Swimming Health Benefits

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • #swim #atlanticocean #swimming #seaweed
    So guys I took to swimming in the Atlantic ocean some years ago as I found it to be very beneficial for one's health and in the last few years so many people are finding out the true benefit of swimming.
    I have for years suffered from back problems I think it has something to do with being tall and naturally with the line of work I have been in over the years and have found swimming a great help.
    I have always found the sea to be a great source of enlightenment perhaps it has something to do with shocking the body when you hit that cold water in fact scientists have found that it triggers endorphins a natural feel-good benefit in the body. If you think about it and for me, I consider the planet to be Mother Earth and so the sea is the womb of the earth and in some way, it makes perfect sense we spend on average 9 months in our mother's womb surrounded by fluid so it makes sense as to why so many of us are drawn to the sea and certainly for me if I can swim in the suit I was born in all the better not always possible though. In fact every year now thousands of
    Women of all ages participate in a swim for cancer they call Strip and Dip for cancer and it takes place in Co Wicklow when some of the participants were asked how was it many of them replied it was "Exhilarating" can't wait till next year anyway try it for yourself and see what it does for you.
    The greater amount of seaweed in the area you swim the better as seaweed contains trace elements and many minerals and seaweed is always releasing these into the water particularly between August and November that's why seaweed baths are becoming more popular as the hot water helps to extract all the good from the seaweed.
    I go out to a little beach near the town of Spiddle which is about 40 minutes from the Wild Atlantic Bus it's a lovely beach and naturally, over time I have got to know many other like-minded people, in fact, one day as I was swimming I got talking to a nice lady we were saying how lucky we were to be able to swim in such a nice place and I told her about the benefit I get from swimming in the sea it was then that she told me she was a respiratory doctor and at the height of Covid 19 she was under a lot of pressure working all hours to help save lives she was exhausted and as she told me her story she said: " where do you think I came" ? Yes right here into the sea.