When the Heck Does the Jewish Messiah Arrive?

  • Опубліковано 28 гру 2023
  • Is there a connection between the pain of childbirth and the pangs of Messianic anticipation? Dive deep into ancient wisdom of Kabbalah as we explore a profound comparison: the Messianic era in Judaism likened to the miracle of birth.
    This thought-provoking lecture delves into:
    The Messianic Promise: Unravel the tapestry of Jewish Messianic belief, understanding the hope and challenges that come with awaiting the ultimate redemption.
    Birth Pangs of Creation: Discover how Jewish tradition interprets the "birth pangs" of the Messiah, drawing parallels to the physical and emotional turmoil that precedes childbirth.
    Pain and Purification: Learn how both motherhood and Messianic anticipation involve periods of trial and hardship, ultimately leading to profound transformation and joy.
    God's Wisdom in the Midst of Chaos: Witness how faith and trust in God's guiding hand can bring peace and serenity even in the face of uncertainty and upheaval.
    This is not just a lecture, it's an awakening. You'll leave with a deeper understanding of Jewish Messianic tradition, a fresh perspective on the challenges of our own times, and renewed hope for a future overflowing with peace and divine light.
  • Наука та технологія


  • @madolite
    @madolite Місяць тому +1

    "A wizard is never late, Master Frodo. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to."

  • @nicholasbattaliou5882
    @nicholasbattaliou5882 6 днів тому +1

    Thank you Bentzion. Very enriching and comforting.

    • @KabbalahSecrets
      @KabbalahSecrets  6 днів тому

      @@nicholasbattaliou5882 thank you for your kind words Nicholas and thank you for watching!

  • @MessiahSonOfDavid
    @MessiahSonOfDavid 3 дні тому +1

    I'm here 🎉

  • @ethan46199
    @ethan46199 5 місяців тому +2

    The stone which the builders have rejected has become the cornerstone. Christ is King.

  • @Kzam19-ux8wg
    @Kzam19-ux8wg День тому

    Everbody says he is coming back. The question is what is exactly he is going to do?

  • @phuakiangee8626
    @phuakiangee8626 2 місяці тому

    Behold I come quickly. Come Lord Jesus come.

  • @josboersema1352
    @josboersema1352 5 місяців тому +2

    When will the Jewish people *repent* from the *prozbul.*
    By the way, speaking about slander: I feel that, quote: “I believe with complete faith in the coming of Mashiach. *Though he tarry,* nonetheless I await him every day, that he will come.”, this is slander. Klal Yisroel are accusing 'moshiach' of _tarrying_ even though there is no source for it.
    There is a thing which says "wait for it", and there is a thing which says "in its time I will hurry him", if I recall. However this does not mean that the moshiach is tarrying, but people blame the moshiach for tarrying every day all the time, because klal Yisroel repeat this prayer non stop.
    Let's say there is a tree, and it gives fruit in autumn, as is normal at least in our area. Will you kick the tree if there is no fruit in early spring yet, will it upset you, the tree is tarrying, it's a lazy tree ? I hope not. If the tree gives fruit early in the autumn, sooner than the other trees, that makes it a fast tree. In its time, it hurried, but you have to wait for it. The tree was not tarrying, but you have to wait for it, and it was hurried, this can all be true at the same time, even regarding a tree. Right ?
    What source in the Tanach is there that moshiach will tarry, what source anywhere even. It says "will hurry", so the moshiach is hurried, and that's all we know. People say "he tarry" or "he may tarry". This is Loshon Hara, because the Redemption is the end of so much violence, and then they put it on the moshiach that _he_ is to blame for the violence to continue. Not Israel is to blame, despite all what we know from the prophets, but no, let's blame moshiach.
    This has consequences, and you already see it happening. People start to literally _blame_ moshiach, I read things like: _moshiach takes its sweet time,_ and all like that, it became a joke already. This has in my view been created by this phony prayer, which was created in the exile and I don't know any source in the Tanach for it. Loshon Hara, evil speech, this is how people are greeting their moshiach !
    Well, not only, there is also a lot of love of course, but you know, truth is truth. Blaming 'moshiach' for tarrying can cause damage to the Redemption, because once you blame the 'moshiach' while it was your own fault it took this long, and bad things happen like the second holocaust, people start blaming the 'moshiach' _"he was just feeling like tarrying while we where dying"_ and this can lead to demoralization and anger, turning away from the Torah. Right ?
    You should have structured the prayer not in a form of Loshon Hara (evil speech), but say something like Israel is failing the Torah and that delays the Redemption. Children will read and repeat that, and it gives them a reason to do the Torah. Sorry to go on about it. You can kind of make a reverse logic about it all: 'moshiach' is then 'the camp' but everyone the entire klal Yisroel, is exiled from that camp for Loshon Hara, and that makes the 'moshiach' be all alone. Well, it's a random thought. Have a good day ! I know you didn't make up that prayer mentioned above, it's not your fault.
    There is also an effect that when _everyone_ is wrong, and one person points it out by saying the truth, he is the one creating division. If creating division is bad, then you are guilty of causing trouble ? By the way, I didn't hear you talk about that 'moshiach' is hurt for the sins of Israel, specifically, and that this damage healed Israel ? Doesn't that mean that the leprosy / sickness of the moshiach, is really the Loshon Hora of the Jewish people, if that is what causes this illness ? That he is carrying the damage ?
    I could see it this way, that if 'moshiach' is hurt and sitting alone, he has a lot of time to think about things, and may come to some truths which have been forgotten, even though that was the job of Israel to do themselves, but they did not ? So you have then a real (not magical) meaning to this: hurt becomes wisdom, wisdom Redeems Israel ? I like that at least a lot better than the stories of the western idolators, who seem to make absolutely zero sense to me. Sorry for rambling on like this ;-). Have a good day.

    • @karabean
      @karabean 3 місяці тому +1

      There is a lot of crazy babble in the comments section, but this commenter above is the only one who makes sense! We have so much to correct anyway. He will come when we finally get that done.

    • @josboersema1352
      @josboersema1352 2 місяці тому +1

      @@karabean Hello, thanks for your comment. It seems to me that it has never been about "when will he come" but rather "when will Israel finally choose to be 100% with the good, with the laws given by her God". This idea that it is the _moshiach_ who is tarrying, seems to be a Rabbinical invention, possibly by Maimonides/Rambam with his "... though _he may tarry_ I await his coming ...". It is also Jewish tradition, as far as I understand it, that there is always someone ready to fulfill the role of _moshiach,_ and that is not when the *moshiach wants to come* because that is literally *today* but rather when the Jewish people finally will stop going after the gods and ways of the other Nations, and return to the truth, to Justice & Peace, to loving their brothers and sisters as themselves (etc).
      Also, by the way, only a remnant will return, as per what Isaiah said. This seems to mean that most supposedly Jewish people will be ejected from the Nation of Israel, or by some other method be lost, very possibly they are going to die instead. This is not exactly something to look forward to, for the vast majority of the Jewish people, who apparently are not going to make it, will never give up on rebelling the Torah.
      There where good arguments made, about why we are now already in the year 6004, because of the erroneous solution (apparently) regarding the 430 year stay in Egypt. The Rabbis have shortened this a lot, resulting in the year count used in modern times. It is a whole topic, and I'm not an expert on it, but it seemed to make sense. Just another facet I guess, which points to the present day as being the time of the Redemption, or the generation of the Redemption.
      If I where you: don't wait on someone else to stop with the prosbul. They are not going to do it. It is _heter iska_ Rambam and Hillel to the bitter end for them. It seems they will never give up, until the situation overwhelmes them and they are faced with a Redeemed Israel, possibly looking at it from the outside as they made their choices _against_ the Torah. You are on your own with this. Make a loan to a deserving brother or sister (a Jew that is) and reject the Rabbinical lies with their fake money making schemes. Then in the 7th year, cancel it. No Rabbi needed. Their courts are fake. Hillel destroyed the Rabbinical court. There are no Jewish courts it seems (Kairites ? I don't know, maybe), unless you set one up anew. You will have to do it on your own, and hope heaven smiles on you and make you live. Perhaps that will be the Redemption in the end, and you will stand if you do the Torah that is, and want to be good and true and nothing else, forever.
      Possibly the next round of punishment, which may be 7 holocausts in one event killing perhaps 95% of all Jewish people, will be the shock preceding the Redemption. The Zionists are playing some insanely dangerous game now. They have the notoriously treacherous Americans as their allies, or so they think, and are now basically at war with the entire Middle East. Iran alone is 80 Million persons, Turkey another 80 Million. How will they win this, with almost nothing to show for it in terms of Torah, literally being _against_ the Torah ? Still, it seems their God will fight for them, because they are Jewish and there is an amount of Torah in them, but I don't think they will win ti in the end, but quite to the contrary. Somewhere in the prophets it seems to say, that HKB'H will fight for Israel. Perhaps it will be one of those wars, where Israel will be defeated, but the damage done to their enemies will be shocking and unexpected.
      I don't know what will happen, but it seems to develop along these lines. The Zionists, and everyone who supports them which at this point seems to be almost everyone (!), are for certain not going to return to the Torah. They will take Israel down and never stop, turn Israel completely into a gentile Nation, with nothing special to offer the world. They are on the way to entirely ruin the Torah, because they can use the power of the State to do it. This power has already demonstrated itself to be capable of overturning Rabbinical opinion against Zionism. So we see how Rabbinical Judaism continues to corrupt itself, step by step it gets worse and worse. In coming centuries, it could end up as bad as the idol religion of west (Roman Empire). It is on the road to nothing.
      However, humanity has to adapt to being humans and be at peace with each other, because we are not monkeys or other animals. We have technology, and this keeps getting more powerful. It is not possible to survive on Earth with war and tyranny, and this level of technology. It becomes a choice between justice and peace for all and forever, versus war and hell (hell on Earth) and/or possible extinction. Humanity seems to have absolutely no clue about what is going on, completely blind they go on with their ignorance, to the bitter end, it seems almost all if not all Rabbis included, with almost the entire Nation of Israel behind them, or even a complete 100%. A total rebellion of Israel, right at the time when the result should have been achieved. This is the historical cost of not listening to Moshe Rabbeinu. The damage will be great.

    • @karabean
      @karabean 2 місяці тому +1

      ​@@josboersema1352 Thanks for the insight and the caution. I feel we will see a lot of death and panic in the coming years, not just from wars but an even greater change. I feel like maybe nature itself will remind us to do the Creator's will and start treating everyone like we are connected (as we most definitely are). Maybe we are closer to year 6K than traditional thought.

    • @josboersema1352
      @josboersema1352 2 місяці тому

      @@karabean Hello again. You may want to use a search engine on the year 6000 topic, I don't dare to post links since it is unclear how google/youtube's censorship system is working. The key seems to be: the Pentateuch repeats several times that Israel stayed 430 years in Egypt, and there is even a part of the Jewish people who decide to leave on the 400 years point, but end up failing. The problem is that if you count up the years of who goes _down to Egypt_ you do not reach this 430 number. The solution they chose is to put the weight of the argument upon the genealogy given, and not on the direct statement of 430 years in Egypt. The solution, argued in great detail by someone, is that the names given of who went to Egypt did _include_ people who where later born in Egypt, rather than everyone who was already alive _before_ going to Egypt. The argument was strengthened by looking at the meaning of (some of) their names, which suggested birth in Egypt. All in all, and with the *direct statement* in the Torah that Israel stayed *430* years in Egypt, I think we are not in the realm of speculation anymore, but rather facing hard headed arguments which are convincing (until someone comes up with a good answer I guess). The argument then becomes: a thousand years is like a day for HKB'H, and thus we have already entered the seventh millenium, the day of rest.
      What I found so amazing about this, is that the computation the person made, coincided with the 7th Millenium starting on ... Corona lockdown. A globally enforced Shabbos. Who can even invent something like that, let alone make it happen ? I see in it a sign from heaven, that this is the 7th Millenium. The rest has started.
      Do we still labor ? Yet, but not like in the past. Not long ago, canals where dug by hundreds of men using shovels. Today, someone sits in a cabin moving around a control poke, doing the work of dozens of men while sitting in a chair. It is a matter of years until a computer can do that job entirely. We are _literally_ at the Great Rest. Who can make this up ?! Who can make this happen so precisely ? Only heaven can is my answer to that, only they can execute their plans with this precision over such a long time, thousands of years. The entire world on lockdown with Corona, this is highly unusual. It requires a condition of a single global Government. The gentiles finally did it, I guess: they fought each other to the death for so long now, and here we are: a single clique comes out of it as the winner, and rules all. When issuing insane policies, all follow. There was some word about an African President resisting, and he was killed ...
      Anyway, it is a whole topic, quite interesting (the year 6000). Have a guten Shabbos Karabean.

  • @davidgoldsmith225
    @davidgoldsmith225 5 місяців тому +2

    Laughs in anointed @ the video's photo 😂🎉

  • @BigTasty99
    @BigTasty99 2 місяці тому +1

    He already came

  • @kunjimoncm1501
    @kunjimoncm1501 2 місяці тому +1

    You are forgetting the Isaiah 53. It says that, he is not a handsome man

  • @dougmurray3692
    @dougmurray3692 6 місяців тому +1

    Okay, so I think your example is perfect - gestation and childbirth. So you ask, when he will "arrive"? Look around, He is here. But what exactly do you mean "arrive"? What is the first splitting of cells? Not part of pregnancy? Or the approach to something more obvious, and more obvious? His visible arrival will be the first indicator of evidence but the last part of the prep. It's that simple.

  • @greensage395
    @greensage395 6 місяців тому

    When the Heck is something I have always wanted to know! LOL

  • @dougmurray3692
    @dougmurray3692 6 місяців тому +1

    24:40 - Why don't you have it now, this minor reminder? Because you haven't Earned it yet. You've heard "you get what you deserve"? There is no 'get'. There are no victims, only self-targets. Raise your vibration, improve your intent. If you stay low, it's like the slow running of a river, but underneath the current can drag you away. Stay low, and you 'get', by low perspective. Rise and you go 'up'. Clean your character and it behind to work.

  • @M_O_G
    @M_O_G 6 днів тому

    Daniel 9:24-27
    Haggai 2:6-9
    Malachi 3:1
    ?אולי איחרנו ב-2000 שנה?

  • @ezekielsaltar4728
    @ezekielsaltar4728 4 місяці тому

    September 4th, 2089 (5850), the last time Tishrei 1 falls on the 18th day from the Equinox.

  • @zeroonetime
    @zeroonetime 6 місяців тому +2

    All eyes are the eyes of Yahweh. Thus, You will see him when you open your eyes to see him. Madams and gentlemen.

    • @JackAtkins-xz5wi
      @JackAtkins-xz5wi 4 місяці тому

      I’m here in Nunawading with the shekinah tool

  • @DavidDHorstman
    @DavidDHorstman 6 місяців тому +1

    Thanks - this is exactly what I needed to hear.

    • @KabbalahSecrets
      @KabbalahSecrets  6 місяців тому

      Glad you enjoyed ☺️

    • @alchemistkingdickinson2256
      @alchemistkingdickinson2256 6 місяців тому +1

      @@KabbalahSecrets God has sent his son the Lord here to save as many believers as possible! None want to believe and none want to sign book of life! The requirement is to do what God commands all to do! Folks cant use their free wills to do that; yet! Nobody will know God until they know Gods sons new name Rev 2;17 Kaduri meet the Lord 11/4/2003! Anybody could meet the Lord then and even before then and ever since then; but none are ready ; nor worthy. LIARS CANT SEE THE WAY TRUTH LIFE;LIGHT; NOT POSSIBLE!!! ALL ARE LIARS BREAKING COMMANDMENT DOING WHAT GOD SAYS DO NOT DO!!! WHEN YA THINK JC FINDS GOOD SOUL HERE? BLESSED? EVERYBODY BELIEVES IN JC UNTIL JC SAYS HELLO; THEN ALL RUN LIKE NASTY PIGS TO THE CLIFF!!! WHY IS THAT???

  • @prayercodes
    @prayercodes 2 місяці тому

    he is here. his name is KOLIN

  • @JackAtkins-xz5wi
    @JackAtkins-xz5wi 4 місяці тому

    I’m here in Nunawading with the shekinah tool

  • @jacovawernett3077
    @jacovawernett3077 6 місяців тому

    11 is Gevurah =Justice. I was born March 11th in Bethlehem 61 years ago

  • @Andriel324
    @Andriel324 5 місяців тому

    So let me get this straight.. Conception is to plant? ☘️ What about supplant? Or James, Is not this 'Teth or Adom' save one of two Omar?
    Shalom Shalom, Brother....😊

  • @tonygarcia0072
    @tonygarcia0072 6 місяців тому

    Sounds like mould, can be found on clothing or structures. A simple explanation is that it serves as an identifying characteristic of Mashiach, to the extent that if someone claims to be Mashiach but does not bear this mark then he cannot be Mashiach. It is unlikely that it is mould but rather some skin condition that bears the appearance of mould or leprosy...

  • @stevenhamblin6067
    @stevenhamblin6067 5 місяців тому

    The sound is not working for me, just the closed 😢captions which made me stop watching.

    • @KabbalahSecrets
      @KabbalahSecrets  5 місяців тому

      I’m so sorry! Let me try and reupload it

  • @yvonnegordon1952
    @yvonnegordon1952 4 місяці тому

    both Christianity and Judaism miss the mark of understanding Jer 31, because it clearly says when Hashem writes the law into the heart and mind it is on an individual level and not the way he took them out of Egypt the first time. Christians know Messiah came, but it says Abraham saw his day and was glad. This shows Messiah comes through individuals: Messiah came through Malkut (Kingdom) through David 2000 years ago but not all the tribe of Judah and not all the house of David: When the last person of the house of David has brought him forth, he will be revealed to all:

    • @yvonnegordon1952
      @yvonnegordon1952 25 днів тому

      NOT doing teshuvah is the Jewish BIGGEST SIN: What is TESHUVAH? RETURNING the heart to Hashem for heart circumcision: Forfeiting this VOW (Nah 1:15) is the whole reason for exiles and trouble for Jews:

  • @InterestedInDansk
    @InterestedInDansk 3 місяці тому

    Balaam was not a Jew and would not speak against the Israelites yet he had the authority to speak as a prophet, today there are prophets who have had true theophanies and glorious revelations, who would never deny Israel's right, in fact they would endorse Israel and the people in Israel as the *Children of God* Christians are envious of Jewish salvation, thinking that Jews have to convert to Christianity but they don't, Christianity came about because one enlightened man and the generation he grew up in knew they had to expand the ability of God to create *a superhighway for souls* that the Children of God would come to God in the arms of *KINGS who would be their foster fathers, and Queen's who would be their Nursing mothers* as recorded in Isaiah 49, which also records Israel as *You are my servant Israel in whom I shall be Glorified*
    The new Testament states that Jesus Christ identified Elijah in John the Baptist and John the Baptist identified Israel redivivus in Jesus (the lamb of God) where he said _John answered them, “I baptize with water; but among you stands one whom you do not know,_ 27 *even he who comes after me, the thong of whose sandal I am not worthy to untie.” 28* This took place in Bethany.
    John the Baptist therefore states that he recognised Jesus as Israel when he was present in Elijah, even though Israel lived 1200 years before him, as confirmed by Isaiah, salvation of the Jews is *The preserved of Jacob are redeemed in Israel*
    The Old Testament provides reincarnation as a mean of Redemption.
    _Zechariah 13:9
    And I will put this third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as gold is tested. They will call on my name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘They are my people’; and they will…. _
    The New Testament also states that a person has opportunities to be reborn *but a time comes when they can no longer die anymore, but must become children of God* celestial beings and then be judged.
    As Christians they must have the Jewish spiritual blood for transformation which Jesus Christ gives.
    Luke 20:36
    _36 for they cannot die any more, because they are equal to angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection._
    The following text of Luke 20 (37) confirms the salvation which the Jews enjoyed from Moses.
    The New Testament was written by dedicated Jews who were including the family if Abraham as centra in the lineage of Jesus but they also revered King David as Jesus ancestry and the Christian Church has avoided any belief in reincarnation as a pathway to Resurrection and Ascension because to understand that subject in the light of Scripture brings the believer directly to the knowledge that Jesus and (Jacob) are Israel.
    Judgement for an Israelite and a Christian are the same they must stand before the Divine Word of God and hear his testimony of salvation which is Revelation, Jesus does not take part in Judgement nor does Almighty God, because a person could not bear it.
    *Jesus Christ does not Judge*
    John 8:15
    _You judge according to the flesh, I judge no one._
    John 8:50
    _Yet I do not seek my own glory; there is One who seeks it and he will be the judge._
    John 12:47
    _If any one hears my sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world._
    John 5:221-23
    _21 For as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so also the Son gives life to whom he will. 22 _*_The Father judges no one, but has given all judgment to the Son, 23 that all may honour the Son,_*_ even as they honour the Father. He who does not honour the Son does not honour the Father who sent him._
    It is a great honour to be judged and confirms that we have had multiple opportunities for rebirth but we are now at *the end of the world* in the presence of a personage of overwhelming purity a purity that confirms in us how far removed we are from Him who has to deal with us. Like Job He asks *who are you to stand before me and darken my counsel* and *Are you great? Only the great can pass me by*
    This can happen in this life or after it.
    After a length of time in which you are left with the wrath of God on you, you may be allowed to see God the Father but you see him in Jesus Christ You see the glory of God in Him, this is called the *Beatific Vision.* This can cause concern in the soul, because the Christian religion states that Jesus is the Judge this is not true, but he can *pray the spirit for us* the Son who is the Spirit of Truth and Divine Word manifests himself as a *Glittering great two edged Sword* this is not Jesus but Jesus Christ in the Beatific Vision is ALSO Israel.
    Judgement is a non-trinitarian event

  • @jeannekahnmesia1445
    @jeannekahnmesia1445 6 місяців тому +1


    • @booblam6919
      @booblam6919 3 місяці тому

      1. What was Reuben calling........
      2. What was Simeon calling.......
      3.what was Levi calling........
      4. What was Judah calling......
      5. What was Issachar calling.....
      6. What was Zebulun calling.....
      7. What was Dan calling......
      8. What was Gad calling......
      9. What was Asher calling.....
      10. What was Napthali calling....
      11. What was Joseph calling......
      12. What was Benjamin calling......
      Each tribe has a specific calling from GOD.....calling such as sonship....watchman...and high priest. .

  • @RyanDavis-zg2bw
    @RyanDavis-zg2bw 6 місяців тому

    When do people start realizing Constantine hysterical creationist story was key behind everything? 🤔 LOL

    • @LAST-KNIGHTS-888
      @LAST-KNIGHTS-888 4 місяці тому

      😆😆👍🫡 Only a few in very high places around the world 🌎 know the REAL TRUTH🤫🤫🤫

  • @jacovawernett3077
    @jacovawernett3077 6 місяців тому

    L'chaim from Jacova Reisman

  • @sidharthagautama5010
    @sidharthagautama5010 6 місяців тому

    SKIP TO 2:00!!!!

  • @luciferlucero
    @luciferlucero 6 місяців тому


  • @deepthimendis2431
    @deepthimendis2431 Місяць тому

    The Rabbai who was against Yeshuwa Jesus are the ones who wrote the Talmud, Kabbalah Zohar and not by the Holy Spirit who inspired the prophets who wrote Torah and Tanaka. So Christians do not get caught to these Jewes and they are the ones who still reject Jesus Yeshua as they say Roman religion and idol worship. Looking back in the Torah you can see who worshipped Idols who worshipped other Gods all are there and it’s the Jewes not the gentiles when God brought them out of Egypt these Jewes wanted a King did they thought of God with his outstretched arm brought them safely No so remember they killed the prophets Zechariah it is stated by Yeshua the blood that was shed again and again they did not the followers of Yeshua and that is why God is silent until they accept Yeshua but they are going to get caught to the Antichrist where his spirit is now moving fast in the world

  • @JamesPetrycia-zj7yq
    @JamesPetrycia-zj7yq 6 місяців тому

    He has arrived in 2000. Moshiach of both true Jewes and Christians.
    Moshiach is of those true Jews and Christians.

    • @PeppeDAngelo-kq2ng
      @PeppeDAngelo-kq2ng 5 місяців тому

      No, He will arrive in 2000.
      We are in Messianic age (1st part) year 1991 in 2024.
      The Messianic age is 33 -> 2033.
      After that, Second Coming and Messianic age (2nd part: the 7th day, when Jesus Christ will reign as Messiah King of Israel).

  • @Johnathan909309
    @Johnathan909309 6 місяців тому +1

    He already came, the tribes are scattered and genealogy COMPLETELY lost, no way to prove the Messiah at this point not a single way.

    • @jacovawernett3077
      @jacovawernett3077 6 місяців тому

      You have no covenant with God or reality. Geshem Israel Geshem Israel elehenu Adonai Hashem

    • @Johnathan909309
      @Johnathan909309 6 місяців тому

      @@jacovawernett3077 nonsense it is Jesus Christ who was and is your king, he fortold the destruction of the temple and the Orthodox Church has the fulfillment of the temple worship of the ancient Hebrew religion of Moses. You have no base with no temple period. Abraham is the father of MANY NATIONS.
      But we know that the law is good if one uses it lawfully, 9 knowing this: that the law is not made for a righteous person, but for the lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, 10 for fornicators, for sodomites, for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there is any other thing that is [c]contrary to sound doctrine, 11 according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God which was committed to my trust.
      12 And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry, 13 although I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an [d]insolent man; but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. 14 And the grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant, with faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. 15 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. 16 However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life. 17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to [e]God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
      And He is 100% correct

    • @Johnathan909309
      @Johnathan909309 6 місяців тому

      You deleted my comment cuz I'm right. Absolutely pathetic. Christ is king repent of your sins

    • @GemstoneActual
      @GemstoneActual 6 місяців тому +2

      You're both correct and incorrect.
      There's no way to legally Prove Davidic lineage; heresay is inadmissible.
      There IS, however, a way to Prove lineage from David's Inward Parts, and it's the same concept used by God to Prove that David is a man after God's own heart . . . inward parts.
      Judge a tree by its fruit.
      In my PAPERWORK playlist, there's a video entitled "Genesis 49". In that video, you'll find that, as TaNaK is replete with wordgames, God really likes to play wordgames.
      How else would He accomplish such a magnificent concealment, as Described in Isaiah 49?
      Clever Guy... ;)

    • @Johnathan909309
      @Johnathan909309 6 місяців тому

      @@GemstoneActual they deleted my original comment because I proved what I was saying. Most hypocritical

  • @hereandnow990
    @hereandnow990 4 місяці тому +1

    Moshiach will come when G-d's going will that. Does anything happen apart from G-d's will?

    • @KabbalahSecrets
      @KabbalahSecrets  3 місяці тому

      Our actions of good deeds can tip the scale and hasten Moshiach’s coming

  • @jerryhogeweide5288
    @jerryhogeweide5288 6 місяців тому +1

    Read Isa 53 again. It’s an exact description of the Mashiach and the life he now leads. He’s the Scapegoat, the suffering servant and it’s literally Jacob himself. He’s been here before and has always been a messenger.
    Daniel’s 70 week count started a second time. That’s the reason for the 62 and 7 weeks. First count was in 457BCE and second in 1535 CE when Ottomans made their decree. Exactly 62 weeks later Jerusalem was captured and united with Israel. At the end of 69 weeks, embassy was moved. Daniel 11 last verses are describing the current colonial power that invaded the holy land and pitched his tents in Jerusalem in 2018. That was Trump, the little arrogant horn described well too.
    So you ask when? He’s here already but Isa 53 makes it sound like he could be Palestinian. He will be hated all the same and that’s why he’s a leper and outcast. He’s the scapegoat in the Atonement sacrifice and it was literally Jacob this whole time.

    • @jacovawernett3077
      @jacovawernett3077 6 місяців тому

      L'chaim. My Hebrew name Jacova is the female form of Jacob. I was born March 11th in Bethlehem

    • @jacovawernett3077
      @jacovawernett3077 6 місяців тому

      Geshem Israel Geshem Israel elehenu Adonai Hashem

    • @jerryhogeweide5288
      @jerryhogeweide5288 6 місяців тому

      @@jacovawernett3077 Nice to meet you! Are you Palestinian?

    • @IssaBenMariamma
      @IssaBenMariamma 5 місяців тому

      Your way of thinking goes the right way (could be palestinian), yet The Messiah was born in a war place, yet his place enjoy shalom while he is there. Clues? Is a third world country in Latin America no rabbi can guess.
      Why nor yet? See the thumbnail used in this video? That's the messiah the world wants, but no the one The Creator wants or created already.
      Like Yonah's companions in the ship, the world need to test their saviors and invoque their gods first, after the falling from pride you might have a revealing time according to scriptures.
      No body will like the appearance of the Messiah because humans are guided by their eyes... and most are blind.

    • @PeppeDAngelo-kq2ng
      @PeppeDAngelo-kq2ng 5 місяців тому

      HIS NAME =/= from 666.
      So is not him.

  • @davidsimmons5936
    @davidsimmons5936 5 місяців тому

    When all king's have mole on arm jew bone this is Pima generation Mayan generation find ants index shows ants birthmark ants wife birthmark ants kids birthmark generation of ants breeding books for people animals universal find it you add 56 years 7 months God leaves new Adam king's change birthmark oxen keep time 12 25 30 God leaves Enoch Buddha Daniel Simon a Mayan lord king's change birthmark from Pima generation to Mayan generation look on ants index shows when king's change birthmark to jew mole on arm jew bone jews mountain top type of in every nation around Israel Benjamin is Israel king

  • @infiniti28160
    @infiniti28160 6 місяців тому

    The old covenant of Mt Sinai has a dragon (draco constellation) that gives power to the earthy kingdom of the beasts, it was first established to organize mankind and subdue his animal instinct. The tabernacle is only a facsimile of gods plan. Hebrews 8:5 Christ came and established a new covenant that replaces the old covenant, and lifts mankind up above earthly desires if one accepts it fully. Colossians 2-20 The revelation is happening the way they are prophesied.

  • @vondaberryman4477
    @vondaberryman4477 6 місяців тому

    Wow 😮this came up in my recommendations and its just crazy how folks dont even know who God is.
    Soon all will find out.
    The Holy Bible tells the whole story the truth.
    Jesus is God He is the Messiah.
    Everyone is born into sin.
    1st CORINTHIANS 15:1-4 .
    Is the Gospel of Jesus Christ in which we are saved.
    Salvation is a gift of God EPHESIANS 2:8-9.
    Jesus said unto him I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except by me. John 14:6.
    Jacob's trouble is about to begin and i recommend all who see this message to get saved.
    Otherwise many will become tribulation saints or never receive the Gospel aka good news aka Jesus Christ.
    Before He even comes Isreal has to say blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.
    Yall are following another Gospel 😮.
    Please do not take the mark of the beast Revelation 13.
    How does people not know who God is im astonished 😮
    Im praying for Isreal and for the lost to get saved.
    God bless everyone 🙏 ❤️ 🙌

    • @alchemistkingdickinson2256
      @alchemistkingdickinson2256 6 місяців тому

      Kaduri meet Yashua Hmashiach 11/4/2003 ; anybody could meet Christ! You dont know Christ and until you do your no different than any other here who does not know~deceived;lying;doing what God commands all to not do every day~walking dead... nobody can know God until knowing Gods sons new name? YEP AND NO OTHER WAY WILL WORK!

    • @johanneslindemann5941
      @johanneslindemann5941 6 місяців тому +1

      Until everyone follows Shabbat. That is something Hashem has laid on me heavily in the past year. I have always been a religious person and got closer to the Lord through a Christian church. However, there was a point where I could not stand to be a part of something that claimed to love the Lord and everything, but drives every sabbath. That spends money or makes people work on Shabbat. That scares me. To think that it's part of the ten commandments and we can't adhere to it. I've stopped working on Saturday and I refuse to lose to the evil inclination. Bless all those that love the Lord with all their heart. How divided we have become, so divided we shall fall.

    • @alchemistkingdickinson2256
      @alchemistkingdickinson2256 6 місяців тому

      ​@@johanneslindemann5941 God has sent his son the Lord here to save as many believers as possible! None want to believe and none want to sign book of life! The requirement is to do what God commands all to do! Folks cant use their free wills to do that; yet! Nobody will know God until they know Gods sons new name Rev 2;17 Kaduri meet the Lord 11/4/2003! Anybody could meet the Lord then and even before then and ever since then; but none are ready ; nor worthy. LIARS CANT SEE THE WAY TRUTH LIFE;LIGHT; NOT POSSIBLE!!! ALL ARE LIARS BREAKING COMMANDMENT DOING WHAT GOD SAYS DO NOT DO!!! WHEN YA THINK JC FINDS GOOD SOUL HERE? BLESSED? EVERYBODY BELIEVES IN JC UNTIL JC SAYS HELLO; THEN ALL RUN LIKE NASTY PIGS TO THE CLIFF!!! WHY IS THAT???

    • @Isaali13177
      @Isaali13177 6 місяців тому

      that's your bullshit god, not the real abraham, isac and jacob, GOD. so go and save your self they way you see fit and fu**k over.

  • @WorshipperOfLife
    @WorshipperOfLife 6 місяців тому +8

    The Lord Jesus Christ is who everyone's looking for.

    • @alexanderealley9992
      @alexanderealley9992 5 місяців тому +1

      There’s a whole series of Where’s Waldo books that contradict your statement.

    • @robinschmidt807
      @robinschmidt807 5 місяців тому

      Not everyone

    • @WorshipperOfLife
      @WorshipperOfLife 5 місяців тому

      @@robinschmidt807 Everyone who has not found Him yet.

    • @ElParacletoPodcast
      @ElParacletoPodcast 4 місяці тому

      No one is looking for him, you are waiting for him, but you are not looking for him, if you really were, then you would have found him. He comes like a thief, and no, not flying from the sky.

    • @johncrookston6111
      @johncrookston6111 3 місяці тому

      Jesus is not the son of God he is not the Messiah the true Messiah is a human being a man who has children not a super hero
      Once again Christia"Nutty" has it all backwards

  • @RyanDavis-zg2bw
    @RyanDavis-zg2bw 6 місяців тому

    Zues (Constantine) sun is all the knowledge you need The first truth we need to recognize in order to have a relationship with Jesus is that, naturally, our relationship with God is broken. We have sinned against Him. We have done things that are wrong in His sight. The Bible says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). God’s standard is perfection-since He is absolutely holy-and we all fall short of that standard. We each need to humble ourselves before God and admit our sin.

  • @byronumphress3805
    @byronumphress3805 6 місяців тому +1

    🕊JOHN 14:26, 14:6, 3:3-5, THEN REPENT OF YOUR SINS
    🕊REVELATION 3:10, 20:6, 7:14

    • @samuelbenitez4885
      @samuelbenitez4885 6 місяців тому

      You Christian’s don’t have a clue to the truth

  • @booblam6919
    @booblam6919 3 місяці тому

    1. What was Reuben calling........
    2. What was Simeon calling.......
    3.what was Levi calling........
    4. What was Judah calling......
    5. What was Issachar calling.....
    6. What was Zebulun calling.....
    7. What was Dan calling......
    8. What was Gad calling......
    9. What was Asher calling.....
    10. What was Napthali calling....
    11. What was Joseph calling......
    12. What was Benjamin calling......
    Each tribe has a specific calling from GOD.....calling such as sonship....watchman...and high priest. .