Silence | Evropa

  • Опубліковано 4 чер 2024
  • Evropa (Europe)
    Written, orchestrated and performed by Silence
    Taken from the artistic programme of the 20th anniversary celebration of Slovenia's accession to the European Union
    Recorded on May 9th 2024 in Nova Gorica
    The Slovene Police Orchestra
    The Slovene Philharmonic Choir
    Conductor Simon Perčič
    Keyboardist Anže Vrabec
    The MN Dance Company
    The broadcast was produced by RTV Slovenija
    The event, directed by Neda R. Bric, was organised by the Coordination Committee for National Celebrations and Events in cooperation with the European Commission
    Special thanks to Aleksej Loos and Marlenka Meršol
    Ko sanjaš, | When you dream,
    sežeš dlje | you reach further
    Nisi več le meja, | You're no longer just a border,
    geografija | geography
    Ko sanjaš, | When you dream,
    si lucidna | you're lucid
    Brezmejna kot ideja, | Boundless as an idea,
    domišljija | imagination
    Tvoje sanje so ulice | Your dreams are streets
    Vsak sèn je aleja, | Every dream is an alley,
    veličastna avenija | a grand avenue
    Sprehajam se med njimi, | I walk among them,
    s soncem obsijan | sunlit
    Diham svež zrak | Breathing fresh air
    Gledam z boljšimi očmi | I look with better eyes
    Tvoje srce poganja moj korak | Your heart drives my step
    Ko ne sanjaš, | When you cease dreaming,
    založiš zavest | you lose consciousness
    Ogrneš se v mrak | You wrap yourself in darkness
    Čemiš v mrtvilu | and languish
    V sosedu | In neighbours
    in rojaku | and compatriots,
    spet zbudi se vrag, | the devil awakens again
    hoja po rezilu | We tread the razor's edge
    Tvoje srce emigrira, | Your heart emigrates,
    išče obraz blag | seeking a clement face
    Hrepeni po azilu | It longs for asylum
    Zbudi se, Evropa, in sanjaj | Wake up, Europe, and dream
    Dihaj svež zrak | Breathe fresh air
    Gledaj z boljšimi očmi | Look with better eyes
    Srce naj tvoje | Let your heart
    poganja naš korak | drive our step


  • @koroskanekoc
    @koroskanekoc 14 днів тому

    Odlično! Bodo kakšni posnetki tudi iz Žičke Kartuzije? Tisto je bilo nepozabno, eden najboljših koncertov v življenju.

    • @FinalMinutesChannel
      @FinalMinutesChannel  13 днів тому

      Najlepša hvala, @koroskanekoc! Žal nimamo nobenih posnetkov iz koncerta.

  • @julijangrajfoner1730
    @julijangrajfoner1730 29 днів тому

    Vau, super!!!

  • @violetindigo8514
    @violetindigo8514 22 дні тому

    Are you sure you wasn't inspired by Joost Klein? Thought the music is different, the overall message sounds oddly similar... The world is full of sinchronicities 💙