Dallas Willard ‘The Restoration of All Things’, from The Divine Conspiracy, 3/3
- Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
- "Indeed, we will then be in possession of ourselves as never before, and the limited universe that we now see will remain-- though that universe will not be as interesting as what we shall then see for the first time. We will not disappear into an eternal fog bank or dead storage, or exist in a state of isolation or suspended animation, as many seem to suppose. ...
Stated in other words, our experience will not be fundamentally different in character from what it is now, though it will change in significant details. The life we now have as the persons we are now will continue and continue in the universe in which we now exist. Our experience will be much clearer, richer, deeper, of course, because it will be unrestrained by the limitations now imposed upon us by our dependence upon our body. It will, instead, be rooted in the broader and more fundamental reality of God's kingdom and will accordingly have far greater scope and power."
(Saint Augustine writes) "... that the eternal blessedness of the city of God is presented as a 'perpetual Sabbath'. In words so beautiful that everyone should know them by heart, he says, "There we shall rest and see, see and love, love and praise. This is what shall be in the end without end. For what other end do we propose to ourselves than to attain to the kingdom of which there is no end?"
And yet, for all their beauty and goodness, these words do not seem to me to capture the blessed condition of the restoration of all things--of the kingdom come in its utter fullness. Repose, yes. But not as quiescence, passivity, eternal fixity. It is, instead, peace as wholeness, as fullness of function, as the restful but unending creativity involved in a cosmos-wide, cooperative pursuit of a created order that continually approaches but never reaches the limitless goodness and greatness of the triune personality of God, its source.
This surely, is the word of Jesus when he says, 'Those who overcome will be welcomed to sit with me on my throne, as I too overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne. Those capable of hearing should listen to what the Spirit is saying to my people.' (Rev. 3:21-22)