Astrophobia (Elite Dangerous)

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024


  • @shingshongshamalama
    @shingshongshamalama 4 роки тому +612

    Nah, dude, horrifying existential terror is absolutely a natural response to supermassive black holes.

    • @nafnist
      @nafnist 4 роки тому +18

      Yup, just as being affeaid of lions isn't a phobia. You're suppos d to be affeaid of them 😛

    • @epeli0035
      @epeli0035 4 роки тому

      nafnist affeiad xdd

    • @emoplayeranime1936
      @emoplayeranime1936 4 роки тому +2

      Bruh,I HAVE artsophobia,This is really rude.

    • @zaonth1414
      @zaonth1414 3 роки тому +12

      @@emoplayeranime1936 fear of art

    • @emoplayeranime1936
      @emoplayeranime1936 3 роки тому +1

      zaonth I meant to fear of space

  • @voidvakarian8219
    @voidvakarian8219 4 роки тому +311

    The only experience I've ever had in a video game that I will never forget was on this game. I don't have anxiety issues or panic attacks or anything of the sort, I think I'm pretty fortunate overall in my life. That being said, when i went to Sag A, I suddenly started feeling sweaty and my heart started racing. Something about the denseness of the galactic core that started to get to me. This was back when elite couldn't plot more than a 1k light years at a time and no more than 100 light years at a time if it was too dense. So every other jump I was having to manually plot. I seriously freaked out that I felt trapped and stuck in this hell of white dots and milky surroundings. I freaked out so bad that I went from Sag A to the population bubble in a day and a half, when it took me 3 weeks to get out there in the first place. I have never had a feeling like that before in a game or at all in my life.

    • @mud7732
      @mud7732 4 роки тому +21

      I feel like it’s natural to be unsettled by black holes.

    • @grungletv6016
      @grungletv6016 4 роки тому +19

      Holy crap dude. It took me a week to get back from Colonia, can't imagine getting back from Sag A in 36 hours.

    • @timothygooding9544
      @timothygooding9544 4 роки тому +6

      I feel really dumb since I tried going to the omega nebula (first major expedition) without a class A FSD, only 21LY of range/jump (ASP Explorer Build) Its going to take forever to get back, I'm more of a new player. (bought during quarantine and loved it ever since) It took me a whole day to get it there with a straight shot and motivation to do it.
      The slow realization that black holes other than Sag A sunk in hard, and now that I'm going back to the bubble with a route set for all new stars, I'm starting to wonder if I was lucky to not see any black holes, I set my parameters to non-visited stars and no dwarfs.

    • @kunfugunman
      @kunfugunman 2 роки тому +3

      I've been to beagle point 3 times, sag A. 3 times and Colonia twice. I've done a lot of deep space travel. It happens dude. I've mis-jumped right between two stars in close proximity, nearly gotten completely destroyed by a pulsar, have been deep in the black with almost no fuel, and have had my canopy shattered with only 5 minutes to get to the nearest station before my O2 . This game has a way of messing with you like no other can.

    • @christiantaylor1495
      @christiantaylor1495 Рік тому +1

      I can erase going to sag a off my bucket list then

  • @TheCaptainCrack
    @TheCaptainCrack 4 роки тому +399

    Imagine getting reeeeaaal close to a black hole... I mean really really time dilation close... And when you come back you kinda travelled like 500 years into the future...
    And you realize Star Citizen is still in development

    • @mrboatface4023
      @mrboatface4023 4 роки тому +3

      ...technically Elite is also still in development.

    • @lanteanboy
      @lanteanboy 4 роки тому +23

      @@mrboatface4023 if we go by this then pretty much all games in the last 10 years are still in development. But the difference here is that Elite is available for the general populace and has all of its core systems working while SC is still lacking some of those core systems.

    • @randomguyontheinternet6885
      @randomguyontheinternet6885 3 роки тому +1

      Imagine floating near a planet a giant or a small asteroid, both is still terrifying the same way

    • @helphelpimbeingrepressed9347
      @helphelpimbeingrepressed9347 3 роки тому

      Captain Picard will be happy when SC releases should be holodeck complaint by 1.1 :P

    • @TheEbonyEngineer
      @TheEbonyEngineer 3 роки тому

      @@randomguyontheinternet6885 Caught in the orbit of Jupiter. Staring at it. Or sitting on the surface of Io looking up. *shudder*

  • @ArdenMagnum
    @ArdenMagnum 4 роки тому +49

    The phrase "gravity well" comes to mind. The idea that you can fall in and never climb out again is what scares me the most about massive celestial objects. It doesn't help that the mere concept of black holes is terrifying all on it's own though, and my teeth clench while my stomach rolls just looking at them in the galaxy map. Not that it stops me from flying recklessly through the black...
    Freelancer taught me that the exclusion zone is much bigger than you think. Best to stay far, far away.

    • @johnpooky84
      @johnpooky84 4 роки тому +1

      All right! Another Freelancer fan! Ever played the Discovery mod for it?

    • @akiraic
      @akiraic 2 роки тому +2

      news for you: you already live in a gravity well

    • @IndieB3
      @IndieB3 Рік тому

      @@akiraic yeah and I've been stuck in it for over 20 damn years! >:( get me out

  • @jackcasebolt1985
    @jackcasebolt1985 4 роки тому +453

    thalassophobia, the reason why subnautica is the most terrifying game

    • @5elited
      @5elited 4 роки тому +74

      For me the ocean isn't that much of a phobia but when I can't see nothing more than an abysmal void of blue water it really freak me out. This why in subnautica the Dunes and the Void terrorize me

    • @Atoll-ok1zm
      @Atoll-ok1zm 4 роки тому +12

      @@5elited oh god the dunes are the worst

    • @5elited
      @5elited 4 роки тому +10

      @@Atoll-ok1zm yeah that place is spooky as hell but for my part I think I'm more afraid of the Void. I mean you can see nothing but absolute darkness and it contain horrific ghost leviathan

    • @mortenbund1219
      @mortenbund1219 4 роки тому +9

      I am a Scuba diver and I can't actually imagine having Thassalophobia.

    • @ssjabelincoln420
      @ssjabelincoln420 4 роки тому +14

      @@mortenbund1219 I mean you probably wouldn't be a scuba diver if you could so...

  • @ExTess
    @ExTess 4 роки тому +55

    Just started playing less than a week ago as of this time of writing, bought the game on Christmas Eve. Was warping around trying to complete some basic missions when I suddenly came across the white dwarf near Fuel Rats Mischief. I was amazed by the beauty of it and tried to fly around, thinking that it was really big to be jetting out like that and that I was just really far away. Couldn't see the exclusion zone, so I thought it was okay to fly closer. Took a screenshot for later.
    Suddenly my FSD kicked me out of supercruise and my shields start failing because I flew so damn close to the thing. Flew away from it best I could, and after I had started cruising again I tried to pass through the jets thinking they wouldn't do anything, when my ship starts wobbling and _it flies me straight into the EZ again._
    So, yes. I fully understand what you mean when you say that thinking about dying from these things brings terror to you because *_it nearly killed me twice in less than two minutes within the first 10 hours of playing the game._*

  • @julbot1
    @julbot1 4 роки тому +70

    When it comes to your route plotter putting you at stars you don't want. Remember that your UI tells you what type of star you're jumping into while the FSD is booting up. If you see that it's one of the bad ones, just cancel the jump and manually plot your next jump to get around it. Not a perfect solution, but it works.

    • @matthewlorono
      @matthewlorono 4 роки тому +4

      Most of us are too busy being jumping zombies to notice. And, it wouldn't help with situations like multiple stars all very close to one another, with a high chance of you jumping in within or near one of those other stars.

    • @nairobi8056
      @nairobi8056 4 роки тому +5

      Another way is to switch your route to economical. You will run up against every possible fuel scoopable star.

    • @Enderplays12
      @Enderplays12 3 роки тому +2

      @@nairobi8056 I mean, it works, but most times it can triple jump amount.

    • @D34M0N1CU5
      @D34M0N1CU5 2 роки тому

      Exactly, that's what I always do as well. The only times I get unpleasantly surprised is when I end up in a system with 2 or more stars very close to eachother.
      Paying attention to the next couple of jumps on the plotted route also helps to avoid unpleasant surprises. 1 or 2 unscoopable stars on a route is no problem, the only thing to look out for is that you arrive at a scoopable star before you run out of fuel.

  • @jaxpro611
    @jaxpro611 4 роки тому +141

    AH! Finally someone who shares my feelings about these objects lol, for me it’s just neutron stars, white dwarfs, and black holes. I used to be afraid of gas giants and brown dwarfs like u, but I got over it once I realized they’re everywhere and just got used to it. Something about WD’s and neutrons stars and black holes are just eerie tho. Also with your guidance computer fucking up with route planning, route planning only works with the primary stars. In the Star types menu, you can see all the types of stars in a system if that helps

    • @FeedMeChaos1
      @FeedMeChaos1 3 роки тому +1

      I feel the opposite to those, im utterly fascinated by all kinds of star and planet. Wd, neutrons and blacks are the most intriguing to me. Cant stop looking at them.

    • @theangrydweller1002
      @theangrydweller1002 3 роки тому

      Then there’s me who would dive into a back hole if I had the chance

  • @ibanix2
    @ibanix2 4 роки тому +35

    "and this happens" - that's Sag A*. It's the only supermassive black hole. THE ONLY ONE.

    • @graycarlyle8627
      @graycarlyle8627 4 роки тому +10

      In this galaxy.

    • @hypeninja4786
      @hypeninja4786 4 роки тому +2

      In this galaxy... that we know of

    • @mrboatface4023
      @mrboatface4023 4 роки тому +5

      @@graycarlyle8627 ...which is the only galaxy we can visit in Elite. So yeah, THE ONLY ONE.

    • @mrboatface4023
      @mrboatface4023 4 роки тому +4

      @@hypeninja4786 ...which is the only galaxy we can visit in Elite. So yeah, THE ONLY ONE.
      And there are no other super massive black holes in our galaxy. Just one.

    • @lumpstergash
      @lumpstergash 3 роки тому

      @@mrboatface4023 if there were more than two I think it would form a weird Chernobyl galaxy.

  • @ASFAL.AdminMika
    @ASFAL.AdminMika 4 роки тому +55

    OMFG, i remember my first 20 hours playing Elite dangerous.
    I also have to call the fuel rats at that time cuz i ran out of fuel at a PURPLE star.
    Seriously, it just creeps me out everytime i jump even to this day (almost 400 hours total playtime)
    and you gotta imagine of all places you'd ran out of fuel, its that star. What a terrifying 15minutes of my life it has been while i wait for the fuel rat to come and save my ass and teach me about fuel scoops and checking scoopable stars.
    and thankgod i'm not into EXPLORATION (yet) God knows what kind of terrifying stuff i'll encounter on elite again.

    • @k043vn1k
      @k043vn1k 3 роки тому

      Hope u doin well
      100 hrs, seen a hell bunch of black holes, white dwarfs and neutron stars.
      At first I was really scared of each jump, but now my only fear is "fuck, if I get out of fsd right in the middle of dwarf's/neutron highway, should I shit my pants right there, or wait a little?" lol

    • @Sammie1053
      @Sammie1053 3 роки тому +1

      Oh yeah, you mean a brown dwarf? One of the small non scoopable stars? I have never run out of fuel (watched a LOT of UA-cam content before I started playing the game, and I'm very cautious) but brown dwarves make me a little bit anxious. I'll drop into a system with one and be like "huh, one of these, okay." Then the route plotter will bring me to a second one in a row. "wow, two in a row, that's odd... Guess I'd better fuel scoop at the next star for sure." Then a third. At this point I start getting antsy and checking my route to make sure the next star is scoopable. Never mind the fact that my Keelback has a 20 Ly jump range and a large fuel tank that can make _many_ consecutive jumps, or the fact that as a fairly new player I'm still in a heavily populated area of the galaxy. Even the slightest chance of being stranded in space around a dim not-quite-star makes me uncomfortable.

  • @Foxxorz
    @Foxxorz 4 роки тому +22

    This really started for me after I was warped inside of a binary star. I don't trust exiting hyperspace anymore.

    • @sed8181
      @sed8181 4 роки тому +1

      That was a fear I had to get over. Jumping face first into a star was terrifying. Now I am fine with it, and there is always hyperspace dethrottle that I use just in case I am not paying attention during a jump.

    • @scallywag830
      @scallywag830 4 роки тому +2

      I once entered a binary system, the secondary star swishing past very close on the left side, triggering fuel scooping for a moment, before stopping safely at the primary star. Luckily I haven't dropped out inside a star yet...

    • @ZeaDabble
      @ZeaDabble 4 роки тому +2

      @@scallywag830 that whooshing by the secondary star happens to me a lot, freaky as heck every time

  • @smonkponk
    @smonkponk 4 роки тому +23

    Oh god, I thought I was the only one that blacklisted certain stars just because they make me uncomfortable. Just watching this video and hearing you talk about it makes the skin on my back crawl and my heart pound. I can't stand brown dwarfs or certain gas giants (blue/purple ones are usually the worst), despise when I unexpectedly drop in on a WD/NS, and am afraid of my first encounter with a black hole.
    For me I think the sickly purple glow of the brown dwarfs and the dim, awkward light they bathe their systems in is the worst, but there's so much of it that just makes me feel dizzy and shaky. I still love ED, but it really unnerves sometimes and makes me wary of exploring... despite the fact that I'm nearly at Elite in Exploration now. For me, it's compounded by another strange set of fears I have - losing my sense of place/orientation/control, repeating patterns that take up my entire view, vast oceans with no point of reference, falling out of bounds in a video game, all of that makes me shiver and sweat. I don't understand it at all, but I'm shaking just thinking about it.
    The video and these comments make me feel a bit better though, knowing I'm not alone. Thank you for talking about this (and sorry for the long comment ._.).

    • @Arcanefungus
      @Arcanefungus 3 роки тому

      You just unexpectedly jump in on White dwarfs and neutron stars? Where are you exploring?🤣

  • @vetobandito2635
    @vetobandito2635 3 роки тому +28

    NEVER PLAY OUTER WILDS for your own safety.

    • @theoracle1945
      @theoracle1945 3 роки тому +1


    • @itsmiosa
      @itsmiosa 3 роки тому +4

      I wish i could play that game again for the first time what a fucking roller coaster of emotions, the constant anxiety makes for such an amazing experience

    • @theangrydweller1002
      @theangrydweller1002 3 роки тому +1

      I loved flying round the black holes

    • @empty5013
      @empty5013 3 роки тому +2

      I think it's worth spoiling for him that black holes in outer wilds are actually wormholes that don't kill or harm you. I'd hate to deny a space enthusiast that game.
      I will say the first time I fell into the black hole I felt like I was going to throw up though, absolutely gut wrenching experience.

    • @botep5529
      @botep5529 2 роки тому +1

      Oh God. That game. I thought I was getting a cute cartoony space game. What I got was an elevated heart rate from the terror of falling through a black hole and being shot out in open space, waiting to die slowly as my O2 ran out.

  • @creativemind42069
    @creativemind42069 4 роки тому +4

    Okay for me it's not stars and the bodies themselves that scare me. It's more being launched at them when leaving hyperspace. Always fells like I'm just being placed in the center of the sun instead.
    Also when someone tries to interdict me I always jump in my seat.

  • @xgkotkot42
    @xgkotkot42 4 роки тому +9

    I feel you dude, I'm not that afraid of neutron stars, but even when I hear the word "black hole" I feel uneasy. I also get these panic attacks at night, though only when my stupid brain decides to think about the existence of god and how not existing feels.

  • @hoxhabunker8407
    @hoxhabunker8407 4 роки тому +6

    The realistic sound design from Elite Dangerous is what gave you this phobia, or at least amplified it.

  • @noranekosparks4177
    @noranekosparks4177 4 роки тому +8

    Its very common for people to get nervous around white dwarfs and neutron stars. Until i forced myself how to learn to neutron jump, they terrified me. Black holes put a pit in my stomach in fear of overheating, but I take a lot of photos so I brave the anxiety through. White dwarfs and brown dwarfs can be scary, but mostly for their huge and easily mistakable exclusion zones. Those two ill never plot to without good reason.
    Do it for the screenshots.

  • @Fresh_Baklava
    @Fresh_Baklava 4 роки тому +45

    First time I was interdicted by a Thargroid freaked me out. The sounds their ship makes......and my ship being totally shut down gave me a legit feeling of terror. When it just scanned me and then fucked off... I LMAO at myself for getting so scared.
    Thx for sharing O7

    • @Jenna_Talia
      @Jenna_Talia 3 роки тому +2

      I wanna remove the memory of thargoids from my brain, buy this game, and just yolo into a thargoid sector (yes, using yolo for lack of a better term) and just experience a thargoid interdiction for myself.

    • @iver1343
      @iver1343 3 роки тому

      @@Jenna_Talia ^ THIS

    • @vinigarr801
      @vinigarr801 3 роки тому

      @@Jenna_Talia I had seen an interdiction before playing the game myself - it still got me by the feels when it happened though.

  • @zawa11ksysiu
    @zawa11ksysiu 4 роки тому +5

    To be honest, astronomy is mesmerizing. Just imagine all the marvels and beautiful things the Universe holds. Birth of new stars and planets, stunning nebulae, huuge gas clouds and galaxies, the Great Attractor, dark matter, superclusters and the fact that the Universe might be finite. Imagine also all the terror that the Universe has to offer. Black holes devouring everything that gets too close to them, supernovae, pulsars and quasars anihilating everything in their pahts, the END OF THE UNIVERSE, when, due to thermodynamics, there will be only one, last red dwarf left shining. My biggest fear is that all of these things don't give a s**t about humankind. We are less than a speck of dust from the perspective of the Universe.

  • @That_0ne_Dev
    @That_0ne_Dev 4 роки тому +53

    Personally I love everything in space.
    Especially black holes. Watching them in game is mesmerising. Imagine when I saw the real life photo of one.
    Absolutely fascinating

    • @iulia_m
      @iulia_m 3 роки тому

      Same but I get the most fucked up nightmares about outer space lmao.

  • @saturnoc1203
    @saturnoc1203 3 роки тому +3

    Thanks for sharing this man, I thought I was the only one that got this kind of visceral fear playing the game. I have a really hard time just physically making myself look at literally all of the same celestial bodies you listed. I always felt like they were going to eat me or something.

  • @meemdic8682
    @meemdic8682 4 роки тому +3

    I was searching for this video. It helped me understand for once what exactly I felt when I was near these objects...or how do I even feel about them. I haven’t been near neutron stars or blackholes yet,but I can tell from the footage I’d be terrified of being around them. And yes,the set is exactly the same.

  • @Retalak
    @Retalak 4 роки тому +5

    The objects themselves don't, but the holes in what we know about them do. My mind can go wild trying to imagine and comprehend what's really inside a black hole/the other side of the singularity.

  • @noturaveragewatcher
    @noturaveragewatcher 4 роки тому +1

    Jumping into a system with 2 giant suns right next to each other and just about fly into one always wakes me up when traveling

  • @WikkeSchrandt
    @WikkeSchrandt 3 роки тому +4

    I can really relate to this so much. I've been watching space documentaries since I was a small kid, and just as with you, these things scare me to death, to the point that whenever I see a simulation of it on a TV programme, in Elite or wherever else, I have to look away. Never knew others shared this sentiment.

  • @boxmanatee
    @boxmanatee 2 роки тому +1

    The vast distances and emptiness of space just completely terrifies me. Kerbal Space Program makes me inefficient at doing anything because I can't leave anyone stranded in space or another planet.
    Just laying down and staring up at the sky makes me woozy because I imagine that if I somehow fell up into the sky, there's just absolute nothingness forever. The probability of actually hitting anything and get to land is so tiny that it's practically negligible.
    Dreams where I accidentally leave Earth and travel out into space are nightmares because I can never find my way back to Sol.
    Falling into a black hole and see the entire universe fade into a single point in the distance...
    Can't wait for Kerbal Space Program 2 though.

  • @victrium1642
    @victrium1642 3 роки тому +1

    Holy shit me too. Seeing a tiny object with a HUGE EXCLUSION ZONE triggers primal panic

  • @BespinGuard1
    @BespinGuard1 4 роки тому +5

    The amount of times I've only selected main sequence stars, white dwarfs and non sequence stars to be used to plot courses and arrived at a L dwarf.
    Also yes there are systems that you will jump into in the jets of dwarfs and it's terrifying, I entered this one system and flew right past the jet before stopping. And on another (kind of related) occasion I was going to boost with a white dwarf but because it's raduis so big or the jets were too small or whatever when I was at the end of the jets I was apparently too close to it and already had my heat in the red

  • @luminumII
    @luminumII 4 роки тому +5

    I feel this sense of pulling in my gut too, when both contemplating and now when actually seeing them in game. (been playing for a months time). It's in no way a phobia, but still there is something about these intensely massive anchor points in our universe that just gives me the willies.

  • @eirik-elorentzen9006
    @eirik-elorentzen9006 3 роки тому +2

    This feeling is close to me. My great grandfather died in 2020 (not to covid) and i didn’t really think it impacted me as much. In august of 2020 i listen to a space related horror story narrated by The Dark Somnium, and i don’t know why, but it really messed me up. I felt like somehow, i was going to die. This terror set so deep in my soul. I really loved space and read so much about it and was facinated by space, but after listening to that and some other stories by the same narrator, i felt so helpless and couldn’t feel happiness anymore. I had constant nightmares for many months about supernovas that incinirated the earth and my body melting in real time, that i flew in a spaceship and suddenly saw a black hole headed towarreds me and swallowing me whole. These nightmares messed me up to the point that i couldn’t look at the sun without my entire body going in flight or fight because i’d think the sun would expand and kill everything. The fear of death really frightens me, so i think it fuelded my astrophobia to a really fucked up level. Lucky it has of now faded slowly but it still lingers in me if i think about it to much

  • @philipfahy9658
    @philipfahy9658 3 роки тому +1

    A black hole is what convinced me to stop using Supercruise assist. I told my ship to orbit and it decides nah it's HAL today, and yeeted me right into the exclusion zone of a black hole. Now the first thing I do when I get a new ship is sell the Supercruise assist module.

  • @benyed1636
    @benyed1636 4 роки тому +22

    I had to close my eyes on my first flyby of a black hole in VR, I hadn't felt anything as close to true terror as when the usually static backround began to stretch and contort the way it did.

  • @TheComradeuri
    @TheComradeuri 4 роки тому +1

    No issues, none. Now a friend of mine, she stopped playing. She suffers with anxiety and the empty void of space always unsettled her but she got through it. One day her fuel ran out. The void, the fact you can hear next to nothing except your own character struggling to breathe, getting worse and worse.
    I got to her in time with fuel limpets and guided her to a station but after that day, she noped out of the game.

  • @SheWhoVibes
    @SheWhoVibes 4 роки тому +1

    For me it's neutron stars and white dwarves. Because they don't just sit there, they got two greedy little arms they'll reach out and touch you with.

  • @EGraf
    @EGraf 4 роки тому +8

    I'm a new player (like 1 month old) and yesterday, unexpectedly, I came face to face with my first white dwarf. Was... an experience, to say the least. LOL

  • @bethan2639
    @bethan2639 4 роки тому +1

    Story time. I used to have this with both neutron stars and white dwarfs, but after enough practice I overcame the absolute panic they brought me. Neutrons are now like second nature, using the neutron highway from the bubble to colonia is a breeze. White dwarfs are just annoying now. However Blackholes are another story. On way back from sag a* I passed by colonia and headed back to the bubble. My nav took me to a black hole system, but for some reason, the beast being the centre of the system, it landed me in front of it. Let me make this clearer. I came out of witch and was going at normal speed, but I couldn’t move or stop in time, instantly had the lens effect envelop my whole ship (anaconda) and I was forced out of jump, hitting the exclusion zone. All of this happened in like 2 seconds. I had to save my ship, so through clenching terror i turned around and jumped out as fast as possible. Didn’t take too much damage but I had to walk away for like half an hour after that. Edge of a panic attack.
    My other scariest moment are when I landed in a binary system, but when I came out of witch I passed through the first star somehow. Don’t even know, but i do know the absolute terror that you’re on about lad. Fly safely commanders!

  • @WatcherCCG
    @WatcherCCG 4 роки тому +2

    You know, Geist, I might have at least a partial reason for the fear we both feel around neutron stars and white dwarfs: the stark blue-white light. It's harsh, it's bright, and just looking at it can tell you that IT IS NOT NATURAL. The sheer wrongness of the light just triggers something in the hindbrain that sets off the "GTFO NOW" alarm and compels you to turn the ship around, hit the gas as hard as you can, and fly as far away from it as possible, as quickly as possible.

    • @SepulcherGeist
      @SepulcherGeist  4 роки тому +1

      There's a weird deeper shine to it I suppose. For me it's more like, how it hides the true size and nearness of the star and its exclusion zone. I am terrified of getting too close, or otherwise in a situation I can't escape it. Anything to that affect bothers me. Like when I'm charging my FSD in its cone, and I'm facing the right way and I'm as far as I can be from it... If I get spun around too much, I get terrified I'll lose track of which way I'm facing and that I'll fly toward the star on accident. But otherwise, similar lights don't bug me. The O, B, and A stars don't bother me whatsoever. Nor do the Wolf Rayet stars.

    • @WatcherCCG
      @WatcherCCG 4 роки тому +1

      @@SepulcherGeist Gotta agree, the fact the EZ line refuses to load with those two bodies in particular DOES NOT HELP. I've mastered the neutron jump, for the most part. Hell, I learned last week an almost 100% safe method of jet-boosting off a white dwarf by grazing the top of the radiation jet. But the LIGHT... it's just wrong. It's really beautiful, but it just feels wrong. Especially with white dwarfs, since the light and the radiation cloud around them makes them look absolutely massive and terrifying. The supergiants and Wolf-Rayets don't have the same eerie glow.
      And I get where you're coming from on feeling compelled to face the horror. I was just at Jackson's Lighthouse in a DBX (effectively disposable) and had this powerful temptation to just point my ship at the thing and find out how close to the tiny sphere between the jets I can fly before my ship is cooked like a piece of beacon on a PVP railgun/plasma FDL's dashboard. So far my better judgment has prevailed, thankfully.

  • @EthanDeRose
    @EthanDeRose 4 роки тому +1

    I am the same way. Thing is I play in VR, still new with only 120+hours in the game. I randomly one night was jumping to a system and had no idea what was to come. I hadn't come across it yet and had no clue. But when I dropped in the system smack face to a pulsar I think it was, WHILE IN VR, I about shit my pants. I was so scared I pulled up as fast as I could till it was out of my view and slowly brought it back to view. Being fascinated with space and love watching documentarys on it i was very intrigued with seeing something like this after I got the jitters out. But that initial impression scared me. Now everytime I jump i pray its not a freaky system. VR makes this game amazing but also terrifying!

  • @matthewlorono
    @matthewlorono 4 роки тому +2

    I was taking tourists around and didn't realize Maia's blackhole was down on the list of like 4 places to visit. OMG, I hated flying *into* it to get to the tourist beacon. Why is the tourist beacon *INSIDE* the blackhole? Why? The worse for me is systems with two or more stars all very close to each other and you jump into the system inside of the sibling star. Fortunately, FDEV allows us to stay in Supercruise long enough to get away, but you still have to work out heat management in an emergency situation where you aren't expecting it.

  • @cerebdum2997
    @cerebdum2997 4 роки тому +1

    I get easily frightened by being around unimaginably large planets that are much bigger than the Earth (Jupiter, Saturn, etc.). The idea of being near a black hole like LB-1 terrifies me. Stars just give off the feeling of dread.

  • @kovanova9409
    @kovanova9409 3 роки тому +1

    My fear in space? At least in a more realistic sense isn't dying itself, but the fact that most likely those I care about will never know why they never heard from me again. Thsi fear persists into driving and even sleeping for me

  • @mprojekt72
    @mprojekt72 3 роки тому

    I used to be terrified of singularities when I was a teen, courtesy of various sci-fi books and Disney's The Black Hole. My parents took us to watch it the week that the movie came out, when I was 8 years old. It took many re-watchings of the original Cosmos and several Nova documentaries for me to stop having nightmares about my legs and feet being spaghettified and stretched miles away from the rest of my body, of being crushed into a space smaller than a pinhead, or of my head splattering the ceiling, while my feet were firmly planted on the floor.

  • @satorukuroshiro
    @satorukuroshiro 3 роки тому

    I have never had a major fear of anything space related, but when I started playing this game, it made me fear stars real fast just because of how sudden they appeared when exiting FSD, but with more and more jumps and learning what distances were safe, I became desensitized just as quickly.

  • @KingofJ95
    @KingofJ95 4 роки тому +1

    I experience nearly the opposite. These things are terrifyingly lethal and so much larger than me and that just fascinates me for some reason.
    I flew around Sagittarius A* for hours, just watching the light bend around it. This massive event horizon that stretched hugely in front of me. It was the coolest thing I'd seen in ages.

  • @ZidaneWilder
    @ZidaneWilder 4 роки тому +2

    I'm glad I found this video! I thought I must be the only one that felt this way around some of these objects. I'm a relatively new player, and I started to remember similar feelings I'd get from playing Earth and Beyond back in day.

  • @jakebeaver4179
    @jakebeaver4179 4 роки тому +1

    I used to have a repeating thought of falling into the ionosphere of Jupiter that terrified me ( Viola's death in Z.O.E encapsulated this for me as a child ) and later the black hole segment in "Interstellar" and for some reason this fear is part of what draws me to this game lol

  • @prepareuranus8097
    @prepareuranus8097 4 роки тому +2

    I dont have much of a problem with white dwarfs and neutron stars.
    I respect them.
    However there are neutron stars that are inherently dangerous.
    The ones with very fast rotational period are the ones that scare me

  • @pesseguitos
    @pesseguitos 2 роки тому

    Black holes and brawn dwarves (and planets's rings!) Causes me this a lot! And i understand you very very well, fell much the same!
    Amazed by the gigantic and incomprehensible way of this beautifully and strange objects.

  • @TheCreateOutdoors
    @TheCreateOutdoors 3 роки тому +2

    I know this video is from a year ago but it reminded me of my anxiety-filled fear I have in Elite Dangerous: Loss of mechanical control. It might not be the correct wording for it, but landing or docking ships manually is a large fear of mine. In real life, I used to have this fear before I could learn to drive. The idea that I might no longer have control of a 2 ton block of metal was scary. Although it's in a video game, this same fear applies to flying a ship. The thought of me going far too fast when landing or adding to much of an input is enough for me to only use the docking computer and nothing else. I'm sure this will subside over time like it did with driving a car.

  • @sergiolourenco8419
    @sergiolourenco8419 3 роки тому +1

    it was in a way comforting to have watched this video. I to have been incredibly interested in space documentary's and spent much of my childhood in front of the discovery channel and later on UA-cam (when it was invented) watching anything and everything to do with space. I cannot express the shear accuracy to which you have described exactly how and what I feel playing elite, and the funny thing is I am only terrified of the exact objects you specified in this video. for the exact same reasons, with the exact same symptoms.. I to, for no reason at all, lay in my bed and think about the beauty of space... however... whenever my mind drifts towards these specific celestial objects, sweats, heart rate and anxiety seem to soar. A sharp shiver go's straight down my spine and I have to open my eyes and sit up just to recalibrate my situational awareness.
    I have to admit this is the main reason I have never been able to commit long term to a game as personally engaging as ED to me. To the point where I have only ever been able to supercharge my F.S.D ONCE as my fear simply will not let me even be in the same system as a neutron star.. But having watched this I now realise that IT IS possible to have this and still be a successful commander whilst having this phobia. However the thought that the navigation system could fail or mislead me still gives me a slight feeling of anxiety.
    another great video. Well done mate.
    - Commander,

  • @iki881
    @iki881 2 роки тому

    I am a new player to this game gathering all the info I can about it, just flew through a neutron star in my way to Robigo and felt extremely light headed and my heart was fucking racing. Never going to one of those or a black hole. I was legit terrified. The same way I get when in an ocean or any body of water. I played far cry 3 and on my first play through never experienced that croc in the water grabbing you in the beginning. Did a play through a year after that and once the croc grabbed me I turned off my system. Legit was a teenager and crying I was so terrified. I’m glad to see there’s a filter to filter out shit like that. Didn’t know that until this video. Thank you.

  • @LordMoebius
    @LordMoebius 4 роки тому +1

    I wasn't too concerned with these things until I saw this video... Thanks. Jumping into a white dwarf and that spooky black hole toward the end are kinda nerve wracking.
    So thanks....

  • @HBRO_04
    @HBRO_04 3 роки тому

    I like astronomy because it’s fascinating, but in 5th grade when I was learning about our solid system. When I saw Jupiter and it’s black background it unsettles me and still to this day.

  • @slimanydickit8973
    @slimanydickit8973 4 роки тому +1

    I wouldn't say I have a phobia of them but for some reason blackholes really make me feel weird and uneasy like when I had to go to Maia for the first time so I checked out my first black hole and when I got there I felt horrible like I didn't want to look at the screen but really did at the same time and now I just avoid them

  • @milanopiano
    @milanopiano 2 роки тому

    I relate to this so much. I LOVE space games, but to give you an indication of how much I can relate to this, I kept scrolling to the comment section to avoid having to watch the footage in this video. I tried! But especially the black holes, they freak me out so much I get dizzy. Even the sound made me freak out. But there is something so beautiful and calming about space games that I just love. One of my favourite games of all time is Freelancer, played the hell out of that when I was a child. But also there, I never took on missions which had me cruising too close to a star, or into a dangerous nebula. It's a weird dichotomy. Fear is also part of the thrill I suppose. Makes me appreciate the safe and tranquil parts of the game even more.

  • @mickafra1564
    @mickafra1564 Рік тому

    I stopped playing quite some time ago, but there is one experience from this game I will always remember: mining in the rings in the dark side of a gas giant. The feeling of awe that you have from the planet being by your side, shading you from the lights while you're trapped between rocks and you barely see the light of the star reflecting on the planet's horizon. It wasn't especially scary for me, but it was still a mix of awe and anguish.
    Anyways, fly safe CMDRs

  • @ColiolYT
    @ColiolYT 4 роки тому

    White dwarfs, neutrons, and black holes are both terrifying and beautiful to me. Went to visit a tiny black hole today and got too close. Ship started freaking out, got up to almost 200% heat and somehow made my way back out. I guess my curiosity just keeps me enthralled with them.

  • @RE-jm9un
    @RE-jm9un Рік тому

    I know I am a bit late to the party but I would recommend binding a key that sets your throttle to 0 and just press that whenever you jump into a system where you don't know what to expect.
    This way, your ship slows to 30km/s upon dropping into a system. Even if you drop out next to a small black hole, you will still be 4-5k km away from it, so it will take you several minutes to actually crash into it if you were to not touch your controls.
    For anything bigger than a BH, setting throttle to 0 will cause you take hours or days to get to the exclusion zone. Keep in mind though that there are stars (red/blue supergiants) that will start overheating you almost on jump in.

  • @kelbinhow
    @kelbinhow 2 роки тому

    Suddenly I remembered having this feeling when I first played Outer Wilds and now I'm searching for the correct term/name if there ever is one. For me this is kinda weird because ever since I was a child I always loved space stuff, movies, games, etc... it never bothered me the idea of open space or CGI sceneries or realistic videos, actually I've always been mesmerized. When I heard about No Man's Sky and the possibilities it could bring, like flying in and out of planets seamlessly I bought it, played it and had a good time, until then it was all normal. Then I head about Elite Dangerous and Star Citizen but didn't really felt too much into them and at last I came across Outer Wilds, which instantly made me wanna play it. Dear God, I remember the first time I exited the planet and started floating around space I immediately got shivers and short breathing and anxiety and my hands got stuck, my brain just didn't know what to do and I only came to my senses when I stopped, had a big breath and paused the game. Kept playing for a little bit more, regained more control over myself and got on with the game's story... Little did I know that was not gonna be the last time I almost freaked out LOL. Going into the sun, watching the sun explode, realizing there was a black hole in the system (and the possibility to go into it), crashing into other planets, etc... I'm so glad I was able to finish the game cause it was amazing, but those horrifying moments where a bit too much LOL. And that's how I discovered to have this "phobia". Whenever I watch realistic videos of planets, ships flying and shit, black holes, massive planets, etc, I get anxious (this video itself made me clinch and almost look away several times XD)

  • @mcgibs
    @mcgibs 2 роки тому

    Black holes were never the same after I watched Event Horizon. They can pull in anything. Matter, energy, even your soul. Imagine flying too close to one, knowing not even death will allow you to escape.

  • @Chainbreaker1129
    @Chainbreaker1129 3 роки тому +1

    I've never really been scared of anything in video games, I am absolutley terrified of hights.

  • @hxteful_bxtch
    @hxteful_bxtch 2 роки тому

    I used to be terrified of Black Holes as a kid, they no longer scare me but when I come across them in ED, I can’t help but feel anxious or feeling hopeless.

  • @friendbesto1724
    @friendbesto1724 4 роки тому +1

    I get you. I find that jumping onto close binary stars scares the hell out of me.

  • @matt.p.6022
    @matt.p.6022 4 роки тому +2

    Scariest moment for me so far in the game (

  • @FlyingMonkeyDeathGod
    @FlyingMonkeyDeathGod 4 роки тому +2

    Sagittarius A* is not a good black hole to be afraid of - even if you drop yourself straight into the exclusion zone you have several hours worth of flying in real space before anything other than mild overheating happens (just bring heatsinks for when you want to get out). Supermassive black holes are so big you probably wouldn't even notice crossing the event horizon (which, yes, I realize is a bad argument for them not being scary, but they're a tame sort of scary). Just stay well clear of any massive objects falling into them.
    Now, the intermediate sized black holes, the ones that aren't the most massive objects in the system? Those are scary.
    Neutron stars? Those I can handle - so long as I don't drop out of supercruise in the jet cone. But that's a conditional fear.
    And I don't fear White Dwarves so much as I hate them with a seething cold fury which I am reasonably sure is mutual.

    • @WatcherCCG
      @WatcherCCG 4 роки тому

      There's just something about the unnaturally bright blue light white dwarfs put out that feels WRONG, isn't there?

  • @mawo3579
    @mawo3579 4 роки тому

    The scale of planets in the game is terrifying
    also being launched into the sun at lightspeeds is pretty scary as well

  • @democrack113
    @democrack113 3 роки тому +1

    Kerbal Space Program is pretty darn spooky.

  • @pattmahiney
    @pattmahiney 3 роки тому

    I have the same condition. What scares me the most when thinking of space is that I want desperately to stop imaging what it would be like to stare Jupiter down its eyes from 3Mm away but the more I imagine, the more my brain believes that I may "teleport" there at any given moment if I give it too much thought. This triggers a rampant cycle of fear and placebo compounding upon each other. It shakes me to my core sometimes. Nevertheless, this is one of my favorite games of all time. It's helped me tackle the fear quite a bit. Ngl, my fascination just barely outweighs my fears, otherwise I'd be dead in the water and never able to get past the login screen... Thanks for sharing. Very nice to know that there are others out there with the same specific fears.

  • @Phataku
    @Phataku 4 роки тому

    I got you, man. I jumped in on a white dwarf unexpectedly, once ... The horror is hard to describe. It feels like I imagine what driving up the off-ramp of the freeway would feel like. Like, "I really shouldn't be here, and I have to leave." Playing in VR amplifies this feeling 10 fold. Even normal main-sequence stars are unsettling. Brown dwarves are unpleasant to be around. White Dwarves are terrifying. I've yet to see a Black Hole in VR... And I don't plan on it any time soon.

  • @thumb-ugly7518
    @thumb-ugly7518 4 роки тому

    Just started playing 20 days ago, but I was zipping around in a cobra in the direction of the North America nebula and stumbled on a neutron star. The last time I felt suck a feeling, I was a child under a coffee table seeing the TRex in Jurassic Park at a friend’s house. I’ll never use the neutron jet boost, lol. Great stuff.

  • @DiscJediPanoramix
    @DiscJediPanoramix 4 роки тому

    White Dwarfs and Neutrons feel like the most dangerous thing in the galaxy to me. Thought I knew how to scoop from them. Then they remind me just how powerful they are and rip my ship apart piece by piece. While your HUD displays each modules failure, piloting the ship becomes impossible and your FSD (your only hope), that you've never questioned before, seems as sturdy as a wet tissue. Knowing your destiny, not being able to change it. Neutrons make me flinch when I see them.

  • @spiritedconjurer
    @spiritedconjurer 2 роки тому

    I have a certain "thrill," per se, of these kinds of terrors you speak about. While it does still instill fear in me a little bit, the thing about me is, it fuels my curiosity and entertainment, should I find myself in danger.
    Like a kid who explores just how far he can get away with doing something before his mom catches him or something like that.
    I wouldn't be lying if I said the design choices from the ship cockpit weren't some of the most phenomenal things I've personally ever experienced. Just how scary your cockpit shattering before your very eyes and watching as modules, crucial and all begin to slowly melt and lights blaring at you and the info panel flashing all the things that are shutting down while you lose control of your ship and the dashboard itself is on fire and--
    It's terrifying.

  • @ridilatrois7991
    @ridilatrois7991 4 роки тому

    For me it was volcanos, I opened a book about them when I was younger and I just can’t think about them without fear of death and destruction.

  • @Cyberboi
    @Cyberboi 4 роки тому

    I'm glad someone else feels the same way about white dwarfs and neutron stars, I dart away from them as soon as I get the chance, it makes heading to the engineer at Sirius - who I can never remember the name of - an absolute nightmare

  • @CristiNeagu
    @CristiNeagu 4 роки тому

    I can totally relate. Black holes terrify me and neutron stars creep me out. I stay away from them. Also, stars in general make me nervous. I'm always on edge when fuel scooping. These things would be terrifying up close in real life.

  • @yenchey3270
    @yenchey3270 2 роки тому

    It's hardly related, but as a kid, I used to have a panic fear of meteorites and comets. I couldn't talk about them, listen about them, I couldn't read or even think about then without a fear of a massive red-hot rock from outer space coming and smashing my head when I least expect it. But luckily, I grew past it over time, realising just how rare of an occurence that is

  • @c0unt1ng5heep4
    @c0unt1ng5heep4 3 роки тому

    So glad i saw this. I often sit at night and wonder if our planet could just go off course and i start getting a build-up of severe anxiety. I wondered if it happened to anyone else lol

  • @moosher12
    @moosher12 3 роки тому

    I have two phobias, with ties to ridicule as a child. they can be a hard shake, and are in order of severity.
    My most severe phobia is a specific phobia of a certain children's book which I will not name. I encountered it in kindergarden, was quickly scared, and the other kids were quick to torment me with it. twenty years later, even seeing the cover can produce a cold chill and a fight or flight response, followed by panicked demands to put it away while I instinctively conceal my vision if it is held by someone in the room, or to jump up and leave the room asap. After an encounter, I find my memory of the event hazy and vague, with many details lost and hard to remember. (Had a recent incident with it a year back during a D&D session when a friend wanted to show their favorite children's book that just happened to be the one. I'll just say, I'm glad adults are more mature than children, and that I have good friends.) I also cannot enter a library, book store, or elementary school class room without anxiety that gets more intense the closer I get to the children's book section. it takes a lot of strength for me to remain in these facilities and I frequently have nightmares where I am in a library, trying to do what I need to do without noticing the book.
    the second is game related. for some reason, after watching the 1990s live action Pinnoccio movie, my mind turned off to anything to do with endo, vore, womb levels, and the like, despite somehow being fine with it beforehand (phobia triggers are weird, especially when I used to be fascinated with biology before that point). while I am fine with other forms of horror, this brand of horror to this day has me shutting off a game if I stumbled unkowingly into this theme without preparation, it takes a lot of strength to be in the same room as someone playing through such a level, and I find it impossible to play these levels, myself, I find the fact you can even tolerate to be in the same system as your object fear impressive. As a result, I miss out on many amazing games, and have to spoil plots to myself to maintain a sense of ease. in Elite's case, I had to spoil myself on thargoid bases to make sure it would not fall into the sort of biological settings that would put me off (thankfully too chitinous and not fleshy enough to trigger) , as well as watching for the womb level tag on TV tropes game entries before I buy. Like the library nightmares, I get frequent nightmares where I am thrusted into such conditions... Not fun.
    I thank you for making this video. As someone with frankly ridiculous, but actual phobias (a book that cannot harm me, and a scenario that can never happen, yet I am terrified all the same), I'm happy to see someone that gets it, even though my reply was a year late.
    I also just recently got into Elite Dangerous about two months ago, after my elder brother introduced me, I've found your tutorials useful, and I thank you, they've given me some good advice.

  • @user-sr2kq6co2q
    @user-sr2kq6co2q 4 роки тому

    You are not alone my friend. I often catch panic attacks while playing Elite Dangerous, especially via VR. They become extremely terrifying when i don't expect jumping into a neutron star system. You know, when u see this tiny bright light while jumping and realize it's that god damn monster. Oh no...

  • @Direrain72
    @Direrain72 4 роки тому

    Places like Coalsack creep me out because, despite calling space the "Big Black" the fact that there's always millions of stars in the canopy is comforting. Jumping into one of those places where it legitimately is black, and you cant see any of those stars...that gets to me and gives me the willies.

  • @WhosThisScrub
    @WhosThisScrub 4 місяці тому

    7:23 the way the black hole glitches out and speeds up and runs always is even more eerie 🫣

  • @alexmcd378
    @alexmcd378 4 роки тому

    I think I get around 10% of what you're describing. 20% when in VR. I eventually got over the anxiety from suddenly winding up face to face with a giant burning ball of death every jump. But if I hit an unexpected neutron star or I pop out surrounded by a lot of very close stars, I have to full stop and just breathe for a second. It can make the game tense, even unpleasant at times, but it doesn't stay with me outside the game. I also found that setting the audio for night mode helps. It softens the loudest parts of the game, which means that loud bang when you exit witch space is dampened. Not having that bang really helped the anxiety.

  • @jamesklark6562
    @jamesklark6562 4 роки тому

    Elite is the only game that horrifies me. When you first start playing it's that same fear you get when you're first learning how to drive, you don't want to damage the car, get into an accident, or be in the way of other drivers. You get past that hurdle and then on the mission screen you see "Hostile Ships might attack you" so you start freaking out that some stalker ship will come out of nowhere and rob your cargo, every new thing you do is a new level of terrifying especially when you go in blind like I did. I was in such a panic when I ran out of fuel, shaking the whole day even after I was rescued by rats.

  • @_laryssa
    @_laryssa Рік тому

    Back to this video again, one of my favorite videos on the internet. It's not deep or anything, just a person talking about a personal experience.

  • @dukemahoney
    @dukemahoney 3 роки тому

    Glad to hear I'm not the only one. I've had an irrational fear of Neptune since I was a kid.

  • @DarkChaos87
    @DarkChaos87 3 роки тому

    And then there's me;
    -Orbit lines off,
    -WD/Neutron/BH allowed on plotted route,
    -always burn full speed coming out of hyperspace (98% of the time).
    They scare the shit out of me, but not that scared. Such mesmerizing entities.

  • @graffsk8er
    @graffsk8er 4 роки тому +3

    Ah, yes.... the invisible exclusion zone! 💀

  • @Penrunner
    @Penrunner 3 роки тому

    You're not alone man, another reason elite dangerous is amazing.

  • @MartinFrostia
    @MartinFrostia 4 роки тому

    I also get kinda scared, but more the kinda scared you feel before bungee jumping

  • @14Blackspirit
    @14Blackspirit 3 роки тому

    I play this game in vr... I don't have anxiety attacks or anything ever but black holes... Can't stand them. Just watching on UA-cam makes me feel uneasy. The pink planet when you jump to them is a nightmare and... I just love this game. Wish I had more time to play it.

  • @xG33Kx
    @xG33Kx 3 роки тому

    I about crapped my pants the first time I fired up Space Engine and zoomed too fast into a blue giant, but I think in retrospect it actually fueled an interest in learning more about extreme stellar bodies, kind of like flirting with the fear you mention later in the video.

  • @CodenBahn
    @CodenBahn 3 роки тому

    I just about crapped my pants jumping into a white dwarf in VR unexpectedly

  • @D34M0N1CU5
    @D34M0N1CU5 2 роки тому

    Happy to hear I'm not the only one who becomes nervous of white dwarfs (haven't encountered neutron stars and black holes yet).
    Brown dwarfs also make me feel somewhat uncomfortable, that last second of the jump it's as if it's thrown into my face, other stars don't have that.

  • @nurfuerverrueckte
    @nurfuerverrueckte 2 роки тому

    I felt something close to fear, unease when I approached the icy rings of a gas giant for the first time. I couldn't figure out how dense they were and how big the individual objects in the rings. I was expecting huge rocks like I had seen in mining screenshots. My whole body tensed up and I kinda flinched for a couple of seconds and almost lost it when instead of huge rocks the rings were made of white and blue dust and it all looked like a massive highway made of clouds.
    My first time unknowingly jumping into a 4-star only system somehow gave me an eerie feeling of 'I should gtfo'. The suns were in real close proximity to each other and I felt like I interrupted some sort of fight between giants. Just not a comfortable place to be.

  • @Joel-qo6gt
    @Joel-qo6gt 2 роки тому

    A quote from H.P. Lovecraft comes to mind.
    "The most basic human emotion is fear, and the most basic fear is the fear of the unknown."
    Fear of dangerous stellar phenomena with questionable danger zones? I'm not a mental health practitioner, but to me, that sounds like fear of the unknown, not knowing when danger will appear.

  • @fxturist8534
    @fxturist8534 Рік тому +1

    lol i also get uncomfortable when i jump to brown dwarfs or to white dwarfs but i also get adrenaline rushes when i do crazy stuff so im used to fly VERY near white dwarfs at extremely high speeds in supercruise, fly betweeen stars that are like almost touching eachother, etc.. It just gives me weird adrenaline and dopamine rush which is also mixed with fear.

  • @commanderclueless5456
    @commanderclueless5456 4 роки тому

    I have goldfish like memory, I always get distracted,exit hyperspace and then panic as I plunge into the star

  • @omniaesthetic1256
    @omniaesthetic1256 4 роки тому +1

    You're not alone with this problem. I've played other games with massive moons or other planets visible from the surface of whatever world you're on (such as No Man's Sky), and when I look up at them, I feel deeply uncomfortable, sometimes afraid. I'm lucky that, in Elite, traveling in supercruise doesn't feel like "real space" to me, despite playing in VR. That said, popping out of hyperspace in front of a massive star can make me jump. I haven't experienced black holes or neutron stars yet, but I'm both afraid and curious enough to try it.
    Edit: A couple of other thoughts: I don't have "typical" fears like fear of the dark or ghosts. It's really just this kind of thing that gets me. Wondering if that's how it is for you? I think that part of what makes this fear interesting is that they're actually _rational_ fears. You absolutely should be afraid of going near a black hole in real life. The fact that it's a game doesn't matter. People still can get afraid of monsters in video games.

  • @doc0core
    @doc0core 2 роки тому

    ED's immersion is really excellent, I get real scares much more real than say survival horror games. But the re-spawn mechanics kinda moderate it quite a bit. In the old games, when your Cobra III blow up, an Escape Pod appears. Imagine FDev extends that mechanics: if you die in deep space, you don't respawn for several days (proportional to the distance to nearest human entity), if you die in a black hole, the escape pod can't escape so you lose your entire save. If the cost of death is much more than just the rebuy and map data, I bet a lot more people (esp. veteran players) will get nasty phobia too.

  • @Gandromil
    @Gandromil 4 роки тому

    Well, whether you believe in them or not I seem to have a fear of ghosts. They fascinate me, or the idea of them, but I've had true nightmares about them. One such nightmare I was in a room full of ghosts. They weren't even looking at me or trying to do anything to me whatsoever, but I still woke up in a sweat and full of true fear.