Оооо,это точно😍 Правда,было бы интересно увидеть детство Генриетты,Людовика и Филиппа (и Шевалье,так как он познакомься с Филиппом ещё в подростковом возрасте)🥰
I suppose she didin't because of these facts: "Court gossip later said that the king was the father of Henrietta's first child. Henrietta's very open flirting is said to have caused a jealous Philippe to retaliate by beginning to flaunt his sexuality openly in a less than accepting era. Henrietta's flirting with the king started early in the summer of 1661 while the newlyweds were staying at the Palace of Fontainebleau for the summer. Philippe complained to his mother about the intimacy that Louis and Henrietta displayed, which led Queen Anne to reprimand both son and daughter-in-law. Relations were further strained when Henrietta allegedly seduced Philippe's old lover, the comte de Guiche." She and Louis publicly shamed Philippe in real life and he answered to their acts.
In Versailles,he was rude to her if you may remember (and it's just and historically accurate) . For example,he beat her one time then he said her that he wish to have a child. Also he openly kissed,touched other men and etc... Besides that,I read Philippe loved madly his first daughter Marie Louise but her mother remarked that Marie should "throw her into the river!" However, Versailles changed relationship between Elizabeth Charlotte, Madame Palatine, and Chevalier de Lorraine,who were enemies in real life,but there they became friends.
🌹It's so beautiful❤😍
Очень люблю "Версаль"! Рада видеть Ваши работы по этому сериалу)
Очень красивая Ноэми Шмидт. Генриетта любимая из женских персонажей Версаля. Такая невинная и нежная,словно роза💞😍
Оооо,это точно😍 Правда,было бы интересно увидеть детство Генриетты,Людовика и Филиппа (и Шевалье,так как он познакомься с Филиппом ещё в подростковом возрасте)🥰
Absolutely love this! ... and I absolutely want to watch this series!
Always thanks💕 you should check it out😇
@@YORKSCROWN You're welcome, as always! And I will definitely check it out!
Thank you❤❤❤
Quanto eran belle ste puntate,belli luis e hariette
She was a very beautiful kind and strong woman.
Я люблю этот видео!
Her line should be on the uk throne today
But did henriette love philippe or were they only interested in Louis?
I suppose she didin't because of these facts: "Court gossip later said that the king was the father of Henrietta's first child. Henrietta's very open flirting is said to have caused a jealous Philippe to retaliate by beginning to flaunt his sexuality openly in a less than accepting era. Henrietta's flirting with the king started early in the summer of 1661 while the newlyweds were staying at the Palace of Fontainebleau for the summer. Philippe complained to his mother about the intimacy that Louis and Henrietta displayed, which led Queen Anne to reprimand both son and daughter-in-law. Relations were further strained when Henrietta allegedly seduced Philippe's old lover, the comte de Guiche." She and Louis publicly shamed Philippe in real life and he answered to their acts.
@@YORKSCROWN yet it seems that Henrietta felt something for philippe
In Versailles,he was rude to her if you may remember (and it's just and historically accurate) . For example,he beat her one time then he said her that he wish to have a child. Also he openly kissed,touched other men and etc... Besides that,I read Philippe loved madly his first daughter Marie Louise but her mother remarked that Marie should "throw her into the river!" However, Versailles changed relationship between Elizabeth Charlotte, Madame Palatine, and Chevalier de Lorraine,who were enemies in real life,but there they became friends.
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