you can cut power to unused servos and motors with motor.setPower(0); motor.setbrakeposition(nothing); for motors and servo.getController.pwmDisable() for servos typically the battery can handle around 5 motors at relatively max power, browning out tends to happen when you have 7 or 8 running at the same time, with a lot of servos too.
Woah, the intake and outtake are so speedy
do you have 3d model of intake?
@demonx9842 I am just a random person, why would I have it lol
The audio was a little choppy but what type of linear slides are you using?
I believe they are using misumis, but correct me if I’m wrong though!
dont know look like viper slides to me?
Can the battery deliver enough power to all the components?
you can cut power to unused servos and motors with
for motors and
for servos
typically the battery can handle around 5 motors at relatively max power, browning out tends to happen when you have 7 or 8 running at the same time, with a lot of servos too.
@dotshape so when you do want to use it, u set the power of your choice?
Ty alot really appreciate your help 🙏
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