HOI4 - Are Heavy Fighters The New META?

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @jacobhammock3355
    @jacobhammock3355 2 роки тому +70

    People running bad test has always been the meta

  • @AclibButLikeTheRealOne
    @AclibButLikeTheRealOne 2 роки тому +265

    the fighter design you suggest is amazing, ive had like 1k against 3k fighters as italy vs the uk and their air force was decimated after half a year, ive tried the heavy fighters too and i only got 500 out, which didnt do nearly as well

    • @joelfilho2625
      @joelfilho2625 2 роки тому +21

      Before any of this meta stuff came out I tried putting all heavy MGs on an otherwise agile small fighter, and it knocked out roughly 4 enemy planes for every 1 I lost. Basically you want your fighters to have high air attack + agility, adding air defence if you have rubber to support the production cost.

    • @AclibButLikeTheRealOne
      @AclibButLikeTheRealOne 2 роки тому +4

      @@joelfilho2625 I believe 71cloak tested that in his vid and it traded worse than the design I was using, also that might not have been clear but I wasn't trading 3:1 I was trading like 5:1 minimum
      I rushed air technology and min-maxed as best as I could so that certainly had an impact

  • @arkad6329
    @arkad6329 2 роки тому +259

    Honestly the meta is dependent on when in the war you are. In the Early game you want cheap AF planes just to get Air Superiority(I call them Bush Planes). But when you’re in the mid game, and the lines have stabilized you want Dog Fighters, to grind the enemy’s Air Force down. Then in the late game when you’ve achieved Air Dominance you want to refit your old plane into multi-role fighters, to help out in ground combat and swat away any remains of their Air Force if they put them up.
    I really like this new air combat. The only gripe is that I wished the Ai would name their plane designs. I’m tired of seeing my FW190’s go up against “Improved Fighter Airframe B”.

    • @gamerdrache6076
      @gamerdrache6076 2 роки тому +16

      but multi role does not work

    • @theoheinrich529
      @theoheinrich529 2 роки тому +18

      @@gamerdrache6076 depends if you really can't afford to produce a specialist ground-attack aircraft

    • @gamerdrache6076
      @gamerdrache6076 2 роки тому +1

      @@theoheinrich529 what i meant was that they don´t do damage to anything ohterwise it would be meta

    • @arkad6329
      @arkad6329 2 роки тому +9

      @@gamerdrache6076 I haven’t tested the multi role fighter. I just put that because converting old fighter into a multi role fighter is cheaper than converting those aircraft into CAS.
      So if you put a Multi Role Fighter on a CAS/Logical Strike mission, it doesn’t do anything? I’ll have to check that.

    • @gamerdrache6076
      @gamerdrache6076 2 роки тому

      @@arkad6329 i testet it it only does one mission

  • @wolframsteindl2712
    @wolframsteindl2712 2 роки тому +62

    If heavy fighters beat light fighters, the game is balanced wrong.
    Heavy fighters are for shooting down bombers, and for long-range missions. They're not for dogfighting against the faster, more agile light fighters.

    • @magni5648
      @magni5648 Рік тому +2

      Eh, that depends a bit. P-38s were heavy fighters, and yet quite able to throw down with lights.

    • @beefyblom
      @beefyblom Рік тому +6

      @@magni5648 They were more the exception than the rule.

    • @dannyn.6933
      @dannyn.6933 Рік тому +2

      @@beefyblom We are meta players. We turn exceptions into the rule.

    • @XpVersusVista
      @XpVersusVista Рік тому +2

      @@magni5648 the p-38 was more along the lines of a medium fighter. they were definitely not comparable to russias and germany's heavx fighters in size weight and armament.
      p38s were essentially just dual engine/rotor light fighters.

    • @magni5648
      @magni5648 Рік тому

      @@XpVersusVista ...twin engines is what's generally the defining feature of a heavy fighter by WWII standards - and there's no such thing as a "medium" fighter in that terminology.
      Oh, and btw? The P-38L, most numerous model of the P-38? Roughly same (slightly HIGHER!) max takeoff weight as the Me 410, and more than even late Bf 110s.

  • @mainman879
    @mainman879 2 роки тому +64

    Are Heavy Fighters the meta for taking down heavily armored tac/strat bombers? Or do small fighters do just as fine? Same question with taking down the Naval Patrol Planes that seem to be getting quite popular.

    • @anderskorsback4104
      @anderskorsback4104 2 роки тому +20

      One thing that matters in the context is detection. More fighters in the air means more detection, so light fighters have the advantage at detecting better, and thus intercepting more bombers. Even if they might not trade as favourably, but any fighter should trade favourably enough against bombers.

    • @mortalcoil8585
      @mortalcoil8585 2 роки тому +4

      I build heavy fighters just for interception. Light fighters for air superiority and "medium" cas for heavy cas damage.

    • @mainman879
      @mainman879 2 роки тому +6

      @@anderskorsback4104 I wonder how much building radar would swing it towards heavy fighters since they have the higher air attack. Otherwise yeah detection could be an issue.

    • @71Cloak
      @71Cloak  2 роки тому +26

      Well this test had radar so i have that covered

    • @rm2569
      @rm2569 2 роки тому +2

      Can light airframes equip the airborne radar, and how much does that affect interception? Bc Historically Heavy fighters were the ones that carried them, and it made heavy night fighters ideal for interception. Not sure how that's reflected ingame.

  • @鹿目達也
    @鹿目達也 2 роки тому +8

    I've watched some test video and find that Paradox might have changed some Air combat machanics. The test show that now the planes are taken damage equally ( For example before BBA, 20 planes with 10HP taking 100 damage will cause 10 planes losses, but in BBA each plane will get 5 damage thus making the loss ratio much lower). The conclusion is that you put more planes in to a fight and you get lower plane losses. The test even shows that when you have 8000 planes against 2000 AI planes, not a single plane will be shot down. So now number of planes are a huge factor to air combat, especially when you outnumber the enemy like 2:1 and over.

    • @IsilionNELE
      @IsilionNELE Рік тому

      Do planes have HP? Where do you see that?
      Even the wiki doesn't mention such a stat.
      It looks like a plane is shot down after a single hit, so damage can't be spread out.
      Could you link the video you're referring to?

    • @XpVersusVista
      @XpVersusVista Рік тому +1

      @@IsilionNELE air defense is HP. i think they have a base HP value, and air defense gets added to it.

  • @koryliu
    @koryliu 2 роки тому +38

    So all these stat design analysis are pretty great when you need a quick answer, but would you consider doing an indepth video about aircraft stats similar to the one for division stats? I wonder if a fatal flaw of many aircraft designs is the fact that they overfocus on a single stat, but can't really confirm it as I don't know how for example air attack works against air defense. Thanks in advance, your videos are serious gems.

    • @28lobster28
      @28lobster28 2 роки тому +9

      It would be nice if PDX gave us the agility damage reduction in the patch notes. It used to be 67.5% max damage reduction if your agility was at least 2.5x higher than enemy agility. They mentioned it was nerfed but by how much? Does it take a greater amount of agility to achieve max reduction or is it just that the max reduction is lower?

    • @chenyangli9777
      @chenyangli9777 2 роки тому +2

      @@28lobster28 First, you can check that number in the define file in the game folder. Right now it is 60% at 3x more agility, so both. Second, there is another new modifier based on speed, that supposedly act similar to the agility that give bonus damage to the side with higher air speed. And last but not least, even count in these factors and other potential new modifiers, the air combat process/air damage formula defined on the paradox wiki is not accurate-the actual air combat loss randomness is much larger. So who knows? PDX never actually bothered to tell us how the actual air combat happens, and up to this point everything is basically educated guess.

    • @28lobster28
      @28lobster28 2 роки тому +2

      @@chenyangli9777 Since you're looking at the defines, what's the speed modifier? I'm definitely interested in redoing air combat calculations!

    • @chenyangli9777
      @chenyangli9777 2 роки тому +1

      @@28lobster28 The speed damage modifier is 0.45 maxing out at 2.5 times more speed than your opponents, so supposedly a 67.5% damage increase at maximum. And it seems that we also got a flat damage increase through air speed and my guess is 0.02% for each km/h but I don't find it to be significant in my test.

  • @alptekinhac3682
    @alptekinhac3682 2 роки тому +33

    And you did not mention but on top of winning air war (IC×shut Down planes) because you had more planes you had Green air which gave your troops advantage while disadvantage to enemy.
    Thing people don't understand even though you shot down more planes that does not mean you have green air main objective of air is to get green air so if your enemy can produce at the rate you shot down them it does not matter if they have cartoons but 20k of them

    • @furens-aru
      @furens-aru 2 роки тому

      If you shot down more, the enemy will quite possibly lose exp and aces faster which could snowball the advantage until you are facing rookie squadrons with your elite squadrons.

    • @MrNicoJac
      @MrNicoJac 2 роки тому +3

      Green Air is not the main objective.
      You can have red air and still win, if you have killer divisions with good generals and doctrines, and high planning bonuses.
      You can also use CAS in red air (you'll just lose more).
      Or you can get AA support in your division templates, so red air hurts you less.
      However, if your IC is more efficient than the enemy, you will win.
      Even if they can replace the air losses, it means they need more factories on air, which means they'll have fewer guns and arty and tanks - so the ground fight will become easier regardless.
      And they'll probably need to spend more civs on trade and such.

    • @kalebgates7711
      @kalebgates7711 Рік тому +6

      @@MrNicoJac If your enemy also has killer divisions with good generals and doctrines and high planning bonueses .... and green air ... they will win. We are talking about the meta here. All things equal, having more planes is just better.

    • @XpVersusVista
      @XpVersusVista Рік тому +1

      @@MrNicoJac your last paragraph is wrong. losing less IC doesn't automatically mean you'll win in the long run. If you destroy 3 IC for every 2 IC you lose, but the enemy has twice as big an economy, so produces 4 IC for every 2 IC you have, you'll lose. And in the meantime said enemy will level up his aircrafts and get aces, while yours are constantly replaced, so rather inexperienced, and this will after some time shift it to where you only kill 2 IC or maybe even just 1.5 IC per 2 IC you lose, and you still get out produced.
      The biggest issue with throw-away fighters is they eat the same amount of fuel per plane. Germany for example MUST build quality equipment (planes, tanks, ships) because they simply don't have enough oil to support the "cheap but mass is better" strategy. And the only way to keep fuel usage down is to go for a "quality over quantity" strategy. Which is what germany tried IRL, compared to USA and USSR spamming shermans and t-34s.

    • @MrNicoJac
      @MrNicoJac Рік тому

      Good points!

  • @HuSuBingQian
    @HuSuBingQian 2 роки тому +28

    I watched a Chinese video on this topic and he has explained it very well.
    In his test, he used a control template to compare different designs, basically putting them against same target and see how they perform.
    Now the heavy fighter IS the meta in early games cuz light only offer two weapon slot and can’t compete with heavy fighter design, but as soon as 3rd gen light fighter which has 3 weapon module then the table is turned and meta is light fighter.
    Overall like the previous video, the optimal is to have big defense and big attack plus reasonable agility (>30 proposed by the Chinese video) and speed bonus is quite useless.

  • @ganegui1753
    @ganegui1753 2 роки тому +9

    Thank you for this amazing video ! By far the best Hoi4 youtuber around when it comes to actual tips and tricks about playing the game all the other ones are rubbish when it comes to actually playing the game and what good or not ! Thanks for the amazing videos of rly high quality! Do you think that you could beat the heavy fighter with the basic small air frame?

    • @MrLogistician
      @MrLogistician 2 роки тому

      Feedback gaming does decent analysis (or at least he used to)

    • @ganegui1753
      @ganegui1753 2 роки тому +2

      @@MrLogistician Nah they are bad almost if any testing and they are aimed for singleplayer futhermore Feedback gaming is hardly a good player he plays single player in 5 speed and cheese it

  • @RedShocktrooperRST
    @RedShocktrooperRST 2 роки тому +1

    I think Heavy Fighers have their place, and that place is FUCKING SIBERIA. Literally.

  • @harioschtroliki
    @harioschtroliki 2 роки тому +5

    Since we're on the topic of planes, which doctrine is the best now? I've always used strategic destruction as the 10% agility bonus was important, however since agility is no longer the only relevant stat are operation integrity or battlefield support better?

    • @71Cloak
      @71Cloak  2 роки тому +5

      Both SD destruction and Operational Integrity give the same 30% air superiority mission efficiency bonus but Operation Integrity also gives a bonus to ace generation. Overall I don't expect the air doctrine meta to change, it was always Operation Integrity for air controllers and Battlefield Support for everyone else. In SP just take Battlefield support, your fighters are going to be better than the ais anyways so boost your cas instead.

    • @harioschtroliki
      @harioschtroliki 2 роки тому +1

      @@71Cloak Thanks for the info

    @IOADESTOYER 2 роки тому +14

    10 agility vs 70 agility in a air fight, I wonder what people think would happen?

    • @mainman879
      @mainman879 2 роки тому +16

      People saw that agility got nerfed and suddenly thought it was a useless stat. Turns out it is still pretty useful.

  • @martonstrenner1937
    @martonstrenner1937 2 роки тому +1

    Also better against strat bombing as Germany against Ai because you can cover more airzones like this.

  • @hammotimee
    @hammotimee 2 роки тому +1

    Sensational as always! Is there any IC benefit to having the cheapest possible fighters VS the superior design you had? Eg could having 5000 of the crappy ones vs 1000 (or whatever the ratio is) of yours yield any benefit at all?

    • @MrLogistician
      @MrLogistician 2 роки тому +3

      His design was a compromise between cheapness and effectiveness

    • @NicholasW943
      @NicholasW943 2 роки тому +1

      There's other tests and basically the cheap-o ones are bad because you're spending too much IC on producing the basic model of the plane and not enough on the modules, which is what makes the plane fight well.

  • @gilbertxaviertansri9c853
    @gilbertxaviertansri9c853 2 роки тому +4

    Oh god
    Edit: Nvm false alarm

  • @serek1237
    @serek1237 2 роки тому

    I think there should be test of light air frame with twin engines and more air attack (because of putting full cannons not LMG/HMG) Vs light fighter design in this video.
    I think it would be really good to check maybe 2 engines worth more fuel and IC cost.

  • @stefano4776
    @stefano4776 Рік тому

    Hello very nice test, i would like do more testa about it. how did u do this test? Did u use console command tag FRA? But how did u build all that fighters to perform this test? Many thanks

  • @jonaskingofsparta
    @jonaskingofsparta Рік тому +1

    I've run some tests of my own and I've come to the same conclusion.... for 1940 tech. Earlier though, the 1936 small airframe is so sucky, with only 2 weapon slots and abysmal range, that for 1936/1938 tech cheap-ish heavy fighters actually win out cost for cost.

  • @guccihorse5063
    @guccihorse5063 2 роки тому +5

    isnt meta hmg instead of cannon in the top row?

    • @logicalhazarda
      @logicalhazarda 2 роки тому +1

      Yeah, I thought it was 4x4 hmg, dunno what kind of difference that would make in testing

    • @guccihorse5063
      @guccihorse5063 2 роки тому +1

      @@logicalhazarda IC different is significant

    • @tony-te7gd
      @tony-te7gd 2 роки тому +4

      @@logicalhazarda Cheaper. Air def is overpowered, and the top row doesnt matter for air def.

    • @Cement12293
      @Cement12293 2 роки тому +1

      @@tony-te7gd except that even at a 1.5x IC cost, the heavies still lose on efficiency as air def is the same and this test shows that the normal fighters used still trade favorably with that level of air def

    • @71Cloak
      @71Cloak  2 роки тому +1

      You would still lose. I did do the test with HMGs. The HMG HF loses to the HF with 4 Cannons. On top of that the HF with 4 HMG also losses to the fighter in the video. It aalso loses to the fighter in the video if you were to swap an armour plate out for an extra fuel tank to increase range. HMGs just don't have enough air attack for how little agility HF have.

  • @georgeofazgad2176
    @georgeofazgad2176 2 роки тому

    I tend to make heavy fighters with torpedoes, to contest far away naval zones

  • @WalrusJones185
    @WalrusJones185 2 роки тому +1

    Agility is much better then people let on, a 3x agility advantage is 30% attacks taken and more damage dealt (How much agility you need to deal 3x damage is not clear.)
    So your fighter will trade well with cannon heavy fighters, but struggle more with a HMG heavy fighter (As a heavy fighter with ~40 agility 50 attack can be tanky while suffering small penalties versus the light fighter. A 20% attack penalty is more forgiving then a 70% attack penalty.)
    Regardless, light fighters with cannons can have similar air attack to the higher agility heavy fighters while also having 50% more agility then the best heavy fighters, its just that without taking one ahead of time research, producing the really good light fighters takes one more year then the medium fighters.
    A big part of this imbalance is that the light fighter designer types are extremely good (10 to 20% agility depending on your country,) where as the heavy fighters reliability bonuses from designer are abhorrently bad because reliability isn't even a factor in the air designer.

  • @maximfunfstuck5741
    @maximfunfstuck5741 2 роки тому

    Heavy fighters are now pretty useful in their historical Sense. a) they have longer range and can act as an Escort for Distant areas. b) the Higher Air Attack is a great Help for Shooting down heavy airframes. Now against the AI this is probably Not as important but going for small fighters in Air superiority and heavy fighters in interception might be Worth it. Of course If the enemy is only using cas small fighters will be enough for interception.

  • @chengzhou8711
    @chengzhou8711 2 роки тому +1

    They were quite OP IRL

  • @bishopspitfire4399
    @bishopspitfire4399 Рік тому

    Hey 71Cloak! Thanks for your video! It helped me a lot.
    But what am I supposed to use in early game since the Cannons 2 takes until 1941 or something to research when the battle is already over most likely at least in my games. What could I put on my planes in like 1938 when I try to produce?

  • @nausimur6035
    @nausimur6035 2 роки тому +1

    Air attack and strat atack have a limit of 100 everything above is wasted IC (it is in the code )

    • @NicholasW943
      @NicholasW943 2 роки тому +1

      wait is that true I never heard of that

  • @marthvader14
    @marthvader14 2 роки тому +1

    Heavy fighters are still the best defense against bombers tho right?

  • @SMGJohn
    @SMGJohn Рік тому

    Heavy fighter 1 is pretty good for range and costs 2 aluminium which can be eliminated now, my biggest gripe is getting resources to build these planes, rubber is easier to obtain than aluminium which means you better off getting a plane that uses as little resources as possible if you aint got either of the two and just go with it, AI is too dumb anyway to make anything decent.

  • @Dynioglowy1986
    @Dynioglowy1986 Рік тому

    what is best fighter to shoot down armored bombers or fast bombers ?

  • @johnsmith-wi2cb
    @johnsmith-wi2cb 2 роки тому

    Larp designs are still king

  • @SchwertKruemel
    @SchwertKruemel Рік тому

    one reason the heavy fighters aren't that good is that air attack is capped at 100. However those have 132 meaning almost a third of their dmg is just cut off

  • @lancekelley6142
    @lancekelley6142 Рік тому

    Would the heavy fighter be better in the long run by gaining XP from trading numerically better and the opposing air wing losing xp and aces due to this?
    Also heavy fighters dont rely on agility or extra mod slots on the 1940 airframe so you can use the same airframe all the way through the game and keep the production efficiency up by just making more advanced variants of the basic airframe.

  • @shangtsung2450
    @shangtsung2450 Рік тому

    I wonder how would a light fighter with 3 of 4x mg fare against the best heavy fighter?

  • @sanderleander3367
    @sanderleander3367 2 роки тому

    How is kamikaze now with the new air changes? Would you just spam cheap ass planes and send them in like that. Or would you add air defense or thrust?

  • @markregev1651
    @markregev1651 2 роки тому +1

    Better fuel usage as well thanks

  • @kalks4334
    @kalks4334 2 роки тому

    Thank you for making this video, I was noticing the same thing as well

  • @mirdav3648
    @mirdav3648 2 роки тому

    Yo bro sadly I am at work so I ll listen to it when I go back home
    But I am waiting to see which one is better

  • @captinobvious4705
    @captinobvious4705 2 роки тому

    This why pilots should be a mechanic

  • @bishopspitfire4399
    @bishopspitfire4399 Рік тому

    These guns are just for late game. But what is the meta early game?

  • @DarkMatterKid
    @DarkMatterKid 2 роки тому

    Are fighter 1’s still completely useless and only good for building production efficiency, or is the gap between the fighter tiers less pronounced?

  • @WateryChorus
    @WateryChorus 2 роки тому +1

    Full 4× heavy machine guns with full armor plates and quad engine on medium airframe is current meta. It decimates anything. I obliterated soviet airforce with hungary.

  • @maciejkamil
    @maciejkamil 2 роки тому

    Thanks for good debunk!

  • @imnotanumber43
    @imnotanumber43 2 роки тому +1

    What about that same fighter with 1 2x Cannon and the rest Bomb Locks? And just cas them to death with insane air def?

  • @fele09
    @fele09 2 роки тому

    when is good to make heavy fighters?

  • @javierperalta7648
    @javierperalta7648 2 роки тому +7

    So far single engine fighters with heavy machine guns and a lot of air defense seem to be the meta.

    • @ElRealista.
      @ElRealista. 2 роки тому

      what if you put double engine for more speed if you are a country with a lot of oil?

    • @javierperalta7648
      @javierperalta7648 2 роки тому +2

      @@ElRealista. double engines don't give More speed anymore I think. That was fixed

  • @JJonez19
    @JJonez19 Рік тому

    dude you are the legend

  • @natedogbfd
    @natedogbfd 2 роки тому

    Its all factored in, i have the best luck with combining 2 light designs, an agility speed design working with fighters stacking air attack. No fighter is truly bad. I played against a meta based on cheap planes and accepting losses yo maintain air superiority and it worked. There is no meta.

  • @scopy3602
    @scopy3602 2 роки тому

    Can you make a video about bombers and cas. please

  • @nodamiaen
    @nodamiaen 2 роки тому

    even though HF are obviously not meta, the changes to submarines justifies a production line for interception over sea zones beyond F range. watching sub 3s get utterly wrecked due to the improved spotting stats the DLC brought is a bit painful

  • @dasdasd4265
    @dasdasd4265 Рік тому

    Yes In A fair Fight 2000 Vs 2000 Heavy Fighther Wins (4 HVM 5 ARMOR PLATES ENGINE 2.3 ) It Wins Like 1 to 3 But It Has 2.5 Times More Expensive Than Light Fighters There İs A trade to Usually 10 to 21
    When We 105x10 = 1050
    But When we 21 x 42 = 882 Even In The Same Numbers Of Plane Light Fighters Win
    Alos If We take the calculation is your enemy is not dumb And They Will Put 2.5x More Planes Because They Produce 2.5 times more planes And When We Put that Heavy Fighter loses 8 to 10

  • @BigmanDogs
    @BigmanDogs 2 роки тому

    I guess it also depends on if you are playing against real people or AI. Because AI will obviously use neither of these.

  • @wynn1708
    @wynn1708 2 роки тому

    it is not heavy fighter, but flying tank.

  • @brandonthomas2623
    @brandonthomas2623 2 роки тому

    I’ll just make both in single player

  • @aerilonn
    @aerilonn 2 роки тому

    A good fighter is best speed and agility combined enoughly firepower heavy fighters will always lost to fighters even you trade 1v1 u r production cost is higher

  • @rogs6228
    @rogs6228 2 роки тому

    finally someone with a brain

  • @TimSmith-vl4qk
    @TimSmith-vl4qk 2 роки тому

    build an Messerschmitt Me 262

  • @meph5291
    @meph5291 2 роки тому +1

    Wtf is "meta" anyways? Overused, bullshit word.
    The only problem with this test is, airport space is not unlimited. Having 2 times more planes is not always viable because you can't always assume you can bring as many as you can into the battle. Sometimes you just need "best 2000".
    This is why there is no such thing as meta, imo. Almost always the right answer is -> "It depends".

    • @ganegui1753
      @ganegui1753 2 роки тому

      that wrong it is viable to have 2 times more planes because the light fighter is is way cheaper 2 times cheaper there is such a thing as meta that the optimal thing and it true in every game! For exemple engeener sup company are meta because they are quite literally the best thing in the support companies tree and the second best support company after support aa

  • @alexanderholt4679
    @alexanderholt4679 2 роки тому +1

    “People running bad tests” well maybe get the designs right. You dont go canons on the heavy fighter you go HMG and level 2 canons for the fighter is not realistic with maybe italy being the one exception but good lick winning in eqypt with 1k range. self sealing is only for countries like uk who has plenty rubber and good

    • @71Cloak
      @71Cloak  2 роки тому +2

      Cannon 2s are not some super late game tech. They are 1940 tech with a base cost of 100. Any country that is going for planes will be able to research those before they can even get the 1940 airframe. Especially Italy considering it gets the airframes for free once you are at war with a major. There is 0 reason to not be able to research cannon 2s as a country going for air in MP. In SP it's probably overkill but that's just because the ai is bad.
      Some testing below of your "superior" design.
      Even replacing the cannon 2s with Heavy Machine guns and swapping the self-sealing tank out for more armour, the light fighters win. They trade about 150 losses to 110 losses which is a better trade for the light fighters. Light fighters are losing 5850 ic a month while the heavy fighters are losing 7400 ic a month.
      Even if you replace one of the armour plates for extra fuel tanks to give you 1300 range. Your still trade about 160 to 100 or 6200 ic to 6800. Which still favours the fighters and the heavy fighters only have 100 more range.
      I even redid the heavy fighter test with the HF with 80ic (no self sealing tank) vs HF 4 HMG plus max air defence. After a few months the trade was 343 to 427 or 27700 ic lost vs 29000 ic. HMG HF aren't even the best HF you can build let alone overall fighter.

    • @alexanderholt4679
      @alexanderholt4679 2 роки тому

      @@71Cloak funny how your test is different from everyone else who have done test. I and so many of the high skill competitive players have done the tests and heavyvfighters win every time. And if you say replacing 1 armor for 1 fuel tank on the ligt fighter only makes aditional 8% looses then your test is wrong. It would be a huge decrease in defense so cassualties would be much higher.
      Did you consider numbers difference with lowered IC?
      Where do you read the looses? Only in the logistics tap can looses be accurately determined
      There is 1 thing that makes the heavy fighter unviable and that is fuel consumption but that is an axis problem not allies

    • @71Cloak
      @71Cloak  2 роки тому

      @@alexanderholt4679 did youband your buddies remember that air doctrines exist?
      Also the comment on heavy fighters not be viable because of fuel makes no sense. If you have half as many planes that cost twice as much but only use 0.37 fuel vs 0.21 each. You are saving fuel. 2 fighters will use .42 fuel where as you heavy fighters are going to be using about the same amount.
      Homestly, not understanding that completely discredits the rest of comment. How high level can you be if you don't understand that?

    • @alexanderholt4679
      @alexanderholt4679 2 роки тому

      @@71Cloak heavy fighters is not .32 they are 0.64 xD in other words twice the amount of fuel and that is not even the biggest issue. the biggest issue is you loose so few of them that italys production alone can replace looses so by end of game as axis you will have a max fuel consumption of around 100-150k fuel

  • @berserker4940
    @berserker4940 2 роки тому

    Your test proved yourself wrong lol. The heavy fighter is twice as good as your light fighter. Your light fighter is extremely IC and resource efficient but, it does not win in a 1v1 fight. It's just like the Heavy/Medium tank debate. In late game multiplayer when IC and resources aren't as big of a consideration but, airbase space is the biggest limiting factor for the air war for the Allies, you would want the more expensive, BETTER heavy fighter over the vastly more efficient light fighter

  • @darthbigred22
    @darthbigred22 2 роки тому +2

    Yuck this is exactly why HOI MP is trash
    What’s the point of the historical setting if players are just going to out gay each other like this with ahistorical garbage

    • @ganegui1753
      @ganegui1753 2 роки тому +2

      Playing MP gives you an actual mechanical and intellectual challenge you have to think about what you are doing and more importantly know what you are doing way more fun to beat a player than a computer !

    • @harioschtroliki
      @harioschtroliki 2 роки тому +1

      You can always troll with 10 width infantry or all artillery battalions if that's fun for you, other people like winning. Besides for achievement runs you need to have some grasp of what the meta is unless you want to have a bad time

  • @CG-eh6oe
    @CG-eh6oe 2 роки тому +18

    Couldnt you argue that heavy fighters have some advantage in poorly built up areas, where you cant actually fit all your planes in the airports and therefor they wont be outnumberd?

    • @VarenvelDarakus
      @VarenvelDarakus 2 роки тому +3

      i also think they would do better vs armored/defense bombers , especialy high defense strat bombers
      So it technicaly...aligns what old meta was , that heavy fighters dont trade well with light fighters , but will be possibly better for heavy/strat bombers
      But does really matter? even if you wont shot down as many bombers you will distupt them , i had cheap light fighter with just 1 slot MG's and they could disrupt bombers to 90% in equal numbers.
      tho i think its good they made defense matter
      as for "having equal numbers" , in most games i played you just build more airports , for most wars in europe , US and everywhere its easy , only exeption is russia , and enemy wont have much advantage ether as they will spread their planes thin
      tho also i dont think comparison is fair as 1939 fighter and pre war only has 2 slots ,i think fair comparison is comparing techs to at most 1939 becouse that year war starts , so what your fighter will be best if you cant produce it
      medium also gets 4 slots , light only has 2 that time period , best fighters on world wont matter if enemy has air supremacy or numbers advantage becouse he produced more planes sooner

    • @FantasticKruH
      @FantasticKruH 2 роки тому +8

      Heavy fighters are amazing for any place that is not western europe. They can cover so much ground. You dont need to build any airports and they always have 100% effi

  • @duck8249
    @duck8249 2 роки тому +13

    can you go into how to get the best cas?

  • @pubcollize
    @pubcollize 2 роки тому +4

    "just people running bad tests"
    should be carved into stone and placed at the entrance of every technical school or higher education, also every social sciences or humanities school. and every org responsible for standardization and regulation.
    some people just need to see this line at least once a day every day for the rest of their lives,
    and maybe,
    just maybe,
    we'll have a better society.

    • @pubcollize
      @pubcollize 2 роки тому +1

      i forgot med schools, but i'm not sure it'll work there

    • @pax6833
      @pax6833 4 місяці тому

      One thing I notice is that no one ever tests a Hi-Low mix.
      IRL using cheap and expensive together is best. So having half light fighters to get air superiority and half heavy fighters to get qualitative edge + better interception should work better than a mono-air strategy. But I have no idea if that's accurate for the game.

  • @zoroasper9759
    @zoroasper9759 2 роки тому +4

    Paradox definitely gonna nerf Air Defense
    I made a 1940 Strat Bomber with some insane defense and NOT ONE was ever shot down by the AI

    • @Omen09
      @Omen09 2 роки тому +6

      they should rather buff ai designs

  • @GoldandPearl
    @GoldandPearl Рік тому +1

    at my tests i found that all heavy mg jet fighter wins against anything. Also cheap to build. i do also put %20 night penalty radio on planes and instead of def add mg turrets even on light fighters. Huge air attack looks like key atm.

  • @SCComega
    @SCComega 2 роки тому +7

    I kind of figured as much, though I am still wondering here in regards to what the best multirole CAS design is. (I.e. in the same venue as CAS was before the update where they could trade reasonably vs earlier fighters) so I suppose it's a question as to what combination of HMGs, Cannons, rocket rails, and bomb locks has the best outcome to that end, and for 1936, 1940, and 1944 techs. I've been using HMGs and rockets on my light fighters, and bomb locks and cannons on my heavy fighters, but I'm not sure if that's really the ideal or not.

    • @javierperalta7648
      @javierperalta7648 2 роки тому

      heavy fighters should have both rockets and bomb locks

    • @blothorn2903
      @blothorn2903 Рік тому

      My untested expectation is that with slots limited (and options for making the most out of slots carrying substantial agility penalties) that's tough to achieve. I'd consider going with the T2 anti-tank cannon (the first isn't worth the increased agility and IC penalty over bombs IMO) and max HMGs--coupled with the agility bonus CAS get from the close-support path that should have adequate agility and ground/air attack.

  • @АндрейЗаборенко
    @АндрейЗаборенко 2 роки тому +4

    CAS designs when

  • @myrten3124
    @myrten3124 2 роки тому +3

    Try heavy machine guns only on heavy fighters instead of cannons so agility would not go down that much, also use best x4 engine possible.

    • @PikaPilot
      @PikaPilot 2 роки тому +1

      Air combat is heavily weighed in favor of Air Attack, not agility. Cannon IIs are absolutely worth it rn

    • @myrten3124
      @myrten3124 2 роки тому +3

      @@PikaPilot Agility has been nerfed, but it's still a factor and decides things such as order in which wings attack. In this test heavy fighter has only 11 agility, also cannons affect IC cost significantly, as well as weight which matters a lot for speed (although mostly in later techs)

    • @71Cloak
      @71Cloak  2 роки тому +1

      You can repeat this test for yourself if you want switching the cannons to HMGs, not only would that plane still lose to the light fighter it would also loose to the HF with 4 cannons.

  • @quoras1887
    @quoras1887 2 роки тому +2

    Maybe dont stack so much air attack on the heavy fighters? i mean you dont need 4 cannons to shoot down light as.

    • @71Cloak
      @71Cloak  2 роки тому +3

      even swapping to Heavy machine guns and reducing the cost and upping your agility, the light fighter still wins. The heavy fighter I was using was the one that seems to win against all other heavy fighters. So if you expect to go up against heavy fighters then that is what you should expect to go up against.

  • @MrNicoJac
    @MrNicoJac 2 роки тому +1

    Note to self: best design is shown at the 1:00 mark

  • @TheObeyWeegee
    @TheObeyWeegee 2 роки тому +1

    Best thing about your videos is you do the test and show the results before coming to a conclusion which is apparently too much for others to do.

  • @Snailman3516
    @Snailman3516 2 роки тому +1

    You should see if heavy fighters do better on interception duty vs tactical bombers/strat bombers.

  • @firemochimc
    @firemochimc Рік тому +1

    This fighter design still kicks the AI's ass as of late November 2022.

  • @iseeyou5061
    @iseeyou5061 Рік тому

    Man i thought heavy fighter is the new meta based on the title. Glad i didn't change my fighter into heavy fighter before watching this video or that would be suck

  • @Dynioglowy1986
    @Dynioglowy1986 Рік тому

    i was thinking heavy fighters gonna be better for germany cuz one plane use less fuel than 2 but this heavy fighter meta use 0.64 and light fighter only 0.21
    so not only i can build 2x more planes but i can keep in air 3x more fighters .
    i would use h.fighter as US to fight Japanese cuz range would be better at sea

  • @grodger7087
    @grodger7087 Рік тому

    Paradox has ruined dogfighting.

  • @alexburgers9958
    @alexburgers9958 2 роки тому +1

    Isn't air attack capped at 100?

    • @71Cloak
      @71Cloak  2 роки тому +1

      Nothing in the math nor the defines suggest that air attack is capped at any point in time.

  • @efeabal6410
    @efeabal6410 Рік тому

    I also did some testing. Your design is the best. It also gives a lot more air superiority than heavy fighters (%160). Plus, the best cas uses small frame too so you don't need to research another branch of frames. Some other things that I found out while testing: Thrust doesn't do anything. Only range (anything above 800 is fine), air attack (prioritize air attack) and defense matters. Stack as many air attack as possible with your current technology. Stack as many defense as possible as long as your range is above 800. You should only use bomb lock on cas to save IC but the IC you spend on air attack always pays off on fighters. Don't hesitate to put cannon 2s.

  • @YoungClarke
    @YoungClarke 2 роки тому

    For nations that really struggle with manpower, I'd been thinking medium/heavy fighters might make more sense but really even with 20% more fighters going down the manpower drain is negligible and the easier production really leans towards still focusing on lighter fighters.
    The only other thing I can think of is if you are really hurting for efficient range, but I haven't found a situation where that was the case as of yet.
    Honestly feels a bit off design wise, why would you ever go with heavy/medium fighters? There is no upside. Though perhaps those airframes really are just meant for strat bombers and you'd only use them for fighters if you're really hurting for research slots.

    • @PikaPilot
      @PikaPilot 2 роки тому +3

      Heavy fighters also didn't make sense historically, except for the longer range (Battle of Britain)
      Historically, it was found that heavy fighters worked best with a light fighter escort, which defeats the purpose of building heavy fighter.

    • @javierperalta7648
      @javierperalta7648 2 роки тому +1

      @@PikaPilot heavy fighters are good during the early game when light fighters have no range/thrust to mount lots of guns

  • @lukebeich
    @lukebeich 2 роки тому

    Does that mean prioritize agility over air attack then?

    • @nathanthompson7134
      @nathanthompson7134 2 роки тому

      Air attack reigns Supreme, but the offense boost gained by heavy doesn't replace the ic required to get heavy out

  • @kainobaino
    @kainobaino 2 роки тому +1

    Heavy fighters are the meta. I will make a vid about this, this week. This is a good way to look at the new dlc. Honestly some things have been skipped tho. This weekend I will explain what the meta is and what stats you should look at with this new dlc.
    yours sincerely,
    Mr. Kain