The Denominator is how many pieces a whole amount has been divided into. The Numerator is how many parts of the of the Denominator there is being talked about. So when you put the question, what is 200% of 1/3 first thing to think of is the fact that the Denominator does not need to change because it’s how many parts of a whole amount there is. When figuring out the question’s answer, you need to think of a more clear comparison. Like think to yourself if I was to double 1/2. What do I need to do to get 2/2. As you can see, doubling the Numerator gives you double the parts of the Denominator.
No. Percentage is a ratio, not a value. 2/3 is the correct answer. You may express it in decimals but as the value is given as a fraction, the answer as a fraction is most appropriate.
I don't get why you're treating the percentage as a decimal only! You take the time to spell things out. Yet here you have not treated the percentage as a fraction for those who don't make that connection, denominator 100, the whole thing split into 100 pieces, where 100 of those pieces is the whole thing. Why?
66.6 or 67%
2 x 1/3 = 2/3
The Denominator is how many pieces a whole amount has been divided into. The Numerator is how many parts of the of the Denominator there is being talked about. So when you put the question, what is 200% of 1/3 first thing to think of is the fact that the Denominator does not need to change because it’s how many parts of a whole amount there is. When figuring out the question’s answer, you need to think of a more clear comparison. Like think to yourself if I was to double 1/2. What do I need to do to get 2/2. As you can see, doubling the Numerator gives you double the parts of the Denominator.
Answer: 2/3
200% of 1/3
200 1
-- x --
100 3
200% of 1/3rd means, twice of 1/3rd.
Twice of 1/3rd is 2/3rd.
200% of 1/3
100% of 1/3 = 1 · 1/3 = 1/3
200% of 1/3 = 2 · 1/3 = 2/3 ✔
200% of 1/3
200/100 · 1/3 = 2/1 · 1/3 = 2/3 ✔
200% of 1/3
200% to decimal 200 : 100 = 2 · 1/3 = 2/3 ✔
Is the final answer o. 667 ?
Is it correct ?
2/3, 1.5 second using just my brain.
What kept you? 😂
I truly admire your lightning fast explanations. 😂
Thank You Sir.
I did this 57 years ago.
Very easy logic question if you know what a percentage is.
Two times as much.
That's one time more.
Or, if you're making a TV commercial, it's two times more.
got 2/3 1 second thought it was a 'trick question' thanks for the fun.
Will .66 work?
7 · (90 + 2) = 630 + 14 = 644, so 0.07 · 92 = 6.44.
Twice 33.333% (one third =100/3=33.33333)=66.6666 if a 200%expression is sought, shouldn't the fraction be converted to a %?
No. Percentage is a ratio, not a value. 2/3 is the correct answer. You may express it in decimals but as the value is given as a fraction, the answer as a fraction is most appropriate.
In my head in less than 2 seconds, 2/3.
I got 66 in my head but 66 x 3 =198 not 200. 66.5 x 3 = 199.5. 66.6 x 3 = 199.8. 66.7 x 3 =200.1. The answer is somewhere between 66.6 and 66.7
step #1 replace "1/3" with "x"
200% of x = (200/100) • x
= 2x
step #2
replace x with 1/3
= 2(1/3)
= 2/3
200 divide 100 multiply by 1/3
200% = 200 x 1/100 = 200 / 100 = 2 so 200% x 1/3 = 2 x 1/3 = 2/3
Alternative: 1/3 % of 200 = ...
Not much thought needed for this problem. 2/3 was quite easy if you didn’t try using equations to solve.
2/3 did in my head 🙂
0. 66
200÷100×1/3.. =2/3
100 % of 1/3 is 1/3 so 200% is 2/3
100% = 1/3. Therefore 200% is 2 x 1/3 = 2/3
100% of 1/3 is 1/3, so double that would be 2/3.
If 100% of 1/3 is 1/3 then 200% of 1/3 would be 2/3.
The answer is easy, 2/3.
I don't get why you're treating the percentage as a decimal only! You take the time to spell things out. Yet here you have not treated the percentage as a fraction for those who don't make that connection, denominator 100, the whole thing split into 100 pieces, where 100 of those pieces is the whole thing. Why?
It's obviously twice 1/3 so the answer is 2/3.
200% of anything is twice that thing, so ⅔.
Took about 5 seconds to solve
Yes, but if you are starting with 1/3 and you have a 200% increase you end up with 3/3.
2 / 3