Pokerstars Suckout Stepchild(Sunday Storm Scam)

  • Опубліковано 27 бер 2011
  • Ігри


  • @cristianb6318
    @cristianb6318 10 років тому +51

    if you double your money ... Get the fuck out :))) Great Video man. This bullshit scam online pokerstars must disapear !!!!

  • @BaKeDCrAcKer
    @BaKeDCrAcKer 12 років тому +19

    I've sent poker stars an email and asked how i can be 88% to win,and lose 75% of the time..They haven't replied yet.

  • @BadAssBlackOverlord
    @BadAssBlackOverlord 11 років тому +62

    Dude. I can't stop laughing at your rant. Hahahahaha.

  • @cyrus1977
    @cyrus1977 11 років тому +14

    Can someone explain me how is possible the WSOP with 6500 registrations to end in 8 days, and sunday storm with 20000 registrations to end in 10 hours???HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE???There is only one explanation...The site generates action flops with 3-4 players, everyone beleives that he has the nuts BUT the site advantage the big stack.So the tourney goes much much quickly!There is no way to end other way...only if the site can manage the action

  • @Mokum020afca
    @Mokum020afca 12 років тому +45

    in real life poker you dont see this hands... or maybe one time a month not ten times a evening... btw the guy whos talking is a hero! lolll :)

  • @HongKongRacingKing
    @HongKongRacingKing 10 років тому +73

    keep posting these magic, love your voice and commentary

  • @thegamingchannel4790
    @thegamingchannel4790 10 років тому +21

    Agree with you man Totally Horrible

  • @magic612
    @magic612  13 років тому +6

    @aadamkus the only part of poker you understand fuckhead is when you are drunk and passed out your friends are discussing how they poked your girlfriend right under your nose!

  • @MrBB6953
    @MrBB6953 13 років тому +5

    Same list of 'reasons' by all the donk drones : "bad beats are part of poker"....true, if this was really 'poker'. All they see is the results after all the cards are being dealt but don't seem to have the intelligence to realize HOW real decent poker players are getting beat. Its not bitching about losing....its about losing when you are 95% to win over and over and over. Doesn't happen in the real world, only online.

  • @TomatensaftPfui
    @TomatensaftPfui 11 років тому +15

    jokestars... i hate this software

  • @Satisfyingtoday
    @Satisfyingtoday 11 років тому +14

    lol , you sound exactly like me talking about pokerstars, it sucks ass

  • @neris27
    @neris27 12 років тому +3

    Hey magic, I was deep into a Tourney like you 2 weeks ago, pocket Aces, all in, guy calls with KK and makes a straight on the river, just happened to you man! I watched this video and couldn't believe it!!! It was IDENTICAL! I had a smaller stack too. Crazy how similar it was!!! RIGGED

  • @rustonrossevans
    @rustonrossevans 11 років тому +4

    anyone who doesnt think pokerstars is rigged is a donky, the shit u see online u dont see half asmuch live...if it wasnt a scam to rake big pots than they would have live dealers by now like any other live casino game...proved my pointlol

  • @WickederThanThou
    @WickederThanThou 13 років тому +1

    A new study conducted by Cigital, Inc., a company specializing in software security and development, was released on Friday that its authors argue "provides compelling statistics" that in Texas hold'em "the outcomes of games are largely determined by players' decisions rather than chance."

  • @WickederThanThou
    @WickederThanThou 13 років тому

    In situations where two players would have tied for the pot, but one folded prior to showdown, the researchers counted the hand as an example of one in which the best hand did not win. For example, Player A and Player B are each dealt 9-8, the final board reads 5-J-7-K-6, but Player A folded preflop while Player B took his hand to showdown and won with his straight.

  • @ducino
    @ducino 10 років тому +8

    I had pretty much the same situation with the pocket AA.
    AA vs JJ
    I hit my set on the flop A5K turn 10 river Q
    pot was 520k chips

  • @denzlepob
    @denzlepob 12 років тому +1

    I don't get how a machine can shuffle randomly since it is a machine carrying out the same shuffling process every hand?

  • @WickederThanThou
    @WickederThanThou 13 років тому

    Hands in which the five community cards constituted the best possible hand for all players (e.g., a board reading A-A-A-A-K) were also counted as hands in which a player holding the best possible hand did not win (if, that is, someone in the hand folded prior to showdown).

  • @Sobee10
    @Sobee10 11 років тому +3

    Where has this guy gone?

  • @WickederThanThou
    @WickederThanThou 13 років тому

    Hands were drawn from no-limit, pot-limit, and limit hold'em tables, either six-handed or full ring (i.e., no hands from heads-up tables were considered).

  • @cepons
    @cepons 11 років тому +7

    I was playing freerolls and looked at your videos and thought you must be the unluckiest man on earth , but then i deposited and then the magic came , over and over loose with favorite hands , even when i go till turn i have the best possible hand, so i go all in and they call and all the fu cking time 2/3 outers beat me

  • @slugerama
    @slugerama 11 років тому +1

    nteresting argument about the rake I never thought about before. Something to consider. I don't play cash games or will EVER put money online again, but I have observed some signs you are going to lose.
    1:/ Flop a straight and you are up against 2 pair and they will fill up
    2:/ Flop two pair on a drawing board and they will nearly always make their hand or they already have a set.
    3:/ Pocket 8s will nearly always be good UNLESS I am holding them.
    Watchout for slugerama to prove my theory

  • @WickederThanThou
    @WickederThanThou 13 років тому +2

    Of the 103 million-plus hands analyzed, the outcome was determined without a showdown in 75.7% of the hands, meaning no player at the table was able to see anything other than his or her own hole cards and whatever community cards had been dealt. Of the remaining 24.3% of hands that went to showdown, only 50.3% of those hands were ultimately won by the player who had been dealt the best five-card hand.

  • @bradfordk2473
    @bradfordk2473 11 років тому +2

    I was in a tournament and some of this shit happened! Magic your a genius, i give you mad props. Some of this shit is true bullshit.

  • @DiyarTaeb
    @DiyarTaeb 11 років тому +1

    This is my story with poker stars always loose to some crappy hand on the RIVER.

  • @dhorasoo
    @dhorasoo 11 років тому +1

    Can there not be no lawsuit against them, if you can proove the software favours a player more?

  • @WickederThanThou
    @WickederThanThou 13 років тому

    The study's authors, Paco Hope (of Cigital) and Dr. Sean McCulloch of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Ohio Wesleyan University, note that while their findings cannot be used "to quantify the effect luck has on Texas hold'em," they do provide strong support for the argument that "the majority of games of hold'em are determined by something other than the value of cards."

  • @webguy943
    @webguy943 12 років тому +4

    lol so true.. i played vegas for 2 weeks, rarely was there an action flop, and yet online they happen every 5min....

  • @kenocartel
    @kenocartel 13 років тому +1

    that would explain not only why people are calling with garbage hands but also winning them...they are literally playing the software...

  • @SuperChuck3
    @SuperChuck3 11 років тому +1

    that's because the blinds in the WSOP are 2 hours each level

  • @WickederThanThou
    @WickederThanThou 13 років тому

    In other words, it is how the players play their cards -- not the cards themselves -- that much more often than not determines who wins and who loses.

  • @WickederThanThou
    @WickederThanThou 13 років тому

    After analyzing over 100 million hands of hold'em dealt at PokerStars during a one month period, it was discovered that less than one fourth of those hands ever reached showdown, meaning players' hole cards were never revealed to one another. Furthermore, of the hands that did reach showdown, only slightly over half of those hands were won by the player who had been dealt what would have proven to be the best five-card hand had the player not folded prior to showdown.

  • @lostsh0t1
    @lostsh0t1 13 років тому +1

    agree I always get sucked out on river at stars

  • @SpLiTward
    @SpLiTward 11 років тому +2

    100% right!! You could play 1000 hands a day and still would not get the amount of bad beat/ scam footage you have. Pocket aces vs pocket kings constantly, runner runner straight/flush, and the 2 pair flops vs the trips flop. 100% scams!! Magic said it first!! Words of wisdom by Magic!

  • @strike3yurgood
    @strike3yurgood 11 років тому +1

    i feel your pain magicman. i love your videos man. i am a great player myself and I Know, that this online poker shit, just aint right man. if its not shuffled in a real deck, the cards just arent coming out correctly man. life sucks just a little more now, they just cant be fair. online poker would be so much fun if fair. it still is fun but jesus christ its bulshtt wen i have to be scared to bet now.

  • @bcsolorza
    @bcsolorza 11 років тому

    God you are so true, this is so correct

  • @saraiva83
    @saraiva83 12 років тому

    "sponce boston marathon!!!!" LOOOL is the fucking true !

  • @WickederThanThou
    @WickederThanThou 13 років тому

    That situation was counted as an example of a hand in which a player dealt the best possible five-card hand did not win.

  • @RaverZero
    @RaverZero 11 років тому +4

    FREAKIN RATS, GOT ME for 260$

  • @magic612
    @magic612  13 років тому +4

    @MrBB6953 The bad players is what should make our bankrolls grow LOL but online they just make our rolls shrink go figure and ty BB.

  • @TanqueManu
    @TanqueManu 12 років тому +1

    Wanna join this cause of fight man....Now that i see this videos i can find an explanation, I was pokerstars fan, but with that software really disapoint me...always I try to clasificate to an event...but alwaaays have bad beats but now a realize this is a big mafiaa...and really dissapoint me , they should open their doors to good players that wanna progress, not to this F Donkeys ....really dissapoint.....Good Work man! Im in you team to finish this!

  • @mardedecrisdecaliss
    @mardedecrisdecaliss 12 років тому

    12:50 I love how the final pot is 6.66 Ô.Ô

  • @1987djm
    @1987djm 11 років тому

    might be due to the fact the play is much faster ,no dealers and limited time (banks) maybe lower the time. but yeah i get what u mean

  • @42JDD
    @42JDD 11 років тому

    u just played the cashgames way to passive.. one thing i learned about online poker dont slowplay, trie to get the money in quick

  • @webguy943
    @webguy943 12 років тому +1

    i went all i as > 80% fav, i lost my last 5 all ins.....

  • @robbit2
    @robbit2 11 років тому

    great video thanks

  • @Don015Sabac
    @Don015Sabac 12 років тому

    How much money you loose?

  • @MrCitalo
    @MrCitalo 12 років тому

    theycap the rake onyl 10 prozent from winnig

  • @Lucas_112x
    @Lucas_112x 11 років тому

    very funny vid ....bit of advice try playing the higher stakes cash tables, these sites know that theres more chance of the higher stakes players callin bullshit on their ass so they seem to scam the lower stake cash tables and lower stake rebuy tourneys. i got screwed like this guy on the lower stake games but seem to run totally different on higher stake games

  • @MrBB6953
    @MrBB6953 13 років тому +1

    New mottos for stars : "Come duck the rig" / "Learn how to fold the best hand" / "Come play against the software, not the players" / "Come lose to inferior donks and build our rake" / "Stock up on cucumbers on our site" / ...and so many other mottos .... FFS !!! How many times do you see the board give everybody a shot on live games or TV...rarely. On this site...constantly. Citigal seems as bad as the 'pros' that endorse this crap....paid prostitutes.

    @VCERESULTS 11 років тому +1

    Hero- KJ d
    villain- AQ o
    villain raises 3xbb
    I call. Flop comes down
    4 J J
    villain goes all in, I call
    out of the tournament I go.
    wish I could say I don't often lose these hands

  • @webguy943
    @webguy943 12 років тому +1

    really??? these psychics seem to get pretty darn lucky a lot.

  • @NO2NWO27
    @NO2NWO27 13 років тому

    Yo Magic Love the Vids. I been playing long time and i resent being punished on a daily basis for choosing to play poker. I used to make a nice profit on all sites but even when i was winning i felt they somehow limited my wins. Now i think PS decided they dont want my businerss and its DOOMSWITCH i have to run like god to win the blinds. i am plo8 player and let me tell you the rigg is even worse.
    what can we do too fight back? POKERSTARS is MOCKING POKER its a SKILL game

  • @navyvet05
    @navyvet05 13 років тому

    Magic i feel your pain bro... i was in sunday storm too and lost the same way. seems like i get deep in a lot of tourneys but pokerstars will never let me get to the big money. ill have aces and get stomped on by the 2 outer.... everytime, never fails. i usually never cash for more than 120 every once in a while they will let me get 300 but that is rare. im playing a 6 max MTT tight now big stakd, lets see how pokerstars will fuk me this time.

  • @12345TVOJPAN
    @12345TVOJPAN 11 років тому +1

    Why you play NL25 with 6-8 dollars mg ? its fishy man.. :) but i agree with almost everything .... what you show its random for PS :)

  • @jonbarker4076
    @jonbarker4076 11 років тому +2

    Actually its because in the wsop you start with a stack of 30k and the blinds increase every 90 mins. in the Sunday storm however you start with 5k and the blinds increase every 10 mins. Which means after the 3 hours late reg the starting stack is about 10bb. Do you think this would be the case in the biggest tournament in the world? Also the site is only paid by the rake the players pay before the tournament so why would they care how long it lasts?

  • @itzfixed
    @itzfixed 12 років тому

    fleeced by ub 4 a few hundred situations that seemed unreal like a bot or the opp. could forsee the runoff insane calls an raises bust by calibre of players that make ya foam at the mouth..their suppose to pay the electric bill,but not online..wont play online poker till the gaming commission regulates it..

  • @9wolves2007
    @9wolves2007 13 років тому +1

    great vid magic. i saw ur beat as it happened in real time and it was fkin painful. u were probably moonwalking after u saw ur set ffs

  • @MrBB6953
    @MrBB6953 13 років тому +1

    @jpmendestv : and after that same thing happens a couple thousand more times, you'll really start to believe the same way we do ((if you don't already))

  • @SuperDonster
    @SuperDonster 12 років тому +1

    I'm sick of it. Today within 1 1/2hr I lost with: kk,qq,jj(was 1-2), 1010,99, and 88. The only hand I won was 77. Donks always hit the flop, turn, and ACE from space on the river!

  • @MRACE474
    @MRACE474 11 років тому

    becoz wsop is 10 k to buy in and storm is like 100/200 dollars

  • @whiteDragon97800
    @whiteDragon97800 11 років тому

    wow ... you're right O.O

  • @Prongful
    @Prongful 11 років тому

    Love your videos magic, you're right about this whole greedy idiot rigged pokerstars site. You're very funny too, I've decided to freeze my account for 180 days. They're not going to lure me back into this fcking rigged bs sh-- site.

  • @SlugHatchet
    @SlugHatchet 13 років тому

    AA KK yea that is most definitely a scam on pokerstars but when you had those pocket 4's i would have folded on the flop.

  • @MrCitalo
    @MrCitalo 12 років тому +1

    i don.t know from where are you...i am from austria,,,we must go to the politicans and explain the situation.......i am not in a bad situation..but the riun lives and familys.........for some people sure same worse than alkohol..or drugs,,,so let us do something.---

  • @WickederThanThou
    @WickederThanThou 13 років тому +1

    A total of 103,273,484 hand histories were analyzed, all from cash games (no play money). Also, because researchers believed "microlimit" games (with blinds under $1) "are considered too much like play money games," only a small number of the hands analyzed came from those limits, with the majority coming from higher stakes games.

  • @schmoey40
    @schmoey40 11 років тому +2

    typical pokerstar shi t. Too much bad beat to be real

  • @rahowhero
    @rahowhero 11 років тому +1

    what do u mean by 'randomizing'? (you know a computer or algorithm cannot be random by nature?)

  • @WickederThanThou
    @WickederThanThou 13 років тому

    In the study, researchers state their assumption that December 2008 was "a representative month of normal play on PokerStars," thus ensuring there was nothing especially unusual about the hands selected to be analyzed. Also, to ensure the data collected was accurate, some independent corroboration was conducted whereby Cigital asked a select number of players to submit hand histories which were then matched against the ones acquired from REEL.

  • @greenfive
    @greenfive 11 років тому

    I agree online Poker is a massive scam. The US Justice Dept, tried to take it down not because of integrity, but tax and bank related issues. PokerStars servers are based in Caribbean countries. They are trying to get as much money before they are exposed. Thanks,

  • @MrCitalo
    @MrCitalo 11 років тому

    you are absolutly right,small cash and small turnys are rigged for 100%!they can always blame the players.but this is how they make there money,90% play smaller than 1/2 dollar cash game or turnys under 50 dolllar!

  • @melo182
    @melo182 13 років тому

    what a fkn scam site man..... nice video magic

  • @kenocartel
    @kenocartel 13 років тому

    you guys i want you to take a look at what wickederthanthou has typed...not only does it illustrate that cigital does not vouch for pokerstars credibility, it also came up with evidence that 50% of the winning hands were folded...meaning the garbage people normally fold would have had almost a 50% chance of winning...

  • @MrCitalo
    @MrCitalo 12 років тому

    your,,AA-KK hand...chanche that he win this after the flop..between 1-2 prozent...i think that they want you especially how i wrote you another time make total mad..that you quit!!!!you are a cool guy...and funny as hell...

  • @1987djm
    @1987djm 11 років тому

    i threatened leagal action against pokerstars due to what was going on i emailed them 5 times in a week i threatened legal action and i said i would leave there site low and behold went on a huge run at low stakes tournys and final tabled 4 tournys in one day with over 1k profit unreal eh coincidence i think not

  • @MrCitalo
    @MrCitalo 12 років тому

    if this site is so the team pokerstars player don,t play cash there????vanessa selbst,jason mercier,,,pius heinz,,elky,,(he play highstakes poker season 6 for 100000 by in,,but not on stars,,lol.)all these names where they are evry nite??,,sure,,play live,......only thing they play are the turnys sometimes,,because they are free for them,..

  • @Optimity
    @Optimity 11 років тому

    they dont even need to shuffle fucking cards. its a computer program and it will all be ok if the cards come randomly. but noo they always have to scam people for winning more money.

  • @WickederThanThou
    @WickederThanThou 13 років тому

    Citigal acquired data from Rational Entertainment Enterprises Limited (or REEL, parent company of PokerStars) related to hands played on PokerStars from December 1, 2008 to January 2, 2009.

  • @NiceSims3
    @NiceSims3 11 років тому

    18:22 Rounders hand

  • @justanotherdaymista
    @justanotherdaymista 11 років тому

    blinds :
    wsop : every hour
    s storm : every 10 or 15 minutes
    i guess

  • @DJChaps
    @DJChaps 13 років тому

    Yup, F stars. officially busto on Stars. Blah. Show tonight?

  • @bitza0183
    @bitza0183 12 років тому

    WOW ,JESUS !!! PokerStars really hate you. I hope ,you gonna win some cash live. GL dude

  • @misteryo911
    @misteryo911 11 років тому

    I feel u brother it's always like that and specially against Germans or Russians like they have some sort of black magic or something fucking lucky bastards

  • @misteryo911
    @misteryo911 11 років тому

    and the lucky players from Europe are so aggressive coz they know pokerstars will rescue them and win with garbage hands no wonder it's always the same players who's winning big tournaments fuck that!!!

  • @magic612
    @magic612  13 років тому

    @theWizard297 no conspiracy here bud if you want a conspiracy you should read the 2+2 poker forums on why these sites aren't rigged!

  • @tw19771
    @tw19771 13 років тому

    @FletcherHabit Its not really rocket science, the donks playing the card gen on the site knows its streaky. they know how much the board likely to pair, or flop 4 to a flush or straight and they also know its streaky with dealing the cards in the hole. They've also figured out the servers ID who play like shit and need to catch, who the chip leaders are so on. Thats how Stars deal it. The donks know this, just like we know it, the difference being real players try to play poker, they don't.

  • @tw19771
    @tw19771 13 років тому

    @FletcherHabit Fletch, you wanna game the system? its simple, play like shit, when pokerstars realizes you can't play. You'll start catching cards and go on your heater. But just remember this, it won't last, stars doesn't do this so assholes can scam the ppl who wanna play poker and abuse the system. they let them win, because they are more likely to distribute the money and keep it on site rather then cash out. Its to benefit stars, not the donks.

  • @MrCitalo
    @MrCitalo 12 років тому

    your,,AA-KK hand...chanche that he win this after the flop..between 1-2 prozent...i think that they want you especially how i wrote you another time total mad..that you quit!!!!you are a cool guy...

  • @bomber2909
    @bomber2909 12 років тому

    board is J 7 4 J
    im all in with QJ
    an my opponent calls with J8 and the river is a f*cking 8 .....
    50$ tournament.... -.-

  • @strugaruion
    @strugaruion 12 років тому

    19 pipol staff pokerstars

  • @LegendPicturess
    @LegendPicturess 11 років тому


  • @magic612
    @magic612  13 років тому

    @melonheadyt Pokersite Brown Noser =on your knees daily. spread the buttcheeks open. And dont forget to wipe the crap of your nose when your done.

  • @andiwilke9469
    @andiwilke9469 12 років тому +1

    dear magic: my question to the first spot of his video:
    How you came to 94000 chips? and how many player had this tourney, you think you are the only player that lost with aa agnast kk? See the things happening at WSOP. Good player has always an opponent. Thtas why you have more bad beats

  • @bigdonkpoker
    @bigdonkpoker 13 років тому

    @magic612 ahahahahahahaha fucking right bro

  • @magic612
    @magic612  13 років тому +1

    @kiptokren It's never been in the best interest of any other site to run a fair game, it's in their best interest to run a fast game, and to run a game that rewards the most stupidest players to keep them happy like you say its complete bullshit!

  • @meeshoodub
    @meeshoodub 11 років тому +5

    Ok. I understand your point of view, but why do you continue to play on these sites? I prefer to play poker with my friends and know that everything is fair. Sure, I won't win a ton of money, but at least I'm having fun and I'm playing poker. Cheers!

  • @MrBB6953
    @MrBB6953 13 років тому

    @magic612 : In a book written by Amarillo Slim, he says, on a scale of 1 to 10, if you are a 5, then play poker against 1's and 2's. That's all we are doing, yet....we know the results. No wonder he doesn't believe in this online rig, just the old school live games. Play real solid poker 100% of the time are fkd !!!!

  • @ItsAllGood5225
    @ItsAllGood5225 11 років тому

    But theres alot of weak players playing stupid and losing all there chips in the sunday storm the WSOP is made up of very good players playing correctly and knowing when to fold.

  • @jpmendestv
    @jpmendestv 13 років тому

    I lost AA against AQ LOL ... flop Q9Q... gg

  • @illyriaarberya9242
    @illyriaarberya9242 11 років тому

    pokerstars is just fuckin RIGGED........ if u payoff any dollars, dond play better NEXT WEEK u would loose anythink what u play