay maskiin baad ka tahay labadaas awood waa in somalia iska dhistaa markaas waa lagaa leexanayaa