I can’t handle scary stories so every time it started to get quiet I held the phone really far away from my face because I thought you were gonna pull a jump scare on me. But since you didn’t now I just have this unrelieved tension. I’m shook...
FEAR is like a tear, its undwinding, but quite the sighting, Its broken, we must find that token, I don't know if i can take it, I must sit, am i weak, or just a freak, i fear arrival, so it must be survival...
First of all, lucid dreaming is not a bad thing unless you lose focus and think about bad stuff or bad events, so if you focus on good things you're perfectly fine.
Sleep Paralysis. You're neither asleep nor awake. It's what happens when you can't reach the dream state, but you're still awake and semi-conscious. In the simplest terms, you still experience nightmares, but you're frozen in place. You can never fully see what it is, but you know it's nothing good. Imagine being strapped to a table, your vocal cords removed, your body paralyzed. All the while you see demons and horrific creatures dancing in your peripherals and a giant shadow looming over you with no physical characteristics save for a pair of eyes. Now take the fear and multiply it infinitely. It kicks your fear response into high gear and causes your heart to race. You begin sweating profusely and shaking from terror, and as much as you try to scream, you can't make a sound. You feel like you're going to suffocate because of something pressing down on you, but there's nothing there and it only adds to the terror. In other words. It is in every sense of the term, a waking nightmare.
Yes but that only happens because of your irrational fears. Once I figured that out as a kid every time I went into sleep paraylsis nothing really happened. I would just be like aw shit this again. Ok time to try to wake myself up. What basically happened in sultans case is that he let his irrational fears and what his friend said to him get to him.
The first time I had a sleep paralysis I shated myself in the first few seconds,but when I started felling my heartbeat I knew what was going on so I just moved(with dificulty cuz it rook me like an hour to just turn)I got over it and tought it was cool.
Heres my story, andI think the demons or sprites or what ever they are, are real. When I was younger probably around I don't know 7-8 I had a nightmare and I went to go ask my mom and dad if I could sleep with them, my mom woke up and said yes so got right into the middle of the bed, at that time they had a walk it closet in there room, it already creeped me out in the day light but at night it was pitch black, I ignored it and when to sleep. The event happened when I woke up, or that what I thought, my mind was like maybe I need a drink or maybe I need to use the restroom but when I tried to move I couldn't, I was stuck and the darkness engulfed my sight, and in that walk in closet a boney hand grabbed the top of it and pulled its self out, its face? I'm not sure, just stared at me, as it lumbered closer and closer, I felt a pressure on the beds foot, it was still looking at me. When it got to me it sat on my lap still looking at me, deeply into my eyes, I was scared my breathing or what I thought it was got faster I was screaming for it to "go away!" Or to "stop!!" But nothing came out of my mouth, a few minutes passed by then I woke up and I flung my body up and screamed waking my mom and dad, but the thing that truly scared me beyond compare was that my mom told me my body shifted a little in the real world which woke her up and she saw a black shadow on tip of me, she sid that she think it was a trick of her eye's, but I know what it truly was and I never went into the closet sence.
... *Lucid dreaming sucks at times.* As someone who lives my dreams the way I chose, or rather, as a *very* lucid dreamer, it only feeds into your fears. What I mean is that, the more control you have over your dreams, the scarier it becomes when you are confronted by your fears and left powerless, unable to alter reality at that moment. And because I've dreamed dreams so real, my nightmares began to follow in those footsteps. But by then, I had become a victim of sleep paralysis....many times over. So, while I may not know what horrors Lisa went through, I can say for sure that I can relate to the horror she endured. ... Sorry for the rant, I just wanted to make it known that it happens to some of us (like it did to me a few years back) and when it does, it sucks.
I understand this. Also if you actually don't lucid dream one night for me it's always a nightmare that what happens for me. It doesn't help that I have sizafinia or however you say it. I also have sleep paralysis. So I'm so confused by it.
I don’t know if my experience was lucid dreaming or not since it wasn’t about me. Sometimes when I watch animation or read comics when I sleep it will feel like I am watching the same comic but in my head with my own fanfic. It’s like watching TV. I could control what the characters would do and the scenes. It’s really fun and peaceful but I wasn’t sure if it was just thinking or lucid dreaming.
I’ve also been asleep but able to hear everything in my surroundings but I’ve never seen figures. I have woken up with weird scratches but I always just brushed it off as no big deal.
Heyo, this’ll be long. I’m 14, but I’ve been experiencing sleep paralysis regularly since I was 11, and have lucid dreamed countless times. What happened in this video is overdramatised but close to the truth. Alright, let’s get started. Now of course, the first time you heard that drum noise and couldn’t move was sleep paralysis, not lucid dreaming. That noise is completely normal, though we all get different noises. Now you said you can’t move, which is close to the truth. In reality, you must slowly start moving. First the fingers, toes, ect. Here’s a story: I was.. maybe 13. Normal sleep. Woke up around 6 and knew I had sleep paralysis. Silly ol me decided to panic. I tried to calm myself down, and I started moving my fingers and toes like routine. Then I could move my arms but the loud noise was still there. The loud noise is enough to make you pass out, literally. The more I moved, especially when I put my arms over my ears, the noise grew louder. I nearly passed out. This is the longest sleep paralysis I’ve had. I started panicking and with all my strength started banging my the head of my bed, but I was so weak it didn’t make a noise. Overtime the sleep paralysis went away, but this is one of my most memorable. Oh quick thing I forgot to mention. It feels like you’re naked. I sleep under 2 layers of blankets and I’m always under, if I’m scared I’ll even put it over my head, curl up in a ball and fall asleep like that. That time it felt like there was nothing, and that I was being pulled, which I wasn’t. I usually either pass out from the noise, fall back to sleep very quickly and forget about it most times and vaguely remember the next morning. And the infamous evil spirits that you see when you open your eyes, yes I’ve experienced that. The best way to overcome sleep paralysis is to keep your eyes closed, but the first few times I didn’t and I always saw demons. One time I thought a coat hanger was a demon lmao. Now to lucid dreams. Lucid dreams are not fun, at least for me. You can do whatever you want, sure, but it ends badly every time. One time I jumped off a cliff 20+ times until I finally woke up. Here’s my most memorable lucid dream. I was 8-10 years old, that day was my grandmas birthday party and it creeped me out the whole day. I have told this story and thought about it countless times so I don’t forget, but it’s vague now, I can only remember remembering it. It starts off with me on the pier of a beach, a very small beach at that. I walk a few steps off the pier and onto a sidewalk, and I realise all my footsteps are red and gleaming. I then run and feel the sense of impending doom. Mysterious beings attack. Now look this all made sense in my head.. don’t judge, and I was 8-10 years old. I die from slow blood loss. I respawn, I suppose. Back to the pier, red footsteps, mysterious beings attack. This time some security force comes to defend me. They make me run into a building and hide. I get my brain punctured. Third time, I realise this is a dream. Now look, I usually don’t remember dreams, and you can only lucid dream if you’re really into the dream. Now I protect myself. I wasn’t very into X-men, but I gave myself some X-men powers. Security force comes and makes me hide in a building, yeah. There’s some x men members helping me out too. Then they turn on me. I give myself wolverine claws and attack them. I die. I die. I die. I die. I die. I die. It seemed the checkpoint was that battle. I was going mad.. inside my own dream. I was thinking.. I wonder what time it is in the real world.. maybe it’s been a few days? I then dream of myself on a hospital bed being rushed into a room. Yes.. I dreamed in a dream. I was scared as. I committed suicide with my wolverine claws. Can anyone say that sentence besides for in this context? I dare you. I respawn and kill myself 3 times. Then I’m in a black void. After a few seconds a giant scroll appears. It says “You will never wake up” -God. Not sure if I even believed in god back then, but oh boy was I scared. I woke up. 6am, woke up exactly the time that I usually do. Hey, you still here? Thanks for reading.
Wow, when I once killed myself to wake up, I woke up after I killed myself :o Maybe it was, because I knew that I will wake up? Like my brain believed me, that after dying waking up is natural. xD Well, I had to kill myself, because the dream got really aggressiv etc. But I wasn't scared that much, tbh. When I woke up, I was breathing hard, but knew that I'm alright. (it was in the middle of the night). But I was able to calm myself and sleep again. This time..dreamless. ^^
So you had a sleep paralysis demon. I still get sleep paralysis every so often but I don't have a sleep paralysis demon anymore. When I was younger sleep paralysis was scarier because I would wake up laying on my face then I wouldn't be able to breathe because my head was in my pillow. So I would just pass out. But the simplest way to put it is sleep paralysis is when your mind is partially awake meaning your body doesn't work and neither does your voice. And it's kinda like being in the middle of dreaming and being awake so you can have nightmares/ hallucinations that can manifest over you known as sleep paralysis demons. I had a giant demonic mantis as my sleep paralysis demon. It would pull me out of my bed when I couldn't move and drag me uncontrollably fast out of my house and then I would wake up screaming and crying. I tried to learn to lucid dream to even out the playing field. But both trying to fight it and lucid dreaming failed. I think as I got older I realized that they are there to help you. To scare you awake so you don't stop breathing or so you don't have to suffer for long. After I realized that I became strong enough to force my body awake. And the good thing is you don't always have wake up every part of your body. If you fight for control of anything your body will usually completely wake up. Once I learned to fight the paralysis instead of the demon it left me alone forever.
Wow. Hearing that makes me have so much.... idk the word. Like I'm so proud you could handle or go through something like that but I don't know you so I feel weird saying so. I've experienced sleep paralysis before. Actually, quite recently. It directly ties to my sleep schedule and the stress I have in real life. I've only had one major episode. I'm really glad that in my case, sleep paralysis isn't an issue. I have nightmares almost every night and hallucinations during the day. So while I'm stuck between sleeping or distracting myself into tiredness, at least I don't have to worry about getting stuck between the two. I'm just honestly amazed. That must've been terrible.
what about u keeping ur mind awake even while u are sleeping ? i don’t think it’s sleep paralysis. i just have consciousness even while sleeping. it’s nothing scary but even while dreaming, i still have my consciousness.
Those words at 8:33 said "If you can read this, that's impressive, but the words I saw were eligible. That's the whole point of this small text...". He means after he saw the images, while he was hearing the base sound, a small text like the one he typed for us showed up but he couldn't read it. The words he chose for the example were just replacing the ones he wasn't able to read. Then it all stopped like he said.
⚡That reminds me a nightmare I had when I was little; there was like a black and white view and a text appeared in front of me. But I could't read it. It still scares me, and I have no idea what it said...⚡
Yeah, if you don't do lucid dreaming correctly, it creates the things needed for sleep paralysis. This is from personal experience. Although now I am aware I am dreaming now every time, I do have sleep paralysis once in awhile. I advise not to do lucid dreaming until you are very well educated on it.
I am a lucid dreamer for few years now it when I have nightmares and lucid dream it's scary you know your asleep but you can't get out and it's so scary you try everything to wake up and I had this a week straight the 1st time I did this I threw a rock at my back it woke my up second time did something else to wake up then for the last night I tried every single one of them and it didn't work I just and to wait it out and to this day it's the scariest dream I ever had
Me: Trying to write a cheerful story while listening to this. Him: It kept getting louder, and louder, and louder until it enveloped my whole body. Me: Thanks for the positive thoughts
Sleep paralysis is when your body goes into sleep mode too fast and your heart beat slows down, your brain thinks your dying and so decides between you dying or forcing you to wake up, obviously it decides to force you to wake up. During that short time you cannot move or do anything as you are in the state of sleeping, but your brain is active. And to the people saying "believe it or not, I once had sleep paralysis", it is a very common thing to happen.
He's describing sleep paralysis to a 'T' but I never delt with throbbing in my head like he did nor did I deal with my heart rate sky rocketing to a dangerous level. Thank You Jesus for not letting that happen to me. 🙏🏾 After the throbbing headaches & fast heart rate he then sees something demonic looking at him 👹 🙈 👺 then all of a sudden he wakes up. 🤔💭 That sounds scary AF but it also sounds eerily familiar to what my son described to me not to long ago when he experienced sleep paralysis & the thing about my son is that ny son is only 10yrs old 😩 😫 😵 😱 that shit is scary AF. IDK what to do, if there's anything I can do after my son awakens after having just had an episode of sleep paralysis.
I never thought someone could describe this experience so well. I've had countless nights where I've been unable to let myself sleep for fear of being in pain. It feels like a wave passes over you as your body falls asleep, but not your mind. It's terrifying, and I empathise with you man
I've experienced lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis, including what you described about the pressure and dark faces. I also researched a bit on it because I need a logical reason for it. When you sleep, you typically experience rapid eye movement (REM) which causes dreams. However, your body and muscles are pretty much in "force quit" mode, or else you would act out your dream and could accidentally injure yourself. Sleep paralysis is when you're mind wakes up before REM is over, so the body is still "off" while your mind is "on." I asked some people I know and a recurring pattern seems to be people who are extremely tired and under a lot of stress, which perfectly lines up with your description of "not sleeping a lot" and either "working" or "drawing" or "school." The drum-like thumping may have been your own heartbeat. When it's dark, quiet, and you're expecting something scary, some people will feel a rush of adrenaline and so their heartbeat typically will become louder and a quiet environment will just make that thumping clearer. The dark faces is very likely to be hallucinations that your half asleep brain generated since you talked about the occult with Lisa around that time. Not only that, but if you think you had you're eyes closed at that time, it's possible that your disoriented mind didn't recognize that your eyes were open yet. Hallucinations like these are actually why you should always make sure that your eyes are closed when you experience it. Even if you feel like they are closed, in a pitch black room, it's really easy to think they are even when they're not. The pressure is the one thing I have yet to find a perfect explanation for. However, a couple of friends and I have felt it and we do have a couple of possible explanations. The main one being that we were just in such a state of panic that it felt like something was forcefully pressing down on us. Again, not perfect, but the likeliest explanation that we thought of. Again, I'm not saying that this is exactly what happened, but it's the most logical and lines up with what we and you experienced.
I've also experienced sleep paralysis and like it was bright and in the middle of the day but I was very stressed due to moving across the country and I think that this is a good explenation thank you
I remember trying to go to sleep, and since there's a computer room in the hall on the 2nd floor of our house, it has many devices and two computers(obviously), and like, 30 minutes in my sleep, I hear clicking on my my brother's computer or my computer keyboard. I thought it might be him playing on his computer when he wasn't supposed to, but I later heard him trying to fall asleep. I don't know if I was hallucinating or if it was really happening, because I have had many dreams where I'm awake in my bedroom and loud mysterious panicked voices were telling me what do while weird things were happening in my room that was kinda hard to describe. I don't know what it was but it still scares me. do you think you could find out what was happening?
Sultan's mom: What's crying going to do? Me: *is that one annoying friend* Uhmmm aaactually, crying helps relieve stress and makes you feel better. It helps offload whenever you're feeling too much of a specific emotion, whether it be happiness, fear, or etc... So actually, crying does plenty of things.
I’ve been lucid dreaming my whole life.. naturally, since I was little, since I even knew what it was, I could control my dreams. I’ve never experienced sleep paralysis, but that’s probably because I’ve never purposefully tried to lucid dream. I’ve tried shifting realities a lot lately, which is something different, and it’s much less dangerous. I’ve heard stories of people getting stuck in sleep paralysis, and it seems so crazy to me... I’ve been doing it for so long, never knowing the danger I was possibly in..
I recently tried to shift and experienced sleep paralysis don't believe people who say “it’s incredibly safe you won’t ever get sleep paralysis” I tried again last night I started feeling like I was sinking it was rlly scary I opened my eyes and I was back, it’s rlly scary
@@LittleDollStar That's not sleep paralysis lmfao. Those were symptoms but u learn to go with the flow if u let it it'll be chill you just gotta ground urself and remain calm. That was not sleep paralysis.
I lucid dream every now and then. Its pleasant and i control whatever in it. Im currently reliving an old memory in the lucid dreams and how i ruined everything. It went from a series of dreams to nightmares...
Sleep paralysis is something that happens when a certain function in your body stops working. The function basically makes it so you don't act out your dreams, but if it isn't working properly, it won't stop when you wake up.
I can control my dreams. When it happens i dont know its a dream though, so i'm not lucid dreaming. I just go to bed thinking hard about something and creating a story and then i fall asleep and i start having hardly any control over what happens. It is so realistic though because i cant tell when im going from thinking to dreaming. I also have almost perfect recollection when i wake up.
Me too! I have nightmares though. I don’t usually get dreams but when I do I’m very happy, but I usually have nightmares and end up waking up in the middle of the night sure that someone is there. I can control my dreams but I don’t want too. I seem to here people in my dreams and they end up actually happening, it’s like when I dream of something it actually happens
Same! Sometimes I think like my dreams are vivid then like the same thing in my happens and I'm like "Wait wat. What is happening. This happened already."
One time I had a dream that I was underwater or something and I knew I was dreaming when it happened. I couldn't breathe and I truly felt like I was suffocating outside of the dream. I kept screaming in my head "I need to wake up NOW or I'm going to die!" and I kept trying till I finally woke up gasping for air. It freaked me out and I wonder if I would've died if I didn't wake up or if it was just in my head.
I once was dreaming that I was falling from a cliff and exactly when I hited the ground I woke up.and I think I woke up cause I was levitating somehow in my bed and woke up from the fall or I woke up and beacuse of that I falled.At least thats what I think that happened.i say this because I hited my bed with much of force when I woke up and it felt like I fell from something.
For me it doesn't take away physical pain (but what to do I know? I'm rarely ever in physical pain or cry over physical pain...) but it does take away mental pain :>.
No No No No! Young man you get your BUTT back here! You gave me this, WITHOUT FINISHING THE PRINCESS 'S CLIFFHANGER?!? HOW DARE YOU! I wanted to know how it ends... And now you gave me another cliffhanger?!? Sultan, I love you and I'm with you all the way! Even with how my cliffhangers you throw at me...
You didnt have a lucid dream you had a lucid nightmare and its a lot worse than sleep paralysis but the worse one is where you have a lucid nightmare with sleep paralysis at the same time i looked it up
But, wouldn't you be able to defeat the monster since you would be able to control that nightmare? Maybe you could even turn it into a dream if you really tried?
My sleep paralysis would always go with my inability to breathe properly, as if I was suffocating. Just my thing. And loneliness. I have a tactic tho that whenever I have this dream I force my body to the right side and then the dream breaks.
Honestly I’m not afraid of sleep paralysis unless snakes are involved because I’m honestly So dead inside that at this point nothing except snakes scare me and I doubt they could get in to my bedroom
I think the reason why sleep paralysis and lucid nightmares can be so frightening is that all have something to do with your mind and only your mind knows what you are most afraid of.
Lisa: Don't lucid dream! Me, a person who pretty much only lucid dreams: Um... should I be scared or am I just lucky? Tbf, I have experienced one sleep paralysis episode before when I was really young. I only remember not being able to move and (TRIGGER WARNING) the feeling of fingers shoving down my throat and choking me. Little me had this really strong thought that it was witches choking me but I've no clue. Hasn't happened to me since tho. Thank goodness.
Crap, now I'm scared that I'll accidentally lucid dream, why. Edit: I heard from some of y'all that lucid dreaming is fun, though I'm not gonna try to do it, I'm just gonna wait until it comes to me-
I used to have this cousin, he was an only child so his parents and my mom agreed to raise him along with me my older sister as a kind of third sibling so he doesn’t feel alone. He unfortunately died in a car crash when he was 11. For a while, and still sometimes today, when ever I’d get sleep paralysis I’d see him just standing there, looking at me. And by the time I’d shake my self out of it he’d be gone.
I’m 14 and I still sleep with the lights on because of closet demons and ghosts that crawl out of mirrors...... I can tell you are judging meeeee Edit: thank you so much for the likes and replies! This is the most I’ve gotten on a comment
Actually, I can do the same thing. Once I was in my church and accidentally started falling asleep. Every time I fell asleep for like 30 seconds I could still hear the pastor preaching while I dreamed something entirely different. When I woke up after 30 seconds, I could still see flashes of my dream(people form it) in real life for about a few milliseconds. This freaked me out a little bit. It happened about 5 times.
It seems like I both have lucid dreams and sleeping paralysis. This got me thinking that all the dreams that I ever had to reach out my hand to grab something or someone, I wake up and I just see my hand out touching just thin air. I did had bad dream and I always control them but if it good dreams nothing happens.
“If you can read this, that’s impressive. But the words I wrote (typed??) are illegible. That’s the whole point of this (words I can’t quite make out)”
@@kai_fallenn6380 actually sleep paralysis is heavily associated with shadow people, while lucid dreaming is anything you want it to be. also you would be able to move in a lucid dream.
Moon Catz mine is horrible because it last all night. It stops for 5 minutes and then it comes back. It’s a horrible loophole and I can’t escape it, when I do have sleep paralysis or terrible nightmares I can’t sleep for weeks having 30 minutes of sleep or falling asleep during school but I can’t sleep when I’m alone.
I remember when I was a bit littler, I was dreaming that I was in my school, in class, just sitting and talking. Then this loud sound I honestly cannot describe accurately began to slowly fade in. It was.. A bit like feedback if you mess with a microphone, but a lower pitch with a more consistent noise. A droning sound that steadily got louder. As it got louder I began to see this glowing orb glow brighter and brighter in my vision, after it busted through the door, until it engulfed me and I woke up. I refused to open my eyes, as I realized that I could still hear the sound. It kept getting louder and louder until I tried to shift over to face my wall but I couldn't. My body wouldn't let me. I could tell that I physically /COULD/ but it wouldn't /LET ME/. I opened my eyes to my bedroom, and the noise gradually faded out into a high pitched ringing. When it was gone I realized I could move again, and I shrugged it off and went back to sleep. I asked my family the next day if they heard anything while they were sleeping as they are all light sleepers (I'm a heavy sleeper mind you) and they didn't hear anything. I still to this day have no idea what happened, but I can still remember it vividly, even if it happened years ago. When I tell this to people they instantly get concerned for me, but I always laugh it off saying if something was trying to kill me or if I was going insane it would of done it/happened by now. But actually, I'm still terrified of it happening again. There's my two cents.. I hope you enjoyed if you read all the way through, and if you have any ideas about what happened to me feel free to comment, I'll gladly take any guesses.
Sleep paralysis it is a state were you are awake but can’t move and you often experience audio (sound) and visual (see stuff) illusion hinting the sound, sleep paralysis can happen when you wake up suddenly or fall asleep. It is very vivid
I taught myself to lucid dream because I had such horrific nightmares i haven't had nightmares since except I do it different I just can change my dreams continue them control them the second a nightmare starts this guy in a pink fluffy unicorn suit paints over the dream and it changes...I have a lot of dejavu though it freaks me out sometimes (I think i spelled that wrong)
Believe it or not but sleep paralysis had actually happened to me. I was really young probably about 6 and I was sleeping at my Granny's house. My eyes were open but I couldn't move or scream. Being so young it was scary. As I lay there without being able to move a finger I saw a figure enter the room. I couldn't make out how it looked but it started talking to me. It's hard to remember what it said but it was something personal. Then it dissapered, Everything was still then it started going black, my Granny woke me up in the morning telling me I looked like I was having a nightmare. Something strange, in the dream I swear I looked over at my Granny sleeping... I've had nightmares before, way to scary to be in the mind of a 6 year old. To this day I still shiver at the memories of them.
Ikr that's scary. I had a weirder version of it. I couldn't move or talk but I kept seeing dark Shadows of my worst fears and I had to force myself to move to turn on the light to get rid of them. The strange thing is that every time I got out of the bed or turn on the light is that I'd actually wake up in the very same position I was in the sleep paralysis but it looked and felt like I wasn't dreaming. It's scared me so bad and I'm 15 lol I tried not to fall asleep for almost 20 minutes and then I fell asleep, thankfully without sleep paralysis.
Watch PART 2 Here: ua-cam.com/video/lF5XIuwXmss/v-deo.html
Yay I’m second
Thank for your hard work sultan
12:15 SULTAN, THAT'S RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey. Um Sketches. I once saw demons in my sleep and I woke up the whole house. I haven't had a dream like that since
Lisa: Don't do it
Sultan: *Does the thing*
OMG OMG OMG ALEXX IF YOU HEART THIS I WILL BE THE HAPPIEST PERSON IN THE WORLD. #1 Fan. Edit: just realized you cant heart a reply to comment
Hey Alex
Alex Animation Corner I would have done the same thing.
Alex Animation Corner Don’t Do It
I can’t handle scary stories so every time it started to get quiet I held the phone really far away from my face because I thought you were gonna pull a jump scare on me. But since you didn’t now I just have this unrelieved tension. I’m shook...
Haminations yo I watch your videos
Ha I nations I love your videos. Sorry about spelling. Tablet is broke. BTW love you Bryson
Haminations so true
Omg same
Lisa: See this?
Sultan: Yes
Lisa: Don't do it
Sultan: ...
Sultan: *Does it*
04 TheRobot
Stolen comment
Aesthetic Artist You got me
@@storyteller4426 dude dont admit it
*Lawrence intensifies*
i love how he makes his parents crown a little extra fancy
Cuz they are emperors empresses
i find his art reallyyy cute bro
They’re the mega evolutions
And his sister
I love how all his family has a crown but the parents have gems in it
the brother's has a gem
M.L J it’s the family jewels
AtmozpherikYT uh uh yeah.. you prob shouldn’t say that, it has a different meaning lol
AkPlayz i later learned that. uh, i was referencing the album by marina. but i later learned what that meant........
@@thedinodad3580 nah his brother has a Pokeball :D
“lucid dreaming”
my brain: don’t do it
Luxxias 😭😂
Literally singing that song the whole time
Has anyone actually have a lucid dream? I think I had one way before, but not completely sure... I'm not sure how lucid dreams work...
Animation isn't easy boi
Zarah Gutierrez I know I started having sleep paralysis I need him to finish this thing already
How much do you wanna bet there's going to be a part 3 after part 2
He said maybe this month he'll release the part 2
You mean 5 jk you know these take so long to make so yea sorry but stfu
“No hero is above fear, Sultan. And you have risen above every hero." -I forgot who said that but I think it was in a book or something
Percy Jackson
@@Virsu Percy Jackson is just SO GOOD
FEAR is like a tear,
its undwinding,
but quite the sighting,
Its broken,
we must find that token,
I don't know if i can take it,
I must sit,
am i weak,
or just a freak,
i fear arrival,
so it must be survival...
pyra nice poem
Thank chu! x)
Ugh no more la lol
What's the difference between an egg and me? Well, this one should be easy.
And bye their.JK
Lisa: No No No No-
Sultan- LEt ME Just DO The ThInG yOU toLD ME nOT TO dO
Aw hell naw
Tord The Tank engine lol
Sultan: So, I started to hear a noise
Me: *Ok nope nope nope no more fullscreen*
Pfffft- Same!! XD
Ye same
Same lol
Me to XD
That was my Reaction Exactly 😂
First of all, lucid dreaming is not a bad thing unless you lose focus and think about bad stuff or bad events, so if you focus on good things you're perfectly fine.
Yea 100% true!!
@@evolveeric1000 I didn't have a lucid dream but it seems like that.
@@forcemuhai4278 same
your kinda right but sometimes people lose control over their thoughts
i think thats right cause i had lucid dreams like twice and in one of them i made myself able to fly and nothing bad happened
Sleep Paralysis.
You're neither asleep nor awake. It's what happens when you can't reach the dream state, but you're still awake and semi-conscious. In the simplest terms, you still experience nightmares, but you're frozen in place. You can never fully see what it is, but you know it's nothing good. Imagine being strapped to a table, your vocal cords removed, your body paralyzed. All the while you see demons and horrific creatures dancing in your peripherals and a giant shadow looming over you with no physical characteristics save for a pair of eyes. Now take the fear and multiply it infinitely. It kicks your fear response into high gear and causes your heart to race. You begin sweating profusely and shaking from terror, and as much as you try to scream, you can't make a sound. You feel like you're going to suffocate because of something pressing down on you, but there's nothing there and it only adds to the terror. In other words.
It is in every sense of the term, a waking nightmare.
Omg! You should be a writer! That paragraph sounded amazing!! 😀
Really descriptive!!
Yes but that only happens because of your irrational fears. Once I figured that out as a kid every time I went into sleep paraylsis nothing really happened. I would just be like aw shit this again. Ok time to try to wake myself up. What basically happened in sultans case is that he let his irrational fears and what his friend said to him get to him.
The first time I had a sleep paralysis I shated myself in the first few seconds,but when I started felling my heartbeat I knew what was going on so I just moved(with dificulty cuz it rook me like an hour to just turn)I got over it and tought it was cool.
Heres my story, andI think the demons or sprites or what ever they are, are real.
When I was younger probably around I don't know 7-8 I had a nightmare and I went to go ask my mom and dad if I could sleep with them, my mom woke up and said yes so got right into the middle of the bed, at that time they had a walk it closet in there room, it already creeped me out in the day light but at night it was pitch black, I ignored it and when to sleep.
The event happened when I woke up, or that what I thought, my mind was like maybe I need a drink or maybe I need to use the restroom but when I tried to move I couldn't, I was stuck and the darkness engulfed my sight, and in that walk in closet a boney hand grabbed the top of it and pulled its self out, its face? I'm not sure, just stared at me, as it lumbered closer and closer, I felt a pressure on the beds foot, it was still looking at me. When it got to me it sat on my lap still looking at me, deeply into my eyes, I was scared my breathing or what I thought it was got faster I was screaming for it to "go away!" Or to "stop!!" But nothing came out of my mouth, a few minutes passed by then I woke up and I flung my body up and screamed waking my mom and dad, but the thing that truly scared me beyond compare was that my mom told me my body shifted a little in the real world which woke her up and she saw a black shadow on tip of me, she sid that she think it was a trick of her eye's, but I know what it truly was and I never went into the closet sence.
*Lucid dreaming sucks at times.*
As someone who lives my dreams the way I chose, or rather, as a *very* lucid dreamer, it only feeds into your fears. What I mean is that, the more control you have over your dreams, the scarier it becomes when you are confronted by your fears and left powerless, unable to alter reality at that moment. And because I've dreamed dreams so real, my nightmares began to follow in those footsteps. But by then, I had become a victim of sleep paralysis....many times over.
So, while I may not know what horrors Lisa went through, I can say for sure that I can relate to the horror she endured.
Sorry for the rant, I just wanted to make it known that it happens to some of us (like it did to me a few years back) and when it does, it sucks.
Just stare at the creatures with a maniac smile to assert
I understand this. Also if you actually don't lucid dream one night for me it's always a nightmare that what happens for me. It doesn't help that I have sizafinia or however you say it. I also have sleep paralysis. So I'm so confused by it.
İ had sleep paralysis when I was 8 and I didn't know what happen but after that I got scared of darkness
I had a dream once where Shrek tried to kidnap me
SuperReviews what the fuck
Thats a beatiful dream
Sultan: Mom?
Mama Sultan: Yes dear?
Sultan: Santa Claus... he's fake, right?
*Mama Sultan.exe has stopped working*
He said fake. Some people still think he's real though, so he covered the sound
@@yuzurunishimiya5931 UhM sAnTa ClAuS iS rEaL
Juvia Fullbuster what the heck you know you can’t spread lies and to children as well shame on you
There are kids here😤
I'm 10 years old
Screen: *turns black
Me, looking at my reflection:
Me seeing the demon in the phone reflection,
I've been asleep but I could hear everything around me, never could 'control' my dreams though, I have seen dark figures before.
I have had a lucid dream thankfully a good one I just summon a chair and sit in it for the entire thing.
Oh wow what a cool lucid dream
I don’t know if my experience was lucid dreaming or not since it wasn’t about me. Sometimes when I watch animation or read comics when I sleep it will feel like I am watching the same comic but in my head with my own fanfic. It’s like watching TV. I could control what the characters would do and the scenes. It’s really fun and peaceful but I wasn’t sure if it was just thinking or lucid dreaming.
I’ve also been asleep but able to hear everything in my surroundings but I’ve never seen figures. I have woken up with weird scratches but I always just brushed it off as no big deal.
Heyo, this’ll be long.
I’m 14, but I’ve been experiencing sleep paralysis regularly since I was 11, and have lucid dreamed countless times.
What happened in this video is overdramatised but close to the truth.
Alright, let’s get started. Now of course, the first time you heard that drum noise and couldn’t move was sleep paralysis, not lucid dreaming.
That noise is completely normal, though we all get different noises.
Now you said you can’t move, which is close to the truth.
In reality, you must slowly start moving. First the fingers, toes, ect.
Here’s a story: I was.. maybe 13. Normal sleep. Woke up around 6 and knew I had sleep paralysis. Silly ol me decided to panic. I tried to calm myself down, and I started moving my fingers and toes like routine. Then I could move my arms but the loud noise was still there. The loud noise is enough to make you pass out, literally. The more I moved, especially when I put my arms over my ears, the noise grew louder. I nearly passed out. This is the longest sleep paralysis I’ve had. I started panicking and with all my strength started banging my the head of my bed, but I was so weak it didn’t make a noise. Overtime the sleep paralysis went away, but this is one of my most memorable. Oh quick thing I forgot to mention. It feels like you’re naked. I sleep under 2 layers of blankets and I’m always under, if I’m scared I’ll even put it over my head, curl up in a ball and fall asleep like that. That time it felt like there was nothing, and that I was being pulled, which I wasn’t.
I usually either pass out from the noise, fall back to sleep very quickly and forget about it most times and vaguely remember the next morning.
And the infamous evil spirits that you see when you open your eyes, yes I’ve experienced that. The best way to overcome sleep paralysis is to keep your eyes closed, but the first few times I didn’t and I always saw demons. One time I thought a coat hanger was a demon lmao.
Now to lucid dreams. Lucid dreams are not fun, at least for me.
You can do whatever you want, sure, but it ends badly every time.
One time I jumped off a cliff 20+ times until I finally woke up.
Here’s my most memorable lucid dream.
I was 8-10 years old, that day was my grandmas birthday party and it creeped me out the whole day.
I have told this story and thought about it countless times so I don’t forget, but it’s vague now, I can only remember remembering it.
It starts off with me on the pier of a beach, a very small beach at that. I walk a few steps off the pier and onto a sidewalk, and I realise all my footsteps are red and gleaming.
I then run and feel the sense of impending doom. Mysterious beings attack. Now look this all made sense in my head.. don’t judge, and I was 8-10 years old.
I die from slow blood loss.
I respawn, I suppose. Back to the pier, red footsteps, mysterious beings attack. This time some security force comes to defend me. They make me run into a building and hide.
I get my brain punctured.
Third time, I realise this is a dream.
Now look, I usually don’t remember dreams, and you can only lucid dream if you’re really into the dream.
Now I protect myself. I wasn’t very into X-men, but I gave myself some X-men powers. Security force comes and makes me hide in a building, yeah. There’s some x men members helping me out too. Then they turn on me. I give myself wolverine claws and attack them.
I die.
I die.
I die.
I die.
I die.
I die.
It seemed the checkpoint was that battle.
I was going mad.. inside my own dream.
I was thinking.. I wonder what time it is in the real world.. maybe it’s been a few days? I then dream of myself on a hospital bed being rushed into a room. Yes.. I dreamed in a dream.
I was scared as. I committed suicide with my wolverine claws. Can anyone say that sentence besides for in this context? I dare you.
I respawn and kill myself 3 times.
Then I’m in a black void. After a few seconds a giant scroll appears. It says “You will never wake up” -God.
Not sure if I even believed in god back then, but oh boy was I scared.
I woke up.
6am, woke up exactly the time that I usually do.
Hey, you still here? Thanks for reading.
Wow, when I once killed myself to wake up, I woke up after I killed myself :o
Maybe it was, because I knew that I will wake up?
Like my brain believed me, that after dying waking up is natural. xD
Well, I had to kill myself, because the dream got really aggressiv etc.
But I wasn't scared that much, tbh.
When I woke up, I was breathing hard, but knew that I'm alright. (it was in the middle of the night).
But I was able to calm myself and sleep again. This time..dreamless. ^^
Agree man he got over board - had the same problem
Wow around ur age and I’ve never had sleep paralysis
Im 12 and i had all of them before but it stopped
You don’t need a notification if you’re always on UA-cam ._.
Mickey Ren SAME 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yup, got that right bud
Big mood
So you had a sleep paralysis demon. I still get sleep paralysis every so often but I don't have a sleep paralysis demon anymore. When I was younger sleep paralysis was scarier because I would wake up laying on my face then I wouldn't be able to breathe because my head was in my pillow. So I would just pass out. But the simplest way to put it is sleep paralysis is when your mind is partially awake meaning your body doesn't work and neither does your voice. And it's kinda like being in the middle of dreaming and being awake so you can have nightmares/ hallucinations that can manifest over you known as sleep paralysis demons. I had a giant demonic mantis as my sleep paralysis demon. It would pull me out of my bed when I couldn't move and drag me uncontrollably fast out of my house and then I would wake up screaming and crying. I tried to learn to lucid dream to even out the playing field. But both trying to fight it and lucid dreaming failed. I think as I got older I realized that they are there to help you. To scare you awake so you don't stop breathing or so you don't have to suffer for long. After I realized that I became strong enough to force my body awake. And the good thing is you don't always have wake up every part of your body. If you fight for control of anything your body will usually completely wake up. Once I learned to fight the paralysis instead of the demon it left me alone forever.
Wow. Hearing that makes me have so much.... idk the word. Like I'm so proud you could handle or go through something like that but I don't know you so I feel weird saying so.
I've experienced sleep paralysis before. Actually, quite recently. It directly ties to my sleep schedule and the stress I have in real life. I've only had one major episode. I'm really glad that in my case, sleep paralysis isn't an issue. I have nightmares almost every night and hallucinations during the day. So while I'm stuck between sleeping or distracting myself into tiredness, at least I don't have to worry about getting stuck between the two. I'm just honestly amazed.
That must've been terrible.
@@aureliawiggins6265 yea it was. And thank you for sympathizing for me.
what about u keeping ur mind awake even while u are sleeping ? i don’t think it’s sleep paralysis. i just have consciousness even while sleeping. it’s nothing scary but even while dreaming, i still have my consciousness.
4:15 *I thought she was Princess..*
Me too
Mika Benitez , she isn’t?
It's not princess cause well, you know how Saltan saw how she kissed well yeah the dude...
"With that outta the way...lets begin" *cuts to a skin care commercial...* what is this madness
Lol I didnt even realize how many likes this got. Thanks everyone
sultan: with that out of the way, let’s begin.
ad about goats interrupts
Natalie Boles same
I got an ad about Drug use in American schools
Lol 😂😂😂
IHOP pancake burger for me.
"Who are you."
"Your greatest fear. VOLDEMORT AS A GIRL!"
no thanks....
"Part 2 coming *soon*"
**4 months later**
It should be ready to go this month
Its April
It's funny because I scrolled down into the comments again at 1:52
I waited a month and I’m still waiting for the freaking “First Love pt.2”
But this is still help
Saultan will finish it after this series. He wants to get all of the spooky videos out before october ends .v.
xd SandT2530-Fortnite sane
LMFAO I got the "I'll give you something to cry about!" Whenever I cried 😂😭
I’m sorry that you had that but that’s kinda what I got too
Where is the love story part 2
WolfieTaurus haha same
Sameee T^T (jk)
My guy same here
I fear anonymous stuff: phone calls from no caller ID, windows at night so you can’t see anything, invisible people etc. Anyone can relate?
Lisa: don’t do it
Sultan: so anyway I started lucid dreaming
Sultan's mom: crying wont take the pain away.
doctors: EXCUSE ME?
as youre aqua
Doctors: so crying wont take the pain away? Says the one that crie every time she has a baby
"If you can read this that's impressive.
But the words I ___ were illegible,
That's the whole point of this
small text..."
Wild Akwatypus what were the texts? I have really bad eye site
Hahha, thank you! I could read the top line but none of the rest.
@@awitness4jehovah my screen don't support 1080p so i can't even read it using a magnifier program
Whoaaah i can *_BARELY_* see this!
I think the second line is "But the words I saw were illegible"
Those words at 8:33 said "If you can read this, that's impressive, but the words I saw were eligible. That's the whole point of this small text...". He means after he saw the images, while he was hearing the base sound, a small text like the one he typed for us showed up but he couldn't read it. The words he chose for the example were just replacing the ones he wasn't able to read. Then it all stopped like he said.
How did you know?
⚡That reminds me a nightmare I had when I was little; there was like a black and white view and a text appeared in front of me. But I could't read it. It still scares me, and I have no idea what it said...⚡
With that out of the way... let’s begin
*Ad plays*
Paulina K it’s because there’s a addroll there
Lol same thing happened to me too
Same tho it was an ad about iPhone's
Not for me
Yeah, if you don't do lucid dreaming correctly, it creates the things needed for sleep paralysis. This is from personal experience. Although now I am aware I am dreaming now every time, I do have sleep paralysis once in awhile. I advise not to do lucid dreaming until you are very well educated on it.
I am a lucid dreamer for few years now it when I have nightmares and lucid dream it's scary you know your asleep but you can't get out and it's so scary you try everything to wake up and I had this a week straight the 1st time I did this I threw a rock at my back it woke my up second time did something else to wake up then for the last night I tried every single one of them and it didn't work I just and to wait it out and to this day it's the scariest dream I ever had
Due to Sleep paralysis you could even die if u did not woke up
Is it weird I don't dream
@@user-jb7jg5fw6c ikr when I was a child I use to dream alot but now a days I don't even dream
Me: *Watches before bed*
Me: *Has a scary dream*
Also me: *Surprised pikachu face*
Mantoraptor same
Oh no. I’m watching this right now, And it’s late at night. I’ll reply again if I have any dreams. 😥
@@weathers2504 How is it?
@@magma1675 indeed
Me: Trying to write a cheerful story while listening to this.
Him: It kept getting louder, and louder, and louder until it enveloped my whole body.
Me: Thanks for the positive thoughts
That's me everytime I listen to stuff like this!
Sultan: *“I should’ve listened to her.”*
Me: **thinks of a vine reference** BUT CHA DIDN’T.
Sleep paralysis is when your body goes into sleep mode too fast and your heart beat slows down, your brain thinks your dying and so decides between you dying or forcing you to wake up, obviously it decides to force you to wake up. During that short time you cannot move or do anything as you are in the state of sleeping, but your brain is active. And to the people saying "believe it or not, I once had sleep paralysis", it is a very common thing to happen.
I thought that was a hypnic jump? (or however you spell it I'm dumb lmao)
And I think the reason you can see during it is because you know and see your surroundings every day.
It actully happend to me twice it kinda felt like my vision suddenly went blank then my whole body just felt like it won't even move...
Sleep paralysis happened to me several times but I really didn't know what happens to your body then. Good to know I guess
Ive had it before and it was terrifying
Sultan: i’m scared of things that arent logical
Me: peanut butter, red fabric and a turtle
Those words can never go together in a sentence.
Stop that.
Minti_Aesthetics r/suspiciouslyspecific
Holy shit run
This makes me feel incredibly lucky not to experience sleep paralysis, it’s a real eye opener.
same here man.. same here
“When we all fall asleep where do we go?” -Billie Eilish
To Joe's house
Joe mama😅🤦♂️
I read it singing
To sleep
Nowhere unless you sleepwalk
He's describing sleep paralysis to a 'T' but I never delt with throbbing in my head like he did nor did I deal with my heart rate sky rocketing to a dangerous level. Thank You Jesus for not letting that happen to me. 🙏🏾 After the throbbing headaches & fast heart rate he then sees something demonic looking at him 👹 🙈 👺 then all of a sudden he wakes up. 🤔💭 That sounds scary AF but it also sounds eerily familiar to what my son described to me not to long ago when he experienced sleep paralysis & the thing about my son is that ny son is only 10yrs old 😩 😫 😵 😱 that shit is scary AF. IDK what to do, if there's anything I can do after my son awakens after having just had an episode of sleep paralysis.
“With that out of the way... let’s begin”
*Double ad plays*
If you have chrome, get ad block. It's a free plug that lets you automatically skip adds!
*This same thing JUST happened to me* -
You know I have listened to a lot of scary videos but damn Sultan, your narrating just gives me goosebumps.
Peniel Grefalda ikr
Peniel Grefalda IkR I’m having HeArtAttAcks
I know right when Lisa said DONT DO IT and the music I was SCARED LIKE SOMETHING WAS BEHIND ME.
I never thought someone could describe this experience so well. I've had countless nights where I've been unable to let myself sleep for fear of being in pain. It feels like a wave passes over you as your body falls asleep, but not your mind. It's terrifying, and I empathise with you man
“Ye’r a wizard, Sultan.”
I cackeld at this
He's a he's a what?
"pick one wizard hat.."
I've experienced lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis, including what you described about the pressure and dark faces. I also researched a bit on it because I need a logical reason for it.
When you sleep, you typically experience rapid eye movement (REM) which causes dreams. However, your body and muscles are pretty much in "force quit" mode, or else you would act out your dream and could accidentally injure yourself. Sleep paralysis is when you're mind wakes up before REM is over, so the body is still "off" while your mind is "on." I asked some people I know and a recurring pattern seems to be people who are extremely tired and under a lot of stress, which perfectly lines up with your description of "not sleeping a lot" and either "working" or "drawing" or "school."
The drum-like thumping may have been your own heartbeat. When it's dark, quiet, and you're expecting something scary, some people will feel a rush of adrenaline and so their heartbeat typically will become louder and a quiet environment will just make that thumping clearer.
The dark faces is very likely to be hallucinations that your half asleep brain generated since you talked about the occult with Lisa around that time. Not only that, but if you think you had you're eyes closed at that time, it's possible that your disoriented mind didn't recognize that your eyes were open yet. Hallucinations like these are actually why you should always make sure that your eyes are closed when you experience it. Even if you feel like they are closed, in a pitch black room, it's really easy to think they are even when they're not.
The pressure is the one thing I have yet to find a perfect explanation for. However, a couple of friends and I have felt it and we do have a couple of possible explanations. The main one being that we were just in such a state of panic that it felt like something was forcefully pressing down on us. Again, not perfect, but the likeliest explanation that we thought of.
Again, I'm not saying that this is exactly what happened, but it's the most logical and lines up with what we and you experienced.
A nerd you are indeed
LA BASURA Salten is a nerd (sorry I couldn’t spell his name I’m on phone and I’m not looking at his name and try and find this comment again)
@@sunnybowos266 Why thank you. :)
I've also experienced sleep paralysis and like it was bright and in the middle of the day but I was very stressed due to moving across the country and I think that this is a good explenation thank you
I remember trying to go to sleep, and since there's a computer room in the hall on the 2nd floor of our house, it has many devices and two computers(obviously), and like, 30 minutes in my sleep, I hear clicking on my my brother's computer or my computer keyboard. I thought it might be him playing on his computer when he wasn't supposed to, but I later heard him trying to fall asleep. I don't know if I was hallucinating or if it was really happening, because I have had many dreams where I'm awake in my bedroom and loud mysterious panicked voices were telling me what do while weird things were happening in my room that was kinda hard to describe. I don't know what it was but it still scares me. do you think you could find out what was happening?
Sultan's mom: What's crying going to do?
Me: *is that one annoying friend* Uhmmm aaactually, crying helps relieve stress and makes you feel better. It helps offload whenever you're feeling too much of a specific emotion, whether it be happiness, fear, or etc... So actually, crying does plenty of things.
Lmao me hehe
@Joe Mama I swear if I think it is-
I’ve been lucid dreaming my whole life.. naturally, since I was little, since I even knew what it was, I could control my dreams. I’ve never experienced sleep paralysis, but that’s probably because I’ve never purposefully tried to lucid dream. I’ve tried shifting realities a lot lately, which is something different, and it’s much less dangerous. I’ve heard stories of people getting stuck in sleep paralysis, and it seems so crazy to me... I’ve been doing it for so long, never knowing the danger I was possibly in..
I recently tried to shift and experienced sleep paralysis don't believe people who say “it’s incredibly safe you won’t ever get sleep paralysis” I tried again last night I started feeling like I was sinking it was rlly scary I opened my eyes and I was back, it’s rlly scary
Nah bro sleep paralysis is nothing to be worried about. You learn to not give a damn about the demons and just wait until you snap out.
@@LittleDollStar That's not sleep paralysis lmfao. Those were symptoms but u learn to go with the flow if u let it it'll be chill you just gotta ground urself and remain calm. That was not sleep paralysis.
You really know how to scare the crap out of us,Sultan.
Ikr like now I'm scared of going to sleep why did I watch this it's not even spooky season anymore ughHhHh
For real!
I lucid dream every now and then. Its pleasant and i control whatever in it. Im currently reliving an old memory in the lucid dreams and how i ruined everything. It went from a series of dreams to nightmares...
Tell me how to lucid dream please???
Can you please continue "My First Love" pleeeease??😉😉😁😁
He's working on it, he just wants to get all the spooky videos out before october ends. He will finish the love series soon though
Lejon Xifer please yes I agree
I agree
10:13 One thing that I’ve learned in my high school psych class is that sleep deprivation really can lead to hallucinations, so be careful.
Sleep paralysis is something that happens when a certain function in your body stops working. The function basically makes it so you don't act out your dreams, but if it isn't working properly, it won't stop when you wake up.
That moment when your early but you don't know what to comment cause you haven't watched it yet...
Wave_ss YT me right now 🌚💔💔💔
Me right now ._.
Just got here same my dude
Have you thought of something yet?
I can control my dreams. When it happens i dont know its a dream though, so i'm not lucid dreaming. I just go to bed thinking hard about something and creating a story and then i fall asleep and i start having hardly any control over what happens. It is so realistic though because i cant tell when im going from thinking to dreaming. I also have almost perfect recollection when i wake up.
that has happened to me many times also
i have this too-
Woah, same here
Me too! I have nightmares though. I don’t usually get dreams but when I do I’m very happy, but I usually have nightmares and end up waking up in the middle of the night sure that someone is there. I can control my dreams but I don’t want too. I seem to here people in my dreams and they end up actually happening, it’s like when I dream of something it actually happens
Same! Sometimes I think like my dreams are vivid then like the same thing in my happens and I'm like "Wait wat. What is happening. This happened already."
"I'm terrified of the Unknown..."
**H. P. Lovecraft has entered the chat**
"With that out of the way...
Let's begin."
*Ad plays*
*Ominous Music Plays* - *The Scene Starts To Set In* - *CUT* " HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT OUR NEW BIG DOUBLE EXTRA BIG MAC?!??!?!"
Lmao same
Sapling 🤣🤣😂🤣🤣
Omg me too! Was it the Hand and stone ad? 😂
One time I had a dream that I was underwater or something and I knew I was dreaming when it happened. I couldn't breathe and I truly felt like I was suffocating outside of the dream. I kept screaming in my head "I need to wake up NOW or I'm going to die!" and I kept trying till I finally woke up gasping for air. It freaked me out and I wonder if I would've died if I didn't wake up or if it was just in my head.
Also its actually a thing you can actually die from a dream
I once was dreaming that I was falling from a cliff and exactly when I hited the ground I woke up.and I think I woke up cause I was levitating somehow in my bed and woke up from the fall or I woke up and beacuse of that I falled.At least thats what I think that happened.i say this because I hited my bed with much of force when I woke up and it felt like I fell from something.
@@UnzipsMCisReal it's not funny u know
Super Player, so your assumption is you where levitating? What are you, 9?
I remember scary stuff happening to me
And well let's just say its...
ba dum tss
I never have scary stuff happening to me
Is it fun?
BTY _Plazma no.. it’s really not..
This helped me. When I first experienced it I was ready thanks to you. I kept my eyes shut and waited. Thank you Sultan.
1:55 *How I found out Santa wasn't real*
i always knew santa was fake because my parents told me to never believe those lies
Santa is my worst enemy. I knew since I was born. He is a creepy fat man that breaks into children's houses.
I found out in year 3 because I don’t believe in the good super natural only the bad and well I asked my mum and she told me everything so..
Sultan's mom: Crying won't take the pain away.
For me it doesn't take away physical pain (but what to do I know? I'm rarely ever in physical pain or cry over physical pain...) but it does take away mental pain :>.
it takes a chocolate milk cup and some cookies to cure any pain... except cancer... and maybe losing a limb... maybe even being stabbed in the eye.
Rauler Yes... This is true. Imma go get me some choccy milk now UwU
@@arabelle276 :)
That eevees dead
Tony Stark I hate my life
*“you may not sleep now, there are monsters nearby.”*
Is this a Minecraft reference?
@@celestegrant8583 Yes
No No No No! Young man you get your BUTT back here! You gave me this, WITHOUT FINISHING THE PRINCESS 'S CLIFFHANGER?!? HOW DARE YOU! I wanted to know how it ends...
And now you gave me another cliffhanger?!?
Sultan, I love you and I'm with you all the way! Even with how my cliffhangers you throw at me...
Its Halloween!
You didnt have a lucid dream you had a lucid nightmare and its a lot worse than sleep paralysis but the worse one is where you have a lucid nightmare with sleep paralysis at the same time i looked it up
But, wouldn't you be able to defeat the monster since you would be able to control that nightmare?
Maybe you could even turn it into a dream if you really tried?
@@sunnybowos266 if you are so scared of it MOST people wouldn't try and fight it
My sleep paralysis would always go with my inability to breathe properly, as if I was suffocating. Just my thing. And loneliness.
I have a tactic tho that whenever I have this dream I force my body to the right side and then the dream breaks.
Honestly I’m not afraid of sleep paralysis unless snakes are involved because I’m honestly So dead inside that at this point nothing except snakes scare me and I doubt they could get in to my bedroom
Grenadiel Same
I think the reason why sleep paralysis and lucid nightmares can be so frightening is that all have something to do with your mind and only your mind knows what you are most afraid of.
Lucid nightmares soums terrifying and no 1 reason why I don't want to try lucid dreaming.
Sultan: maybe it was your cat?
Girl: I don’t have a cat
maybe it was your dog then
VMinIsFuckingReal방탄소년단 what if you don’t have a dog??!
Lisa: Don't do it
Sultan: But the Eevee tho
Kosmic Waffle perfect
Kosmic Waffle 😂
Is it werd that lucid dreaming is a reacuring thing for me
“I refrained from telling Lisa”
Makes video about it, said earlier she’s still a good friend. WHAT
You gotta watch the "My First Love" Series and it'll all make sense.
Lisa: Don't lucid dream!
Me, a person who pretty much only lucid dreams: Um... should I be scared or am I just lucky?
Tbf, I have experienced one sleep paralysis episode before when I was really young. I only remember not being able to move and (TRIGGER WARNING)
the feeling of fingers shoving down my throat and choking me. Little me had this really strong thought that it was witches choking me but I've no clue. Hasn't happened to me since tho. Thank goodness.
teach how lucid drEAMMMMM
Crap, now I'm scared that I'll accidentally lucid dream, why.
Edit: I heard from some of y'all that lucid dreaming is fun, though I'm not gonna try to do it, I'm just gonna wait until it comes to me-
Giorno Giovanna sleep with music on I’ve been in a lucid dream it’s scary no joke
@@HondaC1vic so does sleeping with music on help with not lucid dreaming?
Giorno Giovanna ya
@Giorno Giovanna Does a loud fan work too?
Wait, sorry. I meant @Hugh G. Rection
Good story but I was expecting part 2 of "My first love".
Me too!
Same, but still a good video
@@xboxpenguin8705 👍
@@cassiaaquino5172 👍
Me too!
Who else just watches this at night then not being able to sleep
brianna anchia oh my gosh ME
4:34, still awake. Lol 4:34 AM
I'm actually watching this because I can't sleep
I'm so sorry 😭😭
@@SultanSketches Naw its OK. We new wut we were getting ourselves n2.
I used to have this cousin, he was an only child so his parents and my mom agreed to raise him along with me my older sister as a kind of third sibling so he doesn’t feel alone. He unfortunately died in a car crash when he was 11. For a while, and still sometimes today, when ever I’d get sleep paralysis I’d see him just standing there, looking at me. And by the time I’d shake my self out of it he’d be gone.
I’m 14 and I still sleep with the lights on because of closet demons and ghosts that crawl out of mirrors......
I can tell you are judging meeeee
Edit: thank you so much for the likes and replies! This is the most I’ve gotten on a comment
*sings* were all in this together
I'm 11 I still sleep with a night light
@@princediaz19 that's so sexist, do you even hear yourself right now?
@@princediaz19 and no-one was asking for you opinion that its "freaking annoying "
...Did you just bleep out the word “f*ke”? Way to protect other children’s innocence. XD
U spelt F*ck wrong
KaidenPlayz Games nuu it's f*ke.....
Not f*ck-
My friend who doesn't cuss: U hAvE sInNEd
Z_Multi_Tasker Kamy Nani! O I skipped that bit...
wait, he said ''fake''? , i thought he said ''Fucked'' xD
It's fake not the cuss word
*" I could make Pokemon real"* 😂👏
Hayley plays 😂
He is a wise man
I literally yelled in my head: "yeah you pet that Eevee Sultan!"
you're such a good story teller! how else thinks this series should be a book?
Actually, I can do the same thing. Once I was in my church and accidentally started falling asleep. Every time I fell asleep for like 30 seconds I could still hear the pastor preaching while I dreamed something entirely different. When I woke up after 30 seconds, I could still see flashes of my dream(people form it) in real life for about a few milliseconds. This freaked me out a little bit. It happened about 5 times.
To me? All the time when I go to church
Same I can hear the pastor preaching Kekeke and sometimes I’m slapping and I can hear my mom walking up the stairs
Also I was sure I was awake during the church until one of my friend told me I was asleep
Actually that's normal
Omg...why am I even watching this at 2:00 AM?!
Andrea Harshini same. And I need to go to a party tomorrow too...
Omg dont do that again ever
At 2am your watching sultan’s video, and at 2am sultan’s stomach will start growling
who knows.
Cuz it’s good content
I lucid dreamt before. But it was fun
I could fly and I beat my brother up
Yea, good times.
Good times.
tHe DoLpHiN,I wish I could do the same
tHe DoLpHiN LMAO 🤣
Can I pay you for that dream ?
Lol xd
Cyan Flower Princess 600 sound okay? Pay pal me 😂
Me: I'm scared of the dark
Also me: *watches at 3:00 am*
It seems like I both have lucid dreams and sleeping paralysis. This got me thinking that all the dreams that I ever had to reach out my hand to grab something or someone, I wake up and I just see my hand out touching just thin air. I did had bad dream and I always control them but if it good dreams nothing happens.
It's terrible I know
*you have 69 likes.*
BTW, that kinda sucks
“If you can read this, that’s impressive.
But the words I wrote (typed??) are illegible.
That’s the whole point of this (words I can’t quite make out)”
Is this the tiny writing that was on screen
"That's the whole point of this small text."
Plot twist: Lisa is princess from another video : 0
*ps i always lucid dream. And it was fine for me*
I dont think so mby but i dont think so
His best friend from a video
Ofc she is
Because it was his first time and anytime I try it I wake up
... this honestly, legitimately, truly scared me. I think I'll go back to his lighthearted videos now...
I swear to god when I first had sleep paralysis I heard the exact same thing and the shadow man and the drumming got louder each time he took a step
Hmm maybe its more then just a nightmare with ur body not awake but your brain is or whatever they say lucid dreaming is
@@kai_fallenn6380 actually sleep paralysis is heavily associated with shadow people, while lucid dreaming is anything you want it to be. also you would be able to move in a lucid dream.
@@kai_fallenn6380 my was a little different than that.... It was silent but I did see shadows
Moon Catz mine is horrible because it last all night. It stops for 5 minutes and then it comes back. It’s a horrible loophole and I can’t escape it, when I do have sleep paralysis or terrible nightmares I can’t sleep for weeks having 30 minutes of sleep or falling asleep during school but I can’t sleep when I’m alone.
@@justnick8193 oh damn I don't know much about sleep paralysis but I hope it stops or u can find a way to stop it
I remember when I was a bit littler, I was dreaming that I was in my school, in class, just sitting and talking. Then this loud sound I honestly cannot describe accurately began to slowly fade in. It was.. A bit like feedback if you mess with a microphone, but a lower pitch with a more consistent noise. A droning sound that steadily got louder. As it got louder I began to see this glowing orb glow brighter and brighter in my vision, after it busted through the door, until it engulfed me and I woke up. I refused to open my eyes, as I realized that I could still hear the sound. It kept getting louder and louder until I tried to shift over to face my wall but I couldn't. My body wouldn't let me. I could tell that I physically /COULD/ but it wouldn't /LET ME/. I opened my eyes to my bedroom, and the noise gradually faded out into a high pitched ringing. When it was gone I realized I could move again, and I shrugged it off and went back to sleep. I asked my family the next day if they heard anything while they were sleeping as they are all light sleepers (I'm a heavy sleeper mind you) and they didn't hear anything. I still to this day have no idea what happened, but I can still remember it vividly, even if it happened years ago.
When I tell this to people they instantly get concerned for me, but I always laugh it off saying if something was trying to kill me or if I was going insane it would of done it/happened by now. But actually, I'm still terrified of it happening again.
There's my two cents.. I hope you enjoyed if you read all the way through, and if you have any ideas about what happened to me feel free to comment, I'll gladly take any guesses.
A night mare?
The sun
Sleep paralysis it is a state were you are awake but can’t move and you often experience audio (sound) and visual (see stuff) illusion hinting the sound, sleep paralysis can happen when you wake up suddenly or fall asleep. It is very vivid
Well, I have tinnitus, so I always hear that feedback noise- AH GREAT NOW YA CREEPED ME OUT
Kylee Fails I once had a experience like this, I cant describe it exactly, but I rember it was the scariest this ever
*Watching it on a school night, the night before an ecology quiz, AND the day after ELA PSSA’s.*
I’m gonna start screaming.
Crying actually has been scientifically proven to lower stress and increase many positive bodily functions in order to heal faster and become happier.
Your such a good Animator
I taught myself to lucid dream because I had such horrific nightmares i haven't had nightmares since except I do it different I just can change my dreams continue them control them the second a nightmare starts this guy in a pink fluffy unicorn suit paints over the dream and it changes...I have a lot of dejavu though it freaks me out sometimes (I think i spelled that wrong)
Déjà vu, it’s spelled. Just a couple random accents and a space! (Sorry, I wanted to help)
キングサラ thx ^^
Greg Swoobat Johnson 😂
Thank you. It's amazing to know that others have this... I had this every night whenever i was little... Still do sometimes...
I hate when people say,
"Don't be afraid of the dark. Be afraid of what's in it."
That doesn't help....
It just makes you more scared 😂
Imagine something in the dark... something green... something creepy... something....gay....
lung74125 _ wtf m8
Dont be afraid of the dark
Be afraid of everything else 😂🤣
ARMY and Universe ikr
Believe it or not but sleep paralysis had actually happened to me. I was really young probably about 6 and I was sleeping at my Granny's house. My eyes were open but I couldn't move or scream. Being so young it was scary. As I lay there without being able to move a finger I saw a figure enter the room. I couldn't make out how it looked but it started talking to me. It's hard to remember what it said but it was something personal. Then it dissapered, Everything was still then it started going black, my Granny woke me up in the morning telling me I looked like I was having a nightmare. Something strange, in the dream I swear I looked over at my Granny sleeping... I've had nightmares before, way to scary to be in the mind of a 6 year old. To this day I still shiver at the memories of them.
Ikr that's scary. I had a weirder version of it. I couldn't move or talk but I kept seeing dark Shadows of my worst fears and I had to force myself to move to turn on the light to get rid of them. The strange thing is that every time I got out of the bed or turn on the light is that I'd actually wake up in the very same position I was in the sleep paralysis but it looked and felt like I wasn't dreaming. It's scared me so bad and I'm 15 lol I tried not to fall asleep for almost 20 minutes and then I fell asleep, thankfully without sleep paralysis.
When I was younger, I had so many nightmares
Oh yeah, I think the shadows you see is a siluette? (how do i spell it) of the one in the nightmare you were afraid.
@@spedorz yeah that makes sense why sharks were swarming me XD
I am so sorry that happened to you, your story litterally sent shivers down my spine.
Sultan: *scared of the unknown*
Disney: *alright buddy, I see you, I see.*
I relate to so much of this. Being scared of the unknown and knowing it doesn’t exist is super familiar with me.