Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ. Volodymyr, Volyn oblast.

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024
  • The cathedral of the Nativity of Christ (formerly the Church of the Apostles' Descent) is an architectural monument of the late Baroque style in Volodymyr-Volynskyi.
    In 1718 Volyn cathedral Yadvyga Zagorovska brings the mission of the Jesuits to the city. In 1755, the Slonim chief Hnat Sadowski laid down a Jesuit church, whose construction lasted for 15 years. The project of the church belongs to the Jesuit architect Michal Radziminsky (according to other sources - Pavlo Gizhitsky). In 1762, the mission received the status of a monastery. In 1770 the church was consecrated. In 1773, Pope Clement XIV issued the Dominus ac Redemptor, which canceled the Order of the Jesuits, and closed all institutions of the Order in Poland and Rossia. In 1782, the Edictary Commission of the Rzecz Pospolita transmits the church and monastery to the Uniate Order of the Basilian, and in 1840, as a result of the conversion of the Order into Orthodoxy, the monastery becomes Orthodox (male). The interior of the temple is rebuilt to meet the needs of the Orthodox Church. Since 1891, the temple was the residence of the Volodymyr Orthodox bishops.
    In 1921, after the accession of Volyn to Poland, the church was again transferred to the Roman Catholic Church. It was made repair, which was aimed at restoring the original appearance of the temple. In particular, round window openings of the southern side wall of the church were restored.
    The Roman Catholic parish in the church operated until 1945. During the Second World War, the northern sacristy and presbyters were damaged by the bomb blast. After the war, the parish was abolished, and the church was taken under protection as an architectural monument. Since 1983, repair and restoration works have been started.
    In 1991, the temple was transferred to the Orthodox community. The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyiv Patriarchy now operates here.
    The cathedral is a one-nave temple, built on the plan of a rectangle with a short transept, a half-circle presbytery and two sacristy. The original concave facade is flanked by two triangular octagonal towers. The western main facade on the second tier is decorated with pilasters with molded capitals of the Corinthian Order, cornice and semicircular niches, in which once, probably, there were sculptures of the saints. The windows of the southern and northern facades on the first tier are round, on the second tier, the window gaps have lamp finishes, the windows are decorated with moldings that repeat the cavities. Nartex is blocked by a flat ceiling, the church's nave has a hemispherical arches with elastic arches, based on semicolons on the walls.
    In general, the architecture of the Jesuit church on the quality of construction works, architectural decoration and design of the building is one of the most original and perfect monuments of the late Baroque era in Volyn.