"You Have To Be Mad To Go Along With This!" Julia Hartley-Brewer SLAMS Conversion Therapy

  • Опубліковано 9 січ 2024
  • Scottish Parents who refuse to allow their children to change gender would face up to seven years in jail under SNP plans to ban “conversion therapy”.
    Proposals published on Tuesday state that actions designed to “change or suppress” another individual’s gender identity, causing them physical or psychological harm, would become illegal under the radical law.
    SNP ministers acknowledged that so-called conversion practices often took place in a “family setting”, raising the prospect that parents could be criminalised if they refuse to go along with their child’s declaration that they are transgender.
    A Scottish Government spokesperson said: "We're committed to introducing legislation that will ban these harmful practices as far as possible within devolved competence just as many jurisdictions across the world have already done, and UK Government intends to partially do."
    TalkTV's Julia Hartley-Brewer is joined by Helen Joyce, Director of Advocacy at Sex Matters, to discuss the consequences of transitioning in children across the UK.
    #trans #children #prison
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  • @63mckenzie
    @63mckenzie 5 місяців тому +182

    Sending parents to jail for trying to protect their children. The world is insane.

    • @stephenmatthews5437
      @stephenmatthews5437 5 місяців тому +5

      The only thig I would be contemplating if put in jail for such a thing, would be my revenge against those who put me there when I get out.

    • @Valehass
      @Valehass 4 місяці тому +1

      George Soros, he caused the economic crash in the UK in 1990, similar crashes in Japan and France, all so he could make a few billion more out of the working classes misery. My parents lost their home because he artificially increased interest rates in the UK as did thousands of others.
      He's a sociopath who is on record of thinking of himself as a god. He worked for the Nazziss during WW2 and helped them steal gold from European Jews which is where he started his empire.

  • @alisonstuart2784
    @alisonstuart2784 5 місяців тому +91

    Strip searches. The point at which a woman's dignity and safety becomes less important than a confused person's ego. This must be resisted.

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 5 місяців тому

      What if I was to tell you strip searches of women already occur in police stations, prisons, customs and immigration facilities at ports of entry right across the land and those searches have nothing to do with gender issues.

    • @hollyclough6761
      @hollyclough6761 5 місяців тому +11

      Police officers regarding sexual offences haven't had the best record either

  • @timcowell2626
    @timcowell2626 5 місяців тому +426

    Why is the Scottish government so determined to bring about this insane policy? Who are they trying to convince or impress?

    • @tonyhaynes9080
      @tonyhaynes9080 5 місяців тому

      It's because the dastardly English won't allow it, so they are trying to show how progressive they are.

    • @jonah9861
      @jonah9861 5 місяців тому +49

      They just want to demolish Christ and absolute truth. If you can’t grasp that, you should step up your game soon.

    • @dejayne8246
      @dejayne8246 5 місяців тому

      They've never gotten over losing their coveted "named person" act through the courts. They're determined to interfere in the family and consider themselves better placed to do it then parents. There's only option now in Scotland and that's the Scottish Family Party. Every other party in Scotland supports the snp and this conversion therapy ban.

    • @catherinedart4777
      @catherinedart4777 5 місяців тому +15

      Good question.

    • @steve10
      @steve10 5 місяців тому +40

      Abu Hamza in charge

  • @justinemorgan3827
    @justinemorgan3827 5 місяців тому +148

    Absolute insanity. This needs to be stopped immediately.

    • @pmc2999
      @pmc2999 5 місяців тому +12

      I wanted hormones for menopause but my doctor talked me out because there are serious side effects. But let's just give these dangerous drugs to our young children.

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 5 місяців тому

      @@pmc2999 There are side effects with every medication including common OTC analgesics. But if you are still going through menopause I would suggest you do you own research as to the safety of HRT medications as the danger has not yet been medically established for it to be likely what you think you know is based upon a minority opinion. that is potentially not serving your best interests.

    • @foreverjoy9334
      @foreverjoy9334 5 місяців тому

      @@pmc2999try a keto or carnivore diet. We have been told that low fat diets are good for us but I changed to a high fat, protein and no carb and it helped balance my hormones and my mental focus came back. I had way more energy , plus I lost weight.

  • @jonnychris4070
    @jonnychris4070 5 місяців тому +189

    Ironically Helen Joyce is one of the few women who has big balls to tackle this dangerous nonsense head on.

    • @fabiodutra7053
      @fabiodutra7053 5 місяців тому +2


    • @marcelmurgatroyd5272
      @marcelmurgatroyd5272 5 місяців тому

      Makes you wonder where all those strong empowered women we keep hearing about are hiding doesn't it. Or maybe it's because the victims are poor working class women despised by virtuous Woke feminist elitists.

    • @marjorambee3521
      @marjorambee3521 5 місяців тому +4

      There are many of us, but we normally get ignored!

    • @austinjt4264
      @austinjt4264 5 місяців тому

      @@marjorambee3521 We just don't have platform.... but I think it's good, that they keep pushing this insanity further & further.
      Black Lives Matter Happened
      Ukrain/Russia happened!
      Palestine/Israel happenING!
      Don't be sure... "Eradicating ALL GAYS" won't be happening! Because there are still country today days, that still practicing Death Penalty on Gays.
      At this point, it's just a matter of time before Civil War start and when it does, it's gonna be Brutal, because everyone just had enough. I know many parents who speak with so much Anger & Hatred due to losing their children these predatory activism. They are all taking Shooting Class now.
      Why do you think all the Elites have all silently moved to Hawaii, each have a Mansion there or on other Islands, all with Underground Re-enforced Bunkers. Mark Zackerberg was said to spend nearly $800M on his underground Bunker. What are they preparing for? My guess is... "Civil War".
      Because lots of them getting all the hates from all places... if anyone want to hurt them, they would jump on Civil Wars. So it's best to stay clear cause Civil War is inevitable at this point.

    • @ClaireScarrott258
      @ClaireScarrott258 5 місяців тому +3

      Yes, Helen Joyce and her Genspect colleague Stella O'Malley (read her Substack) are excellent at tackling this dangerous deception and exposing the financially interested parties.

  • @catherinerobilliard7662
    @catherinerobilliard7662 5 місяців тому +62

    It’s like watching a slow moving car wreck. A massive scandal of medical abuse of children is going to hit the fan; moments like this are crucial crossroads where we either say “Enough” or be held culpable.

    • @NoOne-bp2jw
      @NoOne-bp2jw 5 місяців тому

      You are right. Activists keep repeating that very few transsexuals regret transitioning and that may be true today, but with the huge increase in tweens and teenagers going trans, it is inevitable that the number of detransitioners increase. When trans is no longer trendy and people mature, many (mostly biological girls) will realize it was a mental health problem that doctors refused to consider and they now have done irreparable damage to their bodies. Then the lawsuits will begin. Common sense tells us this, but our woke legislators are caught up in this now. Everyone hates a politician who changes his mind, so those who were convinced by activists of lies, refuse to admit it and are staying the course of gender affirming medical care, even while doctors are realizing the harm being done.

  • @BBCFakeNews-fe2wc
    @BBCFakeNews-fe2wc 5 місяців тому +153

    This had to happen I suppose. Imagine a female suspect (victim) being subjected to a highly invasive and intrusive personal search performed by a man claiming to be a woman. Its difficult to imagine a more perverse and grotesque state-sanctioned sexual assault.

    • @becky2235
      @becky2235 5 місяців тому +24

      It's disgusting

    • @BBCFakeNews-fe2wc
      @BBCFakeNews-fe2wc 5 місяців тому +25

      @@becky2235 Yes. The whole idea is absolutely disgusting. How on earth were we ever foolish enough to elect these people to government?

    • @michaeljago4869
      @michaeljago4869 5 місяців тому

      @@BBCFakeNews-fe2wc Because you bought every woke lie

    • @UberAlphaSirus
      @UberAlphaSirus 5 місяців тому +16

      It's rape.

    • @Pinhoser
      @Pinhoser 5 місяців тому +4

      imagine if it was the wee MP in the ill fitting wig

  • @johncatto5019
    @johncatto5019 5 місяців тому +211

    Anyone who thinks this is not only normal but right, should be locked up straight away. Whether they are a police officer or a politician this is totally wrong and surely illegal. This insanity must be stopped once and for all in the courts and law.

    • @nicola7917
      @nicola7917 5 місяців тому +8

      Your so right.

    • @fabiodutra7053
      @fabiodutra7053 5 місяців тому +1


    • @AndyJarman
      @AndyJarman 5 місяців тому +6

      People who join political parties are groomed to accept they must follow the party line - that's how they gain government. Andrew Bridgen.

    • @flyhi2773
      @flyhi2773 5 місяців тому

      Anything can be legal is for things, not humans. What you mean is, surely it’s unlawful? Yes it is, but todays State will not allow you access to the law. Why not and how? Why not? Law does not suit tyrants, especially big spending tyrants and most tyrannies spend more money than they can ever hope to raise in taxes. How? Words…. Laws are set in stone and have been for hundreds of years. Alas they use words like man, living man, mother father. Todays lot will not use those words, they say person because Winston Churchill is a person. So is Harry Potter, so is Doc Spock from Star Trek but he’s not a man, not even human, he’s a Vulcan, an alien a thing as is Churchill, he’s a skeleton. Laws are not for things. Legislation is though, for things. Things are almost always property and ultimately everything is state property. Officially Law is above all else, then come people, then Government hence public servants. I’ve long seen British politicians demand they are not servants but masters who know best. They must lead. They know best. Margaret Hodge is who I saw say this decades ago. Under them comes laws for things, legislation. So they redefined us as things, persons in law also means thing. Now the whole things become corrupt, this is all about money, all driven by money, and the courts will rarely if ever permit one to use the term man or living man. They will literally insist you are a person because in law a person can be a thing and laws do not protect things, only living men, women and their property and the state hates both. The state even demands it has the right to your kids, who it considers, their property against whom, they can and do borrow money. So man they will deny you. This way you aren’t even entitled to trial by jury which the LAW insists you be reading something like, no man shall be imprisoned, nor dispossessed of his possessions, nor shall we ( the state) move against him except by lawful judgement of his peers. Meaning, jury. Yet all this is happening without trial even. Unlawful? Yes. Illegal? No…. The state no longer upholds the law, indeed it’s breaking it but will not take itself to court. The American constitution is a bit stronger there and much does go to the Supreme Court to be ruled unconstitutional, but it’s not for lack of trying to act unlawfully.
      I’ve been looking into this stuff for about 20 years and still only know the basics but this is more or less what happened in Germany. They lost the war so we had the Nuremberg trials based on their acting unlawfully even if it was and it was actually legal. In law anything can be legal but not necessarily lawful so law gives man the right to life. Ok, so tyrants refuse you the right to the word man demanding you’re a person which in law can mean a thing, not entitled to laws for man. More or less that simple. Judges, lawyers, all go along with it largely for a pay cheque and a nice pension. Literally all about money. Government can’t borrow in the name of a man, but it can mortgage an asset, a thing, a piece of property, ultimately a piece of paper with value, it owns.
      Birth certificates are that piece of paper and most were only brought in around the 1930s. Before that, births were registered with the church. My father born 1932 did not get a state birth certificate until he left school and I think it states the church his birth was registered at. That’s what you are deemed to ultimately be, a thing, a piece of paper.
      Problem? Pieces of paper cannot attack you. The beauty of the word person, when it suits them they can deem you or the state employee, teacher, policeman, and you to be a living person this way, their state employee can destroy you as a thing. A piece of state property. Their property to dispose of if they wish, but a thing cannot attack so if you spring to life to defend yourself or your possessions, or kids from them, whilst they can attack you as a thing, you could be arrested for attacking them for its unlawful to attack a fellow man, but not a thing, so they can attack you as a thing, but not you them. In a way the word man becomes the preserve of the state and employee. This way they can also exempt themselves from laws for things, that is you, deeming themselves living man for whom the law is not designed. Tyrants love this as now, the law is trashed or reserved purely for the rulers, who can break it, and really what you end up with is Government above the law, trash law, you have Government and beneath that legislation which is really for things. And Government includes police courts etc who will not permit you access to law. They will insist you’re a thing, a person, not man because that would put you above them and give you rights, including the right to life. And trial by jury. Today it is not wise to register the birth of a child. The law doesn’t demand you do, legislation does. Legislation mostly brought in during the Great Depression when Governments went bankrupt and are heading for bankruptcy yet again.
      Most are very ignorant, myself included. I only know a fraction of what there is to know and on our own, we cannot beat this. I have tried. You’ll just be denied your rights to words like man, told you’re the person. I’m very law abiding by the way, no victims no damage to property yet I got stopped by police and for no reason other than it was after midnight and there were no witnesses, one right out the blue, just threw me a full throttle, totally unexpected, uncalled for Mike Tyson style punch then rained more and more down on me. Fortunately, his colleague intervened, and got him off me. The reason was I suspect, knowing my rights, and standing up to them. One decided to show me who was boss I would suggest and because I’m white and this so called cop was black I was told it was racism, backed by no evidence, no witnesses, I realise now , they know the law, no witnesses? No case, it’s tough. I see them as professional criminals in a uniform. Lots of police forces have them. Germans had the Orpo, ordinary police, kripo, criminal police, then Geheim Stat polizei, gestapo. Criminals above the law in uniform. The Germans were so similar. They were a very well developed country, cinemas, newspapers, railways, industry, they were highly civilised yet went power mad and unlawful. They stated be so terrible, nobody will believe you. And that’s exactly what they did. The west is going in a remarkably similar direction today, only it does super so called women rather than blonde haired blue eyed supermen but the superman ideology had logic, used to make others out to be untermenschen, sub humans. My betting is the trans insanity has logic too.
      People don’t realise, but words have meaning in law. Redefine what is man, what is woman and we will all end up welll and truly things, with no protection in law from the state. My bettting is, there’s logic in their madness, was last time.

    • @nicola7917
      @nicola7917 5 місяців тому +1

      @@fabiodutra7053 hide behind the rainbow that's about right 🤣🤣🤣

  • @angelaeastwood3938
    @angelaeastwood3938 5 місяців тому +94

    What the hell is the Scottish government playing at. This sick and totally out of order. 😡🤦🏼‍♀️

    • @danielgoring1328
      @danielgoring1328 5 місяців тому

      They have an unellected anti-white racist in charge of the SNP.

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 5 місяців тому +3

      They are playing at being progressive.

    • @The-Demon-Cola
      @The-Demon-Cola 5 місяців тому

      The trans-mafia is at it again!

    • @fabiodutra7053
      @fabiodutra7053 5 місяців тому


  • @ClaireScarrott258
    @ClaireScarrott258 5 місяців тому +130

    When perversion is reasigned as normality innocent people are hurt. This includes those with mental health issues who believe the perversion is their identity/authentic self.

    • @marco_0599
      @marco_0599 5 місяців тому

      You are 100% correct, we are going down a very dangerous road and in the near future this will bite every woke government in the backside.

    • @fabiodutra7053
      @fabiodutra7053 5 місяців тому +2


  • @freylisbileck6010
    @freylisbileck6010 5 місяців тому +224

    I'm trans myself, but I would NEVER tell parents what's best for their children, and I would NEVER allow my government to force idiotic legislations like this down people’s throats! Has everyone gone insane?? Count me out of all this woke BS!!

    • @Sssssssslf
      @Sssssssslf 5 місяців тому +14


    • @stephwalsh9158
      @stephwalsh9158 5 місяців тому +19

      Thank you for saying that

    • @richardmarahall8943
      @richardmarahall8943 5 місяців тому +14

      Thank you, and respect.

    • @ShanaSephora
      @ShanaSephora 5 місяців тому +11

      Thank you for speaking out.. 💕

    • @64bluegrass
      @64bluegrass 5 місяців тому +10

      I can imagine them saying, well, you’re not really trans then.

  • @angelsone-five7912
    @angelsone-five7912 5 місяців тому +167

    As an adult trans I have to say that children do not know their own minds and if they transition too early they will inevitably regret it further down the line. It takes years to sort your mind out and cannot be done when one is young.

    • @francesbrown5116
      @francesbrown5116 5 місяців тому +17

      And a lifetime on drugs .

    • @The-Demon-Cola
      @The-Demon-Cola 5 місяців тому

      As an 'adult trans', you're still denying reality.

    • @hollyclough6761
      @hollyclough6761 5 місяців тому

      There are lots of trans people that share the same thoughts as you, and lots of none trans and me! It's a shame the government is using trans people to commit this evil. Its not just dangerous for women and children, it's also bad for trans people like you ❤

    • @hereweare9096
      @hereweare9096 5 місяців тому

      People cannot transition. Men cannot become women.
      Women cannot become men.

    • @stephyorkslass7020
      @stephyorkslass7020 5 місяців тому +9

      It's just good old fashìned sensible isn't it , well said my friend xxx

  • @trevorwilliams6404
    @trevorwilliams6404 5 місяців тому +16

    What a sick government in Scotland

  • @Wilkins_Micawber
    @Wilkins_Micawber 5 місяців тому +79

    I was once a proud serving police officer. Now I am a disgusted retired police officer.

    • @LucyKelly-of6cu
      @LucyKelly-of6cu 5 місяців тому

      Yes. You would have to be a sick person to enforce this!

  • @ICENI-Britannica
    @ICENI-Britannica 5 місяців тому +103

    There were political troubles in the 70’s but, how i wish we could go back 40-50 years when the world was comparatively sane.

    • @jonah9861
      @jonah9861 5 місяців тому +6

      It was precisely the “sexual revolution” that brought up this craziness, calling itself “freedom”.

    • @sparkels1000
      @sparkels1000 5 місяців тому +8

      Oh how much i agree with you bring back the 60s and 70s. Where men were men and woman were woman.
      I got my masculinity in the 60s-70s and i will not be told men are women and women are men. And "MADE" to agree with it.

    • @rosemarywoolley8394
      @rosemarywoolley8394 5 місяців тому +4

      ​​@@sparkels1000We had the best of timex back then. Far better than the younger generation. We did not have to worry about half of the stuff they have to worry about now.

    • @fabiodutra7053
      @fabiodutra7053 5 місяців тому +1


    • @rensha8635
      @rensha8635 5 місяців тому +1

      Same I preferred the world 40 years ago.

  • @shirleyswaine4701
    @shirleyswaine4701 5 місяців тому +75

    I'm 70, I haven't lived a sheltered life but at no time in my life have I met anyone who appeared that they wanted to be a man rather than a woman or vice versa. I've seen transvestites and camp gay men, but never anyone trying to seriously claim to be something else so where has this suddenly all come from? Furthermore, it was regarded as normal, part of the hormonal upheaval of puberty, for children to be confused as the navigated the hormonal upheaval of puberty. Adults would say "It's just a phase he/she is going through" and almost inevitably, it was.

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 5 місяців тому

      It's all over the news isn't it for complete unknowns to have suddenly become household names, have you ever questioned why it is suddenly such a hot topic as for sure it wasn't in Britain prior to 2017. What happened in 2017 you may ask, why the UK media imported a US concern as it applied to one Trump supporting state to battle against the then UK Tory prime minister's design to allow transfolk to self identify of which never was the trans community' primary interest. What you're seeing is a manufactured concern designed to do two things ; a) distract attention away from from woeful governance and b) attract voters. The hard right have not got any answers to the pressing concerns of the day to tell you limiting trans folk even eradicating them will not solve your problems. But to ask you when you have got rid of the trans ' problem ' whose next? Given that fact the right wing haven't go any solutions to the pressing problems of the day?

    • @shawkorror
      @shawkorror 5 місяців тому +1

      A lot of people discovered that they could pander to any loonies and make money from them, the more the did it, the more the loony voices were heard, and so became normal backgroudn noise, then normal noise, then normal. It's a cash and vote cow to be milked by those in power and a stick to beat "unbelievers" with at whim. Perfect for any corrupt rulers!

    • @jenniferpearce1052
      @jenniferpearce1052 5 місяців тому +5

      "It's just a phase" is a concept that needs to come back in more areas than just this!

    • @foreverjoy9334
      @foreverjoy9334 5 місяців тому

      Where has it come from? You ask.
      None of this is organic.
      This is social engineering and destruction of our society.
      Even from the beginning at the John Hopkins institute, the studies that clearly showed a treatable and curable condition were set aside and the one doctor with inconclusive and wacky ideas was taken, promoted and funded.
      This was by design, funded by those who have plenty of money. They are still doing it. These societies and activists just keep springing up. I think if we dig deeper we might find a funded network, same with other things like climate activists or BLM. Just how much of this is natural human progression and freedom of choice.

    • @houstonwevehadaproblem5453
      @houstonwevehadaproblem5453 5 місяців тому

      It's come from Big Pharma wanting to make billions of $$$ selling puberty blockers, hormones and various barbaric surgeries in perpetuity, to people who are confused about their sexual identity [a normal developmental phase in many adolescents].

  • @pershorefoodbanktrusselltr3632
    @pershorefoodbanktrusselltr3632 5 місяців тому +15

    A male officer identifying as a female officer can strip search a female?
    I am truly, truly lost for words.

  • @margaretfleming3554
    @margaretfleming3554 5 місяців тому +56

    This is just shocking! Has the world gone absolutely stark raving mad?

    • @Kaan-El
      @Kaan-El 5 місяців тому +9

      Obviously, even twenty years ago such a conversation would have been ripped to shreds but now, it’s becoming the norm. So yeah, the world is going mad and these ideals are just seriously whack 😤

    • @deanmartin6052
      @deanmartin6052 5 місяців тому +5

      Yes it has.

    • @ochukwu
      @ochukwu 5 місяців тому +1

      *Western world

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 5 місяців тому

      No, you're being played.

    • @neilgillespie4498
      @neilgillespie4498 5 місяців тому

      No it’s all planned by some evil bastards

  • @seandelap8587
    @seandelap8587 5 місяців тому +74

    This is insanity of the highest degree and needs to be opposed outright

  • @user-zb9gi4wn7v
    @user-zb9gi4wn7v 5 місяців тому +54

    Will men be searching women from other cultures too?? Also, what law would Scottish Parents be breaking by not allowing this to happen to their children ?

    • @annearly3200
      @annearly3200 5 місяців тому +17

      They belive thier idelogy trumps everyting else

    • @shirleyswaine4701
      @shirleyswaine4701 5 місяців тому +8

      Of course they wouldn't, they'd be scared of what would happen to them - and what SHOULD happen to them because it IS sexual assault.

    • @outoforbit00
      @outoforbit00 5 місяців тому +15

      ​@@annearly3200 the Scottish government are making laws of ideology. It's the definition of tyranny.

  • @Zombii_x
    @Zombii_x 5 місяців тому +68

    Disgusting. “ according to a review by Ristori and Steensma (2016), for the majority of those with GD diagnosed in childhood (~85%) feelings of gender discomfort remit around or after puberty without the need for any interventions”
    The vast majority of children do not need to transition. The vast majority of adults do not need to either, but ruining their bodies is their choice. Children do not have the understanding or experience to make any sort of decision, let alone one of this gravity.
    Messing with your hormones is dangerous, and encouraging this is just stupid. Recognising how utterly depraved and immoral this is in regard to children is not transphobic, it’s plain common sense. Governments and doctors need to be held accountable and be punished for this.

    • @loreman7267
      @loreman7267 5 місяців тому

      Accountable to whom? The govt pushing this floater?
      No. There is no accountability.
      There will have to be blood.

    • @NoOne-bp2jw
      @NoOne-bp2jw 5 місяців тому +3

      Well said.

    • @animeswitch
      @animeswitch 5 місяців тому

      exactly!! Its no different than saying kids are able to decide if they are ready to sex or not. If it carries on like this they will end up letting pedos get away with it.

    • @matthewatwood8641
      @matthewatwood8641 5 місяців тому +3

      Nobody "needs" to transition.

    • @mollyashdon6158
      @mollyashdon6158 5 місяців тому

      If this nonsense was happening some where in Africa, our politicians would be yelling barbaric child abuse etc etc but as it’s happening here and other western countries it seen by the cowardly weak minded politicians to be the right thing to do for the confused kids.

  • @rymkervic123456
    @rymkervic123456 5 місяців тому +44

    You CANNOT transition to a different sex. It's not possible. And this isn't a Star Trek episode. I don't acknowledge the word Trans. All they are is impersonators. IMP's for short:)

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 5 місяців тому

      If only those so opposed understood sex and gender are two different things. Nah I think the pundits do know but they're hoping those they preach to don't. But you don't acknowledge the word 'trans, that must be difficult for you given the word ; trans doesn't just apply to gender.

    • @susanhopemason
      @susanhopemason 5 місяців тому +1


    • @Fatpie42
      @Fatpie42 5 місяців тому +1

      Identifying as a different sex is a way of treating a mental condition of dysphoria. In that sense it's real. But no, it doesn't literally make you the opposite sex. (Or gender, whatever that is supposed to mean.)

    • @NotAnotherTheory
      @NotAnotherTheory 5 місяців тому

      ​@@Fatpie42 so if someone comes out as the reincarnation of Jesus, we should just go along with it? 😐 How will that help them exactly? 🙄

  • @cnursery
    @cnursery 5 місяців тому +39

    People have to vote the criminals out. Otherwise we are all lost.

  • @philg7889
    @philg7889 5 місяців тому +53

    And when they jail their own parents (paid for by the taxpayer), the state will have to pay for their care (paid for by the taxpayer). Genius!

    • @Kelsea-im8ob
      @Kelsea-im8ob 5 місяців тому

      You're assuming they're not going to make them work next.

  • @rinzler9775
    @rinzler9775 5 місяців тому +5

    So jail the parents so the kids have to be taken away to an "orphanage" where the creators of this law can abuse them.

  • @chuckylamb4398
    @chuckylamb4398 5 місяців тому +6

    How long before parents take the law into their own hands!!

  • @janinecaramanus1392
    @janinecaramanus1392 5 місяців тому +31

    Sorry there is something seriously WRONG in this world when I see this! WTF

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 5 місяців тому

      Here, do yourself a favour, verify the accuracy of what you have just been told.

  • @elaineleep1834
    @elaineleep1834 5 місяців тому +10

    Ah Scotland, the armpit of Europe.

  • @JackyFlynn-xw5qu
    @JackyFlynn-xw5qu 5 місяців тому +5

    Poor children today being born into a very sick sick world full of very sick mentally disturbed adults,this needs to be STOPPED NOW 😢

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 5 місяців тому

      Don't worry our leaders will soon destroy us

  • @dragonfox2.058
    @dragonfox2.058 5 місяців тому +6

    Some very powerful somebodys are tearing society apart

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 5 місяців тому

      Yeah and they usually preach from youtube channels

    • @Kelsea-im8ob
      @Kelsea-im8ob 5 місяців тому

      Seriously, no regular person would vote for this

  • @misfit2022
    @misfit2022 5 місяців тому +6

    Shouldn’t parents be responsible for the upbringing of their children?

  • @karenouillette3156
    @karenouillette3156 5 місяців тому +5

    This government is SICK!!!!!!

  • @pg4662
    @pg4662 5 місяців тому +7

    Are we therefore going to allow kids to do as they wish? If a kid wants to jump off a cliff because they identify as a seagull and believe they can fly, are we going to stand and watch, shrug our shoulders and say 'hmm, this is going to end well'!! An adults job is to guide children, support them, help them to reach their potential, and function in society. How does this nonsense help any of that? Exactly... it doesn't!

  • @rachelusher5390
    @rachelusher5390 5 місяців тому +17

    Hasn't Scotland learnt their lesson?

    • @danielgoring1328
      @danielgoring1328 5 місяців тому

      Kim Jong Yousaf will force through his agenda regardless

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 5 місяців тому

      What lesson would that be ?

    • @The-Demon-Cola
      @The-Demon-Cola 5 місяців тому

      ​@@Coelacanth1That this trans stuff is nonsense and a threat to vulnerable children and women's rights.

    • @facthunt2facthunt245
      @facthunt2facthunt245 5 місяців тому

      Scotland where the men wear skirts...tartan skirts.

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 5 місяців тому

      @@The-Demon-Cola No what is a threat to both children and women's rights is the very thing that has instigated this culture war, of which might I add is not trans women. But you'll see when what has instigated this culture war lines it's sights up on the real target of it's ire of which depending on what sex you were born might be closer to home than you'd like. The reason it is currently targetting transwomen is because it needs to enlist people like you to act as foot soldiers

  • @dianelopes8199
    @dianelopes8199 5 місяців тому +20

    this needs to stop , as a matter of top priority , its a utter utter disgrace

  • @MisterHampshire
    @MisterHampshire 5 місяців тому +5

    In the meantime, drugs usage (and deaths) are spiralling out of control. Um...

  • @jasoncoomer1226
    @jasoncoomer1226 5 місяців тому +3

    When the sang...
    *We ARE COMING for your children*
    They told you outright.
    *Draw a line in the sand*
    Refuse to budge refuse to participate...
    Defend your children by any means necessary.
    That IS your job as a parent.

  • @steve10
    @steve10 5 місяців тому +42

    I was just listening to The Stone Roses and half way through I had tears in my eyes remembering life as it was.
    I then watch this and it reinforces my thoughts on not wanting to live in these times.
    Something has gone wrong , I often think I will wake up from the madness of post 2020.
    People can say it's a conspiracy theory, I dont care , something happened during the pandemic , while we were being forced to worry about nothing , behind the scenes and behind our backs something changed the way of life.
    It's unliveable , there is NO fun anymore , no comedy , no common sense, it's all just hateful laws created by people with some sort of hatred of normal people , they seem to want to twist our lives until there is nothing left.
    It's become a case of "Stop the world , I wanna get off" which wraps up my Stone Roses comment because I wish I could get off this world and go back to the old one.

    • @TwistedTiara
      @TwistedTiara 5 місяців тому +10

      You've just woken up hun, give yourself time to process your thoughts, and then you'll feel better. Yes, something has changed, I felt it about a year ago over a period of a few days, I told my hubby something has changed, I couldn't put my finger on it but yes, something has happened. I also don't care what people say either, I'm not the only person who felt something, I know a fair few who did also.

    • @hollyclough6761
      @hollyclough6761 5 місяців тому

      Completely agree. We are being gas lit daily, and so are our children. This is what abusers do, just like being in a narcissistic relationship. It's destabilising. Every time I come to terms with the reality and evil being inflicted, they take it 1 step further. Sadly, I think covid was the implementation and excuse created/used to assert this crazy new world order. B4 lockdown it was normal. After lockdown, they had everything ready. From schools, police, nhs and mainstream media. Your not alone feeling the way you do. My job is a trauma therapist and everything that's being done is abusive

    • @grunge_surf_witch_uk9130
      @grunge_surf_witch_uk9130 5 місяців тому +8

      Yeah so true I feel same too!! Also I’m a big Stone Roses fan saw them few years ago in Manchester with my daughter!! Miss the 80/90s life seemed normal!! Sometimes I’m like is this really happening?? Still going to fight this insanity!

    • @pathopewell1814
      @pathopewell1814 5 місяців тому +9

      You are so correct. This life style today is so distressing.

    • @fabiodutra7053
      @fabiodutra7053 5 місяців тому

      ​@@pathopewell1814😂, 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @Paramart
    @Paramart 5 місяців тому +15

    Studies from Sweden say that up to 50% of transitioners regret transitioning. And puberty blockers cause dangerous irreversible side effects.

  • @noneyabidness9644
    @noneyabidness9644 5 місяців тому +4

    What a dark world we live in.

  • @jackcogi9586
    @jackcogi9586 5 місяців тому +4

    not even surprised at this point they're going to make it illegal to laugh at the hospital if your a man when they ask if your pregnant soon

  • @simonhinchliffe4916
    @simonhinchliffe4916 5 місяців тому +7

    Proves what a perverted lot those in power really are......

    • @Kelsea-im8ob
      @Kelsea-im8ob 5 місяців тому

      No, it proves there's something else going on, because a party that listened to the people would never adopt these policies.

  • @mbburke3780
    @mbburke3780 5 місяців тому +8

    This is so horrible !! I am praying this law does not pass! 🙏🙏🙏We have to stop this .😡😡💔💔💔

    • @TCO345
      @TCO345 5 місяців тому +1

      Well that will stop them, lmao.

    • @SexRealist301
      @SexRealist301 5 місяців тому +1

      Or you could actually DO something.

  • @CLARKE176
    @CLARKE176 5 місяців тому +22

    These British parents should be left alone, it’s not up to the devolved administration to decide what’s best for the children.

  • @dejayne8246
    @dejayne8246 5 місяців тому +15

    Rosaria Butterfield would disagree with you regarding changing who you're attracted too but that's not the key point. The key point is this ban on conversion therapy is, as you rightly point out, unnecessary because any of the "old style" unethical practices are already illegal. The Scottish government has never gotten over losing the "named person" court case and they're still hell bent on interfering in family life. They must be stopped!!

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 5 місяців тому +1

      Still goes on behind closed doors.

  • @baldrbraa
    @baldrbraa 5 місяців тому +4

    As a Norwegian I’m totally disappointed in the SNP now. A few years back I was impressed at their independent stance, and the thought of going in our direction as a nation. I now see them as woke crazies and I would worry about even going there again. The same way I feel about Canada. Until something changes of course.

  • @maxinecahill9628
    @maxinecahill9628 5 місяців тому +2

    I can imagine how most of these kids will feel in twenty years

  • @Messier45_Pleiades
    @Messier45_Pleiades 5 місяців тому +21

    What is going on? The world has gone mad.

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 5 місяців тому

      What is going on is that you have chosen to believe a point of view.

  • @johnshaves101
    @johnshaves101 5 місяців тому +5

    Its time for the silent majority to stand now!!!

  • @mm3nrx
    @mm3nrx 5 місяців тому +5

    spoilt brats will just get their parent jailed...well done on dehumanising the grown ups...glad I left Scotland as its going backwards

  • @RainbowPyramid
    @RainbowPyramid 5 місяців тому +5

    Thank you for sharing. This is horrifying!

  • @welshentag6552
    @welshentag6552 5 місяців тому +2

    Do they never learn? Are they not paying attention? Total ideological capture.

  • @leethomas2155
    @leethomas2155 5 місяців тому +2

    I used to be afraid of dying... Today's generation and the state of our society and country has cured that.

  • @trivit472
    @trivit472 5 місяців тому +2

    We need not be concerned about this it will never get through court. I just tell the SNP to shove it where the sun does not shine and if they want to take me on go ahead but you will lose and lose big time.

  • @michellebelle247
    @michellebelle247 5 місяців тому +91

    I am an evangelical Christian, never in all my years have ever heard of evangelicals giving electric shock therapy, seriously Christians as well as others of different faiths are very distressed by what is going on. It is absolutely mad and heartbreaking, i do support you for standing up against this harmful agenda.

    • @BDub2024
      @BDub2024 5 місяців тому +9

      People believe in all this nonsense. How many exorcists are there in the catholic church? Really. People are so ignorant about religion that they believe anything. Plus try to make excuses for why they don't believe or aren't committed. PRetty weak really.

    • @dejayne8246
      @dejayne8246 5 місяців тому +10

      I agree. I think I'm the USA there were some cases, or at least accusations, but this is nothing more than government attempting to interfere with the family again.

    • @jonah9861
      @jonah9861 5 місяців тому +11

      @@BDub2024 People think they are intelligent not believing in Christ. Then they start believing in “political correctness”, which means being “correct” in accordance with what a politician says (NHS, for example example), and not as per what is True. That’s the real idiocy of the self-praised “intelligent”.

    • @chrislambert9435
      @chrislambert9435 5 місяців тому +5

      It is possible to change ones sexuality

    • @fpvangel4495
      @fpvangel4495 5 місяців тому

      I can tell you why they desecrate the rainbow too.
      Fasten your seatbelts!

  • @lmg7503
    @lmg7503 5 місяців тому +5

    Get rid of snp.

  • @brandyhaywood6256
    @brandyhaywood6256 5 місяців тому +16

    Love Helen Joyce - the voice of common sense.

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 5 місяців тому

      You mean you agree with her.

    • @brandyhaywood6256
      @brandyhaywood6256 5 місяців тому +7

      @@Coelacanth1 Absolutely.

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 5 місяців тому

      @@brandyhaywood6256 Agreeing with someone is not a measure of common sense.

    • @brandyhaywood6256
      @brandyhaywood6256 5 місяців тому +2

      @@Coelacanth1 She is an absolute giant in terms of scientific reality and intelligence. Sadly I suspect you aren't.

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 5 місяців тому

      @@brandyhaywood6256 She holds qualifications in mathematics not any science based subjects, but one does not have to be uneducated to be prejudiced or indeed; wrong. I do suspect there may be a monetary interest in her keeping up appearances.

  • @PlainsPup
    @PlainsPup 5 місяців тому +4

    In other news, if you refuse to call people who think they’re Napoleon “General Bonaparte,” you go to jail. This is madness.

  • @JaneSmith0709
    @JaneSmith0709 5 місяців тому +2

    What do you do when the entire world has lost its mind? How do you fight back against that?

  • @ddoherty5956
    @ddoherty5956 5 місяців тому +2

    The sad thing is we are only half way down the 1980's slippery slope. If they dont back off we are going to end up back at complete intolerance.

    • @Kelsea-im8ob
      @Kelsea-im8ob 5 місяців тому +2

      Many people are already there

  • @gothicpagan.666
    @gothicpagan.666 5 місяців тому +6

    Who gave the Scottish government permission to spend time discussing this?

  • @justwilliamcatapultpoacher2275
    @justwilliamcatapultpoacher2275 5 місяців тому +2

    The SNP are doing everything possible to ensure that they will not be voted in next time, but why?

  • @barneybiggles
    @barneybiggles 5 місяців тому +5

    If I identify as a tortoise can I insist being searched by a tortoise, just to prolong the situation?

    • @The-Demon-Cola
      @The-Demon-Cola 5 місяців тому +1

      I identify as a billionaire, so where the hell is my fortune and my private yacht?! I feel oppressed!!!

    • @barneybiggles
      @barneybiggles 5 місяців тому +1

      The non gender Martian has got your money and has pissed off home.

  • @rensha8635
    @rensha8635 5 місяців тому +3

    State forced child abuse 😮

  • @animeswitch
    @animeswitch 5 місяців тому +2

    thats so disgusting, the state are the kids parents now.

  • @EdVanMeyer
    @EdVanMeyer 5 місяців тому +3

    Nice to see they have their priorities right. Rather than sorting their drug problems, dire finances and the ferry debacle for starters.

  • @zurichrider6216
    @zurichrider6216 5 місяців тому +6

    Why do people not see the link between this issue and the Post office Horizon Scandal! They are both about being expected to accepted State sponsored lies.

  • @BDub2024
    @BDub2024 5 місяців тому +41

    SNP won't stay in long. Scottish nationalism will be dead. It really puts into perspective that the SNP is not about independence for Scotland. But independent to have radical views and impose them on the Scottish.

    • @facthunt2facthunt245
      @facthunt2facthunt245 5 місяців тому

      Scotland where the men identify a skirt as a kilt.

    • @BDub2024
      @BDub2024 5 місяців тому +2

      @@facthunt2facthunt245 the men wear long socks though. its not as if they wear bobby socks and shave their legs.

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 5 місяців тому +1

      @@facthunt2facthunt245 Two thirds of the world's male population have some form of unbifurcated clothing in their cultural wardrobe for those criticising the Scots here to be a minority.

    • @ellybell8356
      @ellybell8356 5 місяців тому

      ​@@facthunt2facthunt245Muslim males wearing night shirts...so what?

  • @philosopher1a
    @philosopher1a 5 місяців тому +1

    Oh and the *7 YEARS* in prison they aren't even keeping violent criminals in jail that long

  • @benmarr352
    @benmarr352 5 місяців тому +3

    Psychology does not reinforce delusions in any other way.....so is this anything other than those without virtue claiming virtue at no expense to themselves and great cost to others.

  • @GreatWestern175
    @GreatWestern175 5 місяців тому +3

    And its little wonder why the SNP has been going downhill for the last 18 months or so.

  • @kevlacy5306
    @kevlacy5306 5 місяців тому +17

    Humanity is finished!!

    • @catherinedart4777
      @catherinedart4777 5 місяців тому +2

      I know and it is so depressing.

    • @facthunt2facthunt245
      @facthunt2facthunt245 5 місяців тому

      Hip hip hooray, sex changes are here to stay, for the straight, the elderly and the gay.

  • @craigfisher4918
    @craigfisher4918 5 місяців тому +3

    It’s absolutely vile!

  • @archrussell822
    @archrussell822 5 місяців тому +7

    Thank goodness for this person trying to stop this nonsense

  • @alancawfield6549
    @alancawfield6549 5 місяців тому +4

    They want to ban conversion therapy but isn't having a sex change operation the ultimate form of conversion therapy?

    • @nikobellic570
      @nikobellic570 5 місяців тому

      Which is why it shouldn't be pushed on anyone under 25

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 5 місяців тому

      @@nikobellic570 Why under 25 when the age 18 marks one as an adult?

  • @sachaehn4924
    @sachaehn4924 5 місяців тому +2

    It feels like parents, women, and parenthood are being erased,

    • @Kelsea-im8ob
      @Kelsea-im8ob 5 місяців тому +1

      and citizens, and voters

  • @MickeyDC-om3pv
    @MickeyDC-om3pv 5 місяців тому +3

    If a Trans man does a search, claim sexxual asssault. All those that held you down need to be charged to. Private prosections might be required but I am sure people will fund it.
    As for conversion theory of chikdren, crazy!

  • @pauldennis4756
    @pauldennis4756 5 місяців тому +2

    One of the first rules of psychiatric nursing is that you should never reinforce delusions!

    • @TeresavanLieshout
      @TeresavanLieshout 5 місяців тому

      Psychiatrists torture & kill children and adults with their dangerous drugs and ECT, etc, Helen Joyce has that wrong. Also, they both have it wrong about 'conversion therapy', it's counselling to prevent /stop children and adults transitioning. Politicians want to ban it, ban all therapies, so the govt can continue transitioning children, and punish parents & professionals who want to stop it.

  • @MajesticJoshua
    @MajesticJoshua 5 місяців тому +5

    Knowing that their parents face seven years in prison, if a child continues to push for a “sex change” then the only course of action left to the parent is to disown the child. Parents have to protect themselves from this nonsense.

    • @Kelsea-im8ob
      @Kelsea-im8ob 5 місяців тому

      What would that achieve?

    • @MajesticJoshua
      @MajesticJoshua 5 місяців тому

      @@Kelsea-im8ob Protection for the parents.

    • @Kelsea-im8ob
      @Kelsea-im8ob 4 місяці тому

      @@MajesticJoshua parents want to protect their children, not themselves

    • @MajesticJoshua
      @MajesticJoshua 4 місяці тому

      @@Kelsea-im8ob Yes, but in the event that their child’s nonsense risks a seven year sentence for the parents, the best course of action would be to protect themselves by waving goodbye to their child.

  • @MilenaBlazanovic-oq2iy
    @MilenaBlazanovic-oq2iy 5 місяців тому +3

    The whole world is completely crazy

  • @johnwebster6360
    @johnwebster6360 5 місяців тому +1

    We tolerate this madness at our great peril. Vote Reform

  • @francesbrown5116
    @francesbrown5116 5 місяців тому +3

    Thats why people are moving out of California .

    • @dragonfox2.058
      @dragonfox2.058 5 місяців тому +1

      Letting criminal run the place is not working too well

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 5 місяців тому

      Also Miami for some reason.

  • @joelhall5124
    @joelhall5124 5 місяців тому +3

    The irony is that "transitioning" (which isn't real, but that's another story) is itself a form of conversion "therapy".

  • @stephwalsh9158
    @stephwalsh9158 5 місяців тому +9

    Every time I think things are improving... we get massively crazy and depressing stories like this! These activists who PUSH this are either brainwashed or plain knowingly dangerous

    • @Kelsea-im8ob
      @Kelsea-im8ob 5 місяців тому

      I thought they were the former but now I think it's the latter

  • @scousebadger0077
    @scousebadger0077 5 місяців тому +1

    Children should have to wait until they are 16 before any blockers or clinical changes are made. 7 years in prison we will regret this when they get older why is sexuality constantly being talked about in schools.

  • @user-fd1mc7yl4l
    @user-fd1mc7yl4l 5 місяців тому +1

    Children can not vote or drink, then how can they transform.
    We are a numb generation.

  • @user-fv5ms4sz8e
    @user-fv5ms4sz8e 5 місяців тому +9

    Leave children alone, for goodness' sake or is that really so hard to do? Why can't children just be allowed to be children, why must adults indoctrinate with adult level concerns? It absolutely angers me to know this and I'm safe to assume, that millions would be, as well?

  • @peterrichardson9248
    @peterrichardson9248 5 місяців тому +4

    Very simple answer is either leave Scotland or never have children.

  • @jonnyboy2128
    @jonnyboy2128 5 місяців тому +1

    If someone tried to jail me for protecting my children against this grooming and child abuse I would change their sex.

  • @user-ps3dr4yj5b
    @user-ps3dr4yj5b 5 місяців тому +7

    Re: the context note from the Trevor Project which is attached to this video: I sent the following feedback and would encourage others who note the same problem to make your voices heard.
    This context note is inappropriate for this video. It creates the impression that refusing to affirm a toddler’s fanciful notions equates with the administration of aversive therapies to change sexual orientation. It is misleading and propagandistic; it does not clarify any matter(s) of fact.

  • @stevehutchins3429
    @stevehutchins3429 5 місяців тому +4

    This should not happen there are only two anatomically correct sexes male and female you should not be allowed to change gender you go by your birth certificate and you go and have surgery to have bits added or removed should not be allowed

  • @davidgraham8058
    @davidgraham8058 5 місяців тому +2

    Brass Eye is no longer satire. 😂

  • @WalterHildahl
    @WalterHildahl 5 місяців тому +1

    Why has Britain willing gone down the rabbit hole and locked the door behind themselves??

    • @TCO345
      @TCO345 5 місяців тому

      SCOTLAND, try keep up.

  • @clouddog2393
    @clouddog2393 5 місяців тому +1

    When the powers that be order you on how to bring up your kids and threaten imprisonment if you don't you know for certain your freedoms and liberties are in grave danger .

  • @kevingrant7098
    @kevingrant7098 5 місяців тому +1

    We never hear about trans issues on TalkTV. Thanks for highlighting this it will make people angry and vote reform UK😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 5 місяців тому

      Have you noticed, you never hear the other side of the story to be in a position to form a fair judgement, either do you. Make sure you're not being played.

  • @angelaegan7511
    @angelaegan7511 5 місяців тому +3

    The world has gone mad 😢

  • @slottyken
    @slottyken 5 місяців тому +1

    These people are literally insane (not the presenters...obviously) I honestly cannot believe some of the things that people are coming out with these days.

  • @ZoltzenMoltzar856
    @ZoltzenMoltzar856 5 місяців тому +2

    Anyone dennying the parents rights to teach propper morals to their children are the right ones to imprison

  • @harrygraham5810
    @harrygraham5810 5 місяців тому +1

    Fascism is live and well, also this 100%a human rights breach

  • @james970027
    @james970027 5 місяців тому +3

    The thing which is the most ironic out of all of this is the group using the concern of "conversion therapy" are the exact same group who have enabled and caused conversion therapy to occur in the instance of the numerous tavistock patients who have and are continuing to sue this clinic for the poor quality of treatment they received, including not thoroughly determining whether a child was gender dysphoric or not before sending them down this route.
    So frankly they've got absolutely no position to claim they are wanting to prevent conversion therapy as thats precisely what they're promoting through their own actions. A child isn't mature enough to have sex, go to work, or drive until they reach an age yet when it comes to a life altering decision which they equally have little knowledge of objectively its full speed ahead in their eyes.
    At the end of the day, we all know who the actual child abusers are in this situation - far and wide its not people who hate trans people, more so attention/profit seekers who are pushing kids into a life altering decision before they are fully developed and ready to make that choice for themselves as an adult.