I'm 14 and i love your videos. I have only become a Christian less than a year ago and you are a big helper. I am surrounded by athiests at home and school and you teach so much truth. You are such an inspiration and you have been helping me and others like me and for that i am grateful. God bless.
I had migraines for 15 yrs and it would come and go. I was going to different doctors for my head but no cured until my tooth was extracted from my dentist. My dentist told me that the root of my tooth was bad and infected and finally it cracked and she couldn’t save it but to pulled it out. After the extraction my severed headaches was gone too.
Dear Father, Please pray for me and my family.we would like to be a personal relation ship with our Lord jesus christ, and mother mary.. Iam very much interested in your talks and sharings recently I found in the u tube vedieos .Iam from cochin, kerala ,southern India. Please pray for our country to know the only oneGOD andOUR SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. AMEN. Thank you so much ,May our good lord bless all your endevours.
This is none but God speaking to me through my brother in Christ. I know this because I really wanted to hear this in my current reality. May God bless you all dear elders!
One of Father Thomas Hopko's 55 Maxims To A Christian Life is be Present. Don't carry the regrets of yesterday and don't worry about the future. Be in the present.
After watching this video I realised one true thing. I was so stupid through out my life creating a fantasy idol of this world. YES I am the greatest stupid. Thank you so much for this video. Now my heart feels at rest.
I have watched this video three times now and it has been so powerful in me understanding the living in the resent moment. Defining the past projected on my present as a fantasy has been particularly helpful.
I used to run from the pain of the present moment. Now I run into the present moment with my pain. I think you can only actual pray if you've located the present. Thankyou so much for these words!
I need to be in the present and not carry regrets of the past. I come from a very dysfunctional family. My mother had schizophrenia and was violent. My sister at the age of 16 was diagnosed with a chemical imbalance and was violent. I had my own set of problems ( none of them had to do with mental illness ). I have an undiagnosed learning disability ( possibly autism spectrum ) and very dysfunctional myself. I am taking Prozac for mild depression and processing problems. I am also selfish, lazy, absent-minded, thoughtless, careless, a liar, and a thief. My home was destroyed in a fire back in December and I am currently staying with a friend. I am 38 years old and single. I am not being called to married life and I doubt joining a monastery is in the near future right now, although I am very drawn to living a monastic type lifestyle. As you can see I have my cross to bear.
Be strong, dear Marie. Be strong and take things as they come. It helps me a great deal not to try to 'fix' all things at once, but to focus on the urgent thing at hand. If I were to contemplate the entire mountain before me, I would dig myself a hole and hide in it for the rest of my life. But I try to look only at the road I need to cover today or the following week - if God helps me through this week, I shall then see what I do about the next one. And make perfect peace with yourself - your 'faults' are the aspects of yourself that make you able to pray in a way which is only yours; only you can offer this sacrifice to Christ for your sins and for the sins of the whole world. Only you, through your 'weaknesses' and imperfections, can utter your prayer. You see the world from inside its own weakness, from inside its own imperfections, and that makes your prayer unique and immensely valuable in the eyes of the One Who willingly put Himself on a Cross for us. Be blessed, dear one. Be strong and pray for us all.
@@mullmonastery I will keep on trying. I won't give up. My Bishop in his homily for the transfiguration says God wants us to be transferred and he is like a parent who encourages their child to walk for the first time. My Priest and some members of my Parish are aware of my faults and I have gone to them for advice. I am looking into seeing a counselor to work with me. I can't do this alone.
Bless you. We can't live in the past, but there is definitely a time to work through the past so that there can be some healing. For various reasons, through someone I dearly love, I understand a little of what you're going through. Know that there are people praying for you, that God may reach out and comfort you. I hope you have a spiritual father with whom you can talk about some of these issues; there's a big difference in being humble and admitting we're sinful, versus letting our weaknesses (sometimes based in physical problems) overload us with guilt and feelings of worthlessness. No one is worthless before God.
i had migraines in my 20s, very serious pain, debilitating...during a session of Reichian Therapy (breathwork), during a purge of frustration through a primal scream, I was totally cured of migraines. I am now 66 and have not had one in over 40 years. the therapist said it was the most frustrated scream he had ever heard. I will pray for your healing. Viva Cristo Rey!
I listen to your talks more than once. It's like my brain can only absorb one point at a time, but all that you say is very timely and Christ knows what I need to hear. Thank you.
Praying for your migraines - not pleasant at all and so many reasons for migraines - from allergies, to air pressure and heavy low clouds, renovations, sinus, vision, pillow etc. I do hope you find a good remedy! Thankyou for the presentation; it was very deep and moving - just the way I like it! God bless from Canada....
I have had true migraines since Age 4 and I understand what you go through. Also the next day is no good for me because I feel so washed out empty and weak from the headache. May our Lord bless you and heal your migraines. In the name of the father Son and Holy Spirit
I have now listened to this teaching 3 times. It will probably become a monthly meditation for me. At 26:14 Father has this large, pressure-relieving sigh. It is exactly how I react to this teaching. I have been reading the Desert Fathers and trying to emulate them for over 30 years. I am so grateful for the encouragement to "not give them up".
Good evening Father, How can we know who we truly are? In the confines of our reality and our cell- how do we not think of the past when our past has lead us to this point of our life? The present moment is four walls. The duration of how long we must remain in isolation is some time looking into the future even if it’s unknown. Already we have delved into the compartments of ourselves that separate the present with reference to time. I am very inexperienced and bit confused. You have pieced many puzzles for me with the explanations and talks that you present to us. It’s truly a blessing father and thank you. You are like the ‘Golden Mouth 2023 version’ How do we keep our thoughts away from the past is my main question. If we manage this- what do we steer our thoughts towards and how can we consistently maintain this? How can we know who we truly are when we are so ridden with a sinful nature living in a default system of secondary to God’s original plan. I am and orthodox Christian (Greek) from birth we have been a family going to church and receiving body and blood of Christ as well as regular confession. I have never really known how to pray effectively and terrible at fast although I have achieved it with great struggles which sometimes makes me feel I don’t know how to truly love Christ because it doesn’t flow naturally . There is a lot in my post I know but if you could answer some of it , it would be a big help. Also how does one from Australia get to attend the monastery there? I am mother of three children in their twenties. Endless blessings!
I found this channel last night around midnight, after watching just 2 videos i can honestly say: This man streams practical wisdom that I can feed on & am truly thankful for, & i know nothing of the Orthodoxy or how it works. Thank you for your posts.
I have always loved the Desert Father story of "staying in your cell". What a beautiful and powerful application of that wisdom to the struggle to live "in the sacraments of the moment." Our memories often betray us and have us think better of ourseves. How hard it is to live in The Present, the only moment we share live in. The place where eternity meets time. The only moment we have. Oh that I could, "Bring every thought captive, to the obedience of Christ."
Thank you Fr. Seraphim Your insight into how each of us relates to our brothers and sisters in the here and now without delving into bibliography of the past but only in humility and patience with persiverance brings me closer to real peace. Also on praying with bows and prostrations at night for not more than ten or fifteen minutes gives me a new reality of prayer. Patience watering the seed living in hope.
He Filled us with the Holy Ghost.... am I afraid of tears released from the witness of myself..I am Blessed to further Understand myself, and break into 2 reality Amen Father!
Amen! And may His love be present with you, our dear brother Father Seraphim! In HIs Glory we shall move from "glory to glory" with your prayer, that of our Celtic brothers and sisters, and those of the Holy Theotokos our Mother and His! Glory to God in His saints! Grant us to be a part of those on the Right Hand of the Lord at His appearing in Glory! Amen!
I am currently in this state big leaving the world behind and have been working on this for the past 4 years since I needed to end a relationship. My only desire was to have my relationship with God. I believe that the evil one sent someone into my life to try to knock me off this path. I am at peace with maintaining a single life focused on trusting in and making the Lord my God my beloved focusing only on Him and serving him, for what ever time I have left on this earth. I believe that this is God's will for my life and may have always been. I just wasn't really listening, to that small voice and rather wanted to live by my will. Thank you brother for this teaching. I am trying to only live in the present, going to my inner cell and spending more time there to devote my time in prayer and meditation on God and listening more closely. Before I try to make ba decision on anything on any direction to go and wait on God for that direction. I have made too many mistakes by making decisions without it.
Am studiat în tinerete multe materiale new age (vreme de 10 ani)..despre cum să trăiești în prezent ... am aruncat toate cartile new age cand l-am auzit pe Pr Arsenie Papacioc vorbind despre starea de prezență. Acest material pe care l-am vizionat este al doilea cel mai zguduitor din viața mea care sper să arunce din mine toate reminiscenţele si legăturile cu fanteziile despre a fi în prezent și să pot să trăiesc în singurul prezent adevărat, cel întru Hristos. Ce bine e că am și eu chilia mea (căsnicia mea). Bogdaprosti Părinte Serafim.
Dear Brother, I know this video is three (3) years old, however I pray you no longer suffer from Migraines. I understand Botox helps people who suffer from these debilitating headaches. You are God's wonderful messenger still delivering the Holy Truth while you suffer. God Bless You & keep you healthy & safe. Thank you!
Fr. Seraphim, I'm very sorry for your migraines, but thank God for His will being done through them. Your videos, podasts and social media posts have been of tremendous value to me. I cannot thank you enough, thank God!
Thank you Father Seraphim for "bringing" us back to the heart of our life, to the heart of our "unavoidable" efforts to breathe real life, even if several "expirations" are necessary for the dreams, fantasies, constructions of the past to be abandoned. ... I believe in the truth of what you are saying and I get strength from it ... I particularly appreciate the response you gave Michael Binkley four days ago saying : ''We get so captured by our experience of joy, that we 'forget' ourselves, we forget Christ's image in us. Worldly joy is more dangerous that pain, in some ways - at least, pain forces us to turn to Christ and ask for His help and protection.'' It is quite rare to read that the “joy of the world” makes us forget both ourselves and Christ. It is very important to say this and that joy is more dangerous and pernicious and deceptive .... Thank you very much for that .... How good it is to be on the path of truth in Christ! You participate greatly! May you and your monastery be blessed !
It's so important to me to find a man who I can trust to call Father with my heart. I trust your face. It has been a nightmare forever unfolding in the Catholic church with the atrocities exposed decades ago. How can evil like the abuse of children hide so successfully within the church? Anyways thankyou so much.
I am so sorry to hear of your suffering in this way,but pray dear Lord you show our brother what the root cause is and he is healed and able to minister healing to others.
Amen Thank you Fr Seraphim . Very true message . People need this during this pandemic . I went through this fantacy world for years .Now I understand the truth , that fantasy world created by you would destroy you and the people around you. So be in your cell ,kneel down and pray . If you can't pray ,keep on repeating the verse ,John 14:26 . In few days ,you will learn the truth. When you come out of that , you will feel the divine love. Also, you will enjoy the world you are in the present ,even if it hurts you.
Dear Michael, the world always does that, only that now it is so obvious we cannot ignore it and we must have a reaction against it. But the world will always do that - even when we are 'stolen' from our Christian self-awareness by huge worldly joy, for example; we fail to see it, but the same thing happens then. We get so captured by our experience of joy, that we 'forget' ourselves, we forget Christ's image in us. Worldly joy is more dangerous that pain, in some ways - at least, pain forces us to turn to Christ and ask for His help and protection. We are like the lambs I see on the island: when they are carefree, they run away from they mothers and get lost; when they are in the middle of the road and a car approaches, they get scared and they run straight to their mums. As long as Christ is at the centre of our life, peace will be there too, because He Himself is our Peace. May we all be blessed, dear one.
Thank you Fr. Seraphim Aldea. This is a topic I have been struggling with and searching for an answer. I feel God guided me to your videos to help me and my family with our daily struggles. God bless you and I pray you be healed from your Migraines.
Thank you so much for these teachings. I have only found you a few days ago, and in these few days you have helped me understand a lot of things that I have gone through and are still going through. You have a wonderful gift of explaining things. You will be in my prayers and hope your migraines stop coming back to you. They are very painful. Again, thank you so much for videos. They are helping me so much. God Bless.
For temporary releif for migraines, during one think of the particular migraines shape, location, and colour.. i thought it was crazy too but it worked for me.. for longer term releif make sure u are not over working ur trap and rear neck muscles by looking down too much when reading etc.. and use your cervical flexors more (by keeping ur chin back and tighening ur throat slightly as if someone is about to chop you in the neck)..
Thank you Father Seraphim! I find it interesting that your insights and teaching are entirely consonant with modern research and practice in psychiatry and psychotherapy. Perhaps the Church has always known what modern science has just discovered.
Father Seraphim, thank you so much for your videos.. they help and heal me.. It turns out that I need to watch this one every 10 days.. It opened new horizons to me particularly this single one video.. I have never earlier realised that we could feel our family and our home as a monastic cell,to devote to them and giive them everything,with all our efforts,instead of consuming ourselves to unimportant issues.. God bless you..may God be with you..
I feel being by myself it helps heal my loss and my unknowns of influences that I felt hurt my Family. Now I am alone it is healing for me, so I do not afflic others with my Losses.
Fr. Saraphim, Thank you for taking the time to make this video. The Holy Spirit has used it to carve off my soul the outgrowths of my own doing that was not a part of his divine plan. My past has plagued me terribly and I have been seeking many weeks and months and years for help. As a married man, I know that I must build a holy monastery in my mind in order to practice consistent godliness that leads to a more disciplined, joy-filled life in Christ our Savior. To that end, I thank God for the ministry he has given you. I am praying for you and will continue you to remember you before our heavenly Father often.
Father -- check in with your doctor about your migraines. There are medicines you can take to prevent them (often taken at night, oddly enough). Also, please make sure you have had a brain MRI if you have not already done this. I am sure you have heard this before but I deal with this for a living so I just wanted to be sure you knew. I know this is not a spiritual point but I felt I should say it. Thank you for your love and guidance.
I'm 14 and i love your videos. I have only become a Christian less than a year ago and you are a big helper. I am surrounded by athiests at home and school and you teach so much truth. You are such an inspiration and you have been helping me and others like me and for that i am grateful. God bless.
Stay on the righteous path..god see's your resolve and purity..amen
You have been given a wonderful gift.
You are a wise young one. If possible, and you feel the calling, seek the monastic life.
When this man speaks, I feel the Holy Spirit. Many on earth are starving for Truth; never stop teaching, Brother!
I had migraines for 15 yrs and it would come and go. I was going to different doctors for my head but no cured until my tooth was extracted from my dentist. My dentist told me that the root of my tooth was bad and infected and finally it cracked and she couldn’t save it but to pulled it out. After the extraction my severed headaches was gone too.
@@yennguyen-uj3ri You've replied to Buffenmeyer's comment. You should put your comment in the main comments section, otherwise it's hard to notice.
I feel so,too..that he is blessed with the Holly Spirit..
Dear Father,
Please pray for me and my family.we would like to be a personal relation ship with our
Lord jesus christ, and mother mary..
Iam very much interested in your talks and sharings recently I found in the u tube vedieos .Iam from cochin, kerala ,southern India. Please pray for our country to know the only oneGOD andOUR SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. AMEN.
Thank you so much ,May our good lord bless all your endevours.
This man out here putting therapists out of a job.
Much love ❤
I am a priest and i am struggling but
Your talks fill me peace and encouragement
Thank you and please pray for me if possible.
We are in need so much Fr. Please come and teach me and my friends. We need even a bad priest to help us!!!
There are no words of gratitude for your presentations. You have helped me marry my spiritual and psychological world. You are my blessing
This holy brother has become the bright part of my prayer life, very positive teaching
When I see the picture of Mother Mary on the walls of your abby, it gives me a lot of happiness
Thank you for your teachings Father Seraphim. May God in turn bless you for helping us understand ourselves in our faith. God bless you. Amen
This is such a coherent presentation of wisdom, a great support for my spiritual life. Thank you and thanks to God.
So beautiful and powerful
Hearing this is kinda life changing
Dear Father Seraphim, you are speaking the truth. Please pray for Sayge, Anthony, Ghassan, Maria, Stamatoula for good health.
Thank you.
This is none but God speaking to me through my brother in Christ. I know this because I really wanted to hear this in my current reality. May God bless you all dear elders!
One of Father Thomas Hopko's 55 Maxims To A Christian Life is be Present. Don't carry the regrets of yesterday and don't worry about the future. Be in the present.
After watching this video I realised one true thing.
I was so stupid through out my life creating a fantasy idol of this world.
YES I am the greatest stupid.
Thank you so much for this video.
Now my heart feels at rest.
Just how I feel,too..
I have watched this video three times now and it has been so powerful in me understanding the living in the resent moment. Defining the past projected on my present as a fantasy has been particularly helpful.
I used to run from the pain of the present moment. Now I run into the present moment with my pain. I think you can only actual pray if you've located the present.
Thankyou so much for these words!
So do I! Same experience. I feel like my past continues to ruin my present and ive projected the past onto new friends and hurt them.
Dear Father Seraphim, your message was extremely timely for me. I ask for your prayers. 🙏🏻♥️☦️
Please pray for me and my family...
Cartar family needs PLENTY prayer and immediate divine intervention
I need to be in the present and not carry regrets of the past. I come from a very dysfunctional family. My mother had schizophrenia and was violent. My sister at the age of 16 was diagnosed with a chemical imbalance and was violent. I had my own set of problems ( none of them had to do with mental illness ). I have an undiagnosed learning disability ( possibly autism spectrum ) and very dysfunctional myself. I am taking Prozac for mild depression and processing problems. I am also selfish, lazy, absent-minded, thoughtless, careless, a liar, and a thief. My home was destroyed in a fire back in December and I am currently staying with a friend. I am 38 years old and single. I am not being called to married life and I doubt joining a monastery is in the near future right now, although I am very drawn to living a monastic type lifestyle. As you can see I have my cross to bear.
Marie Sieloff God be with you ♥️ Sending prayers your way
@@dimitrap5615 thank you
Be strong, dear Marie. Be strong and take things as they come. It helps me a great deal not to try to 'fix' all things at once, but to focus on the urgent thing at hand. If I were to contemplate the entire mountain before me, I would dig myself a hole and hide in it for the rest of my life. But I try to look only at the road I need to cover today or the following week - if God helps me through this week, I shall then see what I do about the next one. And make perfect peace with yourself - your 'faults' are the aspects of yourself that make you able to pray in a way which is only yours; only you can offer this sacrifice to Christ for your sins and for the sins of the whole world. Only you, through your 'weaknesses' and imperfections, can utter your prayer. You see the world from inside its own weakness, from inside its own imperfections, and that makes your prayer unique and immensely valuable in the eyes of the One Who willingly put Himself on a Cross for us. Be blessed, dear one. Be strong and pray for us all.
@@mullmonastery I will keep on trying. I won't give up. My Bishop in his homily for the transfiguration says God wants us to be transferred and he is like a parent who encourages their child to walk for the first time. My Priest and some members of my Parish are aware of my faults and I have gone to them for advice. I am looking into seeing a counselor to work with me. I can't do this alone.
Bless you. We can't live in the past, but there is definitely a time to work through the past so that there can be some healing. For various reasons, through someone I dearly love, I understand a little of what you're going through. Know that there are people praying for you, that God may reach out and comfort you. I hope you have a spiritual father with whom you can talk about some of these issues; there's a big difference in being humble and admitting we're sinful, versus letting our weaknesses (sometimes based in physical problems) overload us with guilt and feelings of worthlessness. No one is worthless before God.
i had migraines in my 20s, very serious pain, debilitating...during a session of Reichian Therapy (breathwork), during a purge of frustration through a primal scream, I was totally cured of migraines. I am now 66 and have not had one in over 40 years. the therapist said it was the most frustrated scream he had ever heard. I will pray for your healing. Viva Cristo Rey!
Praying for God's healing from your migraines 🙏🙏❤
Yesterday is past, tomorrow is our hope, today is a gift. That's why they call it the present. 🙏
I listen to your talks more than once. It's like my brain can only absorb one point at a time, but all that you say is very timely and Christ knows what I need to hear. Thank you.
Newly orthodox bless you for the wisdom
Praying for your migraines - not pleasant at all and so many reasons for migraines - from allergies, to air pressure and heavy low clouds, renovations, sinus, vision, pillow etc. I do hope you find a good remedy! Thankyou for the presentation; it was very deep and moving - just the way I like it! God bless from Canada....
Pillow yet is highly unlikely to be a cause for headache
My new favourite teacher. So close to home too! Which is unusual for these internet times 😅😅
I will pray for you Father Seraphim for your migraines.
Thank you !
You’ve been most helpful - this message is one that I hope to live out .
👊🏼 🔥 🏹 🎯 🕊
Praying for you dearest Father. May Our Lady Queen of Peace -Medjugorje, cure you from migraines. She did it to me.🙏🕊💒🕊🙏
I am binging your videos. You are a testimony to Christ. You help me focus on Christ as I drown in the world of sin around me. Thank you, brother.
I have had true migraines since Age 4 and I understand what you go through. Also the next day is no good for me because I feel so washed out empty and weak from the headache. May our Lord bless you and heal your migraines. In the name of the father Son and Holy Spirit
I have now listened to this teaching 3 times. It will probably become a monthly meditation for me. At 26:14 Father has this large, pressure-relieving sigh. It is exactly how I react to this teaching. I have been reading the Desert Fathers and trying to emulate them for over 30 years. I am so grateful for the encouragement to "not give them up".
Good evening Father,
How can we know who we truly are? In the confines of our reality and our cell- how do we not think of the past when our past has lead us to this point of our life? The present moment is four walls. The duration of how long we must remain in isolation is some time looking into the future even if it’s unknown. Already we have delved into the compartments of ourselves that separate the present with reference to time. I am very inexperienced and bit confused. You have pieced many puzzles for me with the explanations and talks that you present to us. It’s truly a blessing father and thank you. You are like the ‘Golden Mouth 2023 version’ How do we keep our thoughts away from the past is my main question. If we manage this- what do we steer our thoughts towards and how can we consistently maintain this? How can we know who we truly are when we are so ridden with a sinful nature living in a default system of secondary to God’s original plan. I am and orthodox Christian (Greek) from birth we have been a family going to church and receiving body and blood of Christ as well as regular confession. I have never really known how to pray effectively and terrible at fast although I have achieved it with great struggles which sometimes makes me feel I don’t know how to truly love Christ because it doesn’t flow naturally . There is a lot in my post I know but if you could answer some of it , it would be a big help. Also how does one from Australia get to attend the monastery there? I am mother of three children in their twenties. Endless blessings!
May the two Angel's that visit us be blessed.
You articulate your thoughts so well. Your heart and mind speak with such clarity it is a real gift to listen. Thank you.
I found this channel last night around midnight, after watching just 2 videos i can honestly say: This man streams practical wisdom that I can feed on & am truly thankful for, & i know nothing of the Orthodoxy or how it works.
Thank you for your posts.
So blessed thank you Father!☦️❤️🙏🏻
Thank you for helping me to work out my own salvation.
I have always loved the Desert Father story of "staying in your cell". What a beautiful and powerful application of that wisdom to the struggle to live "in the sacraments of the moment." Our memories often betray us and have us think better of ourseves. How hard it is to live in The Present, the only moment we share live in. The place where eternity meets time. The only moment we have. Oh that I could, "Bring every thought captive, to the obedience of Christ."
I thank god for you.
My heart feel peace now, to leave the past behind. And it makes me like a new person. God bless you. I am happy in Jesus
Thank you Fr. Seraphim
Your insight into how each of us relates to our brothers and sisters in the here and now without delving into bibliography of the past but only in humility and patience with persiverance brings me closer to real peace. Also on praying with bows and prostrations at night for not more than ten or fifteen minutes gives me a new reality of prayer. Patience watering the seed living in hope.
Thank you, Fr. Aldea. May God keep and protect you.
Blessed be God forever! Father you are God sent . My heart burns with love when I listen.
He Filled us with the Holy Ghost.... am I afraid of tears released from the witness of myself..I am Blessed to further Understand myself, and break into 2 reality Amen Father!
This is so helpful. I will have to listen to this a few times a month.
Very very helpful..it is..so true..or, even so useful for people who need to heal past traumas..
Amen! And may His love be present with you, our dear brother Father Seraphim! In HIs Glory we shall move from "glory to glory" with your prayer, that of our Celtic brothers and sisters, and those of the Holy Theotokos our Mother and His! Glory to God in His saints! Grant us to be a part of those on the Right Hand of the Lord at His appearing in Glory! Amen!
I like the fact that your hands gesture to make a cross when you talk of the here and now.
I am currently in this state big leaving the world behind and have been working on this for the past 4 years since I needed to end a relationship. My only desire was to have my relationship with God. I believe that the evil one sent someone into my life to try to knock me off this path. I am at peace with maintaining a single life focused on trusting in and making the Lord my God my beloved focusing only on Him and serving him, for what ever time I have left on this earth. I believe that this is God's will for my life and may have always been. I just wasn't really listening, to that small voice and rather wanted to live by my will. Thank you brother for this teaching. I am trying to only live in the present, going to my inner cell and spending more time there to devote my time in prayer and meditation on God and listening more closely. Before I try to make ba decision on anything on any direction to go and wait on God for that direction. I have made too many mistakes by making decisions without it.
Am studiat în tinerete multe materiale new age (vreme de 10 ani)..despre cum să trăiești în prezent ... am aruncat toate cartile new age cand l-am auzit pe Pr Arsenie Papacioc vorbind despre starea de prezență. Acest material pe care l-am vizionat este al doilea cel mai zguduitor din viața mea care sper să arunce din mine toate reminiscenţele si legăturile cu fanteziile despre a fi în prezent și să pot să trăiesc în singurul prezent adevărat, cel întru Hristos. Ce bine e că am și eu chilia mea (căsnicia mea). Bogdaprosti Părinte Serafim.
"will teach you how to fast for them" never thought about it that way. thank you.
This is a new perspective. Embrace the reality. We, unfortunately, seek fantasy to ease the pain. Pray that we can be true to ourselves.
This is liberating...hopefully more people will see and hear this.
Dear Brother, I know this video is three (3) years old, however I pray you no longer suffer from Migraines. I understand Botox helps people who suffer from these debilitating headaches.
You are God's wonderful messenger still delivering the Holy Truth while you suffer.
God Bless You & keep you healthy & safe. Thank you!
Fr. Seraphim, I'm very sorry for your migraines, but thank God for His will being done through them. Your videos, podasts and social media posts have been of tremendous value to me. I cannot thank you enough, thank God!
I needed to hear this. Thank you, Father.
Me too Amen
Wonderful teaching. Gives each of us much to absorb and integrate into our worldview. Thank you, father.
Thank you Father Seraphim for "bringing" us back to the heart of our life, to the heart of our "unavoidable" efforts to breathe real life, even if several "expirations" are necessary for the dreams, fantasies, constructions of the past to be abandoned. ... I believe in the truth of what you are saying and I get strength from it ... I particularly appreciate the response you gave Michael Binkley four days ago saying : ''We get so captured by our experience of joy, that we 'forget' ourselves, we forget Christ's image in us. Worldly joy is more dangerous that pain, in some ways - at least, pain forces us to turn to Christ and ask for His help and protection.''
It is quite rare to read that the “joy of the world” makes us forget both ourselves and Christ. It is very important to say this and that joy is more dangerous and pernicious and deceptive .... Thank you very much for that .... How good it is to be on the path of truth in Christ! You participate greatly! May you and your monastery be blessed !
Thank you for your teaching and guidance, I ask for prayer to keep my eyes focused on Jesus and not on the World Thank you Amen
You are the voice of God taking to us
Wow. Thank you. I am grateful to have been led to listen to you tonight, Fr. Seraphim. Thank you, my Lord God.
It's so important to me to find a man who I can trust to call Father with my heart. I trust your face. It has been a nightmare forever unfolding in the Catholic church with the atrocities exposed decades ago.
How can evil like the abuse of children hide so successfully within the church? Anyways thankyou so much.
Perfect Message. Btw.. I have watched many awaken ones and they say the same.
Thank you dear Father Serafim, this words come to me in the right time. King regards from Serbia🌺🌺🌺🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹☀️☀️☀️☀️Hristos Vaskrse !
This teaching is of great value, thank you. The Independent Catholic Church in Las Vegas prays for your healing from migraines. Peace
This is an important message!
May God bless YOU and your dear ones be saved by all saints and Theotokos ..Amen
Watching From India.. God bless you Fr.
I am so sorry to hear of your suffering in this way,but pray dear Lord you show our brother what the root cause is and he is healed and able to minister healing to others.
I also have migraine, they are so so horrible...I shall pray for you greatly! 🙏💕💕💕💕
The most profound words I've ever heard!!!
Thank you Fr Seraphim . Very true message . People need this during this pandemic .
I went through this fantacy world for years .Now I understand the truth , that fantasy world created by you would destroy you and the people around you. So be in your cell ,kneel down and pray . If you can't pray ,keep on repeating the verse ,John 14:26 . In few days ,you will learn the truth. When you come out of that , you will feel the divine love. Also, you will enjoy the world you are in the present ,even if it hurts you.
Thanks to God.!
What a blessing. Thank you.
Very timely, yet again, as the world constantly seeks to encroach yet again on my inner peace. Thank you Fr. Seraphim.
Dear Michael, the world always does that, only that now it is so obvious we cannot ignore it and we must have a reaction against it. But the world will always do that - even when we are 'stolen' from our Christian self-awareness by huge worldly joy, for example; we fail to see it, but the same thing happens then. We get so captured by our experience of joy, that we 'forget' ourselves, we forget Christ's image in us. Worldly joy is more dangerous that pain, in some ways - at least, pain forces us to turn to Christ and ask for His help and protection. We are like the lambs I see on the island: when they are carefree, they run away from they mothers and get lost; when they are in the middle of the road and a car approaches, they get scared and they run straight to their mums. As long as Christ is at the centre of our life, peace will be there too, because He Himself is our Peace. May we all be blessed, dear one.
Just Remarkable! Wow!
You are blessing to as all father, amen
I keep growing in my faith, but my husband will not follow. Please pray for us.
Thank you Fr. Seraphim Aldea. This is a topic I have been struggling with and searching for an answer. I feel God guided me to your videos to help me and my family with our daily struggles. God bless you and I pray you be healed from your Migraines.
I'm so glad that I found you on UA-cam.
I needed to hear this ❤ thank you
Laus Deo. Thank you, Father. 🙏🌺
Thank you🙏
Thank you so much for these teachings. I have only found you a few days ago, and in these few days you have helped me understand a lot of things that I have gone through and are still going through. You have a wonderful gift of explaining things. You will be in my prayers and hope your migraines stop coming back to you. They are very painful. Again, thank you so much for videos. They are helping me so much. God Bless.
For temporary releif for migraines, during one think of the particular migraines shape, location, and colour.. i thought it was crazy too but it worked for me.. for longer term releif make sure u are not over working ur trap and rear neck muscles by looking down too much when reading etc.. and use your cervical flexors more (by keeping ur chin back and tighening ur throat slightly as if someone is about to chop you in the neck)..
Beautiful Thank you
Thank you Father Seraphim! I find it interesting that your insights and teaching are entirely consonant with modern research and practice in psychiatry and psychotherapy. Perhaps the Church has always known what modern science has just discovered.
Father Seraphim, thank you so much for your videos.. they help and heal me..
It turns out that I need to watch this one every 10 days..
It opened new horizons to me particularly this single one video..
I have never earlier realised that we could feel our family and our home as a monastic cell,to devote to them and giive them everything,with all our efforts,instead of consuming ourselves to unimportant issues..
God bless you..may God be with you..
Amen.... Viva Cristo Rey
I feel being by myself it helps heal my loss and my unknowns of influences that I felt hurt my Family. Now I am alone it is healing for me, so I do not afflic others with my Losses.
Thank you Father. 🙏🏻
My past as had an horrible effect on my whole life? Thankyou father, hopefully i can get free!
God bless you Fr. May Gods mercy be upon you.
Your amazing father plz pray for me and my family. I'm speechless may God protect and bless you 🙏❤️
Dear Father Seraphim, try “peppermint oil” for migraines. Place a little bit on your forehead & temples. It helps. God bless. ✝️🙏🏻
Thank you for your sharing. This is beautiful. 🙏
This is so wonderful!
I'm so Blessed to live in my present. I just miss being skinny like I was in my 20s.
Fr. Saraphim, Thank you for taking the time to make this video. The Holy Spirit has used it to carve off my soul the outgrowths of my own doing that was not a part of his divine plan. My past has plagued me terribly and I have been seeking many weeks and months and years for help. As a married man, I know that I must build a holy monastery in my mind in order to practice consistent godliness that leads to a more disciplined, joy-filled life in Christ our Savior. To that end, I thank God for the ministry he has given you. I am praying for you and will continue you to remember you before our heavenly Father often.
Father -- check in with your doctor about your migraines. There are medicines you can take to prevent them (often taken at night, oddly enough). Also, please make sure you have had a brain MRI if you have not already done this. I am sure you have heard this before but I deal with this for a living so I just wanted to be sure you knew. I know this is not a spiritual point but I felt I should say it. Thank you for your love and guidance.