Looking forward to this, I bought a 3.0i , same year as yours about 3 weeks ago, all I've done is polish it, clean and seal roof and put it in the garage over the winter, I've driven 100 miles in it and it is one of my most favorite cars I've ever bought! about 11 years ago I used to own a e46 m3 and this is just as much fun, raw and simple! , I'm not allowed a motorbike anymore (long story) so this is the next best thing! I'm going to stock pile parts over the winter such as breaks etc and get them fitted ready for summer top down fun.....
Looking forward to this, I bought a 3.0i , same year as yours about 3 weeks ago, all I've done is polish it, clean and seal roof and put it in the garage over the winter, I've driven 100 miles in it and it is one of my most favorite cars I've ever bought! about 11 years ago I used to own a e46 m3 and this is just as much fun, raw and simple! , I'm not allowed a motorbike anymore (long story) so this is the next best thing! I'm going to stock pile parts over the winter such as breaks etc and get them fitted ready for summer top down fun.....
Do you know what that white powder is along the bonnet line?