How Do I Become a Successful Travel Youtuber? - Harry Jaggard & Laurence Benson

  • Опубліковано 4 жов 2024


  • @senorgato70
    @senorgato70 5 місяців тому +7

    The key to Harry's success as a travel vlogger is his personality, charm, and intelligence. The fact that he learns as much of the local languages as possible, and continues to try to perfect his pronunciations, says a lot of how much he wants to engage with the culture. I also love the fact that Harry takes time to read up on the history of the places he goes and this helps to add context to his travels. Harry is also respectful to local cultures and traditions, which is very critical to gaining the respect of his viewers and the locals.

  • @LukeDamant
    @LukeDamant Рік тому +67


    • @Gaurav76831
      @Gaurav76831 Рік тому +1


    • @harryjaggardtravel
      @harryjaggardtravel Рік тому +11

      The Aussie sire is here

    • @Palestine_Pakistan
      @Palestine_Pakistan Рік тому +7

      Luke, Harry, Ali and Mac need to collab and visit Pakistan mountains and cities together, that would be a banger series❤️💯‼️

    • @Ab_devilliers_21
      @Ab_devilliers_21 Рік тому +3

      Luke Bro Plz come to Pakistan cheese pratha Eagerly Waiting for u😎😉

    • @zidingachhakchhuak
      @zidingachhakchhuak 10 місяців тому +1

      ​@@Palestine_PakistanDale philip is number one to them tbh 🎉 he has 2.9 mill subs

  • @mashh4932
    @mashh4932 Рік тому +6

    Very Kind Hearted person, Harry is the ambassador of Tourism

  • @worldnomac
    @worldnomac Рік тому +22


  • @deanholland3055
    @deanholland3055 Рік тому +7

    I think a lot of your success has to do with your personality as well as your content. You have a lovely vibe and a cheeky personality 😊Your videos make me laugh as well as finding them entertaining.

  • @Reet_MG
    @Reet_MG Рік тому +5

    Big fan of yours sir
    Alot of love from India 🇮🇳
    Waiting for Your new vlog

  • @janepetate3825
    @janepetate3825 Рік тому +8

    Harry, your a kind-hearted man, I love the way you socialize, specially with locals. The way you speak is very genuine.You're such a humble man! keep it up harry Godbless you always and always be safe🙏

  • @hussain.shahidghaloo2669
    @hussain.shahidghaloo2669 Місяць тому

    I think you are so natural and kind.

  • @joanyharkisoen3671
    @joanyharkisoen3671 4 місяці тому

    What I like the most of you is that everywhere you go, you feel one with the locals.
    I like that you take the effort to speak their language. You eat their food.
    You eat with your hand the dahl bhaat.
    I also like the friendship between you and Ali, Mac and Luke.
    But especially with Ali.
    You two have so much humor.
    The mines points are:
    That you and also Ali, NEVER wash your hands before eating food.
    You shake hands, you touch doorknobs, you touch money, dogs, bulls etc.
    Also where I saw everyone wore mouthcaps and although you saw that, you didn't do the same.

  • @ibtesammohsinabbasi9858
    @ibtesammohsinabbasi9858 Рік тому +7

    Good that you showed true image of pakistan, Much love and Respect ♥️🇵🇰

    • @Sbbki
      @Sbbki Місяць тому

      😅😅 pakistan IMF

  • @AmitThapa-d8d
    @AmitThapa-d8d 2 місяці тому

    Thank you for your love in nepal harry jaggard

  • @kate8950
    @kate8950 Рік тому +6

    Yes, after watching all your videos, I'd agree and say that Living with the Nepal Family is still your best video. I'd like to see more like that one. You and your dad zip lining, hiking, and traveling together stands out in my mind as well

    • @harryjaggardunfiltered
      @harryjaggardunfiltered  Рік тому +3

      That was a really fun time! Hope I can bring him along more in my upcoming vlogs! Thank you so much for watching!

  • @glorypp2663
    @glorypp2663 11 місяців тому +1

    I salute you, the way how you did your success, its to hard and to difficult.. congrats Harry🎉🎉🎉

  • @kushal.subedi_
    @kushal.subedi_ 5 місяців тому +1

    Harry look much funny and amazing .💚

  • @beauxdi6251
    @beauxdi6251 Рік тому +4

    Harry speaks very clear English as compared to others who somewhat don't pronounce the words clearly. So, it's difficult to understand if not pronounced distinctly.

  • @dahliagahaton7206
    @dahliagahaton7206 Рік тому +1

    Hi Harry, love your Clear English. Unlike most English people I could hardly understand them when they speak English.

  • @oriy294
    @oriy294 Рік тому +6

    How can I forget that you made my bitter days bearable. A handsome, shy Brit with a great sense of humor. I appreciate you.🙏🏻
    I'm so happy to see you guys together, Harry, Mac, Luck, Ali and Danny. 🥰
    I wish you the best as always.🥰

    • @harryjaggardunfiltered
      @harryjaggardunfiltered  Рік тому

      Thanks so much for the support mate!

      @ISLAMICDEEDSMR 9 місяців тому

      ​ 37:28 কতেকে 37:28 37:29 কেএ 37:29 ক্কক্রতেক্লেএক্যেএএবং একেএয়েলেলে 37:31 লে এ একে কে কে এ 37:32 লেএএ 37:32 কেএএকেকেএতকর‍্য্য 37:33 এএউএএকএঁকে 37:35 37:35 এ 37:35 (এ 37:35 লে 37:36 এল্লেয়েত 37:36 কল্ল 37:37 এএএএএকেচেএ 37:38 (ল্যেএল্যাটিন এমএ 37:39 (এক্রতেএএক্তকেয়্যএ 37:41 একক 37:42 চক্রে 37:42 এ 37:43 কেএএয়েক্যকে 37:43 এ 37:44 ল্য্রেএকে 37:44 3এএএএকেক্কেএ 37:46 কে 37:46 37:46 এএএ 37:46 ল 37:47 এক্লেকেএকেএকে 37:48 একক বলে একে 37:49 3এএএল্কে 37:51 3রক্কলেয়েলেএএয়ে 37:53 লে য়ে লে এ এয়েলেল্ক 37:54 3একেকেয়েয় 37:55 করে রে 37:57 এএক্য 37:57 লেয়েএ 37:58 ক্য্য 37:58 ল্লেএক 37:58 কএকেএ 37:59 কেক্সেএকেএল3ল্কেএএয়্যল্লেএর 38:01 38:01 38:01 (ক্কিরান 3একে ক্রে ক 38:06 ক3এএএকুএয়কেএক্কেএয় 38:07 38:07 3এ 38:08 লেএএকএ 38:08 এথেকে 38:09 এ 38:09 এএএল্লেএকেক্য 38:10 38:10 38:10 38:10 এক 38:10 কেলে 38:11 কেকেলেএ 38:12 এল্কেলেয়কেক্ক্যকেকেএ 38:13 কেক্ককে 38:13 কেল3ক্যেল্কক্রেকেক্রকে 38:15 এএএএয়একেএ 38:16 এলেএক 38:17 38:17 ক্যকে(য়ের একে3ল্লেএকেক্ত 38:19 করে কেএয় 38:20 38:20 ইল্য্য 38:21 কেলু 38:21 এর উ এর সব 3ক্রকিকেএউক 38:23 এক 38:23 লেক্য 38:24 ক্ল 38:24 (করে কের 38:25 38:25 কেকেয়ক্যেয়েলেলেয়েএ 38:27 38:27 কেকেল ককৃত্যক ক্র 38:30 এএইচ 38:30 (এয়লেকেক্যেয়লেএয়েএকেকএলোকে 38:33 য়েএরকেএ 38:34 কের 38:34 38:34 ক্কে 38:35 এ 38:35 এএএত্যক্কেয়েএয়ল্য 38:36 38:37 রক্লেএক্কহয়ে এউএএএতক্ককেল্ককেয়তেক্ককেয়ল্যেএএএল্য্যে 38:42 এএয়েয়েল্য 38:43 ক্রেক্যেকেএএএএউএএলেএয়ে 38:44 এএত্যেএএ 38:45 এ 38:45 38:45 কেএয়ে 38:44 38:41 38:41 38:39 38:38 38:32 38:31 38:29 38:28 38:27 38:24 38:15 38:08 38:07 38:01 37:59 37:58 37:54 37:52 37:47 37:41 37:40 37:39 37:38 37:37 37:34 37:33 37:33 37:30 37:30 37:29 37:29

      @ISLAMICDEEDSMR 9 місяців тому

      ​এল্যতলেলেল্যেএকেএএএকে 37:32 37:32 এএ(ল্যেয় 37:33 ল্যেএএএএলএরক্যেএএয়েএএল্য 37:36 এয় 37:36 তেএএ 37:36 ড্র এ3কেয়েয় 37:31

      @ISLAMICDEEDSMR 9 місяців тому

      ​কে কে কে 37:29 এয়ে 37:29 এক্কেবারে এএকেএকেলেএককেএলেল্ককেএরএকে 37:32 ক্কেল্যক্কলেকেউ 37:33 ঐক্যে এতে 37:33 এককেএএএককেরেএএকেএক্কএএএএউএয়কেহে 37:36 37:36 একেএলএএএএয়েএএকেয়ে 37:38 37:38 ক 37:38 3ক্যেএক্ক্য্রেএএ 37:39 ঐক্যে এক 37:40 এ 37:40 37:40 37:40 এএকতু কেক ্যে 3দ্য এক্যকএলেল্য 37:42 এএএক্য্যকেএকেএকেএ 37:44 37:44 একক 37:45 (লেএ 37:45 এমএ একে এক (এএএকেএএএলেএয়কেএক্রেএকেএল্যেক 37:49 এরল্যেএএএএএয়েএএ 37:50 37:50 }এর য়ে এ এক ল্য্যক্যক্কক্যলেয়ক 37:52 এক্যকেএয় 37:53 3য় এক্য 37:54 ক্য্যেএয়ক্যক্য 37:55 কপেএএয় 37:56 য়ক 37:56 য়্য3লল্যকেয়েলেয়এ 37:58 একেএএএএএকেএক্য্যেল 38:01 একেএয়েএ 38:03 3এএয়েএলে3এএক 38:04 য়ল্যেলে 38:04 ফল্ যেল) য়ক্যল্যকেল্রেয়েলেএউএএএএএ 38:06 য়েএক্য ক্যেকেএএ3ল্য্য্যেক 38:08 কেএকে 38:09 য়কেকেএলেক 38:10 3এএকেকেএএতলেয়েলেএকেএএএকেয়েএক্য 38:12 38:13 এয়্যউক্যল 38:13 এ 38:14 38:14 ক্য 38:14 38:14 য়েএয়ক 38:15 ক্কেক 38:15 ক্ককেএ 38:16 একে 38:17 ক্যেএ 38:17 এলেএএএকেয়েএল্র 38:18 এএকেএলেকেকেয়কেএএকেএকষে 38:20 38:20 ক্যেক 38:21 কেয়ক্য 38:21 এ 38:21 ক্য্য 38:22 38:22 38:22 য় 38:22 উএএকে 38:23 এ 38:22 38:21 38:20 38:19 38:18 38:17 38:15 38:12 38:07 38:05 38:02 38:01 37:57 37:57 37:57 37:56 37:55 37:54 37:49 37:48 37:43 37:42 37:41 37:37 37:36 37:35 37:32 37:32 37:31 37:30 @@harryjaggardunfiltered

  • @giannishen
    @giannishen Рік тому +32

    It's an honor to discover your videos, and it's a pleasure to watch all your videos afterwards!
    I predicted a long time ago that you would surpass the Mac, and I didn't expect this prediction to come true so soon!
    When you reach 100,000, and 500,000, I should be the happiest person, because they all happened at the time I predicted!
    I don't know if my every effort to help you write a comment is helpful, but I'm trying to! 🤩✌
    Finally, I would like to say congratulations on such a great achievement, and I believe your subscription will surpass Luke soon! 👍🥰👌

    • @harryjaggardunfiltered
      @harryjaggardunfiltered  Рік тому +8

      That is so heartwarming Gianni. Thank you so much for giving me love and support! I'll keep at it!

    • @giannishen
      @giannishen Рік тому +4

      @@harryjaggardunfiltered It's my honor, thanks to you too! You are the best!
      Take good care of yourselves! Happy and safe travels! 👍🥰👌

  • @qazisajjadraza-d3f
    @qazisajjadraza-d3f 10 місяців тому

    I am from pakistan, was watching your clip in Afghanistan. and i saw you with Laurence, hay Harry porter you are really great young man. many coming after you, we treat them same. we are like that. stay blessed. lots of love and prayers.see you soon.

  • @christiansantos8106
    @christiansantos8106 7 місяців тому +1

    Hello Po’ Harry, this was a really informative and great video!! You have really inspired me to be a Blogger travelling internationally now. “Thank you for all your amazing content.

  • @lindapratiwi6968
    @lindapratiwi6968 8 місяців тому

    I saw your video just 3 days ago, but I enjoyed your travel video a lot. You have a lovely vibes with every person you met and you such a caring person. The important things is your video can me laugh and smile. Good luck Harry. Salam from Indonesia

  • @janet33465
    @janet33465 Рік тому +3

    You absolutely are talented, accept that and own it!! Your honesty, friendliness and excellent humour comes across genuine and natural. I’ve enjoyed all your travels, but my favourite is Nepal with your dad, truly personal and a special memory 😊👍🏻

  • @samjhanatamang7065
    @samjhanatamang7065 10 місяців тому +1

    Lots of love from Nepal Harry the way you praise Nepal in podcast really make me so so happy you are really genuine and super gentle man I have watched your each and videos really amazing the way you help the poor people really meant lot's you have pure soul truely amazing presentation and personality really great ful to you thanks lots for loving Nepal and hope you will again visit Nepal very soon lots of love from Nepal Harry ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @maximilianc9897
    @maximilianc9897 Рік тому +2

    Technique is to go to an English speaking and understanding nation that love watching UA-cam videos to idly spend their time.
    Hint hint ?
    Philippines !!!!!

  • @virginiacropper5679
    @virginiacropper5679 Рік тому +1

    I always share your channel’s amazing Chanel. You are so talented in down to earth in you earn it.👌

  • @terryhardjowirogo2287
    @terryhardjowirogo2287 11 місяців тому

    You are always so nice and positive , you always brings out the best in people , enjoy very much .
    You treasted people.the way you'd like to be treated !!! All the best to you Harry Jaggard .

  • @pavangowda1188
    @pavangowda1188 2 місяці тому

    Love philippines frds from india 🇮🇳 ❤️

  • @MazuwanMurad-i9s
    @MazuwanMurad-i9s 8 місяців тому

    Your weird jokes are very unique. the reason why so many people love u & watching ur travel log. 😁

  • @lilgirl438
    @lilgirl438 9 місяців тому +1

    Love from Pakistan 🇵🇰♥️♥️ Harry jaggard❤️❤️❤️

  • @AzeiiAngami
    @AzeiiAngami 9 місяців тому

    Love watching your videos. Keep it up. ❤from Nagaland Northeast India.

  • @gladys6632
    @gladys6632 Рік тому +2

    There you are Harry another channel of yours just pop out and I am glad I was able to get in your new channel one of my favourite UA-camr.keep it up and take care from the Philippines 🇵🇭😍😍

  • @Short_memes777
    @Short_memes777 10 місяців тому

    Aaww his Voice and personality ❤

  • @ggnetprint1696
    @ggnetprint1696 Рік тому

    for a fan like me, its your personality that stands out well, just like luke, mac, ali etc

  • @BabarLaghari
    @BabarLaghari 2 місяці тому +1

    Love from Pakistan 🇵🇰

  • @mariaqureshi7372
    @mariaqureshi7372 Рік тому +1

  • @fantastictraveller
    @fantastictraveller Рік тому +1

    He is a humble man.. great work sire 💐💐💐

  • @bettyjones8363
    @bettyjones8363 10 місяців тому

    Harry its how interesting, funny and kind you are t6hat I like to watch your videos

  • @ghen3526
    @ghen3526 3 місяці тому

    Love from Philippines ❤

    • @pavangowda1188
      @pavangowda1188 2 місяці тому

      Hi phillpino love from india 🇮🇳

  • @virginiacropper5679
    @virginiacropper5679 Рік тому

    You’re my favourite blogger in you make me laugh. You are down to earth you know how to relate .you continue what you doing I think you going far in life .just be safe in sons-in-law .👌🙏

  • @davidtracey985
    @davidtracey985 2 місяці тому

    a large part of your success is your personality, you don't need to be sooo modest dear fellow

  • @MuzammilJamil-jc3iq
    @MuzammilJamil-jc3iq Рік тому

    Hii herry we want to see your lifestyle your country and your friends please make one video on your own country

  • @theene6043
    @theene6043 Рік тому +3

    Don’t underestimate the personality Harry. It makes a huge difference. Also the ‘authenticity’. It comes across very clearly if the content becomes business or too calculated and loses the genuine joy. It has happened I think to one of your group which is sad.

    • @harryjaggardunfiltered
      @harryjaggardunfiltered  Рік тому +1

      Thanks a lot, I'll keep that in mind though, really appreciate it!

    • @theene6043
      @theene6043 Рік тому +1

      @@harryjaggardunfiltered PS I forget to mention I’m still enjoying your vlogs. Love the variety & sense of fun.

  • @yagyaoli5170
    @yagyaoli5170 6 місяців тому

    Big fan sir
    From nepal

  • @baharali8621
    @baharali8621 Рік тому +1

    We Pakistani treat tourist like celebrity

  • @faidhhussain6579
    @faidhhussain6579 2 місяці тому

    Luke and harry podcast.
    Where is it...
    I am frustrated searching the whole web for it 😅

  • @asgharktk8293
    @asgharktk8293 Рік тому +2

    Congrats for this man he is hardworking 💪 Their vlogs are superb Amazing I watching their vlogs from beginning when he arrived. Pakistan ❤ Lots of love from Pakistan When he praises Pakistan I feel so happy 😍🇵🇰

  • @lovingkindness0
    @lovingkindness0 Рік тому +2

    Harry, your hard work and perseverance have paid off. Stay grounded. Carry on and keep it real.❤

  • @nellybebar141
    @nellybebar141 Рік тому +1

    Keep up the good work Harry😍😍😍!!!Love from Philippines!!!

  • @MahrukhShah12
    @MahrukhShah12 Рік тому

    Hardworking person i wish u complete 10 million very soon 🇵🇰

  • @padmaewahanglimbu155
    @padmaewahanglimbu155 Рік тому

    ❤❤❤great picture vedio.I like it.

  • @ashiqvloger1928
    @ashiqvloger1928 Рік тому +1

    Love from Nepal tanahun brother 🙏🙏❤️🙏🙏

  • @rakibulhasanraju6383
    @rakibulhasanraju6383 Рік тому

    Love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇧🇩

  • @herchickenlegs4
    @herchickenlegs4 Рік тому +1

    Harry Jaggard loves Pakistan, the best in the world helping him make money on UA-cam. Well done Harry Jaggard and Pakistan

  • @CelticMickWalks
    @CelticMickWalks Рік тому +1

    Great inspiration. Just started myself only 9 month's ago. Long way to go. Heading to Nepal in September for a month and can't wait

  • @KenAbroad
    @KenAbroad Рік тому +2

    You're a big inspiration! Lots to learn from this pod

  • @prakashgurung77
    @prakashgurung77 Рік тому +1

    Good luck for your future trip of vlogging, Harry.

  • @moonsingha8943
    @moonsingha8943 Рік тому

    Big fan of Harry from Bangladesh 🇧🇩

  • @jhaulayo_1170
    @jhaulayo_1170 Рік тому +2

    You have worked very hard sir. Thankyou so
    Much for all of the works ❤🇳🇵

  • @davidkhai
    @davidkhai Рік тому +3

    Loves the pod Harry, crazy to see the growth from the first Pakistan series to now. Great path to take inspiration from.

  • @mitalibhargav4199
    @mitalibhargav4199 8 місяців тому

    Hey Harry, @Harryjaggardtravel I don't know you will see my comment or not but i just wanna appreciate your videos specially Indian vlogs❤. U were so kind to people and here was some awkward situation u faced that i saw in some videos but still u managed very well. I liked your videos. Since 3-4 days i m seeing the videos continuesly may be have a crush on you 🙈 but on the other side i must say that you are a good vlogger. In future if you will again visit to India then must visit Gwalior Situated in Madhya Pradesh.
    Your Indian fan 🇮🇳

  • @samitadong2270
    @samitadong2270 Рік тому


  • @MRKING-jz1oq
    @MRKING-jz1oq Рік тому +1

    Love from Pakistan 🇵🇰❤️

  • @DawoodKhan0331
    @DawoodKhan0331 Рік тому +1

    Love from Pakistan 🇵🇰🌸

  • @CelyBarroga-re6og
    @CelyBarroga-re6og Рік тому

    Big fan here from the u Harry ❤

  • @kayyywild
    @kayyywild Рік тому +1

    Yes harry! I completely resonate with you! I have never been the best at anything, but hard work and determination is what I believe in. I have just landed in Manila and have made my first 7 videos. I will be going to Pakistan next month too, would love to meet up with you at some point once I am somewhat a success 😂

    • @harryjaggardunfiltered
      @harryjaggardunfiltered  Рік тому

      Keep at it and focus on the goal brother! You will achieve success in no time!

  • @carvingtheway
    @carvingtheway 8 місяців тому

    U should interview Mac and Luke toOoo😎😎😎 D mac jaggard luke effect.....awesome gang

  • @Logan_travel
    @Logan_travel Рік тому +1

    Loved your interview after watching many of your videos. You definitely deserve the success you have and cant wait to see your new play button when you get it ▶️🎉

    • @harryjaggardunfiltered
      @harryjaggardunfiltered  Рік тому +1

      Thank you Logan! I really appreciate the kind words mate. Hope you're doing well!

  • @ammaryasirkhan5800
    @ammaryasirkhan5800 Рік тому

    Thanks for your words about pakistan.... Harry❤

  • @Aman20608
    @Aman20608 Рік тому +1

    Love from Nepal 🇳🇵❤️

  • @aju5868
    @aju5868 Рік тому +1

    The interviewer is so good

  • @Cric-xq8wd
    @Cric-xq8wd Рік тому

    Love to harry from pakistan

  • @thakurijanak5028
    @thakurijanak5028 Рік тому

    miss you hari you are my big friend ❤❤❤❤

  • @engr100viki5
    @engr100viki5 Рік тому +1

    my best bro jaggard my best bro you both look handsome Keep it up thank you for your huge respect against cpec friendship countries lot of love from your best bro viki 🤝🍻

  • @RajeshLens
    @RajeshLens Рік тому +2

    I followed Harry after his N🇳🇵PAL SERIES

  • @abinashlama2158
    @abinashlama2158 Рік тому +3

    Hi nepall 🇳🇵🇳🇵🇳🇵🇳🇵🇳🇵

  • @adoraciondimaranan9975
    @adoraciondimaranan9975 Рік тому


  • @7aadgondal
    @7aadgondal Рік тому +1

    Love from Pakistan ❤️

  • @jibicena6630
    @jibicena6630 Рік тому +1


  • @ghostwarrioryt4059
    @ghostwarrioryt4059 Рік тому +1

    waiting for him to visit Pakistan again

  • @mashuda3425
    @mashuda3425 Рік тому

    I like to hear Alhamdulillah in your voice

  • @susanmayohack2891
    @susanmayohack2891 Рік тому

    Miss you Harry..I’m waiting for a new vlog

  • @SubhashSingh-xb9ch
    @SubhashSingh-xb9ch Рік тому

    Your all videos in tourist is nice

  • @bratatimazumder176
    @bratatimazumder176 Рік тому

    Thanks for this useful information video

  • @marygracedumigpi3087
    @marygracedumigpi3087 Рік тому +1


  • @abzz2624
    @abzz2624 Рік тому +1

    I love it bro, Honestly you have truly inspired me so much little do you know ❤

  • @thusharidusayuranga8245
    @thusharidusayuranga8245 10 місяців тому

    How did you earn money for travel 🤔

  • @PurpleUSA
    @PurpleUSA Рік тому


  • @hildajones1426
    @hildajones1426 Рік тому

    Stay safe in Papua new Guinea.

  • @luckyshaharia5549
    @luckyshaharia5549 Рік тому


  • @aju5868
    @aju5868 Рік тому

    Your videos in Nepal was best

  • @ushagurung8699
    @ushagurung8699 Рік тому

    K cha ??? Harry
    With much much
    Love from ……………

  • @shroppy50
    @shroppy50 Рік тому

    What village you from in cov Harry ?

  • @Thorpeman
    @Thorpeman Рік тому

    Great chat!

  • @shroppy50
    @shroppy50 Рік тому

    Love your vids Harry, but why when someone asks where are you from in england you reply Birmingham when you are from Coventry? I hope your not embarrassed,I'm from cov and proud

  • @emmaabrogar661
    @emmaabrogar661 Рік тому

    Was this interview done before u went to the Philippines? He did ask your about your blog on the Philippines.

    • @harryjaggardunfiltered
      @harryjaggardunfiltered  Рік тому +1

      this was before PH series 2 🙏

    • @emmaabrogar661
      @emmaabrogar661 Рік тому

      Thank for responding. Im surprise. I hope this actually u. Keep doing what u r doing. Cant wait for next vedio. Pls drink from a cup u thick it dirty.🤣🤣🤣 stay safe on ur travel.

  • @jstudio3919
    @jstudio3919 Рік тому

    Which City do you like the most in Pakistan and why?

  • @devsharma2919
    @devsharma2919 4 місяці тому

    As a hindu we hate it when you ate beef and caw

  • @snowflakes2806
    @snowflakes2806 Рік тому

  • @anothersoul2287
    @anothersoul2287 Рік тому

    Nice, keren bro

  • @dreamwithlo
    @dreamwithlo Рік тому +1

    Loveeee thiss🫶