Rage 2 is a much more fun game. It's almost like a different game and doesn't feel like a sequel. I played some of Rage 1 on Steam and got a refund. Rage 1 uses still images for it's sky box. Rage 2's sky actually has moving clouds. The skybox in Rage 2 looks way better.
@@wulfone5961 sorry but rage 2 aint a good game lol its very boring generic open world. the only good part is the doom gunplay, but even that is dulled down by boring enemies. atleast don't buy it for 60 bucks cause it aint worth it. maybe 20
@@dushikorsou1 That's what makes it good. Everything that wasn't very good in Rage 1 is also not great in Rage 2,except the gunplay. I bought the deluxe edition on Steam for 80. I don't regret my purchase.
@@Horzinicla I love both of them, but rage 2 is a lot more transparent and fun to play. Rage 1 often gets fatiguing because of the similarity in color tones and pace.
@@Horzinicla like being in the funfair with ten children yelling in your ear. The first one was like the world went down, the second one looks more like, who cares, lets rave
That mechanic is only good if you only hold 2-3 guns or so. In Rage 1, a lot of gun wouldnt have their functions overlap if that mechanic doesnt exist. For example, pistol with fatman round function nearly identical to sniper rifle, shotgun pop rocket makes real rocket obsolete and one pistol round function nearly identical to shotgun buckshot... In Rage 2 weapons have different fire modes, which already do this some what but there are less overlaps. From the top of my mind only the shogun's alt fire make pistol/revolver obsolete. Otherwise weapons play nicely to their niche.
Yeah like it got annoying swapping between them and some of the ammo's were useless or made certain guns useless, but I wwould have liked if they included it in some way
@@MrC77 Buy RAGE 2 man it's fun if you like fast paced action like DOOM but with way more upgrades. I have a few videos of me taking out enemy encampments if you want to see some gameplay with zero commentary except of course my reactions which are maybe two words at most.
Don't...i had the same feeling, bought it but you get bored after the first 2 missions...At the time i finished it and loved it, but after all these years it's a no-no for me.
@@Szilagyicsabaistvan I bought. But YOU will be bored? I guess you consider yourself a template for all humanity. I played it again this week, but boring hasn't arrived yet. On the contrary. The only thing on original game what upsets me are mandatory missions in the car and of course the final "boss" fight. The actual gameplay and especially the feeling of shooting is simply ... ID SOFTWARE !!!
Rage 2 is more technically advanced in terms of scale, texture detail and filtering, effects, etc but what made Rage 1 so appealing to the eye (on PC, on consoles it was a texture popping mess) was the art direction and world design. ID made it a priority to make the object geometry extremely varied and unique at every corner of world. They talked about how literally no two rocks, cliffs, or caves are alike. The world itself is not a diverse landscape but the geometric detail is incredible. This also had a lot to do with developer choice and engine being used. Rage 1 was developed by iD Software using the iD Tech 5 engine, whereas Rage 2 was primarily developed by Avalanche Studios using the Apex engine. Avalanche is a great studio, but iD's style seemed better suited for Rage's world.
i remember sitting on the edges of the map where you can see far off vistas, like ghost fortress, places where you can see these far out trippy scenes and thinking thats gonna be great to see those dry ocean beds, carst formations, then when they did they switched development teams make every think brown and scrubby. I really think they need to go back to the first game and start with those horizons, the color palate the dreamlike nature of the skies and clouds. The whole game feels like a memory. Rage 2 feels like somebody elses science project that goes on after school and you have to wait while they stumble and mumble and go an hour after class while lights and air conditioners turn off and the janitor keeps peeking in because he wants to mop the floor and go home.
Yeah the clouds were absolutely amazing! Even though it was just using images of real clouds, it really felt pretty real. I was impressed when I first played it.
Me too, something about the game that made me enjoy it, maybe was the art direction and really advanced graphics plus the 60fps they managed on the last gen consoles made the whole experience amazing
@@Wolf-or6ws The complaints were mostly on the PC, on consoles the game worked well, this is not to say the PC sucks, Rage 1 was a console game front center, idSoftware said that from the beginning, when they made the PC version, stuff just broke, because not everyone has the same hardware. When Rage 1 PC was released many PC users were meet with a blurry mess, the worse problems were quickly solved but the bad taste stuck.
I think a lot of games had that same colour scheme back then and it was causing games to not get noticed, hence why Borderlands went to a lot of effort to change its artstyle, and I think Rage 2 went more colourful to get noticed more cause the last one struggled with that
Yeah, the animations in RAGE 1 were definitely top-tier Valve quality stuff indeed. idSoftware were pretty much in their A-game at the time in terms of character animation quality(still are imo).
Texture resolution was worse in Rage, but Texture variety using mega textures and environment design was way better. Scenes just pop. There is so much detail in geometry and texture variety. No repeating textures, very detailed gritty environment. I like Rage 2, but its environment design and art direction does not compare to Rage 1.
Yeah man making the game run on the PS3 and Xbox 360 hurt the game. It should have been a PC only game in 2011. Crysis 1 was PC only in 2007 and it literally killed every game on consoles
The performance ID got out of last generation consoles was astounding. I remember playing Rage on 360, and somehow it ran at a solid 60fps despite its impressive visual fidelity. Texture pop-in was definitely a thing, but that's a small price to pay for the ultra-crisp textures throughout the game while running buttery smooth and offering a more responsive experience than most of the competition. Remember, the Borderlands games all ran at 30 on console until their re-release this generation. And can't forget about this generation's Doom. ID _really_ knows how to optimize a game. Well, they just really know how to _make games in the first place._
First Rage has still a much better story/atmosphere than this one. I played thru half the second one, and now I can say that the first one, was a much better game overall.
Yea it is out of place. Rage is supposed to be a dark and gritty atmosphere with a muted color palette. Looks like Bethesda abandoned that post-civilization look for this ugly blend of synthwave cyberpunk aesthetic and post-apocalyptic wasteland environment. It just doesn't look right mixed like that. Probably hopping on the cyberpunk bandwagon because they are too afraid to leap into a deeper Rage 1 aesthetic with refinement.. Shame.
Some of the extra detail in RAGE 1 can be explained by the fact that RAGE 1 used Megatextures, which allowed every pixel to be unique and detail to be added that wasn’t practical before. Impressive tech, though buggy.
Indeed even tho IMO it was too early to bet on that tech (idtech 6 and Doom is where that tech really shines), it does make Rage 1 look good specially in screenshots.
Rage 1 still looks good because it wasn’t dynamic. What you see is what you get. Fixed lighting, fixed skybox, linear level design. It was curated experience. Rage 2 looks just as good except everything is dynamic and open.
Wellspring has more geometrical detail in Rage 2. The detail you are pointing out in Rage 1 is related to the art design of the texture. The textures in Rage 2 are of higher resolution in Wellspring. Both games look great. Rage 1 still holds up thx to art design and great character animations, IMO.
Yup. Thats what I was trying to say. I explained that the textures are higher quality in rage 2. But rage 1s art style helps it stand out. Its definetly not as complex, but it appears like it is
@@Nick930 This is due to the Megatexture technology that was the prominent feature of the Idtech 5 engine Rage used. Because it was made to run on ps3 and 360, which had extremely limited amounts of shared video and system RAM, they had to sacrifice texture resolution and make the world pretty static. In exchange, the Megatexture technology allowed artists to design much more intricate patterns within the textures themselves, which is why everything has much more personality than in Rage 2. It really was technology ahed of its time, I would like to see some kind of remaster with today's or even next gen consoles.
Megatextures, which idtech5 pioneered, are pretty cool. If it was made for modern tech I’d like to see the quality of the textures now. All that detail, never repeating, at a much higher res. Would be amazing!
Only reason why they had low res appearance is due to them baking all lighting to environment, meaning no texel is repeated in the world. (another was that the source textures weren't really high res in the beginning.) They did their own light baker which did proper global illumination to every pixel in world. (Thus perfect unmovable light and shadow, which was shown in the shadow part.. the very blurry shadow in that case was the more correct one..) If they wouldn't have baked lighting they could have done classic texture tiling tricks and so on. (Like on Doom which still does use the streaming tech.) Many games now a days use pretty much identical tech although it goes by name of Virtual Texturing. (Trials series, FarCry 4&5 use it as a base for terrain texturing, World of Tanks, Conan Exile, Unreal Engine just got virtual texturing to Dev branch... ) There are several great advantages to virtual texturing, the first one is constant memory usage, independent of texture resolution of assets. Another one is that you can change or create texture run time and save performance as you can use very simple texture for multiple frames. (Combine tens of textures to one and use it as long as needed.)
@username172 Oh, yes. I'm sure there is something funky happening. :D In general UI and inventories and such should run at screen refreshrate. Most likely does cause quite bit of work and/or headache for developers, but is very noticeable improvement.
I know both games are using completly different engines, but I think in a direct comparison you cannot see that there are 8 years between. Fun fact, your video made me more interested in the game then any other video so far, no matter if official trailer or test video and yours is only a graphic comparison.
That is because graphics have reached a point of diminishing returns, they are much more complex and heavy today but visually they are not leaps and bounds away. Only when we start using full raytraced games will games really advance visually, after that, is the end for graphics evolution. Btw this point of diminishing return, happened more or less after 2007 (When Crysis 1 came out), the generation from directx 7/8 to directX 9 was a huge jump and I mean really huge but after Dx9c (in reality after Crysis) the improvements were incremental, Rage 1 is a directx9 game (is really a OpenGL 3.3 game but is equivalent ), Rage 2 is a Vulkan game(similar to directX 12), the difference between them visually like you see, specially in a video is not night and day, of course things change when you play the games.
why did they use a different engine? shouldnt they have stuck with id tech? rage 1 looked and performed great.. and then future itereations of that engine did the same, but better (doom 2016 anyone?) (unless you mean it did use the same engine, just a different iteration...) but from the short time i played it felt like it used the same shitty engine from just cause 4.. i cant believe still that just cause 3 had no built in triple buffering.. so if you could run the game at a sustained 55fps for e.g you were stuck at 30fps.. unless you used windows built it vsync by running in windowed mode and forced triple buffering etc in nvidia control panel.. i probably got that partially wrong but you get the idea. it was a long time ago. and damn those games run bad. and dont look that good (except for the explosions of course)
@@wotever99ninynine Rage is based on ID tech, whereas Rage 2 uses Avalanches own engine, not ID tech. Yes Doom 2016 looks incredible but I doubt that ID tech 6 was made for open world.
@@Argoon1981 You are right, nevertheless, most games/engines are far from what is possible. Just take a look at the faces of Crysis 1, this game is 12 years old now so, technically is should be possible to get this level of detail in every game today. On the other hand, look at the Division 2 or probably every other Ubisoft game and the amount of detail is something you only could dream of years ago. And then there is physics, which haven´t really improved in any way althoug we have 2 powerful solutions for it ( PhysX and Havoc ) but they are barely used.
@@KurtKn1sp3l true, fair point. although rage was sort of open world and used an id tech engine. and doesnt idtech 6 (doom 2016) use megatextures still? (just renamed to virtual textures or something). this would have been a better game in my mind if they used id tech 6 and scrapped the whole open world concept anyway... i usually dont like open world. unless its done right, which is not an easy thing to do. - thats just my opinion, you are free to disagree :-)
RAGE 1 style > RAGE 2's style. Overall RAGE 2's choice of colors make it look too "fake" for me. It feels like they over did the saturation in RAGE 2 with some exorbitant amount of neon colors. It looks "pretty" but throws me out of the whole "This is a post-apocalyptic world" feel a bit and the outfits that the NPC's wear look near comedic vs the originals. I haven't played either game but I'm loving the mood that R1 sets through just seeing gameplay of it. It looks like a game that would be the result of MAD MAX and Kenshi having "sex" lol. It seems more unique. They essentially went "Far Cry New Dawn" on RAGE 2 or Saints Row 3/4 on RAGE 2. Went from SERIOUS to Semi-Serious/Funny. I think the bright colors are beautiful though on RAGE 2 and if you have a 4K, HDR, OLED or QLED TV, the game probably just *POPS* in all it's cartoony-ish color-schemed glory but otherwise, I'd totally go for the first game. Side Note: Hate how some buildings looked more detailed in RAGE 1 than RAGE 2, I think the bright color scheme is to blame here again.
Agreed, Bethesda is trying to hop on the cyberpunk synthwave aesthetic bandwagon instead of just improving upon the first Rage and its designs. I also think the buildings seem cleaner in the sense that there is less material on them, they just seem less complex in that way.
@@juliet4093 OK buddy sorry, please don't attack me with your sword while wearing your fedora. Also shave your neck...it's gross. FYI- ALL the NPC's looked better ascetically speaking in the first one. It would appear that 30 years of progress caused the people to become wasted and SUPER dirty. Also they like to play fight (the men do) with squirrel tail but-plugs...THAT should please your progressive views right?
Nope. Maybe my images dont properly convey this point, but the details in the character models like pockets, ammo pouches, etc, look far better in rage 2 than the blurry mess in rage 1. Rage 1 does have some nice stylized character faces, but ultimately rage 2 has better details
@@Nick930 Maybe I wasn't clear enough, my bad. I'm not talking about texture resolution, I'm talking about the model intricacy and actual amount of object model detail. (ex clothes model, # of elements on buildings/walls etc)
To me, detailed models don't really matter if the color palette and the geometric curves that consist of them are badly put together. I think Rage 1's character are obviously less detailed, but they just seem more post-civilization to me, which is what I liked about Rage 1. It was more muted and gritty whereas Rage 2 tries to be all over the place, like it doesn't know what it wants to be.
yea an you must have dropped your eye sight in the same garbage can you dropped your brain because it seems in this video alone rage looks better then rage 2.
The artistic direction of rage 1 was what really immersed me i was kind of sad when I had found that it was totally stripped from rage 2 making it far more cartoony in general and less like a post apocalyptic fight for survival, but thats just me, had fun with both games.
The use of megatexture in Rage was revolutionary, too early perhaps, therefore it had problems with quality and performance. Maybe we will return to them in the future.
Yes to early indeed, the new Doom still uses megatextures and no one complains, they changed the name to "virtual textures" but is the same stuff, why they changed the name, I assume because they were afraid people would pass on the game because of the bad rep that "megatextures" gained in Rage 1. Some history on the tech for those interested. The first game to use mega textures was Quake Wars and there's zero pop in, but they were used only for the terrain, in rage was used for everything. Today GPU's have special hardware acceleration for "virtual textures", something that at the time when Rage 1 came out they didn't, that was also the cause for some of the first game problems. Mega textures/virtual textures are streamed onto the scene, in real time, contrary to the "old" texture system that saves all the scenes textures on RAM at loading time, because they are streamed they are dependent on the speed of the hard-drive where the game is installed, if you play on a SSD you experience much less texture lag. John Carmack, the guy that did all the idSoftware engines til id tech 6, was working on that tech even before Doom 3 came out, that is why Doom 3 engine (idtech4), has a very early version of the mega texture tech (terrain only), the game doesn't use it and they removed some files, but a modder was able to make it work, it has a big problem tho, a "mega texture" in the Doom 3 engine takes a huge amount of space, a 32k terrain texture takes GB of space, in Quake Wars the same image takes a few MB.
I took until Wolfenstein 2 when they finally got the megatexture thing right (and even then it's not flawless). Considering Rage has 1TB in assets, they could have done a lot more or at least a remaster.
I like Rage 2 but I agree completely. It feels so disconnected from the first game they could have just renamed the characters and the factions and called it something else. Even returning characters look, sound, and act completely different. Almost feels disrespectful really.
Rage 2 is so much better then the original it's not even funny everything from gunplay to special abilities to the side quests and the locations are much much better.
Haven't played either one but yeah, I'm someone who appreciates the first one's art/tone direction more. It just looks more immersive or maybe not immersive but more realistic. I can be immersed in either one but if I had to choose, I'd choose RAGE 1 because it looks scarier and I like that. RAGE 2 almost looks like a cartoon version of the original. Best thing I can compare it to is like... Saints Row 1 to Saints Row 3 or 4. They did a similar thing with their series direction.
I disagree, I've just finished the game, albeit short, I had a blast. The combat is significantly better allowing you to combo much harder and faster, if you can maintain a 10x combo and overdrive, you can rifle/shotgun your way through most scenarios and combo vortex/slam to reduce damage taken in overwhelming enemy numbers
@@try2bcool yeah, in fact you're right we should just stick with the basics, games aren't allowed to try anything new, I don't play anything newer than asteroids
1:53 How Do you prefer RAGE 1 over RAGE 2 Graphics Look at Left RAGE 1 Background Graphics Look like PS2, even some PS2 has better textures, so Ugly low quality textures
I loved original Rage game and finished it two times. I prefer art style of original game, it`s feels more realistic and post-apocalyptic. Rage 2 is a good looking and fun game still.
Rage 2 doesn't feel great. It looks muddy, while Rage looks crystal clear, and you can see why the megatexturing was important back in those day. I really hope they'll come back to idtech if they'll make another Rage game
playing rage 2 now, all seems to be a bit blurred on rage 2. Running in 4k 2080ti all in ultra, but prefer how the original looked like. The texture had more contrast, and nothing blurred, more detail perceived by the eye even if it technically is the contrary.
turn anti aliasing depth of field, motion blur etc off. but yeah, i agree. the distant stuff looks overly blurred. rage 1 was a much better looking game.
Yeah I prefer the aesthetics of the first Rage over the second. The developers were trying to latch on to the popularity of the cyberpunk synthwave aesthetic for Rage 2, but it kind of ruined that theme we had from the first.
I remember playing Rage 1 with my old Logitech G35 headset and the sound from the shotgun 😲😲 dear god, the sound was great! The shotgun sound now in Rage 2 is meh.. Need more boom bass 😁
@@beyondjon5691 Racing games are hallways. With the same budget and same focus on graphics, you literally cannot beat them for graphics when competing with open world games. No matter how pretty you think one looks. Open world games still have to cut a lot of corners with today's hardware to work. Racing games are perfect for high fidelity graphics due to their extremely small game world.
@@VANTARTS LMAO read your own comments, buttmunch. First you tell a guy that his comment is invalid because he has a typo, then call me juvenile. You're comedy gold.
As an environment artist myself, I kinda hate to say it. Rage 1 definitely had a much better look going for it. 2 is more unified, which I think is why that hard contrast went away. It paved a path for a (literally) brighter looking future but it sacrificed too much depth in my opinion. This seems especially obvious with the interior lighting and texture direction. 1 really stuck to it's guns with how overly sharp everything was and it's always been a standout design choice to me. 2 is like the watered down, safe and easy rendition of a spicy food you really liked. It's a harsh criticism from me but they somehow managed to find a way to make every aspect of the original's art style more bland. And I very much blame the leads for that one. I know we've gotta try and keep that broad market appeal but ya'll really dropped the ball there imo.
@@Deathmetal247 Idk i never bought it; only played like 2 missions on a friends pc and i remember the game being buggy as hell. But i have to say that i like the presentation and the art style a lot more in rage 1. Far cry 4 was the last good game of the series, although far cry 3.5 would be a better title.
Rage 1's baked lighting on megatextures looks really great! Apart from texture pop-in which didn't really bother me. Its downside is that once you add any dynamic lighting or move objects, things will instantly look weird.
I'm realizing that the art in Rage 1 was way ahead of it's time, and the art in Rage 2 is significantly behind the times. They appear to have been built on the same graphics versioning, with Rage 2 actually appearing older than Rage 1. How did the Devs expect to sell this? Crazy.
The engine and techniques used were the same. Yes, they were seperate teams, but i wouldnt be surprised if they borrowed resources. A good example is hideo kojimas upcoming death stranding, which uses the engine used to created horizon zero dawn along with a flash drive filled with various assets
@@Nick930 Indeed Prey 1 and Quake 4 use a slightly modified Doom 3 engine (idtech 4), funny enough Doom 3 BFG has a more modern and advanced engine (a mixture of idtech 4 and 5 tech) but looks just like the original Doom 3, proving that no matter the engine if the arte is old the game will look old...
i absolutely loved rage 1 and put so many hours into that game when it was released. one of my favorites. currently a couple hours into rage 2, overall i'd say it's a better game. but i really like the art design in the first game a lot better.
Rage 1 is 1000 times better even with all the problems it has like the rushed ending . The art direction of Rage 2 feels souless. The game is not even made by id software and it is not even using idtech engine.
In an alternate reality where rage 1 was not rushed and actually had more in it, it would've been one of the best fps of the 2010s simply because it didn't follow the far cry formula of go there shoot thing get reward, I remember one side quest that had an entire level and enemy of it's own.
04:32 Nicholas Raine I liked the artistic wasteland look of the first one way more...but since time has passed I am liking the new artistic direction as well and the amount of fluid action and total carnage and mayhem you can create in this game is one hell of a ride I am loving it! Turn the difficulty up to hard or Nightmare and turn off the aiming reticule and it's good FPS fun.
I never personally got into rage 1, yeah visuals were nice but never enough to got me invested in the mess the story was, so I skipped on rage 2, but I gotta say that the more colorful and bright presentation and praise the combat is getting I'm really considering picking it up, it looks to be a fun beautiful open world game, I'll wait untill your review to see if I buy it or not, great video as always Nick!
Iker Muñoz Cano The gameplay and gun combat is by far better than the first one and the environment can look outright beautiful in many areas, something I can't say about the first one. It looks good only when you are far away, but once you get close... Only thing worse is the car controls.
I love both. Especially RAGE 2's. Something about bright, shiny, neon/pastel color palettes make me happy. Especially when put in contrast to the world itself.
I definitely will be doing that. But rather than trying to match up scenes in trailer footage, I'm going to wait till I can record my own footage. I'll be doing both a Wildlands vs breakpoint & an original reveal to retail comparison
I like RAGE 2 more than RAGE 1 I just think the vehicles have better quality, overdrive is insane, and It doesn’t look all depressing like RAGE 1 does.
I hope they kept the post apocaliptic feeling the atmosphere and the imersive ambience of rage 1 ! The doom the lost and the survival feeling of Rage one is found in games like Last of Us, Metro 2033, Portal 2, Deadlight... Hope Rage 2 keep that feeling...
@@samanthacino I disagree. While it's pretty small and no real freedom, it's has this unique look wherever you look at. Textures are not repeating themself thanks to the usage of megatextures. Avalanche Studios can make big enviroments, but all the assets are pretty much copy/paste. Even some of the Den's you visit are identical to each other. Rage 2 lacks a unique finger print. It got the same issues like Far Cry 5 and New Dawn. Big world with random uninteresting locations. At least the gunplay is good.
Ideas for Rage 3, go back to the Dead City, Blue Line Station and make those abandoned cities from 2 have the complexity of first game. Some aspects of 2 work like the marshes and tropics, but so much of the game is boring. Just remaster the first game, end once that whole style is disgested by new team, then make a third game. I really liked the glowing slime mutant, the tenticle mutant, the giants. That should be the focus not random bandits.
Rage 1 has a unique art style while rage 2 is more bland but I love how the smaller details were improved but rage 1 still has a special spot in my heart
Rage 1 is still impressive. The environment pops quite a lot.
yes i agree
Too bad its entirely static, no day night cycle, no dynamic objects , the clouds are painted on, not even any birds.
shame that shitty engine holding the game
I see what u did there
Yeah some things look suprisingky great like characters and some looked awful like some textures
I really don't wanna be that guy, but I kinda prefer the look and art direction of Rage 1. Not to mention the sky and clouds in rage 1 look very cool.
Rage 2 is a much more fun game. It's almost like a different game and doesn't feel like a sequel. I played some of Rage 1 on Steam and got a refund. Rage 1 uses still images for it's sky box. Rage 2's sky actually has moving clouds. The skybox in Rage 2 looks way better.
@@wulfone5961 sorry but rage 2 aint a good game lol its very boring generic open world. the only good part is the doom gunplay, but even that is dulled down by boring enemies. atleast don't buy it for 60 bucks cause it aint worth it. maybe 20
Vagabundo well I’m having fun maybe it’s the wrong game for you
@@dushikorsou1 That's what makes it good. Everything that wasn't very good in Rage 1 is also not great in Rage 2,except the gunplay. I bought the deluxe edition on Steam for 80. I don't regret my purchase.
I sure hope there’s one guy In the town making fun of the cone head people
Static or not the sky in rage 1 looks so much better
Rage 2 sounds better
If not then it will be me.
@@cypherdroid wtf are u talking about? we are talking bout cone heads not skies
@@cypherdroid what
I would prefer art style of first Rage with graphic enhancements of second one..
Yeah the neon coloring and less gritty wasteland loses appeal to me.
I'd be down for that cool idea if they ever remake rage or remaster it
@@rixille Same.
You're type people come to these type vids always, and always say the original is better! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST GO TO A RAGE 1 ONLY.
@@VZE3 cause this time, the original is really better.
Though Rage 1 is a bit Brown - overall I find it more visually appealing.
Don't you feel like the chaotic color scheme of 2 fits well though?
@@Horzinicla I love both of them, but rage 2 is a lot more transparent and fun to play. Rage 1 often gets fatiguing because of the similarity in color tones and pace.
@@Horzinicla like being in the funfair with ten children yelling in your ear. The first one was like the world went down, the second one looks more like, who cares, lets rave
I do miss the whole ammunition-change mechanic. I loved loading in different bullets for different situations, and it sucks that they didn't add it in
That mechanic is only good if you only hold 2-3 guns or so. In Rage 1, a lot of gun wouldnt have their functions overlap if that mechanic doesnt exist. For example, pistol with fatman round function nearly identical to sniper rifle, shotgun pop rocket makes real rocket obsolete and one pistol round function nearly identical to shotgun buckshot...
In Rage 2 weapons have different fire modes, which already do this some what but there are less overlaps. From the top of my mind only the shogun's alt fire make pistol/revolver obsolete. Otherwise weapons play nicely to their niche.
That was my favorite part of the game. I might not buy Rage 2 now.
Yeah like it got annoying swapping between them and some of the ammo's were useless or made certain guns useless, but I wwould have liked if they included it in some way
@@MrC77 Buy RAGE 2 man it's fun if you like fast paced action like DOOM but with way more upgrades. I have a few videos of me taking out enemy encampments if you want to see some gameplay with zero commentary except of course my reactions which are maybe two words at most.
@@SnowEternal7 I was kidding, but I did really like that part of the game. I will still buy Rage 2 it loos fun.
This makes me want to play the original again..
Good thing I own it since 2012
Makes me want to play the original for the first time 😂
Don't...i had the same feeling, bought it but you get bored after the first 2 missions...At the time i finished it and loved it, but after all these years it's a no-no for me.
@@Szilagyicsabaistvan I bought. But YOU will be bored? I guess you consider yourself a template for all humanity. I played it again this week, but boring hasn't arrived yet. On the contrary. The only thing on original game what upsets me are mandatory missions in the car and of course the final "boss" fight. The actual gameplay and especially the feeling of shooting is simply ... ID SOFTWARE !!!
@@WortexCZ i was talking about Rage 1.
the car in the first Rage looks good and belongs,the one in Rage 2 looks like something out of Mass Effect
yeah, or crackdown.. its so damn cheesy, everything is like a b movie
The sounds are also somewhat reminiscent of the Tumbler when driving around.
Exactly, the sound effects are better in the first rage too.
It has a unique combination
so much nostalgia from seeing rage 1... and honestly, i think i prefer it
Rage 2 is more technically advanced in terms of scale, texture detail and filtering, effects, etc but what made Rage 1 so appealing to the eye (on PC, on consoles it was a texture popping mess) was the art direction and world design. ID made it a priority to make the object geometry extremely varied and unique at every corner of world. They talked about how literally no two rocks, cliffs, or caves are alike. The world itself is not a diverse landscape but the geometric detail is incredible. This also had a lot to do with developer choice and engine being used. Rage 1 was developed by iD Software using the iD Tech 5 engine, whereas Rage 2 was primarily developed by Avalanche Studios using the Apex engine. Avalanche is a great studio, but iD's style seemed better suited for Rage's world.
i remember sitting on the edges of the map where you can see far off vistas, like ghost fortress, places where you can see these far out trippy scenes and thinking thats gonna be great to see those dry ocean beds, carst formations, then when they did they switched development teams make every think brown and scrubby. I really think they need to go back to the first game and start with those horizons, the color palate the dreamlike nature of the skies and clouds. The whole game feels like a memory. Rage 2 feels like somebody elses science project that goes on after school and you have to wait while they stumble and mumble and go an hour after class while lights and air conditioners turn off and the janitor keeps peeking in because he wants to mop the floor and go home.
yo idk xbox 360 runs at 60. fps and in my opinion looks really damn good
I still prefer the originals look and feel.
and the sounds too. Last gen sound quality sounds grittier than newer gens
of course you do. this happens to every single sequel. maybe besides portal
wes bd Some people actually do
Apex Leo And what is wrong with that?
I haven't tried first rage yet but it looks meh
Rage 1 has a beautiful sky and clouds
Also doesn't have hot pink absolutely spammed across it's world
Yeah the clouds were absolutely amazing! Even though it was just using images of real clouds, it really felt pretty real. I was impressed when I first played it.
and RAGE 1 overall graphics looks almost PS2
I remember how exited I was about Rage 1 after playing Fallout New Vegas. Never understood any complaints about that game
Me too, something about the game that made me enjoy it, maybe was the art direction and really advanced graphics plus the 60fps they managed on the last gen consoles made the whole experience amazing
@@Wolf-or6ws The complaints were mostly on the PC, on consoles the game worked well, this is not to say the PC sucks, Rage 1 was a console game front center, idSoftware said that from the beginning, when they made the PC version, stuff just broke, because not everyone has the same hardware. When Rage 1 PC was released many PC users were meet with a blurry mess, the worse problems were quickly solved but the bad taste stuck.
The only thing i didn't like about Rage was the ending. It was kind of hollow
@@burgundypoint same tbh I kinda hoped we would get to be apart of the "authorities war"
Posiden Blazen was Rage 1 open world? Also, I think Rage 2 has better combat and physics.
I prefer the more stylized character designs from Rage 1, and the facial animation is Half Life levels good. I also prefer the drabber color scheme.
I think a lot of games had that same colour scheme back then and it was causing games to not get noticed, hence why Borderlands went to a lot of effort to change its artstyle, and I think Rage 2 went more colourful to get noticed more cause the last one struggled with that
same, i hate the colourful concept in rage 2...
Yeah, the animations in RAGE 1 were definitely top-tier Valve quality stuff indeed. idSoftware were pretty much in their A-game at the time in terms of character animation quality(still are imo).
Where were you guys when game first released?
Rage 1: Scavengers, wasteland, Post-apocalyptic
Rage 2: Colourful, Vaporwave-ish vipe, Neon Post-apocalyptic.
Not vaporwave more like synthwave and kinda like cyberpunkish
Punk rock to be exact
Texture resolution was worse in Rage, but Texture variety using mega textures and environment design was way better. Scenes just pop. There is so much detail in geometry and texture variety. No repeating textures, very detailed gritty environment. I like Rage 2, but its environment design and art direction does not compare to Rage 1.
I know about the pop. It does that to keep a high frame rate for the game. I would rather have a bad graphic game than a slow one
Wait what why
You can play it now with 4K textures and great visuals on a normal PC, no popin what so ever. Great experience
First game looks significantly better because of art direction and style alone. I bet the gameplay and level design is better aswell
I like more the old rage for some reason
Yeah same here, I like the colors and neons of rage 2 but everything else is better in rage 1 imo
@Smithy Chris but but but far cry new dawn is way better than far cry 5
Much more style. Steps towards “realism” usually have the effect of watering down the style a lot.
@@JuliusR2002 just like it should be.
Only exception is story
Fc5 has a way better story
art direction
Rage 2's Art Direction of the character is pretty meh. They're overdoing it on the Hot Pink.
it's to challenge farcry, i don't understand the PINK hype
@@kolysion164 rage 2 was announced half a year before farcry new dawn
@@keddiels9843 They were told that the origional game was too brown and drab. I suppose they dialled it up a bit excessively.
@@kolysion164 They must have outsourced to the same Indian studio lmao.
Well I love pink design. Depends on taste.
Rage 1 was made to run on consoles that only had 512 mb of ram.
It's not just RAM. It's basically 512 Mb RAM + VRAM.
@@igorthelight what?
Yeah man making the game run on the PS3 and Xbox 360 hurt the game. It should have been a PC only game in 2011. Crysis 1 was PC only in 2007 and it literally killed every game on consoles
The performance ID got out of last generation consoles was astounding. I remember playing Rage on 360, and somehow it ran at a solid 60fps despite its impressive visual fidelity. Texture pop-in was definitely a thing, but that's a small price to pay for the ultra-crisp textures throughout the game while running buttery smooth and offering a more responsive experience than most of the competition. Remember, the Borderlands games all ran at 30 on console until their re-release this generation. And can't forget about this generation's Doom. ID _really_ knows how to optimize a game. Well, they just really know how to _make games in the first place._
And ran at 60fps
Normal NPC's in Rage 2 seem very awkward, the mutties look better. I prefer the Original Rage human Character models.
First Rage has still a much better story/atmosphere than this one. I played thru half the second one, and now I can say that the first one, was a much better game overall.
What are you talking about? Rage 1 didn't have a story.
Lynch85 and Rage 2 does? At least Rage 1 had superior world building.
I agree, Rage 2 just isn't as good as the original.
@@DrLynch2009 Rage 1 had a story
I think Rage 2 is better story better gameplay better graphics is better
I prefer the beautiful sky box and art style of Rage 1 than Rage 2.
and character design what also better in 1
@@lowliest Did you say nope to his subjective opinion? "I like cake" -"no u don't"
Left4Candy fr. I love how some people in these comments can be so brain dead when someone says they like something
@@Left4Candy I mean he has a fortnite meme as profile picture, what could you expect from him
All the game look great. Couldn't they find their own color's palette? i'm sick of this magenta/cyan everywhere for no reason.
True like far cry
@@Surfacekilla1 I thought far cry took that idea from this game
Yea it is out of place. Rage is supposed to be a dark and gritty atmosphere with a muted color palette. Looks like Bethesda abandoned that post-civilization look for this ugly blend of synthwave cyberpunk aesthetic and post-apocalyptic wasteland environment. It just doesn't look right mixed like that. Probably hopping on the cyberpunk bandwagon because they are too afraid to leap into a deeper Rage 1 aesthetic with refinement.. Shame.
@@quintondorsey7362 ikrrr
Some of the extra detail in RAGE 1 can be explained by the fact that RAGE 1 used Megatextures, which allowed every pixel to be unique and detail to be added that wasn’t practical before. Impressive tech, though buggy.
Indeed even tho IMO it was too early to bet on that tech (idtech 6 and Doom is where that tech really shines), it does make Rage 1 look good specially in screenshots.
The environment was also hand drawn
Excellent quality as always... Rage 1 still looks good against Rage 2.
its just that rage 2 is bad, its fucking bethesda
Rage 1 uses ID Tech 5 engine Rage 2 uses Apex engine. That's why it looks so different. (even bad)
update hot fix came out today rage 2 looks much better now
Rage 1 still looks good because it wasn’t dynamic. What you see is what you get. Fixed lighting, fixed skybox, linear level design. It was curated experience. Rage 2 looks just as good except everything is dynamic and open.
Bottoy Sex how the hell does the hotfix make it look better? It just removed Denuvo and fixed start up crashes.
Wellspring has more geometrical detail in Rage 2. The detail you are pointing out in Rage 1 is related to the art design of the texture. The textures in Rage 2 are of higher resolution in Wellspring.
Both games look great. Rage 1 still holds up thx to art design and great character animations, IMO.
Yup. Thats what I was trying to say. I explained that the textures are higher quality in rage 2. But rage 1s art style helps it stand out. Its definetly not as complex, but it appears like it is
@@Nick930 yeah, was clear in your summary at the end.
@@Nick930 This is due to the Megatexture technology that was the prominent feature of the Idtech 5 engine Rage used. Because it was made to run on ps3 and 360, which had extremely limited amounts of shared video and system RAM, they had to sacrifice texture resolution and make the world pretty static. In exchange, the Megatexture technology allowed artists to design much more intricate patterns within the textures themselves, which is why everything has much more personality than in Rage 2.
It really was technology ahed of its time, I would like to see some kind of remaster with today's or even next gen consoles.
9:04 why did they put a bullet dropping sound on a revolver ???
tizi007gold haha oh my god I didn’t recognize that
i had the same question on my mind
I didn't realize you meant the shell. My dumbass was listening for bullet dropping through air noises.
Because this Game sucks
@@SV-nl6wb lol
"walking through someone's concept art" is how I will describe Rage henceforth.
that was what rage and id tech5 built for! playable concept art ! 🙂
The sound of Rage 2 is basically your character being half deaf hearing only low tone/bass frequencies.
Megatextures, which idtech5 pioneered, are pretty cool. If it was made for modern tech I’d like to see the quality of the textures now. All that detail, never repeating, at a much higher res. Would be amazing!
Only reason why they had low res appearance is due to them baking all lighting to environment, meaning no texel is repeated in the world. (another was that the source textures weren't really high res in the beginning.)
They did their own light baker which did proper global illumination to every pixel in world. (Thus perfect unmovable light and shadow, which was shown in the shadow part.. the very blurry shadow in that case was the more correct one..)
If they wouldn't have baked lighting they could have done classic texture tiling tricks and so on. (Like on Doom which still does use the streaming tech.)
Many games now a days use pretty much identical tech although it goes by name of Virtual Texturing. (Trials series, FarCry 4&5 use it as a base for terrain texturing, World of Tanks, Conan Exile, Unreal Engine just got virtual texturing to Dev branch... )
There are several great advantages to virtual texturing, the first one is constant memory usage, independent of texture resolution of assets.
Another one is that you can change or create texture run time and save performance as you can use very simple texture for multiple frames. (Combine tens of textures to one and use it as long as needed.)
@username172 Oh, yes.
I'm sure there is something funky happening. :D
In general UI and inventories and such should run at screen refreshrate.
Most likely does cause quite bit of work and/or headache for developers, but is very noticeable improvement.
I know both games are using completly different engines, but I think in a direct comparison you cannot see that there are 8 years between.
Fun fact, your video made me more interested in the game then any other video so far, no matter if official trailer or test video and yours is only a graphic comparison.
That is because graphics have reached a point of diminishing returns, they are much more complex and heavy today but visually they are not leaps and bounds away. Only when we start using full raytraced games will games really advance visually, after that, is the end for graphics evolution.
Btw this point of diminishing return, happened more or less after 2007 (When Crysis 1 came out), the generation from directx 7/8 to directX 9 was a huge jump and I mean really huge but after Dx9c (in reality after Crysis) the improvements were incremental, Rage 1 is a directx9 game (is really a OpenGL 3.3 game but is equivalent ), Rage 2 is a Vulkan game(similar to directX 12), the difference between them visually like you see, specially in a video is not night and day, of course things change when you play the games.
why did they use a different engine? shouldnt they have stuck with id tech? rage 1 looked and performed great.. and then future itereations of that engine did the same, but better (doom 2016 anyone?)
(unless you mean it did use the same engine, just a different iteration...) but from the short time i played it felt like it used the same shitty engine from just cause 4.. i cant believe still that just cause 3 had no built in triple buffering.. so if you could run the game at a sustained 55fps for e.g you were stuck at 30fps.. unless you used windows built it vsync by running in windowed mode and forced triple buffering etc in nvidia control panel.. i probably got that partially wrong but you get the idea. it was a long time ago. and damn those games run bad. and dont look that good (except for the explosions of course)
@@wotever99ninynine Rage is based on ID tech, whereas Rage 2 uses Avalanches own engine, not ID tech. Yes Doom 2016 looks incredible but I doubt that ID tech 6 was made for open world.
@@Argoon1981 You are right, nevertheless, most games/engines are far from what is possible.
Just take a look at the faces of Crysis 1, this game is 12 years old now so, technically is should be possible to get this level of detail in every game today.
On the other hand, look at the Division 2 or probably every other Ubisoft game and the amount of detail is something you only could dream of years ago.
And then there is physics, which haven´t really improved in any way althoug we have 2 powerful solutions for it ( PhysX and Havoc ) but they are barely used.
@@KurtKn1sp3l true, fair point. although rage was sort of open world and used an id tech engine. and doesnt idtech 6 (doom 2016) use megatextures still? (just renamed to virtual textures or something).
this would have been a better game in my mind if they used id tech 6 and scrapped the whole open world concept anyway... i usually dont like open world. unless its done right, which is not an easy thing to do.
- thats just my opinion, you are free to disagree :-)
RAGE 1 style > RAGE 2's style.
Overall RAGE 2's choice of colors make it look too "fake" for me. It feels like they over did the saturation in RAGE 2 with some exorbitant amount of neon colors. It looks "pretty" but throws me out of the whole "This is a post-apocalyptic world" feel a bit and the outfits that the NPC's wear look near comedic vs the originals. I haven't played either game but I'm loving the mood that R1 sets through just seeing gameplay of it. It looks like a game that would be the result of MAD MAX and Kenshi having "sex" lol. It seems more unique. They essentially went "Far Cry New Dawn" on RAGE 2 or Saints Row 3/4 on RAGE 2. Went from SERIOUS to Semi-Serious/Funny. I think the bright colors are beautiful though on RAGE 2 and if you have a 4K, HDR, OLED or QLED TV, the game probably just *POPS* in all it's cartoony-ish color-schemed glory but otherwise, I'd totally go for the first game.
Side Note: Hate how some buildings looked more detailed in RAGE 1 than RAGE 2, I think the bright color scheme is to blame here again.
Agreed, Bethesda is trying to hop on the cyberpunk synthwave aesthetic bandwagon instead of just improving upon the first Rage and its designs. I also think the buildings seem cleaner in the sense that there is less material on them, they just seem less complex in that way.
@@rixille Yup, gotta agree completely, that's how I feel too. They're just hopping on the synthwave aesthetic. God, that's sad.
They are neon people living in the same rustic western brown cityscape. It doesn't match, or seem realistic.
That feeling when sound of the revolver in the 2nd game is followed up by shell case drop.
In RAGE 1 the NPC females didn't look like pissed of man haters. The people were actually MORE attractive. 10:59
jason benjamin In Rage 1 the Female NPCs looked dressed to please men, gimme a break they looked horrible in Rage 1
@@juliet4093 take your politics and shove it up your @$$
Well the game is being made by a bunch of swedes. Rage 1 had better female characters, rage 1 is the better game overall
@@juliet4093 OK buddy sorry, please don't attack me with your sword while wearing your fedora. Also shave your neck...it's gross. FYI- ALL the NPC's looked better ascetically speaking in the first one. It would appear that 30 years of progress caused the people to become wasted and SUPER dirty. Also they like to play fight (the men do) with squirrel tail but-plugs...THAT should please your progressive views right?
Fatty J in what way did I mention politics
"Its clear that Rage 2 character models appear more detailed". Um mate, I think you dropped your glasses lol
Nope. Maybe my images dont properly convey this point, but the details in the character models like pockets, ammo pouches, etc, look far better in rage 2 than the blurry mess in rage 1.
Rage 1 does have some nice stylized character faces, but ultimately rage 2 has better details
@@Nick930 Maybe I wasn't clear enough, my bad. I'm not talking about texture resolution, I'm talking about the model intricacy and actual amount of object model detail. (ex clothes model, # of elements on buildings/walls etc)
To me, detailed models don't really matter if the color palette and the geometric curves that consist of them are badly put together. I think Rage 1's character are obviously less detailed, but they just seem more post-civilization to me, which is what I liked about Rage 1. It was more muted and gritty whereas Rage 2 tries to be all over the place, like it doesn't know what it wants to be.
yea an you must have dropped your eye sight in the same garbage can you dropped your brain because it seems in this video alone rage looks better then rage 2.
Umm rage 1 was in ps3 rage 2 was on PS4 and the fact that ps3 is way inferior rage 1 still looked amazing
The artistic direction of rage 1 was what really immersed me i was kind of sad when I had found that it was totally stripped from rage 2 making it far more cartoony in general and less like a post apocalyptic fight for survival, but thats just me, had fun with both games.
The complex textures & overall look of the baked lightning of Rage 1 still looks very impresive at first look.
The use of megatexture in Rage was revolutionary, too early perhaps, therefore it had problems with quality and performance. Maybe we will return to them in the future.
Yes to early indeed, the new Doom still uses megatextures and no one complains, they changed the name to "virtual textures" but is the same stuff, why they changed the name, I assume because they were afraid people would pass on the game because of the bad rep that "megatextures" gained in Rage 1.
Some history on the tech for those interested. The first game to use mega textures was Quake Wars and there's zero pop in, but they were used only for the terrain, in rage was used for everything.
Today GPU's have special hardware acceleration for "virtual textures", something that at the time when Rage 1 came out they didn't, that was also the cause for some of the first game problems.
Mega textures/virtual textures are streamed onto the scene, in real time, contrary to the "old" texture system that saves all the scenes textures on RAM at loading time, because they are streamed they are dependent on the speed of the hard-drive where the game is installed, if you play on a SSD you experience much less texture lag.
John Carmack, the guy that did all the idSoftware engines til id tech 6, was working on that tech even before Doom 3 came out, that is why Doom 3 engine (idtech4), has a very early version of the mega texture tech (terrain only), the game doesn't use it and they removed some files, but a modder was able to make it work, it has a big problem tho, a "mega texture" in the Doom 3 engine takes a huge amount of space, a 32k terrain texture takes GB of space, in Quake Wars the same image takes a few MB.
@@Argoon1981 Perhaps it is too late to release the 1TB package, having Carmack departed the studio for a while now :)
I took until Wolfenstein 2 when they finally got the megatexture thing right (and even then it's not flawless).
Considering Rage has 1TB in assets, they could have done a lot more or at least a remaster.
I am so fed up with this "everything is pink in the apocalips" direction. I prefer the rusty apocalips much more.
I prefer the art style in rage 1 but especially on the open world rage 2 has far better graphics and details
rage 1 + detail - graphic textures shadows etc..
rage one is density and atmosphere edges it out for me
rage 1 is the game of my childhood I had an xbox 360 when i was 12 i used to play on it now i am 15 i still play this game is a masterpiece for me
Rage 2 is not a Rage game.
Rage 1 still looks much more badass than this fake one, despite it is 8 years old.
So true.
You mean cuz the ranger gear looks like some black ops 3 rip off yeah but aside of that it looks cool tho.
I like Rage 2 but I agree completely. It feels so disconnected from the first game they could have just renamed the characters and the factions and called it something else. Even returning characters look, sound, and act completely different. Almost feels disrespectful really.
Rage 2 is so much better then the original it's not even funny everything from gunplay to special abilities to the side quests and the locations are much much better.
Rage 1: You were just some guy who just so happened to save the environment from the Authority
Rage 2: Grim Reaper/God simulator
Haven't played either one but yeah, I'm someone who appreciates the first one's art/tone direction more. It just looks more immersive or maybe not immersive but more realistic. I can be immersed in either one but if I had to choose, I'd choose RAGE 1 because it looks scarier and I like that. RAGE 2 almost looks like a cartoon version of the original. Best thing I can compare it to is like... Saints Row 1 to Saints Row 3 or 4. They did a similar thing with their series direction.
Idk how a sequel feels and looks so different remove certain characters and weapons and you’ll never know Rage 2 was a rage game
It's a consistent theme. It's in our faces obvious. We are getting games with less quality and less soul.
thisisDemo This is what happens when every game tries to be live service open world with microtransactions.
I disagree, I've just finished the game, albeit short, I had a blast. The combat is significantly better allowing you to combo much harder and faster, if you can maintain a 10x combo and overdrive, you can rifle/shotgun your way through most scenarios and combo vortex/slam to reduce damage taken in overwhelming enemy numbers
@@jakedickson697 So they added magic powers to a gun game...great.
@@try2bcool yeah, in fact you're right we should just stick with the basics, games aren't allowed to try anything new, I don't play anything newer than asteroids
@@try2bcool k
Wow didn't realise how amazing Rage original still looks and even sometimes better than 2.. Time to fire up the rig and play rage 1
um, sorry, what so great about the "blurry" graphics in RAGE2? I loved the looks and feel of RAGE way more than this new game.
1:53 How Do you prefer RAGE 1 over RAGE 2 Graphics Look at Left RAGE 1 Background Graphics Look like PS2, even some PS2 has better textures, so Ugly low quality textures
@@FantasyNero Oh you must be a person who plays for graphics over quality?
I loved original Rage game and finished it two times. I prefer art style of original game, it`s feels more realistic and post-apocalyptic. Rage 2 is a good looking and fun game still.
For me, Rage 1 looks much better!
Looks better, but is boring.
Rage 2 is way better at gameplay.
I had NO idea the first one was open world lol. I really didnt. R2 is incredibly fun to play tho. Here's hoping for R3
R2 was so fun me too hoping for r3
Rage 2 doesn't feel great. It looks muddy, while Rage looks crystal clear, and you can see why the megatexturing was important back in those day.
I really hope they'll come back to idtech if they'll make another Rage game
To me, all games now look and play the same, i love back when games were unique
Bcs of the cel shading, its basically if borderlands 1 got a darker remake
playing rage 2 now, all seems to be a bit blurred on rage 2. Running in 4k 2080ti all in ultra, but prefer how the original looked like. The texture had more contrast, and nothing blurred, more detail perceived by the eye even if it technically is the contrary.
turn anti aliasing depth of field, motion blur etc off. but yeah, i agree. the distant stuff looks overly blurred. rage 1 was a much better looking game.
I think I prefer the older style, and some guns sound better in the original than in the new one
Rage went from the 1970s (mad max) to the 1980s-90s (tank girl) in Rage 2.
Yeah I prefer the aesthetics of the first Rage over the second. The developers were trying to latch on to the popularity of the cyberpunk synthwave aesthetic for Rage 2, but it kind of ruined that theme we had from the first.
i still love the gun sounds from Rage 1 they make me feel really nostalgic.
Both of them are criminally underrated.
I remember playing Rage 1 with my old Logitech G35 headset and the sound from the shotgun 😲😲 dear god, the sound was great! The shotgun sound now in Rage 2 is meh.. Need more boom bass 😁
Rage has the best skybox in any game i've ever played
you never played Forza Horizon 3 or 4
@@alextoledo53 open world games can never beat racing games in terms of graphics
@@convection20 I don't know about that... take a look at red dead redemption 2.
@@beyondjon5691 Racing games are hallways. With the same budget and same focus on graphics, you literally cannot beat them for graphics when competing with open world games. No matter how pretty you think one looks. Open world games still have to cut a lot of corners with today's hardware to work. Racing games are perfect for high fidelity graphics due to their extremely small game world.
I don't know what they want.
Rage 1 looks great when it came out andstill looks good.
I miss the skyboxes, Rage 1 had incredibly beautiful clouds.
rage one was clearly a labor of love, pt2 looks like they switched development teams.
Looking forward to the review, man. I loved the first one and I've been having an absolute blast with RAGE 2.
Everything in rage two looks blurry how is that better than sharp grafics?
learn to spell *Graphics* first.... your comment is invalid
@@VANTARTS Your mom is invalid.
@@Groaznic juvenile
@@VANTARTS LMAO read your own comments, buttmunch. First you tell a guy that his comment is invalid because he has a typo, then call me juvenile. You're comedy gold.
Correction 0:12 RAGE 1 was Released in 2010 not 2011
I say that iD Tech 5 looks are quite good compared to Avalanche’s engine, wow! Rage 1 is still a great game.
Actually it isn't.
The game honestly didn’t need a sequel, and didn’t really get the best choice for if it did.
old is gold remember new designs and stuff only do few things right. but back then they focused on very little things that are still damn good.
I kind of wish the they kept the general look and feel of the first game; dark, gritty, and lived in.
well damn, rage 1 looks a lot better than rage 2 in every way.
As an environment artist myself, I kinda hate to say it. Rage 1 definitely had a much better look going for it. 2 is more unified, which I think is why that hard contrast went away. It paved a path for a (literally) brighter looking future but it sacrificed too much depth in my opinion. This seems especially obvious with the interior lighting and texture direction. 1 really stuck to it's guns with how overly sharp everything was and it's always been a standout design choice to me. 2 is like the watered down, safe and easy rendition of a spicy food you really liked. It's a harsh criticism from me but they somehow managed to find a way to make every aspect of the original's art style more bland.
And I very much blame the leads for that one. I know we've gotta try and keep that broad market appeal but ya'll really dropped the ball there imo.
Did ANYONE ask for a Rage sequel???
Yeah, the game is totally different.
lol sure, I did
Sorry. I did. I really enjoyed first one for sone reason.
Enjoyed it alot more than most of the far cry garbage being pumped out.
@@Deathmetal247 Idk i never bought it; only played like 2 missions on a friends pc and i remember the game being buggy as hell. But i have to say that i like the presentation and the art style a lot more in rage 1. Far cry 4 was the last good game of the series, although far cry 3.5 would be a better title.
I did, but this is not what I wanted, not saying that this game is bad. I will definitly buy it somewhere in the future.
Honestly I like the old one more, might he just nostalgia but the vibes of that game are just superior.
Rage 1's baked lighting on megatextures looks really great! Apart from texture pop-in which didn't really bother me.
Its downside is that once you add any dynamic lighting or move objects, things will instantly look weird.
I'm realizing that the art in Rage 1 was way ahead of it's time, and the art in Rage 2 is significantly behind the times. They appear to have been built on the same graphics versioning, with Rage 2 actually appearing older than Rage 1. How did the Devs expect to sell this? Crazy.
Uhm, Prey (2007) was made by Human Head Studios and Quake 4 was made by Raven Software..
The engine and techniques used were the same. Yes, they were seperate teams, but i wouldnt be surprised if they borrowed resources. A good example is hideo kojimas upcoming death stranding, which uses the engine used to created horizon zero dawn along with a flash drive filled with various assets
@@Nick930 Indeed Prey 1 and Quake 4 use a slightly modified Doom 3 engine (idtech 4), funny enough Doom 3 BFG has a more modern and advanced engine (a mixture of idtech 4 and 5 tech) but looks just like the original Doom 3, proving that no matter the engine if the arte is old the game will look old...
Prey was released in '06.
@@I_Cunt_Spell yup.. dunno where I got 7 from. I blame typo
Bro how do you not have 1million subs this is my favorite thing to watch while I eat food😂
i absolutely loved rage 1 and put so many hours into that game when it was released. one of my favorites. currently a couple hours into rage 2, overall i'd say it's a better game. but i really like the art design in the first game a lot better.
Rage 1's character models were so much better in my opinion.
Rage 1 is 1000 times better even with all the problems it has like the rushed ending . The art direction of Rage 2 feels souless. The game is not even made by id software and it is not even using idtech engine.
Completely agree with the art direction but 2 is much more fun and they really nailed progression
It's developed by id and avalanche studios
In an alternate reality where rage 1 was not rushed and actually had more in it, it would've been one of the best fps of the 2010s simply because it didn't follow the far cry formula of go there shoot thing get reward, I remember one side quest that had an entire level and enemy of it's own.
04:32 Nicholas Raine
I liked the artistic wasteland look of the first one way more...but since time has passed I am liking the new artistic direction as well and the amount of fluid action and total carnage and mayhem you can create in this game is one hell of a ride I am loving it! Turn the difficulty up to hard or Nightmare and turn off the aiming reticule and it's good FPS fun.
I never personally got into rage 1, yeah visuals were nice but never enough to got me invested in the mess the story was, so I skipped on rage 2, but I gotta say that the more colorful and bright presentation and praise the combat is getting I'm really considering picking it up, it looks to be a fun beautiful open world game, I'll wait untill your review to see if I buy it or not, great video as always Nick!
Iker Muñoz Cano The gameplay and gun combat is by far better than the first one and the environment can look outright beautiful in many areas, something I can't say about the first one. It looks good only when you are far away, but once you get close...
Only thing worse is the car controls.
I love both. Especially RAGE 2's. Something about bright, shiny, neon/pastel color palettes make me happy. Especially when put in contrast to the world itself.
TFW the original looks better than the second
The First One is Better Look more serious and Realistic the other look like Mad Max but more Colored
You should do ghost recon wildlands vs ghost recon breakpoint
Draghoni Games oh dam breakpoint is out already?
@@xnagato666x nope october
I definitely will be doing that. But rather than trying to match up scenes in trailer footage, I'm going to wait till I can record my own footage. I'll be doing both a Wildlands vs breakpoint & an original reveal to retail comparison
xnagato666x no the game isn’t but gameplay is
Yeah your reveal vs retail videos are always cool to watch.
Rage 1 kept me playing till i finished it.
Its got a good art style, similar to Bioshock.
Whatever happened to that.
Rage 1 still looks good. And it was really well done, it could run nicely on an average machine.
1:45 significantly more detailed? What planet are you on?
They wanted to make a Doom rip off instead of a proper Rage sequel.
I like RAGE 2 more than RAGE 1 I just think the vehicles have better quality, overdrive is insane, and It doesn’t look all depressing like RAGE 1 does.
I feel like guns (at least pistol and shotgun) in Rage 1 feels much more powerful compared to Rage 2
The way they echoed of the canyon walls where Rage 2's just make a crump sound. I know what you mean.
I hope they kept the post apocaliptic feeling the atmosphere and the imersive ambience of rage 1 !
The doom the lost and the survival feeling of Rage one is found in games like Last of Us, Metro 2033, Portal 2, Deadlight...
Hope Rage 2 keep that feeling...
Rage 2 has less interesting places than Rage 1. Dead City alone in Rage 1 is pretty great.
@@samanthacino I disagree. While it's pretty small and no real freedom, it's has this unique look wherever you look at. Textures are not repeating themself thanks to the usage of megatextures.
Avalanche Studios can make big enviroments, but all the assets are pretty much copy/paste. Even some of the Den's you visit are identical to each other. Rage 2 lacks a unique finger print. It got the same issues like Far Cry 5 and New Dawn. Big world with random uninteresting locations.
At least the gunplay is good.
Amazing video dude! Can’t wait to get this game
Rage one is definitely a better game
Ideas for Rage 3, go back to the Dead City, Blue Line Station and make those abandoned cities from 2 have the complexity of first game. Some aspects of 2 work like the marshes and tropics, but so much of the game is boring. Just remaster the first game, end once that whole style is disgested by new team, then make a third game. I really liked the glowing slime mutant, the tenticle mutant, the giants. That should be the focus not random bandits.
Can ID and Avalanche just remaster Rage 1 if it's of course up to them.
Rage 1 has a unique art style while rage 2 is more bland but I love how the smaller details were improved but rage 1 still has a special spot in my heart