+Christopher Andrews The Gore Magala is definitely one of those monsters that will challenge your experience so far early in the game. The monster was designed to punish reckless or bad players and forces you to predict it's attacks and movement patterns but once you learn how the Gore Magala moves and attacks it should be a cake walk just stick to its chest area and get under it and your good. The Gore Magala is a really fun monster to fight because it always keeps you on your toes especially when it gets frenzied but I can understand why some people can get frustrated with it but if you can't overcome it you won't have any chance of beating stronger and tougher than it because the Gore Magala isn't the hardest monster in 4U.
when fighting solo on low rank for the first time, it got me to despise it in just one hunt, and I literally vowed to never hunt another one of them again. aaaaaand then i got back to val habar and some lady tells me two hunt two more.
If you've seen my top 5 monster hunter weapons, you'd know I do (also this video is old and my opinions have changed regarding that particular weapon).
+BLAZINGKNIGHT Which combination would annoy you more: Tigrex, Rajang and Deviljho or Tigrex, Rajang and Nargacuga? p.s. I just put Deviljho here, because he also hits like a truck.
It depends on if you fought them individually or at the same time in an area. Individually, tigrex, rajang and deviljho because I can't fight all three monsters with dual blades unlike with nargacuga, in an arena tigrex, rajang and nargacuga because it will be so hard to keep track of them.
Tipp for fighting the Tigrex: If you get beaten to the ground, stay lying. As long as you lie on the ground, you are invincible. He will use his combo on you, but like that only the first hit will hurt you.
Its bite attack hitbox is broken beyond repair though. I've been hit standing by its tail (i.e. *behind* it) despite the bite is clearly a face-forward attack.
You're underestimating how good raw damage is. Some of your complaints have to do with weapons that don't have elemental damage and have negative affinity even if they have high raw. Raw damage weapons from the Tigrex are actually quite good, even with negative affinity. You can make them really good by getting crit eye, just like high affinity weapons can be made really good by getting attack up skills. Also saying Tigrex and Nargacuga are "too fast for their own good." Learn to dodge and read attacks. And get evasion if you need it. Narga has very visible patterns you can follow to avoid attacks and then retaliate afterwards. Tigrex's spin will only garunteed hit you if you make the mistake of being underneath the monster. Attack it from the sides, not underneath. You'll have plenty of time to get out of the way as long as you aren't grabbing it's ass. Other attacks can be avoided, and then followed and punished. Rajang is the only one I kind of agree with, since it has it's arm buff that will cause you to bounce without minds eye, leaving you right open for a fist to the face.
I also like how he says that the armor set that Narga gives you doesn't have great skills and just makes your dodges better, when in reality that is the exactly the kind of armor that would allow him to fight Narga and Tigrex and be able to dodge almost of their moves, either with spacing (potentially using evade extender) or using the i-frames from evasion.
I know it's not his gameplay. Don't know if the other guy realizes this. But if he says that narga is "too fast for it's own good" chances are he is not very good at the game.
lol i have an excuse for the azuros... he is easy because in generations he gets an alternate form known as a "deviant"... that thing is so hard to kill and hits like a truck.
Tigrex is extremely frustrating because it's such a test of patience. You have to stay back until an opening or you're dead. Narga is more fun because you can assault it almost nonstop if you know when to dodge/block. It's a test of camera control and dodging.
+heyheythrowaway Or you can just evade. He's derpy as fuck, really. The guy who made this video needs to play MHFU, where you actually needed to get good because the game was unfairly difficult, seeing most of the monsters on the list were on MHFU. I've never seen such a casual player. "Tigrex is just too fast..." that's because you're not supposed to stay at it's face. Stay at his diagonals and sidestep when he's about to spin his tail. You're not supposed to use the same playstyle for all monsters, learn to adapt. This is a prime example of someone with too much fame for so little experience, you give online play to someone and he'll never want to fight a monster without four players stunlocking it.
+James McDaid (Coolcat) It really isn't, especially when more useful skills totally out rank usefulness. It's great for new comers to speed up that eating animation. But, one can learn the proper time to use potions normally as well.
Pairing up Speed Eating with Mycology and/or widerange is absolutely incredible. Plus on certain fights where the monsters are extremely aggressive, like the Tigrex or Rajang, it's a lot more useful than many other skills for those particular situations.
Can't even hit his "Blindspot" because he freaking spams an incredibly powerful attack where he sticks his claws out super far and turns! It spams that move till it dies and it covers a giant area! Not to mention that that move makes you bleed and even if you pack a lot of quicker recovery items you'll burn through them so quick...
After watching the entire thing I believe I've found your problem: You have the reaction speed of a heavily sedated whale. Thus anything requiring you to read and react (say like Rajang's painfully telegraphed, slow firing, and easy to dodge lighting stream). My only advice is to maybe perhaps stop walking into very obvious attacks and learn to read monster patterns/openings better. Joking aside this isn't a game you can attack whenever you feel like it, you have to wait until you spot a vulnerability and exploit it. The reason you hate Rajang, Tigrex, and Narga is that those are monsters specifically designed to exploit over aggressive behavior. You can't out fight something that is essentially a DBZ character or freight train in dragon form. You have to out maneuver them. SO yes they are fast, relentless, and powerful. Yet they have glaring openings in many of their attacks that leave them painful vunerable for huge amounts of time. Rajang's lightning blast leaves him sitting there unable to move for 4 or 5 seconds and attacking his back legs will quickly knock him on his ass. Does he have many other openings? No, he really doesn't, but the few he has are massive. Same with narga whose tail smash leaves him stuck in the ground or the triple pounce which he always has to shake himself down after. Tigs always trips after a full run charge on top of him being one of the easiest monster in the game to exhaust. "Don't get hit, hit it until it dies!" is literally the best advice anyone can ever give in this game. If you attack, but get hit, you attacked at the wrong time or attacked for to long. You gotta learn when to hit and when to back off. For all the others... yeah fuck those things. Either boring, frustrating, or both. Ugh.
Yeah I farm tigrexes almost in my sleep, I am a lance user so being defensive and exploiting openings is easier, but I've also used greatsword on him. I'm a dark souls veteran, so I have a feeling I get a bit of a leg up when it comes to learning harder games, cause harder games are a little similar to souls games.
I love Narga. His insect glaive is carrying me through Low Rank in Gen Ult rn. His glaive is a Rathalos killer, and the design is lovely. But with Rathalos armor rn, with Weakness Exploit and Attack M, I’m melting it like butta
I'm just going to say this, i've seen the list so many times.... Guys, stop fucking complaining. A. He's using other people's videos (With permission of course :) ) so you can't say he's bad. B. He said a lot of people requested this video. you got what you want so don't complain (It's like people saying they don't want another Fire fighting starter in Pokemon, we got Delphox and people complained. Delphox is my favorite starter). C. This is an old video. D. Most of his points are valid complaints. E. He is free to dislike something popular (For example, i don't like Frozen, Lord of the Rings or the Harry Potter Movies) F. Everyone complaining can make viewing Crash's content worse. (Which is why i try not to look at the comments because i don't want my viewing ruined because of negativity...) So please. accept his opinion. unless he makes petty complaints because he's bad at the game (Which by what i can judge he isn't, i am up to the Gypceros and i have killed the Great Jaggi, Kecha Wakka, Seltas and Tetsecubra pretty easily...with just a great sword). i usually hate the popular opinion because of people themselves. that might sound petty to some but....hype ruins things for me....just calm the fuck down.
@Flats the Flounder, professional ass pounder I know this may seem like a cop out but this was a really old comment i did, i acknowledge this is an old video and what i said was really stupid, it really is old and flawed and so is this comment, i'll delete it, i acknowledge this was extremely hypocritical to say...
To be honest I don't know why everyone hates the gypseros I don't think it's that bad in fact I rather enjoy fighting it but each to their own. LOVED the video BLAZE 😁
Everyone probably really hated you saying you hate the Nargacuga, but I'm that guy that can respect others' opinions, and while I can see your points as to why he's a bad monster (including my own point as to how his theme music does not fit at all), I find his speed and agility to not only be necessary for a monster like him, but also does the thing I like in Monster Hunter, which is keep me on my toes and having to come up with strategies on the fly. Even so, I do hate Gigginox, though not as much as the Deviljho
I respect your opinions and didn't want to write this until you mentioned nargacuga and how you didn't understand why so many people like it. Well surely one component is nostalgia, but looking at your list I think it's a bit more then that. Firstly, I think you have a problem with creatures (though not all the ones on the list are in this catagory) that require/challenge you to master them, ones that push your skills to the limit and make you a better hunter. You vent about the monsters that made you fail at the game and actually are monsters. This doesn't make them bad monsters, it just points to the amount of work that they require to know and fight. I would secondly like to point out that all of the creatures you've mentioned excluding the nibblesnarf, azurzaros, and giginox (all of which I have probably mispelled) originate from older generations of monster hunter. I am not saying that experience of the older games is required, but I think it's part of the reason I happen to disagree with most of the monsters on this list. Yes, mechanically all of the monsters you've mentioned have a gimmick and from what I can tell you don't like those unique features, which is fine. However, from my perspective, all of the monsters in this list served to teach players certain aspects of the game and to make them more cautious of approaching the monster rather then just running in trying to deal damage without learning how to respond. People are attached to these creatures because they taught them something at some point, which helped them later on. For example, Hermitar taught the players about burrowing and bouncing, and was introduced much earlier in previous installments then in high rank in 4 Ultimate. A person had to step back and observe what it was the crab was doing to respond. Gypceros was the first creature that had a weak tail, used flashes, introduced poison, had immunity to some traps, and could trick the hunter. It is gimmicky, and frankly annoying at times, but was designed to shift things up in the older games and get people used to new mechanics while fighting a wyvern who was similar to kutku. Moving on to Tigrex, he was a huge wall for a lot of people back in Freedom 2 and Unite, he wouldn't go down very quickly, and was absolutely horrifying. Overcoming this antagonist, this unstoppable power made him an awesome monster. Yes he's big and fast, simple and strong, but besting him required mastering positioning. Enter Rajang, he took what the hunter knew for so many ranks and tugged that rug of knowledge from out of them, carting like no tomorrow. Think a monster only charges in a straight line, no he hops from side to side too, think there is only one rage mode, nope he has two, think that subspecies are the only changes to a monster, nope there are varients, and so many more assumptions about the game he challenges you on. Rajang was the first one to break the rules of the game, far before deviljho, he was a breath of fresh air and at the same time death. Now on to nargacuga, the freedom series and old games suffered a lot from tail spinning dragons and the over abundance of similar wyverns (at the time, though they have made them quite a bit different now) and along comes nargacuga. It is late high rank, people have started to get used to the differences in damage and start getting midgame decent armor, ready to move to the last rank offline they meet a new psuedowyvern, nargacuga. Unlike all of the creatures before it, nargacuga moved drastically differently, the hitboxes were tight, it's attacks were graceful and fine, it's design was increadibly fitting (a cat in a game that introduced feline companions). It would go angry at cats, bombs, sounds, not just damage, it would use it's tail in ways no other monster could, it hit quick and was deadly, overcame traps, and above all else got the player to master dodging and the invincibility that dodging gave. Beating it proved you either knew the clever monster well enough or became really good at dodging through it's attacks. Now there was a time when I hated Plesioth as much as everyone else, but it had a purpose before Tri. It was the only water creature, using the arena, as well as introducing sonic bombs to get creatures out, creating a new wyvern species, and "prepping" the hunter for the infamous hipcheck. Like many creatures, it hasn't aged or updated well, making it seem just like a pure annoyance in 3 Ultimate, but it had a reason for being there that I can respect. As for the Congalala, it's intention was to reveal that the game had other status, to show the player the basics beast creatures' movement (until kecha was introduced), create an emphasis on breaking parts (the tail and it's items), teaching the player to stay away from a monster's shadow as it jumps or slams, but most importantly that standing in front of a creature is the most awarding and most dangerous position to be in. You also complained about it being easy, but in older versions of the game, like the hermitar, it was a introductory monster so it was supposed to be simple, when you fought it in 4 Ultimate it you already knew how to hunt, so it was easy. These are my experiences with the creatures, and why I believe they aren't the worst in the game series. They had and to some extent still have a clear purpose for existing. Overall this video is pretty well constructed, and seems understandable why you would rank these creatures in this manner. It's just some monsters have a deeper purpose in the whole series and I happen have a different history with them. Now, in my opinion Monsters were too weak in Tri and 3 Ultimate, meaning people could afford to make more mistakes, 4 Ultimate has been stepping in the right direction by making monsters stronger, like monsters should be, powerful enough to make you afraid of getting hit. You stated before that nargacuga was "too fast," but you like seregios, who is almost far more difficult if you are using a slow guarding weapon (gunlance) or heavy bowgun, which cannot respond properly to the pinecone. Although, it all boils down to who is playing. I don't mean to say that everything you've said is wrong, afterall it is your opinion, I just wanted to share my perspective. Thank you to anyone else who's made it this far, what are your thoughts and what are your experiences with the creatures? Now if you'll excuse, my hands are tired...
+Tooopper Lol, I was typing this on my phone, and at a certain point gave up on properly spacing the comment because otherwise I couldn't add things or move up and down the comment as easily.
I do find his evade and attack really annoying though. I remember farming nargacuga in MHFU and boy was it a bitch in g-rank with its damage and i can't pass it's longsword since it is one of the best general use long swords in MHFU.
noah yorke mmmmm his annoying and dull but... not the worst of the worst Then again this is coming from a guy who likes the plesioth because he got me into monster hunter The Lagombi is the one who turned me off
10. Oh god the pronunciation... 9. Didn't it appear first in Portable 3rd? Also, this guy's deviant I swear is one of the toughest monsters 8. Fucking number ONE. So many troll abilities it doesn't even make sense (flash, poison, steal, resists traps, tail extends, fake death). 7. I understand, my friend absolutely hates it too. But I actually love it. Just don't stand in front of it, period. And WTF, man? Its weapons are some of the best in the games. 6. My number 2. Rajang is cheap. It's design to be cheap, just like Gypceros. Hits like Dire Miralis but moves faster than Tigrex. Legitimately hate fighting this thing if I'm alone, and failing hunts against it is soooo common. 5. Wait.... Nargacuga?... As in... the monster that has such short hitboxes that it taught most veterans how to evade properly? WTF... this thing pretty much taught me how to play adept. 4. Is it me or did you spoil like 80% of this list? At least you didn't mention the hipcheck, as it was fixed since 3 but people keep whining about it. Also, in the water Plesioth is ridiculously easy, it stays still half of the time. 3. WTFFFFF? Dude, Nibelsnarf is so derpy and silly it can't be boring. I mean, you freaking fish it out of the sand! It's such a fast monster because you can keep doing that, not a long battle! 2. Yes, Congalala is kind of a joke monster because 50% of its moves are fart-related, but I really enjoy fighting this thing. I don't think saying that it's silly is a valid argument as that's obviously what they were going for. And honestly, most of the lamer monsters are from older games. 1. I enjoy the Gigginox. Its roar is annoying, but I think it's a legitimately hard monster, and it has a great design too. It looks so otherworldy.
I enjoy Garuga, he’s a smart monster, probably the smartest in the game, he actively avoids traps, will flee if you hit him from behind, and will chase you if you zone out while he’s enraged. His armor is also great, his weapons are pretty meh though. But the fight can get a little annoying with his constant screaming and tail flips, but I like how he’s basically a crossbreed of Kut-Ku and Rathian.
I'm glad that you enjoy these older vids and I do have plans to make new MH videos in the future, not sure if I'll remake these ones but anything is possible.
Don't look at the ragers in the comments your list was actuallly pretty complete and great! You worked hard on it and respected people's opinion which is all on ur honor
Weeeell since you were so nice to share your opinion about those monsters with us, I want to do that too! :D I like this video very much, you explained very good why you don't like those monsters. Keep on the good work! Daimyo Hermitaur: I don't like it either. It's ugly, it's annoying to fight and I didn't even bother to farm his armor because I already had better armor by then. It makes me uncomfortable looking at it, I mean, his claws and his legs are reeeeeeeally strange looking. And I don't like crabs. When I don't like the animal it refers to, why should I like the monster? Arzuros: I actually like him. I mean, he is boring to fight, but his design is really cool. First time I met him I was supposed to catch him, but I ended up accidently killing him TWO TIMES! xD Maybe I shouldn't laugh about that. I mean, it only shows how bad I am that I didn't notice that thing trying to escape from me... Gypceros: Urgh. Keep that THING away from me! I mean, it is just there to annoy you, nothing more! You wanna heal your ass? Stun! You haven't been here often and don't know your way around this area? I steal your map and you can't get it back! You're trying to attack me? Poison right in your face! And then it "dies" dramatically, quest isn't over, so you know there has to be something off. If you have a little bit brain, you stay away from it when it acts dead. And the purple one is even WORSE! No more comment to that. Tigrex: I HATE it! I mean, the design is really cool and I respect it 'cause it is unique and at least a LITTLE bit entertaining to fight. I first fought him and thought "He, it's not that bad! Gore Magala was much worse!" But then I met him again on high rank and he ripped me to shreds! Since then I hate him and his subspecies doesn't help me any further love that thing... Rajang: One of the worse monsters I fought so far. Seriously, he jumps around, hits your ass so hard, you end up on the other side of the map, the damage he deals is CRAZY and the weapon I got is not that good. I talk about the glaive. I had to kill that thing twice and the result was me in a very, VERY bad mood and a not so good weapon. Thank you for NOTHING, Rajang! Nargacuga: Haven't meet him so far. But I guess I'll be fine with him. Plesioth: Haven't fought him. But I hate fighting underwater, so I expect nearly nothing like fun from him. Nibelsnarf: I haven't fought this one either. But oh well, it will happen soon enough I guess. Congalala: To be honest, I had really big problems fighting him. I just couldn't deal with the fact he is FARTING and THROWING HIS POO! It disturbes me so I was kind of distracted and couldn't quite focus. His armor is worth shit and well, I would never hunt him if I don't have to. I like the green one better, he puts up more of a fight (actually killed me first time meeting him) and the green fur is not ugly like the pink one. Gigginox: I still have to hunt that one. But I already had the pleasure(?) dealing with some Giggis. They are small, hard to detect and when in a cave, they are sure to be EVERYWHERE! So most likely I'm going to hate the Gigginox aswell...
This is, I swear, not troll bait, I just really loved hunting plesioth in MH3U, along with this, I like him because whenever you hunt him, you get to swim around in the water and attack as he swiftly dodges around. Also he is the only monster I liked enough to hunt and build a full set of armor out of.
Honestly, I really like the Daimyo Hermitaur great sword. Since great swords are my secondary weapon, I really don't want to bother having to craft a bunch of different ones for elemental weaknesses. Besides, no element means nothing resists it. The +20 defense it gives you is also pretty nice.
Whilst i may not agree with some of these inclusions i clicked on this video to hear someone talk passionately about a game that i really like and that is what i got. Leaving you hate just because of an opinion is stupid. Keep up the good work
Well looks like we're on different ends. Gig annoys me while blos are alright for me. Now that I think about it I've never had a group who liked this guy when i played online.
watching you fight the nargacuga and the rajang just shows how bad you are. The nargacuga is extremely easy to evade and you made no effort of doing that in the clips that I saw of you fighting it and each time you got hit was a pretty easily avoided hit. The rajang can be taken down with a gs because it has quite a few openings. Maybe you don't like these challenging monsters cuase your bad at the game
That wasn't me fighting, it was clips from other UA-camrs not my own gameplay, and i'm not bad at the game (if I was that would be no excuse to hate these monsters) since I've complete all the quests on tri, 3U and 4U, and I can beat these monsters, I just don't like fighting them for the reasons I mentioned in the video.
+Breitan gs is just a weapon more suitable for rajang then other monsters even if you are good with other weapons. I'm good with all blade master weps except hammer, and gs gets me the fastest time.
Considering your #1 is Gigginox, I'm wondering what your thoughts are on the monster that is VERY similar to it who doesn't even have any battle music: the Khezu.
+NuRhoSquared Well even though many people have been stressing that the Khezu is worse than giggnox, I personally don't have a problem with the Khezu. I not saying it's a good monster but I don't think it's awful or even that bad. I mean it can be annoying at time since a lot of its attacks cover a wide area, but the Khezu is rather slow and easy to predict so most of the time it's not much of hassle for me personally. Though I can completely understand why people hate it, I'm just not one of them.
To anyone in the comments raging about Monster Hunter, if MH3-MH4 is your first game, please stop bitching. You have no idea what difficulty is unless you played from the very first MH - MHFU
So fucking true, speedruns werent even a thing back then when soloing and just to take down 1 monster in G-rank is really tough and super long. Back in the day it took be close to 40 mins to solo a crimson fatalis, but now it just takes 15 mins for me. And back then weapon mobility werent as good as compared to now.
Harven Nation Not to mention most of the gamers playing these later games (MH3/MH4) grew up around games like COD that spoonfed them most of the way. Now they encounter a game that has somewhat of a higher difficulty level and because they never experienced it before, they complain about it.
+Humorous LOL MHFU wasn't even that good, it promoted online play, made soloing a pain in the ass and the farm sucked ass, Tigrex as story monster... soo intimating it runs into traps the entire fight such difficulty.. You just want to be elitist and brag about how Leet you are a vidya. Mh4u and MH gen are streamlining for fun and rewarding gameplay, not "hey guys look I rolled for 40 minutes and finally killed it, MLG MLG MLG"
Matthew Scully You're just bad. Get gud. Sorry, that's the long and short of it. If you're complaining about soloing in that game, you really just weren't good at it. Was soloing Fatalis in MH1, stop trying to justify the reasons you aren't good. MH3 and 4 were just easier. Sure they are still somewhat a challenge, but people that complain about the newer games just suck at MH in general.
I may be alone in this, but I absolutely hate Uragaan with a passion. It’s an incredibly dull fight and last about three times as long as it should. I just... no.
Or he could do a top 5 weapon types he wished were in Monster Hunter. Or Castlevania, considering Whip damage, Slash, Smash, and Cutting damage is very minimal.
Or he could do a top 5 weapon types he wished were in Monster Hunter. Or Castlevania, considering Whip damage, Slash, Smash, and Cutting damage is very minimal.
+christopher crossman Monster hunter maybe though the list would be probably be restricted to five entries since I only use 5 weapons, sometimes 6. And as for fire emblem it's something i'll definitely do since EVERYONE has asked for it, but i'm contemplating whether or not to do standard weapons (killing edge, thoron, levin sword etc), legendary weapons (rangell, falchion, seigmund etc) or both.
+christopher crossman that would be hard to answer, if you'll listen to my opinion, I'm going with ragnell do to power and it's able to attack close and far range
blazing night I greatly agree with you on this and I like the nargacuga and tigrex but I am smarter than a lot of people so I'm not one to dislike an entire video because of someone not liking a monster besides I actually like this video you made and several other videos you made in the past so I just wanted to say great work and take it easy ;D
Question: Will you ever do a top 10 annoying missions list since there are a good amount of annoying missions to deal with? Also, have a great christmas.
Perhaps I mean to be honest most of the time I ignore them but there have certainly been some pain in the ass mission in monster hunter, also have a great Christmas too.
Suddenly, I have this urge to go back and watch Quarter Guy and Regnilla's co-op countdown of the worst monsters in Monster Hunter. Unlike you, BK, those two hated the Rajang even more (it was their number 1).
man, there are some monsters who need to just stay burried in the old games. I think i would have been happy never seeing cephadrome show up- seriously, we have a cool shark with zamtrios, why keep cephadrome around? ...Also, khezu can get buried in a landfill for all i care too.
Obsidian Black damnit, that visual is horrifying and accurate. His attacks are also lazy, recycled moves, and he doesn't even have music- in this game where every monster's motif is it's time to shine.
Obsidian Black Yeah, it's supposed to be because it's blind, so it never technically sees you so the music could start. It's supposed to be creepy... but it just makes it boring and unfun halfway through your first fight with him- Gigginox can't see either, but they made a good theme for it that is actually kind of creepy. Shame we got khezu, again, instead in the new game. I'm enjoying Generations so far, but i can't help but kinda think gen1 and 2 got more love shown than 3.
I agree with most of these videos personally because of the designs of some of them. It's also quite funny to watch him walk into a load of the attacks aswell.
Arzuros actually first appeared in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd and was the training wheels monster, being the first large monster you would fight in the game. He had large openings with slow powerful attacks to show new players that the game was all about learning the patterns of monsters and using the openings to deal damage without getting hit yourself. In MHP3rd his damage was quite high for the first large monster, hitting about 70% of your hp with his swiping attack, but since they localised him in MH3U, by the time you fight him you have some form of equipment and he just doesn't have the same impact.
*sees tigrex rajang and nargacuga on this list "honey, where are my torch and pitchfork, i'm going on a riot again". but in all seriousness its your opinion. so people stop hating cause he thibks differently
planet donby For me Rajang and Narga is hard but in a good way Tigrex attack is just pure cancer ESPECIALLY THAT TAIL SWIPE AND RAGE MODE CHARGE ATTACK THOSE MOVE ARE SOO CHEAP
green plesioth is worse in mh3u in water combat cuz water beam fucks you hard. in mhfu you can easily kill plesioth with the right position and patience but yeah he's annoying.
"Tigrex and Rajang are too fast for their own good" YES! You hit the nail on the head, as their speed is their weakness. With every attack, both monsters leave themselves incredibly vulnerable despite ho visible that vulnerability is. When an attack animation starts, you become incredibly intimidated, but the method that I use is going to the opposite side of the attack and wait it out. There are plenty of points of vulnerability if you actually take the effort to look for them. Now I have a full set of fully upgraded G-Rank Furious Rajang armor set with a matching weapon.
So, I didn't hate the Gypceros at first... I actually liked the fake-out death, and the poison/flash bang effects weren't too bad. What makes me dislike the Gypceros NOW is the fact that it's one of the ONLY monsters in MH4U that gives Dash Extract! And, as a Dual Blades main, I NEED those Mega Dash Juices to be the most effective! So, I had to grind this monster... OVER... and OVER... and OVER AND OVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVER.... JUST FOR THOSE DAMN DASH EXTRACTS!!!! Just... GIVE MORE THAN ONE MONSTER DASH EXTRACTS IN MHGEN, CAPCOM!
Royal Ludroth also dropped them in 3U, but he wasn't in 4U... So glad he returned in Generations! Now I have multiple people to hunt for those Dash Extracts!
Dash Juice gives you INFINITE STAMINA!!!! Well... for 2 minutes, anyway. Very useful if you're playing with a weapon that needs to be constantly on the move, or uses some kind of meter that feeds off your stamina (ie. Dual Blades, Bow, Hammer, and Long Sword, just to name a few). You can make Dash Juice with Catalyst and Rare Steak, and Catalyst requires BItterbug and Honey. MEGA Dash Juice does the same thing, but for 5 minutes... You can make Mega Dash Juices from Well Done Steak and Dash Extract. Mega Dash Juices are arguably easier to make... since Dash Extract is easy enough to get, just annoying because you can only get the Dash Extract from ONE monster in 3U, Royal Ludroth. Basically, once you can get MDJs, regular Dash Juices are kinda pointless, since Catalyst is more useful for Demondrugs and Armorskins! Welcome to the world of Monster Hunter, HuskThe Husky! I do hope you enjoy your stay!
@@zygardegodslayer4750 ok but consider this who's the only guy who can consistantly slash the monster to ribbons regardless of if they're flying and can jump without a wire bug, doggo, or ledge and is the only melee weapon with a ranged homming attack that can also buff the user.....INSECT GLAIVE
@@shirokatta4051 My friend, if a monster should attempt to escape into the sky merely use a flash bomb. Kinsects do shit damage, and you can have yours fetch durability all you want and it won't be worth a tenth of a lance. Lance-users can jump on the charge, so that point too is invalid, and furthermore I point out that time you spend drinking potions or having carted is time I spend still poking away at the monster's health.
+Weapon Smith, Brynjar See with gig you can actually dodge and recover from his attacks. With one electric hit from kehzu youre paralyzed and then bam get hit again for the ko. Low rank isn't that bad. G rank kehzu is the bane of my existence.
I really suggest the Wroggi armor set with the Plume Flint (hammer) for fighting Gigginox. The set has negate poison, so the only things that it can really damage you badly with are its ceiling to floor attack and it's head-stretch swipes. Once I figured out the attack patterns, the thing actually became somewhat enjoyable to fight (in 3 ultimate). Unfortunately I can't say the same for Tri, but back then I was WAY less experienced with fighting him. Oh, and the hammer I used is good for ignoring the toughness of gigginox's wings, so pretty much any part of the monster is squishy except for his tail/second head when using the full charge attack with the hammer. Hope this helped! (P.S. I totally agree with you on Plesioth, every inch of that monster screams cheap XD.) I have always hated the Yian Garuga for how it has little to no warning before attacks and every one he has leaves you with half health.... ugh, and don't even tell me about the thing's howl + tail swipe combo... so freaking cheap.
Gigginox is the Devil When in rage, it gets bulky af Its trapping attack also gets ypu poisoned and the little giggis are also frustrating since they bite you and won't let you go until you shake them out, and they will deal damage all that time Fuck you, Gigginox (But I love its music, but I adress it as Barioth's theme uwur)
#1 ...WHAT!? i disagree with you on that because the Khezu is ten thousand times worse i mean for gods sake the freakin' thing doesn't even have a theme song that plays, AT ALL theres nothing all you here is the wind and that's it, so believe me the khezu is far worse then the gigginox...plus the gigginox just looks cooler then the khezu
I disagree with soooooooooo many picks on this list.I can easily see why people hate the rajang but I personally found it fun and it had me sitting at the edge of my seat.I also disagree with the azuros but I do think that there was a lot of missed potential but he was never a terrible monster.The tigrex,well I personally never found him annoying though I see why people would be annoyed(his spin attack can be dreadful).The daiymo hermitaur is a *VERY* easy monster in general.Thr gigginox in my opinion was never the greatest but I've never found it a dreadful fight. "I'm sorry everyone but number 5 is Nargacuga" *Your dead to me*
Hate Rathalos and Rathian alike. Confusion, Fireblight, and Poison are not fun to deal with in the slightest, so it makes me wonder why people like fighting them. -Rathalos homing, poisoning claw rape. -Side bite that somehow generates fire from stupid ranges for a fucking bite. -Roar that stuns you long enough for the Rathalos to spit out a fire ball to either stun you again with Wind Pressure or hit you. -Rathian tal whip. Easy enough to dodge, sweeps upwards in a perfectly vertical path. Oh, but you're on the ground and just getting up? Fuck you.
+tassocrazy I think he is Good. Just for the sake of the Video he didnt Dodge as much as He should. There were Clear times that he shouldve Dodge but he didnt.
+Hiddendisorder I dont think its his own gameplay. The gid gud was in reference that there are a couple of monsters in the list that got the place for the sole purpose that they were too hard for him to like them.
haha actually the Khezu is probably one of my top 5 favorite monsters, it's so out there and gives some awesome equipment (HH in particular). Great Videos though!!
Good God, this list was *painful.* The length should be enough of a red flag but let's see... Overly-long montages for each segment to pad out the length, dwelling on every single one of your points - even jumping back and forth between points like with the Arzuros. You said there's a good reason to farm it, yet you went on about how easy it was before saying the reason. This script is all over the place. Oh, and of course you'd bring up the conflicting opinions of your audience and saying how it's just your list, *lol opinions* and all that shite that should not be in a countdown in 2016. It's the internet, of course people are going to disagree with you regardless of how popular your opinion is. I'm sorry but I could not watch this full video. Too long and painful to sit through. I rate it a git gud/10. Git good with fighting some of these monsters like Narga, and also git gud with your scripting.
I didn't want to make it as long as I did but I had to because of the fact that this video was so poorly done. And criticism is always necessary if you want someone to improve, buddy.
So my criticism towards the technical flaws that he can fix from this video is irrelevant because it's your opinion. You enjoyed the video? Fine. That's your opinion. But what is objective is that this video is too long and the script is all over the place.
i couldn't even make it 3 minutes in before pausing and commenting on it. you should not have to wait 3 minutes to get to the point of a video while the commentator rambles on.
Plesioth, monster hunter freedom. You think capcom was evil because of the gigginox? Go back and play either the original for ps2 or the psp version, that is just hell. I still have nightmares about those hitboxes.
My top ten list:
10: gypceros
9: gypceros
8: gypceros
7: gypceros
6: gypceros
5: gypceros
4: gypceros
3: gypceros
2: gypceros
1: purple gypceros
I don't like gypceros
I just died. Haha ditto man. I freaking hate that thing
soooo true gypceros and rajang only monsters I truly hate
+Christopher Andrews The Gore Magala is definitely one of those monsters that will challenge your experience so far early in the game. The monster was designed to punish reckless or bad players and forces you to predict it's attacks and movement patterns but once you learn how the Gore Magala moves and attacks it should be a cake walk just stick to its chest area and get under it and your good.
The Gore Magala is a really fun monster to fight because it always keeps you on your toes especially when it gets frenzied but I can understand why some people can get frustrated with it but if you can't overcome it you won't have any chance of beating stronger and tougher than it because the Gore Magala isn't the hardest monster in 4U.
when fighting solo on low rank for the first time, it got me to despise it in just one hunt, and I literally vowed to never hunt another one of them again. aaaaaand then i got back to val habar and some lady tells me two hunt two more.
You're complaining about Hermitaur's greatsword because it doesn't have affinity or element? You... don't play greatsword, do you?
If you've seen my top 5 monster hunter weapons, you'd know I do (also this video is old and my opinions have changed regarding that particular weapon).
+BLAZINGKNIGHT Which combination would annoy you more: Tigrex, Rajang and Deviljho or Tigrex, Rajang and Nargacuga?
p.s. I just put Deviljho here, because he also hits like a truck.
It depends on if you fought them individually or at the same time in an area. Individually, tigrex, rajang and deviljho because I can't fight all three monsters with dual blades unlike with nargacuga, in an arena tigrex, rajang and nargacuga because it will be so hard to keep track of them.
No I mean something like an arena quest at the same time.
tickle my pickle
To the haters of the 50+ minute video length... I dare you you make a top 10 that goes into as much detail as this.
Yeah my vid that I didn’t go to in-depth on still took 30 mins so yeah idk how he can make such a long video it’s impressive
@Clifford I did see a few people hating on it when the comment was made 4 years ago.
@@magiclapras still here after 5 years?
Then Redhelm arzuros apeared and ereased hummanity with his nuclear Dab
Arzuros: easiest monster.
Redhelm: fucking one of the hardest Deviants
Hey arzuros is easy, lets kill the red one...
+Mads Storgård Sørensen I killed the redhat solo. It took all my healing items and just under 50 minutes
Redhelm is easy
That one dude No shit
"Arzuros is essentially the Magikarp of the Monster Hunter series"
*sees Redhelm Arzuros*
Uh, yeah. Okay.
Basically Magikarp evolves into Gyrados.
Cmon man the gyurados joke is literally right in front of you
Though Redhelm litterally looks like a Magikarp. XD
Azures has evolved into garados
Tipp for fighting the Tigrex: If you get beaten to the ground, stay lying. As long as you lie on the ground, you are invincible. He will use his combo on you, but like that only the first hit will hurt you.
After farming G-Rank Giginox for 3 days i learned to like it and actually like the fight and challenge, my opinion.
But fuck the Black Gravios.
+Spookwagen Try saying that statement about the Baleful Giginox.
+Kaiser 10198 i say he's easier.
***** undoubtedly. But he's still annoying as fuck.
Narga is very easy, the hitbox are so clean you can dodge them properly
Plesioth is fun to gun
Jan M yea the nargacuga is very easy
it's just sad that it's armor is demoted to at most rare 2
Its bite attack hitbox is broken beyond repair though. I've been hit standing by its tail (i.e. *behind* it) despite the bite is clearly a face-forward attack.
Yeah narag is fun even in freedom unite
You're underestimating how good raw damage is. Some of your complaints have to do with weapons that don't have elemental damage and have negative affinity even if they have high raw. Raw damage weapons from the Tigrex are actually quite good, even with negative affinity. You can make them really good by getting crit eye, just like high affinity weapons can be made really good by getting attack up skills.
Also saying Tigrex and Nargacuga are "too fast for their own good." Learn to dodge and read attacks. And get evasion if you need it. Narga has very visible patterns you can follow to avoid attacks and then retaliate afterwards. Tigrex's spin will only garunteed hit you if you make the mistake of being underneath the monster. Attack it from the sides, not underneath. You'll have plenty of time to get out of the way as long as you aren't grabbing it's ass. Other attacks can be avoided, and then followed and punished.
Rajang is the only one I kind of agree with, since it has it's arm buff that will cause you to bounce without minds eye, leaving you right open for a fist to the face.
He's also shit at the game
I also like how he says that the armor set that Narga gives you doesn't have great skills and just makes your dodges better, when in reality that is the exactly the kind of armor that would allow him to fight Narga and Tigrex and be able to dodge almost of their moves, either with spacing (potentially using evade extender) or using the i-frames from evasion.
Are you stupid enough to not know this is not his gameplay
I know it's not his gameplay. Don't know if the other guy realizes this. But if he says that narga is "too fast for it's own good" chances are he is not very good at the game.
+Ryouta_M It really depends on his playstyle
lol i have an excuse for the azuros... he is easy because in generations he gets an alternate form known as a "deviant"... that thing is so hard to kill and hits like a truck.
The Redhelm Azurous was my first deviant and that thing doesn’t hit like a truck…
It hits like a damn freight train.
Tigrex really is the perfect monster. Fast, furious, powerful, and relentless. Its the perfect monster for honing your skills
Narga is better.
Tigrex is extremely frustrating because it's such a test of patience. You have to stay back until an opening or you're dead.
Narga is more fun because you can assault it almost nonstop if you know when to dodge/block. It's a test of camera control and dodging.
+heyheythrowaway Or you can just evade. He's derpy as fuck, really.
The guy who made this video needs to play MHFU, where you actually needed to get good because the game was unfairly difficult, seeing most of the monsters on the list were on MHFU. I've never seen such a casual player. "Tigrex is just too fast..." that's because you're not supposed to stay at it's face. Stay at his diagonals and sidestep when he's about to spin his tail. You're not supposed to use the same playstyle for all monsters, learn to adapt. This is a prime example of someone with too much fame for so little experience, you give online play to someone and he'll never want to fight a monster without four players stunlocking it.
"Quick eating isn't a good skill to begin with"
+James McDaid (Coolcat) Quick eating is godly, but it's only on the Brute and Molten Tigrex sets. Regular Tigrex gets shit :P
+James McDaid (Coolcat) I use it with Rationer, I love it
+James McDaid (Coolcat) It really isn't, especially when more useful skills totally out rank usefulness. It's great for new comers to speed up that eating animation. But, one can learn the proper time to use potions normally as well.
Still, this coming from a guy that had so much trouble vs a G-rank Daiymo Hermitaur though...
Pairing up Speed Eating with Mycology and/or widerange is absolutely incredible. Plus on certain fights where the monsters are extremely aggressive, like the Tigrex or Rajang, it's a lot more useful than many other skills for those particular situations.
Ceanataur stomps all over Hermitaur in terms of difficulty and damage.
+Da Sinior ikr
Can't even hit his "Blindspot" because he freaking spams an incredibly powerful attack where he sticks his claws out super far and turns! It spams that move till it dies and it covers a giant area! Not to mention that that move makes you bleed and even if you pack a lot of quicker recovery items you'll burn through them so quick...
Its armor and weapons are really good though.
Will people agree with me that Shogun Ceanataur is faster than Nargacuga in rage mode?
hyper ceanataur is my most hated fight in the entire series.
"This thing is just so dang easy to fight" The Congalala? In 4U maybe, but this thing was the bane of my existence on early Freedom Unite.
After watching the entire thing I believe I've found your problem: You have the reaction speed of a heavily sedated whale. Thus anything requiring you to read and react (say like Rajang's painfully telegraphed, slow firing, and easy to dodge lighting stream). My only advice is to maybe perhaps stop walking into very obvious attacks and learn to read monster patterns/openings better.
Joking aside this isn't a game you can attack whenever you feel like it, you have to wait until you spot a vulnerability and exploit it. The reason you hate Rajang, Tigrex, and Narga is that those are monsters specifically designed to exploit over aggressive behavior. You can't out fight something that is essentially a DBZ character or freight train in dragon form. You have to out maneuver them. SO yes they are fast, relentless, and powerful. Yet they have glaring openings in many of their attacks that leave them painful vunerable for huge amounts of time. Rajang's lightning blast leaves him sitting there unable to move for 4 or 5 seconds and attacking his back legs will quickly knock him on his ass. Does he have many other openings? No, he really doesn't, but the few he has are massive. Same with narga whose tail smash leaves him stuck in the ground or the triple pounce which he always has to shake himself down after. Tigs always trips after a full run charge on top of him being one of the easiest monster in the game to exhaust.
"Don't get hit, hit it until it dies!" is literally the best advice anyone can ever give in this game. If you attack, but get hit, you attacked at the wrong time or attacked for to long. You gotta learn when to hit and when to back off.
For all the others... yeah fuck those things. Either boring, frustrating, or both. Ugh.
It's not his gameplay.
Feral Fio
His point still stands though, it's the only explanation for being so bad at killing narga and tigrex
Yeah I farm tigrexes almost in my sleep, I am a lance user so being defensive and exploiting openings is easier, but I've also used greatsword on him.
I'm a dark souls veteran, so I have a feeling I get a bit of a leg up when it comes to learning harder games, cause harder games are a little similar to souls games.
I love Narga. His insect glaive is carrying me through Low Rank in Gen Ult rn. His glaive is a Rathalos killer, and the design is lovely. But with Rathalos armor rn, with Weakness Exploit and Attack M, I’m melting it like butta
But Jesus a frenzied tigrex. They have no equal.
Plesioth in a nutshell:
Hunter: "Okay ima just run past you and then i'll-"
I'm just going to say this, i've seen the list so many times....
Guys, stop fucking complaining. A. He's using other people's videos (With permission of course :) ) so you can't say he's bad. B. He said a lot of people requested this video. you got what you want so don't complain (It's like people saying they don't want another Fire fighting starter in Pokemon, we got Delphox and people complained. Delphox is my favorite starter). C. This is an old video. D. Most of his points are valid complaints. E. He is free to dislike something popular (For example, i don't like Frozen, Lord of the Rings or the Harry Potter Movies) F. Everyone complaining can make viewing Crash's content worse. (Which is why i try not to look at the comments because i don't want my viewing ruined because of negativity...)
So please. accept his opinion. unless he makes petty complaints because he's bad at the game (Which by what i can judge he isn't, i am up to the Gypceros and i have killed the Great Jaggi, Kecha Wakka, Seltas and Tetsecubra pretty easily...with just a great sword). i usually hate the popular opinion because of people themselves. that might sound petty to some but....hype ruins things for me....just calm the fuck down.
@Flats the Flounder, professional ass pounder I know this may seem like a cop out but this was a really old comment i did, i acknowledge this is an old video and what i said was really stupid, it really is old and flawed and so is this comment, i'll delete it, i acknowledge this was extremely hypocritical to say...
10:30 he truly is the magikarp of this game, and he will soon become a gyrados variant in MHX
*makes rathalos flonch and drop shiny, gets shiny, rathalos plate*
Me: oh cool
24:54 "please excuse me while i throw this planet at you"
Am I the only one who died laughing when he said "Shit Shield?"
To be honest I don't know why everyone hates the gypseros I don't think it's that bad in fact I rather enjoy fighting it but each to their own. LOVED the video BLAZE 😁
Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed it
@@BLAZINGKNIGHT50 I wasn't expecting a reply with the video being made years ago but thank you for replying 😁😁😁😁
Half of the video: “Sorry guys, but I hate the *fan favorite monster* !”
Everyone probably really hated you saying you hate the Nargacuga, but I'm that guy that can respect others' opinions, and while I can see your points as to why he's a bad monster (including my own point as to how his theme music does not fit at all), I find his speed and agility to not only be necessary for a monster like him, but also does the thing I like in Monster Hunter, which is keep me on my toes and having to come up with strategies on the fly. Even so, I do hate Gigginox, though not as much as the Deviljho
how did you talk about plesioth and not talk about the hipcheck of infinite reach
+Muffinsaremagic ikr XD
Because the hip check got him before he could get to that
I respect your opinions and didn't want to write this until you mentioned nargacuga and how you didn't understand why so many people like it. Well surely one component is nostalgia, but looking at your list I think it's a bit more then that. Firstly, I think you have a problem with creatures (though not all the ones on the list are in this catagory) that require/challenge you to master them, ones that push your skills to the limit and make you a better hunter. You vent about the monsters that made you fail at the game and actually are monsters. This doesn't make them bad monsters, it just points to the amount of work that they require to know and fight. I would secondly like to point out that all of the creatures you've mentioned excluding the nibblesnarf, azurzaros, and giginox (all of which I have probably mispelled) originate from older generations of monster hunter. I am not saying that experience of the older games is required, but I think it's part of the reason I happen to disagree with most of the monsters on this list. Yes, mechanically all of the monsters you've mentioned have a gimmick and from what I can tell you don't like those unique features, which is fine. However, from my perspective, all of the monsters in this list served to teach players certain aspects of the game and to make them more cautious of approaching the monster rather then just running in trying to deal damage without learning how to respond. People are attached to these creatures because they taught them something at some point, which helped them later on. For example, Hermitar taught the players about burrowing and bouncing, and was introduced much earlier in previous installments then in high rank in 4 Ultimate. A person had to step back and observe what it was the crab was doing to respond. Gypceros was the first creature that had a weak tail, used flashes, introduced poison, had immunity to some traps, and could trick the hunter. It is gimmicky, and frankly annoying at times, but was designed to shift things up in the older games and get people used to new mechanics while fighting a wyvern who was similar to kutku. Moving on to Tigrex, he was a huge wall for a lot of people back in Freedom 2 and Unite, he wouldn't go down very quickly, and was absolutely horrifying. Overcoming this antagonist, this unstoppable power made him an awesome monster. Yes he's big and fast, simple and strong, but besting him required mastering positioning. Enter Rajang, he took what the hunter knew for so many ranks and tugged that rug of knowledge from out of them, carting like no tomorrow. Think a monster only charges in a straight line, no he hops from side to side too, think there is only one rage mode, nope he has two, think that subspecies are the only changes to a monster, nope there are varients, and so many more assumptions about the game he challenges you on. Rajang was the first one to break the rules of the game, far before deviljho, he was a breath of fresh air and at the same time death. Now on to nargacuga, the freedom series and old games suffered a lot from tail spinning dragons and the over abundance of similar wyverns (at the time, though they have made them quite a bit different now) and along comes nargacuga. It is late high rank, people have started to get used to the differences in damage and start getting midgame decent armor, ready to move to the last rank offline they meet a new psuedowyvern, nargacuga. Unlike all of the creatures before it, nargacuga moved drastically differently, the hitboxes were tight, it's attacks were graceful and fine, it's design was increadibly fitting (a cat in a game that introduced feline companions). It would go angry at cats, bombs, sounds, not just damage, it would use it's tail in ways no other monster could, it hit quick and was deadly, overcame traps, and above all else got the player to master dodging and the invincibility that dodging gave. Beating it proved you either knew the clever monster well enough or became really good at dodging through it's attacks. Now there was a time when I hated Plesioth as much as everyone else, but it had a purpose before Tri. It was the only water creature, using the arena, as well as introducing sonic bombs to get creatures out, creating a new wyvern species, and "prepping" the hunter for the infamous hipcheck. Like many creatures, it hasn't aged or updated well, making it seem just like a pure annoyance in 3 Ultimate, but it had a reason for being there that I can respect. As for the Congalala, it's intention was to reveal that the game had other status, to show the player the basics beast creatures' movement (until kecha was introduced), create an emphasis on breaking parts (the tail and it's items), teaching the player to stay away from a monster's shadow as it jumps or slams, but most importantly that standing in front of a creature is the most awarding and most dangerous position to be in. You also complained about it being easy, but in older versions of the game, like the hermitar, it was a introductory monster so it was supposed to be simple, when you fought it in 4 Ultimate it you already knew how to hunt, so it was easy. These are my experiences with the creatures, and why I believe they aren't the worst in the game series. They had and to some extent still have a clear purpose for existing. Overall this video is pretty well constructed, and seems understandable why you would rank these creatures in this manner. It's just some monsters have a deeper purpose in the whole series and I happen have a different history with them. Now, in my opinion Monsters were too weak in Tri and 3 Ultimate, meaning people could afford to make more mistakes, 4 Ultimate has been stepping in the right direction by making monsters stronger, like monsters should be, powerful enough to make you afraid of getting hit. You stated before that nargacuga was "too fast," but you like seregios, who is almost far more difficult if you are using a slow guarding weapon (gunlance) or heavy bowgun, which cannot respond properly to the pinecone. Although, it all boils down to who is playing. I don't mean to say that everything you've said is wrong, afterall it is your opinion, I just wanted to share my perspective. Thank you to anyone else who's made it this far, what are your thoughts and what are your experiences with the creatures? Now if you'll excuse, my hands are tired...
+jonathon2goals Dude. Paragraphs!
+Tooopper Lol, I was typing this on my phone, and at a certain point gave up on properly spacing the comment because otherwise I couldn't add things or move up and down the comment as easily.
Ha! That's why I only post short comments on my phone.
Nargacuga has got such a huge telegraph for his attacks...
Puddingfuzz Narga was a bitch first time I fought it in generations. But every time afterwards, it was nowhere near as bad.
I really like it now.
Narg gave me trouble for a long~ time...then I discovered the lance.
His to fast tho
I do find his evade and attack really annoying though. I remember farming nargacuga in MHFU and boy was it a bitch in g-rank with its damage and i can't pass it's longsword since it is one of the best general use long swords in MHFU.
Khezu Anyone
noah yorke I hate the khezu because there is no background music
SouthParkAddict 3000 COUGH lazy devs COUGH COUGH
noah yorke mmmmm his annoying and dull but... not the worst of the worst
Then again this is coming from a guy who likes the plesioth because he got me into monster hunter
The Lagombi is the one who turned me off
Honestly, gigginox is the exact same so he kind of did lol
This comment section is a salt mine. the deeper you go, the more salt you find
+kaizer712 You're SO RIGHT xDD
10. Oh god the pronunciation...
9. Didn't it appear first in Portable 3rd? Also, this guy's deviant I swear is one of the toughest monsters
8. Fucking number ONE. So many troll abilities it doesn't even make sense (flash, poison, steal, resists traps, tail extends, fake death).
7. I understand, my friend absolutely hates it too. But I actually love it. Just don't stand in front of it, period. And WTF, man? Its weapons are some of the best in the games.
6. My number 2. Rajang is cheap. It's design to be cheap, just like Gypceros. Hits like Dire Miralis but moves faster than Tigrex. Legitimately hate fighting this thing if I'm alone, and failing hunts against it is soooo common.
5. Wait.... Nargacuga?... As in... the monster that has such short hitboxes that it taught most veterans how to evade properly? WTF... this thing pretty much taught me how to play adept.
4. Is it me or did you spoil like 80% of this list? At least you didn't mention the hipcheck, as it was fixed since 3 but people keep whining about it. Also, in the water Plesioth is ridiculously easy, it stays still half of the time.
3. WTFFFFF? Dude, Nibelsnarf is so derpy and silly it can't be boring. I mean, you freaking fish it out of the sand! It's such a fast monster because you can keep doing that, not a long battle!
2. Yes, Congalala is kind of a joke monster because 50% of its moves are fart-related, but I really enjoy fighting this thing. I don't think saying that it's silly is a valid argument as that's obviously what they were going for. And honestly, most of the lamer monsters are from older games.
1. I enjoy the Gigginox. Its roar is annoying, but I think it's a legitimately hard monster, and it has a great design too. It looks so otherworldy.
100% agree.
nibelsnarf is like the best monster cuz of how silly it is.
also redhelm azuros fucking dabs
They fixed the hip check but it's still a little janky even in generations
Huh, no mention of the Garuga, despite it being a Giginox with the speed of a Tigrex. Oh, and good luck finding any part of it that you can pierce.
In unite it's basically pathetic.
I used Kut Ku armor and have a hammer and I curbstomp it.
ReginaldFitzgerald its back and beak. I can tell that you don't hunt it much.
ReginaldFitzgerald yian garuga is my number least favorite monster so F**K THE GARUGA
I enjoy Garuga, he’s a smart monster, probably the smartest in the game, he actively avoids traps, will flee if you hit him from behind, and will chase you if you zone out while he’s enraged. His armor is also great, his weapons are pretty meh though. But the fight can get a little annoying with his constant screaming and tail flips, but I like how he’s basically a crossbreed of Kut-Ku and Rathian.
Rewatching your monster hunter videos takes me back, so fun watching these while hunting.
I wonder if these lists will ever get revisited.
I'm glad that you enjoy these older vids and I do have plans to make new MH videos in the future, not sure if I'll remake these ones but anything is possible.
@@BLAZINGKNIGHT50 Not a problem.^^
Looking forward to seeing what’s next.❤️
The thing I hate the most about Plesioth is how long it’s legs are. His main body is so high up that I can only hit his legs.
The irony of calling Aoashira "piss easy" followed by a compilation of him swiping you around for 1 minute.
It's not his gameplay.
Japanese arzuros
Don't look at the ragers in the comments your list was actuallly pretty complete and great! You worked hard on it and respected people's opinion which is all on ur honor
He should git gud tho
the rajang became super sayian when is in rage
Edoardo Bertarelli How do I jump of a wall in MH? ,😢😭😭😭😭
Jaden Lee
You can't jump off a wall in MH if you mean wall jumping, idiot.
Weeeell since you were so nice to share your opinion about those monsters with us, I want to do that too! :D
I like this video very much, you explained very good why you don't like those monsters. Keep on the good work!
Daimyo Hermitaur: I don't like it either. It's ugly, it's annoying to fight and I didn't even bother to farm his armor because I already had better armor by then. It makes me uncomfortable looking at it, I mean, his claws and his legs are reeeeeeeally strange looking. And I don't like crabs. When I don't like the animal it refers to, why should I like the monster?
Arzuros: I actually like him. I mean, he is boring to fight, but his design is really cool. First time I met him I was supposed to catch him, but I ended up accidently killing him TWO TIMES! xD Maybe I shouldn't laugh about that. I mean, it only shows how bad I am that I didn't notice that thing trying to escape from me...
Gypceros: Urgh. Keep that THING away from me! I mean, it is just there to annoy you, nothing more! You wanna heal your ass? Stun! You haven't been here often and don't know your way around this area? I steal your map and you can't get it back! You're trying to attack me? Poison right in your face! And then it "dies" dramatically, quest isn't over, so you know there has to be something off. If you have a little bit brain, you stay away from it when it acts dead. And the purple one is even WORSE! No more comment to that.
Tigrex: I HATE it! I mean, the design is really cool and I respect it 'cause it is unique and at least a LITTLE bit entertaining to fight. I first fought him and thought "He, it's not that bad! Gore Magala was much worse!" But then I met him again on high rank and he ripped me to shreds! Since then I hate him and his subspecies doesn't help me any further love that thing...
Rajang: One of the worse monsters I fought so far. Seriously, he jumps around, hits your ass so hard, you end up on the other side of the map, the damage he deals is CRAZY and the weapon I got is not that good. I talk about the glaive. I had to kill that thing twice and the result was me in a very, VERY bad mood and a not so good weapon. Thank you for NOTHING, Rajang!
Nargacuga: Haven't meet him so far. But I guess I'll be fine with him.
Plesioth: Haven't fought him. But I hate fighting underwater, so I expect nearly nothing like fun from him.
Nibelsnarf: I haven't fought this one either. But oh well, it will happen soon enough I guess.
Congalala: To be honest, I had really big problems fighting him. I just couldn't deal with the fact he is FARTING and THROWING HIS POO! It disturbes me so I was kind of distracted and couldn't quite focus. His armor is worth shit and well, I would never hunt him if I don't have to. I like the green one better, he puts up more of a fight (actually killed me first time meeting him) and the green fur is not ugly like the pink one.
Gigginox: I still have to hunt that one. But I already had the pleasure(?) dealing with some Giggis. They are small, hard to detect and when in a cave, they are sure to be EVERYWHERE! So most likely I'm going to hate the Gigginox aswell...
Heh. I love this video. Actually all your videos. Though I disagree with some points in other games you make good points.
My top ten favorite monsters are
10. Duramburos
9. Glavenus
8. Ceadus
7. Lagiacrus
6. Jhen Moran
5. Gobul
4. Deviljho
3. Nibblesnarf
2. Gammoth
1. Plesioth (Don't hate)
My two least favorite monsters are
2. Gigginox
1. Molten Tigrex (Long story)
Michael H. I'm interested why,nor is it just troll bait?
This is, I swear, not troll bait, I just really loved hunting plesioth in MH3U, along with this, I like him because whenever you hunt him, you get to swim around in the water and attack as he swiftly dodges around. Also he is the only monster I liked enough to hunt and build a full set of armor out of.
Michael H.
Why can you hate the lagiacrus and deviljho? :c I love them :c
Michael H. wtf is wrong with you for loving plesioth
MemoShow- Gaming And Animation.? Its his opinion about it he likes it deal with it
Lol, how did I notice this. Seregios armor is so weak to Lightning, who would wear it going against Rajang?
Its not his gameplay
Honestly, I really like the Daimyo Hermitaur great sword. Since great swords are my secondary weapon, I really don't want to bother having to craft a bunch of different ones for elemental weaknesses. Besides, no element means nothing resists it. The +20 defense it gives you is also pretty nice.
There is not such thing as lesser damage too Elementalresistances. You allways get Damage from 0%, ore more.
Never minus.
Whilst i may not agree with some of these inclusions i clicked on this video to hear someone talk passionately about a game that i really like and that is what i got. Leaving you hate just because of an opinion is stupid. Keep up the good work
Thanks very much for being so understanding! =)
I absolutely despise Plesioth, Gigginox, Gypceros, Rajang, Nibblesnarf and Congalaga
Diablos and Monoblos are far worse that Gigginox.
Dioblos was shit but monoblos wasn't that bad
They're practically the same monster!
I beat Diablos and Monoblos easly. Gigcox killed me 5 times before I killed it.
I never had problems with Nox.
Well looks like we're on different ends. Gig annoys me while blos are alright for me. Now that I think about it I've never had a group who liked this guy when i played online.
Is it that difficult to pronounce Magala? Every time I hear someone say it they say "Maraga" or "Magara".
the tigrex.... well, i like fighting it :D and the roar is like... well he blocked a jump attack with it XD
I knew Nargacouga would be on this list as soon as I saw Tigrex since Nargacouga is basically Tigrex on crack.
watching you fight the nargacuga and the rajang just shows how bad you are. The nargacuga is extremely easy to evade and you made no effort of doing that in the clips that I saw of you fighting it and each time you got hit was a pretty easily avoided hit. The rajang can be taken down with a gs because it has quite a few openings. Maybe you don't like these challenging monsters cuase your bad at the game
That wasn't me fighting, it was clips from other UA-camrs not my own gameplay, and i'm not bad at the game (if I was that would be no excuse to hate these monsters) since I've complete all the quests on tri, 3U and 4U, and I can beat these monsters, I just don't like fighting them for the reasons I mentioned in the video.
you suck if you need a gs to kill rajang.
+Breitan gs is the easiest wep against rajang
not if youre good with other weapons Kitkat Snickerz
+Breitan gs is just a weapon more suitable for rajang then other monsters even if you are good with other weapons. I'm good with all blade master weps except hammer, and gs gets me the fastest time.
Considering your #1 is Gigginox, I'm wondering what your thoughts are on the monster that is VERY similar to it who doesn't even have any battle music: the Khezu.
+NuRhoSquared Well even though many people have been stressing that the Khezu is worse than giggnox, I personally don't have a problem with the Khezu. I not saying it's a good monster but I don't think it's awful or even that bad. I mean it can be annoying at time since a lot of its attacks cover a wide area, but the Khezu is rather slow and easy to predict so most of the time it's not much of hassle for me personally. Though I can completely understand why people hate it, I'm just not one of them.
Well my opinion is that the Khezu is the WORST I have ever fought
+CRASHX500 If you played MHFU, you'd get nightmares.
I could only beat him with a ranged weapon.
+Andre Gon Rekt khezu with a lance. It's not even funny rekted khezu so hard
I know right
tigrex is love
+NuSensaysonVideos shut up, u know u luv it
+A. B. Well, the design is good but the fight is miserable. JUST STOP CHARGING FOR A SECOND. The only good part is when he is exhausted
To anyone in the comments raging about Monster Hunter, if MH3-MH4 is your first game, please stop bitching. You have no idea what difficulty is unless you played from the very first MH - MHFU
So fucking true, speedruns werent even a thing back then when soloing and just to take down 1 monster in G-rank is really tough and super long. Back in the day it took be close to 40 mins to solo a crimson fatalis, but now it just takes 15 mins for me. And back then weapon mobility werent as good as compared to now.
Harven Nation
Not to mention most of the gamers playing these later games (MH3/MH4) grew up around games like COD that spoonfed them most of the way. Now they encounter a game that has somewhat of a higher difficulty level and because they never experienced it before, they complain about it.
+Humorous LOL MHFU wasn't even that good, it promoted online play, made soloing a pain in the ass and the farm sucked ass, Tigrex as story monster... soo intimating it runs into traps the entire fight such difficulty.. You just want to be elitist and brag about how Leet you are a vidya. Mh4u and MH gen are streamlining for fun and rewarding gameplay, not "hey guys look I rolled for 40 minutes and finally killed it, MLG MLG MLG"
Matthew Scully
You're just bad. Get gud. Sorry, that's the long and short of it. If you're complaining about soloing in that game, you really just weren't good at it. Was soloing Fatalis in MH1, stop trying to justify the reasons you aren't good.
MH3 and 4 were just easier. Sure they are still somewhat a challenge, but people that complain about the newer games just suck at MH in general.
i soloed the whole mh3u and mhfu alatreon and white fatalis
I may be alone in this, but I absolutely hate Uragaan with a passion. It’s an incredibly dull fight and last about three times as long as it should. I just... no.
Malfestio will be added in the updated top 10 list xD
I Hate that thing's confusion dust crap
already jumped into my top 5 list with the demo alone XD
He is really easy i did him without using the L buttom
Cat is immune to the confusion attack
can you do youre favorite weapons in monster hunter or fire emblem?
Or he could do a top 5 weapon types he wished were in Monster Hunter. Or Castlevania, considering Whip damage, Slash, Smash, and Cutting damage is very minimal.
Or he could do a top 5 weapon types he wished were in Monster Hunter. Or Castlevania, considering Whip damage, Slash, Smash, and Cutting damage is very minimal.
+christopher crossman Monster hunter maybe though the list would be probably be restricted to five entries since I only use 5 weapons, sometimes 6. And as for fire emblem it's something i'll definitely do since EVERYONE has asked for it, but i'm contemplating whether or not to do standard weapons (killing edge, thoron, levin sword etc), legendary weapons (rangell, falchion, seigmund etc) or both.
CRASHX500 thanks and i have a question abot fire emblem what is the strongest weapon in the series overall?
+christopher crossman that would be hard to answer, if you'll listen to my opinion, I'm going with ragnell do to power and it's able to attack close and far range
I love how he says how easy the azuros is but he shows it smacking him around like no shit
Janus Inspections that wasn't his gameplay
video starts at 3:33
omg lol
Lmao "EVIL" 😂 That had me rolling! This whole video was enjoyable, thank you!
Arzuros may be the Magikarp of Monster Hunter, but that Magikarp evolved into the Gyrados of the series in Generations! (Redhelm Arzuros)
The actuall problem...you are bad in blocking and evading, but dont worry you can work on that^^
It's not his footage
so he must be worse XD
Sir Enyst Lol it's not his footage.Did u even know that?
blazing night I greatly agree with you on this and I like the nargacuga and tigrex but I am smarter than a lot of people so I'm not one to dislike an entire video because of someone not liking a monster besides I actually like this video you made and several other videos you made in the past so I just wanted to say great work and take it easy ;D
Question: Will you ever do a top 10 annoying missions list since there are a good amount of annoying missions to deal with? Also, have a great christmas.
Perhaps I mean to be honest most of the time I ignore them but there have certainly been some pain in the ass mission in monster hunter, also have a great Christmas too.
BLAZINGKNIGHT Thanks. Also, great top 10 lists.
Fucking egg missions
@@allhandsondik7803 thank God rise didn't make them key quests
Video is nice ^^...but aoashira(azuros) wasnt in 3u for the first time :D ....was 3rd
Cool to think I started playing monster hunter off of one of these videos. Has it really been three years?
Apparently so.
Tbh clicked on the video, saw the length, and then clicked away
What's wrong with the length? You got a short attention span?
Suddenly, I have this urge to go back and watch Quarter Guy and Regnilla's co-op countdown of the worst monsters in Monster Hunter.
Unlike you, BK, those two hated the Rajang even more (it was their number 1).
Welcome to g-rank! Have an apex Rajang :D
Apex Deviljho is worst.
What about the Cephadrome?
man, there are some monsters who need to just stay burried in the old games. I think i would have been happy never seeing cephadrome show up- seriously, we have a cool shark with zamtrios, why keep cephadrome around? ...Also, khezu can get buried in a landfill for all i care too.
yep, the khezu looks like what happens when you let the gigginox and gypcerops mate.
Obsidian Black
damnit, that visual is horrifying and accurate. His attacks are also lazy, recycled moves, and he doesn't even have music- in this game where every monster's motif is it's time to shine.
yep even in generations he still has no music
Obsidian Black
Yeah, it's supposed to be because it's blind, so it never technically sees you so the music could start. It's supposed to be creepy... but it just makes it boring and unfun halfway through your first fight with him- Gigginox can't see either, but they made a good theme for it that is actually kind of creepy. Shame we got khezu, again, instead in the new game. I'm enjoying Generations so far, but i can't help but kinda think gen1 and 2 got more love shown than 3.
I agree with most of these videos personally because of the designs of some of them. It's also quite funny to watch him walk into a load of the attacks aswell.
Arzuros actually first appeared in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd and was the training wheels monster, being the first large monster you would fight in the game. He had large openings with slow powerful attacks to show new players that the game was all about learning the patterns of monsters and using the openings to deal damage without getting hit yourself. In MHP3rd his damage was quite high for the first large monster, hitting about 70% of your hp with his swiping attack, but since they localised him in MH3U, by the time you fight him you have some form of equipment and he just doesn't have the same impact.
*sees tigrex rajang and nargacuga on this list "honey, where are my torch and pitchfork, i'm going on a riot again". but in all seriousness its your opinion. so people stop hating cause he thibks differently
planet donby For me Rajang and Narga is hard but in a good way
The Giginox gave me PTSD! >:(
Daimyo (Dy-me-oh) Hermitaur*
Also you didn't like Plesioth in MH3U? You should've fought him in MHFU...
green plesioth is worse in mh3u in water combat cuz water beam fucks you hard. in mhfu you can easily kill plesioth with the right position and patience but yeah he's annoying.
mine (only played 4U plz don't hate on me):
10: Tigrex
9: Fatalis
8: Gypceros
7: Seltas Queen
6: Deviljho
5: Rajang
4: Rathian
3: Cephadrome
2: Diablos
1: Congalala
"Tigrex and Rajang are too fast for their own good" YES! You hit the nail on the head, as their speed is their weakness. With every attack, both monsters leave themselves incredibly vulnerable despite ho visible that vulnerability is. When an attack animation starts, you become incredibly intimidated, but the method that I use is going to the opposite side of the attack and wait it out. There are plenty of points of vulnerability if you actually take the effort to look for them. Now I have a full set of fully upgraded G-Rank Furious Rajang armor set with a matching weapon.
I think Exhaust weapons are basically their counter element
come on
where's the Gravios?
MrTheDralem gravios is easy af
NinjaSetho 73 only if you have the the water element or using an insect glavine.
It's an opinion!
Gravios is fine, Black is annoying.
In the good guys I personaly like him but my guestion is wheres brachydildos?
So, I didn't hate the Gypceros at first... I actually liked the fake-out death, and the poison/flash bang effects weren't too bad.
What makes me dislike the Gypceros NOW is the fact that it's one of the ONLY monsters in MH4U that gives Dash Extract! And, as a Dual Blades main, I NEED those Mega Dash Juices to be the most effective! So, I had to grind this monster... OVER... and OVER... and OVER AND OVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVER.... JUST FOR THOSE DAMN DASH EXTRACTS!!!!
I got one from Royal Ludroth(I think that's the name), and it's really fun to fight(IMO)
yup! Royal ludroth drops them now, and they drop quite often from it!
Royal Ludroth also dropped them in 3U, but he wasn't in 4U...
So glad he returned in Generations! Now I have multiple people to hunt for those Dash Extracts!
I'm new to 3u and I'm curious to what Mega dash juice does. P.S My main so far is Katana.
Dash Juice gives you INFINITE STAMINA!!!! Well... for 2 minutes, anyway. Very useful if you're playing with a weapon that needs to be constantly on the move, or uses some kind of meter that feeds off your stamina (ie. Dual Blades, Bow, Hammer, and Long Sword, just to name a few). You can make Dash Juice with Catalyst and Rare Steak, and Catalyst requires BItterbug and Honey.
MEGA Dash Juice does the same thing, but for 5 minutes... You can make Mega Dash Juices from Well Done Steak and Dash Extract.
Mega Dash Juices are arguably easier to make... since Dash Extract is easy enough to get, just annoying because you can only get the Dash Extract from ONE monster in 3U, Royal Ludroth. Basically, once you can get MDJs, regular Dash Juices are kinda pointless, since Catalyst is more useful for Demondrugs and Armorskins!
Welcome to the world of Monster Hunter, HuskThe Husky! I do hope you enjoy your stay!
The magic word that slays any beast, no matter how fast? Lance
Counter argument insect glaive
@@shirokatta4051 You will get carted by ranged attacks, and I'll be over here, behind my invincible shield, laughing.
@@zygardegodslayer4750 ok but consider this who's the only guy who can consistantly slash the monster to ribbons regardless of if they're flying and can jump without a wire bug, doggo, or ledge and is the only melee weapon with a ranged homming attack that can also buff the user.....INSECT GLAIVE
@@shirokatta4051 My friend, if a monster should attempt to escape into the sky merely use a flash bomb. Kinsects do shit damage, and you can have yours fetch durability all you want and it won't be worth a tenth of a lance. Lance-users can jump on the charge, so that point too is invalid, and furthermore I point out that time you spend drinking potions or having carted is time I spend still poking away at the monster's health.
Plesioth and the nibelsnarf are back, and plesioth brought his cousin, the lavasioth
48:43 The vitriol here is _palpable._ XD
it took nearly 3 minutes for this video to really begin, and it's 50 minutes long and it's just a top ten
you need to streamline these videos more man
I know, I've gotten much better since this video and now my top 10's are about 20 minutes shorter
That’s kind of how the pacing of Monster Hunter goes lol
The Friend of Many Squirrels except change the 3 minutes to 3 hours
I agree with the most part but you have to include the khezu. It's worse than your number 1 in my opinion.
+7tailedbeast111 Khezu's one of my favorites. It's so relaxing to grind Khezu with a spread bow.
+7tailedbeast111 Khezu is my #2.. gigginox is my #1 XD
Oh I dispose both khezu
+Weapon Smith, Brynjar See with gig you can actually dodge and recover from his attacks. With one electric hit from kehzu youre paralyzed and then bam get hit again for the ko. Low rank isn't that bad. G rank kehzu is the bane of my existence.
I really suggest the Wroggi armor set with the Plume Flint (hammer) for fighting Gigginox. The set has negate poison, so the only things that it can really damage you badly with are its ceiling to floor attack and it's head-stretch swipes. Once I figured out the attack patterns, the thing actually became somewhat enjoyable to fight (in 3 ultimate). Unfortunately I can't say the same for Tri, but back then I was WAY less experienced with fighting him. Oh, and the hammer I used is good for ignoring the toughness of gigginox's wings, so pretty much any part of the monster is squishy except for his tail/second head when using the full charge attack with the hammer. Hope this helped!
(P.S. I totally agree with you on Plesioth, every inch of that monster screams cheap XD.) I have always hated the Yian Garuga for how it has little to no warning before attacks and every one he has leaves you with half health.... ugh, and don't even tell me about the thing's howl + tail swipe combo... so freaking cheap.
No you use the wroggi armor with djinn (rathalos sword and shield)
Gigginox is the Devil
When in rage, it gets bulky af
Its trapping attack also gets ypu poisoned and the little giggis are also frustrating since they bite you and won't let you go until you shake them out, and they will deal damage all that time
Fuck you, Gigginox
(But I love its music, but I adress it as Barioth's theme uwur)
i can smell nargacuga fan salt from a mile away
friskyhyena 145 when I think of narga and tigrex fans all I see is the ocean, because they get so salty at anyone who says the don't like them
friskyhyena 145 ikr 😂😂😂
I feel like the problems he mentions with the narga deals with the camera.
friskyhyena 145 no more insults
Fubuki -Chan Ain't the monsters fault that people can't git gud
#1 ...WHAT!? i disagree with you on that because the Khezu is ten thousand times worse i mean for gods sake the freakin' thing doesn't even have a theme song that plays, AT ALL theres nothing all you here is the wind and that's it, so believe me the khezu is far worse then the gigginox...plus the gigginox just looks cooler then the khezu
Red Khezu is the worst tho, and i dknt care if subspecies dont count, red khezu is a living failure.
That one dude um…I haven't fought that one yet so I wouldn't know
Eliza Wilson Trust us, if you hate regular Khezu, then Red Khezu will be worse to you.
I. Chrome just call it "living hell". that really fits it.
I. Chrome -_- oh goody I can't wait to have my poo pushed in because i can't dodge worth a hill of beans
What are your Top 10 Elder Dragons?
I concur
I don t think there is much eder dragons to be in list because he didn t played All the games
+Dragon Scale Gaming I said elder dragons
+Dragon Scale Gaming But some of them are bad
+Dragon Scale Gaming But a top 5 can be done
I disagree with soooooooooo many picks on this list.I can easily see why people hate the rajang but I personally found it fun and it had me sitting at the edge of my seat.I also disagree with the azuros but I do think that there was a lot of missed potential but he was never a terrible monster.The tigrex,well I personally never found him annoying though I see why people would be annoyed(his spin attack can be dreadful).The daiymo hermitaur is a *VERY* easy monster in general.Thr gigginox in my opinion was never the greatest but I've never found it a dreadful fight.
"I'm sorry everyone but number 5 is Nargacuga"
*Your dead to me*
Im surprised you didn't put th khezu on this list
Git gud.
Hate Rathalos and Rathian alike. Confusion, Fireblight, and Poison are not fun to deal with in the slightest, so it makes me wonder why people like fighting them.
-Rathalos homing, poisoning claw rape.
-Side bite that somehow generates fire from stupid ranges for a fucking bite.
-Roar that stuns you long enough for the Rathalos to spit out a fire ball to either stun you again with Wind Pressure or hit you.
-Rathian tal whip. Easy enough to dodge, sweeps upwards in a perfectly vertical path. Oh, but you're on the ground and just getting up? Fuck you.
I don't like fighting the rathian but I never fought rathalos
+Plushemon ! Pro tip: don't fight with Dual Blades. Use something with vertical swinging motion.
+Plushemon ! Well, the Rathalos stays in the air when possible, so you'll need something to hit it and kill it in a reasonable time.
+Bryan T. (blubrusea) I just killed rathalos with my lagiacris dual blades and it was my first time fighting it
+Plushemon ! Oh that's right, you must be in low rank right now. Yeah, that would make him much less aggressive. Still, nice job.
Pls Git Gud
+tassocrazy I think he is Good. Just for the sake of the Video he didnt Dodge as much as He should. There were Clear times that he shouldve Dodge but he didnt.
+Hiddendisorder I dont think its his own gameplay. The gid gud was in reference that there are a couple of monsters in the list that got the place for the sole purpose that they were too hard for him to like them.
Ah i see still who ever did that was doing wasnt doing well XD
+tassocrazy THANK YOU
haha actually the Khezu is probably one of my top 5 favorite monsters, it's so out there and gives some awesome equipment (HH in particular). Great Videos though!!
I know I’m 4 years late but... healing hunting horns are kinda... bad...
What??? Nargacuga is awesome!
Capgang channel I know right?
I think he's great too, but maybe u should say why u think he's awesome
Nah Hes anoying and boring as fuck. He also looks very lame its just a panther even the roar is just a panther roar...
Giginnox WILL poison me? I have an Anti Poison Armor right here so bring it biatch.
It'll still find some way to poison you. Because fuck reason.
Monster Hunter doesn´t need a reason to implement a bullshit mechanic on you it will just do it :P
Good God, this list was *painful.*
The length should be enough of a red flag but let's see...
Overly-long montages for each segment to pad out the length, dwelling on every single one of your points - even jumping back and forth between points like with the Arzuros. You said there's a good reason to farm it, yet you went on about how easy it was before saying the reason. This script is all over the place.
Oh, and of course you'd bring up the conflicting opinions of your audience and saying how it's just your list, *lol opinions* and all that shite that should not be in a countdown in 2016. It's the internet, of course people are going to disagree with you regardless of how popular your opinion is.
I'm sorry but I could not watch this full video. Too long and painful to sit through. I rate it a git gud/10. Git good with fighting some of these monsters like Narga, and also git gud with your scripting.
100% agree.
I didn't want to make it as long as I did but I had to because of the fact that this video was so poorly done.
And criticism is always necessary if you want someone to improve, buddy.
So my criticism towards the technical flaws that he can fix from this video is irrelevant because it's your opinion.
You enjoyed the video? Fine. That's your opinion.
But what is objective is that this video is too long and the script is all over the place.
And I thought I was the only one who thought the script was poorly written.
i couldn't even make it 3 minutes in before pausing and commenting on it. you should not have to wait 3 minutes to get to the point of a video while the commentator rambles on.
I don't think anyone can reasonably argue Tigrex being harder than Rajang, in G Rank at least.
Plesioth, monster hunter freedom.
You think capcom was evil because of the gigginox?
Go back and play either the original for ps2 or the psp version, that is just hell.
I still have nightmares about those hitboxes.
tbh i've never liked shogun, especially now in MHGen the fact that he has bleeding now xD
This video made me cringe out before being able to finish 1/4 of it.
Did you just reply to year old comment expecting an answer?
Kevin #MH4life i also want to know
I also want to know(2)
@@aidenfaulk6170 i also want to know(3)
@Kevin MHfan i also, want to know 🤔