Not at all. You ever been to an American Diner where they are serving up scrambled eggs at a SHTF rate? They use a flat top. You can't do pan on/ pan off for six orders of eggs at once.
@@leo.girardi Thank you! Southern US diners push out hella amounts of Scrambled Egg. No time for this pan on pan off shit. Beat those eggs in a cup and pour it the flat top. Once it's good and fluffy they're ready.
@@danielhughes2014 because it was literally so important that the toast be absolutely completely flawless and perfect that he went to the expense of employing an entire person to do nothing but sit there and stare at toasting bread all night. That’s giving straddling the line between insanity and genius a completely new dimension. He probably also made his pastry chef count every single blueberry in every single muffin to ensure they all had the exact same number in each muffin
@@zozozozo-kw9xe Not really. People would ask for instructions but wouldn't understand why the instructions are the way they are. They just follow it without any thought given to them
Spot on. I find myself sometimes just going through the motions from habit instead of being actively involved in what I'm doing. Taking a step back to think for a bit is great advice.
@@sonyphony it's both just fucking soup. Scrambled eggs shouldn't be able to flow off the bread. Should have the consistency of jello or grated cheese.
@Powertampa I get what you mean. Not really "soup," but Marco did cook it like a creamy dressing. While Gordon cooked it like how we would normally think scramble egg to be. Me though? I just use chopsticks, man, and scramble the f out of it 😂
@@storyofv1710 That's literally what he did. He practically lived at Harveys, and IIRC it was something like 16 hour days for 6 days, and a day off for everyone to get lit, then early breakfast and back at it. Kitchen industry is stressy af, but Jesus that dude was a force of nature and I imagine he was horrfying everyone to his levels of perfection.
@@ppstorm_ you know what's really cringe? having a name like "pee pee storm" and being a depressed and moody brat instead of scrolling along when they see something they dislike
@@GBEWgw2 It's more delicious and looks better for me. I think u are gordon fangay who doesn't even eat good scrambled eggs. Gordons eggs are fucking dry
Ahahha I actually love this recipe too 😂 never cooked the scrambled egg any differently since I learnt it. I think it's important to remember, that you can have two different recipes or methods that both work perfectly well. They are just different.
And he'd do it by talking to it, and explaining why it would be best for it to unscramble. The egg, which only just now became aware, ponders the words of this Mozart of cooking. They speak for what feels like centuries about life. About the spirit of mankind. About justice. About love. And then, after what was actually only a few seconds, the egg unscrambles and even reassembles the yolk and egg shell.
Sidenote, scientists have "uncooked" the white of a fried egg by shaking it just right to the coagulated mess of denatured proteins unravel. And what's more, they did it with sound waves at just the right frequency that resonate with the fundamental frequency of the protein. This is a good thing, because bent up proteins clumping together causes dementia, so knowing how to unscramble these clumps could lead to in-invasive treatments for dementia and Alzheimers within the short to near future.
@@gokuvegeta7770 if you watch this and CANT see Marco as the master of his craft while giving the most subtle, but deeply profound bits of insight, I can't help you bro. I cant make it any more obvious without dumbing it down to such pitiful standards that it really would be a waste of both of our time
my favourite part is when marco says " if youhave to take your pan off the stove, then you're lacking an understanding in temperature" and then gordon just whips the pan on and off all the damn time
Hes cooking like he is in a restaurant where there simply isnt that much time to fickle around with it. Marco cooks because he simply loves to cook. Ramsay is cooking like its his job.
@@WillisAmaklook I love Gordon as much as the next guy and of course he is one of the most talented chefs in the world. But Marco Pierre White trained Gordon and made him who he is today to Gordon's own admission. That comparison was 100% correct. I'm sure when Gordon is at home, he cooks them differently but he is cooking exactly like a line cook/chef at a restaurant or hotel does in this video, whereas Marco is literally in his home kitchen making eggs.
@@dylandalrymple It is a preference. They have both reached greater heights than the other in different ways. It isn't a competition. I like my eggs like Gordon and don't feel like moving the pan on and off is any effort. My wife agrees. My mom likes her scrambled eggs brown. (we can both agree she is insane)
Yea my scrambled eggs are better than both. I guess it's a preference? I want my eggs to not be goop on bread I don't have. I make my scrambled eggs to taste like fluffy eggs that pair well with bacon (if I have it), cereal (if we're having it) or a coke after a too late night and we need something to make us reconsider stepping into traffic to end our horrid hangover (most likely).
Gordon is like a technically perfect machine that knows how to do it right every time. Marco is like the guy who programmed the machine and understands _why_ he’s doing it that way.
dude if he programmed it then he sucks at coding, there is no comparison between the two dishes , l mean you can eat trash if you want but thats kinda your opinion you know?
I love how different their cooking philosopy is especially when they both already reach their own perfection in every cooking but both have very different method one feels like a lifestyle the other feels like a challenge of passion
When people go on about Gordon being a world class chef, I refer them to his scrambled egg video, where he burns the toast and serves up transport cafe scrambled eggs.
@@wishie8474 you watch to much tv , he is nowhere near a world class chef , he is a tv producing ex succesfull cook ....who got a michelin star on 1 of the 21 places he had , and today noone of his places have a michellin star ....and he is not working in any of them i guess you can mybe call him the best cooking tv producer .....
@@pizzabagerenmujaffa8123 he used to have 16 but the main reason he lost 9 was because, as you said, he wasn't there in the restaurants everyday, therefore the dishes were inconsistent. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ why you blaming him LOL
I find this edit so hilarious but I love it! I’ve watched both of these on their own many times but never cut up like this. Love the stressful energy Gordon gives but the calm mellow energy form Marco
Thats the gamble of being to confident then using to low heat. Relizing your time does not matter speach isnt holding and serve uncooked eggs like a pile if snot with unconditional pride... and parsly or was it. Who cares pay up.
@@howthewestwaswon1890 If you cook (or lack thereof) scrambled eggs like that, nobody is getting near that shit let alone eat. European undercooked scrambled eggs are disgusting.
imagine being a qualified chef, spending years to learn how too cook. You get a job to work in a high class restaurant, and your only job is to toast bread.
A lot of Marco v Gordon going on in the threads. I taught myself cooking over lockdown and I must have tried to make nearly every dish. I'm a huge fan of both and I think I can sum it up in a nutshell. Marco taught me how to cook. Gordon inspired me with recipes and variety. Like this video. Methodwise Marco is absolutely right. Don't rush eggs. The flavour profile is incredible. Now for Gordon, chives in eggs is absolute elite. Also other good examples are Marcos Bolognese and Lamb chops. Both far better than Gordon's (process wise). Methodology I'd always stick with Marco. Spices, tweaks and ideas always Gordon. He's travelled the world and learnt many cuisines. Honorable mention; Jamie Oliver. Whilst not a "proper chef" I do take inspiration on how to make dishes healthier and the ideas he has for kids is fantastic. People shouldn't limit themselves to one chef etc. Learn as much as you can from wherever you can and see what works for you. Broadens your horizons and expands your palate. Happy cooking.
Edit: I haven't got a couple of weeks spare to try one of Heston Blumenthals recipes haha 😂😂😂 If you know you know.... If you don't then here it is. Nearly every single method/recipe processes can easily take a day or so because of many many steps involved. Not ideal for a home cook with a young hungry family 😂
For his part, Gordon takes the more pragmatic approach, crafting his breakfast with the sort of slapdash focus and energy of a slightly-mad scientist or an artificer. He takes culinary art and breaks it down into a clear, logical formula that anyone can understand at a fundamental level. Marco, on the other hand, is a poet, a painter, a philosopher. His methods are more esoteric - inscrutable even. Indeed, there may not even be a method at all; perhaps intuition alone is what guides him. Is he even cooking, really? Or is it that the meal is simply birthing itself into existence using his hands, the only hands capable of delivering it? Such are the questions we are left to ponder at the sight of such artistry, for Chef Marco doesn't just serve up food - he serves up food for thought as well. Anyway, I'm hungry and high af. Imma go eat.
@@freakfreak786 It is a french style of scrambled eggs. Its not what most people would expect if they ordered scrambled eggs. However it is actually really nice.
Marco is the Master Oogway in kitchen, who has transcended everything, accepting it as it is and achieved inner peace while Gordon is the Shifu who chases perfection, greatness and professionalism in his food, perfecting his techniques like a machine trying to reach apex. Not doing so might make him restless, I think 😬
You really have to give it to Marco. He lives in a huge country home with a massive yard for hunting and raising animals. So many chefs work themselves to death and it's quite sad, but Marco had that strength to say 'enough' and enjoy his retirement like a chad
@@dominicsanchez2972 I doubt Knorr was this huge boom of cash. sure it paid well, but marco prob makes most of his money on TV show appearances, cookbooks, and other sponsorships. I mean, he obviously made a good chunk of change before Knorr, but that definitely helped! lol
@@dominicsanchez2972 He owns loads of restaurants that bring him tons of passive income, and he does all this television appearances. The Knorr partnership is probably a drop in the bucket as far as his money he has coming in
@@american_psycho1147 yes of course, I’m very familiar with all that. It’s just a joke! He was hustling Knorr like is life depended on it, but it really didn’t. It’s just a little sarcasm
I tried cooking MPW's method of eggs and it genuinely was the best scrambled eggs I've ever tasted EVER! Just a bit of butter in the pan, slowly cooked, a drop of lemon juice, salt and parsley at the end... It tasted just as good as some delicate fish, just a creamier texture. Hands down way better than the fast method but takes patience!
My mom always used to make her scrambled eggs whisked and with some extra cream, so that's what I used to do as well, but after giving the Pierre White version here a shot I'm absolutely blown away by how much better both the texture and the flavour turned out.
Are they not too runny? They look slightly underdone to me, but maybe that’s because I have grown up doing scrambled eggs the same way you described growing up with.
Marco loses for shit talking at the beginning, talking about people serving babyfood, and then that comes out. What the actual fuck does he think babies eat if not that premium looking Gerbers he threw on that toast
@@aidenharper6013 Do you serve hot food on hot plates? Restaurants do - if they care enough. This means that the eggs are still cooking on the heat from that plate, and will have firmed up significantly by the time the get to the customer. Go look at the full BBC Maestro video that's here on UA-cam. He explains that very point.
Two very different styles that I appreciate and they both really reflect where each of the chef's are at in life. Ramsay's version seems to be more of the fast-paced-restaurant style, maybe for someone trying to get a delicious breakfast in before work or make a quick breakfast on the weekend. MPW's approach seems more like the a retiree who is in no rush because he doesn't need to be. Take time to make and enjoy your food. Like a wise grand-dad making an extra special breakfast for a child.
Marco is waaay above Ramsay and if you had bothered to even check out one of the many many youtube vids out there of Marco in his restaurant, you can see that this is in general how calm he is. a bit more fire and intensity for when in his restaurant but still calm and composed as opposite to Ramsay ...
@@lillerosin2915 Yes, I have "bothered to even". I've seen quite a few videos of Marco as I'm a fan of both chefs. I wasn't speaking to their talent level. I was referring to the pacing of the two videos. I'm not sure what your comment is getting at.
The captions are crazy for this. Real caption from the first 20 seconds- "Some people like ciggarettes. Whisper with a f***. And turn it into baby food."
Marco Pierre is a that point where he mastered cooking and is now trying to fuse himself with the egg to a higher lifeform. A truly mindblowing experience!
i love how marco talks about people whisking eggs with a fork turning it into baby food but once he plates it the eggs look exactly like some baby paste on top of toast
I always love both men but Marco will always be my favourite. It's like he's found enlightenment in the culinary world. He was a man that was all about getting 3 stars and 5 red knives and forks and once he achieved his goal he understood that its pointless because he became a chef not to please critics but to make enjoyable food for the people. He truly is the godfather of cooking.
Just seems so unrealistic and hippy-dippy full of crap… “Don’t take the pan off, just slow down…” Yikes, maybe if you are charging $300 for half a meal, sure do it his way.
My auntie who cooked for over 70 years once said this: 'Food is never bad, so stop asking what to do to make it good. Start asking what it is you're doing, that makes it bad.'
Marco is the better cook. Gordon is the better restauranteur. There is something industrial, American, amd hearty about Gordon's cooking and dishes. Very high energy, very fast, very good. But Marco is an aesthete. A true master. He'll never be as wealthy as successful as Gordon... But he'll make better food.
Marco has that rare combination of traits as a chef/artist with wisdom and longevity of enthusiasm on top of his craftmanship. It's like he's at the edge of almost being content.
I've made it both ways. Wonderful - however I think Gordon's are better despite his apparent hectic performance and stressful attitude. That said, I think it would be beneficial for both chefs to come to my home and prepare them both for me so that I could compare - just to resolve the matter completely.
Marco has left the need to rush behind, the food is done in its own time and it's always perfect. Gordon is doing every step technically correctly, but he's manhandling the food into the shape he wants it to be. Both dishes look great, but you can tell which one was cooked by someone who _truly_ understands food.
"Most people take their scrambled eggs and whisk them with a fork and turn them into babyfood. I don't." *proceeds to gently caress his scrambled eggs with a spatula into babyfood*
@@imputinandihaveasmallpeepe9165 that's perfectly cooked, try it yourself. School canteens and busy diners don't have time to perfect the scrambled egg, that's why it's always overcooked and you're probably accustomed to having it that way, even at home because of how convenient and fast it is to just overcook it. Michelline star legends like mpw aren't cooking their food wrong... especially something so basic like scrambled eggs.
@@JohnDoeplaceuknown I’ve tried it an I don’t like it just seems as a fashion piece to me highlighting a French influence, nice subtle dig with the school canteens comment
@@imputinandihaveasmallpeepe9165 everyone has their own preferences when it comes to food. I for one love mpws method of scrambled eggs, just with an added tablespoon of crème
Marco is showing how to execute it Gordon’s showing how to kill it. I know worked for them both marco Pierre white is the godfather. And he knows en oeuf is enuff as the Frenchman said to the Yorkshire man. Gordon is a great chef. Marco forgot more than Gordon has known. Fact people
@@johnnieforbes1618 Bull fucking shit. Did you see the state of Marco's scrambled eggs? Those are not eggs... That's literal pure liquified vomit! No scrambled eggs should be that liquified! That's just literal hogwash and even if you charge it at $1, I would not have paid for that. Eggs should still have its structure and scrambled eggs as it's name is called, it should be scrambled and still retain its structure, not turn it into soup. You sure you worked for Marco?
What’s the philosophy here? Taking 10 minutes to cook something that tastes and feels exactly the same in your mouth if cooked in two minutes is mental masturbation.
The trick with a Knorr cube is to ease it ever so gently (not all at once) into warm slowly poured water while you purse your lips to release the full flavour.
They both seem odd to me, but cultural differences I suppose. I don't really want a spreadable egg personally. A little wet to them is fine, but I want it to be something you can stick your fork into and have some substance to them. I suppose if the goal is to put it on toast this makes sense though
My technique is a little different. I start off usually trying to make a different egg dish like an omelette. I mess it up and then they’re scrambled. And there ya go, all the steps you need to make the most beautiful scrambled eggs.
I do it the same way because this way you get more chunky pieces of scrambled egg as opposed to the grainy & porridge looking thing we see in this video. To each their own, of course, it's your choice.
I love both of these chefs. They're both wonderful at what they do. I like Marco more now because he's a home cook not a professional chef anymore. He shows you how he'd do it at home and not in a Michelin star restaurant. Still both of them are absolutely wonderful at their crafts.
Absolutely wrong sir, you'd get something similar to what Marco did it here a Michelin restaurant. Not a country buffet scrambled egg like gordon did. Have you ever been to a restaurant whit more than one star?
@@CosmosProvider To be frank, ive been to a couple of 1 and 2 stars but i have never been served scrambled eggs. I probably wouldn't respond very nice if i were served scrambled eggs lol
How do you put "Senior Toaster" on a resume
"Worked for Marco Pierre White"
@@tearjerker3581 fair enough!
@@tearjerker3581 i didn't make him toast the brioche
It was his choice to toast
You don't
Before I watched the video I read that as Señor Toaster
Gordon.- "Cook the egg".
Marco.- "Be the egg."
Fuck it. Have my upvote
The movie Menu: "There is no egg."
No Don't be the Egg!!!
Love it!!! X
Think like the egg
My GF: you’ve been in the kitchen for an hour, where the hell’s breakfast?
Me: only a fool would rush scrambled eggs
Gordon is teaching us on how to prepare a scrambled egg for restaurant, while Marco is teaching us on how to cook scrambled egg for the afterlife.
This is gold 😂
Not at all. You ever been to an American Diner where they are serving up scrambled eggs at a SHTF rate? They use a flat top. You can't do pan on/ pan off for six orders of eggs at once.
@@leo.girardi Thank you! Southern US diners push out hella amounts of Scrambled Egg. No time for this pan on pan off shit. Beat those eggs in a cup and pour it the flat top. Once it's good and fluffy they're ready.
Epic. And it’s fascinating that Ramsay trained under White in his formative years. It’s like their approach to cooking is totally different.
I suspect that Marco taught Gordon to take the pan off the heat and back just to screw with his scrambled egg for life.
And Gordon's turned out better
@@smtandearthboundsuck8400 Wrong.
@@jschlapp right, marco's eggs look like complete shite, I have never seen egg soup before and it looks awful
@@MauiNeggas Wrong
@@jschlapp right=left
Right=not wrong
"Before I retired, I employed a chef just to toast the brioche. That was his job." You cannot be more intense than this guy is.
why is that intense?
@@danielhughes2014 because it was literally so important that the toast be absolutely completely flawless and perfect that he went to the expense of employing an entire person to do nothing but sit there and stare at toasting bread all night. That’s giving straddling the line between insanity and genius a completely new dimension.
He probably also made his pastry chef count every single blueberry in every single muffin to ensure they all had the exact same number in each muffin
@@adamseidel9780 blueberrys are important and should be treated as such
@@mr.blueberry5138 do you have any idea how long that’s going to take?
@@adamseidel9780 put one in each muffin
“Only a fool would rush scrambled eggs” gets me every time
Only a fool would meet scrambled eggs in an open field....
Only a sith deals in rushed scrambled eggs....
He is the sith
@@Losrandir 😂😂😂😂 , only a fool would meet 300 Spartans in a narrow passage
Is there a t-shirt? That needs a t-shirt. I need a t-shirt with that quote.
Marco is half chef, half philosopher.
Dude figured out the meaning of life while staring at a frying pan.
That was until he first laid eyes on a stockpot. That’s when it all changed for Marco.
Marco piede is slower and he talks more and works less
𝐄𝐱𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐥𝐲 🤭🤭
Can’t get past his greasy unkempt hair
Gordon: scrambled eggs for a monday.
Marco: scrambled eggs for a sunday.
scrambled eggs for a sunday that were started on prior monday**
It's like Gordon's just had ten cups of coffee while Marco's just had a giant doobie while meditating with a zen monk.
Marco's eggs would be the consistency after I'd had about 10 coffees. He was saying you don't want baby food, then produces baby food.
@@SwitchyTM I think Marco is awesome... But I was thinking the exact same thing when he poured the eggs.
I think you're confusing cocaine for coffee
It's like Gordon just had ten cups of coffee and one cup of cocaine, while Marco's just had a knorr cube.
Gordon is busy cooking, Marco is graduating with a degree in philosophy
🤣 💀
Lmao no lie though Gordon was Marco's pragmatic pupil.
@@cuban-being3087 the abuse he gave Ramsay 😮😮😮
bro love your thinking
busy burning toast yea IoI
Gordon: 'straightforward, clear and quick'
Marco: 'teaches philosophy'
gordons are just bad
He's there to inspire you.
@@golfbo9762k0bn and Marcos Look like liquified shit
@@RoqueMeister If your liquefied shit has a bright yellow color, I'd suggest a colonoscopy
@@shizuru7915 🤣💀
"Question why you're doing what you're doing" is such a good advice
isn't everyone questioning themselves? lol
I guess Marco forgot to do that
@@zozozozo-kw9xe Not really. People would ask for instructions but wouldn't understand why the instructions are the way they are. They just follow it without any thought given to them
Spot on. I find myself sometimes just going through the motions from habit instead of being actively involved in what I'm doing. Taking a step back to think for a bit is great advice.
The very definition of psychology.
"I did not tell him to rush the scrambled eggs.
It was his choice."
- Marco P. White
He made himself cry….
@@evennoiz Not really. Have you seen any of his other cooking shows? The guy is a cooking purist and his at home meals are pretty down to earth.
@@evennoiz are you implying that he's more pretentious than Gordon? Interesting..
I spat burger out laughing at this comment! 😂😂😂🍔
Lol the cut from Ramsay burning his toast under pressure to just Marco staring off into space was funny
This comment was funny 😅
Who is Marco
@@ShowboatsBBQ Marco is the first Englishman to hold 3 Michelin stars, Gordon worked for him
@@ShowboatsBBQ the founder of modern cuisine
"Did my best protege really just burn his toast?"
Is it just me or Marco got the perfect voice to narrate a nature documentary?
He's like Anthony Hopkins or Richard Burton
he could shoot and cook every animal he sees and still be less of a cunt than twattenborough imo
David Attenborough for sure 👍
So true
Snoop Dog is better
If Marco hadn't forced himself to whisper I think he'd kill someone.
Gordon is teaching us how to make scramble eggs while Marco there is teaching us defense against the dark arts
That made me laugh out loud at work bro! Kneeslapper 😂
this is hilarious it made me laugh out loud in the middle of the night hahahahaha
I honestly burst out laughing
Expelliarmus marco!!
Gordon is like your typical drill sergeant, while Marco is like that war veteran who spend the rest of his life painting 😂🤣
So Gordon is the young Bob Ross while Marco is the old Bob Ross
@@brad_hensil when you say young you might be referring to the younger bob ross, when you say old you might be referring to the younger bob ross.
Very clever comment
If you knew how Marco was back in the day you wouldn't be saying that.
@@nyoom7495yes he would. Back in the day he was a tough fkr and now he's calm. 🤔 exactly what he said
This was hilarious. Only a fool would rush scrambled eggs. Cuts to Gordon moving at a mile a minute 😂
"I didn't make Gordon cry, he made himself cry. He chose to cry."
Yet it still comes out slightly better. Though still just egg soup in the end, disgusting.
@@Powertampawe arent looking at the same video here if u think its slightly different. Both have completely dif textures and flavors in the end result
@@sonyphony it's both just fucking soup. Scrambled eggs shouldn't be able to flow off the bread. Should have the consistency of jello or grated cheese.
@Powertampa I get what you mean. Not really "soup," but Marco did cook it like a creamy dressing. While Gordon cooked it like how we would normally think scramble egg to be. Me though? I just use chopsticks, man, and scramble the f out of it 😂
I've been a daily user of UA-cam for many years now ....this has to be the best comment section to have ever existed
Gordon Ramsay is like cooking at 7 am before work.
Marco Pierre White is like cooking at 3am after a night out
@@storyofv1710 That's literally what he did. He practically lived at Harveys, and IIRC it was something like 16 hour days for 6 days, and a day off for everyone to get lit, then early breakfast and back at it. Kitchen industry is stressy af, but Jesus that dude was a force of nature and I imagine he was horrfying everyone to his levels of perfection.
You take the extra time, attention to detail on those meals. You were waiting for it all night haha
Well I know what one I'd prefer
@@THEjoelivingstonethat last part of your comment made me laugh
Gordon's scramble egg :
+10 Agility +5 Defence +20 Attacks
Marco's scramble egg :
+10 Wisdom +5 intelligent +20 Magic
Funniest 100 like comment ever
I love that you put this into food buff terms, bravo sir
@@ppstorm_ you know what's really cringe? having a name like "pee pee storm" and being a depressed and moody brat instead of scrolling along when they see something they dislike
@@drewbles22 u mad?
that egg soup looked trash.
@@GBEWgw2 It's more delicious and looks better for me. I think u are gordon fangay who doesn't even eat good scrambled eggs. Gordons eggs are fucking dry
Agreed. Ramsey made eggs with some texture, light and creamy. Marco made slop.
@@Boforslakej yep, he made unhealthy fat shit
Ahahha I actually love this recipe too 😂 never cooked the scrambled egg any differently since I learnt it.
I think it's important to remember, that you can have two different recipes or methods that both work perfectly well. They are just different.
I seriously believe that Marco can unscramble an egg. He is that good.
And he'd do it by talking to it, and explaining why it would be best for it to unscramble. The egg, which only just now became aware, ponders the words of this Mozart of cooking. They speak for what feels like centuries about life. About the spirit of mankind. About justice. About love. And then, after what was actually only a few seconds, the egg unscrambles and even reassembles the yolk and egg shell.
He didn't make that egg scramble. It was the egg's choice to scramble.
He just spread some baby food on bread and decorated it with parsley while talking a bunch of nonsense
Sidenote, scientists have "uncooked" the white of a fried egg by shaking it just right to the coagulated mess of denatured proteins unravel. And what's more, they did it with sound waves at just the right frequency that resonate with the fundamental frequency of the protein. This is a good thing, because bent up proteins clumping together causes dementia, so knowing how to unscramble these clumps could lead to in-invasive treatments for dementia and Alzheimers within the short to near future.
@@kennylux Hahahah, perfect.
Now let's see Paul Allen's scrambled eggs
That yellow coloring the tasteful thickness of the eggs oh my God they don't even have cream
What about Hestons egg
Something wrong Robert? you're sweating....
Hahaha brilliant!!!
omg the thickness of theeeeauuum.
Since watching Chef Marco make scrambled eggs, it is the only way I now cook and serve them at home. So simple and relaxing to make!
Gordon Ramsey is teaching us an easy breakfast while Marco is teaching us a life lesson
Chef White: "If you run from your problems, it'll just make more problems."
Chef Ramsay: *Rushes* "Fuck is my toast burning?"
what life lesson did he teach us
@@itshammertime5036 when did Ramsey run he did not rush he left them in the toaster to long
@@gokuvegeta7770 not to rush things and take it slow
@@gokuvegeta7770 if you watch this and CANT see Marco as the master of his craft while giving the most subtle, but deeply profound bits of insight, I can't help you bro. I cant make it any more obvious without dumbing it down to such pitiful standards that it really would be a waste of both of our time
Gordon is master shifu
Marco is master oogway
Best comparison out if all of these in here
Master Oogway who might throw a pan after your head if you make the same mistake thrice
Marco: ahhh, monkey🐒🤣🤣
Ever seen that scene where Marco doesn't want to be filmed and threatingly says "you don't know what I am"?
Your not wrong.... I mean Gordon trained under Marco
my favourite part is when marco says " if youhave to take your pan off the stove, then you're lacking an understanding in temperature" and then gordon just whips the pan on and off all the damn time
Hes cooking like he is in a restaurant where there simply isnt that much time to fickle around with it. Marco cooks because he simply loves to cook. Ramsay is cooking like its his job.
@@jurajsintaj6644No, Marco cooks like an Instagram girl in her 20s...
Gordon Cooks with passion. He cooks like someones grandm
@@WillisAmaklook I love Gordon as much as the next guy and of course he is one of the most talented chefs in the world. But Marco Pierre White trained Gordon and made him who he is today to Gordon's own admission. That comparison was 100% correct. I'm sure when Gordon is at home, he cooks them differently but he is cooking exactly like a line cook/chef at a restaurant or hotel does in this video, whereas Marco is literally in his home kitchen making eggs.
@@dylandalrymple It is a preference. They have both reached greater heights than the other in different ways. It isn't a competition. I like my eggs like Gordon and don't feel like moving the pan on and off is any effort. My wife agrees. My mom likes her scrambled eggs brown. (we can both agree she is insane)
Gordon worked under MPW in the kitchen
Who ever edited this deserves an award
Gordon: Makes scrambled egg while on speed
Marco: Makes scrambled eggs while on Navajo magic powder.
Yea my scrambled eggs are better than both. I guess it's a preference? I want my eggs to not be goop on bread I don't have. I make my scrambled eggs to taste like fluffy eggs that pair well with bacon (if I have it), cereal (if we're having it) or a coke after a too late night and we need something to make us reconsider stepping into traffic to end our horrid hangover (most likely).
ayawaska, you food stooge
Gordon is like a technically perfect machine that knows how to do it right every time.
Marco is like the guy who programmed the machine and understands _why_ he’s doing it that way.
And he did exactly that! He programmed the machine.
dude if he programmed it then he sucks at coding, there is no comparison between the two dishes , l mean you can eat trash if you want but thats kinda your opinion you know?
@@babeharris8736 You must have been super popular in high school
@@babeharris8736 perhaps the machine needs a firmware update!
No, my point was that Ramsey learnt from Marco, he was an apprentice to him.
"Gordon is like a technically perfect machine that knows how to do it right every time."
>burns the toast
I’m even further away from knowing how to make scrambled eggs. Yet somehow I am closer than I have ever been.
Perfectly balanced. As all things should be
Question why you're doing what you're doing.
You honestly need to ask the most existential question of them all:
Which came first? You or the egg?
@@chriskoschik391 it’s your choice really
I was all on board with Marco and his anti-baby food mantra but then the MF went and made egg soup 💀
Ahahahahaha funny af that shit was uncooked
yeah, those were raw eggs. great chef
@@alfredomorales8875No the fuck it wasn’t
He went the other direction with it lol. Baby food is too firm
@@alfredomorales8875that’s just probably how he likes his eggs
I love how different their cooking philosopy is especially when they both already reach their own perfection in every cooking but both have very different method one feels like a lifestyle the other feels like a challenge of passion
gordon is making the perfect scrambled egg by textbook
marco is making the scrambled eggs marco wants to eat
What I love is that Marco clearly points out what Gordon is doing without even seeing it. Gordon's pan is too hot, hence why he has to stir so much.
Well but Gordon is afterall a student of Marco
@@umeshmistry2295 Yeah sensei is on another level😂😂😂
Like how one is good at cooking and the other is just his student who made it big by having a big personality and less skill.
Marco: *gently whispering about making perfect toast*
Gordon: “Shit, is that my toast burning?”
When people go on about Gordon being a world class chef, I refer them to his scrambled egg video, where he burns the toast and serves up transport cafe scrambled eggs.
@@lazer2365 well, he is a world class chef LOL
@@wishie8474 you watch to much tv , he is nowhere near a world class chef , he is a tv producing ex succesfull cook ....who got a michelin star on 1 of the 21 places he had , and today noone of his places have a michellin star ....and he is not working in any of them i guess you can mybe call him the best cooking tv producer .....
@@pizzabagerenmujaffa8123 he has 7 michelin stars to date lol
@@pizzabagerenmujaffa8123 he used to have 16 but the main reason he lost 9 was because, as you said, he wasn't there in the restaurants everyday, therefore the dishes were inconsistent. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ why you blaming him LOL
I find it funny that Marco is a terrifying presence in the kitchen yet he’s basically doing ASMR here, speaking as softly and gently as possible
He has to speak quietly here because yelling would create too much heat for the eggs.
His breakdown of the dish at the end literally gave me goosebumps it was fantastic
maybe he knew none of us could try a bite, so he beat gordon with the right acting
@@DrkWhiteWolf idk why your comment doesn't have more likes
And that’s why you don’t do drugs kids. 😂 Ramsey rushing for his next fix 😅
I find this edit so hilarious but I love it! I’ve watched both of these on their own many times but never cut up like this. Love the stressful energy Gordon gives but the calm mellow energy form Marco
Marco Pierre: “Scrambled eggs shouldn’t have the consistency of baby food”
Also Marco Pierre: *Somehow makes the eggs even more mushy than Gordon*
They thicken as they settle, I've made them that way they're good
@@Justanobody8472 No.
Thats the gamble of being to confident then using to low heat. Relizing your time does not matter speach isnt holding and serve uncooked eggs like a pile if snot with unconditional pride... and parsly or was it. Who cares pay up.
Looks undercooked but it tastes much better than dried out "fluffy eggs". Some people even use a bain-marie to ensure they don't over cook the eggs.
@@rjmunt taste i personal. But that is not a well made scramble. Its undercoocked. He just got tired of waiting and served it anyway.
I would pay to watch Marco make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He is amazing.
Only if he narrates it. That’s half the fun of these videos. The man can say anything and i will laugh
I don't believe they make Knorr peanut stock pots.
@@TheDsgfdssd man, we're joking around, lighten up lol. This guy is actually one of my cooking idols.
@jaketrentsjaketrents lol
Some people like to whisk their egg with a fork and turn it into baby food, i don't.
Proceeds to turn it into baby food
Nah fr those eggs were ass
I was looking for this comment
I guess you have never cooked any eggs then :D
@@howthewestwaswon1890 If you cook (or lack thereof) scrambled eggs like that, nobody is getting near that shit let alone eat. European undercooked scrambled eggs are disgusting.
@@whitegoodman7465 another one lacking mental capacity to follow the thought of a thread.
imagine being a qualified chef, spending years to learn how too cook. You get a job to work in a high class restaurant, and your only job is to toast bread.
for Marco Pierre White tho
I would sweep the crumbs from the toaster for Chef White just to be in the same kitchen!!
Only the humble can learn from the greatness of others.
Say “your only job is to toast bread” with the respect it deserves boy!
- Marco Pierre White …
Easiest job in the kitchen, get a pay check. Whose really winning?
I’ve got to say. I’ve cooked them both ways. Marcos method took a bit longer, but they are absolutely incredible cooked like this.
I agree. Doing it fast over high heat is a coinflip for me, easy to screw up
Only a fool would rush scrambled eggs.
A lot of Marco v Gordon going on in the threads.
I taught myself cooking over lockdown and I must have tried to make nearly every dish. I'm a huge fan of both and I think I can sum it up in a nutshell.
Marco taught me how to cook. Gordon inspired me with recipes and variety.
Like this video. Methodwise Marco is absolutely right. Don't rush eggs. The flavour profile is incredible. Now for Gordon, chives in eggs is absolute elite.
Also other good examples are Marcos Bolognese and Lamb chops. Both far better than Gordon's (process wise).
Methodology I'd always stick with Marco. Spices, tweaks and ideas always Gordon. He's travelled the world and learnt many cuisines.
Honorable mention; Jamie Oliver. Whilst not a "proper chef" I do take inspiration on how to make dishes healthier and the ideas he has for kids is fantastic.
People shouldn't limit themselves to one chef etc. Learn as much as you can from wherever you can and see what works for you. Broadens your horizons and expands your palate.
Happy cooking.
Edit: I haven't got a couple of weeks spare to try one of Heston Blumenthals recipes haha 😂😂😂
If you know you know....
If you don't then here it is. Nearly every single method/recipe processes can easily take a day or so because of many many steps involved. Not ideal for a home cook with a young hungry family 😂
@@smartsquirrel1 "People shouldn't limit themselves to one chef" THIS, THIS IS CORRECT
One chef calms me down and the other raises my blood pressure 😂😂
@@Resokas ur saying that like that's even relevant, they're both so good that doesn't matter
I’m not gonna judge but pls tell us which one is which?
@@sarangcemut i think they're both the same, marco litterally taught gordon
@@itsluckzy2023 to think macdonalds is the same as Glarosh says enough lol
@@99Plastics what?
Gordon - work the egg. Marco - there is no egg
For his part, Gordon takes the more pragmatic approach, crafting his breakfast with the sort of slapdash focus and energy of a slightly-mad scientist or an artificer. He takes culinary art and breaks it down into a clear, logical formula that anyone can understand at a fundamental level.
Marco, on the other hand, is a poet, a painter, a philosopher. His methods are more esoteric - inscrutable even. Indeed, there may not even be a method at all; perhaps intuition alone is what guides him. Is he even cooking, really? Or is it that the meal is simply birthing itself into existence using his hands, the only hands capable of delivering it? Such are the questions we are left to ponder at the sight of such artistry, for Chef Marco doesn't just serve up food - he serves up food for thought as well.
Anyway, I'm hungry and high af. Imma go eat.
This deserves a LOT more likes
Bravo! This was an amazing read!
Hi how are you
Damn that should be a passage in the two te Ching by lao tzu
Love this comment
I didn't know I needed this as much as I do now. This is brilliant. 10/10
I swear Marco watched Gordons video RIGHT before filming this, omg why is he wearing a diaper on his head 😂 I love Marco so much.
The diaper is his choice. Like the stock pots
Marco's not wearing a diaper, the diaper's wearing Marco. That was the diaper's choice.
He has kind of long hair, it was probably to hold it back, I gotta do the same thing when I cook.
Love your channel keep up the work!
@@cormaclalor 😂😂😂few people will get it
Marco forgot to scramble the scrambled eggs. That's egg porridge.
I love that in the culinary world there's many different ways to cook one simple dish & every chef has their own desired way of cooking it
You're absolutely right. I for example blend it, drink it, then go for a run...
yea. I like mine mixed with water and frozen
my style is chucking stuff at the stove and seeing what sticks in the pan
@@JTST1234 🤣👌
Marco: "Only a fool will rush scramble eggs".
G.R: stirring and moving the pot on/off the stove like a madman
Only a genius would undercook it like a 5 year old.
@@SJ-fg7ww it's literally fully cooked, just not dried out. Bet you eat well done steak too
@@bigfootsburneraccount9160 In your reality that's probably just a plate full of blood, without the steak.
@@SJ-fg7ww what are you talking about? I eat medium rare steak, it is a steak.
@@SJ-fg7ww you’re a fool if you like your steak as dead as hell🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
No flavour no love
Marco Pierre: “I don’t like to make my eggs like baby food” *proceeds to make eggs that look like baby food*
I was honestly expecting for Marco's to turn out better because he didn't rush it but... Yeah, I'm not eating that.
@@CopiousDoinksLLC ikr, looked like undercooked baby vomit
@@freakfreak786 It is a french style of scrambled eggs. Its not what most people would expect if they ordered scrambled eggs. However it is actually really nice.
Exactly what I was saying too lol
That is exactly what i was thinking. Looks like vomit on toast
Love how Marco simply takes his time and enjoys what he loves.
And he enjoys making Gordon cry like a female dog.
@@The13thRoninWrong !
He didn't made gordon cry, Gordon made himself cry. It was his decision to cry.
@@Terry-qr9mv LOL you know it
and he still produced a mixture of raw eggs. my teenage kids make better scrambled eggs
One is for regular people who really rush to make breakfast on time. Another is the retired life
Marco is the Master Oogway in kitchen, who has transcended everything, accepting it as it is and achieved inner peace while Gordon is the Shifu who chases perfection, greatness and professionalism in his food, perfecting his techniques like a machine trying to reach apex. Not doing so might make him restless, I think 😬
This is soo accurate
agree that is the difference bt master shifu and master turtle
And Who Is Po?
very apt comparison
@@madkilla707 He/she is yet to come but I sense the Dragon Warrior among us :D
"Before I retired, I employed a chef, just to toast the brioche, and the sourdough, that was his job, it was his choice."
"He burned the toast, so it was his choice to cry."
@@tearjerker3581 "I didn't force her"
@@thomasandrewdryland437 there really is NO recipe
@@tmthysmth82 No. There is a recipe but it's his choice.
What’s with marco and knoor rich beef stock?
If scrambled egg flows - I am not eating it.
Watching Marco cook in his own kitchen is like watching a General known for being ruthless tending to his garden post retirement
You really have to give it to Marco. He lives in a huge country home with a massive yard for hunting and raising animals. So many chefs work themselves to death and it's quite sad, but Marco had that strength to say 'enough' and enjoy his retirement like a chad
He was able to get out of the game all thanks to Knorr lol.
@@dominicsanchez2972 I doubt Knorr was this huge boom of cash. sure it paid well, but marco prob makes most of his money on TV show appearances, cookbooks, and other sponsorships. I mean, he obviously made a good chunk of change before Knorr, but that definitely helped! lol
He also said fuck you to Michelin.
@@dominicsanchez2972 He owns loads of restaurants that bring him tons of passive income, and he does all this television appearances. The Knorr partnership is probably a drop in the bucket as far as his money he has coming in
@@american_psycho1147 yes of course, I’m very familiar with all that. It’s just a joke! He was hustling Knorr like is life depended on it, but it really didn’t. It’s just a little sarcasm
I tried cooking MPW's method of eggs and it genuinely was the best scrambled eggs I've ever tasted EVER! Just a bit of butter in the pan, slowly cooked, a drop of lemon juice, salt and parsley at the end... It tasted just as good as some delicate fish, just a creamier texture. Hands down way better than the fast method but takes patience!
And last but not least, keep remind that only a fool would rush scrambled egg
Yeah, if you're adding fat and salt to something, it tends to taste better. I don't think that has anything to do with how fast you cook them, though.
How many stockpots did you use?
How long did it take to cook?
@@BobGymlan You think those are eggs?
Gordon burning the toast then cut to Marco telling a story of how he hired someone just to make toast was the chef's kiss.
My mom always used to make her scrambled eggs whisked and with some extra cream, so that's what I used to do as well, but after giving the Pierre White version here a shot I'm absolutely blown away by how much better both the texture and the flavour turned out.
slow and lows the way to go.
@@TheLegendOZelda360 Smoke on applewood
you comparing french methods to tiktok
@@matteoferrandino3348 Those certainly are words, but I'm mostly just confused. How does tiktok factor into this, exactly?
Are they not too runny? They look slightly underdone to me, but maybe that’s because I have grown up doing scrambled eggs the same way you described growing up with.
Marco: “I did not beat Gordon at the scrambled egg battle. It was Gordon’s choice to lose”
I wouldn't say Marco "won", just different styles. I actually think Gordon's looked more appetizing...
Marco loses for shit talking at the beginning, talking about people serving babyfood, and then that comes out. What the actual fuck does he think babies eat if not that premium looking Gerbers he threw on that toast
@WEEWOO I'm sure it was delicious baby food though lol
I guess some people never eat raw eggs :))))
@@aidenharper6013 Do you serve hot food on hot plates? Restaurants do - if they care enough. This means that the eggs are still cooking on the heat from that plate, and will have firmed up significantly by the time the get to the customer. Go look at the full BBC Maestro video that's here on UA-cam. He explains that very point.
Two very different styles that I appreciate and they both really reflect where each of the chef's are at in life. Ramsay's version seems to be more of the fast-paced-restaurant style, maybe for someone trying to get a delicious breakfast in before work or make a quick breakfast on the weekend. MPW's approach seems more like the a retiree who is in no rush because he doesn't need to be. Take time to make and enjoy your food. Like a wise grand-dad making an extra special breakfast for a child.
They approach different routes for sure but that rush will eventually affect the taste of the food
Marco is waaay above Ramsay and if you had bothered to even check out one of the many many youtube vids out there of Marco in his restaurant, you can see that this is in general how calm he is. a bit more fire and intensity for when in his restaurant but still calm and composed as opposite to Ramsay ...
@@lillerosin2915 Yes, I have "bothered to even". I've seen quite a few videos of Marco as I'm a fan of both chefs. I wasn't speaking to their talent level. I was referring to the pacing of the two videos. I'm not sure what your comment is getting at.
@@lillerosin2915 oh come off it lmao
@@lillerosin2915 his scrambled eggs look like dog vomit.
Gordon: cooking the egg in a professional manner.
Marco: Transcending the egg into a higher dimension.
The captions are crazy for this.
Real caption from the first 20 seconds- "Some people like ciggarettes. Whisper with a f***. And turn it into baby food."
Ahahah, true
😂😂😂😂😂 yes
Bro forgot to add some smoked Simon
I just noticed the “(burn)” 😅
Man, I'd kill for a chance of seeing a prime White vs prime Ramsay in an Iron Chef cooking competition. That'd be the best event of the decade.
marco would absolutely cream him
Marco would decimate Gordon.
He made himself cry, that was his choice to cry"
It would be a slaughter. Ramsey choosing to cry. Again.
Prime White isnt the final form tho. His older wisdom and knowhow is the final form.
I wish there were a hundred more cook off vids like this between these two, it had me cracking up. This was awesome!
It had you "Cracking" up?! K'mahn w/ the dad-joke puns!!
It's super. Marco Pierre was Ramsey's teacher.
Ramsay was the chef hired to toast bread
Remember this is the guy who GAVE BACK his three Michelin stars and who had Gordon as a pupil in his kitchen
Gordon is teaching us to cook scarmbled eggs for a good breakfast, Marco is teaching us to cook scrambled eggs for the last supper
Well said
By that you mean from the salmonella you’re going to die from for eating raw eggs.
when did he say that? i wanna watch it
@@programmingeverything he didn't say it, he made us feel it in our souls.
Marco has mellowed out a lot since he was younger. He is so nice to listen to and watch.
he became a wise culinary sage
but still looks like hes just come back from kicking someones head in
😂true @@leeyo5494
@@leeyo5494 LOL
Marco Pierre is a that point where he mastered cooking and is now trying to fuse himself with the egg to a higher lifeform. A truly mindblowing experience!
LMAAAOOOO😂😂😂 nah he already fused with Stockpot a while ago to be a mythical creature.
Marco delivered a perfect plate of runny salmonella. Gordon delivered something edible.
He took an hour to deliver the same product that was in his pot within the first 30 seconds… 🤦♂️
i love how marco talks about people whisking eggs with a fork turning it into baby food but once he plates it the eggs look exactly like some baby paste on top of toast
I always love both men but Marco will always be my favourite. It's like he's found enlightenment in the culinary world. He was a man that was all about getting 3 stars and 5 red knives and forks and once he achieved his goal he understood that its pointless because he became a chef not to please critics but to make enjoyable food for the people. He truly is the godfather of cooking.
He didn’t found enlightened, he has found knorr beef stock cubes.
They say be a guru after you made your money.
@@ajayrawtani5321 yeah but biff stock cubes? come on! read the ingredient list on there. No wonder people are sick.
Bruh. I’m weak
Just seems so unrealistic and hippy-dippy full of crap…
“Don’t take the pan off, just slow down…”
Yikes, maybe if you are charging $300 for half a meal, sure do it his way.
I love that when Marco was asked if he made Ramsay cry his response was basically, "That was his decision to cry. He made that decision" lmao.
dudes ROCK
If it had of been you Marco would have made you piss your pants.
My auntie who cooked for over 70 years once said this: 'Food is never bad, so stop asking what to do to make it good. Start asking what it is you're doing, that makes it bad.'
Reminds me of a good quote that I don't remember the source of: "The first step to solving a problem is acknowledging that there is one."
That is so true
Was your Auntie The Sphinx?
@@ABlokeCalledDaz My auntie is still alive.
@@GodlessReason good to know
Marco is the better cook. Gordon is the better restauranteur. There is something industrial, American, amd hearty about Gordon's cooking and dishes. Very high energy, very fast, very good.
But Marco is an aesthete. A true master. He'll never be as wealthy as successful as Gordon... But he'll make better food.
Marco has that rare combination of traits as a chef/artist with wisdom and longevity of enthusiasm on top of his craftmanship. It's like he's at the edge of almost being content.
I've watched him a lot. He's really f-king close to content. He gave a Michelin star because it's just too much bullshit to try and keep it. Love it.
His giving back his michelin star is like a huge hint of what he’s becoming 🤣
I've made it both ways. Wonderful - however I think Gordon's are better despite his apparent hectic performance and stressful attitude. That said, I think it would be beneficial for both chefs to come to my home and prepare them both for me so that I could compare - just to resolve the matter completely.
I agree
oh man, sounds like a good porno
I’m sure that there is no objective truth, so chefs should visit me next, so we can compare our observations.
Well I'm sure you would need a second opinion to remove any subconscious bias from the results, for which role I nominate myself.
Marco just turned scrambled eggs into a meal that looks like I cannot afford 😂
Marco told you "the secret to scrambled eggs" in such a whisper it literally was a secret! 🤭
U can't afford toast with puked up egg? :0
You can’t afford baby food?
If Marco prepared it, i can not afford it.
He's preparing breakfast for a rich man in his home, or his wife. Gordon is stuck on morning rush hour in a restaurant a couple notch above McD's.
Whoever made this video deserves an Oscar, bravo my friend!
The sheer difference in energy between those two is mesmerizing
Is it? Easily amazed?
Marco has left the need to rush behind, the food is done in its own time and it's always perfect. Gordon is doing every step technically correctly, but he's manhandling the food into the shape he wants it to be. Both dishes look great, but you can tell which one was cooked by someone who _truly_ understands food.
@@monkeytennis8861think your funny? Do ya?
Lol cause u understand food well enough to pass judgment on either of them. G1
"Most people take their scrambled eggs and whisk them with a fork and turn them into babyfood. I don't."
*proceeds to gently caress his scrambled eggs with a spatula into babyfood*
Why do chefs always under cook eggs, runny omelette scrambled egg with the Constancy of mustard
@@imputinandihaveasmallpeepe9165 that's perfectly cooked, try it yourself.
School canteens and busy diners don't have time to perfect the scrambled egg, that's why it's always overcooked and you're probably accustomed to having it that way, even at home because of how convenient and fast it is to just overcook it.
Michelline star legends like mpw aren't cooking their food wrong... especially something so basic like scrambled eggs.
@@JohnDoeplaceuknown I’ve tried it an I don’t like it just seems as a fashion piece to me highlighting a French influence, nice subtle dig with the school canteens comment
@@imputinandihaveasmallpeepe9165 everyone has their own preferences when it comes to food. I for one love mpws method of scrambled eggs, just with an added tablespoon of crème
@@imputinandihaveasmallpeepe9165 wasn't meant to be a dig lol. Just a baseless assumption as an example
Gordon is teaching you how to cook eggs in a restaurant. Marco is teaching how you should cook them at home for yourself.
Marco is showing how it's done in heaven
@@tomepajmakoski8888 with a diaper on his head, no less!
Marco is showing how to execute it Gordon’s showing how to kill it. I know worked for them both marco Pierre white is the godfather. And he knows en oeuf is enuff as the Frenchman said to the Yorkshire man. Gordon is a great chef. Marco forgot more than Gordon has known. Fact people
@@johnnieforbes1618 Fact? BOLLOCKS!
@@johnnieforbes1618 Bull fucking shit.
Did you see the state of Marco's scrambled eggs? Those are not eggs... That's literal pure liquified vomit! No scrambled eggs should be that liquified! That's just literal hogwash and even if you charge it at $1, I would not have paid for that.
Eggs should still have its structure and scrambled eggs as it's name is called, it should be scrambled and still retain its structure, not turn it into soup.
You sure you worked for Marco?
I ordered scrambled eggs from Marco in 1999. Its 2024 and Im still waiting. Its my choice.
Gordon is just a mere mortal, but Marco has already ascended to higher spheres.
Marco: "Most people wisk their eggs with a fork and turn them into baby food. I don't"
1:58 *pours baby food over toast*
Marco doesn’t just teach you to cook he makes it a philosophy and a life lesson
Marco's philosophy is called Knorrstockpotology
@@danender5555 When life hits you real hard, just use Knorr stockpot/cubes, you choice
@@danender5555 remember that one is usually never enough
What’s the philosophy here? Taking 10 minutes to cook something that tastes and feels exactly the same in your mouth if cooked in two minutes is mental masturbation.
The trick with a Knorr cube is to ease it ever so gently (not all at once) into warm slowly poured water while you purse your lips to release the full flavour.
Gordon: eggs - done
Marco: what is an egg?
As a fan of both chefs and saw the two recipe vid countless times, the edit timing is hilarious
I enjoy how relaxed Marco sounds. He seems to have comfortably eased into his retirement. He sounds at peace.
nah man he sounds like someone who would one punch anyone in an instant
@@ricardokang448 good luck
Marco would still stab you in the throat and get off unscathed
He is and will always be the OG of knifeskills
sound like a psychopath you mean
@They're trying to weaponize it Marco Pierre is not a Chef, Gordon Ramsay is not a Chef, and I have house for sale at Mars!😂😂
@They're trying to weaponize it And what's your source for this? Your crack pipe?
I was surprised to find out that Marco didn't use knorr stock pots on his scrambled eggs
Underrated comment
His choice really
This one got me, holy shit...
@@sirisimpeius9820 solid gold
I’m not even a huge Gordon fan but he’s clearly cooking how he would in a restaurant. Marco is showing how to do it at home. Both did it just fine
Gordon did it fine... Marco did it to perfection.
They both seem odd to me, but cultural differences I suppose. I don't really want a spreadable egg personally. A little wet to them is fine, but I want it to be something you can stick your fork into and have some substance to them.
I suppose if the goal is to put it on toast this makes sense though
You think that, because you probably only eat in cheap ass restaurants
@@coyote311I prefer Gordon’s eggs. Taste way better to me.
@@someone-ji2zb well you can just cook the eggs a bit longer to firm it up, ez fix i suppose.
My technique is a little different. I start off usually trying to make a different egg dish like an omelette. I mess it up and then they’re scrambled. And there ya go, all the steps you need to make the most beautiful scrambled eggs.
It's still the best way, really.
Real shit
I do it the same way because this way you get more chunky pieces of scrambled egg as opposed to the grainy & porridge looking thing we see in this video. To each their own, of course, it's your choice.
Gordon shows you how to make scrambled eggs, Marco gets you to embody the philosophy of the eggs.
Marco teaches philosophy and the eggs choose to cook themselves
Pro chefs competing with scrambled eggs is like famous painters competing with finger painting on the walls
Gordon: Teaching us how to make scrambled egg thoroughly.
Marco: Cooking and being Bob Ross
Marco is an artist and poet of life,his presentation is to pretty too eat.What a chef
I love both of these chefs. They're both wonderful at what they do. I like Marco more now because he's a home cook not a professional chef anymore. He shows you how he'd do it at home and not in a Michelin star restaurant. Still both of them are absolutely wonderful at their crafts.
You are wrong, My friend. Marco is not a Home Cook and He is a Professional Home Cook ! :P
during the pandemic, Gordon has been doing a lot of those home cook videos
Michelin star restaurant make golden colored scrambled eggs, not potato salad looking scrambled eggs.
Absolutely wrong sir, you'd get something similar to what Marco did it here a Michelin restaurant.
Not a country buffet scrambled egg like gordon did.
Have you ever been to a restaurant whit more than one star?
@@CosmosProvider To be frank, ive been to a couple of 1 and 2 stars but i have never been served scrambled eggs. I probably wouldn't respond very nice if i were served scrambled eggs lol