This brings back memories. Such a great magazine. I wrote for _Inphobia_ (the *White Wolf* one), but always wanted to get something in _Challenge_ - loved all the games they covered.
I definitely read a bunch of Challenge back in the day. I think my all time favorite gaming magazine was Shadis, from AEG. Unlike most (Dragon, White Wolf, White Dwarf, etc.), it never became a corporate ad rag.
I own all of these.
This brings back memories. Such a great magazine. I wrote for _Inphobia_ (the *White Wolf* one), but always wanted to get something in _Challenge_ - loved all the games they covered.
I definitely read a bunch of Challenge back in the day. I think my all time favorite gaming magazine was Shadis, from AEG. Unlike most (Dragon, White Wolf, White Dwarf, etc.), it never became a corporate ad rag.
I definitely prefer the glossy print to these medium-quality prints