With no-till you can amend with compost, natural, or synthetic fertilizer amendments either broadcast any time prior to planting or after planting. Sometimes we also will sidedress these amendments banded along the row as well. With any of this I would start with a soil test to know your base fertility of the soil and hopefully have the main nutrients and pH in optimal ranges. Also, cover crops are frequently used with no-till to help build the soil organic material and fertility in a long-term management.
Excellent. Short, to the point, and lots of good information.
Thanks, that's a good overview
What transplanter is this?
Outstanding video! I have a question. What would cause the packing wheels to not pack well and leave the furrow open? Thanks again
Hw can I get the transplanter
So with no till would you amend your soil how long before planting? to increase the fertility of soil?
With no-till you can amend with compost, natural, or synthetic fertilizer amendments either broadcast any time prior to planting or after planting. Sometimes we also will sidedress these amendments banded along the row as well. With any of this I would start with a soil test to know your base fertility of the soil and hopefully have the main nutrients and pH in optimal ranges. Also, cover crops are frequently used with no-till to help build the soil organic material and fertility in a long-term management.
Do you know of a affordable singe row No-Till Transplanter for small operations?
The transplanter you see in this video is a Mechanical Tranplanter Co. Transplanter.