James Powell: an Overview of Jainism

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • Here, Powell examines how the Jain tradition emerged, its nature and how it is to be distinquished from the other two big Indian religions, Hinduism and Buddhism.


  • @chinmayshah8362
    @chinmayshah8362 10 років тому +52

    Hi James,
    I hope you dont mind me using your fist name, since you are an American.Thank you so much for the video. You have, really, gone into depth though I just thought that I might add some of the points, which might also be considered by one understanding the philosophy. The jains are concentrated around Gujarat and Rajastan because there was a king names kumar pal (who also re-built the somnath temple), who was a devotee of hemchandra acharya suri, who led to the spread of jain ideas and people really loved it and so they moved to Jainism. This happened after 10th century AD but there was large jain population in today´s pakistan, which shifted to today´s India about 2 centuries back due to plague (and there is a legend that there was a fore-sight that turks were too attack in three years).
    Jainism does not talk just about non-violence. There are five important pillars Ahinsa, satya, aparigraha, asetza, brahmacharya (There are totally 2 million hand written jain books and there are books defining each of them and it is not simple to explain it here and there are also many duties of a shravan). Kar gadu muni was eating rice when he went to moksha. If some one was to oppose an opressor (even if not being opposed), would not go to hell because of that,in fact might go to haeven but wont get moksha because of that. As per jain theory, Moksha can be obtained by right knowledge,right faith (not the religious faith) and right karma (not just non-violence. there are eighteen forms of bad karma). One does not have to torture himself/herself to get moksha.
    When, one is aware that there is oppression after considering all parts, it is righteous as per jainism to do the right thing. Also, Hinduism believes in caste system for a reason that India was and is too huge to be successful. Hence caste keeps one updated and one can jump castes (I am a born jain though I believe in all religions today but am still proud to be a baniya caste member and would have been proud if I would have been of any caste. I would have been equally proud if been born a gay, girl or anyone else for that matter) and as per hinduism, woman looks at her husband as deity but a child also sees god in her mother, who is a women (Every one can be percieved as god). Sati system, oppressing women came in later due to number of reasons (which are too long to write here).
    Abrahamic religions, on other hand, have the idea that it is a moral duty to spread the religion so Jainism and Hinduism did not spread so far and shwetambar murtipujak saints do not cover thier mouths.Also, one does not pray to god for world matters because arihants do not interfere in personal lives and one can pray for moksha (people do it is a separate case) and only demi-gods and godesses do it and I do not agree with the explanation of the picture (where the person not focusing on god is dying) Christianity focuses on the idea that when one falls in love with god and understands that Jesus dies for all then one recieves salvation and obviously, when one is in love with god, no one would want to do wrong deeds. On other side, in the beginning of seventh century, middle ages had hit Arab and it was important to organize a way for brotherhood and force people to right deeds by fear and to fight for their rights, which gives rise to Islam.
    There are many major differences though in both Abrahamic religions though are worshipping same god, Christians believe that jesus was god (there are phrases in Bible that people bow to jesus and one only bows to god) and Sunni Muslims believe that Mohamad was the ultimate prophets and Quran is the word of god, which Christians do not believe in. I apologiye for the long reply.
    I do not mean to be condescending. I just wrote, what I believe might be helpful to you. Michami Dukhaddam (May all evil done be fruitless) from my heart if I hurt any one or any religious beliefs or if I wrote that was misunderstood by me
    Thank you
    best regards

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  10 років тому +7

      Thank you Chinmay,
      Wonderful extra data and viewpoint for me. No worries about using my first name...yes, that is very American. Thanks for the appreciation for the best job I could do!

    • @sj1997
      @sj1997 6 років тому

      Bro great knowledge awesome comment

    • @abhishekjain9785
      @abhishekjain9785 6 років тому

      Great brother..
      The results and observations you wrote about our indian and Abrahamic religions. I very much agree with you
      Interestingly i for past 2 months been researching on different religions and their logic in religious orthodoxy

    • @TheGypsykueen
      @TheGypsykueen 5 років тому

      And that is how men's philosophies and reasoning turn into a belief system and then into a religion... men made stuff which you do what is right in your own eyes and even come to the point where you can mix and match different belief systems that suit your conveniences!
      But that doesn't make it true,
      Worst than being on the wrong path is believing that all paths lead to the truth!
      We can believe anything we want and we can respect what everyone believes and so we should!
      If a Faith does not believe in a Creator, it should not be considered a religion but a life philosophy!
      If a Faith involves a Creator, a relationship then is required between you and the Creator!
      Who should dictate the relationship? The Creator of course. He must tell you His nature, your nature, His plan and what He requires of you! Not what you think might please Him!
      If you do not hear the Creator's voice it's a sign that you are serving a mute god- a dead god- a no god!
      There is only one Faith that performs miracles and hear God's guidance and voice: ' My sheep hear my voice!'
      If you would like a personal relationship with the Creator ask Him earnestly, with all your being to reveal Himself to you and He will show you who He is!
      The truth belongs to those who seek it! Are you interested in the truth or are you a wishy washy who believes everything and deep down believes in nothing!?
      There cannot be love, peace and unity without truth. And accepting and agreeing with everybody's beliefs is not truth!
      Agreeing with everyones different deceptive beliefs will not lead to peace, love and unity. For they are not united in one single truth!
      Most religions and philosophies are based in self-sacrife which promotes self- righteousness which promotes criticism of your fellow believer which creates judgemental antagonism!
      It is all about the self...me, me, me! I'm a good person, I'm better than you and I do more than you do, I'm more devoted than you are, I'm so proud of me! And when you realize you are enslaved by yourself!
      You live enslaved by a system belief that someone created, or that you created, trying to live up to that and some leading to fanaticism and intolerance.
      We must meet God on His terms not ours! All your self-righteousness and sacrifices might mean little to Him...
      Ask for the true living God and wait for Him to reveal Himself! 💝
      But whatever one's faith is, it is dead if just one sided...
      Men only have choice in choosing a path when using reasoning alone. Once the true God meets you, you will not accept any other path. Truth is not a choice anymore and you won't accept a lie. Can you see?

    • @sumanmanot1154
      @sumanmanot1154 4 роки тому

      TheGypsykueen hello ; we all know the journey is alone and is mine... as one comes alone in this world and goes alone .The ajiva is the body left behind as the life giving substance is what; goes leaving the body is the Jiva/soul and all the good & bad karmas covering it goes enveloped on it..... which is responsible to bring the Jiva ;again and again in the vicious cycle of life and death.. in a vicious cycles of 84 types of jiva yoni/ species of life... one might be a dog or an ant or go in heaven,all with due respect to his karma/deed.And after understanding this if one desires to go beyond the cycles of life and death then only one finds the way like all tirthankaras to accepts the path of non violence and detachment to shed all ones karma and getting a clean slate that is when no good or bad karma left on the Jiva/soul so as to attain salvation.For all this I have to work on myself. So I and myself becomes important.But never the less to boast to anyone as that again adds Karma of pride.As a practice one should use a house or a car or a Jewelry but not get obsessed with it or cling emotionally or be hyper attached to it. One is not owner and take pride in owning it but just use it.More than I and me this “mine” is dangerous as it leads to all further complications!! And it is the biggest hidden obstacle on the path of Salvation. King Bharat attained salvation by looking in the mirror and removing his jewelry went beyond the body and saw the ajiv being decorated and jiva was the one viewing it... in this deep trance he attained Moksha🙏🏻

  • @naztubez
    @naztubez 8 років тому +28

    Thank you. I cannot find fault in this religion, no wonder it has survived for so long. Buddhism and Hinduism are wonderful too. So many riches in these teachings.

  • @JohnSmith-fz9bg
    @JohnSmith-fz9bg 8 років тому +56

    Jainism is very beautiful. It is teaching the most holy of ideas, non violence. to show transcendent morality: the state of mind in which you love and become accepting of all aspects, beings, and concepts in the world. :) love the vid. btw

    • @shreeshashwatenterprise2225
      @shreeshashwatenterprise2225 3 роки тому

      @subodh Jain INDIA

    • @kalapitrivedi6966
      @kalapitrivedi6966 3 роки тому +4

      Probably one of the oldest religions in the world is Jainism.

    • @eduardobronson8653
      @eduardobronson8653 3 роки тому

      You prolly dont give a shit but does someone know a way to get back into an Instagram account??
      I stupidly lost the login password. I would love any tips you can give me

    • @claysutton6597
      @claysutton6597 3 роки тому

      @Eduardo Bronson instablaster ;)

    • @eduardobronson8653
      @eduardobronson8653 3 роки тому

      @Clay Sutton I really appreciate your reply. I found the site through google and im waiting for the hacking stuff atm.
      Takes a while so I will reply here later with my results.

  • @Mrcoolagainbuzy
    @Mrcoolagainbuzy 9 років тому +39

    Jainism is the most scientific and socially positive religion. It is a religion evolved over ages based on learning of experienced philosophers. Your karma not just affect your next life but it will affect your present life itself. If some religion teaches you to be physically, mentally, socially and spiritualy healthy why does one has to rebel it

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  9 років тому +10

      Harsh jain i agree Harsh. it is becoming my favorite religion in fact! James

    • @Mrcoolagainbuzy
      @Mrcoolagainbuzy 9 років тому +2

      Happy to know also if you have any doubt or curious about knowing anything about it then ask me any time. :)

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  9 років тому +3

      Harsh jain thanks harsh...will do!

    • @sindhujajain3962
      @sindhujajain3962 9 років тому +3

      +Harsh jain my brother you are absolutely right . I appreciate your wisdom of valuing and safe-gaurding the most precious gem that you have got, your religion. But this gem has not evolved , however it it is like the nature . It was there from time infinite and will be there till time infinite. Thirthankaras and acharyas do the great job of reminding it to us when the necessity arises. jai jinendra :-)

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  9 років тому +7

      +sindhuja jain i hope to be a mini-tirthankas. i like to modernize the view of jains for Americans. 12% of our millenial generation is now vegan. 1% of my baby-boomers are and the x-generation 4%. so living beings are are being saved by increasing millions.

  • @marycahill546
    @marycahill546 6 років тому +13

    Thanks for the video. I know a Jain person and wanted to refresh my very old memory about what the faith entails.

  • @kapishyuvan2622
    @kapishyuvan2622 5 років тому +3

    'Bharat ke bahar Jain Puratatva' - (Jain archaeological sites outside India) by Dr.Jineshwar Das Jain is a book that explains about the extent of Jainism that flourished beyond India. He has visited most of these places and is 83 yrs old. Laos being his recent visit.
    Salute to this author, who has explored Jainism of the ancient times. Just a small part of it is left, and that is in India. If we do not create the awareness now, it is not far when this precious religion will disappear.
    Places where Jainism existed -
    1. Indonesia
    Borabudur, Nandeeshwar dweep (island), Samavsharan Mandir.
    2. Cambodia
    Angkor Vat, Panch Meru Mandir, Baayon/52 shikhar Mandir.
    3. Thailand - Ayodhya
    4. Vietnam - Mee-son's ancient land
    5. Myanmar, Burma - Shri Kshetra
    6. Mexico - Maya Sabhyata (Civilisation)
    7. Guatemala - Pava mandir
    8. Yunani culture & heritage
    9. Sumer & Babylonia - Civilisation
    10. Close connections between Licchhavis & Pharoahs
    11. Tibet
    12. Arab
    13. Nepal
    14. Pakistan
    Takshshila, Mohan jo dero & Harappa
    15. Bangladesh
    16. China - Jin saamrajya (kingdom)
    Ps. Author has limited copies right now. Anyone who needs a copy, pls 'inbox' your address & num by clicking on message on top of this page. Pls mention Hindi or English copy. Pls DONOT put these details on comments action. Read comments below.

  • @jainsurbhi11
    @jainsurbhi11 9 років тому +18

    Jainism is not just a religion and should restricted to juz limited people..Indeed it is a way of living life...
    Proud to b a Jain..(y) (y)..
    Jainism is d oldest of all d religion and must say if a religion in this world is having logic den it is Jainism only...Each and Every thing in Jainism is scientifically approved..And c d power of our teerthankars who told the Jinvani thousands of years ago,,and Science is still trying to prove the same theories of Jainism..
    I m blessed that I m born in such religion and got the lord mahaveera as my ancestors...Jai jinendra

    • @ajitjain176
      @ajitjain176 6 років тому +1

      Me 2

    • @silveryrealm
      @silveryrealm 5 років тому

      Hinduism is the oldest religion. And Buddism and Jainism occurred out of it. get your facts clear, the first Tirthankara of jainism was born to a hindu couple. KIng Nabhi basically. good to be proud, but tell only facts dont fake!

    • @Naturalismforever
      @Naturalismforever 5 років тому +4

      @Sushil Datt Oh Common you have lost your brain I see if you are calling Nabhi Raja the King as Hindu. If that's the case all Hindus are basically Jains lol. You can see Many people who have been converted from Jains to Hinduism that makes sense that most of present Hindus were Jains once. such as Agrawals, Guptas, Yadavas including modi as well. If you say Shiva has created this Universe and so Hinduism came first then for your kind information ORIGINALLY Rishabhdev was the Shiva but at the period of 11th Tirthankar Shreyansnath his father who is Vishnu who is Sky God actually not human form he also came along with Mahendra who actually replaced Orignal Shiva and Hindus are following the Sky God Shiva who is actually an Indra Dev and not human form. Jains basically only follow Human Form the Enlightened one Tirthankar who is veetragi. Because even sky Gods are having passions, lust, anger etc just like common humans you see even Shiva has cut his son Ganesh head and placed an Elephant head no matter for whatsoever reason but they did but Tirthankars don't they don't need to do so for any sort of reason. Sky Gods keep interests in weapon, woman, wealth etc but Tirthankars don't and that's how they attain Moksha. Even one or other day Sky Gods will reborn as human form. Just like Krishna. so tell me one thing when Krishna will become Tirthankar will you pray his old form or new form? you get that? I dont think you will ever understand Jainism so have patience till you reborn lol. Jai Jinendra.

    • @silveryrealm
      @silveryrealm 5 років тому

      @@Naturalismforever look dude, dont fuck my brain with all this, i wanna give u the science if u got time to study it (besides studying more hindu rituals to having being able to comment on comments like mine) the sperms is what produces the child, and the king was a hindu so his fruits will be hindu too, ideologically, if the new fruits has to make preachings that are different, thats fine, but the origins remain hindu fruits. now highlight this reply, by the way do you guyz have any holy scripts? or vedic references?

    • @sunil1paper
      @sunil1paper 5 років тому +2

      @@Naturalismforever ..very informative and good answer

  • @abhijeetjainmca
    @abhijeetjainmca 10 років тому +21

    An excellent video James. I am a Jain, but I was not aware about of the facts discussed by you. Full credit to you for this. Thanks a lot..

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  10 років тому +11

      You are most welcome Abhijeet...many are not aware of their own religion's genius...glad to help with that...it is what I do....

  • @svetlananana9609
    @svetlananana9609 3 роки тому +3

    Thank you
    That's the religion I searched for for so long🌼 practiced alone without religious community or something similar
    Now I can find similar thinking people more Easily I suppose.
    Your explanation is a blessing and stunningly researched❤️

  • @richajain2350
    @richajain2350 7 років тому +5

    I like the part where you talk about Jiva/Ajiva , Karma bandha and knowledge on souls

  • @frankatstarisland4732
    @frankatstarisland4732 5 років тому +5

    Thank you Mr. Powell for taking on the task of helping beginners like myself to understand this beautiful religion,it is very difficult to attempt to present a teaching since you are not Indian and among those who have been living it all there lives. As the Christian Jesus would say( it's not what goes into the mouth but what comes out of it).

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  5 років тому +1

      Very kind of you to say so. Yes, it is very beautiful. No, I am not Indian, but I appreciate the good things...and this is it!

    • @frankatstarisland4732
      @frankatstarisland4732 5 років тому

      Well today i received my first book from Amazon on Jainism so i want look in to it a little deeper. I am a Buddhist and I feel there are a number of things that Buddhism sort of glances over you mentioned at least 1 that plants are not sentient this is being proven wrong all the time,so i believe the study of both can be beneficial again thanks for the video and I'm looking forward to others. @@opensourceworldviews

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  5 років тому +1

      @@frankatstarisland4732 So glad to hear that Frank! Yes, Buddha was wrong about plants. He took the famous middle way between Hinduism and Jainism...insightful fellow, but not omniscient, unlike what the lamas will tell you!

    • @Jayeshjain369
      @Jayeshjain369 3 роки тому

      Name of the book sir ?

    • @Jayeshjain369
      @Jayeshjain369 3 роки тому +1

      @frank atstarisland

  • @annida5582
    @annida5582 8 років тому +9

    thanks for making such informative video on JAINISM.

  • @Exposing_Mark_Niemczyk
    @Exposing_Mark_Niemczyk 3 роки тому +2

    Big fan of the Jains. Its an atheist religion with rational arguments for morality.

  • @nomitamehta4755
    @nomitamehta4755 10 років тому +5

    Mr Powell...this was excellent. Did you study and understand what you said or were reading something given by others?
    you summarized the Jain principles and essence in a concise and precise manner.
    thank you.

  • @djain2456
    @djain2456 9 років тому +10

    Excellent video on Jainism..

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  9 років тому +3

      Thank you so much! It gladdens me to see Jains think it is excellent...I love your religion!

  • @lalithkumar6384
    @lalithkumar6384 10 років тому +4

    Mr. James u r erring in few of the things u r saying
    1. Mahavir was born around 599BC and Buddha at around 527 Bc
    2. Bahubali is not the second ford, Bharat and Bahubali are sons of Rishabhdev, second tirthankar is Ajitnath.

  • @shubhamjain9470
    @shubhamjain9470 7 місяців тому

    As a Jain I am Greatful for your work Sir.
    Thank you so much for the Video.

  • @summondadrummin2868
    @summondadrummin2868 5 років тому +2

    Im inspired by the anekantavada concept and surprised at how little its explored on youtube?

    • @rushabhparikh4797
      @rushabhparikh4797 3 роки тому

      True man! Jain Munis don't believe in fame or psuedo spread of Essance of Jainism. Tho there are few channels where you'll find this very commonly. There's a book also I would suggest you, if you want to know more about Jainism "Tattvartha Sutra"

  • @kuladeeppatil4377
    @kuladeeppatil4377 10 років тому +4

    [Correcting typo]
    Thanks James, There is list of 24 tirthankars of Old Cycle, There is list of 24 tirthankars in future cycle,.
    Now as in current cycle Lord Bahubali and Bharat are Sons of first thirthankara [Current cycle]V rushabha deva.. Bahubali carry very high respect and love from Jain people because He is first man on the planet who got salvation [moksha] even before his father Vrushabha deva in Current cycle.... Due to sin was spread over the planet As Kalpavruksha [tree of wish] left earth and went to heaven. People did not know how to servive on earth without Kalpavruksha . Vrushabha deva. taught people farming, Asi [weapons for safty], Masi [ languages for communication], Vitta [commerce] , vyapar [Trade] etc Bharat was not bad either among his 99 brothers. He was eldest and chakravarthy [ ruler fo world]. Eventually he also left his kingdom went to forest and obtained salvation.
    After Vrushabha deva [first thirthankara] one after another 23 tirthankaras born and enlightened man kind... This information can be found in old jain and hindu texts [4 veda/6 upnishads] , Lord Neminath : 22 nd tirthankara: was cousine of Lord Krishna . Lord Parasnath: 23rd tirthankara: lasted 9th -8th century BC. Lord Varhaman [mahaveer]: 24 th and final tirthankara of curret cycle: born in 599 BC and lasted till 527 BC. To achieve Salvaton [moksha], there is no other way but jainism. .. jainism followed by saints and layman are different. Any layman can become saint by Renunciating his material life.. and any human being can follow jainism as layman irrepective his birth place /clan etc
    You may love other topics of jainism : Tathwarthsutra, Ratnatray-3 jwails, Shravakachar [deeds for layman], samaysar, niyamsar , Syadwad, Dash Drarma [1: Uttam kshama[forgivenes] 2: Uttam Mardhav [sofness in deeds & Act] 3 Uttam Arjawa [honesty] 4 Uttam Shouch [Pious] 5 Uttam Satya [Truth] 6 Uttam Sanyam [Self Control] 7 Uttam Tapa [Panance] 8 Uttam Tyag [Renunciation] 9 Uttam Akinchanya [Non attachment] 10 Uttam Brahmacharya [Celibacy] etc .
    You want to know when will next tirthankara will born?
    Currentely we are in pancham kal [Kaliyuga] tirthankara never born in pancham or shashtam kala. we have just finished 2000+ years out of 21000. So 19000 years of current pancham kal. and the shashtam kal .21000 year , and then in reverse shashtam kal .21000 years pancham kal 21000 years. Hence there is no posibility of tirthankara born in next 19000+ 21000 + 21000+ 21000=82000 years
    Dont worry. List of future tirthankara is already available..
    For any questions on Jainsm kuladeep.patil@ rediffmail.com

    • @prashanshah3102
      @prashanshah3102 9 років тому +2

      Kuladeep Patil Sir, Correction: Maru Devi Mata , the mother of Lord thirthankar Shri RushabhDev was the 1st Person in this "Aara - 24 Thirthankar Cycle" went to the Mox.

  • @WellStudied
    @WellStudied 9 років тому +2

    This may be off topic, but words fascinate me... is it coincidence that the word "Jian" is very close in pronunciation to the word "giant" - the first inhabitants of the world, whose "myths" permeate revered texts around the world. "The first "Jina" is traditionally believed to have been a "giant" who lived 8.4 million years ago." It is becoming obvious that all megalithic cultures were interrelated, just as the Hopi say, and all revered "giants" as their rulers; Genesis; "they were the heroes and great men of long ago." Their representations and exploits are everywhere in ancient glyphs and cultures. Many explorers of Mesoamerican, Chaldean and Precolumbian civilizations saw giant men sitting as rulers over the populous - nephilim. Sanskirt, Khmer, Greek, the Far East, all speak of giants. Is this known in the "Jian" tradition? Even the "Jiana" Maya... the Hopi say all megalithic cultures sprang from a continent which sank, from which the people we're led in a mass exodus and settled around the world. In cultures around the world, giant star visitors are revered, while we're told in the Middle East all Biblical patriarchs were giants. I find the idea of not harming even the smallest creature very telling. "There were giants on the Earth in those days, and after"... just wondering out loud. In Christian tradition giants became evil and defiled the Earth bringing the Flood, to which Jianism would serve as an antithesis.
    Brett Allen - Cover UFO Magazine 2009

  • @harshkothari6546
    @harshkothari6546 5 років тому +1

    Great effort James.
    Jai Jinendra.
    All religions trace their roots to First Tirthankar Rishabhdeva

  • @ayushkothari5203
    @ayushkothari5203 8 років тому +5

    i really appreciate ur views towards jainism and thanx alot for this video.

  • @vutEwa
    @vutEwa 6 років тому +3

    thank you for making this video and sharing it with us

  • @sanandreas2500
    @sanandreas2500 9 років тому +4

    I'm not at all religious but I'll never pick on Jainism or Buddhism for their very peaceful ideologies and are peaceful in nature.

    • @andrew_35
      @andrew_35 4 роки тому

      Even Buddhism has violent sects

    • @shin-ishikiri-no
      @shin-ishikiri-no 3 роки тому

      @@andrew_35 Any examples?

    • @andrew_35
      @andrew_35 3 роки тому

      @@shin-ishikiri-no look up the rohingya genocide

  • @snehiljain4768
    @snehiljain4768 5 років тому +1

    Albert Einstein was so impressed by this religion that once said “I do not know if there is rebirth or not, or life after death. But if its true, then I would like to be born in India as a Jain"
    [source - (1)Jainism: Give Life, Take Not & (2) The Guardian, Saturday 27th January 2007 by Aidan Rankin ]
    I sure don't want to act like another staunch bhakt but there is a lot of sense and scientific support to majority of the Jain beliefs.The practices are relevant even in today's world. It is purely based on non-violence and promotes tolerance.Jains only accept such violence inasmuch as it is indispensable for human survival. Jains believe that your existence should not be a cause of anyones suffering.
    Jainism is one of the oldest religions in the world, with around 7 million followers of the religion.
    Scientifically -
    They believe that one should not eat dinner after sunset. To avoid accumulation of fat there should be a gap of around 2-3 hours before you sleep. After sunset, there is also great insect activity which is something you wouldn't want to have food with.Also not eating late at night ensures you sleep early and also rise early.This alone brings sea of change in your lifestyle, for the good.
    They are also popularly known as one's who don't eat onion and potato.
    Jains do not eat even multi-seeded fruits and vegetables such as brinjal (egg plant) and guava. Such fruits and vegetables are often found to contain worms, although this may not be the case with the use of insecticides in farming. but still,very clean and smooth brinjal and guavas, with no mark or blemish on the outside and having no external evidence of a worm entering it were found to have hives of worms inside.
    Fasting - Jains believe that fasting builds self control and restraint. On various days, some of them give up certain foods. Some day it would be salt, another day cereal, another day a complete fast without water...so on and so forth.
    Scientifically, it can be looked upon as a way of purging/cleansing the system
    One of the most amazing proclamations of Jainism is the claim that matter is one of the constituents that makes our universe. Referred to as “Pud-gal” in jain annals, its defined as the substance that exhibits the property of Fusion (Pud) and Fission (gal). Clearly, no religion ever came as close to science than the above proclamation making Jainism stand way above all the philosophical thoughts! !
    Today, scientists unequivocally believe in the existence of parallel universes. Though still in the realms of hypothesis, empirically, their existence cannot be denied.
    Jain annals clearly states of existence of these parallel universes. It claims our middle world to be multi-ringed universe with planets hospitable for human life in just first 2.5 rings (referred to as “Adhai Dweepa”). Again, here we move out of realms of science, but still ts precepts are clearly scientific and thus existence of such a multiverse cannot be refuted either. Jainism thus scores over all other religions on this account too.
    The Flat-World Theory
    Jain annals claim that the world of our humans (on earth and other alien planets) referred to as “Madhya-Loka” as flat and disk shaped, roving around a central axis called Mt Meru. Thus, Jainism claims that our universe, is flat, round & revolving.
    Now, we do not have any scientific evidence to prove the same, but owing to the fact that everything in this universe is flat (be it our solar system, or the mighty galaxies that we see out there), the possibility of our universe being the same cannot be empirically disapproved. Furthermore, every thing in our universe moves around something else. Moon revolves around earth and earth revolves around sun. The stars in turn move around the black holes of their galaxy. Thus, empirically, existence of a revolving universe cannot be refuted either making Jainism stand out of all world religions and completely in sync with scientific principles. In fact, its this concept of Jain “Flat-World” theory that erroneously got misinterpreted by other world religions as “Flat-Earth Theory” making them throughly unscientific.
    Thus, based on the above, it may be said that Jainism is indeed the “Most Scientific Religion” in the world.

  • @wlqpqpqlqmwnhssisjw6055
    @wlqpqpqlqmwnhssisjw6055 2 роки тому

    you got less followers ,because most people are ignorant ,but you got quality followers, you explain in such that ,it give rise to many questions ,you are gold

  • @harshadbharamgonda2360
    @harshadbharamgonda2360 9 років тому +6

    Awesome video James sir,
    I really appreciate your efforts for this..Today we badly need teachings of Mahaveera.
    I found one correction there.. bhagwan Bahubali was not a 2nd tirthankar, 2nd tirthankara was bhagawan Ajitnath...
    and very interesting fact is that bhagwan Bahubali got nirvana, before Vrishabh dev who was 1st tirthankara..

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  9 років тому +1

      i did not know these things Harshad...thanks! some day i will redo these and account for all the comments on them and make corrections

    • @LXNC8
      @LXNC8 9 років тому

      No Bro bahubali was the second son of bhagwan rishabh Dev. In fact rishabh Dev started the ikshvaku clan and also bharat was his first son. Please check this from a reliable source if you want to.

    • @harshadbharamgonda2360
      @harshadbharamgonda2360 9 років тому

      @ prateek Bhai, thanks, but I was mainly telling abt who got the nirvana first..

    • @LXNC8
      @LXNC8 9 років тому

      Ok if you say so I don't know who attained nirvana first. It can be possible because I know that bahubali ji took sanyas when he was quite young but rishabh Dev took sanyas much later in his life.

    • @debbrown2
      @debbrown2 7 років тому

      Harshad Bharamgonda t

  • @LXNC8
    @LXNC8 9 років тому +1

    This person knows very much about Indian culture and especially jainism but still he has some misconceptions about bahubali and also hinduism. Bahubali was initially very proud of his strength bur bharat was very polite both were the sons of rishabh Dev and they were fighting in a competition to become the new king then while fighting bahubali gained this insight that for Kingdom he is fighting his own brother so he left the competition and took sanyas. And he is not the second tirthankar bhagwan ajitnath is the second tirthankar. And also Buddhism spread because it got the great king Ashoka as it's patron who not only spread Buddhism to even greece but also set up a university the nalanda university for it.

  • @neelimajain4889
    @neelimajain4889 8 років тому

    Good job Mr. Powell, I really loved the way you presented about JAINISM. This is the first time i heard speech in english, therefore i loved your pronunciation for few key words of JAINISM. I loved it as u said that Mahavira is a real hero, and even other Tirthankars too.

  • @kapishyuvan2622
    @kapishyuvan2622 5 років тому +1

    #Jainism is the #Oldest #Religion and it's original name was #Sakai.
    Originated in Ayodhya , Siyam
    प्रकृति के बाद दुनिया का सबसे पुराना धर्म
    जैन है और इसका प्रारंभिक नाम सकाई था.
    अयोध्या , द्वारावती (सियाम)
    इसको सनातन बोला जाता है
    और अगर इंडिया के बारे में पहला विस्तार लेखन मेग्स्थेनिस का पढ़े तो पायेंगे की वो लिखते है दो तरह के दार्शनिकों के बारे में पहले भरमन जिनको उन्होंने लिखा है Gymnosphite (नेकेड फिलोस्फेर्स) और शरमन
    मलय और चीनी आलेखों के आधार पर यह पता चलता है की सकाई हिंसा से दूर थे और वो इतने अहिंसक थे की उनका शिकार भी किया जाता था उसी से बचने के लिए दो ट्रेल्स मिलती है एक ओक-यो की तरफ दूसरी इंडिया की तरफ और इसका काल जो बताया गया है उसकी पुष्टि जेनेटिक ट्रेल्स से भी होती है
    ऐरावत, इंद्र, लिंग सब जैन की देन है और वो बंदरों का सम्मान करते थे क्यूंकि बंदरों का साम्राज्य उनका पडोसी था , दुनिया के इस भूभाग में मूर्ति पूजन की शुरुआत संभवतः जैन के साथ हुई है और अगर बुद्धिज़्म कोई धर्म होता तो गन्ग्रिदेइ से चन्द्रगुप्त की लड़ाई इसी मूर्ति पूजन को लेकर हुई पर चन्द्रगुप्त की हार हुई और शायद अपने जीवन के अंतिम काल में वो दिगम्बर जैन बने थे
    अगर सकाई से विकसित या निकले हैं तो बंदरों का सम्मान उनका प्रमुख कर्तव्य होगा... बंदर स्वर्ग के रक्षक होते थे... सकाई के अनुसार... ... वैसे चाणक्य जिनका अ्सली नाम शकटार था, वे कंफर्म जैन थे... बाकी चंद्रगुप्त भी रहे होंगे क्योंकि गैर जैन को शिष्य नहीं बनाया जा सकता है...
    स्वर्ग के रक्षक सही हो क्यूंकि लाओस का उत्तरी हिस्सा था चंपक्सक और वो दक्षिणी था कुरुक्षेत्र और नक़्शे में देख लीजिये स्वर्ग का रक्षक कौन हुआ क्यूंकि चम्पक्सक को बंदरों का साम्राज्य कहा जाता था
    मंकी किंग का काम ही यही था कि शुद्ध आत्मा को स्वर्ग में आने दे, इसीलिए सकाई बंदर का सम्मान पुनीत कर्तव्य मानते थे....
    विष्णुलोक का पडोसी कुरुक्षेत्र था
    Writes ✍️ Kailash Saran

  • @silasambrosio742
    @silasambrosio742 9 років тому

    You are an excellent teacher. Much of the studying I've tried to undertake with Indian culture has been extremely difficult. One feels overwhelmed by the flood of terms and symbolism; it's easy to get lost. This lecture was comprehensive yet simple.

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  9 років тому +2

      Thank you Silas, that is great to hear. That is what I do for my living...making tough things simpler.

  • @guildguide7576
    @guildguide7576 8 років тому +2

    All the time and research you put into this is commendable. Thank you Sir for all the efforts. You have great understanding about life as such. More power to you.

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  8 років тому +1

      Thanks you are the positives Chirag. Yes, many years to whittle this all down into a 30 minute segment for beginners to understand

    • @ps93747
      @ps93747 8 років тому

      +JAMES K POWELL II It's a bullshit religion, I know cus I am a Jain, it teaches you that earth is flat, and there are two moons and we live on a mountain! All religions are fake but this one is worse of all! It tells you not to eat anything! And blah blah

    • @anubhavjain7023
      @anubhavjain7023 8 років тому +1

      +Prachit Shah Try to study digamber jain books
      all your dobts will solved

    • @guildguide7576
      @guildguide7576 8 років тому

      +Prachit Shah You sound like a ignorant. What's with the hatred. I don't say any religion is best. I belive no religion is perfect and every religion needs ammendments. First of all all your claims are baseless. Try to think and write. Second if a religion has main idea of preaching non- violence and you hate it. You need to grow up. Atleast preaching peace is better than killing animals, humans as such.

    • @richajain2350
      @richajain2350 7 років тому

      May your soul free you of your karma!! peace!!

  • @kuladeeppatil4377
    @kuladeeppatil4377 10 років тому +4

    Thanks James, There is list of 24 Old Cycle, There is list of 24 old tirthankars future cycle,.
    Now as in current cycle Lord Bahubali and Bharat are Sons of first thirthankara [Current cycle]V rushabha deva.. Bahubali carry very high respect and love from Jain people because He is first man on the planet who got salvation [moksha] even before his father Vrushabha deva in Current cycle.... Due to sin was spread over the planet As Kalpavruksha [tree of wish] left earth and went to heaven. People did not know how to servive on earth without Kalpavruksha . Vrushabha deva. taught people farming, Asi [weapons for safty], Masi [ languages for communication], Vitta [commerce] , vyapar [Trade] etc Bharat was not bad either among his 99 brothers. He was eldest and chakravarthy [ ruler fo world]. Eventually he also left his kingdom went to forest and obtained salvation.
    After Vrushabha deva [first thirthankara] one after another 23 tirthankaras born and enlightened man kind... This information can be found in old jain and hindu texts [4 veda/6 upnishads] , Lord Neminath : 22 nd tirthankara: was cousine of Lord Krishna . Lord Parasnath: 23rd tirthankara: lasted 9th -8th century BC. Lord Varhaman [mahaveer]: 24 th and final tirthankara of curret cycle: born in 599 BC and lasted till 527 BC. To achieve Salvaton [moksha], there is no other way but jainism. .. jainism followed by saints and layman are different. Any layman can become saint by Renunciating his material life.. and any human being can follow jainism as layman irrepective his birth place /clan etc
    You may love other topics of jainism : Tathwarthsutra, Ratnatray-3 jwails, Shravakachar [deeds for layman], samaysar, niyamsar , Syadwad, Dash Drarma [1: Uttam kshama[forgivenes] 2: Uttam Mardhav [sofness in deeds & Act] 3 Uttam Arjawa [honesty] 4 Uttam Shouch [Pious] 5 Uttam Satya [Truth] 6 Uttam Sanyam [Self Control] 7 Uttam Tapa [Panance] 8 Uttam Tyag [Renunciation] 9 Uttam Akinchanya [Non attachment] 10 Uttam Brahmacharya [Celibacy] etc
    For any questions on Jainsm kuladeep.patil@ rediffmail.com

  • @rushilkhajanchi899
    @rushilkhajanchi899 4 роки тому +1

    It is a very stupid speculation that Jains and Buddhists were ganging up against the Hindus by portraying gods bowing down before the tirthankaras . Even Hindus believe that the gods bow down to worthy humans alike Jains and Buddhists

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  4 роки тому

      It is not stupid speculation, it is plain-old fact. Just because the Hindus may also do that does not mean the Jains and Buddhists do not portray that, no?

    • @rushilkhajanchi899
      @rushilkhajanchi899 4 роки тому

      It is also a plain old fact in jain scriptures that Bahubali is not a fordmaker ajitnath is the second fordmaker. Bharata is not a bad guy in Jainism. In fact he is one of 63 great heros called salakapurusa. Parshvanath does save snakes from hunters but he saves a pair of snakes from a monk trying to burn them. And the snakes don't save parshvanath from bullies but they save him from torrential rain. All tirthankaras have there own assistant gods and goddesses who are not part of the Hindu pantheon of gods and goddesses. Jainism unlike Hinduism talks of 64 indras instead of one. Therefore I would encourage you to read on jain views on gods, Devas and Devis, and Jainism, Hinduism and Buddhism having common gods and goddesses.

    • @rushilkhajanchi899
      @rushilkhajanchi899 4 роки тому

      I don't intend to look down on you but the things speak about are very misleading

  • @dipendushukla1281
    @dipendushukla1281 10 років тому +1

    Thank you very much Sir !!! Thank you so much ! best video on youtube to understand jainism in shortest time possible !!!

  • @ayushjainajn
    @ayushjainajn 9 років тому +5

    With all due respect, it would be so much better to learn the correct pronunciation of Jainism first .........

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  9 років тому +3

      youur's is the second to attempt to correct my pronunication. no, it is not the standard english way to pronounce it but it is correct, sanskrit-wise. there is no "ai" (as in "chain") sound in sanskrit first of all. "jain" is from "ji" - "to conquer". A "jina" is a conqueror. a "jaina" is a follower of a "jina". "jaina" is a derivative and receives the vrddhi treatment, meaning "i" in "jina" (as in "fit") becomes a a diphthong "ai" as in "bright". hence, the middle vowel in "jaina". please google it and if you still find me wrong, send me the sanskrit evidence. i used to pronounce it "jain" as in "chain" until i studied sanskrit.

    • @0suli
      @0suli 9 років тому

      JAMES K POWELL II With all due respect your pronunciation is still wrong. In English it can be JAINA and that's the language it is being spoken and spelt in as opposed to Sanskrit.

    • @alokmehta6024
      @alokmehta6024 3 роки тому

      Please donot be a grammer nazi...he has made an excellent video...please appreciate the work

  • @arun.kahaduwaarachchi
    @arun.kahaduwaarachchi 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you very much for enlightening us of this Great Jainism !

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  2 роки тому

      You are most welcome and thank you for the kind comment! It is my most popular one in the series.

  • @mahenjain503
    @mahenjain503 10 років тому +2

    Nice presentation James... I believe Jainism is a way of living rather than just a religion. Jains follow or rather try to follow Tirthankara... they try to follow his footsteps.. that is what try to see/believe/follow in any of the 24 tirthankara.. his life and way a tirthankara lived.. to live the life perfectly...
    If everyone in this world starts to believe and practice "Live and Let Live"(Jio aur Jine Do) saying of Lord Mahavira.. The world would become a beautiful/harmonious place to live in..

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  10 років тому +4

      Thank you Mahendra. From teaching this class now for 15 years, I think I can say I am now largely a Jain, knowing it is a family-based religion. I would go Digambara if this Protestant culture would allow it (apart from plucking head hairs that is). It is a great religion. I am hosting a Jain diet Thanksgiving dinner in fact. I like protesting that holiday and what better way than avoiding the turkeys and opting for the fruits, nuts and seeds. I hope to make it tasty! Thanks for the kind words,

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  10 років тому +1

      I meant to add, this is by far my most-watched video. I thought it would prove to be Islam or Christianity, but not at all.

    • @mahenjain503
      @mahenjain503 10 років тому

      JAMES K POWELL II Hehe... great to hear that you like Jainism...Plucking of Hairs is done by Jain Monks and Nuns generally.. It is like .. different levels... which you follow or try to follow..one at basic level starts with basic things and then slowly move on.. the utmost that is achieved in human life in current period are the ones which Monks and Nuns do..
      By the way.. do you teach Jainism??

    • @mahenjain503
      @mahenjain503 10 років тому

      JAMES K POWELL II There is not much of documentary or information available in public domain.. Many people does not even know about Jainism.. and many believes that it is part of Hinduism.. there are many aspects about this religion.. many interesting facts but those are not known by masses..

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  10 років тому +1

      Mahendra Jain I have always deemed it so important a perspective I have always taught it and for these fifteen years, though most here in religion, do not. That is their mistake imho. most think sheer numbers are reasons to teach a religion, hence Sikhism is often taught, but just briefly go over that one.

  • @ankitjain280
    @ankitjain280 9 років тому +1

    Really Appreciate you Mr. James Powell , as i think you are in some only who studies jainism like this deep . but its more deep . As the same thing you said you take all the things according science and logical . Can you find that why Buddhism and Jainism is like same.

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  3 роки тому

      I missed your question 6 years ago, do not know if you are still around, but Buddhism "borrowed" a lot from Jainism, that is why they are similar. Buddha studied with many and absorbed a lot from many, then put it all together uniquely.

  • @4thdensitylawofonewanderer931
    @4thdensitylawofonewanderer931 6 років тому +4

    I like you sir. You are funny and I love the content. Looking forward to see more of your videos.

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  6 років тому

      It warms my heart to hear it Vibrations! I will be putting up quite a few more shortly. Thanks for the encouragement!

  • @Galavya41
    @Galavya41 9 років тому +8

    Sir, with all due respect, I would also argue that your understanding of the Bhagwad Geeta is extremely limited. Arjuna is not reminded of his caste duty of killing ( mindless killing is not the caste duty of a Kshartria) Arjuna his reminded of his duty as a kshatria to fight adharma or non dharmic attitude no matter where it may arise . Its like what would happen if a police man gets to know that the terrorist he is pointing the gun at happens to be his own brother, at such a time Arjuna becomes restless and is reminded of his duty as a policeman or a Kshatria who protects Dharma ....Plus the Bhagwat Geeta is a lot more than what you credit it to be. There is a reason why the most non violent personality of modern era, Mahatama Gandhi considered Geeta to be his refuge." When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and I see not one ray of hope on the horizon, I turn to Bhagavad-Gita and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. Those who meditate on the Gita will derive fresh joy and new meanings from it every day."- M K Gandhi

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  9 років тому +3

      That all seems like a fair surmise...yes, I had about as much time to talk about the Gita per se as I did the Qur'an. There is no way to do it justice in an overview type presentation. Nice explanation of Arjuna's dilemma.

    • @Galavya41
      @Galavya41 9 років тому

      ?? Sir I could not get what you wanted to convey . Yes I agree that its not a personal opinion of Sri Krishna but the jist of Vedic Philisophy . Its for this reason all vedic sages have agreed that Srimad Bhagwad Geeta is an Upanishad as well . A teacher is necessary to guide one along the way of self realization thats true but one can read the Bhagwad Geeta without going to anybody as a lot of great commentaries by various vedic masters already exist. Adi Shankara's treatise on the philosophy of the Geeta is a great read so is Swami Adgadanand's and its available on line . yatharthgeeta.com/Listen.html

    • @ashokathegreat4259
      @ashokathegreat4259 7 років тому

      prior to the buddha and mahavira there were only 3 parts of the vedas
      the samhita, the brahmanas and the aryankas, which only surround around
      sacrificial rites and hyms to the vedic gods.. the upanishads which
      speaks on rebirth and spiritual philosophy were composed much later
      after buddha by various individuals with strong influence from buddhism.
      hence there is lots of contradiction between the upanishads and the
      other 3 parts of the vedas, and also within upanishads themselves.. the
      only other scholarly approved pre-buddhist vedic literature with
      spiritual philosophy with concept of rebirth and moksha is the Gita. But
      the original gita was of only 84 verses mainly speaking on war and
      politics. the other 616 verses related to spiritual philosophy were
      interpolated from buddhism at a much much later date, mostly by the adi
      shankracharya. this argument given by few german scholars were proved
      right many years after there death, when the oldest known copy of Gita
      were found in Farukkabad(india) and Bali(indonesia), and both had
      exactly only 84 verses..

    • @ashokathegreat4259
      @ashokathegreat4259 7 років тому

      to understand history of hinduism u cannot understand only by reading hindu scriptures.. u need to definitely read vedas and the gita which are the only pre-buddhist vedic scriptures. u also need to read the opinion of other religions and faiths in that period, like jains, buddhists, the charvaka.. if u only read hindu scriptures then u only read history only according to hindu version of history.. imagine why mahavira despised the vedas as stupid. imagine why buddha said all these brahmans with there knowledge of the three vedas are nothing but laughable.. please see he clearly mentions three vedas.. even the scholars unanimously agree upanishads were post buddhist era as they have many evidences to prove it.. the kind of hinduism we practise today is very different from the original vedic religion that is why jain religion is called the oldest continuous religion as its teachings are still the same as it was 2600 years ago..

  • @vicenteamira4897
    @vicenteamira4897 8 років тому +3

    Good job done on the video.... Mr.scholar! Need better way of presentation, the history of any religion is attached to the sentiments and beliefs of lakhs of people. Passing half information with comparative references could confuse the world. It would be better if you could have added how Jainism is connected to human science.

  • @kingtejas8841
    @kingtejas8841 3 роки тому +1

    Very Nice Knowledge Of Jainism Given In Just 24 Minutes Wowv

  • @PuneetJaininfected
    @PuneetJaininfected 10 років тому +6

    Study harder to give overview about Jainism. Its too vast.

  • @Warpreacher
    @Warpreacher 8 років тому +2

    4:45, How do you spell that name?

  • @directorcpfs5527
    @directorcpfs5527 8 років тому +1

    The term 'nastika' is defined as 'na asti para loka: iti' - 'there is no world beyond'. It refers to the doctrine, not its followers.

    • @jays5186
      @jays5186 5 років тому

      Nope.. nastika is defined as na asti' for veda knowledge.

  • @philb.4192
    @philb.4192 6 років тому +1

    I really discovered Jainism when I was in India. I liked the beauty, peace and openess of this religion and its people.
    What other documentaries in english do you recommend to know more about it ?
    BTW I was sad in India that as a westerner I wasn't allowed to enter the central place of some temples and pay my respects / pronam to the Titankarams...
    I would have liked to have their blessings.

    • @philb.4192
      @philb.4192 5 років тому

      It was in Ranakpur, this august on august 12. Jain (and Hindus I guess) were allowed to enter the central place to offer their respects and devotion to the Titankaram. Some people would block foreigners without discussion, I couldn't even try to explain that I'm a sincere seeker who respects the faith and honors the gurus of the Jains.
      I accept that of course, that's their religion and their choice. I was just sad not to have been allowed to pay my respects to the great souls inspiring this great religion.

    • @philb.4192
      @philb.4192 5 років тому

      Thanks for your caring RI, that's very kind of you :-). I was able to see the idols from a distance of something like 10 meters.
      I'm from Paris, France, and I have been following a path of Vedanta and Yoga for more than 25 years.
      I really discovered the beauty and sweetness of Jainism in India. I could also freely visit a temple in Jesalmer, and talk to the priest. When people see that you're genuinely interested and know what you're talking about, they open up and spend time with you.

    • @anubhavjain5521
      @anubhavjain5521 4 роки тому

      @@philb.4192 Visit digambar jains temple also you will get more to learn

  • @vivekjain8221
    @vivekjain8221 5 років тому +1

    Sir in jainism there are no bad people as u mention Bharath only karma done by people are bad . Bharath is also god along with Bahubali & Adinath

  • @JamesMk007
    @JamesMk007 8 років тому +1

    presenting Jainism and Mahaveeras' teaching in a standup-style + Top Gear dude with greenish hair and a look of "me show you how your sphincter worx" - Priceless! Me loves zis!

  • @ottohplast7410
    @ottohplast7410 8 років тому +1

    Request!! Would like you to do a video of the jain temple you shoot this video in, a beautiful place.

    • @vishalsheth1888
      @vishalsheth1888 8 років тому +1

      I am a Jain and that style of architecture I pretty common for all Jain temples in fact.

  • @PastorJC
    @PastorJC 8 років тому +1

    Loved the clear presentation. Thank you!

  • @summondadrummin2868
    @summondadrummin2868 6 років тому +1

    Thanks James. I was hoping though you'd explore the concept of Anekantavada more. Which appears to me a very important insight in our globalizing world!

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  6 років тому +1

      Summondadrummin I think I will make one on just that topic. Thanks!

    • @summondadrummin2868
      @summondadrummin2868 6 років тому

      Great glad to hear it. You may find some supporting research done by the psychologist Steven Hayes on the theme of psychological flexibility~which is closely related to Anekantavada

  • @shashankkumarlawyer
    @shashankkumarlawyer 3 роки тому +2

    Jainism is as good as Atheism. Jainism believes that every person has a god inside him called Arihant. And the policy of live and let live does not interfere with any other religions and all religions can co -exist and all living beings (including plants and animals) have to co-exist. Also, I would like you to explain cosmology and physics according to olden jain texts.

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  3 роки тому

      I am not equipped to do that more than is in the video...good idea though to add that to the remake.

    • @shashankkumarlawyer
      @shashankkumarlawyer 3 роки тому

      I was studying the jain belief that you can be reborn as an animal or insect based on karma. I am still curious to learn the science behind lot of these theories cuz physics does say that matter is one. And probably the number of living beings on the planet cannot increase or decrease and remains the same. Science does not believe in God as such. There was no idol worship in actual Jainism. Hope to see more from you. You sound like David Attenborough.

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  3 роки тому +1

      @@shashankkumarlawyer That is a common question my students have: with limited beings, where do the new humans come from? The answer is of course, from among the so-called simpler being, hence, maybe once I was a microbe, evolved into mouse, and am now human. Yes, the further east you go in religion, the less "God" there is among them (Confucianism is arguably the least "godly"). Thanks for the Attenborough comment...I love that guy! I have immediate plans for more soon, thanks.

  • @shreyajain3773
    @shreyajain3773 Рік тому

    I am a jain, and i just loved your explanation. The only point which went a little different from the Jain texts was about Bharata. Because Bharata was a chakravartin who later attained moksha and is worshipped as a siddha by the jains.

    • @jeffforsythe9514
      @jeffforsythe9514 Рік тому

      Are Jains aware of the fact that we all have two souls, the primordial soul and the assistant soul, both identical?

  • @Galavya41
    @Galavya41 9 років тому +2

    Again Some of the Ideas presented are completely incorrect. Nastika in the present context would mean HETERODOX .As Astika would mean ORTHODOX .
    ..and from where did you get the Idea that Bahubali is a tirthankar or ford-maker ? Sorry he is not.
    Bharat is once again not he evil brother you make him to be. Bharat after Bahubali refuses to fight him and becomes an acetic realized his folly and he too becomes a hermit.

  • @4thdensitylawofonewanderer931
    @4thdensitylawofonewanderer931 6 років тому +1

    Thank you. I am interested to learn more about the differences between shiva and the jains as well as what links them all to mount Kailash. Is there a way to get more answers via email or only through videos? Thank you. Keep up the great work :)

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  6 років тому

      You can drop me a line at my email on the page or just post those questions right here is fine. Not so sure about a specific reason beyond being considered the source of the Ganges River, but Mt. Kailash / Kailasa is holy to most, Buddhists. Shiva has the goddess Ganga (Ganges) river flow from his hair to the Ganga (Ganges) river.

  • @Naturalismforever
    @Naturalismforever 5 років тому

    *Amazing Video* I must say you have done good enough research and created this video and I appreciate it. Thanks for creating video on Jainism. Jai Jinendra.

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  5 років тому +1

      Thank you for the kind words. I got my knowledge from Jain sources, so it ended up being appropriate.

    • @Naturalismforever
      @Naturalismforever 5 років тому

      @@opensourceworldviews my pleasure 😊

  • @nishi46jhaveri
    @nishi46jhaveri 10 років тому

    I am Jain .Most of us are still looking for miracles in these words and other such travails. None of these explain the understanding the eternal 'sorrow'. We struggle all our lives, aware or ignorant of the cause of sorrow and try and convince our selves that the answer is out there somewhere beyond us. The noise and chatter in our heads never go away so we struggle and invent new ways to end or find solutions to this illusive enigma.

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  10 років тому +3

      Indeed Nishi. I love your religion...it is the least harmful of all of them, imho.

  • @TheSun26872
    @TheSun26872 7 років тому +1

    Interesting documentary, and for someone who doesn't know an iota about Indian culture and beliefs , excellent try. BTW Jain philosophy is very clearcut. There are two parts of sansaara . One is Jiva which is force of life which fights for its existe and the other is non Jiva which doesnt fight for its existence. The only way Jiva can make maximum of its journey through non jiva is by controlling desires because desires leads to conflicts and conflicts leads to violence and violence threatens existence of Jiva.
    If I ask you 'what is the purpose of life? "many religions and philosophies will give me many complicated answers like blind men describing the elephants. But if you ask a jain "What is the purpose of life > he will give you one simple answer " to take the next breath" In other words to continue living. So "live and let live "is the simplest core wisdom of human existence,

  • @azrnzala
    @azrnzala 10 років тому +1

    I have always enjoyed the east-Asian religions. Thank you for the interesting video.
    Thumbs up on the awesome hair as well.

  • @samayasarjain4559
    @samayasarjain4559 3 роки тому

    Jainism will expand broadly in the world !!

  • @08gani
    @08gani 9 років тому

    Hi Powell, Thanks for your explanation.
    I want you to correct some of the misconceptions around these topic with the knowledge I have.Even if you have a different view on this, I would ask you to kindly go through my notes and see if this is Logical. New research has proved that Jainism was a sub branch of Aaseevagam(Ajivika - In Sanskrit) or Samanam, the religion of the tamils. Of course many of the words that are used in Jainism can be explained only in tamil.
    1. AneKandaVadham - It is certainly not an-eka-anta-vāda. It is Ane - Kanda - Vadha.
    Ane means Elephant in tamil, Kanda Means "Seeing" and Vadham means a Argument. It is nothing but Three blind people touching different parts of elephant and arguing abt the shape of elephant. Even these tamils words are used in the same meaning to this day. If you split these words and say it to any Tamilan he can say the meaning of this word. It is that obvious.
    2. Jainism Came from "Jainam" Which means Victory in Tamil. Mahavera and Markali Kosanar(He was from Tamil Samanam) were living in the same time. Mahavera and Markali gets some differences in idealogy about how saints have to live their life and so Mahavera separates from Samanam and he starts his own Religion Called Jainam. It is said that for this Mahavera has fought through Argument with Markali and Won in that argument, as the Victory in that argument started Jainism, it is called that way.
    3. MahaVera is also a tamil word which means Ma - Bigger and Veera - a Courageous Soldier or Guy. May be he courageously fought with other religions at that time, But not sure why this name has come.
    4. TheerThanKara is also a tamil word. Theervu + Thanta + Karar. Theervu - means Solution. Thanta Means Given. Karar means Hands. So it means The Solution Giving Hands. In the olden days. these ascetics who lived in the forest for the search of knowledge(On Medition, Astronomy, Astrology, Meditation), were visited by the villagers for their problems. They provided Solutions with their wisdom. Thats Y they were respected by everyone. Even the Tamil Name "AaSeeVagam"(another name for Samanam Religion) is Aasu + Eevu + Agam. Aasu means Without expecting and immediately. Eevu means Solution. Agam means Place. The Place Where you gets solution immediately and without expecting anything.
    5. Take SravanaBelaKula. It is also a tamil word. Tamil Samanam becomes Sramanam in Sankrit languages. vellai means "White" became Bella and then Bela. Kulam means Pond in tamil. So Samana + Vellai + Kulam became SravanaBelaKula. These words for which I am giving the meaning is even used in tamil with the same meaning. You can check with any Tamil Speaking friend or in the internet also.
    Even in tamil nadu all these Samana Places are now misread as Jaina Places. Samanam religion was completely destroyed without any trace around 3rd AD. We still have to analyze and research more on this.
    Since you have talked about meditation. Please see the proofs, it clearly establishes that Tamils were the founders of Kundalini Yoga.
    Please go through the videos in this channel. It analysis the world spiritual history from Tamils Prespective.
    Hope this information was useful to you. Please let me know what do you think on these videos.

  • @vikasjain8739
    @vikasjain8739 9 років тому +4

    Realy Good

  • @hullcityafc72
    @hullcityafc72 10 років тому

    Great presentation style which keeps the attention of the viewer :) .. I met and had a long discussion in Mumbai with a Jain; a true gentleman. They seem to have a very simple yet clean way of life, very respectful of the environment, never proselytise either. Their diatary rules are harsh, it goes beyond Vegan!

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  10 років тому +1

      Thanks Hullcity...this is my most-watched presentation...I have been surprised at that. It is a great religion and please my comments to Mahendra, below if you like.

  • @ajitraj4932
    @ajitraj4932 2 роки тому +1

    You or true . Very beautiful. Thanks

  • @simarkohli
    @simarkohli 8 років тому +1

    I enjoy watching your videos Thank you Sir!

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  8 років тому

      +Simar Kohli You are most welcome Simar...thanks for the thanks!

  • @nabinthakur992
    @nabinthakur992 6 років тому +1

    Jainism,Buddhism,hinduism & Sikhism,all of easter religions are peaceful & with lots of diffrences & contradiction,theoretical differ of rebirth,non-violence & karma are common ground of them.
    Yeah,philosophy or inference behind of reason of re-incarnation is completely different from each other which is beautiness rather than conflict is mine perception.
    Om arhinta

  • @harshitjain2783
    @harshitjain2783 9 років тому +1

    nice work James

  • @arpitjain6879
    @arpitjain6879 3 роки тому

    Jainism is eternal🙌🙏 worlds oldest scientific peaceful religion🙏

  • @manavshah6811
    @manavshah6811 8 років тому +3

    so lets get this fact cleared once and for all. Lord Mahaveera was NOT the founder of jainism, god Aadeshwar (rushabh) was.

    • @tejasshah1029
      @tejasshah1029 8 років тому +1

      +Dear Manav Shah, Jainism was not found, It is infinite!!

    • @neelimajain4889
      @neelimajain4889 8 років тому

      +Tejas Shah You are absolutely true. Jain religion is infinite.

  • @tejasshah1029
    @tejasshah1029 8 років тому

    It is Infinite & Ever !! It is Very Oldest religion in The Universe, Which defines Everything touchable, Untouchable, Seen and Unseen! It is very thank to my karma! Tnk to me! U should have to experience THE MOMENT with Jainas!

  • @alastairdalgleish7844
    @alastairdalgleish7844 Рік тому

    I’ve always believed that Jesus Christ had many things in common with the Jains .And many not so

  • @tsoped1761
    @tsoped1761 9 років тому

    Hindus had the 4 varna system - Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishyas and Shudras. As Brahmin and Kshatriya were considered in upper hierarchy, the Vaishyas often felt aloof as they being the business class, paid taxes but still occupied lower hierarchy. As Mahavira addressed issues of this class, even today Jains represent mostly the business class paying high taxes

  • @avanipatodi
    @avanipatodi 10 років тому

    hi James,
    this is a personal question. While studying so many religions from all over the world. Did you believe in any one ?

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  10 років тому +1

      I believe them all but reject the bits I do not care for...yes, all of them along with science.

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  10 років тому +1

      i should add...they are not all just "one truth" though. I like the salad analogy...all the religions are "salad" but the crouton is different from the dressing and the like.

  • @SuperDhruvjain
    @SuperDhruvjain 7 років тому +1

    Thank you for this video ... You are the best but please have a correct pronunciation. It's like zen- jen. Thank you again.

  • @instamdgram
    @instamdgram 9 років тому

    The parable of the elephant and the blind men isn't to compare religions. Its to stress the point that there are many view points to the truth, which are in part all individually correct and yet the whole truth isn't easily comprehensible.
    The comparisons to other religions is utterly wrong, especially when you consider that the last i.e. The 24 th Tirthankara- Mahavir was almost in his 80s when Gautama Buddha attained Nirvana (in his 30s).. so the only religions that existed then were Hinduism and Jainism.

  • @IkarusFlight
    @IkarusFlight 8 років тому +1

    With blonde hair it's preferable to use a blue screen instead of a green screen.

  • @rajeshpundir4979
    @rajeshpundir4979 4 роки тому +1

    Mahavira was 24tj tirthankar and he was 590 yrs before buddha....so imagine how old Jainism cud be....easily before all abrahmic faiths...

  • @shubhamjain9470
    @shubhamjain9470 7 місяців тому

    14:57 one correction, Nor Bharat neither Bhhubali were the Thirthankars they were 1st Thirthankars sons later become Siddh by obtaining Nirvaana.

  • @saraswati999
    @saraswati999 5 років тому +1

    Siva is considered as the first Thirtankara

    • @sammyjain2624
      @sammyjain2624 4 роки тому

      ? Rishabhdev is the first tirthnker not Shiva

  • @chirayumerchant9401
    @chirayumerchant9401 6 років тому

    I am also Jain
    If You have information about Jainism Plz Reply Only

  • @yahqappu74
    @yahqappu74 9 років тому

    Please look at Aaseevagam of Tamizh origins sir. Your research would become more comprehensive with understanding of the Siddha seers who started the Sramanic (Samana) traditions.

  • @shreeshashwatenterprise2225
    @shreeshashwatenterprise2225 3 роки тому


  • @RiSo1988
    @RiSo1988 10 років тому

    My name is on the first tirthankar of Jainism! And right now we are in the reign of the 24th tirthankar, MahavirSwami.

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  10 років тому +1

      Congratulations! A wonderful name, perhaps only surpassed by Bahubali, imho.

    • @nikhilpatil5555
      @nikhilpatil5555 10 років тому +1

      JAMES K POWELL II Bahubali was not the tirthankara . He was the son of Vrisabhadeva. And Jains never consider Bharat as a bad guy. He indeed is considered as the first charvavarty and also workshiped. Plz correct that..

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  10 років тому +1

      Nikhil Patil Well...one must remember, this is not a Jain view of Jainism...but a guy raised liberal Protestant, now turning to all religions (especially Buddhism). That is my Protestant reading of Bharat...bad guy!

    • @RiSo1988
      @RiSo1988 10 років тому

      aadit shah
      You are awesome dude! thanks for sharing so much. do you write a blog or something, which I can follow/share?

  • @matthewhaywood3115
    @matthewhaywood3115 9 років тому

    If Jains believe plants to be sentient, how do they eat? Is every meal bringing bad karma particles and obstructing the realisation of their jina? I understand they don't eat root vegetables but if plants are sentient surely this principle should apply to all living things?
    Also, thanks James for this wonderful video! :)

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  9 років тому

      You are most welcome Matthew and thanks! In fact, fruitarianism is the answer. I myself make a lovely bean, avocado, green salsa, ground seeds tostada. All seeds...add in my apple a day and the like and voila! non-sentient dinner!

      @TBSAPGRC 9 років тому +3

      You are correct. Plants also have life and want to live like us. But bondage to this body enforces us (unless we have the will power to win this material desire like a few: www.amazingabilities.com/amaze5a.html )
      Let me briefly explain you the Circle of Pain to clearly make you understand my logic behind not killing (Purpose can be anything like to eat or sport or religion, I don't care. I care about the end result)
      1. Killing Humans: When you kill humans you cause pain not only to the individual but also his social circle which is his family, his friends, his relatives, his community, his neighbors and many. So killing a human is the highest crime as it pains a lot of people.
      2. Killing Mammals: Mammals show a smaller circle of pain than humans but it is still extended to a lot of lives. The mother and child relationship is strong and there is a herd relationship too. You can check videos of how Wilde beasts protect their calves from lions in Africa in a group. You see these mothers collectively tries to protect their babies. or Giraffes protecting their babies.
      Killing these higher animals causes pain to not only the animal but to their near ones. This circle is less than humans but it is still much larger than other lower beings.
      3. Killing of fishes and birds: Many of the fishes (not all) lay their eggs and forget them. These do not have attachment to their kids. But they are aware of the dangers around and have higher sensory instincts to cause more pain to them because of the higher awareness than the other lower beings. Birds are highly intelligent like the mammals. The hen sits on her egg to nurture the baby and so does majority of the birds who are more evolved. Kill a crow and see how many cry on the death of the crow. By killing one crow you cause stress to thousands of them.
      4. Killing of plants: Plants have a life too and have senses. Just like all living beings they too want to live in peace. The best source of food for me are the grains. The grains are dry when you harvest meaning their life is over naturally when we pick them up. Second are the fruits and vegetables that do not kill the entire plant. Then the others.
      The circle of pain in plants is limited to just themselves. There is no mother child attachment or any group attachment. A plant lives for itself and dies without any attachment to others for it cannot know where his seeds will go. So eating of plants is lowest sin as per my logic. Grains and Fruits and milk are the best but in case you feel the urge to eat or cannot get anything without the roots it is your choice.
      I have looked upon the life of Muhammad. I agree he was a powerful king but cannot agree that he was a spiritual personality from his life. Tell me one thing; If I fight wars killing hundreds (both sides have their reasons for wars), rule millions of people, marry dozens of women, enjoy wealth and best food- will you consider me to be Spiritual?
      Truth and deceit both are easily identifiable. You do not need others to prove them to you. I see the act of killing as wrong whoever the actors are. If I kill someone or deceive someone to fulfill my material desires or any desires, I do not call it spiritual....

    • @mohitjain121188
      @mohitjain121188 9 років тому

      yes Mathew it is true that plants have life. but there is a very much difference between killing an animal to eat than taking some vegetables from the plants. Because animals have five senses, nervous system and brain so when someone kill an animal than it gives enormous pain to animal Because it can sense and feel the pain, this is violence. but in case of plant they have only one sense, they don't have a nervous system and a brain so they never feel any pain when we take some vegetables from them it is scientifically proved too. so it's an non violent act but we should not pull the plant with it's root because then plant is dead. you can refer this link en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plant_perception_%28paranormal%29. that's why mahaveer swami said that all of us should be vegetarian. LIVE AND LET LIVE. BE KIND, JAI JINENDRA..:-)

    • @mohitjain121188
      @mohitjain121188 9 років тому

      Mahaveer swami said that hurting any living being physically or emotionally is violence. so we should also not hurt anyone emotionally otherwise it is violence and it brings bad karmas to us. In this world there is no god exists who will punish us or who will give us comfort. Whatever happiness or pains that we get in our life is because of our good karmas and bad karmas. so no need to blame the god for anything bad happens to the life and no need to be thankful to the god if something good happens in life because it's all our Karmas...:-)

      @TBSAPGRC 9 років тому

      Mohit Jain
      True it is our karmas that either cause misery or happiness...The reason for dedicating our goods on god is meant to suppress our Ego and Pride that arises out of success. That ego will make you take the path of doing bad karma and thereby getting its effect.
      That is the reason one should dedicate his goods to his Guru (Thirthankar is the highest of Gurus) and bad to his own karmas.
      The world today blames others for their problems and try to take credit for everything good. Ignorance is that...
      It is far more difficult to win over your goods than winning over your bads...

  • @jaiparasnath5759
    @jaiparasnath5759 3 роки тому

    Jay mahaveer prbhu🙏🙏
    I proud to be jain

    • @jeffforsythe9514
      @jeffforsythe9514 Рік тому

      Are Jains aware of the fact that we all have two souls, the primordial soul and the assistant soul, both identical?

  • @amitjain5485
    @amitjain5485 Рік тому

    I have made a very small video on this on my channel, the real reason for success the clean concious because of clearity regarding whole life

  • @suruchijain9597
    @suruchijain9597 8 років тому

    Hi, I want to know more about Jainism. How may I contact you?

    • @Pankaj-rq6mq
      @Pankaj-rq6mq 7 років тому +1

      Suruchi Jain
      go to jain temple.
      do swadhyay

  • @TheYash147
    @TheYash147 8 років тому

    nice to knw all this ... but i love and care my country more than my religion ................. thanks for the video

  • @ashokathegreat4259
    @ashokathegreat4259 7 років тому

    also i would like to correct one more thing that ancient vedic religion didnot believe in the concept of rebirth, rather they believed in the concept of eternal heaven(pitrlok) and eternal hell(nark) only. The concept of rebirth, ahimsa, meditation, and moksha etc were borrowed from jainism.. prior to the buddha and mahavira there were only 3 parts of the vedas the samhita, the brahmanas and the aryankas, which only surround around sacrificial rites and hyms to the vedic gods.. the upanishads which speaks on rebirth and spiritual philosophy were composed much later after buddha by various individuals with strong influence from buddhism. hence there is lots of contradiction between the upanishads and the other 3 parts of the vedas, and also within upanishads themselves.. the only other scholarly approved pre-buddhist vedic literature with spiritual philosophy with concept of rebirth and moksha is the Gita. But the original gita was of only 84 verses mainly speaking on war and politics. the other 616 verses related to spiritual philosophy were interpolated from buddhism at a much much later date, mostly by the adi shankracharya. this argument given by few german scholars were proved right many years after there death, when the oldest known copy of Gita were found in Farukkabad(india) and Bali(indonesia), and both had exactly only 84 verses..

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  7 років тому

      This is not about Vedic religion, this is about Jainism. I do not discuss Vedic religion here. I have gotten a thumbs up from many a Jain. One even told me he got more out of my presentation than from teachers he had as a child. That might be explained by the fact that I got my information from Jain sources and simply package them accessibly.

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  7 років тому

      I would, it is my considered opinion that most things we consider "Indian" religiously derive from Jainism. The Vedic people were all about "himsa" not "ahimsa" and the Mahabharata points to this. You implicitly agree with this by noting that the Vedic religion had no such concepts.

  • @sj1997
    @sj1997 6 років тому

    Bro wassup with you now ? Are you following jainsim ?

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  6 років тому +1

      In a sense. I attempt to be as non-harming as possible, with insects and avoiding meat, except when offered such by a host or the like. I certainly deeply respect and love the Jain tradition. I take what I find to be the best out of all the religions, so I also attempt to be more Confucian and Daoist and Buddhist also.

  • @madhurpatel
    @madhurpatel 10 років тому

    I believe the strict dietary code of Jains and its emphasis on non-materialism could be the reasons why it did not spread far and wide.

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  10 років тому +1

      I agree with your opinion Madhur.

    • @madhurpatel
      @madhurpatel 10 років тому

      Moreover, Jain monks and nuns did not feel the need to travel long distances to preach Jainism, because they respect all faiths (anekantvada). There is quite a possibility that the teachings of Buddha were relaxed to make it more appealing to the masses, coz I find it very hard to believe that Buddha supported meat eating. He lived at about the same time as Mahavira when the teachings of ahimsa (non-violence) were at its peak in India.

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  10 років тому +1

      Madhur Patel You are again quite right about all of that save that the Buddha ate meat, but only if it was put in his begging bowl and not killed strictly for him. They say he died in fact, of botulism or the like related to eating pork.

    • @madhurpatel
      @madhurpatel 10 років тому

      Thanks for responding. Yes, I have read that his last meal was pork. However, it is debated if the Pali (or Sanskrit) term found in the scriptures actually means pork or some wild herb. A pig is generally considered a dirty animal in the Indian subcontinent, because he eats poop, and hence not consumed much. India was largely a vegetarian country, until the first slaughterhouses were built by the British in the 18th century. In fact, it is rare (even today) to find pork being sold in India. Chicken or Mutton is the most popular meat. All these points raise doubts in my mind about whether Buddha ate pork. I am wondering how many Buddhists monks or mendicants actually eat meat (given to them) from animals dying from natural causes. Maybe a handful.

    • @madhurpatel
      @madhurpatel 10 років тому +1

      Jainism and Buddhism evolved to challenge the vedic beliefs - sati, caste system, religious animal sacrifice, etc. I am from India and I can tell you with assurance that Southern India is still very much vegetarian compared to Northern India. I agree with the possibility that pig may have become a taboo due to Mughal invasion.

  • @iamchannelll
    @iamchannelll 10 років тому +1

    i found this very interesting

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  9 років тому +1

      yes, i never thought this jainism video would prove - by far - my most popular of the 11....

  • @2muchtv
    @2muchtv 4 роки тому

    I was taught in pathshala class that most jains are in me india because one of the kings converted to jainism.

  • @tysavoy5593
    @tysavoy5593 10 років тому

    The Jainists are darn progressive people ! In the news this past week:
    In India, The World's First Vegetarian City (Worldcrunch)
    After monks went on a hunger strike to push for a citywide ban on animal slaughter, the local government declared Palitana a meat-free zone. But the city's Muslims are not happy.
    PALITANA - Jainism is one of the oldest religions in the world and preaches a path of non-violence towards all living beings. In India, about 5 million people practice it.
    "Everyone in this world - whether animal or human being or a very small creature - has all been given the right to live by God," says Virat Sagar Maharaj, a Jain monk. "So who are we to take away that right from them? This has been written in the holy books of every religion, particularly in Jainism."
    The mountainous town of Palitana in the state of Gujarat is home to one of Jain's holiest sites, and many residents don't want any kind of killing happening here. Recently, 200 Jain monks began a hunger strike, threatening to fast until death until the town was declared an entirely vegetarian zone.
    "Meat has always been easily available in this city, but it's against the teaching of our religion," says Sadhar Sagar, a Jain believer. "We always wanted a complete ban on non-vegetarian food in this holy site."
    They have gotten their wish. On Aug. 14, the Gujarat government declared Palitana a "meat-free zone." They instituted a complete ban on the sale of meat and eggs and have also outlawed the slaughter of animals within the town's limits.
    It's a victory for vegetarians, but bad for business for others. Fishermen such as Nishit Mehru have had to stop working entirely. "We have been stopped from selling anything in Palitana," he says. "They shouldn't have taken this one-sided decision. How will we survive if we are not allowed to sell fish? The government should not make decisions under pressure."
    On behalf of other fishermen, Valjibhai Mithapura took the issue to the state's high court, which has called on the state government to explain the ban put in place locally. It will then make a decision about whether this regulation is legal. Gujarat is ruled by the Hindu nationalist BJP party, whose leader is Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
    The population of Palitana is 65,000 and about 25% of them are Muslim. Local Muslim religious scholar Syed Jehangir Miyan disagrees with the ban. "There are so many people living in this city, and the majority of them are non-vegetarian," he says. "Stopping them from eating a non-vegetarian diet is a violation of their rights. We have been living in this city for decades. It is wrong to suddenly put a ban on the whole city now."

  • @amitjain9143
    @amitjain9143 7 років тому

    Jain's 24th Tirthankara was born 599 BC before Buddha. However the previous 23 Tirthankars have traces back to Indus Valley Civilization.

    • @Pankaj-rq6mq
      @Pankaj-rq6mq 7 років тому

      Amit Jain
      before Indus valley civilisation

  • @shreeshashwatenterprise2225
    @shreeshashwatenterprise2225 3 роки тому


  • @jaydagha2000
    @jaydagha2000 7 років тому

    You know more than some Jain scholars. Awesome

    • @opensourceworldviews
      @opensourceworldviews  7 років тому +1

      That is very flattering to hear that. I just listen and read a lot, but do not study the Sanskrit classics.

    • @richajain2350
      @richajain2350 7 років тому

      It would be good if you research about 1st teerthankara Adinath!!!

  • @shreeshashwatenterprise2225
    @shreeshashwatenterprise2225 3 роки тому


  • @RAMIT80
    @RAMIT80 4 роки тому

    Superb video on the great religion