I left the organized church, @Judge 3 Project, after I completed almost 3 years of the initial New Birth process. My story is "The Book Of Elijah: A Letter To The World" located on prop1.org/protest/elijah/nature.htm that is my life's story. I realized the word means "called out from" the world and what's call church encourag us to follow the world's standard when Jesus taught in Matthew 19:29 & John 3:3-8 that we are to forsake everything civilization offers and live repented back to environmental living as Jesus had the 18 years before he returned to the land of Israel to teach the way to salvation. Now that we're in the transition from the world we know to Revelation 21s we need to know how to survive without man made things. Thank you for your presentation!! ~ Respect ~ Elijah NatureBoy hubpages.com/@the0natureboy also has topics you may be interested in.
Jesus left his family to "go into all of the world," @@durrdyngr248, to learn from all things God showed him to observe. That's why he told us in the last verses of Matthew to do the same.
@@durrdyngr248 If thats what you got from the video, then you didn't bother to learn anything from it at all. This woman is having a round table discussion with millennials who left the church. She isn't teaching, she is giving them a place to speak.
*I left my church after being a member ten years because the anointing was gone and the anointing is what breaks the yoke. It became ritualistic and routine. Oh and it was also a family church rooted in gossip and favoritism. Long story short, the oil was gone, if there is no anointed atmosphere, I don’t want to be there!*
@@eLLBdotmusic absolutely! Oh, did I mention that my pastor shared all of the personal business I shared with her with MULTIPLE church members? I spoke to her concerning all of these issues to no avail. They’re stuck in their ways. Family and favoritism. It’s all good though, I’m an overcomer!
For me personally it was when my mother was sick and nobody from the church bothered to visit her in the hospital, form a prayer group or try to assist her in any way.
Massive thanks to Jude 3 Project for setting this up! As Christians, we need to show love in every aspect, regardless of location or building. Incredibly grateful for the Christians in my life who have challenged me and encouraged me to ask questions about the Christian faith.
This is a good discussion. I left church 3 years ago after serving faithfully for 20 years. I very much still believe in God but I don’t feel that “the church” as I know it, is aligned with his will and purpose. There are other factors behind my defection including burnout but the main issue is that I didn’t feel I was getting closer to God. I just felt myself becoming bitter.
technically, there never was a getting closer to God. jesus is our relationship to God, but when the church leadership does its slight of hand to get Jesus put to the side as if Hes not good enough for some unknown reason, and church attendance becomes the relationship maintaining, where the heck did that come from?
@BriaBarrows Indeed. Many believe that if u don't attend the building that u have backslide. Some literally prepare sermons to attack people from pulpits. There is a difference in rebuking in love & condemnation. Also, from my observation there seems to be a "CLASS" DIVIDED thing in congregations whereby, if u arent of status/name in society or dressed to royalty that u are not welcome. Its no wonder the young people leave & never return because of the judgemental lying tongues
You are right about people making others leave the church. They're messy fa real fa real, and they're walking in unforgiveness because they hold grudges. Yah (God) forgives quicker than people do.
H E L L O! I’m a victim of church hurt and my pastor believing it’s ok to celebrate Halloween and interrupt communion to address me about it. Go figure! It was time to go with JC at the front door. I just couldn’t.
I wish this was longer!! Cause I just left the church too and some of my issues are the exact same. Church has become a hangout spot, and in the process it seems God has left.
I believe the church is a place to heal the community its in and also Pastors and leaders are just like you. They go through..we need to pray for them that God would interven in there lives as well. Gid allowed the church buildings to close because people were not going to meet him but socialize. You are the church when you are in church and when you leave the building.
Totally agree with what the guy said about church as food truck. As many said for me it was the pandemic that changed my perspective on church attendance. As the guy said he felt that church was not meeting the spiritual needs if people when doors were closed. Totally agree
Yes because it was the law. The Torah. Our black folks law that we still don’t follow tuh sis day. Now look what happened in Deuteronomy 28:68KJV read it.
Come to my channel and listen to my podcast. I plan to have guest on of all ages especial older and wiser. My podcast launch the start of the new Year. It's called, The Walk. Grace & Blessings.
I'm 62 years old and NEVER was into the church. My mom who is 82 never forced us to go to church because she said she went enough for everyone. If we wanted to go with our friends we could. I just didn't like all that screaming and yelling. I felt nothing. I went to a Church of Religious Science at 17 and loved it. All positivity and no "hell and damnation" it was hard being spiritual 45 years ago but I stood my ground. Attended African lecture series to get the truth of us as a people. I've always been a "free thinker" I don't follow anything just because. Ironically after my mom and stepdad divorced, he became a minister for AME. Even he never forced his religion on me. So grateful my parents didn't judge
Understanding the decisions of the young people but here's a few nuggets of wisdom to understand. The scriptures speaks of Satan who has blinded minds, who is the ruler of this world system and he goes about seeking whom he may devour, so take heed and seek God accordingly. Secondly, Apostle Paul advise the believer to live and walk in the spirit. Beware of the works of the flesh Gal 5 and the spirit of this world..scriptures speaks of being wise and wiser than the children of disobedience. Lastly, look for the true worshippers experience and relationship with the Lord. Scriptures says the true worshippers worship God in spirit and in truth.
This pandemic is something that WE never had to go through in our lifetime. We are all learning how to navigate this new normal and the church is learning just like the global world is. Unfortunately most are unequipped so I'm hopeful there will be a shift to do better...This was a good conversation and I respect each view. Praying for all churches!
Yes, yes and amen. We visited with our pastor years ago in regards to the reality that churches may close due to persecution from the LGBTQ. Not many in ministry listen to what is happening around the world concerning law and policy. Preachers in Canada and The UK have been arrested for preaching the Bible and bringing individuals out of the spiritual bondage of sexual immorality. But churches is America refuse to think we can be affected by government mandates too. All you need is the strick of the pen from a politician and you will be imprisoned for unjust crimes...then the pandemic happened. To say The Church was ill prepared for the shutdowns is an understatement. But the Body grows under Persecution, and I think we are finally starting to see how persecution will.come through legislation here in America.
I left the church over two years but I didn’t leave my Savior Redeemer. He is my forever my teacher my Guide (Holy Spirit) in that way I stay on the narrow path to life eternal.
am very much afraid that the Christian church of today will lose its value, and it will be seen as nothing more than a social club, with no meaning and no effectiveness for our time, a form without substance. In my travels I meet many young people of all races, and they are disappointed in the church, and some are outright disgusted------DR. KING (from his interview with Alex Haley)
I did listened to their point of view. It’s good to hear the why behind some people leaving the church. Although fellowship can happen outside of church we still need church for the believers to come together. I have had some great experiences being with the saints in church. Although their is a lot wrong with the church it does not mean the church is something we should break away from. We are the church and as believers we have to take responsibility for where the church is and make changes that will reflect Christ Jesus
I agree with you. Many ppl tend to leave as opposed to taking on partial responsibility of building up the body. The expectation of going to partake drains those who actively and continually work. Although we work, we get tired, too. We are human and limited in what we can do also. Even financially, many church members have financial hardships so we are unable to afford giving as some from the outside looking in expects. We work for God, we aren't Him. My point is this: we should all do our part instead of expecting the next person to do more than they should. We can accomplish more together than separated. 💕
Yes..church is were you learn how to conqueror hate and all manner of sin! People don't have a prayer life that's why they cant stay. If Covid forced you out, you already left in your heart. ITS TIME TO FALL ON YOIR FACE AND PULL DOWN HEAVEN WHERE YOU ARE!
(James 1:19) have taught, have reminded, have preached, & have council, men & women for (centuries) ,on listening 🎧...........Why is it that when the (Bible) tell ud what we need or should do we ignore it, but when a (Human) tell us something that the bible has always said we give Them (credit 💳) & honor. Why is that ?
I delegate the very first hour of every single day to God through prayer, worship, and my daily Bible reading/study. I feel so much more closer to God than I could have ever felt by visiting a building once a week for an hour. When going to church, I just felt like I was going through the motions and getting nothing out of it.
this was so good and I appreciate it....I can say I'm very fortunate to have found my church. it's small and the Pastors are young and on fire. I feel like im actually learning, understanding, and am always encouraged to have a relationship with God outside the church. I'm hoping the church grows cause they are so transparent, real, and practice what they preach. I pray they don't lose sight of how they began as the church grows.
The church is a building, most don't teach they preach. I been going to church all my life and I got tired of hearing everything was going to be alright preaching. I have learned more of God well on my own by studying and praying than I ever learned in church.
Listening to this I don't think they've left the Church, since the Church is the body of Christ and not the building where we congregate. They may have left their respective congregations but the Holy Spirit is still very much alive in their lives.
We all were once Lost and Blinded by the world,the systems caught up in the rat race looking for approval of men,while rejecting Abba Yahweh,yet YHWHSHUA HaMashiach ,the Lamb that was Slain our Kinsman Redeemer reached out and called us out of utter darkness into the Marvelous Light of Yahweh. Shall we not have that same Compassion for one another. Charity Love Restoration Forgiveness the Fruit of the Ruach Ha'qodesh dwelling in us . thank you Father for not writing us off.... We Are The Body of The Lamb .....
Many of Our people are still asleep 😴 To An Enslaved System Used Long Ago? To not Liberate the minds under A Forbidden Roman Catholism System Babylonian and we will Not Come from their Established LAWS such as sungod Day of worship No Matter?
There was a lot said here that was very important. The one thing that stuck out to me was that a few people said that during Covid-19 they had to leave the church and a lot of people have realized that the " church" was not helping them to grow on a personal and spiritual level. This is very true although spiritual growth is a two part responsibility between the believer and the church the church does a terrible job with discipleship, training, and teaching and helping people to grow spiritually and more importantly than that they don't rear people to grow in a personal relationship with God. I feel like the church babysit christians and train them to trust in them and their message instead of teaching them how to truly trust God! Then they send them home as empty, hungry sheep that never develop into true lions of the faith! You can't stay babes/ sheep for ever one must GROW!! Especially in purpose. The message is great but spiritual growth and spiritual development are needed as well. A lot of churches are out for self gain and not truly fulfilling the "Great Commission" like Christ told us to so HE shut every single church down so that they can get it right. Those who were last shall be first and the first shall be last! all of those who God has placed great purpose in will be rising up soon to lead the gospel/ church (of Jesus Christ) in the way that it suppose to be. God is serious HE is not playing. He is soon to return and He wants us all to be READY! I pray the "church" get it right this time around! In Jesus name! Amen!🙏
C’mon...Yes yes yes!!! You summed it up THOROUGHLY!! The true church “God’s EKKLESIA” is arising. Church as usual been over before the “Covid-19 system” showed up which is causing the entire world to RESET, but this time God’s kingdom will be we established in the earth until Christ returns for his bride. Have a Glorious 2021 and beyond 🙏🏽
You're absolutely correct. You must be taught and grow. Whats the importance of church..new members class..making disciples? Teaching is very important. Resources is very important.
During the Covid, the church pastor wrote a letter to the church that I have left the church despite being in locked down in another country during the holidays. No one in the church contacted me during that time yet there was a letter to the whole church that I have left the church. When I found out , no one was able to tell who wrote that letter. Hahahaha from there I knew not all pastors are honest and truthful. I received apology from a senior pastor but following that experience I have kept a safe distance away from such people.
I think many of y’all are missing the fact it says “Episode 1” meaning there is more to the conversation. And if you were LISTENING you would’ve heard that the moderator said there was more to the conversation. Be patient before you deem their reasons worthy or unworthy, and pressing the moderator to correct with Scripture. We didn’t fully hear them out yet.
Even when it's all said and done, no one can judge what's worthy or not.. I could care less what anyone thinks about why I no longer worship White Jesus
So I wonder if all of these people have only had one relationship. I would never base my beliefs off of one bad experience, person, situation ect.) If my first boyfriend was abusive, it doesn’t automatically speak for all men. Same with Christianity. Christianity can be logically explained by THE RIGHT PERSON- You have to search for it... You have to WANT to know God for yourself-Not sit around and wait for someone to do it for you. You’ll never understand it. WE ARE THE CHURCH- Not the building itself...
I haven't watched the video entirely, but I know too many that have sat under really bad spiritual leadership for years. Either it was straight up physical abuse, sexual, or control it's very wrong and heavy judgement is waiting for those that use The Church for personal gains...but at the same time, we are all to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. So in other words, we are responsible for our relationship with Jesus alone. Most if not all that are continually abused by these hirelings refused to do one simple thing: Read the Bible for themselves.
Very true. You have to search for God through The Bible and The Holy Spirit . We are God’s temple, not any building. Wherever you are the temple is there, so worship, praise, learn every day with the guidance of The Holy Spirit, who will reveal the deep and secret things to you. The more you search God’s word in truth and righteousness, detaching from unnecessary things of this world, you will find God.
I LOVE THIS!!! This "why I dont go" Conversation is soooooooo needed for the church today. I pray that healing, understanding and action plans come from this in Jesus name amen. Thank you so much!!!
I hear ya but people are predisposed to be rebellious and without structure it will lead to a "Do your own thing" attitude towards church that could easily lapse into chaos and a kind of make it up as you go religion... GOD does things in decency and in order.. If we are to grow and develop balanced healthy disciples we most definitely need structure ! If we never come together as an organized body where would accountability come from ? Also scripture states that we're more powerful when we stand together remember "One can chase a thousand but two can send ten thousand to flight" ! We're exponentially more powerful when we unify..GOD inhabits the praises of his saints plural.. it didn't say saint singular !
@@curlyq690 Yep but every Church is not like that and you don't throw the baby out with the bath water ! All of us need accountability and a check and balance system.. Those people who are critical of the Church and quick to dismiss the church wouldn't do much better if the roles were reversed.. They might not have the exact same issues but trust me they'd have people who were unhappy in their congregations as well.. That's just the human condition.. You remember the children of Israel constantly murmuring, complaining after GOD had delivered them etc.. GOD punished them.. We should work to make the Church better not cause it's destruction .... bottom line You can't please everybody
@@Avatar7x7 nicely put, the reality of all Churches today is that they are far removed from the very manual of life that they claim to follow, the King James Bible. Their system of worship does not match the instructions that Jesus left as an example of His gospel hence the confusion. There are a few examples: Christ attended the temple on the Sabbath, according to the commandments which was the chosen day of worship found in exodus 20. He washed the feet of his disciples took bread and wine and kept the Passover John 13:1-10 We have been given Holy days set out in Leviticus 23 which are called The Feast Of The Lord, which we are to proclaim as holy convocations. However, none of the feasts are kept, we worship on the wrong day and we have leadership that know all of the above and choose to lead Gods people astray according to their Chruch manual. Anyone Confused ?🤷🏽♀️ the bible says if any man lack wisdom, let him asked God, that gives to all men liberally. James:1-5 be encouraged, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand the truth in the word, because unfortunately your not gonna receive it in Chruch, stay prayed up and vigilant bless you 🙏🏾
Thank you SO much for this conversation! I left the church years ago, but have gotten so much closer to God through the Word he has for us and prayer. I sadly feel like I’m being fed and watered more at home with God himself than in the physical church building. I just subscribed to you all after watching this. Thank you!
That's sad to hear. Fear has gripped many hearts in the church and I have noticed some have not reopened their buildings since March! Here we are a year out and people are still struggling. I pray that you find local fellowship that fulfills the need of the Body. We are going to need it if the new presidential leadership seeks to continue federal shutdown of churches nationwide. It is a very real threat that many don't even see. The Body is more than one person, we need one another for encouragement.
Well, I have shifted up, my Standards of following the Bible, so I turn to those who are trying to spiritually influence me, and hold them at a high standard too, that’s in the Bible. So many shepherds act like hirelings, and don’t know it. Anytime they won’t tell the full truth and warn the flock about things that seem “innocent”- but leave the unsuspecting flock to suffer the consequences, because maybe their spiritual discernment was not functioning (as a baby 👶 in Christ)- it means someone is letting their sheep go in the ditch. All these statues and commandments in the Bible for us to surrender to; but they go around the Bible and create a different way of living for God, and it leads the flock into deception. I’m tired of the compromise of those who are in the front, but don’t obey God’s heart. God has talked to me about things of vanity, modesty, the defilement of the body and His church, and I scratch my head as to, why don’t my leaders, lead the church by purer standards of the Word 🕵🏾♂️. Most leaders rather preach with a Christmas tree in the background, then to grow up Spiritually and cut ties with the world 🤦🏾♂️!! Tell me what kind of trustworthy example is that, to help me be ready for judgement day 🧐, and of course there are many other areas that they compromise against the Bible continually. I don’t see these out here chasing after the lost, with paper signs, and love on the streets, nor do they chase after their own sheep- they got privileges.
So sorry to hear that you’ve had this experience Joseph, maybe it’s time for you to find a couple of like minded brethren to study with. In the meantime try and keep focused on Yahsuha, the change maybe be unexpected however you are equipped to deal with it. This is a great time for reflection fasting prayer and replenishment; I pray you will recognise the widow of opportunity you have to get closer to the Lord, stay blessed and encouraged my brother 🙏🏾
@@sharonwallace3144 - Thanks Sister in Christ- I am seeking the lord and purging myself of old traditions and mindsets. I’m trying to make the fastest transition to Gods standards in my life! Let’s all pray for one another 🙏🏽😇!
I am glad that I saw this video. Very interesting. However, I need to point out that it is not the churches job to be everything for everyone. I do believe the church needs to be involved in the welfare of the community. Nevertheless, It is no way possible for the church to meet every need. The church primary responsibility is to make disciples and to prepare for Jesus's second coming. Because he is coming back
Agreed 100%!! Though I can proudly say that the church I currently attend (which is a small 20 member or so church) has a thriving monthly food pantry, a Toy Giveaway every Christmas, and a community center (pre-covid) where they offered financial and home buying courses, workout/Zumba classes, children’s paint and praise, job placement, and the list goes on! Our 20 member church feeds about a thousand people a month! However, we watch those same people from the community use the resources but never step foot into a service. I’m an usher at this church and during service I’ve opened the door to let someone out and I was asked for money and food by a passerby’er on two separate occasions, and when I told them to come in so I can see about getting them help they refused. My intention is not to boast about this church but just wanted it to be known that there are churches out there that are helping the community. No church is perfect as no person is perfect but often enough church hurt turns people away from God and fellowship with believers, and that’s of course not what we want. My prayer is that as a result of listening improvement is made and people make their way back to God and the church quickly.
Absolutely. It's not necessarily the leadership and other teams' responsibility to tend to every need for everyone, but that is why the church is the people and not the building. Serving Christ and the body of Christ looks different for everyone. Some people are called to be pastors and teachers, some to be social workers and kids leaders, and others to be accountants.
@Lee Smith It is possible if more people organized and assisted God's people in the direction He calls them and not in the direction another feel they should be in. What I mean by that is IF people believe that we are the church, then God has strategically placed people in each other's lives to meet a need as well as have their needs met. Therefore, the church should be more than it is for Christ's sake because it supposed to represent God at all times. Also, I do agree that the church's job is point people back to God because He will return soon, however, that's on all believers because we are the church. I hope that makes sense and doesn't sound combative because that is not my intention not desire.
@@jenniferjackson7054 Great morning to you. This is definitely not combative. I believe this is a healthy and necessary conversation. I certainly believe that the church as individuals bare the biblical responsibility of meeting the needs of others. That is also scriptural. As believers we should have a innately desire to meet others where they hurting. That is physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. However, we cannot get sidetracked from our primary purpose. That is that God still wants to make a people unto himself and he wants to use believers to accomplish this. This should be accomplish without forsaking the other. I hope this makes sense.
@@Polisheddiamonds24 Good night to you! I wholeheartedly agree with and one should not forsake the other unfortunately in most cases it does. I think the really sad part is so many people will not see heaven because of this. I would like to thank you for the wonderful exchange of truth 😍! Blessings to you!!!
It’s always good to hear different perspectives. Sometimes we don’t see it the way others see and we can all grow from listening. This was real cool. Much respect.
This is a much needed conversation! I pray that those who watch this series will hear the speakers' hearts and be able to see themselves in the conversations had. So we may go back and affect our churches for God's glory.
This is a great start.... But I feel like there needs to be a biblical response for clarity to move forward! We understand where they are coming so we can begin relationship restoration, and allow God to start the healing! ppl in the church have hurt ppl, but they are not a representation of who the Christ is!
I agree. but I also don't like when people use the excuse "I was hurt in the church so I don't go anymore" I'm pretty sure at some point in life you were hurt/offended at your job/your gym etc. but you still go. People in then church are human. They will mess up. But bc we are family in Christ, we should heal, love and find a way forward like we would with our blood family. Just my thoughts
@@AbbyTVY absolutely, people are flawed and broken and that’s the whole point of the gospel. I can’t expect or ask any human being to be perfect in love or actions how God is so my faith cannot be shaken by another human beings actions or words. I can be hurt by them, but they don’t sway by faith and relationship with the one who has shown perfect love to me
@g513 Jesus is one of the most well documented people in antiquity according to historical evidence. The way we know that Jesus not only existed but died on the cross and rose from the dead is the same way we know about Julius Caesar or anyone from history
@g513 If you wanted to help or enlighten ppl you wouldnt have started from and antagonistic position. If you truly wanted dialog you would have started by asking a question! You did neither! Which is sad... cause clearly you are hurt and angry! Also you need to do more research my friend! Jesus is what we know Him as through European understanding... we as Americans speak English. However the documents supporting the life death and witnesses of His resurrection are from a non Christian entity... His name in Aramaic is Yahusha, And God is Ya, other regions and dialects would know Him as Yahuah, Yeshua, YahuWa... but either way He is the Christ! Sent one of heaven. As for The Egyptians stories of Horis, it was taken from the early profets foretelling of The Christ! But you probably don't care or want to hear that... cause you didn't come for dialog.... But I pray you find peace and seek truth Brother! Jesus Loves you! And so should we!
While it’s discouraging to hear of people leaving the church because they “got smart” or “woke up”, at least the four participants here aren’t necessarily anti-church. I agree that we have to listen and dialogue so we can understand differing views.
Church isn't necessary. In fact; "religion" isn't necessary - they're all mans attempt to explain the unexplainable. Spirituality is what people should be seeking. Church is where all the sinners are - nothing but bad energy inside a church house.
@@frederickweeksjr.1189 Who said it’s the word of God? What you typed is the word of God...what I typed is the word of God! Truth is; there’s NOTHING PROFOUND in the Bible! I’ve read it cover to cover more than once; nothing profound. Common sense really.
COVID brought an awakening I left the church not really intentional weird things kept happening like one example was a flat tire or small problems that seem to fix itself rt after church. With COVID shutdowns I started having more of a calling to just read and study the word, then it’s like God kept speaking to me through things and people who don’t know each other kept giving me the same messages. Then it started to feel like a puzzle I had to put together and the pieces just kept coming together then a light went off! This took months n I’m still growing forward not backwards thank you lord. Then pastors would preach on something’s but never the scriptures I read n study about my mouth dropped several times in studying I felt like I should have been in the Bible not skimming for years but actually studying!
Praise God! I think this covid shutdown was a blessing originally meant for evil by wicked men. The Enemy thought the flock would scatter after the worldwide shutdown, and that indeed happened. But something else happened too...people were finally still enough to obey His small quiet voice and read the Word of themselves. I remember when I finally read the scriptures in context but led by the Spirit. I had to have serious conversions with the church leadership about some deep issues but none could answer why they were more sensual then spiritual. Or why the Word was being neglected over social justice. Just crickets! I was sickened but awakened to the fact I have wasted nearly 23 years of sitting under bad doctrine.
@@thisistheday597 Amen You are so right! 🥰When the devil temps or bad things happen God be testing to see what we going to do. Are we going to fold or pray? Now I know what “only the strong survive “ really mean. I always was a real person and a lot of people don’t like me because I love the truth since a little girl. I cannot stand liars and all the lies in the churches and schools is a disgrace. With school man I can go on n on but I was born in the church and I’m in my early 30 so many years under false doctrines and Paganism. All I could do is cry and (repent) pray. Now I’m just trying to walk with Jesus. This flesh is terrible and it just fights against the Holy Spirit but I’m willing to fight against sin and continue to keep all the commandments n strengthen the areas I’m weak !!!
@@iwrist313 Thank you 😊 May god bless and protect everyone who’s name is in the book of life. God know his people and he knows who walking in his spirit John 4:24 The time is now to “worship God in Spirit and Truth one of my favorites scripture is John 8:32 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth should MAKE you free” We can find a blessing out of everything COVID and all God will keep his people through it all. Have a blessed New Year🥰😘
Very Respectfully Good Gods Day, God Bless You and Powerful Beautiful Testimony, God Bless everyone who has a changed heart and mind and now below is the answer to anyones search to make sure that their sins are forgiven, follow Gods Holy Scriptural instructions below and then, immediately, Obey; F💡💡d For Thought: *We Must First Make Sure That* *We Are Properly In The Correct* *Body of Christ* There is no Scripture In The Bible Where God Commands That We Simply State That We Except Jesus As Ones Lord And Savior And He Receives Anyone As His Child Without Following and Obeying "ALL" Commands From God To Be His Disciple. *GODS SALVATION* ●*HEAR:* *ROMANS 10:17 NKJV* 17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. ●*BELIEVE:* *JOHN 3:15-17 (NKJV)* 15 that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. *MARK 16:16 (NKJV)* 16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. ●*CONFESS:* *MATTHEW 10:32-33 (NKJV)* 32 “Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. 33 But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven. *ROMANS 10:9 - 11 (NKJV)* 9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” ●*REPENT* *ACTS 2:38 (NKJV)* 38 Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. *ACTS 17:30 (NKJV)* 30 Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, ●*MUST BE WATER BAPTIZED* (Body Fully placed in water and brought right back up, not sprinkling, Female can not baptize no one, only A Male Already Baptized Brother of The Church of Christ can Baptize Believers): *MARK 16:16 (NKJV)* 16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. *GALATIANS 3:27 (NKJV)* 27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. *ROMANS 6:4 NKJV* 4 Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. *JOHN 3:3-5 (NKJV)* 3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” 4 Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” 5 Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. *ACTS 2:38 NKJV* Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. ●*LIVE A WORKING FAITHFUL* *LIFE UNTIL DEATH:* *REVELATION 2:10 (NKJV)* 10 Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. ●*TEACH THE LOSS WHAT* *YOU HAVE LEARNED ABOUT* *SOUL SALVATION:* *MATTHEW 28:18 - 20 (NKJV)* 18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ *1.* UA-cam Search, Find, Search (Google), Call, Email, Visit and Become A True Disciple of The True Body of Jesus Christ, THE CHURCH OF CHRIST NEAREST YOU IN YOUR AREA *2.* THE "CHURCH OF CHRIST" Nearest You, Google to find one near you, there is a "CHURCH OF CHRIST" in almost every city in every state, and in some countries outside of the united states *3.* Here (below) Is What "THE CHURCH OF CHRIST" Looks Like To Make Sure You Are At The Correct "CHURCH OF CHRIST": *4.* Worships Every First First Day of The Week Which is Sunday, God3 Authorizes First Day of The Week For Worship *5.* No Instruments, Congregational Singing Only - No Choir, God does not Authorize instruments during worship *6.* Takes The Lords Supper Every Sunday as God Has Commanded That We Do This In Remembrance of Him; *I Corinthians 11:26 NKJV* For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes. *7.* No Female Preaching, God3s Scriptures Do Not Authorize for A woman To preach *8.* Ask A Male, A Man, That Is A Leader of the Congregation, a Elder or a Deacon For A Bible Study and answer to the call of The Gospel of Jesus Christ Be Water Baptized and Be saved for the remission of your Sins, Living Out The Great Commission, Make sure to express to the Brother that will Baptize you that they must say what Scriptures say during Baptism, make sure they say, In The Name of The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit and That Name Is Jesus Christ or Lord Jesus. V/R Copy/Paste/Screen shot this full Plan of Salvation To Have For Future Studies of Gods Holy Scriptures
@Kevin Wilmore How about its their journey- Their truth. Within this conversation they set out with the intent to eradicate shame and judgement. Yet, here you are in the comments with that energy. *deep sighs*
@@ashleyactress1 In total agreement! "I already know what you're going to say before you say it." Is the mentality a lot of people leave behind as well.
So amazing I am a Pastor here in Texas and i wish every( real) Pastor/Leader could have heard this conversation. We must as Leaders stop trying to get people to join our church and get them on their own free will to join the body of JESUS Christ.
@@nappyscribe1987 In the first 150 years after the death of Jesus, we have more secular references to his historical existence than that of Julius Caesar. Not to mention the early creed (within 2-5 years after the death of Jesus) found in 1 Corinthians 15 which recounts His death and resurrection (and appearances). The church was growing and dying for their belief in Christ for hundreds of years before Nicaea occurred (that council only met to discuss the heresy of Arius). Would be happy to discuss more if you’re willing!
@@nappyscribe1987...That's true. They weren't calling Him that in His day and during the letters of His Apostles. Greeks didn't call Him that either. Good job sis.
@@actingfan11 I like to listen to these conversations, but what you said is factually misleading for the Jesus stuff. It is true that Jesus is mentioned, but it’s purely because of the religion and it’s religious documents not because anyone that would or could verify him as existing mentioned him. Unlike ceaser. When you actually look these things up they aren’t speaking of an actual Jesus they are speaking of his followers or the documents like the gospels and etc. Even the creed is not speaking of the man beyond anything other than the religious views and it is not being given through any eye witness(first hand) experiences . All the gospels are not first hand testimony and Paul never claimed to had met Jesus in the flesh, but through visions, and claims he didn’t learn anything from none of the people who actually knew Jesus. Thus there’s no mention of him by not one historian of the time Jesus lived in any of their writings. So why do historians believe that a Jesus must have existed? Well because people who did live back then who knew of Christians and there beliefs never questioned his existence pretty much. It would have been close enough in time for those who didn’t believe to say the man never existed and yet didn’t. Instead we found that there were Christians alive, and people who spoke of Jesus in the manner like the creed and how he was put to death by pilate. I know if you are in the know you read this and have a few things come to mind, it I would simply ask yourself when did these people live, and you would quickly see they came after Jesus was said to have been born and died so the information they are speaking of is post Christianity and the writings existing already. So it’s not reason to question that a human existed... unlike she is mentioning about ray hagins. The issue is the mythos surrounding the individual with the magic defying reality.
I left the organized church years ago! Covid really open up my eyes to how the churches are not help the community! It's so sad! But covid was the year revealing...eye opener!
Brother hit the nail on the head churches closed down and they never took care if there members after all these years of taking from people.y not give back and support the same people that made them rich for many years..god seeing everything n he opening our eyes too
Honestly and truthfully churches can’t afford to do it for everyone. I don’t go to church anymore but I do understand the nonprofit side of it because I ran a nonprofit. When you give to a church it’s a donation to the IRS. Though a church may have a benevolence fund, just like insurance companies can’t pay claims in the event of a catastrophic event, churches just don’t have the resources to give EVERYONE who asks in a event like COVID. Also your donation is not an actual investment where the church gives you a “return” on your “investment”.
This is a good topic and it's good to see a conversation about why people leave the church...I left mine in 2018 and started following a more Spiritual path than religion I have a better relationship with God/ the Creator now than before...I was Blessed with great pastors whom nurtured me but after a while I see that I was at church so often than really taking care of myself and with Spirituality you are taught to love Thyself where religion you kinda put yourself on the shelf...I'm a lot more confident and I genuinely care about people more once the church mask comes off...The Pandemic changed the whole game and it's a wake up call...
What do you mean by spiritual ? Cause « Christianity » was never a religion and having a relationship with God has nothing to do with having a church. I have a relationship with Jesus since 2018 and I’ve been to church 3 times cause my family won’t let me go. People/churches shouldn’t change a relationship with the Lord and shouldn’t change how we read the Bible. I don’t know you personally but I feel like sometimes ppl live for their church and when they realize that a church is made of sinners (Christians are imperfects) they get deceived by their behavior and they leave everything including Jesus... Honestly that makes me so sad. and if by spiritual you mean like energies meditation crystals yoga and everything sis just be very careful my mom used to do these things it never fulfilled her like God does and it only lead her to deepest things like cards readings that brought spirits in my house when I was a child if I have to be very honest. God bless you
As Christians we are the church, our relationship with the Lord should never change. He is the same and so is his word and promises. As Christians we are called to die to thyself. We are to pick up our cross daily. Christianity is not a religion. Its a way of life and survival by being connected with our Lord and Savior. We were created to Serve and worship him alone. He's our anchor🤍.
I get your point with the bible not really focusing on self love. I always struggled with this in the bible. From my perspective, God does want us to love ourselves the way he loves us. The bible just doesn’t focus on self a lot because we can become vain, stressed out, and just preoccupied with ourselves instead of giving our burdens to God.
I left because in sort of a way the preacher told me to leave without realizing he did. I was really paying attention to his words. Best decision I ever made
I left after 26 years, because I was tired of the false prophecies, the monitoring my every move, having to "ask permission" to go on vacation with my family, finding out the pastor was discussing things I shared in confidence with him with others without my knowledge, the inappropriate behavior, refusal to be accountable for the money they were collecting over the years, not having time for myself because I always had to be at church, no time for family or dating, being told I couldn't celebrate my birthday because it interfered with "Pastor Appreciation Week", but the final straw............................ finding out about the ongoing child molestation and the "first lady" was FULLY aware!!!!!
@@tamarasbeauty1016 God himself will have to come down off His throne, and physically carry me to my next church. Otherwise, I'll be worshipping at home and enjoying my Sundays off, and spending time with family. I was scared to leave because I was told for YEARS that once people, they blessings stop and you're only blessed because of the "house" and the "leaders". I was so blind. I trusted them, but struggled to believe God Himself............... whew chile, don't get me started.............
Thank you for this open and honest discussion. We need to do this more often, openly speaking to with those who have the capacity to hear without judging
For me, it was the inaccurate teaching, and it's strictly a social club. There's nothing spiritual about attending church, I feel more connected meeting God in quietness and stillness.
The power of the Holy Spirit is what will help us through anything. The fellowship is important but the time spent on our primary relationship with God through His Son is essential. Faith alone has shown me how He is my provider, protector, and builder. We need to ask for a filling of the Holy Spirit.
He gives his Spirit to those who obey him. If your not keeping the 10 commandments, especially the first 4 or at least trying I seriously doubt your full
No, your love for God creates a desire within your heart to keep the LAW. The Holy Spirit leads us into that LAW/Truth. John 16:13. Now what is Truth? Thy LAW is Truth. Psalms 119:142. I think you may be under the allusion that the Spirit of Christ keeps the LAW for us. This is another lie the church teaches us. It's simply not true!. The Sabbath is a covenant not only with Israel it was made with all of creation. Genesis 2:1-3. Before he ever made man. Go read for yourself. Not saying that we will not stumble, falter and as much as lose our way. But this is where mercy in which his sacrifice paid for. The SURE MERCY'S OF DAVID. IF YOUR NOT TRYING YOUR NOT BEING FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT. Because Christ while on earth kept the LAW not so you don't have to but to atone for when you DON'T!. This is why he has become our High Priest. No $more goats bulls or rams. Our fathers have taught us LIES under the pretense of TRUTH.
I have made a heart choice to obey and follow Christ and have laid down my life by submitting my desires and dreams to His will. I am not in any way condoning a life of sin taking for granted the sufferings and blood shed for my salvation. I was simply implying Romans 8:3-8.
Ok...when did the Spirit or Christ tell you that the Commandments were done away with. There is a difference between the LAW and the Commandments and if you want to use Romans 8. Answer this question. What is Spirit?
❤Lisa is such a beautiful, caring and loving person! Her family is also! Not all churches are the same. I had to truly tell God what I needed and asked Him to lead me to the church that was right for me. None of us are perfect. We all fall short of the Glory of God! He loves you unconditionally! I truly had to "shop" for a church that was perfect for me. You'll find that church home❤ Just keep that relationship with Him!
What a great idea, example, and execution of my life motto "seek first to understand, then to be understood." Well done! Although, i admit i found myself thinking of how to respond in my head or being critical of some of the reasons but love how it end with "i did not respond to any of their questions because this was a exercise in listening." #Boom thats all, folks!
I got tired of the pastor putting us in hell for not paying tithes.. it drove me nuts thinking I was robbing God when I didn't have the resources or help to care for myself and family being a young single parent.. I begin to study for myself.. found many truths.. grateful I left.
This is a discussion that needs to be had everywhere. As an Ordained Pastor. I have longed believe that "Ministry" takes place away from the "Church" Building. As the young lady Shea stated, " We are the Church, and it goes where we go" Our approach to ministry is that we don't want a congregation (per se) we want to teach people, GOD'S Word, Develop their gifts and talents and release them to fulfill what GOD called them to do. We don't want people sitting under us for years and years without any signs of maturity. In future discussions, could you talk about how they are sustaining their faith away from congregate fellowship and talk about "Church Hurt". Many people have been hurt in the church. Lastly, what can be done to truly TEACH GOD'S people in the way Jesus instructed. Very good conversation. May GOD continue to encourage your heart and spirit to have these types of conversations.
1) Churches at times behaves like a business. 2) Instead of helping they say "I'll pray for you," "just trust God" 3) some of their doctrine is wrong and they won't question it"
I left the church. I’m never going back. I wish people would read the Scriptures and research the traditions, practices and doctrines of Christianity and pray that the eyes of their understanding be enlightened so they can get out “before it’s everlastingly too late.”
My family and I left the church 3 years ago and not looked back. I was a minister in the church and had my back stabbed so many times by both the pulpit and the pew I lost count!
@@derrickwright5948 eye roll 🙄...... your reply was just as dumb as her comment. they don’t want people to socialize because for almost a year you been under martial law while they’re marching in the new world order and you dummies don’t even realize it soon it’s gonna be illegal and punishable by death to worship God
I wish I could be interviewed, I left the building from the awakening I received from God on psychedelics. Since then I practice these medicines for meetings with God, and my experiences have been validated through scriptures in the Bible and events coming to pass in our present days. I still attend church via online and still read the bible as a source of connection, meditation and guidence. Still, growing deeper in my spiritual walk with the Most High!
CHHHHHIIIIIILLLLLLLEEEEEE!!!! Same experience as Vince. Messed around and got on staff. A disgusting and eye opening experience. I know too much...I’ll never go back.
These chats are very much needed. I’m just a lil upset that my man with the braids doesn’t actually understand what faith means. Faith is not belief with lack of evidence, faith is trust based on the evidence we have! Faith is not blind
Very good and much needed. These topics are still taboo in some churches and this is also part of why people are leaving. The moderator said it best, we need to listen to what is being said and the respond with a sound answer. Not just brush under the rug, the rugs are becoming mountains and people are still leaving. Enjoyed this .
They are all millennials it seems. Their respective exodus from "church" is characteristic of their generation. I am a millennial and I understand their existential struggle; however, their ecclesiology is imbalanced and unlearned.
They are all brothers and sisters and you must listen instead of quickly digesting their walk. The Holy Spirit is the Teacher as Jesus said. The Lord knows where they are and will lead them accordingly. It's not about poor teaching from man but where the Spirit of the Living God is leading them to and from. According to their election in grace their entire life has already been written by His Word says the Lord in Psalm 139. Slow to speak and quick to hear the Holy Spirit says the Lord. So as the Lord knows His people before they are born psalm 139 and Jeremiah chp 1. He has them covered. Oh says the Lord Jeremiah 31:31-34 no man will have to teach you anything. Because Jesus was coming. Not by power or might but only His Spirit in the book of Zechariah and 1 Corinthians chapter 2. Study to show thyself approved unto to God.
@@elijah-kimmariewashington756 I see your sentiment, friend. As an objective observer of this clip, I see these panelist have expressed a uninformed ecclesiology. And I only have the opportunity to respond after the fact. It is interesting that you use scripture to support your viewpoint while stating that it's not about poor teaching from man. Admittedly, I know nothing of their walk. What I know is that--right, wrong, or indifferent--Jesus Christ loves his people, many of whom are a part of the church from which they have resigned. Their issues, it seems, are with the church as an institution and brand and how it has acculturated those who have participated in it. Further, and with all due respect, they propound their respective ecclesiology while repudiating an ecclesiology they say doesn't measure up to their standard. The same from which they have walked away. Again, it is their existential struggle packaged in poor ecclesiological understanding but masquerading as something brave and informed.
The Lord has them on the the right track of His way and not that of a man. Their focus is the Lord Jesus and not that of buildings or their history. Ancient Israel got caught up in worship other than that of the Lord. You have not walked in their shoes so you don't understand their journey. Listen deeper to what they are saying. Their looking for Him. Keep focus on preaching the Gospel and let the Lord direct His sheep. He knows where they are and what they need. As for buildings and their history. Jesus said in Mathew 24 not one stone will be left upon another. Jeremiah 7 the Lord talks about buildings. Again it's not about the poor teachings of men but of the Holy Spirit alone.
Christ is simple and communicate with humanity simply. If an primary school age child can not understand what is being said the message let God- plain.
The pandemic proved a lot of things including churches that did not supply their congregants with supplies to help them thru this time. They did, however, commenced with virtual church still tryna get that bag. That's so sad and disappointing to me.
I don't have a Problem with the Church. It's when you Serve & See the Backround!!! You have to make Sure, that you'er Chosen to Serve the Lord!!! I've served for 9 years at my church. I've never met my Pastor or Co-Pastor!!! I just wanted to Please God!!! I feel where y'all are coming from, I would like to mention Matthew 16:18. I love this, but the Church is God's. When God told me to Step Down, I did. & he moved me to Texas. I believe that my Time of Serving was up, on the platform & God's Gift is just as Effective, with me in the pews. This is Good!!! Please, if you're not in Church, Please share your Gifts with the World!!! So many People are Lost & in Fear!!! Follow on to Know God & Please Him!!!
My pastor kept us informed on everything he didn't abandoned us we continue to do what we were already doing pretty much just not at church Great Bishop 😊😊
It's great you are listening to people without judging. Imagine a Church making many accommodations and modifications to make people comfortable. It won't be Church no more. Now imagine some one who is spiritually mature...... leaving the Church building, loving their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, but leaving the building and seeking God.
It is very interesting that if you examine each one of their responses they were all depending on outside forces. It seems that they focused on relationships are the lack of Of a relationship that others had and they did not focus on the relationship that they had with God.
I think that’s exactly their point. Why do they need to go to church when they can nourish their relationship with God without outside interference...such as the church and church members.
How do you love each other and fellowship without relationships? I agree their love for and obedience to Jesus must be first and foremost but second is to love others. They didn't say they left Jesus. Colossians 3 12 Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; 1 John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love
I used to enjoy going to church but then it started to get on my nerves when people ask where you been I used to put in my tithes and offerings but all I see is going into there packet so what I do with my money instead of doing my tithes i feed the homeless animals and homeless people I do what I can to help for the homeless not that is what put JOY in my heart
I left my church/religion five years ago. I didn't necessarily have a lot of bad experiences there. My family was in it, I had friends in it, and found a good wife in it. I left because the religion is a business with their own doctrines. Those things interfere with a relationship with God. Jesus said, "No comes to Father except through me." (John 14:6) So that's Father-Jesus-Me. The religion kept me from the fullness of that relationship because of their doctrines and business model. Now nothing hinders me. I can read and study God's Word myself and let Jesus guide me to the correct understanding. Church leaders have no more authority to interpret Scriptures than I do.
Pastor Dharius Daniels has a sermon about why I quit church!! Church is good but salvation is personal...You have to bring your own fire! And people will offend and hurt in every and any relationship...dont go to church for the building go for Christ then the leaving will not that way...why did you go to church? Let's pray for them thou for a deeper relationship with God/ Jesus.
Interesting. This is a good idea for a series. Hope it can inspire viewers in a positive light, in whatever shape that may be. Does leaving church mean leaving God? Wonder what people think... Potential question for future episodes.
Thank you for this conversation. It was insightful and at 46 years old, I’ve experienced much of how each guest felt. Even still, it left me wondering about their relationship with God. After COVID and the closing of churches, I noticed that many who were once “woke”, began to suffer. Many more have remembered, despite their offenses with church people, that God desires individual relationships with each of us. He’s willing to do life with us. I pray that they discover that this relationship is bigger than their spiritual leaders who failed to meet all of their human needs and desires.
Christians are not required to meet all human needs and desires; but they required to love and if they don't then they don't know Jesus. But many Christians get instantly mad if they hear scripture that says they must love. When the Bible/Word if God commands to love it means it. 1 John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love Luke 10 27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself. 28 And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live Galatians 5 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law James 2 2 For if there come unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment; 3 And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool: 4 Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts? 5 Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him? 6 But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats? 7 Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called? 8 If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well: 9 But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin,
I left the religious buildings over 15yrs ago and never looked back. My relationship with the Lord has grown and strengthen over the years. I'm so thankful that the Lord called me out of the Harlot Church System.
Do we need “Church” to have a relationship with God? I never really experienced the freedom in Christ we are supposed to have while attending church. Also, this year has me questioning a lot of things that were taught to us and passed down in church. I cringe when I hear “evangelicals” or “white evangelicals” in the context of being a Christian. How can we be all serving the same Christ and we are not on the same page about humanity issues? I truly want to know and have an authentic relationship with God the Creator so it’s not my faith that I question; it’s the “institution” of church. Everything else in this country has been taught and created through a white supremacy/dominant lens/perspective so I ask myself why would I expect church teaching to be any different? I’m truly not trying to be combative, It has been really hard for me to trust the true intentions of our country’s institutions and the racist poison that is in EVERY one one them, including church. So needless to say, this is a very interesting topic that I look forward to hearing. BTW, I’m in my 40s.
You my friend are living in the truth. Only other truth you left out is that the Bible book and the church that goes along with it are both European. Religions are all man made and according to “culture”. Look at the culture of the USA. Look at your Bible book. It suits it just fine. I’m not religious however I do believe that whatever religion you are a part of should empower you! I am spiritual. I need no book to be that. I was born and that’s enough. No book told me how to eat straight from the womb. No book told me how to walk or empty my bladder. The creator did. The creator is a force not a man. This planet is billions or trillions of years old. If anyone ever knew the name of the creator I can guarantee you it was so long ago no one younger than one billion years knows. Lol! And lastly, NO. The slave and the slave master cannot serve the same deity. Your Bible book god commanded slavery. Christians built USA. Their religion worked well for them and it empowered them as I believe every religion should. They gave it to their captives and they have been docile ever since. So docile that they stand behind a book they never read in its entirety. Oh well, I’ve said enough.
Very interesting thoughts from your guests. As a discipled, I appreciated their honest perspective. I cleaned some things that I think are helpful and hope to use in ministry. Thank you!
My grandfather told me as a young child: "Boy, stay out of the church. That's where all the sinners and liars are...you're better off not going." And he was right! I had to learn the hard way. But the old man was 100% correct.
But where did y'all get the idea that people in the church were perfect, because we not. We make mistakes and mess up just like everyone else. We never said we were perfect that was y'all.
THANK YOU! If more Christians took the time to do this, the world would be a better place. There’s so much finger pointing in the Christian faith🙄 at least from the Christians in my life….
I'm a loving Atheist... I live in the bible belt so... my sweet community doesn't see me or connect with me... I'm very loving, generous, and I house and feed the homeless for a service. But, according to my community, I'm not good enough and to be feared and rejected. I preparing to move to a more conscious community. Love is love... nothing else matters.
I'm a Christian and work with people who are open pagans and atheists. I love on them and my heart opens up then every day I see them. I never push my faith on them. They knew where I stand and I know where they stand. We have lunch together, laugh together, and care about one another's families. I'm sorry you experienced that
I used to be in the church, specifically serving in AV Tech and IT. After 22 years of experiencing discrepancies between this department/ministry and the leadership, I left. The overall issue I endured is the fact that the leadership did not trust the very people they recruited. There was a common mindset with all the church communities I went to, that the common goal was to hide tech problems, not fix them. One common example of this is when equipment was reported to be end-of-life, and this was broken down to plain layman's terms with relatable illustrations. When equipment is at end-of-life, it does not function as efficiently as it once did, and functions will intermit and ultimately fail. The common attitude from the leadership was to do the best we can with it as they did not have any budget for replacing it. However, once the tech reached a critical failure, the leadership knew what they had to do that was inevitable, but there was still an aura of "What did this so called technician do wrong to mess this up...?" What's worse, when we presented equipment to get in order to fix the problem, there were oftentimes pushback for it being too expensive. Some of them would even look up equipment that fit the price THEY wanted to pay, and the specs were not even close to the requirements. The common response for this was for the technicians to work with it as best as we could. In other words, "Don't make us look bad." In some cases, the leadership would bring technicians in on a project at the last minute (execution of the plans) where they already purchased products, and then come to find out those products purchased were not compatible, and required additional products and software to integrate. They would have known about this if they brought us into the planning meetings. Again, another trait of distrust. Ultimately, this behavior is not driven by ignorance like many want others to believe. It is driven by poor attitude and ego. There are those who are aware and openly admit they don't understand technology, but yet they refuse to consult and/or rely on the very people they recruit to help guide them. Their behavior has commonly shown they just want to go a specific direction, regardless of reality, and then bring in God's name to justify that direction. There is a term for this: Delusion. Only 1 out of the 8 church communities I was staff in, furnished weekly meetings to ascertain the status of operations within AV/IT, and this was well done. There were still some discrepancies, but it was a start. That church unified with another church, which that church took over operations and it was a management disaster due to severe micromanagement. Overall, I left the church because I recognized the leadership from so many had no care for those in my field of work. There was no spiritual checkup from them. Even other peer technicians would contact me for advice, and it was the same stories, the leadership not listening and just making demands. There were even cases leaderships would send raw media material late Saturday evening, and expect it to be ready Sunday morning. Some of those projects can take up to 10 hours, and that's just editing. There were even cases where after our resignation was announced, only then did they want to "talk". Since I moved from one state to another, I have decided to stay out of the church altogether. If I suffer another episode like before, I would likely end up using unfiltered language towards the next leadership to tell the situation exactly as it is when an intentional communication discrepancy occurs on their part, and I don't want to do that. I'm tired of the unmerited attitudes towards technicians, and I'm tired of the unmerited excuses for those attitudes. If they only want people in the AV/IT Department to hide the problems THEY cause because of THEIR "IGNORANCE", then they need to put THAT on their hiring bulletin.
Enjoyed episode 1? Watch episode 2 here: ua-cam.com/video/GQy05yUBk7U/v-deo.html
Why you not pushing the Israelites
After realizing the church is a lie
Stick to what the Bible says
One thing the Bible says is women do not teach
I left the organized church, @Judge 3 Project, after I completed almost 3 years of the initial New Birth process. My story is "The Book Of Elijah: A Letter To The World" located on prop1.org/protest/elijah/nature.htm that is my life's story.
I realized the word means "called out from" the world and what's call church encourag us to follow the world's standard when Jesus taught in Matthew 19:29 & John 3:3-8 that we are to forsake everything civilization offers and live repented back to environmental living as Jesus had the 18 years before he returned to the land of Israel to teach the way to salvation. Now that we're in the transition from the world we know to Revelation 21s we need to know how to survive without man made things.
Thank you for your presentation!!
~ Respect ~
Elijah NatureBoy
hubpages.com/@the0natureboy also has topics you may be interested in.
@@elijahnatureboy left to go where ?
Jesus left his family to "go into all of the world," @@durrdyngr248, to learn from all things God showed him to observe. That's why he told us in the last verses of Matthew to do the same.
@@durrdyngr248 If thats what you got from the video, then you didn't bother to learn anything from it at all. This woman is having a round table discussion with millennials who left the church. She isn't teaching, she is giving them a place to speak.
"Emotionally I've been leaving for a while,"
Resonated so deeply🙌🏾
me too
This is where I am at right now
Number one they don’t teach the Bible right …they won’t tell you about the missing books and they refuse to tell you who the people of the book are.
Beyond grateful for the Jude 3 Project, it’s so important to listen to cultivate these safe spaces where we can listen.
*I left my church after being a member ten years because the anointing was gone and the anointing is what breaks the yoke. It became ritualistic and routine. Oh and it was also a family church rooted in gossip and favoritism. Long story short, the oil was gone, if there is no anointed atmosphere, I don’t want to be there!*
Did you share your feelings with the church? Did you find another church to attend? Grace & Blessings
@@eLLBdotmusic I understand this but the hardest people to reach is religious/church people
@@eLLBdotmusic absolutely! Oh, did I mention that my pastor shared all of the personal business I shared with her with MULTIPLE church members? I spoke to her concerning all of these issues to no avail. They’re stuck in their ways. Family and favoritism. It’s all good though, I’m an overcomer!
@@anthonystroman8407 💯💯💯
The anointing was gone because you started to know too much inside info about the church
For me personally it was when my mother was sick and nobody from the church bothered to visit her in the hospital, form a prayer group or try to assist her in any way.
I'm sorry you experienced that. I can imagine the disappointment of being abandoned like that.
Massive thanks to Jude 3 Project for setting this up! As Christians, we need to show love in every aspect, regardless of location or building. Incredibly grateful for the Christians in my life who have challenged me and encouraged me to ask questions about the Christian faith.
This is a good discussion. I left church 3 years ago after serving faithfully for 20 years. I very much still believe in God but I don’t feel that “the church” as I know it, is aligned with his will and purpose. There are other factors behind my defection including burnout but the main issue is that I didn’t feel I was getting closer to God. I just felt myself becoming bitter.
Facts bro
Amen to that, I can relate
technically, there never was a getting closer to God. jesus is our relationship to God, but when the church leadership does its slight of hand to get Jesus put to the side as if Hes not good enough for some unknown reason, and church attendance becomes the relationship maintaining, where the heck did that come from?
I agree. My relationship became worst, and I felt it was not genuine. I never felt truly committed.
Actually, We Get Separated from GOD when we Go to Church, I never found Him in Church, quite the contrary.
I’m so glad we are beginning to have this much needed discussion. Looking forward to more episodes.
I think people make people leave the church sometimes. Just being too judgemental and messy. A lot of pastors are also in foolishness as well.
So true...
@BriaBarrows Indeed. Many believe that if u don't attend the building that u have backslide. Some literally prepare sermons to attack people from pulpits. There is a difference in rebuking in love & condemnation. Also, from my observation there seems to be a "CLASS" DIVIDED thing in congregations whereby, if u arent of status/name in society or dressed to royalty that u are not welcome.
Its no wonder the young people leave & never return because of the judgemental lying tongues
Church r not the same as when we was young
You are right about people making others leave the church. They're messy fa real fa real, and they're walking in unforgiveness because they hold grudges. Yah (God) forgives quicker than people do.
H E L L O! I’m a victim of church hurt and my pastor believing it’s ok to celebrate Halloween and interrupt communion to address me about it. Go figure! It was time to go with JC at the front door. I just couldn’t.
I wish this was longer!! Cause I just left the church too and some of my issues are the exact same. Church has become a hangout spot, and in the process it seems God has left.
I would advise you to find a good church where the Holy Ghost is constantly at work.
@Alexxa Davis, where is that church?
@@serenamukuna3688 Ask the holy spirit to guide you ❤
Churches should “meet people where they are hungry”. That young man said it perfectly. That’s what Jesus did after all
I believe the church is a place to heal the community its in and also Pastors and leaders are just like you. They go through..we need to pray for them that God would interven in there lives as well. Gid allowed the church buildings to close because people were not going to meet him but socialize. You are the church when you are in church and when you leave the building.
Totally agree with what the guy said about church as food truck. As many said for me it was the pandemic that changed my perspective on church attendance. As the guy said he felt that church was not meeting the spiritual needs if people when doors were closed. Totally agree
Yes because it was the law. The Torah. Our black folks law that we still don’t follow tuh sis day. Now look what happened in Deuteronomy 28:68KJV read it.
@Yasharahla Israel Now, that is Biblical l truth. Shalom!!
How did Jesus “meet people where” they were? Please give an example.
I wish they had included people in their 40s 60s and 70s to engage in this conversation.
Come to my channel and listen to my podcast. I plan to have guest on of all ages especial older and wiser. My podcast launch the start of the new Year. It's called, The Walk. Grace & Blessings.
@@eLLBdotmusic older doesn’t mean wiser and it’s incredibly rude to be shopping on someone else’s channel
I'm 53 and I so had an awakening. They all are on point!
I'm 62 years old and NEVER was into the church. My mom who is 82 never forced us to go to church because she said she went enough for everyone. If we wanted to go with our friends we could. I just didn't like all that screaming and yelling. I felt nothing. I went to a Church of Religious Science at 17 and loved it. All positivity and no "hell and damnation" it was hard being spiritual 45 years ago but I stood my ground. Attended African lecture series to get the truth of us as a people. I've always been a "free thinker" I don't follow anything just because. Ironically after my mom and stepdad divorced, he became a minister for AME. Even he never forced his religion on me. So grateful my parents didn't judge
Understanding the decisions of the young people but here's a few nuggets of wisdom to understand. The scriptures speaks of Satan who has blinded minds, who is the ruler of this world system and he goes about seeking whom he may devour, so take heed and seek God accordingly. Secondly, Apostle Paul advise the believer to live and walk in the spirit. Beware of the works of the flesh Gal 5 and the spirit of this world..scriptures speaks of being wise and wiser than the children of disobedience. Lastly, look for the true worshippers experience and relationship with the Lord. Scriptures says the true worshippers worship God in spirit and in truth.
This pandemic is something that WE never had to go through in our lifetime. We are all learning how to navigate this new normal and the church is learning just like the global world is. Unfortunately most are unequipped so I'm hopeful there will be a shift to do better...This was a good conversation and I respect each view. Praying for all churches!
Yes, yes and amen. We visited with our pastor years ago in regards to the reality that churches may close due to persecution from the LGBTQ. Not many in ministry listen to what is happening around the world concerning law and policy. Preachers in Canada and The UK have been arrested for preaching the Bible and bringing individuals out of the spiritual bondage of sexual immorality. But churches is America refuse to think we can be affected by government mandates too. All you need is the strick of the pen from a politician and you will be imprisoned for unjust crimes...then the pandemic happened. To say The Church was ill prepared for the shutdowns is an understatement. But the Body grows under Persecution, and I think we are finally starting to see how persecution will.come through legislation here in America.
@@thisistheday597 I'm not Christian but I respect your beliefs.
The pandemic was a blessing and a curse for the church. It revealed, who is that mystery god that the 85% believe in
without repentance, the church cant do better. i believe one of the biggest issues churches are having is massive ignorance.
Love this, I left my church in 2019 & I felt these same things before I walked away!
I left the church over two years but I didn’t leave my Savior Redeemer. He is my forever my teacher my Guide (Holy Spirit) in that way I stay on the narrow path to life eternal.
am very much afraid that the Christian church of today will lose its value, and it will be seen as nothing more than a social club, with no meaning and no effectiveness for our time, a form without substance. In my travels I meet many young people of all races, and they are disappointed in the church, and some are outright disgusted------DR. KING (from his interview with Alex Haley)
@@Purpleflower7777After reading (Matthew 7:21-23),How do (You) know that ,(You) are on that. Narrow path to life.
Yes, Lisa. Just yes. Can’t wait to see this series unfold.
I did listened to their point of view. It’s good to hear the why behind some people leaving the church. Although fellowship can happen outside of church we still need church for the believers to come together. I have had some great experiences being with the saints in church. Although their is a lot wrong with the church it does not mean the church is something we should break away from. We are the church and as believers we have to take responsibility for where the church is and make changes that will reflect Christ Jesus
When you see the the church becoming wordily and not presenting the true gospel of the bible flee.Daniel warned about this in the last days.
I agree with you. Many ppl tend to leave as opposed to taking on partial responsibility of building up the body. The expectation of going to partake drains those who actively and continually work. Although we work, we get tired, too. We are human and limited in what we can do also. Even financially, many church members have financial hardships so we are unable to afford giving as some from the outside looking in expects. We work for God, we aren't Him.
My point is this: we should all do our part instead of expecting the next person to do more than they should. We can accomplish more together than separated. 💕
Yes..church is were you learn how to conqueror hate and all manner of sin! People don't have a prayer life that's why they cant stay. If Covid forced you out, you already left in your heart. ITS TIME TO FALL ON YOIR FACE AND PULL DOWN HEAVEN WHERE YOU ARE!
The Church is us you and me bricks and morter are made by man we are reflections of the Most High God,The ALPHA and OMEGA
The Church is us you and me bricks and morter are made by man we are reflections of the Most High God,The ALPHA and OMEGA
This is so smart. Thank you Lisa for reminding us of the importance to listen.
Please read 1Peter3:15-16.
(James 1:19) have taught, have reminded, have preached, & have council, men & women for (centuries) ,on listening 🎧...........Why is it that when the (Bible) tell ud what we need or should do we ignore it, but when a (Human) tell us something that the bible has always said we give Them (credit 💳) & honor. Why is that ?
I delegate the very first hour of every single day to God through prayer, worship, and my daily Bible reading/study. I feel so much more closer to God than I could have ever felt by visiting a building once a week for an hour. When going to church, I just felt like I was going through the motions and getting nothing out of it.
this was so good and I appreciate it....I can say I'm very fortunate to have found my church. it's small and the Pastors are young and on fire. I feel like im actually learning, understanding, and am always encouraged to have a relationship with God outside the church. I'm hoping the church grows cause they are so transparent, real, and practice what they preach. I pray they don't lose sight of how they began as the church grows.
This is an amazing discussion! I can't wait for more
The church as a food truck: that is powerful!
The church is a building, most don't teach they preach. I been going to church all my life and I got tired of hearing everything was going to be alright preaching. I have learned more of God well on my own by studying and praying than I ever learned in church.
Listening to this I don't think they've left the Church, since the Church is the body of Christ and not the building where we congregate. They may have left their respective congregations but the Holy Spirit is still very much alive in their lives.
Yes and Jesus says if you have the holy Spirit in you, you can move mount Everest to Africa in Matthew 17:20
That is the kinda of critical thinking that the organization of religion does.not teach.
The only one I can say the holy spirit is still moving in is the the petite female.
There is a marked difference between the body of Christ and the Holy spirit. The holy spirit has no ancestry but Christ had ancestors
( Matthew 1:16)
Don’t forget about all the back stabbing, gossiping and false teachings!
We all were once Lost and Blinded by the world,the systems caught up in the rat race looking for approval of men,while rejecting Abba Yahweh,yet YHWHSHUA HaMashiach ,the Lamb that was Slain our Kinsman Redeemer reached out and called us out of utter darkness into the Marvelous Light of Yahweh. Shall we not have that same Compassion for one another. Charity Love Restoration Forgiveness the Fruit of the Ruach Ha'qodesh dwelling in us . thank you Father for not writing us off.... We Are The Body of The Lamb .....
@@seekyethekingdomofyah792 Christianity is the system.
Many of Our people are still asleep 😴 To An Enslaved System Used Long Ago? To not Liberate the minds under A Forbidden Roman Catholism System Babylonian and we will Not Come from their Established LAWS such as sungod Day of worship No Matter?
So Exactly Jones Ameal
False teachings like talking snakes and fake floods?
There was a lot said here that was very important. The one thing that stuck out to me was that a few people said that during Covid-19 they had to leave the church and a lot of people have realized that the " church" was not helping them to grow on a personal and spiritual level. This is very true although spiritual growth is a two part responsibility between the believer and the church the church does a terrible job with discipleship, training, and teaching and helping people to grow spiritually and more importantly than that they don't rear people to grow in a personal relationship with God. I feel like the church babysit christians and train them to trust in them and their message instead of teaching them how to truly trust God! Then they send them home as empty, hungry sheep that never develop into true lions of the faith! You can't stay babes/ sheep for ever one must GROW!! Especially in purpose. The message is great but spiritual growth and spiritual development are needed as well. A lot of churches are out for self gain and not truly fulfilling the "Great Commission" like Christ told us to so HE shut every single church down so that they can get it right. Those who were last shall be first and the first shall be last! all of those who God has placed great purpose in will be rising up soon to lead the gospel/ church (of Jesus Christ) in the way that it suppose to be. God is serious HE is not playing. He is soon to return and He wants us all to be READY! I pray the "church" get it right this time around! In Jesus name! Amen!🙏
C’mon...Yes yes yes!!! You summed it up THOROUGHLY!! The true church “God’s EKKLESIA” is arising. Church as usual been over before the “Covid-19 system” showed up which is causing the entire world to RESET, but this time God’s kingdom will be we established in the earth until Christ returns for his bride. Have a Glorious 2021 and beyond 🙏🏽
You're absolutely correct. You must be taught and grow. Whats the importance of church..new members class..making disciples? Teaching is very important. Resources is very important.
I agree with you
During the Covid, the church pastor wrote a letter to the church that I have left the church despite being in locked down in another country during the holidays. No one in the church contacted me during that time yet there was a letter to the whole church that I have left the church. When I found out , no one was able to tell who wrote that letter. Hahahaha from there I knew not all pastors are honest and truthful. I received apology from a senior pastor but following that experience I have kept a safe distance away from such people.
It's refreshing not to read any negative comments of judgments, great dialog.
I think many of y’all are missing the fact it says “Episode 1” meaning there is more to the conversation. And if you were LISTENING you would’ve heard that the moderator said there was more to the conversation. Be patient before you deem their reasons worthy or unworthy, and pressing the moderator to correct with Scripture. We didn’t fully hear them out yet.
I love the video and the purpose though!! Thank you Jude 3!
Even when it's all said and done, no one can judge what's worthy or not.. I could care less what anyone thinks about why I no longer worship White Jesus
So I wonder if all of these people have only had one relationship. I would never base my beliefs off of one bad experience, person, situation ect.) If my first boyfriend was abusive, it doesn’t automatically speak for all men. Same with Christianity. Christianity can be logically explained by THE RIGHT PERSON- You have to search for it... You have to WANT to know God for yourself-Not sit around and wait for someone to do it for you. You’ll never understand it. WE ARE THE CHURCH- Not the building itself...
I haven't watched the video entirely, but I know too many that have sat under really bad spiritual leadership for years. Either it was straight up physical abuse, sexual, or control it's very wrong and heavy judgement is waiting for those that use The Church for personal gains...but at the same time, we are all to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. So in other words, we are responsible for our relationship with Jesus alone. Most if not all that are continually abused by these hirelings refused to do one simple thing: Read the Bible for themselves.
Exactly too many Christians based their faith on the actions of a few instead of being rooted in the Bible.
Well said👏🏽🙏🏽
Very true. You have to search for God through The Bible and The Holy Spirit . We are God’s temple, not any building. Wherever you are the temple is there, so worship, praise, learn every day with the guidance of The Holy Spirit, who will reveal the deep and secret things to you. The more you search God’s word in truth and righteousness, detaching from unnecessary things of this world, you will find God.
I LOVE THIS!!! This "why I dont go" Conversation is soooooooo needed for the church today. I pray that healing, understanding and action plans come from this in Jesus name amen. Thank you so much!!!
This is a much NEEDED conversation. Thank you for this!
not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some ... that's what it said. The Church is the people and not the building.
I hear ya but people are predisposed to be rebellious and without structure it will lead to a "Do your own thing" attitude towards church that could easily lapse into chaos and a kind of make it up as you go religion... GOD does things in decency and in order.. If we are to grow and develop balanced healthy disciples we most definitely need structure !
If we never come together as an organized body where would accountability come from ? Also scripture states that we're more powerful when we stand together remember "One can chase a thousand but two can send ten thousand to flight" ! We're exponentially more powerful when we unify..GOD inhabits the praises of his saints plural.. it didn't say saint singular !
@@curlyq690 Yep but every Church is not like that and you don't throw the baby out with the bath water ! All of us need accountability and a check and balance system.. Those people who are critical of the Church and quick to dismiss the church wouldn't do much better if the roles were reversed.. They might not have the exact same issues but trust me they'd have people who were unhappy in their congregations as well.. That's just the human condition.. You remember the children of Israel constantly murmuring, complaining after GOD had delivered them etc.. GOD punished them.. We should work to make the Church better not cause it's destruction .... bottom line You can't please everybody
@@Avatar7x7 nicely put, the reality of all Churches today is that they are far removed from the very manual of life that they claim to follow, the King James Bible. Their system of worship does not match the instructions that Jesus left as an example of His gospel hence the confusion. There are a few examples: Christ attended the temple on the Sabbath, according to the commandments which was the chosen day of worship found in exodus 20. He washed the feet of his disciples took bread and wine and kept the Passover John 13:1-10 We have been given Holy days set out in Leviticus 23 which are called The Feast Of The Lord, which we are to proclaim as holy convocations. However, none of the feasts are kept, we worship on the wrong day and we have leadership that know all of the above and choose to lead Gods people astray according to their Chruch manual. Anyone Confused ?🤷🏽♀️ the bible says if any man lack wisdom, let him asked God, that gives to all men liberally. James:1-5 be encouraged, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand the truth in the word, because unfortunately your not gonna receive it in Chruch, stay prayed up and vigilant bless you 🙏🏾
Perfectly said
I'm looking forward to watching this series. I hope it's a part two on solutions they found and how they fellowship. Grace & Blessings
Thank you SO much for this conversation! I left the church years ago, but have gotten so much closer to God through the Word he has for us and prayer. I sadly feel like I’m being fed and watered more at home with God himself than in the physical church building.
I just subscribed to you all after watching this.
Thank you!
I just left my church- they dropped the ball during COVID 19 and they barely fellowship, and they are not concerned about how we are surviving!
That's sad to hear. Fear has gripped many hearts in the church and I have noticed some have not reopened their buildings since March! Here we are a year out and people are still struggling. I pray that you find local fellowship that fulfills the need of the Body. We are going to need it if the new presidential leadership seeks to continue federal shutdown of churches nationwide. It is a very real threat that many don't even see. The Body is more than one person, we need one another for encouragement.
This is so sad! I pray that you will find true believers to connect with.
Well, I have shifted up, my Standards of following the Bible, so I turn to those who are trying to spiritually influence me, and hold them at a high standard too, that’s in the Bible. So many shepherds act like hirelings, and don’t know it. Anytime they won’t tell the full truth and warn the flock about things that seem “innocent”- but leave the unsuspecting flock to suffer the consequences, because maybe their spiritual discernment was not functioning (as a baby 👶 in Christ)- it means someone is letting their sheep go in the ditch. All these statues and commandments in the Bible for us to surrender to; but they go around the Bible and create a different way of living for God, and it leads the flock into deception. I’m tired of the compromise of those who are in the front, but don’t obey God’s heart. God has talked to me about things of vanity, modesty, the defilement of the body and His church, and I scratch my head as to, why don’t my leaders, lead the church by purer standards of the Word 🕵🏾♂️. Most leaders rather preach with a Christmas tree in the background, then to grow up Spiritually and cut ties with the world 🤦🏾♂️!! Tell me what kind of trustworthy example is that, to help me be ready for judgement day 🧐, and of course there are many other areas that they compromise against the Bible continually. I don’t see these out here chasing after the lost, with paper signs, and love on the streets, nor do they chase after their own sheep- they got privileges.
So sorry to hear that you’ve had this experience Joseph, maybe it’s time for you to find a couple of like minded brethren to study with. In the meantime try and keep focused on Yahsuha, the change maybe be unexpected however you are equipped to deal with it. This is a great time for reflection fasting prayer and replenishment; I pray you will recognise the widow of opportunity you have to get closer to the Lord, stay blessed and encouraged my brother 🙏🏾
@@sharonwallace3144 - Thanks Sister in Christ- I am seeking the lord and purging myself of old traditions and mindsets. I’m trying to make the fastest transition to Gods standards in my life! Let’s all pray for one another 🙏🏽😇!
I am glad that I saw this video. Very interesting. However, I need to point out that it is not the churches job to be everything for everyone. I do believe the church needs to be involved in the welfare of the community. Nevertheless, It is no way possible for the church to meet every need. The church primary responsibility is to make disciples and to prepare for Jesus's second coming. Because he is coming back
Agreed 100%!!
Though I can proudly say that the church I currently attend (which is a small 20 member or so church) has a thriving monthly food pantry, a Toy Giveaway every Christmas, and a community center (pre-covid) where they offered financial and home buying courses, workout/Zumba classes, children’s paint and praise, job placement, and the list goes on! Our 20 member church feeds about a thousand people a month!
However, we watch those same people from the community use the resources but never step foot into a service. I’m an usher at this church and during service I’ve opened the door to let someone out and I was asked for money and food by a passerby’er on two separate occasions, and when I told them to come in so I can see about getting them help they refused.
My intention is not to boast about this church but just wanted it to be known that there are churches out there that are helping the community. No church is perfect as no person is perfect but often enough church hurt turns people away from God and fellowship with believers, and that’s of course not what we want.
My prayer is that as a result of listening improvement is made and people make their way back to God and the church quickly.
Absolutely. It's not necessarily the leadership and other teams' responsibility to tend to every need for everyone, but that is why the church is the people and not the building. Serving Christ and the body of Christ looks different for everyone. Some people are called to be pastors and teachers, some to be social workers and kids leaders, and others to be accountants.
@Lee Smith It is possible if more people organized and assisted God's people in the direction He calls them and not in the direction another feel they should be in. What I mean by that is IF people believe that we are the church, then God has strategically placed people in each other's lives to meet a need as well as have their needs met. Therefore, the church should be more than it is for Christ's sake because it supposed to represent God at all times. Also, I do agree that the church's job is point people back to God because He will return soon, however, that's on all believers because we are the church. I hope that makes sense and doesn't sound combative because that is not my intention not desire.
@@jenniferjackson7054 Great morning to you. This is definitely not combative. I believe this is a healthy and necessary conversation. I certainly believe that the church as individuals bare the biblical responsibility of meeting the needs of others. That is also scriptural. As believers we should have a innately desire to meet others where they hurting. That is physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. However, we cannot get sidetracked from our primary purpose. That is that God still wants to make a people unto himself and he wants to use believers to accomplish this. This should be accomplish without forsaking the other. I hope this makes sense.
@@Polisheddiamonds24 Good night to you! I wholeheartedly agree with and one should not forsake the other unfortunately in most cases it does. I think the really sad part is so many people will not see heaven because of this. I would like to thank you for the wonderful exchange of truth 😍! Blessings to you!!!
It’s always good to hear different perspectives. Sometimes we don’t see it the way others see and we can all grow from listening. This was real cool. Much respect.
This is a much needed conversation! I pray that those who watch this series will hear the speakers' hearts and be able to see themselves in the conversations had. So we may go back and affect our churches for God's glory.
This is a great start.... But I feel like there needs to be a biblical response for clarity to move forward! We understand where they are coming so we can begin relationship restoration, and allow God to start the healing! ppl in the church have hurt ppl, but they are not a representation of who the Christ is!
I agree.
but I also don't like when people use the excuse "I was hurt in the church so I don't go anymore" I'm pretty sure at some point in life you were hurt/offended at your job/your gym etc. but you still go. People in then church are human. They will mess up. But bc we are family in Christ, we should heal, love and find a way forward like we would with our blood family. Just my thoughts
@@AbbyTVY absolutely, people are flawed and broken and that’s the whole point of the gospel. I can’t expect or ask any human being to be perfect in love or actions how God is so my faith cannot be shaken by another human beings actions or words. I can be hurt by them, but they don’t sway by faith and relationship with the one who has shown perfect love to me
@g513 Jesus is one of the most well documented people in antiquity according to historical evidence. The way we know that Jesus not only existed but died on the cross and rose from the dead is the same way we know about Julius Caesar or anyone from history
@g513 If you wanted to help or enlighten ppl you wouldnt have started from and antagonistic position. If you truly wanted dialog you would have started by asking a question!
You did neither! Which is sad... cause clearly you are hurt and angry!
Also you need to do more research my friend! Jesus is what we know Him as through European understanding... we as Americans speak English.
However the documents supporting the life death and witnesses of His resurrection are from a non Christian entity... His name in Aramaic is Yahusha, And God is Ya, other regions and dialects would know Him as Yahuah, Yeshua, YahuWa... but either way He is the Christ! Sent one of heaven.
As for The Egyptians stories of Horis, it was taken from the early profets foretelling of The Christ!
But you probably don't care or want to hear that... cause you didn't come for dialog.... But I pray you find peace and seek truth Brother! Jesus Loves you! And so should we!
While it’s discouraging to hear of people leaving the church because they “got smart” or “woke up”, at least the four participants here aren’t necessarily anti-church. I agree that we have to listen and dialogue so we can understand differing views.
Church isn't necessary. In fact; "religion" isn't necessary - they're all mans attempt to explain the unexplainable. Spirituality is what people should be seeking. Church is where all the sinners are - nothing but bad energy inside a church house.
@@taharqa332 I don’t think it’s about church as well. I know my Spiritual Father creator wants me to live in Love truth and Righteousness everyday.
Agreed IR WING,BUT,it must ALWAYS come back to God's Word. 1 Peter3:15...
2 Peter 3:9
@@frederickweeksjr.1189 Who said it’s the word of God? What you typed is the word of God...what I typed is the word of God! Truth is; there’s NOTHING PROFOUND in the Bible! I’ve read it cover to cover more than once; nothing profound. Common sense really.
@@taharqa332 you sure that there " nothing profound " about God? Hmmm,I find your comment interesting. How did you come to this conclusion?
Everyone needs to research for themselves. Don't just believe because you Mama and your Granny believed in that particular religion/deity.
Its not that simple when your parents threaten you for even thinking of leaving
U need to shut up and say that shit louder!!
Cannot wait to see more of this series, much needed discussion. Very informative. 💪
COVID brought an awakening I left the church not really intentional weird things kept happening like one example was a flat tire or small problems that seem to fix itself rt after church. With COVID shutdowns I started having more of a calling to just read and study the word, then it’s like God kept speaking to me through things and people who don’t know each other kept giving me the same messages. Then it started to feel like a puzzle I had to put together and the pieces just kept coming together then a light went off! This took months n I’m still growing forward not backwards thank you lord. Then pastors would preach on something’s but never the scriptures I read n study about my mouth dropped several times in studying I felt like I should have been in the Bible not skimming for years but actually studying!
Praise God! I think this covid shutdown was a blessing originally meant for evil by wicked men. The Enemy thought the flock would scatter after the worldwide shutdown, and that indeed happened. But something else happened too...people were finally still enough to obey His small quiet voice and read the Word of themselves. I remember when I finally read the scriptures in context but led by the Spirit. I had to have serious conversions with the church leadership about some deep issues but none could answer why they were more sensual then spiritual. Or why the Word was being neglected over social justice. Just crickets! I was sickened but awakened to the fact I have wasted nearly 23 years of sitting under bad doctrine.
@@thisistheday597 Amen You are so right! 🥰When the devil temps or bad things happen God be testing to see what we going to do. Are we going to fold or pray? Now I know what “only the strong survive “ really mean. I always was a real person and a lot of people don’t like me because I love the truth since a little girl. I cannot stand liars and all the lies in the churches and schools is a disgrace. With school man I can go on n on but I was born in the church and I’m in my early 30 so many years under false doctrines and Paganism. All I could do is cry and (repent) pray. Now I’m just trying to walk with Jesus. This flesh is terrible and it just fights against the Holy Spirit but I’m willing to fight against sin and continue to keep all the commandments n strengthen the areas I’m weak !!!
@@thefamily9723 Beautiful statement! This is what God's disciples ( called OUT ones) should be doing. Congrats on taking the narrow door!
@@iwrist313 Thank you 😊 May god bless and protect everyone who’s name is in the book of life. God know his people and he knows who walking in his spirit John 4:24 The time is now to “worship God in Spirit and Truth one of my favorites scripture is John 8:32 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth should MAKE you free” We can find a blessing out of everything COVID and all God will keep his people through it all. Have a blessed New Year🥰😘
Very Respectfully Good Gods Day, God Bless You and Powerful Beautiful Testimony, God Bless everyone who has a changed heart and mind and now
below is the answer to anyones search to make sure that their sins are forgiven, follow Gods Holy Scriptural instructions below and then, immediately, Obey;
F💡💡d For Thought:
*We Must First Make Sure That* *We Are Properly In The Correct* *Body of Christ*
There is no Scripture In The Bible Where God Commands That We Simply State That We Except Jesus As Ones Lord And Savior And He Receives Anyone As His Child Without Following and Obeying "ALL" Commands From God To Be His Disciple.
17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
*JOHN 3:15-17 (NKJV)*
15 that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
*MARK 16:16 (NKJV)*
16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.
*MATTHEW 10:32-33 (NKJV)* 32 “Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. 33 But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.
*ROMANS 10:9 - 11 (NKJV)* 9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.”
*ACTS 2:38 (NKJV)*
38 Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
*ACTS 17:30 (NKJV)* 30 Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent,
●*MUST BE WATER BAPTIZED* (Body Fully placed in water and brought right back up, not sprinkling, Female can not baptize no one, only A Male Already Baptized Brother of The Church of Christ can Baptize Believers):
*MARK 16:16 (NKJV)*
16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.
*GALATIANS 3:27 (NKJV)* 27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
*ROMANS 6:4 NKJV* 4 Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
*JOHN 3:3-5 (NKJV)*
3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” 4 Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” 5 Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
*ACTS 2:38 NKJV*
Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
●*LIVE A WORKING FAITHFUL* *LIFE UNTIL DEATH:* *REVELATION 2:10 (NKJV)* 10 Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.
*MATTHEW 28:18 - 20 (NKJV)* 18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
*1.* UA-cam Search, Find, Search (Google), Call, Email, Visit and Become A True Disciple of The True Body of Jesus Christ, THE CHURCH OF CHRIST NEAREST YOU IN YOUR AREA
*2.* THE "CHURCH OF CHRIST" Nearest You, Google to find one near you, there is a "CHURCH OF CHRIST" in almost every city in every state, and in some countries outside of the united states
*3.* Here (below) Is What "THE CHURCH OF CHRIST" Looks Like To Make Sure You Are At The Correct "CHURCH OF CHRIST":
*4.* Worships Every First First Day of The Week Which is Sunday, God3 Authorizes First Day of The Week For Worship
*5.* No Instruments, Congregational Singing Only - No Choir, God does not Authorize instruments during worship
*6.* Takes The Lords Supper Every Sunday as God Has Commanded That We Do This In Remembrance of Him;
*I Corinthians 11:26 NKJV*
For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes.
*7.* No Female Preaching, God3s Scriptures Do Not Authorize for A woman To preach
*8.* Ask A Male, A Man, That Is A Leader of the Congregation, a Elder or a Deacon For A Bible Study and answer to the call of The Gospel of Jesus Christ Be Water Baptized and Be saved for the remission of your Sins, Living Out The Great Commission, Make sure to express to the Brother that will Baptize you that they must say what Scriptures say during Baptism, make sure they say, In The Name of The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit and That Name Is Jesus Christ or Lord Jesus. V/R
Copy/Paste/Screen shot this full Plan of Salvation To Have For Future Studies of Gods Holy Scriptures
I can almost guess what they’re going to say before they say it.
@Kevin Wilmore How about its their journey- Their truth. Within this conversation they set out with the intent to eradicate shame and judgement. Yet, here you are in the comments with that energy. *deep sighs*
@@ashleyactress1 In total agreement! "I already know what you're going to say before you say it." Is the mentality a lot of people leave behind as well.
same doctrine that was given to us in SLAVERY.
What the first guy said is so true , If Christians can not have all the answers and they say have faith why can’t some religions be allowed .
So amazing I am a Pastor here in Texas and i wish every( real) Pastor/Leader could have heard this conversation. We must as Leaders stop trying to get people to join our church and get them on their own free will to join the body of JESUS Christ.
This was 100% on point. I left several years ago and I absorbed this conversation thoroughly. Thank you for this much needed conversation.
No one denied Jesus, but left because of other reasons.
Jesus is a construct made up in 325 AD by The Council of Nicea. You can research. Ray Hagins explains it thouroughly.
@@nappyscribe1987 In the first 150 years after the death of Jesus, we have more secular references to his historical existence than that of Julius Caesar. Not to mention the early creed (within 2-5 years after the death of Jesus) found in 1 Corinthians 15 which recounts His death and resurrection (and appearances). The church was growing and dying for their belief in Christ for hundreds of years before Nicaea occurred (that council only met to discuss the heresy of Arius). Would be happy to discuss more if you’re willing!
@@nappyscribe1987...That's true. They weren't calling Him that in His day and during the letters of His Apostles. Greeks didn't call Him that either. Good job sis.
@@actingfan11 I like to listen to these conversations, but what you said is factually misleading for the Jesus stuff. It is true that Jesus is mentioned, but it’s purely because of the religion and it’s religious documents not because anyone that would or could verify him as existing mentioned him. Unlike ceaser. When you actually look these things up they aren’t speaking of an actual Jesus they are speaking of his followers or the documents like the gospels and etc. Even the creed is not speaking of the man beyond anything other than the religious views and it is not being given through any eye witness(first hand) experiences .
All the gospels are not first hand testimony and Paul never claimed to had met Jesus in the flesh, but through visions, and claims he didn’t learn anything from none of the people who actually knew Jesus. Thus there’s no mention of him by not one historian of the time Jesus lived in any of their writings.
So why do historians believe that a Jesus must have existed? Well because people who did live back then who knew of Christians and there beliefs never questioned his existence pretty much. It would have been close enough in time for those who didn’t believe to say the man never existed and yet didn’t. Instead we found that there were Christians alive, and people who spoke of Jesus in the manner like the creed and how he was put to death by pilate.
I know if you are in the know you read this and have a few things come to mind, it I would simply ask yourself when did these people live, and you would quickly see they came after Jesus was said to have been born and died so the information they are speaking of is post Christianity and the writings existing already. So it’s not reason to question that a human existed... unlike she is mentioning about ray hagins. The issue is the mythos surrounding the individual with the magic defying reality.
@@nappyscribe1987 yes I try to tell my husband the same thing and all religion are worshiping Demi god .
I left the organized church years ago! Covid really open up my eyes to how the churches are not help the community! It's so sad! But covid was the year revealing...eye opener!
Brother hit the nail on the head churches closed down and they never took care if there members after all these years of taking from people.y not give back and support the same people that made them rich for many years..god seeing everything n he opening our eyes too
Honestly and truthfully churches can’t afford to do it for everyone. I don’t go to church anymore but I do understand the nonprofit side of it because I ran a nonprofit. When you give to a church it’s a donation to the IRS. Though a church may have a benevolence fund, just like insurance companies can’t pay claims in the event of a catastrophic event, churches just don’t have the resources to give EVERYONE who asks in a event like COVID. Also your donation is not an actual investment where the church gives you a “return” on your “investment”.
Best mesaage...thank you...if A CHURCH is in a community that community should be THRIVING.
This is a good topic and it's good to see a conversation about why people leave the church...I left mine in 2018 and started following a more Spiritual path than religion I have a better relationship with God/ the Creator now than before...I was Blessed with great pastors whom nurtured me but after a while I see that I was at church so often than really taking care of myself and with Spirituality you are taught to love Thyself where religion you kinda put yourself on the shelf...I'm a lot more confident and I genuinely care about people more once the church mask comes off...The Pandemic changed the whole game and it's a wake up call...
I'm on the same path sis.
What do you mean by spiritual ? Cause « Christianity » was never a religion and having a relationship with God has nothing to do with having a church. I have a relationship with Jesus since 2018 and I’ve been to church 3 times cause my family won’t let me go. People/churches shouldn’t change a relationship with the Lord and shouldn’t change how we read the Bible. I don’t know you personally but I feel like sometimes ppl live for their church and when they realize that a church is made of sinners (Christians are imperfects) they get deceived by their behavior and they leave everything including Jesus... Honestly that makes me so sad. and if by spiritual you mean like energies meditation crystals yoga and everything sis just be very careful my mom used to do these things it never fulfilled her like God does and it only lead her to deepest things like cards readings that brought spirits in my house when I was a child if I have to be very honest. God bless you
As Christians we are the church, our relationship with the Lord should never change. He is the same and so is his word and promises. As Christians we are called to die to thyself. We are to pick up our cross daily. Christianity is not a religion. Its a way of life and survival by being connected with our Lord and Savior. We were created to Serve and worship him alone. He's our anchor🤍.
I get your point with the bible not really focusing on self love. I always struggled with this in the bible. From my perspective, God does want us to love ourselves the way he loves us. The bible just doesn’t focus on self a lot because we can become vain, stressed out, and just preoccupied with ourselves instead of giving our burdens to God.
@@edenelisa I like how non judgemental your comment is.
I left because in sort of a way the preacher told me to leave without realizing he did. I was really paying attention to his words.
Best decision I ever made
Excellent topic. A conversation that really needs too he expressed.
I left after 26 years, because I was tired of the false prophecies, the monitoring my every move, having to "ask permission" to go on vacation with my family, finding out the pastor was discussing things I shared in confidence with him with others without my knowledge, the inappropriate behavior, refusal to be accountable for the money they were collecting over the years, not having time for myself because I always had to be at church, no time for family or dating, being told I couldn't celebrate my birthday because it interfered with "Pastor Appreciation Week", but the final straw............................ finding out about the ongoing child molestation and the "first lady" was FULLY aware!!!!!
OMG!!! Your story sounds almost like mine I left the church 2 years ago
@@tamarasbeauty1016 I am devastated. Everything was a lie!
@@simmone1021 So am i.. I don't know if I will ever go back.
@@tamarasbeauty1016 God himself will have to come down off His throne, and physically carry me to my next church. Otherwise, I'll be worshipping at home and enjoying my Sundays off, and spending time with family. I was scared to leave because I was told for YEARS that once people, they blessings stop and you're only blessed because of the "house" and the "leaders". I was so blind. I trusted them, but struggled to believe God Himself............... whew chile, don't get me started.............
@@simmone1021 I don't blame you! 🤷🏾♀
I'm looking forward to more videos in this series.
Thank you for this open and honest discussion. We need to do this more often, openly speaking to with those who have the capacity to hear without judging
For me, it was the inaccurate teaching, and it's strictly a social club. There's nothing spiritual about attending church, I feel more connected meeting God in quietness and stillness.
#CharChar 💯💯💯 "feel more connected meeting God in quietness and stillness" 💯💯💯
This! Yes!
So true
The power of the Holy Spirit is what will help us through anything. The fellowship is important but the time spent on our primary relationship with God through His Son is essential. Faith alone has shown me how He is my provider, protector, and builder. We need to ask for a filling of the Holy Spirit.
He gives his Spirit to those who obey him. If your not keeping the 10 commandments, especially the first 4 or at least trying I seriously doubt your full
The Spirit allows us to fulfill the law. Remember we cannot do it on our own.
No, your love for God creates a desire within your heart to keep the LAW. The Holy Spirit leads us into that LAW/Truth. John 16:13. Now what is Truth? Thy LAW is Truth. Psalms 119:142. I think you may be under the allusion that the Spirit of Christ keeps the LAW for us. This is another lie the church teaches us. It's simply not true!. The Sabbath is a covenant not only with Israel it was made with all of creation. Genesis 2:1-3. Before he ever made man. Go read for yourself. Not saying that we will not stumble, falter and as much as lose our way. But this is where mercy in which his sacrifice paid for. The SURE MERCY'S OF DAVID. IF YOUR NOT TRYING YOUR NOT BEING FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT. Because Christ while on earth kept the LAW not so you don't have to but to atone for when you DON'T!. This is why he has become our High Priest. No $more goats bulls or rams. Our fathers have taught us LIES under the pretense of TRUTH.
I have made a heart choice to obey and follow Christ and have laid down my life by submitting my desires and dreams to His will. I am not in any way condoning a life of sin taking for granted the sufferings and blood shed for my salvation. I was simply implying Romans 8:3-8.
Ok...when did the Spirit or Christ tell you that the Commandments were done away with. There is a difference between the LAW and the Commandments and if you want to use Romans 8. Answer this question. What is Spirit?
I’d say the concept of “prosperity gospel” permanently drove me away from the church. Money overtaking the needs of people is toxic.
❤Lisa is such a beautiful, caring and loving person! Her family is also!
Not all churches are the same. I had to truly tell God what I needed and asked Him to lead me to the church that was right for me. None of us are perfect. We all fall short of the Glory of God! He loves you unconditionally! I truly had to "shop" for a church that was perfect for me. You'll find that church home❤ Just keep that relationship with Him!
What a great idea, example, and execution of my life motto "seek first to understand, then to be understood."
Well done!
Although, i admit i found myself thinking of how to respond in my head or being critical of some of the reasons but love how it end with "i did not respond to any of their questions because this was a exercise in listening." #Boom thats all, folks!
This was deep and relatable. Definitely looking forward to more in this series. I resignated alot with the panelists, so many layers to this.
I got tired of the pastor putting us in hell for not paying tithes.. it drove me nuts thinking I was robbing God when I didn't have the resources or help to care for myself and family being a young single parent.. I begin to study for myself.. found many truths.. grateful I left.
This is a discussion that needs to be had everywhere. As an Ordained Pastor. I have longed believe that "Ministry" takes place away from the "Church" Building. As the young lady Shea stated, " We are the Church, and it goes where we go"
Our approach to ministry is that we don't want a congregation (per se) we want to teach people, GOD'S Word, Develop their gifts and talents and release them to fulfill what GOD called them to do.
We don't want people sitting under us for years and years without any signs of maturity.
In future discussions, could you talk about how they are sustaining their faith away from congregate fellowship and talk about "Church Hurt". Many people have been hurt in the church. Lastly, what can be done to truly TEACH GOD'S people in the way Jesus instructed.
Very good conversation. May GOD continue to encourage your heart and spirit to have these types of conversations.
Where’s the rest of the interview
1) Churches at times behaves like a business. 2) Instead of helping they say "I'll pray for you," "just trust God" 3) some of their doctrine is wrong and they won't question it"
I left the church. I’m never going back. I wish people would read the Scriptures and research the traditions, practices and doctrines of Christianity and pray that the eyes of their understanding be enlightened so they can get out “before it’s everlastingly too late.”
My family and I left the church 3 years ago and not looked back. I was a minister in the church and had my back stabbed so many times by both the pulpit and the pew I lost count!
NOW, Most Churches are Closed!!! God See's Everything!!! Just keep doing what Pleases God.
Idiotic comment most churches are closed to government mandate dummy
@@rossiethomas be nice. Janelle stated the truth. MOST church buildings are CLOSED, government mandate or not.
@@derrickwright5948 eye roll 🙄...... your reply was just as dumb as her comment. they don’t want people to socialize because for almost a year you been under martial law while they’re marching in the new world order and you dummies don’t even realize it soon it’s gonna be illegal and punishable by death to worship God
I wish I could be interviewed, I left the building from the awakening I received from God on psychedelics. Since then I practice these medicines for meetings with God, and my experiences have been validated through scriptures in the Bible and events coming to pass in our present days. I still attend church via online and still read the bible as a source of connection, meditation and guidence. Still, growing deeper in my spiritual walk with the Most High!
This was GREAT!!! I wish it was longer!! Please do more 😃 Regardless, thank you for this!
To Ms. Fields, and the guests, thank you for saying what aught to be said during this time. God bless you all.
This conversation is enlightening
CHHHHHIIIIIILLLLLLLEEEEEE!!!! Same experience as Vince. Messed around and got on staff. A disgusting and eye opening experience. I know too much...I’ll never go back.
These chats are very much needed. I’m just a lil upset that my man with the braids doesn’t actually understand what faith means. Faith is not belief with lack of evidence, faith is trust based on the evidence we have! Faith is not blind
Very good and much needed. These topics are still taboo in some churches and this is also part of why people are leaving. The moderator said it best, we need to listen to what is being said and the respond with a sound answer. Not just brush under the rug, the rugs are becoming mountains and people are still leaving. Enjoyed this .
Much needed conversation!!!
They are all millennials it seems. Their respective exodus from "church" is characteristic of their generation. I am a millennial and I understand their existential struggle; however, their ecclesiology is imbalanced and unlearned.
Your right, this stems from poor epistemology. Check out Greg Bahnsen lectures.
They are all brothers and sisters and you must listen instead of quickly digesting their walk. The Holy Spirit is the Teacher as Jesus said. The Lord knows where they are and will lead them accordingly. It's not about poor teaching from man but where the Spirit of the Living God is leading them to and from. According to their election in grace their entire life has already been written by His Word says the Lord in Psalm 139. Slow to speak and quick to hear the Holy Spirit says the Lord. So as the Lord knows His people before they are born psalm 139 and Jeremiah chp 1. He has them covered. Oh says the Lord Jeremiah 31:31-34 no man will have to teach you anything. Because Jesus was coming. Not by power or might but only His Spirit in the book of Zechariah and 1 Corinthians chapter 2. Study to show thyself approved unto to God.
@@elijah-kimmariewashington756 I see your sentiment, friend. As an objective observer of this clip, I see these panelist have expressed a uninformed ecclesiology. And I only have the opportunity to respond after the fact. It is interesting that you use scripture to support your viewpoint while stating that it's not about poor teaching from man. Admittedly, I know nothing of their walk. What I know is that--right, wrong, or indifferent--Jesus Christ loves his people, many of whom are a part of the church from which they have resigned. Their issues, it seems, are with the church as an institution and brand and how it has acculturated those who have participated in it. Further, and with all due respect, they propound their respective ecclesiology while repudiating an ecclesiology they say doesn't measure up to their standard. The same from which they have walked away. Again, it is their existential struggle packaged in poor ecclesiological understanding but masquerading as something brave and informed.
The Lord has them on the the right track of His way and not that of a man. Their focus is the Lord Jesus and not that of buildings or their history. Ancient Israel got caught up in worship other than that of the Lord. You have not walked in their shoes so you don't understand their journey. Listen deeper to what they are saying. Their looking for Him. Keep focus on preaching the Gospel and let the Lord direct His sheep. He knows where they are and what they need. As for buildings and their history. Jesus said in Mathew 24 not one stone will be left upon another. Jeremiah 7 the Lord talks about buildings. Again it's not about the poor teachings of men but of the Holy Spirit alone.
Christ is simple and communicate with humanity simply. If an primary school age child can not understand what is being said the message let God- plain.
Can’t wait future episodes!!!
The pandemic proved a lot of things including churches that did not supply their congregants with supplies to help them thru this time.
They did, however, commenced with virtual church still tryna get that bag. That's so sad and disappointing to me.
Yup! They act overly dramatic in these video sermons and are SURE to tell you to give on-line...
I have listened to their statements and read some of the comments on here...
My burning question is, what is the purpose of the Church?
Good question
I don't have a Problem with the Church. It's when you Serve & See the Backround!!! You have to make Sure, that you'er Chosen to Serve the Lord!!! I've served for 9 years at my church. I've never met my Pastor or Co-Pastor!!! I just wanted to Please God!!! I feel where y'all are coming from, I would like to mention Matthew 16:18. I love this, but the Church is God's. When God told me to Step Down, I did. & he moved me to Texas. I believe that my Time of Serving was up, on the platform & God's Gift is just as Effective, with me in the pews. This is Good!!! Please, if you're not in Church, Please share your Gifts with the World!!! So many People are Lost & in Fear!!! Follow on to Know God & Please Him!!!
My pastor kept us informed on everything he didn't abandoned us we continue to do what we were already doing pretty much just not at church Great Bishop 😊😊
Ask yo pastor who wrote the genesis you read today and tell Blood to provide proof and see what happen
I gave up religion when I found out that it's not about THEMOSTHIGH. but about mind control
The bible calls it the nicolaitan doctrine, and the Messiah hates it. Read Revelation 2:5
It's great you are listening to people without judging. Imagine a Church making many accommodations and modifications to make people comfortable. It won't be Church no more.
Now imagine some one who is spiritually mature...... leaving the Church building, loving their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, but leaving the building and seeking God.
It is very interesting that if you examine each one of their responses they were all depending on outside forces. It seems that they focused on relationships are the lack of Of a relationship that others had and they did not focus on the relationship that they had with God.
I think that’s exactly their point. Why do they need to go to church when they can nourish their relationship with God without outside interference...such as the church and church members.
How do you love each other and fellowship without relationships?
I agree their love for and obedience to Jesus must be first and foremost but second is to love others. They didn't say they left Jesus.
Colossians 3
12 Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering;
1 John 4:8
He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love
This is so good!🙌🏾
I used to enjoy going to church but then it started to get on my nerves when people ask where you been I used to put in my tithes and offerings but all I see is going into there packet so what I do with my money instead of doing my tithes i feed the homeless animals and homeless people I do what I can to help for the homeless not that is what put JOY in my heart
I left my church/religion five years ago. I didn't necessarily have a lot of bad experiences there. My family was in it, I had friends in it, and found a good wife in it. I left because the religion is a business with their own doctrines. Those things interfere with a relationship with God. Jesus said, "No comes to Father except through me." (John 14:6) So that's Father-Jesus-Me. The religion kept me from the fullness of that relationship because of their doctrines and business model. Now nothing hinders me. I can read and study God's Word myself and let Jesus guide me to the correct understanding. Church leaders have no more authority to interpret Scriptures than I do.
Pastor Dharius Daniels has a sermon about why I quit church!! Church is good but salvation is personal...You have to bring your own fire! And people will offend and hurt in every and any relationship...dont go to church for the building go for Christ then the leaving will not that way...why did you go to church? Let's pray for them thou for a deeper relationship with God/ Jesus.
I really think that these individuals can revolutionize church as we knew it. Wonderful ms lisa you are definitely a great role model in apologetics.
Interesting. This is a good idea for a series. Hope it can inspire viewers in a positive light, in whatever shape that may be.
Does leaving church mean leaving God? Wonder what people think... Potential question for future episodes.
Thank you for this conversation. It was insightful and at 46 years old, I’ve experienced much of how each guest felt. Even still, it left me wondering about their relationship with God. After COVID and the closing of churches, I noticed that many who were once “woke”, began to suffer. Many more have remembered, despite their offenses with church people, that God desires individual relationships with each of us. He’s willing to do life with us. I pray that they discover that this relationship is bigger than their spiritual leaders who failed to meet all of their human needs and desires.
Christians are not required to meet all human needs and desires; but they required to love and if they don't then they don't know Jesus.
But many Christians get instantly mad if they hear scripture that says they must love. When the Bible/Word if God commands to love it means it.
1 John 4:8
He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love
Luke 10
27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.
28 And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live
Galatians 5
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law
James 2
2 For if there come unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment;
3 And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool:
4 Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts?
5 Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?
6 But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats?
7 Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called?
8 If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:
9 But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin,
Have you all research reigion, Jesus, and all other religions as to why it was created?
Ma’am, notice the lack of responses. It’s because your question requires more effort than they’re willing to make.
Uh ohhh! Someone’s brain is functioning properly. Ummm sister get out of those devil research books and just pray about it and let god lead you 👀😉🤣
I left the religious buildings over 15yrs ago and never looked back. My relationship with the Lord has grown and strengthen over the years. I'm so thankful that the Lord called me out of the Harlot Church System.
Do we need “Church” to have a relationship with God? I never really experienced the freedom in Christ we are supposed to have while attending church. Also, this year has me questioning a lot of things that were taught to us and passed down in church. I cringe when I hear “evangelicals” or “white evangelicals” in the context of being a Christian. How can we be all serving the same Christ and we are not on the same page about humanity issues? I truly want to know and have an authentic relationship with God the Creator so it’s not my faith that I question; it’s the “institution” of church. Everything else in this country has been taught and created through a white supremacy/dominant lens/perspective so I ask myself why would I expect church teaching to be any different? I’m truly not trying to be combative, It has been really hard for me to trust the true intentions of our country’s institutions and the racist poison that is in EVERY one one them, including church.
So needless to say, this is a very interesting topic that I look forward to hearing. BTW, I’m in my 40s.
I agree with you .
You my friend are living in the truth. Only other truth you left out is that the Bible book and the church that goes along with it are both European. Religions are all man made and according to “culture”. Look at the culture of the USA. Look at your Bible book. It suits it just fine. I’m not religious however I do believe that whatever religion you are a part of should empower you! I am spiritual. I need no book to be that. I was born and that’s enough. No book told me how to eat straight from the womb. No book told me how to walk or empty my bladder. The creator did. The creator is a force not a man. This planet is billions or trillions of years old. If anyone ever knew the name of the creator I can guarantee you it was so long ago no one younger than one billion years knows. Lol! And lastly, NO. The slave and the slave master cannot serve the same deity. Your Bible book god commanded slavery. Christians built USA. Their religion worked well for them and it empowered them as I believe every religion should. They gave it to their captives and they have been docile ever since. So docile that they stand behind a book they never read in its entirety. Oh well, I’ve said enough.
Very interesting thoughts from your guests. As a discipled, I appreciated their honest perspective. I cleaned some things that I think are helpful and hope to use in ministry. Thank you!
My grandfather told me as a young child: "Boy, stay out of the church. That's where all the sinners and liars are...you're better off not going." And he was right! I had to learn the hard way. But the old man was 100% correct.
But where did y'all get the idea that people in the church were perfect, because we not. We make mistakes and mess up just like everyone else. We never said we were perfect that was y'all.
THANK YOU! If more Christians took the time to do this, the world would be a better place. There’s so much finger pointing in the Christian faith🙄 at least from the Christians in my life….
I'm a loving Atheist... I live in the bible belt so... my sweet community doesn't see me or connect with me... I'm very loving, generous, and I house and feed the homeless for a service. But, according to my community, I'm not good enough and to be feared and rejected. I preparing to move to a more conscious community. Love is love... nothing else matters.
I'm a Christian and work with people who are open pagans and atheists. I love on them and my heart opens up then every day I see them. I never push my faith on them. They knew where I stand and I know where they stand. We have lunch together, laugh together, and care about one another's families. I'm sorry you experienced that
I used to be in the church, specifically serving in AV Tech and IT. After 22 years of experiencing discrepancies between this department/ministry and the leadership, I left. The overall issue I endured is the fact that the leadership did not trust the very people they recruited. There was a common mindset with all the church communities I went to, that the common goal was to hide tech problems, not fix them. One common example of this is when equipment was reported to be end-of-life, and this was broken down to plain layman's terms with relatable illustrations. When equipment is at end-of-life, it does not function as efficiently as it once did, and functions will intermit and ultimately fail.
The common attitude from the leadership was to do the best we can with it as they did not have any budget for replacing it. However, once the tech reached a critical failure, the leadership knew what they had to do that was inevitable, but there was still an aura of "What did this so called technician do wrong to mess this up...?" What's worse, when we presented equipment to get in order to fix the problem, there were oftentimes pushback for it being too expensive. Some of them would even look up equipment that fit the price THEY wanted to pay, and the specs were not even close to the requirements. The common response for this was for the technicians to work with it as best as we could. In other words, "Don't make us look bad." In some cases, the leadership would bring technicians in on a project at the last minute (execution of the plans) where they already purchased products, and then come to find out those products purchased were not compatible, and required additional products and software to integrate. They would have known about this if they brought us into the planning meetings. Again, another trait of distrust.
Ultimately, this behavior is not driven by ignorance like many want others to believe. It is driven by poor attitude and ego. There are those who are aware and openly admit they don't understand technology, but yet they refuse to consult and/or rely on the very people they recruit to help guide them. Their behavior has commonly shown they just want to go a specific direction, regardless of reality, and then bring in God's name to justify that direction. There is a term for this: Delusion.
Only 1 out of the 8 church communities I was staff in, furnished weekly meetings to ascertain the status of operations within AV/IT, and this was well done. There were still some discrepancies, but it was a start. That church unified with another church, which that church took over operations and it was a management disaster due to severe micromanagement.
Overall, I left the church because I recognized the leadership from so many had no care for those in my field of work. There was no spiritual checkup from them. Even other peer technicians would contact me for advice, and it was the same stories, the leadership not listening and just making demands. There were even cases leaderships would send raw media material late Saturday evening, and expect it to be ready Sunday morning. Some of those projects can take up to 10 hours, and that's just editing. There were even cases where after our resignation was announced, only then did they want to "talk".
Since I moved from one state to another, I have decided to stay out of the church altogether. If I suffer another episode like before, I would likely end up using unfiltered language towards the next leadership to tell the situation exactly as it is when an intentional communication discrepancy occurs on their part, and I don't want to do that. I'm tired of the unmerited attitudes towards technicians, and I'm tired of the unmerited excuses for those attitudes. If they only want people in the AV/IT Department to hide the problems THEY cause because of THEIR "IGNORANCE", then they need to put THAT on their hiring bulletin.