i have to say, your latest videos are super engaging and well put together, easily one of the best modded minecraft you tubers on the platform at the moment. Most people who play through mod packs tend to just record long blocks of them playing, but you clearly put in a ton of time and effort to make your videos polished and snappy. I can also hear a big difference in your confidence as a speaker compared to your videos from even just one year ago. Really cool stuff and i wish you a ton of luck and success in the future :)
I'll be honest, you popped up in my recommended a few days ago since I've been playing a whole lot of modded MC for a few weeks nows, and you got me hooked up. I don't know what it is, but I'll be dead honest, your editing just hits so right in the satisfying part of my brain. The pace, the feels, the progress you're achieving each episode is just so great. You said in a previous video that you were doing it for the fun, and I just can hope that it stays that way for you, you are severely underrated in my humble opinion. Much support !
GTNH is definitely not a pack I would play myself but I've been loving watching you play. I also love your effort in making the pack more accessible to those who are interested in playing it.
The bonemeal to duplicate flowers only works on 2-block-tall flowers. That's why it worked on sunflowers in DJ2. I think you can get the blue orchid in vanilla by bone mealing grass in a swamp biome, but that's almost certainly changed in GTNH.
It might be different in 1.7.10, but in 1.12+ flowers in minecraft have a spawn map where each vector has its own "loot table" for bonemealing grass. It's possible to farm every type of flower by finding the vector that has the flower you want in its loot table and bonemealing it repeatedly. This is typically done by first finding the flower you want, and bonemealing the spot you found it.
I can say for the first time, that I genuinely light up when I see uploads from Threefold! There's something about the production quality and the condensed storytelling in the videos that makes the content so extremely digestible, and highly entertaining! Really looking forward to all your future uploads!
The axe that HEALS! One of my absolute favorite early discoveries of NH :) keep on pushing Three, you know we absolutely GEEK every time a new episode of this is released..
More specifically, Drowning Creepers explode in a cage of water and silverfish cobblestone, the latter of which spawns special mobs silverfish that are always infernal. It should go without saying that Drowning Creepers are very much on the "do not engage if at all possible" list. That said they do have a chance of dropping an iron bucket, so if you're feeling really brave (or suicidal)... The BBF is even slower if you feed it charcoal rather than coal coke. Keep those coke ovens filled and those coal coke blocks cooking, because the last thing you want is for steel production to be even *slower* than it needs to be. Grabbing a second bricked blast furnace early is also advisable, especially if you're going to be feeding your BBFs charcoal. Even with coal coke they are slow, and expanding infrastructure is the name of the pack here. Wrought Iron actually would have been a better tool rod, 1.5x instead of 1.3x. Alumite is a better choice than Steel, though, since they have the same durability multiplier but Alumite is a lot less steel per ingot than pure steel. For the record the regular crafting recipe for the Healing Axe is still enabled, so you can get it without doing this particular quest. The quest just allows you to get it earlier, as the normal way requires MV whereas the quest can be done in the Steam Age. That said even if you go for the healing axe early don't forget to cook and eat new foods to gain more hearts! Health regen is molasses in 1.7 and the Nether early on is exceptionally deadly to the unweary. An extra buffer of hearts can go a long way to increase your survivability. You can, for the sake of simplicity, throw blocks of coal in the coke oven and turn those into blocks of coal coke directly. The issue is that it takes *forever* to cook a block (though no longer than nine pieces individually) and coke ovens will fill with creosote really quickly. To get rid of the creosote oil you can just break the oven, it'll void all the creosote, or you can use TiC faucets to extract the fluid into a TiC Channel - remember those things? - and send the fluid to a central collection/storage point that way. Faucets can also be activated with a redstone signal, so you can set up primitive redstone contraptions to keep your coke ovens empty without using any GT pumps or pipes. For the record you can do *a lot* better with food than Three here did. Dude delayed food until the very last minute when he needed to start rushing for the Healing Axe, which is about the worst way to handle GTNH food short of not building a farm at all. So don't worry that eating cargo crates worth of half shank snacks are the only option. With a bit of effort and perhaps a small kitchen you can feast like a king in the Steam age. Fruit trees are very easy to find once you know the right biomes to look for them in. Finding a *specific* fruit tree can, admittedly, still be an absolute crapshoot, but once you're in LV and able to craft a Nature's Compass you can narrow down where to search quite well. My recommendation would be to not delay setting up food and farming until the last minute, and even then only setting up what you need to rush the Healing Axe. Be a gourmand, build a kitchen, eat different foods to get more hearts, prepare stacks of good foods to throw in an actual lunch box rather than carting around a single lunch bag like that's going to be enough. For the record you can get sulfur dust from xp bucket crafting, so you could get some early to craft piston boots and make exploration easier. Getting the Healing Axe in general is *a lot* easier when you're in LV, actually - cheap Forestry fertilizer means growing crops isn't an issue, Nature's Compass can directly point you to the nearest Lavender Fields biome if there's any within 10K blocks and shows you biome tags for easy Water Garden/fruit tree searching, a Golden Lasso to store a Horse makes that mode of transportation a lot less precarious (although Piston Boots+Hang Glider is certainly another viable option), and several LV machines make cooking more efficient. Coconuts, being considered a tropical tree by Pam's, grows in biomes with the WET or SWAMP tag. So look for damp biomes in particular. Also that method of farming maple is just...barbaric, I swear. I mean it works, but damn. Another benefit to using blocks of coal coke in the BBFs: They produce full dust rather than tiny dusts, so it takes a lot longer for the BBF to clog. It's true that they cannot be automated, so stuff them full of stuff to process whenever possible. You can use other things to open a Nether Portal, by the way, in fact GT++ adds a basic firestarter thing presumably for that reason (unless the reason was to randomly set the player on fire). The only reason you need a flint and steel specifically is because the questbook demands a flint and steel. That said you can use that flint and steel to craft a Charcoal Pile Igniter instead of using it to light a portal, so it's not a complete and total waste of resources. The dapper looking Pigman are Vampire Pigman. They take minimum damage from anything other than wooden weapons, and wooden weapons are...I mean they're made of wood. The Pain enchant allows swords to piece their resistances to non-wooden weapons, although I'm not sure if that's intended or not (it's not easy to find diamond swords enchanted with Pain at this stage, at any rate). As I said, the Nether is exceptionally deadly to the unweary. Keep your food bar up at all times you're not at full health, stay at full health as much as possible, and be extremely cautions when mining (annoyed infernal pigman can and will give you things like poison or wither through walls, depending on their infernal traits) or out in the open (kamikaze firebats can cause many issues, wisps are always infernal and thus always dangerous, and ghasts are a special kind of insanity if they're infernal and rolled Vengeance). Having more hearts helps a lot with tanking sudden bursts of damage, and between the infernal mobs and everything that will happen sooner or later. You can go for bonus hearts later on, but keep in mind that bonus hearts matter a lot less *after* you've got an OP crossbow, good armor, etc. Extra hearts matter the most early on during your initial Nether (mis)adventures, and not coincidentally good food matters most early on as well, before you have a Healing Axe or Tin Cans or Seroconverter or what have you to supply food or things like Boots of the Traveller to greatly increase your walking/sprinting speed. I very much recommend getting started with food early and delaying the Healing Axe until later. It's much easier to get in LV, and not coincidentally that's after you've already cleared one of the biggest hurdles when extra hearts are useful (namely manual Nether mining, which in LV you can do with an automated miner instead). For the record, kitchens are *mostly* very cheap to craft. The Cooking Table requires some diamonds and steel plates, there's a fair bit of iron, stone and wood plates involved, but other than the kitchen floor which requires blocks of coal and quartz it's entirely doable to craft a kitchen in the Steam Age.
Been on a modded Minecraft kick recently after playing some AllTheMods 8 and came across your motivation video. Absolutely loved your points and was amazed by all the bases you showed, so figured I’d stick around. Absolutely hooked on this series after just 4 episodes and excited to binge through the rest! The editing, commentary, gameplay, and pacing are top notch and make it so easy to spend hours watching the videos. Thanks for putting in the effort to make these videos awesome:)
Came across this channel last week, and I'm loving your editing and playstyle! For anyone who's curious about why his crops are growing slowly, it's actually due to a few obscure vanilla mechanics. Firstly, any crop with crops of the same type in the 8 blocks surrounding it will have heavily decreased growtimes, unless those crops are exclusively a 3x1 row. For example, looking at one of his farms from the video, a 5x5 farm with a block of water in the middle: A B B B A B C C C B B C _ C B B C C C B A B B B A Assuming all of these crops are the same, A has 3 crops around it, B has 5, and C has 7. All of these crops will therefore have their chance of gaining a growth stage halved. Planting another type of crops in rows with these (i.e. the second and fourth rows) or even removing the crops in those rows entirely will generally increase your production as much as (if not more than) the rows that you changed would give you. The other relevant mechanic is that crops have a higher chance of growing based on the amount of farmland surrounding them. Without going too deeply into the math, the average growth chance of the farm shown above is 20%, with A having the lowest growth chance and C having the highest. In comparison, a full 9x9 farm from one block of water has an average 28% growth chance due to having more "interior" farmland surrounded by other farmland. You can increase this even further by just shoving a few farms together with their edges touching to decrease the amount of "edge" farmland. Edit: I've ran some tests after receiving questions in the replies, and these mechanics exist in 1.7.10 and affect at least both vanilla and Pam's crops. Hunger Overhaul is another big factor in the speed of crop growth and decreases growth speed by a huge margin, but these mechanics stil affect the speed of crops growth alongside this altered speed.
I was just going to mention this, I didn't think it was that obscure. Thing is that it's a tossup whether modded crops do this or not, and I can't remember if 1.7 Pam's do it.
Okay, a few hours of testing later, here's the results: Both mechanics exist in v1.7.10 and affect both vanilla crops and modded crops from Pam's Harvestcraft (tested with 9x9 plots of wheat and tomatoes since they make it visually easy to tell what growth stage crops are at). There's also another factor slowing crops down in GTNH, Hunger Overhaul, which severely decreases the growth speed of crops; I was worried that it might disable the row mechanic as it does mess with growth tick percentage so I ran a test with it as well, but that seems to just be another percentage tossed onto the top without affecting any of the vanilla mechanics.
I started being part of your channel right around when you started ATM7 to the sky, that series was so well made that it got me back into modded Minecraft after years of being away from the community. Really apprecieate the time and effort you put into these videos. After Inferno I was really looking forward to the next pack you would play through. I was reluctant to watch a series from an older version of the game but I have to say anything you produce is just golden and I'm really enjoying it. Thanks you for the content, I really hope you get this channel as far as you can and the best is yet to come! Cheers three
Very few youtubers will I sit and attentively watch when they upload a video but yours I always do and I always love them, this new series especially. Keep it up
Man you criminally underrated and deserve more subscribers than you have. Found you for your FTB Inferno play through and have been watching ever since. Hope you continue to grow and wish you all the best mate!
Getting back into GT:NH for the umteenth time, going to follow along with you to hopefully provide some much needed insight to get me over the parts I was missing before. Thanks for the series
I'm new to the channel, went on a marathon of episodes from previous series and I can say for sure these new ones feel so refreshing and energetic, thanks for putting in such an effort for our joy.
I've been watching your videos for a while now, and I must say that your season 2 let's play of GTNH is one of the most entertaining modpack series I ever watched. :D
i recently discovered your channel and i am here to stay! Another Minecraft series since ages, which i really love to follow and watch! Keep up the great effort! :D
I am really impressed with your editing and videos!!! I've been watching Minecraft videos for 10+ years and your style is by far the best and well entertaining I've seen yet more recently... your videos are very well thought out and engaging and it shows in the product!! Just from what I have seen in the month I started watching your stuff, your channel has grown a lot lately!!! Keep up the amazing work, really enjoying the series!
I'm addicted to this series! I Love your editing and the pace of your videos. You are talented and watching your playthroughs is a really enjoyable experience. By the way for bone meal you could've taken one bone and 8 ashes (made by smelting a sapling) to get 7 bone meal, but now that you can go to the nether it's way better to macerate bone blocks. Eager to see the next video, have a good one!
I love the "We're not hungry anymore!" at the end :D I am incredibly excited to see more of this series, I've never been courageous enough to undertake such an extreme pack but I've always wanted to see a playthrough. Finally I can watch someone incredibly entertaining go through it with elegance! Thanks for the content you make Three, you're awesome!
You know, I agree. You have an awesome style with how you put together all of your videos. You make it easy to forget the real grind that we experience in GTNH. Please keep up the awesome work. I look forward to your automating the Dimensional Forge Multiblock.
from what i remember.If you have a lot of food to sample for Spice of life and don't want to wait for your satoration to lower naturally you can use the healing axe by attacking your passive mobs with the axe and the axe uses your satoration to heal your passive mobs.
Your talk about time usage made me think of a realization I had at the transition between MV and HV tier. Basically I realized what y'all meant when you said "sometimes you have to be inefficient to be efficient" was that your only real resource in the game is the time you put into it. It didn't matter if I got some ores byproducts to give me like 15% more of the ore if I could process twice as much in the same time by ignoring it and just mining another vein. Same thing for making processing arrays and new machines. Basically I stopped asking myself what the best way for me to do something was and started asking what the fastest way to do something was. Changed my whole game right there! Especially cause I could get to better quality of life items and ways to process items as quick as possible and then use that improved system to fill it out enough to be able to move to the next step. Once again loving the content Three! And very excited for the potential to go beyond a tier 7 rocket! Not getting my hopes up too high cause this pack can be draining, but I like the possibility 👍
Okay, first and majorily - love the video! I'm not done with this episode yet but there was one thing I wanted to comment on that I have been meaning to comment on since the start of this series. You dig shafts and then block up to get out, wouldn't it be more effective and faster using ladders. Also, and maybe I am missing something about Gregtech on this, but if mineral veins are a chunk or two apart and many of them are roughly on a similar level, wouldn't creating tunnels connecting them be faster. It would allow safe underground travel between equally placed locations. Anyway, back to the video. Love the stuff you do. Am still watching your previous series. Just finished on skyblock, am starting your season 1 of gregtech. Well, that or divine journey, I'm debating which to watch first. hehe
some veins are like 60 blocks apart in height, and there is no way telling which is where, + it's much easier to glide to the needed vein and mine it from highest layer down. But yeah, getting up is slow without jetpack.
Threefold, I would love if you could incorporate the playtime counter from nomifactory in all of your play throughs. i think it’s interesting to see how much real world time has passed, especially after large jumps/timelapses.
Gratz on 30k subs! You're also about to hit 5million total views I believe, which is pretty insane too. 🤘GTNH videos definitely seem to get a higher average viewership than other series. Maybe because there really aren't many UA-camrs doing playthroughs on this pack. Keep it up man! Do hope you will be one of the few who can get to the end of the pack, maybe even amongst the first English UA-camrs to do it fully on camera.
You can make "scrambled tofu" and similar egg style dishes that taste surprisingly like eggs with the right spices/flavors added. Soy and tofu are versatile and it's neat that Pam included all those substitutions.
Your "Staying Motivated" video appered on my home page where I heard that ya had a Vanilla series. I'm not too into modded so I checked that series out, liked it, and decided to check out your other videos which I ended up enjoying more than I thought I would!
Everyday I check your channel to see if you've uploaded a new video, you're easily my favorite UA-camr! Your videos are awesome, great editing skills and cool personality, hope u keep up with your videos for a long time!
I first discovered you through your Divine Journey series, then jumped to this one instead of finishing it as I wanted to keep up with a new one (and that series is very long xD). And I've gotta say, it's a lot of progression with the editing style! As other commenters have noted, I can see the amount of storytelling and care you put into compressing the grind into something we can enjoy, without taking out too much from it that we feel disconnected/left out from your play. Just like with your video on how you finish modpacks, I'm taking notes on this one! The editing and storytelling techniques you have used in just these 4 episodes is very inspiring! Best of luck with the grind; I'm definitely not up for such packs xD
New subscriber here, and I have to say that I'm in love with this series and with style of editing, the way you can take the grind and make it so satisfying that I keep coming for more. Keep it up!
i just wanna say that you've inspired me to start playing modded minecraft! i've been looking for that extra challenge i needed to stay interested in the game and i think i've found it!
I suggest to you. Livestreams! This series will be a long grind, so I think making set livestreams, and grinding out mining, crafting, or traveling/serching would be very enjoyable!
Hi! I am also new here! I found your channel thanks to ATM 7 To the Sky and I am enjoying your channel ever since then :D you are really fun and sweet and I also decided to support you via Patreon because why not :) I'm so glad that I have found your channel hahaha
I am looking forward to new episodes! Have an amazing day too! You are really sweet and I can't imagine how are you keeping up like you are reading and replying to all of these comments and yet you have to do editing I seriously can't haha that's why I wanted to show my support you are really amazing
Atm7 got me back in minecraft and really like to see how you did it! Got allot of multiple questions about it and challenges just amazing to see. Seeing you play another mod is something new for me but I like it man! Nice style of making a video!
You absolutely deserve Etho numbers in terms of views and subs. The amount of dedication you provide in your videos should actually surpass that of Etho imo. That man literally only produces 1 video a week if we're lucky and not even remotely in the same quality of you tbh.
Tip: If you have a bucket of blood (you can find blood pools in nether) you can break burning blossoms by placing that blood on the flower without taking damage. Also blood works like water in nether so you can make obsidian with it and extinguish yourself when you're on fire. Longsword from tinker construct is a very good movement tool for early game.
i loved this episode! the farming is a nice change of pace. i also love the tech/magic/automation of packs like this, but i think manually farming crops is a way to show commitment to your world. it feels like an investment that will pay off, both in terms of stat gains and in terms of continued motivation you mentioned that this season of gregtech feels more like a grind. is that possibly because you're pacing yourself differently? it seems like you're trying not to rush too much/taking time to build a foundation in the early game
4:20 If I remember correctly, in ur first season the mining hammer was bronze, then you swapped it to cobalt when you recieved a mining hammer cobalt head as reward from killing a blue slime boss.
I'm usually completely ignoring the food part of modpacks, just farming the most effecient or convient food at the time. But this episode is actually my favorite of the season so far! I don't know what it was, but I wasn't bored for a single moment.
for me it's so cool to once in a while create full scale industrial kitchen, to the point of creating small separate AE2 network that can craft almost any food, and just create a chest (or rather a refrigerator, lmao) that fills up with random autocrafted foods. Gets you to violet hearts in no time.
For obsidian dust, you can alloy smelt an obsidian block with an ingot form to get 9 obsidian ingots, and macerate those for 9x obsidian dust, it's especially useful when crafting tanks later on
I really like your taste in music. Do you have a playlist perchance? Keep up the great content! This pack is daunting, so I haven't been able to dig myself into it, that's often the case for many modpacks in fact. But seeing you brave GT:NH brings me a lot of motivation for my own modded endeavors. Cheers!
This sidequests that ask you to submit something that's hard/takes long to obtain in exchange for a very strong item like the healing axe is something that I really like about this pack and I hope that there is more of the same style to be completed at some point
punching burning blossoms was sooo lame ;) you should break blocks on which they are growing - that prevents burning yourself :D also as i wrote on some previous episode - you should do the crafting station (or however it is named) what would greatly simplify soybean processing. as you have access to lumber axe (on the beginning made from netherrack is the cheapest to do and maintain) you can start growing a field of 4x4 spruce trees. they are growing very quickly and if they are touching each other - in few second you can fill few forester backpack. so now you have limitless source of fuel for furnaces and you can start filling charcoal pits. much easier to gather than normal coal. btw. using extractor to get maple syrup seems strange - you could use bonemeal (without loosing it) on spots of the tree). btw2. imo it's much easier to make salt from water instead of collecting it from veins...
2:57 they explode in gtnh because they explode irl too, not a lot of the time but if a farmer isn’t paying good attention a cow can get so bloated they can “explode”
you were crafting the big meals like hearty breakfast. you needed 20. why not crafting 21 and eat the 21th for the bonus hp so you dont have to craft it in the future again just came appon your channel and the quality of the videos makes it by far the most enjoyable Modpack videos to watch. showing the important crafting and all. You wanted to show the watchers more how you make your bases. You explained how you find the 'center' of a chunk but you then don t explain how you use that knowledge to plan the base. Because Power is coming up maybe try to explain why you doing things shortly when you cut into the new base. even when it changes afterwards. Love your content. i hope it makes you happy as much as it makes us watching it
Normally I wouldn't have the patience to watch a 30-40 minute video, but I just found you recently and really enjoy your Videos. I also wanted to try a modpack but I don't know which one. Could you recommend one?
i have to say, your latest videos are super engaging and well put together, easily one of the best modded minecraft you tubers on the platform at the moment. Most people who play through mod packs tend to just record long blocks of them playing, but you clearly put in a ton of time and effort to make your videos polished and snappy. I can also hear a big difference in your confidence as a speaker compared to your videos from even just one year ago. Really cool stuff and i wish you a ton of luck and success in the future :)
exactly like when I watched his FTB interactions wich is like a year ago and it was a completely different person he has gotten so much better
couldnt agree more, the videos are really really good
Him and IGBLONs are the best imo
First time watching him and I'm so into it, checking my notifications multiple times for new videos lol
They really are top notch, but they have been that good for quite some time now (:
Three: "Flint and Steel... Surely it's just made with steel instead of iron"
GTNH: "Hold my PTFE."
Also, for those struggling to find water gardens, the boat quest in transportation gives you 10 water gardens ;)
I'll be honest, you popped up in my recommended a few days ago since I've been playing a whole lot of modded MC for a few weeks nows, and you got me hooked up. I don't know what it is, but I'll be dead honest, your editing just hits so right in the satisfying part of my brain. The pace, the feels, the progress you're achieving each episode is just so great. You said in a previous video that you were doing it for the fun, and I just can hope that it stays that way for you, you are severely underrated in my humble opinion. Much support !
Great to have you here! I'm happy you enjoy the videos, have a fantastic day :D
GTNH is definitely not a pack I would play myself but I've been loving watching you play. I also love your effort in making the pack more accessible to those who are interested in playing it.
Same lol
The bonemeal to duplicate flowers only works on 2-block-tall flowers. That's why it worked on sunflowers in DJ2. I think you can get the blue orchid in vanilla by bone mealing grass in a swamp biome, but that's almost certainly changed in GTNH.
Bone mealing small flowers is also a Bedrock feature.
It might be different in 1.7.10, but in 1.12+ flowers in minecraft have a spawn map where each vector has its own "loot table" for bonemealing grass.
It's possible to farm every type of flower by finding the vector that has the flower you want in its loot table and bonemealing it repeatedly. This is typically done by first finding the flower you want, and bonemealing the spot you found it.
I can say for the first time, that I genuinely light up when I see uploads from Threefold! There's something about the production quality and the condensed storytelling in the videos that makes the content so extremely digestible, and highly entertaining! Really looking forward to all your future uploads!
It has come to my attention that it's once again *Gregging time*
Its gregging time
the editing in time with the music or in some pattern has gotta be one of my favourite things that you do
The axe that HEALS! One of my absolute favorite early discoveries of NH :) keep on pushing Three, you know we absolutely GEEK every time a new episode of this is released..
Am I crazy for doing it twice? haha Thanks Apex :D
Always a good morning when I see a threefold notification
I love how the farm area looks like, also that hammer is great for mining. Love this series! Im so engaged to the mod
More specifically, Drowning Creepers explode in a cage of water and silverfish cobblestone, the latter of which spawns special mobs silverfish that are always infernal. It should go without saying that Drowning Creepers are very much on the "do not engage if at all possible" list. That said they do have a chance of dropping an iron bucket, so if you're feeling really brave (or suicidal)...
The BBF is even slower if you feed it charcoal rather than coal coke. Keep those coke ovens filled and those coal coke blocks cooking, because the last thing you want is for steel production to be even *slower* than it needs to be. Grabbing a second bricked blast furnace early is also advisable, especially if you're going to be feeding your BBFs charcoal. Even with coal coke they are slow, and expanding infrastructure is the name of the pack here.
Wrought Iron actually would have been a better tool rod, 1.5x instead of 1.3x. Alumite is a better choice than Steel, though, since they have the same durability multiplier but Alumite is a lot less steel per ingot than pure steel.
For the record the regular crafting recipe for the Healing Axe is still enabled, so you can get it without doing this particular quest. The quest just allows you to get it earlier, as the normal way requires MV whereas the quest can be done in the Steam Age. That said even if you go for the healing axe early don't forget to cook and eat new foods to gain more hearts! Health regen is molasses in 1.7 and the Nether early on is exceptionally deadly to the unweary. An extra buffer of hearts can go a long way to increase your survivability.
You can, for the sake of simplicity, throw blocks of coal in the coke oven and turn those into blocks of coal coke directly. The issue is that it takes *forever* to cook a block (though no longer than nine pieces individually) and coke ovens will fill with creosote really quickly. To get rid of the creosote oil you can just break the oven, it'll void all the creosote, or you can use TiC faucets to extract the fluid into a TiC Channel - remember those things? - and send the fluid to a central collection/storage point that way. Faucets can also be activated with a redstone signal, so you can set up primitive redstone contraptions to keep your coke ovens empty without using any GT pumps or pipes.
For the record you can do *a lot* better with food than Three here did. Dude delayed food until the very last minute when he needed to start rushing for the Healing Axe, which is about the worst way to handle GTNH food short of not building a farm at all. So don't worry that eating cargo crates worth of half shank snacks are the only option. With a bit of effort and perhaps a small kitchen you can feast like a king in the Steam age.
Fruit trees are very easy to find once you know the right biomes to look for them in. Finding a *specific* fruit tree can, admittedly, still be an absolute crapshoot, but once you're in LV and able to craft a Nature's Compass you can narrow down where to search quite well.
My recommendation would be to not delay setting up food and farming until the last minute, and even then only setting up what you need to rush the Healing Axe. Be a gourmand, build a kitchen, eat different foods to get more hearts, prepare stacks of good foods to throw in an actual lunch box rather than carting around a single lunch bag like that's going to be enough.
For the record you can get sulfur dust from xp bucket crafting, so you could get some early to craft piston boots and make exploration easier. Getting the Healing Axe in general is *a lot* easier when you're in LV, actually - cheap Forestry fertilizer means growing crops isn't an issue, Nature's Compass can directly point you to the nearest Lavender Fields biome if there's any within 10K blocks and shows you biome tags for easy Water Garden/fruit tree searching, a Golden Lasso to store a Horse makes that mode of transportation a lot less precarious (although Piston Boots+Hang Glider is certainly another viable option), and several LV machines make cooking more efficient.
Coconuts, being considered a tropical tree by Pam's, grows in biomes with the WET or SWAMP tag. So look for damp biomes in particular. Also that method of farming maple is just...barbaric, I swear. I mean it works, but damn.
Another benefit to using blocks of coal coke in the BBFs: They produce full dust rather than tiny dusts, so it takes a lot longer for the BBF to clog. It's true that they cannot be automated, so stuff them full of stuff to process whenever possible.
You can use other things to open a Nether Portal, by the way, in fact GT++ adds a basic firestarter thing presumably for that reason (unless the reason was to randomly set the player on fire). The only reason you need a flint and steel specifically is because the questbook demands a flint and steel. That said you can use that flint and steel to craft a Charcoal Pile Igniter instead of using it to light a portal, so it's not a complete and total waste of resources.
The dapper looking Pigman are Vampire Pigman. They take minimum damage from anything other than wooden weapons, and wooden weapons are...I mean they're made of wood. The Pain enchant allows swords to piece their resistances to non-wooden weapons, although I'm not sure if that's intended or not (it's not easy to find diamond swords enchanted with Pain at this stage, at any rate).
As I said, the Nether is exceptionally deadly to the unweary. Keep your food bar up at all times you're not at full health, stay at full health as much as possible, and be extremely cautions when mining (annoyed infernal pigman can and will give you things like poison or wither through walls, depending on their infernal traits) or out in the open (kamikaze firebats can cause many issues, wisps are always infernal and thus always dangerous, and ghasts are a special kind of insanity if they're infernal and rolled Vengeance). Having more hearts helps a lot with tanking sudden bursts of damage, and between the infernal mobs and everything that will happen sooner or later.
You can go for bonus hearts later on, but keep in mind that bonus hearts matter a lot less *after* you've got an OP crossbow, good armor, etc. Extra hearts matter the most early on during your initial Nether (mis)adventures, and not coincidentally good food matters most early on as well, before you have a Healing Axe or Tin Cans or Seroconverter or what have you to supply food or things like Boots of the Traveller to greatly increase your walking/sprinting speed. I very much recommend getting started with food early and delaying the Healing Axe until later. It's much easier to get in LV, and not coincidentally that's after you've already cleared one of the biggest hurdles when extra hearts are useful (namely manual Nether mining, which in LV you can do with an automated miner instead).
For the record, kitchens are *mostly* very cheap to craft. The Cooking Table requires some diamonds and steel plates, there's a fair bit of iron, stone and wood plates involved, but other than the kitchen floor which requires blocks of coal and quartz it's entirely doable to craft a kitchen in the Steam Age.
Best comments of season xd!
Dear god.
The real question of the series is will Three ever manage not to disappoint you for an episode
Been on a modded Minecraft kick recently after playing some AllTheMods 8 and came across your motivation video. Absolutely loved your points and was amazed by all the bases you showed, so figured I’d stick around.
Absolutely hooked on this series after just 4 episodes and excited to binge through the rest! The editing, commentary, gameplay, and pacing are top notch and make it so easy to spend hours watching the videos. Thanks for putting in the effort to make these videos awesome:)
Came across this channel last week, and I'm loving your editing and playstyle!
For anyone who's curious about why his crops are growing slowly, it's actually due to a few obscure vanilla mechanics. Firstly, any crop with crops of the same type in the 8 blocks surrounding it will have heavily decreased growtimes, unless those crops are exclusively a 3x1 row. For example, looking at one of his farms from the video, a 5x5 farm with a block of water in the middle:
B C _ C B
Assuming all of these crops are the same, A has 3 crops around it, B has 5, and C has 7. All of these crops will therefore have their chance of gaining a growth stage halved. Planting another type of crops in rows with these (i.e. the second and fourth rows) or even removing the crops in those rows entirely will generally increase your production as much as (if not more than) the rows that you changed would give you.
The other relevant mechanic is that crops have a higher chance of growing based on the amount of farmland surrounding them. Without going too deeply into the math, the average growth chance of the farm shown above is 20%, with A having the lowest growth chance and C having the highest. In comparison, a full 9x9 farm from one block of water has an average 28% growth chance due to having more "interior" farmland surrounded by other farmland. You can increase this even further by just shoving a few farms together with their edges touching to decrease the amount of "edge" farmland.
Edit: I've ran some tests after receiving questions in the replies, and these mechanics exist in 1.7.10 and affect at least both vanilla and Pam's crops. Hunger Overhaul is another big factor in the speed of crop growth and decreases growth speed by a huge margin, but these mechanics stil affect the speed of crops growth alongside this altered speed.
I thought this was a modern/newer mechanic...
@@yiannchrst i've never heard of this at all, wtf.
I was just going to mention this, I didn't think it was that obscure. Thing is that it's a tossup whether modded crops do this or not, and I can't remember if 1.7 Pam's do it.
Pam's github doesn't go back to 1.7, so I'll install it and also run a test on its crops.
Okay, a few hours of testing later, here's the results:
Both mechanics exist in v1.7.10 and affect both vanilla crops and modded crops from Pam's Harvestcraft (tested with 9x9 plots of wheat and tomatoes since they make it visually easy to tell what growth stage crops are at).
There's also another factor slowing crops down in GTNH, Hunger Overhaul, which severely decreases the growth speed of crops; I was worried that it might disable the row mechanic as it does mess with growth tick percentage so I ran a test with it as well, but that seems to just be another percentage tossed onto the top without affecting any of the vanilla mechanics.
I started being part of your channel right around when you started ATM7 to the sky, that series was so well made that it got me back into modded Minecraft after years of being away from the community. Really apprecieate the time and effort you put into these videos. After Inferno I was really looking forward to the next pack you would play through. I was reluctant to watch a series from an older version of the game but I have to say anything you produce is just golden and I'm really enjoying it. Thanks you for the content, I really hope you get this channel as far as you can and the best is yet to come! Cheers three
Very few youtubers will I sit and attentively watch when they upload a video but yours I always do and I always love them, this new series especially. Keep it up
Man you criminally underrated and deserve more subscribers than you have. Found you for your FTB Inferno play through and have been watching ever since. Hope you continue to grow and wish you all the best mate!
Getting back into GT:NH for the umteenth time, going to follow along with you to hopefully provide some much needed insight to get me over the parts I was missing before. Thanks for the series
I'm new to the channel, went on a marathon of episodes from previous series and I can say for sure these new ones feel so refreshing and energetic, thanks for putting in such an effort for our joy.
I've been watching your videos for a while now, and I must say that your season 2 let's play of GTNH is one of the most entertaining modpack series I ever watched. :D
i recently discovered your channel and i am here to stay! Another Minecraft series since ages, which i really love to follow and watch! Keep up the great effort! :D
Awesome, great to see you here. Thanks for checking out the episode :D
I get so unreasonably hype when I see a new episode for these series! Love your grind montages and music choice! I love your current style!
Love the content recently dude, I love the editing and I can see the effort you put in to the flow of the video 👍
I am really impressed with your editing and videos!!! I've been watching Minecraft videos for 10+ years and your style is by far the best and well entertaining I've seen yet more recently... your videos are very well thought out and engaging and it shows in the product!! Just from what I have seen in the month I started watching your stuff, your channel has grown a lot lately!!! Keep up the amazing work, really enjoying the series!
I'm addicted to this series! I Love your editing and the pace of your videos. You are talented and watching your playthroughs is a really enjoyable experience. By the way for bone meal you could've taken one bone and 8 ashes (made by smelting a sapling) to get 7 bone meal, but now that you can go to the nether it's way better to macerate bone blocks. Eager to see the next video, have a good one!
I love the "We're not hungry anymore!" at the end :D
I am incredibly excited to see more of this series, I've never been courageous enough to undertake such an extreme pack but I've always wanted to see a playthrough. Finally I can watch someone incredibly entertaining go through it with elegance!
Thanks for the content you make Three, you're awesome!
9:33 - is that Tomb Raider OST??
Im just continually watching your modpacks over and over again haha, such quality dude, well done seriously
You know, I agree. You have an awesome style with how you put together all of your videos. You make it easy to forget the real grind that we experience in GTNH. Please keep up the awesome work. I look forward to your automating the Dimensional Forge Multiblock.
from what i remember.If you have a lot of food to sample for Spice of life and don't want to wait for your satoration to lower naturally you can use the healing axe by attacking your passive mobs with the axe and the axe uses your satoration to heal your passive mobs.
wow, i didn't known that!
Your talk about time usage made me think of a realization I had at the transition between MV and HV tier. Basically I realized what y'all meant when you said "sometimes you have to be inefficient to be efficient" was that your only real resource in the game is the time you put into it. It didn't matter if I got some ores byproducts to give me like 15% more of the ore if I could process twice as much in the same time by ignoring it and just mining another vein. Same thing for making processing arrays and new machines. Basically I stopped asking myself what the best way for me to do something was and started asking what the fastest way to do something was. Changed my whole game right there! Especially cause I could get to better quality of life items and ways to process items as quick as possible and then use that improved system to fill it out enough to be able to move to the next step.
Once again loving the content Three! And very excited for the potential to go beyond a tier 7 rocket! Not getting my hopes up too high cause this pack can be draining, but I like the possibility 👍
Okay, first and majorily - love the video! I'm not done with this episode yet but there was one thing I wanted to comment on that I have been meaning to comment on since the start of this series. You dig shafts and then block up to get out, wouldn't it be more effective and faster using ladders. Also, and maybe I am missing something about Gregtech on this, but if mineral veins are a chunk or two apart and many of them are roughly on a similar level, wouldn't creating tunnels connecting them be faster. It would allow safe underground travel between equally placed locations.
Anyway, back to the video. Love the stuff you do. Am still watching your previous series. Just finished on skyblock, am starting your season 1 of gregtech. Well, that or divine journey, I'm debating which to watch first. hehe
some veins are like 60 blocks apart in height, and there is no way telling which is where, + it's much easier to glide to the needed vein and mine it from highest layer down. But yeah, getting up is slow without jetpack.
So glad to hear you're getting the recognition you deserve!! Love the content as usual. I've got to say this is my favourite youtube series to date!
Threefold, I would love if you could incorporate the playtime counter from nomifactory in all of your play throughs. i think it’s interesting to see how much real world time has passed, especially after large jumps/timelapses.
He said the timer stresses him out so he doesn’t like it but you can check the days in the top left each day is 20 min I think
Gratz on 30k subs! You're also about to hit 5million total views I believe, which is pretty insane too. 🤘GTNH videos definitely seem to get a higher average viewership than other series. Maybe because there really aren't many UA-camrs doing playthroughs on this pack. Keep it up man! Do hope you will be one of the few who can get to the end of the pack, maybe even amongst the first English UA-camrs to do it fully on camera.
You can make "scrambled tofu" and similar egg style dishes that taste surprisingly like eggs with the right spices/flavors added. Soy and tofu are versatile and it's neat that Pam included all those substitutions.
I found your channel throught this series and I must say I am impressed by the quality of the editing in those videos. Keep it up man !
Your "Staying Motivated" video appered on my home page where I heard that ya had a Vanilla series. I'm not too into modded so I checked that series out, liked it, and decided to check out your other videos which I ended up enjoying more than I thought I would!
This man! Redefining what a Modded Minecraft playthrough looks like! Great job
We just really appreciate the grind you put into this!
Everyday I check your channel to see if you've uploaded a new video, you're easily my favorite UA-camr! Your videos are awesome, great editing skills and cool personality, hope u keep up with your videos for a long time!
The quality of these videos is insane. Never seen one for modded mc this good. 🔥🔥
the energy from the mythical beast known as “greg” is what i wait for every other day
Absolutely the best modded series I’ve seen yet. I’m always excited for the next upload!!!
I first discovered you through your Divine Journey series, then jumped to this one instead of finishing it as I wanted to keep up with a new one (and that series is very long xD). And I've gotta say, it's a lot of progression with the editing style! As other commenters have noted, I can see the amount of storytelling and care you put into compressing the grind into something we can enjoy, without taking out too much from it that we feel disconnected/left out from your play.
Just like with your video on how you finish modpacks, I'm taking notes on this one! The editing and storytelling techniques you have used in just these 4 episodes is very inspiring!
Best of luck with the grind; I'm definitely not up for such packs xD
I love your way of cutting down hours of playtime and grind into 30 min long videos please keep this effort ❤
God your editing is so clean. Doing things to the beat of a song is so satisfying
New subscriber here, and I have to say that I'm in love with this series and with style of editing, the way you can take the grind and make it so satisfying that I keep coming for more. Keep it up!
Hey Gabriel! Thanks for watching, have an absolutely amazing day :D
Love your videos, editing makes them fun to watch. Really want to try gt myself but i for sure would get burned out in seconds...
Watching your videos is the ultimate way to de-stress for me. Thank you very much, Three ❤️
i just wanna say that you've inspired me to start playing modded minecraft! i've been looking for that extra challenge i needed to stay interested in the game and i think i've found it!
Amazing! It's certainly a challenging way to spend your time, especially in a pack like GTNH. I appreciate you taking the time to watch the series :D
Here's to 40k, congrats once again on the well deserved success Three :)
Nice mix of old minecraft youtube feel with new minecraft youtube feel, and a modpack the size of a phd
I suggest to you. Livestreams! This series will be a long grind, so I think making set livestreams, and grinding out mining, crafting, or traveling/serching would be very enjoyable!
new vid lesssgoooo. nothing quite like playing vicariously through three
Ey again three, i see your growing at a fair rate. Keep up the great work man, as a comment pointed out, you definitely sound more confident.
Hi! I am also new here! I found your channel thanks to ATM 7 To the Sky and I am enjoying your channel ever since then :D you are really fun and sweet and I also decided to support you via Patreon because why not :) I'm so glad that I have found your channel hahaha
Awesome! I very much appreciate your support, have an amazing day!
I am looking forward to new episodes! Have an amazing day too! You are really sweet and I can't imagine how are you keeping up like you are reading and replying to all of these comments and yet you have to do editing I seriously can't haha that's why I wanted to show my support you are really amazing
Atm7 got me back in minecraft and really like to see how you did it! Got allot of multiple questions about it and challenges just amazing to see.
Seeing you play another mod is something new for me but I like it man! Nice style of making a video!
the editing of these videos is spectacular!
These videos can't come out quick enough! Keep it up three!
Just restarted my browser and my launch page was your GTNH episode 6 from the last series. Almost come full circle!
You absolutely deserve Etho numbers in terms of views and subs. The amount of dedication you provide in your videos should actually surpass that of Etho imo. That man literally only produces 1 video a week if we're lucky and not even remotely in the same quality of you tbh.
love all your vids three! very entertaining! keep it up!
i loved this episode! cooking in gtnh is underrated :D
I absolutely love that nether spawn! I'm so glad that you got a little lucky there ;)
one small step for man
one giant leap for mankind
Tip: If you have a bucket of blood (you can find blood pools in nether) you can break burning blossoms by placing that blood on the flower without taking damage. Also blood works like water in nether so you can make obsidian with it and extinguish yourself when you're on fire.
Longsword from tinker construct is a very good movement tool for early game.
how long are the playtimes for most of your episodes? youre among one of the best creators to watch as you always get shit done lol, no wasting time
Great and Super fun video! blue orchids only grow in swamps and swamplike biomes (in vanilla at least)
Okay putting a chest under the water at the center of your farm plot is an amazing idea omg
Matching the beat of the obsidian breaking to the music was just... :chefkiss:
Look what time it is, it's treefold o'clock baby! that's what we've been waiting for! That's what it's all about!
Fantastic video as usual! Keep it up ❤
i loved this episode! the farming is a nice change of pace.
i also love the tech/magic/automation of packs like this, but i think manually farming crops is a way to show commitment to your world. it feels like an investment that will pay off, both in terms of stat gains and in terms of continued motivation
you mentioned that this season of gregtech feels more like a grind. is that possibly because you're pacing yourself differently? it seems like you're trying not to rush too much/taking time to build a foundation in the early game
These videos are so relaxing to watch
this is my favourite episode so far even despite the nether section 😁❤
Great episode as always!
If I remember correctly, in ur first season the mining hammer was bronze, then you swapped it to cobalt when you recieved a mining hammer cobalt head as reward from killing a blue slime boss.
I'm usually completely ignoring the food part of modpacks, just farming the most effecient or convient food at the time. But this episode is actually my favorite of the season so far! I don't know what it was, but I wasn't bored for a single moment.
for me it's so cool to once in a while create full scale industrial kitchen, to the point of creating small separate AE2 network that can craft almost any food, and just create a chest (or rather a refrigerator, lmao) that fills up with random autocrafted foods.
Gets you to violet hearts in no time.
I've been waiting for this one
Best modded series on youtube
For obsidian dust, you can alloy smelt an obsidian block with an ingot form to get 9 obsidian ingots, and macerate those for 9x obsidian dust, it's especially useful when crafting tanks later on
I love you Threefold! You’re the best Minecrafter🫀
Bro I was waiting last night for the new vid. So excited:D
I really like your taste in music. Do you have a playlist perchance?
Keep up the great content! This pack is daunting, so I haven't been able to dig myself into it, that's often the case for many modpacks in fact. But seeing you brave GT:NH brings me a lot of motivation for my own modded endeavors.
Enjoying this series alot. I would never play this pack myself because of the time involved in it which I dont have.
I waited for this episode so long
Quality is just through the roof.
that old netherrack texture brings back memories
Congrats on healing axe! Rainbow curry really could drive crazy the unworthy
2 years later and I'll try to watch all episodes XDDD
This sidequests that ask you to submit something that's hard/takes long to obtain in exchange for a very strong item like the healing axe is something that I really like about this pack and I hope that there is more of the same style to be completed at some point
25:15 "I really dislike cheese"
Me, who was eating 5 pieces of bread with cheese on them: >_>
punching burning blossoms was sooo lame ;)
you should break blocks on which they are growing - that prevents burning yourself :D
also as i wrote on some previous episode - you should do the crafting station (or however it is named) what would greatly simplify soybean processing.
as you have access to lumber axe (on the beginning made from netherrack is the cheapest to do and maintain) you can start growing a field of 4x4 spruce trees. they are growing very quickly and if they are touching each other - in few second you can fill few forester backpack. so now you have limitless source of fuel for furnaces and you can start filling charcoal pits. much easier to gather than normal coal.
btw. using extractor to get maple syrup seems strange - you could use bonemeal (without loosing it) on spots of the tree).
btw2. imo it's much easier to make salt from water instead of collecting it from veins...
I honestly think your channel is great :D
2:57 they explode in gtnh because they explode irl too, not a lot of the time but if a farmer isn’t paying good attention a cow can get so bloated they can “explode”
you were crafting the big meals like hearty breakfast. you needed 20. why not crafting 21 and eat the 21th for the bonus hp so you dont have to craft it in the future again
just came appon your channel and the quality of the videos makes it by far the most enjoyable Modpack videos to watch. showing the important crafting and all.
You wanted to show the watchers more how you make your bases. You explained how you find the 'center' of a chunk but you then don
t explain how you use that knowledge to plan the base. Because Power is coming up maybe try to explain why you doing things shortly when you cut into the new base. even when it changes afterwards.
Love your content. i hope it makes you happy as much as it makes us watching it
Normally I wouldn't have the patience to watch a 30-40 minute video, but I just found you recently and really enjoy your Videos. I also wanted to try a modpack but I don't know which one. Could you recommend one?