  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @AudreyVictoria
    @AudreyVictoria 7 років тому +53

    catching up on all your videos. I just loveee hearing you talk. everything you have to say is so full of substance.

  • @raheal9254
    @raheal9254 7 років тому +59

    You're so raw & uncut it's crazy. Sorry for your loss, God would definitely trade your ashes for joy. & he's in complete control & knows what he's doing. & for to even recognize & acknowledged that he answered your prayers is a true sign of something miraculous. It's hard & painful but you'll get through it & come out stronger. Remember God always give you what you can handle & he's always there through the deep waters. Take care of yourself, mentally, emotionally & physically💜

  • @oshun9747
    @oshun9747 7 років тому +22

    This might sound creepy but I feel spiritually connected to you. I relate to you in every video and especially this one. My grandfather has been gone for a month now. He was my heart. I'm also not an emotional person but I mourn him everyday because I don't want that sadness weighing on my spirit. I can't say it'll get better but meditating and being around love helps ❤️❤️❤️

    • @christinabellerose2290
      @christinabellerose2290 5 років тому

      Trust me it's not crazy. I also felt spiritual connected to someone who doesn't know I exit. I too, thought I was crazy or plain obsessed with that particular person. But no, it's rare when people feel spiritual connections to someone.

  • @biancalashawn
    @biancalashawn 7 років тому +39

    I just lost my mother 2 weeks ago so I completely understand where you are coming from. It is definitely the hardest thing I've ever dealt with me in my life. I've only cried a little and I find myself questioning why. Maybe because she's no longer in pain but it just doesn't feel real.

    • @kanyinsolaalabi6464
      @kanyinsolaalabi6464 7 років тому +3

      biancalashawn stay strong! She is watching over you! Stay strong❤️❤️

    • @DesignHerr
      @DesignHerr 7 років тому +4

      biancalashawn sorry for your loss oh my goodness..

    • @KimmiePie1
      @KimmiePie1 7 років тому +2

      biancalashawn sorry for your loss

    • @renee8383
      @renee8383 7 років тому +3

      I'm sorry for your loss 😔

    • @biancalashawn
      @biancalashawn 7 років тому +1

      Thank you ❣️

  • @SheedaVision
    @SheedaVision 7 років тому +10

    I still haven't gotten over my grandfather's death. Thankfully I had a conversation with him a few months before he died. I called him on Father's Day of that year and my father's mother told me wasn't there. He died a few months later. I was in college at the time and I couldn't go see him and I'm still sad about it because there's nothing I can do now. After the funeral I asked for the obituary, that's literally all I wanted but they couldn't even do that for me. The black family is so broken.

  • @renee8383
    @renee8383 7 років тому +6

    I'm sorry for your loss 😔 I lost my Dad 5 yrs ago.. hardest thing in my life to go through and still going through.. I'll will send some prayers your way

  • @TeeRql
    @TeeRql 7 років тому +2

    This is exactly how I felt with the passing of my father. I am not an emotional person, I wasn't even emotional or crying at the funeral ...& everyone was asking me if I'm okay or was something wrong cause I wasn't breaking down tearing. I m veryyyy prideful when it comes to crying, I'll be emotional in solitude & it's hard to be vulnerable. I don't think I cried till a week later after everything really hit me hard. I always feel weird when it comes to situations such as deaths. I feel you 100%...stay strong & take as much time as u need! ❤️

  • @SheShe3821
    @SheShe3821 7 років тому +14

    I pray 🙏🏽 for your strength that you will be able to endure and get through the service on Friday for your Grandfather. I feel your pain!! My sister passed and 6 weeks later my father passed. My life was shattered and I felt that the air was knocked out of me. I could not breath. I thought I wouldn't make it. I sat here and cried listening to you because I feel your pain and hurt and I truly understand. Take your time to get through this week-end and embrace the love from your family and friends that are there to comfort you for your Grandfather's home going. Sending you love💞💕and peace from a subscriber that has experienced and really understand your pain.. Be blessed and God has you!! ❤️❣

  • @ladychell
    @ladychell 7 років тому +7

    I understand what your going through I lost my mom when I was 19 I'm 23 now and the only thing I wish is that she could still be here to experience the beautiful things in Life but I digress
    I send my condolences to you and your family just try to remember all the things he loved ❤ keep it going queen

    • @sibslawrence2335
      @sibslawrence2335 6 років тому

      So sorry for your loss love, I have been there too. I hope your healing has begun ❤

  • @KimmiePie1
    @KimmiePie1 7 років тому +5

    Listening to you talking about life and how it's temporary made me cry. Sorry for your loss.😪😓 Thank you for this video I'm actually inspired ❤️.

  • @ngwilson12
    @ngwilson12 6 років тому +2

    I've never thought someone shared the same feelings about death that I have. I felt the same way when my grandmother passed away. And to see you trying to explain the hurt is exactly the way I still feel to this day. The pain has never left me cause I love and miss her so much. I truly feel you on this. My condolences love...

  • @Headnotthetail2
    @Headnotthetail2 Рік тому

    I was in high school when I started watching you…was a virgin until 21 and now i’m 25 going on 26 and years later your videos still touch me.I couldn’t even relate when i was watching but now as an adult i understand and hope you know how special you are

  • @Itsa_chaa
    @Itsa_chaa 7 років тому +2

    I just watched the whole video Sade its crazy how similar we see situations in life quite scary to me because I didn't know that there could be people out there in this world who feel like me.Wow

  • @vanessa_90
    @vanessa_90 7 років тому +4

    I absolutely love how honest and real you are. Continue to speak your truths. Simply beautiful Sade. 💕

  • @cidneycamehome
    @cidneycamehome 7 років тому +6

    I am very sorry for your loss, Sade. I understood what you meant when you said this is the first death you've had to endure personally. I'm 21 now and I haven't experienced a close death in my family and I'm petrified for when that day will come because I'm not sure how I can handle those emotions. Again, may God rest his soul in eternal peace. Sending love and prayers

  • @sarahsmile2883
    @sarahsmile2883 6 років тому +1

    Living is the hard part. I truely believe that something amazing is waiting for us after this life. I used to have fear of death but the point of this life is to just LOVE. That's it. Love you Sade. Xox

  • @sumyungboi5473
    @sumyungboi5473 6 років тому

    Definitely only someone who has gone through this can relate. It’s unreal how much you feel but don’t feel simultaneously while you’re in the midst of these portions of your journey. Thank you for not wearing a guise when you gift us with bits of yourself Sade. It’s very unifying.

  • @lordyz-jirehtataw9622
    @lordyz-jirehtataw9622 7 років тому +2

    I'm so sorry for the passing of your grandfather . My Grandmother had dementia and I took care of her till she passed. It is okay at this time to be emotional/vulnerable but just remember After every dark night is a brighter day . Love you girl . I Pray you only get stronger from here

  • @Hon3yFactory
    @Hon3yFactory 7 років тому +2

    And I totally understand how you feel. One of my best friends/neighbors died a year ago from a car accident and I still have not been able to fully accept that he is gone. it doesnt feel real like you say. I didn't even cry when I heard the news even though I Knew i needed to. something just didnt click right in my head about it.

  • @MsMusicIsLife321
    @MsMusicIsLife321 7 років тому

    I lost my grandma and the way it happened was so unexpected like sooo unexpected! Mind you it was hard dealing with it, we were living in the same home. When I lost her I thought it was the end of the world for me. I thought she was gonna have the strength to hang on more to see me reach my goals and get married etc. m (I am glad she's no longer suffering tho) she was the closest person to me more closer than me and my own mother. It was hard to accept after because she was just here. I don't want to talk to much about it because I'm getting emotional while writing this but I just wanna say continue to cry if you need to, but surround yourself with positive and good vibes. But you if you need to be alone do it. Sometimes it's fine to just deal with it on your own. Which is what I did, it took me a year to heal. But I had the help of my boyfriend that really helped with that ❤️

  • @cocoacarter2284
    @cocoacarter2284 7 років тому +4

    i love you sadeeeeeyyyyy

  • @allymcbealx
    @allymcbealx 7 років тому +2

    ♥ Peace & Strength! .. I can completely relate to this video its coming up on a year since my great grandmother passed and she had dementia & diabetes. I knew her passing was coming In a way I think i mourned her passing before it happening. Somehow in a way i felt peace in my heart .. that she no longer had to suffer and even though at times i miss her physical presence just about daily spiritually & mentally shes always there. Memories & Silent Talks have kept me whole .

  • @SydnieMarlella
    @SydnieMarlella 7 років тому +1

    Sorry for your loss love! Praying for you and your family!

  • @28mooney28
    @28mooney28 7 років тому +2

    Sending love and peace in this season. A lot of things said in this video register with me. I lost my grandfather about 2 years ago. The timing was unexpected, my friendships were tested, and I saw a strength within myself that I never would've thought I was capable of. It took me a full year to actually show emotion and be able to communicate that to others. Time makes things easier. Praying for you and your family.

  • @Itsa_chaa
    @Itsa_chaa 7 років тому +3

    Now I know why I feel so connected to you you're literally one of my soulmates. Got mad love for you Sade supporting you from Germany ❤❤

  • @monterriagardner3902
    @monterriagardner3902 7 років тому +4

    I love these talk sessions. I feel like I can relate on almost everything you say. love you Sade 🌻

  • @hannahnotanna
    @hannahnotanna 7 років тому

    I'm sorry for your loss Sadé. God will give you the strength you need

  • @PrincessOwusu
    @PrincessOwusu 7 років тому +1

    I will pray for the strength of yourself as well as your amazing family during this season of your grandfather's transitioning. Press on Sade 💙.

  • @aaliyahroyal4399
    @aaliyahroyal4399 7 років тому +1

    So sorry for your lost , Its hard to lose anyone but more so the people who you can always turn to.

  • @kalihouston6075
    @kalihouston6075 6 років тому

    Yo I relate to you so much! I've been listening to your videos nonstop lately during a time in my life where I'm really figuring out my truths. I appreciate you love, sending you positivity and light🌠

  • @radiorahqueen
    @radiorahqueen 7 років тому +1

    Hey Sade! I'm so so so sorry for your loss. Sending LOVE your way. ♥️🌸💫 My grandmother passed a few weeks ago. My pain comes from the fact that my interaction with her was very limited. She moved back to Nigeria when I was seven. The last time I saw her was in 2009. 😢 Hearing you speak has helped a little. I love your videos so much. Thank you!

  • @CourtneyxAmanda
    @CourtneyxAmanda 7 років тому

    Sending lots of love and positivity your way.
    Just wanted to say thank you for feeling as though you can share with us. It's incredibly difficult losing anyone, and especially worse when it's a family member.

  • @LewdcHAN
    @LewdcHAN 7 років тому +3

    hey, I'm really sorry to hear what you've gone through, and I hope you'll be feeling better soon. I knew (of) you in highschool before you moved and I'm really bummed I was always too shy to really approach you about anything because you seem really cool

  • @lexi13108
    @lexi13108 7 років тому +3

    I can't believe how much I relate to your whole story. I just recently lost my grandfather and it was my first death to deal with. And nobody really understands how hard it is just because you're not crying 24/7. This video helps me also. Feel better Sade.

  • @cesleydantrice
    @cesleydantrice 7 років тому +1

    Sending prayers your way. I've been in your position twice. Both my grandfather and my father passed away and so I know the feeling all to well. While you seem to be very strong, I know from personal experience, times like this can make you weak but I pray for strength, clarity and faith during this time. God bless.

  • @samuelaansah7181
    @samuelaansah7181 7 років тому

    I'm sorry for your loss💙 the way you talk about him shows the love you have for him, its beautiful.

  • @dominicankandie5957
    @dominicankandie5957 7 років тому +2

    so sorry for your loss. I know firsthand, as a lot of us do, how hard it is to lose a loved one. my deepest condolences to you, and your family. you all are in my prayers. asking God that He gives you all the strength you need 🙏❤
    to anyone reading this, that has lost a loved one, whether recently or years ago, I'm sorry for your loss. praying for you, and your family 🙏

  • @Beebeetaylor15
    @Beebeetaylor15 7 років тому

    I'm sorry for your loss Sade, may God restore your strength and courage.

  • @kanyinsolaalabi6464
    @kanyinsolaalabi6464 7 років тому

    I lost my father when I was 12, and I know completely what you're going through, I didnt know how to take it, I was completely aware of what happened, but I was really confused as to why? But then again I was young and just couldn't grasp my head around it. I could go on and on about this, but wanted you to know I'm here for you if you ever needed to vent or talk to someone! God will see you through this trying period! Continue to stay blessed, you don't know how much I can relate to so much stuff you say, I just love you anyway❤️❤️

  • @tatyanawinston5535
    @tatyanawinston5535 7 років тому

    you and your family are in my prayers mama, your spirit is vibrant and so everlasting throughout the video and you are incredibly headstrong and i love you so much, i feel you 100000.9999% w/ what you were saying about establishing a stronger relationship with a family member that passes and i can vibe with you thru out this video with everything you were saying, feels as if we were having sister-girl talk 💕 Love you, stay up ma 😙

  • @AnjuRCK
    @AnjuRCK 7 років тому

    my condolences❤ was crying through the whole vid since i've went through the same thing. damn it's really hard in the beginning but it gets better. just surround yourself with good people and good vibes.🌹❤

  • @Smile1Winks
    @Smile1Winks 7 років тому +1

    Strength & love going your way. God bless always ❤

  • @sharanichole
    @sharanichole 7 років тому +2

    Sorry for your loss boo. i def feel your pain. i lost my grandpa 6 years ago n it still hurts. 😚😚 keep ur head up.

  • @lindejalee6790
    @lindejalee6790 7 років тому +1

    I'm sorry for your loss 😔 just keep your head up and always be positive like you said he always here in spirit ALWAYS

  • @Akunnia95
    @Akunnia95 7 років тому

    Thank you for sharing. My heart to yours, Im glad that you had a grandparent like him. Stay balanced and keep moving onward.

  • @victoriarose8699
    @victoriarose8699 7 років тому

    This is such a powerful video. Watching this video has helped me think about certain things in a new light. Thanks for sharing. Prayers and strength to you and your family!!

  • @queennella2517
    @queennella2517 7 років тому

    I love this so much!! I needed this and im praying for you and your loved ones.

  • @Hon3yFactory
    @Hon3yFactory 7 років тому

    this is why I'm subscribed to you. You keep it so raw, and real, and I relate to your feelings sooooo much. You help me . And I think its so brave. please continue to share your feelings with us.

  • @LondonsCloset
    @LondonsCloset 7 років тому +2

    I have so much love for you. beautiful soul, keep trucking

  • @TheRealNickiRacks
    @TheRealNickiRacks 7 років тому

    I'm so sorry for you lost .. I did the same when my grandmother died.. we all grieve in our own way which its normal.

  • @blushiax
    @blushiax 6 років тому

    you have such a beautiful soul, thank you for sharing. i hope one day we cross paths. 💕

  • @aimeekennedy8220
    @aimeekennedy8220 6 років тому

    Beautiful beautiful girl ❤️❤️ it's so hard 😞 chin up! Love your videos xx

  • @trishytrishhh
    @trishytrishhh 7 років тому +3

    Sending hugs and kisses xoxoxo Keep your head up cutie

  • @BudgetFriendlyBeauti
    @BudgetFriendlyBeauti 6 років тому

    Im a new subbie and i absolutely love your spirit. I feel like someone understands me.

  • @VelmaElizabeth_
    @VelmaElizabeth_ 7 років тому

    Sade we are the same person. I'm praying for you.

  • @jasminecarter6551
    @jasminecarter6551 7 років тому

    Sorry for your loss in sending love ♡♡♡

  • @Tina_O
    @Tina_O 7 років тому

    Im praying for you. His spirit will live on beyond this universe and he will guide you for the rest of your days. Take things one day at a time and continuously embrace his spirit and his love. You're so strong girl.

  • @lacarriewilks2718
    @lacarriewilks2718 7 років тому

    I know exactly how you feel my boyfriends mom passed away last year in a bad accident I just seen her the night before and I had went to work and found out mind you her son died a month before so I never got over that and living with them so it was my family to me and everyone couldn't understand I was in a dark place for months

    • @lacarriewilks2718
      @lacarriewilks2718 7 років тому +1

      Stay strong is all I can say I received so many words but sometimes it's only you can that can heal yourself

  • @1cutiepiebeka
    @1cutiepiebeka 7 років тому +1

    Sending love, strength and prayers your way. May God bless you and your family.

  • @kierapatton5486
    @kierapatton5486 7 років тому

    Sending you love and strength ❤❤❤❤❤🙌🏾

  • @lifesfun101
    @lifesfun101 7 років тому +1

    ❤️you Sade.

  • @Kalmxcape
    @Kalmxcape 7 років тому +1

    He'll come to you in a dream

  • @patriciamint9402
    @patriciamint9402 6 років тому

    ❤ This is perfect ❤ #GrandpaLuv lol ❤

  • @melaninstrength1853
    @melaninstrength1853 7 років тому

    Sending love💕

  • @LenaAysu
    @LenaAysu 7 років тому

    sorry for your lost

  • @shadzbaby01
    @shadzbaby01 7 років тому

    I love you dear

  • @briannab.8127
    @briannab.8127 6 років тому

    Why did you move back to New York?

  • @rabbittlolaparker
    @rabbittlolaparker 7 років тому

    sending LOVE Sade