Solar Eclipse October 2 2024, & Feast of Trumpets | Are We Witnessing the Beginning of the End

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
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  • @chunglienQC8
    @chunglienQC8 3 години тому +286

    It’s shocking how Magnetic Aura on Borlest isn’t being discussed. The book is full of life-changing insights, yet no one seems to notice. Time to break the trance and read it yourself!

  • @ElinorJeffreys
    @ElinorJeffreys День тому +54

    I’m looking forward to this. The ones with God inside of them have no fear, just Trust & Faith. God Bless You All, Everywhere. 🕊️💕✨

  • @hampham2000
    @hampham2000 23 години тому +37

    Spread the gospel to everyone especially your family and friends

    • @NickNova369
      @NickNova369 19 годин тому +1

      The Gospel of Matthew John Luke and Mark they are all fake. ⚖️⚕️

    • @BentIronBins
      @BentIronBins 13 хвилин тому

      @@NickNova369oh geez not this guy again 😂

  • @Selahbrooke3
    @Selahbrooke3 День тому +28

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

  • @Taona-Rhodie
    @Taona-Rhodie День тому +46

    The return of the's a relief given everything thus happening nowadays

  • @MakeRoomForGod
    @MakeRoomForGod 21 годину тому +30

    This could be it!
    Be sure you have a left behind letter out.
    Folks don't have to believe in the rapture to go up that day, but only be born again.
    And for those left behind, please know you can still be saved.
    More on that:
    Dear friend,
    If you are reading this, it means that a momentous event known as the Rapture has taken place, and millions of people have disappeared from the Earth. You may be feeling confused, frightened, and wondering what happened and what to do next. As someone who cares deeply about you and your eternal future, I want to provide you with a summary of the situation and an urgent appeal.
    Please read this letter carefully, so that you may begin to understand what you can expect in the years ahead. That said, if this event hasn't happened quite yet, you still have time to do something about it, and to even go up WITH US that day soon (don't waste this opportunity).
    The Rapture was the sudden removal of all true Christian believers from the Earth by Jesus Christ. Despite what you may hear from the media, government or even some churches, this was not caused by aliens, climate change or anything else - it was the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Those taken had genuinely put their faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins.
    An outline of what has happened and what the Bible says will happen next:
    I. The Rapture
    A. All true believers in Jesus were instantly taken to heaven
    B. Fulfills prophecies in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52
    II. The Current Situation
    A. Confusion, chaos, fear in the world
    B. Lies and deception about what happened
    C. Many "left behind" who thought they were right with God
    III. The Importance of Turning to Jesus Now
    A. Jesus is the only way to be saved (John 14:6)
    B. Forgiveness is available to all who genuinely repent and believe
    C. Time is short before the next prophesied events unfold
    IV. What the Bible Says Will Happen Next
    A. Rise of the Antichrist world leader
    B. Institution of the "mark of the beast" system (3 ½ years into the 7 year tribulation period)
    C. Increasing persecution of those who turn to Jesus
    D. Escalating judgments on the world (Revelation 6-18)
    V. How to Survive the Coming Years
    A. Get a Bible and learn what it says (start with Matthew and read all the way through Revelation)
    B. Put your faith in Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 3:10, 3:23, 5:8, 6:23,10:9-13, Ephesians 2:8-9)
    C. Refuse to take the "mark of the beast" at all costs!
    D. Be willing to lay down your life for Jesus if required (as He gave His life for yours)
    VI. The Return of Jesus
    A. Jesus will come again at the end of the 7-year Tribulation
    B. He will defeat the Antichrist and reign forever
    C. Believers will be with Him for eternity (as you now have that choice to be)
    VII. An Urgent Appeal
    A. Don't delay - turn to Jesus now before it's too late
    B. Heaven and Hell are real - your eternal destination is at stake
    C. Jesus loves you, died for you, and wants to save you, so you can be with Him forevermore
    I cannot emphasize enough how critical it is that you turn to Jesus now, confessing you're a sinner, in need of saving, and putting your faith in Him as the ONLY way to be saved. The Bible indicates that the 7-year period of the Tribulation that is about to begin (or perhaps already has depending on when you're reading this) will be a time of unparalleled troubles and judgments on the world. As bad as things may seem now, they are going to get far worse.
    But you don't have to face this alone. Jesus is mighty to save and will forgive anyone who humbly calls on His name (Romans 10:13) acknowledging their need to receive His blood atonement on the cross to cover the sin debt they owe. No matter what your past or what you have done, His grace is sufficient to cleanse you and make you a new creation in Him (2 Corinthians 5:17). Then, even if you lose your life for Jesus' sake in the coming years, you are assured of eternal life with Him.
    The alternative is frankly too dreadful to describe. Revelation paints a picture of eternal, conscious torment for those who reject Jesus (Revelation 14:9-11). I plead with you not to harden your heart and put this off. Cry out to Jesus now. Receive His forgiveness, peace and strength for the days ahead. Learn to hear His voice through prayer and studying the Bible. Persevere in faith, even unto death if required, refusing to compromise your loyalty to Jesus as your Savior and King. Today is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2)!
    My dear friend, I long for you to experience the hope, security, joy and strength that can only be found in a relationship with Jesus. He is coming back soon to reign forever, and I want you to be with Him, and me, in eternal glory.
    Please don't delay.
    In Jesus' love,
    Prayerfully Your Future Brother in Christ

    • @firmbeliever3847
      @firmbeliever3847 11 годин тому +2

      Awesome letter. Ive done the same. I truly believe this is it for many reason. The Holy Spirit is working in the hearts of the Saints to do the same. We're not the only ones. Even a big name pastor who dare never to set dates have written a book for those left behind.

    • @vanillacreem816
      @vanillacreem816 5 годин тому

      Amen, well done brother. I too have a similar letter: one printed out on my refrigerator, one on my desktop and one on my USB
      People will definitely have questions and will be in fear after the Rapture. They need to know what has happened because there will be false/apostate religious leaders stepping up to the mic giving false information on what just happened

    • @dianesaienni5466
      @dianesaienni5466 3 години тому

      I do not believe the Bible verses you mention mean a miraculous sweeping away of people from earth before tribulation but it is speaking on the final day when Christ arrives and defeats Satan and then gathers His people as the new Jerusalem comes down to replace the earth. God spared no one except Noah's family. God spared no one except Lot and his family but destroyed his wife who looked behind her at the city that was still in her heart. God spared not His own son in Gethsemane from what He knew He would endure. no I do not believe people will be spared by taking them away like magic. we will go thru the tribulation as those who do are mentioned in Revelation as those under the altar crying out and given robes of white. Notice after the rapture is described it never mentions what happens to those left behind and their way to salvation. I hope if I'm wrong thru my belief in Christ I am included but I don't see in the Bible where it says don't worry you will not go thru the tribulation so I plan on staying looking for the day of Christ's return

  • @tracy4019
    @tracy4019 23 години тому +128

    I’m so ready for Jesus to come back. The world is so evil

    • @NickNova369
      @NickNova369 18 годин тому +1

      Unfortunately we all have to eat each other in order to survive😢

    • @chrisk1567
      @chrisk1567 17 годин тому

      @@NickNova369just pray and repent, Christ will get u thru it no matter what ur going thru

    • @NickNova369
      @NickNova369 16 годин тому +1

      I don't pray to no one.
      I don't have anything to repent.
      We don't have any concrete proof that Jesus existed None unfortunately. ⚕️

    • @jennicastagna4226
      @jennicastagna4226 16 годин тому +2

      @@NickNova369 You DO need to repent, as we are all born in Sin from Adam & Eve. The Bible says that "ALL HAVE SINNED AND FALLEN SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD" This is exactly why God sent Christ to die for our sins. It makes perfect sense, just think about it Nick. If you cannot understand, just humble yourself and get on your knees in your room and ask God to reveal himself to you and he will exactly the way you will know. He created you and knows each hair on your head. That should bring you COMFORT, not cause you to be angry.......

    • @NickNova369
      @NickNova369 15 годин тому

      Why all of yous want to teach me? I'm a theologian.
      Jenni No Sin No talking Serpent in the original Hebrew Genesis. Don't trust the Bible it's a distorted history book only. ⚖️⚕️

  • @frankcanary
    @frankcanary День тому +21

    Christ's Call At The Rapture
    Christ will only call those at the Rapture with the "Holy Spirit" indwelling inside them. The ones the bible calls being "Born Again". Born where? Into the kingdom of God those who are not "Cowards" and are disciples of Christ sharing and defending the Holy Gospel. Those willing to be cursed at and persecuted and more. Those who know the MEANING and MYSTERIES hidden within the Holy Scriptures given to them by the "Holy Spirit" (John 16:13). If a soul does not meet these qualifications and minimum standards declared by God, the Father then they are still under the curse. It is already too late for many for they only played a "Game of Salvation" and never sought the TRUTH never read and studied the Holy Word of God and will take their part in living in and dying in the Tribulation. They made their choice and now it is too late for many of them. I am nothing more than a spokesman and a messenger, a "Watchman of Ezekiel 33" WARNING the entire world of the coming DANGER. Many hear but never understand (Daniel 12:9-10). They treat the Holy Bible as a FABLE and not the TRUTH and what it will take for a soul to be found "Worthy" by the Father to ever send them the "Holy Spirit" and without it they are cursed and headed to Hell and then the "Lake of Fire" forever. Only those on the "Narrow Path" will ever enter the Kingdom of God through the "Narrow Gate" (Matthew 7:13-14).
    The only thing unknown is the year of the Rapture and only the “Father” knows and now the “Son” knows for the “Father” has revealed it to him. Read Revelation 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants-things which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John. This angel told John and Immanuel told Paul this when He caught up Paul into heaven (2 Corinthians 12) and Paul told the remaining disciples and the early followers of Christ. Read 1 Thessalonians 5 starting at verse 1 ending at verse 11; 1 Thessalonians 4 starting at verse 13 ending at verse 18; and 1 Corinthians 15 starting at verse 50 ending at verse 58. The next Feast Day is Feast of Trumpets (Rapture) or Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets) and it starts on sundown on Wednesday, October 2nd and ends on the 2nd day celebration at nightfall on Friday October 4th, 2024. Know this, Immanuel will only take His saints with clean garments with Him.
    I long to meet a TRUE follower of Christ in this life but so far, I have not met even one and that is the state of this world ruled by Lucifer with his lies and deception. Know this the first ones Christ casts into the "Lake of Fire" are the “Fake and Phony” Christians because they are COWARDS and LIARS for telling the world they are something they are not (Revelation 21:8 But as for the COWARDS and unbelieving and abominable [who are devoid of character and personal integrity and practice or tolerate immorality], and murderers, and sorcerers [with intoxicating drugs], and idolaters and occultists [who practice and teach false religions], and ALL THE LIARS [who knowingly deceive and twist truth], their part will be in the lake that blazes with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”). Plus Christ gave mankind this WARNING in Revelation 3:15 ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold (invigorating, refreshing) nor hot (healing, therapeutic); I wish that you were cold or hot. 16 So because you are lukewarm (spiritually useless), and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth [rejecting you with disgust]. The TRUTH is still hidden to many, and they will NEVER UNDERSTAND (Daniel 12:9 And the angel said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are concealed and sealed up until the end of time. 10 Many will be purged, purified (made white) and refined, but the wicked will behave wickedly. NONE OF THE WICKED SHALL UNDERSTAND, but those who are [spiritually] wise will understand.).
    John 16
    13 But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into ALL THE TRUTH [full and complete truth]. For He will not speak on His own initiative, but He will speak whatever He hears [from the Father-the message regarding the Son], and He will disclose to you WHAT IS TO COME [in the future].
    Matthew 7
    13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad and easy to travel is the path that leads the way to destruction and eternal loss, and there are many who enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow and difficult to travel is the path that leads the way to [everlasting] life, and there are few who find it.
    Revelation 3
    15 ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold (invigorating, refreshing) nor hot (healing, therapeutic); I wish that you were cold or hot. 16 So because you are lukewarm (spiritually useless), and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth [rejecting you with disgust].
    Revelation 21
    8 But as for the cowards and unbelieving and abominable [who are devoid of character and personal integrity and practice or tolerate immorality], and murderers, and sorcerers [with intoxicating drugs], and idolaters and occultists [who practice and teach false religions], and all the liars [who knowingly deceive and twist truth], their part will be in the lake that blazes with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
    Daniel 12
    9 And the angel said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are concealed and sealed up until the end of time. 10 Many will be purged, purified (made white) and refined, but the wicked will behave wickedly. None of the wicked shall understand, but those who are [spiritually] wise will understand.
    Ezekiel 33
    The Watchman’s Duty
    1 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 2 “Son of man, speak to the sons of your people [who are exiled in Babylon] and say to them, ‘If I bring a sword on a land, and the people of the land take one man from among them and make him their watchman, 3 and he sees the sword coming on the land, and he blows the trumpet and warns the people, 4 then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, and a sword comes and takes him away, his blood will be on his [own] head. 5 He heard the sound of the trumpet but did not take warning; his blood shall be on himself. But if he had taken warning, he would have saved his life. 6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any one of them, he is taken away because of his corruption and sin; but I will require his blood from the watchman’s hand.’
    7 “Now as for you, son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so you shall hear a message from My mouth and give them a warning from Me. 8 When I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you will certainly die,’ and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man will die because of his sin; but I will require his blood from your hand. 9 But if you on your part warn the wicked man to turn from his [evil] way and he does not turn from his [evil] way, he will die in his sin; but you have saved your life.
    SALVATION is not a GAME to be played with God - the Almighty - for if you do, you will be cast first into Hell and then the “Lake of Fire” forever. Heed this Watchman's WARNING or lose your soul.

    • @Tammy-q3w
      @Tammy-q3w 4 години тому

      Brutal truth people need to understand, I am both again and have in my spirit felt this urgent, ominous event coming during this very time. Have been talking to people about it and what will happen and in warfare prayer. It is all up to them... Free will and the Holy Spirit to convict, but people are predestined, the Father already knows it All. But we still tell them, because WE don't know. Israel is under heavy attack today and the dock workers on strike... Along with an eclipse I knew nothing about, the birth pains are in full swing. God bless you watchmen. 🔥🕊️✝️

  • @solomonexcel1071
    @solomonexcel1071 День тому +341

    Rental J. Weems's book on "What matters most" drew me closer to God and helped my spirituality. 2021 was a year I literally lived it. I cashed in my life savings and gave it all away. My total giving amounted to 40,000 dollars. Everyone thought | was delusional. Today I receive 85,000 dollars every two months. I have a property in Calabasas CA and travel alot. God has promoted me more than once and opened doors for me to live beyond my dreams. God kept to his promises to and for me.

    • @IanDuque-l1k
      @IanDuque-l1k День тому +3

      That's a major win for you. Congratulations on this feat

    • @IanDuque-l1k
      @IanDuque-l1k День тому +1

      How do you get so much in that period of time???

    • @solomonexcel1071
      @solomonexcel1071 День тому +1

      It is the digital market. That's been the secret to this wealth transfer. A lot of folks in the US amd abroad are getting so much from it, God has been good to my household Thank you Jesus

    • @solomonexcel1071
      @solomonexcel1071 День тому +1

      Thanks to God, my daughter who introduced me into the digital market. Mores, thanks to Ms Deborah Lee Clark.

    • @solomonexcel1071
      @solomonexcel1071 День тому +2

      Big thanks to Mrs Deborah Lee Clark ❤️❤️

  • @paulsteinhauser434
    @paulsteinhauser434 День тому +79

    I'm hopeful it happens I want to go back to Jesus, I've failed too much and want to stop.

    • @Benk-d3f
      @Benk-d3f 22 години тому +7


    • @martinscrapp7166
      @martinscrapp7166 22 години тому

      It is Satan's purpose to attack all believers, to make them feel like failures and as such, not worthy of being saved by the Blood of Jesus.
      Revelation 12:10 Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, _“Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down._
      If you are a true believer, I urge you to pray to Jesus for strength, forgiveness (for doubting), wisdom and faith...then, praying in spirit, put on the Armour of God.
      Ephesians 6:13-17 - _Therefore take up the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;_

    • @Sunnygirl2000
      @Sunnygirl2000 20 годин тому +5

      Same here

    • @evolveordissolve9118
      @evolveordissolve9118 19 годин тому +8

      God will use your “failures” which is really another way of saying “this way didn’t work, so ASK Jesus Christ - what does work?” brother, it’s life lessons of what works and what doesn’t to get the kingdom of heaven activated within your temple. I love you don’t give up…

    • @cecilburton0911
      @cecilburton0911 19 годин тому +2

      Amen come Jesus

  • @EngineeringWizard11
    @EngineeringWizard11 День тому +11

    @4:04, absolutely correct. While I am watching these events unfold in the heavens, I might be slightly more inclined to believe the rapture will occur during this time, it's important not to be discouraged if it doesn't occur. The humility to say we don't know when it will occur, though, is the same humility required to say we don't know when it won't. Two sides of the same coin.
    Speaking of celestial events, though, October is full of them. First the annular eclipse, then we are getting a second moon for a brief time period. We'll be witnessing a nova that'll be as bright as Polaris is, and the four gas giants in our solar system will be forming a square constellation. Lastly, there will be a daylight visible comet streaking by. Strange times to be alive.
    It's all coming together geopolitically, too.

  • @CatherineHart.hh3vw
    @CatherineHart.hh3vw День тому +24

    I love you king Jesus ❤

  • @edmondwilliams1517
    @edmondwilliams1517 День тому +60

    Jesus is coming soon. It's time to get ready. Repent and be saved before it's too late!

  • @nschlaak
    @nschlaak День тому +14

    A Messianic Jewish preacher in the 1970s said that when Jesus said "No man knows the day or the hour.", the people hearing His answer understood what He was referring to. Three witnesses have to come down from the high places when they see the new moon and report to the Temple what they have seen and that signals the start of the New Year. No one knows when the last witness will arrive in the Temple to make their report.

    • @edbaker7490
      @edbaker7490 17 годин тому

      That is just more rabbi tradition that Messiah warned us about. It's not in Scriptures and not how the calendar was managed then.

    • @boldbeliever52
      @boldbeliever52 12 годин тому +1

      ​@@edbaker7490 Leviticus 23:24 in the Torah God clearly identifies the feast beginning on the 1st day of the 7th month. The month starts with the new moon.

    • @andreareid8657
      @andreareid8657 3 години тому +1

      @@edbaker7490Jesus was a rabbi

    • @andreareid8657
      @andreareid8657 3 години тому +1

      @@boldbeliever52it can only start wth the confirmation of the sighting of the moon 🎯

  • @618Stayhumble
    @618Stayhumble 23 години тому +6

    Acts 2:19-20 (KJV):
    "And I will show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come."
    Revelation 8:12 (KJV):
    "And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise."
    Luke 21:25-26 (KJV):
    "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken."

  • @tracielittle
    @tracielittle День тому +6

    Glory to God Almighty the Father our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the Son and the Wonderful Holy Spirit Hallelujah ✝️ 💖 🙏🏾

  • @osiyopeaceosiyopeace4807
    @osiyopeaceosiyopeace4807 21 годину тому +5

    Pray continually, prepare yourself to meet Yeshua! & prepare yourself to make it through tribulations and leading more to Yeshua at the last trumpet our King Yeshua is coming back ! Please stock up some food and water extra each time you go to the store 1 pound of rice and can soup each week add to it one week beans and rice put into a 5 gallon bucket. Beans rice pasta are still available and cheap. Buy adding canned goods to help food to stretch . Times are getting harder to keep food on our tables. Stay safe everyone!

  • @elisabethtrotter4564
    @elisabethtrotter4564 День тому +5

    Jesus Christ went to the cross and now lives to set sinful us free from death and eternal condemnation. Repent and turn your heart to Him before it's too late. If He's calling your heart today, say yes! But count the cost--it will cost you everything, but the rewards are real and worthy.

  • @vayabroder729
    @vayabroder729 День тому +8

    Please disregard and ignore the posts by the crypto spam bot scammers. DO NOT FALL FOR THEM.

  • @vincehunt752
    @vincehunt752 День тому +6

    Thank you lord Jesus amen ❤❤❤

  • @JPGola-n9w
    @JPGola-n9w 23 години тому +4

    💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙please pray for salvation for, My husband Pete, and two sons, Chris and Nick.

  • @msneka38
    @msneka38 День тому +17

    Come Jesus come, we've been waiting so long!❤️ I can't wait to hug you my King Jesus 👑🔥🙌🤍💟🕊️

    • @edmondwilliams1517
      @edmondwilliams1517 День тому +2

      Amen mi hermana Nelly. Dios te bendiga mi hermana ❤❤❤💙👍💛❣️🫂💜❤💚🌹💘🥰🌞🤍♥️🙏😀🧡

    • @msneka38
      @msneka38 22 години тому +1

      @@edmondwilliams1517 Amén mi hermano Edmond 📖🙌🤗☺️🫂 Dios te bendiga más 🥰

  • @marianneyana299
    @marianneyana299 21 годину тому +3

    Maranatha come Lord Jesus much trouble on this sinful Planet Earth... enough is enough... Come Lord Jesus come

  • @nickclair1388
    @nickclair1388 20 годин тому +3

    This is the beginning of tribulation for our time. The fall is Mystery Babylon the Great.

  • @robinsimmons1526
    @robinsimmons1526 День тому +3

    Jesus is coming back god is my everything 😊ghg nfff

  • @cl6962
    @cl6962 День тому +2


  • @EdnaAarmstrong-g4c
    @EdnaAarmstrong-g4c День тому +13

    Watching and waiting 👑 🕊 🩸 ✝️🛐🕯🕛🙏♥️❤️💖

  • @johnday291
    @johnday291 День тому +2

    Jesus Only Believe Jesus Only Jesus is God and He is coming back soon Thank you Jesus. So Rapture Ready to go home.

  • @jurellwashington1986
    @jurellwashington1986 23 години тому +3

    We Already Living In Judgment Times Right Now Before The Second Coming of Jesus Christ Take Places

  • @kimberlyhamilton8637
    @kimberlyhamilton8637 День тому +19

    Come Quickly Lord Jesus Christ

  • @danielle9433
    @danielle9433 15 годин тому +3

    Hi. My name is Daniel Le and I am 23 years old. I endured a psychosis October 2023 where demons attacked me. I feel better now, but I still have som rest symptomps like a stiff body and staring gaze. Now I have problems with pain in the right and left parts of my brain. It gives me headaches, affects my concentration and makes my memory poor. I have the problem with "a rotating energy force" that moves upwards towards my brain and inwards my ears which is causing this. I have reached out to different churches and minsitries to pray for me, and I am reaching out for more people to pray for me. Could you keep me in your prayers? I believe God will heal me, but I need prayers. Thanks in advanced and may God bless you

    • @johnj7064
      @johnj7064 8 годин тому

      You need Jesus Christ crucified.

    • @johnj7064
      @johnj7064 8 годин тому

      And Holy Spirit in you

  • @ronaldkirklandsr2488
    @ronaldkirklandsr2488 6 годин тому +2

    Even so come soon LORD YESHUA!

  • @laurensantos-tessler2195
    @laurensantos-tessler2195 20 годин тому +1

    Soooo Ready🙏🏻This world is Wicked, however Beautiful at the same time meaning the Lords creations🙏🏻🌲🌲🌲🏆🌲🌲🌲

  • @jawonryan9266
    @jawonryan9266 21 годину тому +2

    And we need to celebrate God's Holy Days only except these satanic pagan Holidays such as Halloween Christmas Thanksgiving Easter New Years Fathers day and Mothers day

    • @babuvangu7220
      @babuvangu7220 8 годин тому

      Satanic pagan worship is done by those who worship the star of remphan and moloch.

  • @watchitnow765
    @watchitnow765 5 годин тому +1

    Choose Life. Go to Heaven. Pray this out loud, with True Sincerity: "Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead as The Son of God. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. In Jesus name I pray, Amen." - Welcome to The Family of God's Children!

  • @oneonly7408
    @oneonly7408 11 годин тому +1

    Then Peter said unto them , REPENT ❗️❗️❗️And Be baptised ❄️everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ✝️ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost 🔥
    Acts 2:38 👈

  • @fallenstar_mma
    @fallenstar_mma 22 години тому +1

    Every END has a good beginning.. Enoch is with you. I have spoken amongst the nobody.. there is your answer... Awakening ✨

  • @tonynoel2844
    @tonynoel2844 18 годин тому +1

    October 2nd is my birthday. I thank and repent to Our Heavenly Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth almost everyday. I pray for everyone in the world.

  • @shawntayspears2230
    @shawntayspears2230 День тому +3

    Amen 🙏

  • @u.s.aarchangelforgod3679
    @u.s.aarchangelforgod3679 22 години тому +1

    Thank you Father God for living always and for answered prayers Amen 🙏

  • @greensage395
    @greensage395 9 годин тому +1

    Not even over Israel and they just got to put their "Jacob" Spin on it all, for their Holly-Day! Good Lord, if they knew of Brotherly Love, they would know they have none!

  • @jawonryan9266
    @jawonryan9266 21 годину тому +1

    Amen praise the Lord Jesus Christ Amen Glory to Yeshua Hamasiach

  • @debbiedoodle5186
    @debbiedoodle5186 День тому +2

    First of all the feast of trumpets which is defined by the seventh month first day and coinciding with the new moon, which is scriptural nobody will know the first day of the seventh month until the new moon is sited in Jerusalem. Will it be sited on 10/2 , not likely. It will more than likely be sited on Friday 10/5. so that throws off the whole theory. And secondly, Rosh Hashanah is a man-made holiday. The new year of the biblical calendar starts in the Passover month the first month not the 7th biblical month and that happens in the spring. Rosh Hashanah should’ve never been developed, but the three festivals, Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot are scriptural not Rosh Hashanah. You guys are pretty good with the things that you put out, but this is not accurate. Please search the scripture! Look at Lev 23 also located in Numbers and Deuteronomy. You need to look it up. Do not depend on a Jewish calendar.

    • @edbaker7490
      @edbaker7490 17 годин тому

      When you said dont depend on the jewish calendar you are soooo right. You'll want to watch this video I saw to see what I mean 'in search of the lost calendar part 1' on 'follow the lamb today'

    • @cynthiabenfield9512
      @cynthiabenfield9512 6 годин тому

      You are correct. All of these 'changes' made in the perception of the Word by evil 'scribes' have deceived the many and we must study and search for the Truth diligently. We can not 'depend' on anything man-made. 🔥🔥❤❤🙏🙏⚔⚔

  • @FaithJourney2512
    @FaithJourney2512 20 годин тому +1

    *May God’s grace be with you and guide you on your path. Blessings to you and your family*

  • @donaldgrooms7127
    @donaldgrooms7127 21 годину тому +2

    Jesus is Lord!!!😇😇😇

  • @EmanuelWecker
    @EmanuelWecker 23 години тому +2


  • @mikesantos2130
    @mikesantos2130 День тому +2

    Amen 🙏 ♥️🙋‍♂️🇨🇦

  • @symxlife2050
    @symxlife2050 19 годин тому +1

    I genuinely think the raptures happened and our minds have been erased of the good people. Because I’ve yet to meet a good person. I need to repent

  • @manuel9607
    @manuel9607 21 годину тому +1

    So, Miracle; Sharika Soal vs.
    Mary Magdalum will testify against you.
    Illuminate studies; their God,
    "Caesar Borgia":
    the lover of "Leonardo da Vinci",;
    and the Son of the 4th. Pope who decreed the "Papal Bull"
    So, what does Scripture say the Messiah look like ?
    What did the disciples and the prophets say ?
    Revelations 1:13
    Daniel 7:9
    Ezekiel 20
    Luke 21:54
    But unfortunately for his enemies he will not return as a man.
    So what does the Most High !!! going to do about the Heating and Gentile Nation that colonizing the house of Jacob, leading his people into Captivity in Ships. and have a perpetual hatred against thy brother ???
    The Almighty Father sayth that he has Endignation for them forever !!! That they have kindled his Wrath !!
    Genesis 10:
    Joel, 3:
    Daniel 7:
    Isaiah 45:5-7
    Luke 21:54
    Revelations 2:9-3:9
    Jeremiah 50 and 51
    Your kingdom is script from you, you're line is ended, thus saith the Lord of Host.
    Phone Jacob am I loved.
    Written by the Prophets of Old 2000 years ago. Yes the LORD hates.
    1. He will restore his children of Light.
    2. He will Destroy the daughter of Babylon !!
    With Eternal Fire that will burn for a eternity.
    3. He will give Recompense, upon them, for two foll, yes ? 800years of bondage for the Heathen and Gentiles Nations.
    No Reprieve,
    No Repentance. Only judgment.
    4. The Messiah will rain as solvent King and Ruler for 1,000 years on Earth.
    5. Almighty YAH !!! Will restore the land promised to our forefathers.
    6.The Father will destroy Satan and his armies, the SOS people and death Shelby no more.
    7. For he is a the Great man of war.

    • @NickNova369
      @NickNova369 19 годин тому

      Elohim Yahweh He is A dangerous criminal entity. He is WANTED. ⚖️

  • @Bonnieforsythe
    @Bonnieforsythe 20 годин тому +1

    Come Lord Jesus Christ come 🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
    Yippee 😁

  • @Jesusiscominglive777
    @Jesusiscominglive777 18 годин тому +1

    Amen amen be ready Jesus ☦️is coming.....🙌

  • @Flamin-Donut
    @Flamin-Donut 19 годин тому +1

    Comment number was 333 when I looked at it half of you know what

  • @PastorRU762
    @PastorRU762 День тому +1

    Almost every verse recited had been given to me over the past few days, and then I see this! It's time

  • @objetivoel
    @objetivoel 22 години тому +1

    Amen❤🎉❤🎉Amen ❤🎉❤🎉❤Amen... We are at the end stage🎉❤🎉❤❤🎉

  • @bevyoung2009
    @bevyoung2009 День тому +3

    Hallelujah ❤

    • @objetivoel
      @objetivoel 22 години тому


  • @GaryHall-e7p
    @GaryHall-e7p 15 годин тому

    Matthew 24:44 JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth is coming soon hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  • @fernandomarquez3131
    @fernandomarquez3131 23 години тому +1

    May God bless your ministry sir

  • @xboxgamesxbox9455
    @xboxgamesxbox9455 День тому +3

    I'm worried that I'm not gonna make it, I feel like I've disappointed God with my actions, i feel unsavable..

    • @bryanwadebarney
      @bryanwadebarney День тому +6

      No one is unforgivable, Believe Jesus is Lord and ask for his forgiveness. We are ALL guilty of doing things that are disappointing to God, no one is without sin. If the rapture does indeed happen this week, we will all be together soon. If it does not happen this week, be sure it will happen someday soon. I really do think we are the last generation before the return of Jesus.

    • @kiayatate3831
      @kiayatate3831 День тому +4

      Just trust in jesus' in believe in jesus it's not our own work but is faith in jesus knowing Redeem in jesus christ trust in the Lord

    • @LukeMatos-l7u
      @LukeMatos-l7u День тому +4

      You are never too deep in the darkness. God’s hand can help you up no matter how far down you are.

    • @braveheartlioness
      @braveheartlioness 21 годину тому +1

      Have you met the apostles? We are all unworthy and lost. He came to REDEEM the lost and the unworthy and the backslidden. All he wants is your HEART! Have hope dear friend. ✝️✝️✝️

    • @VinceGuthrie
      @VinceGuthrie 20 годин тому

      JOHN 14:15 IF You love me you will keep my commandments.
      Psalms 25:14 The Secret of the LORD is with those who FEAR him, And He will show them His Covenant. That means you.

  • @deanspanley4472
    @deanspanley4472 22 години тому +2

    We are in times 🐍⚖️☝️🔥

    • @objetivoel
      @objetivoel 22 години тому +1

      This is The ENDTIMES ERA and so glad it is about to FINALLY END!!!

  • @deepskytrekkin9600
    @deepskytrekkin9600 34 хвилини тому

    For the purpose of identifying the 1st day of Tishri two witnesses assigned by the Sanhedrin must go out just before sunset on the 29th day of Elul. If for whatever reason they cannot sight the New Moon (Waxing sliver) then the new day becomes the 30th day of Elul. At the next sunset Tishri 1 automatically begins and the Feast of Trumpets begins as well. A lunar month cannot have less than 29 days nor can it have more than 30 days. Period.
    For the purpose of identifying the 1st day of Tishri two witnesses assigned by the Sanhedrin must go out just before sunset on the 29th day of Elul. If they can sight the New Moon (Waxing sliver) then the new day becomes the 1st day of Tishri and begins the Feast of Trumpets. A lunar month cannot have less than 29 days nor can it have more than 30 days. Period.
    On 10/02/24 (28th of Elul) the moon will be at zero percent illumination and will set just before the sun sets. Not only will no one be able to be see the moon under any circumstance, the fact that it set before the sun means it is the wrong day to even be looking for the New Moon.
    On 10/03/24 (29th of Elul; the only day the two witnesses would be looking for the New Moon in Jerusalem) the moon is waxing but is only at 0.6 percent illumination and is only 3 degrees separation from the sun. The combination of it being so dim and so close to the sun will make it impossible to sight with the unaided eye. See paragraph one above.
    Therefore, 10/03/24 at sunset in Jerusalem will begin the 30th day Elul and the sunset on 10/04/24 will become Tishri 1. The Feast of Trumpets will last from sunset 10/04/24 until sunset 10/05/24 in Jerusalem.
    Remember, Israel like all other countries print their calendars at the end of the previous year. Millions of copies that already fixed the Feast of Trumpets at 10/02/24 have been sold before the year even begins. Our Fathers calendar does not allow that king of prediction. It is after all the Feast that no one knows the day or the hour until the New Moon is either sighted or not sighted.

  • @WillyBaukema
    @WillyBaukema 15 годин тому +1

    Jesus asks us to walk in His footsteps... Jesus showed us the way of Love...

    • @morethanwords2say..927
      @morethanwords2say..927 5 годин тому

      Is it true what you said my friend..? Is there evidence from his speech about that..? All I know is DON'T BELIEVE any claims about the appearance of The Messiah anywhere on this earth.. If someone called The Son of Man appears, such a thing will happen on the clouds.. GOD teaches people with A PEN then you will only know the news in The End Times through writing, not speech.. That's the way GOD taught people through The Prophets from long ago because we need to read HIS VERSES so that it can penetrate into the heart.. Otherwise, why does The Bible exist that you can read today.. May you understand why Jesus Christ said that he does not know those who call on his name in The Last Days where they are the perpetrators.. According to you, 'the act of spying on someone' is good or evil..? My question is, how do you know someone is Christ Jesus if you have never met him..? Through what method my friend..?

  • @karilebarron18
    @karilebarron18 27 хвилин тому

    Iran has just bombed Israel! Pray for the Holy Land! Save your people Oh Yahweh!

  • @valentinilie1560
    @valentinilie1560 15 хвилин тому

    I'm waiting to meet The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the only God revealed in himan flesh.😊

  • @wideawakeandaware-22
    @wideawakeandaware-22 11 годин тому

    Rosh Hoshanana is the same thing as Feast of Trumpets. This year, it’s 10/2-10/4/24, Yom Teruah is FOT as well. The Last Trumpet is a name as well. The Last Trumpet will blow on 10/4/24.
    We are so close to the rapture! Be ready family!
    Oh this is neat “no one knows the day or hour” is a Jewish idiom for FEAST OF TRUMPETS AND A TRADITIONAL JEWISH WEDDING!! How cool is that? Jesus Christ could have been giving us a hint!
    Be ready family! Be ready!

  • @aaronj1111
    @aaronj1111 9 годин тому

    1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Christ Died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that He was Buried, and that He Rose again the Third day according to the scriptures. Christ is Coming back for us so much SOONER than any of us Think!!!!. Accept Christ as Savior and BELIEVE in Him and what He did for YOU at the Cross, Your next breath is NOT guaranteed and if you die in your sins without being Saved, You will Spend Eternity in Hell separated from God. Make the Right Decision and call on Christ Today, prepare your soul for where it will spend Eternity. Christ is the ONLY WAY to The Father and the ONLY WAY to Heaven. Through Christ your sins are Forgiven, Fellowship with God the Father is Restored, and you’ll Have Eternal Life ( Heaven ). God Bless you all and I Hope to see each and Every Single one of you in the clouds with Christ and at the Wedding Supper of the Lamb Very Very Soon. in Jesus MIGHTHY name amen.

  • @Whycare52
    @Whycare52 3 години тому

    How do you account for the third temple being put on earth and animal sacrifices coming back. The Messiah known as the Prince of the People will offer sacrifices there on behalf of his family(he's going to have kids) and the Jewish people. Also the Messiah must come from the tribe of Judah. Tribe is determined by ones biological father (Numbers 1:18) who was his biological father?

  • @jorgeborrero8862
    @jorgeborrero8862 19 годин тому

    Luke 13:26-27
    Then you will begin to say, ‘We ate and drank in your presence, and you taught in our streets.’ But he will say, ‘I tell you, I do not know where you come from. Depart from me, all you workers of evil!
    2 Timothy 2:19
    God's firm foundation stands, bearing this seal: The Lord knows those who are his, and, Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.
    Nahum 1:7
    The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him.
    John 10:27
    My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
    John 10:4
    When he has brought out all his own, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.
    John 12:26
    If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.
    1 John 5:3
    For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome.
    John 14:15
    If you love me, you will keep my commandments.
    John 14:21
    Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.
    John 15:9-10
    As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love.
    John 4:34
    Jesus said to them, My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.
    Luke 15:10
    Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.
    Luke 5:32
    I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.
    Acts 3:19
    Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out,
    1 Peter 2:2
    Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation-
    Proverbs 4:18
    The path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day.
    Mark 10:15
    Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.
    Isaiah 40:29
    He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength.
    Zechariah 10:12
    I will make them strong in the Lord, and they shall walk in his name, declares the Lord.
    Isaiah 45:24
    Only in the Lord, it shall be said of me, are righteousness and strength; to him shall come and be ashamed all who were incensed against him.
    Psalm 68:35
    Awesome is God from his sanctuary; the God of Israel-he is the one who gives power and strength to his people. Blessed be God!

  • @edbaker7490
    @edbaker7490 17 годин тому

    I saw an absolutely amazing video on the Day of Trumpets, it explains everything! The video is 'the joyous sound' on 'follow the lamb today'

  • @lauraleemoderndaysamaritan4137
    @lauraleemoderndaysamaritan4137 23 години тому

    New American Bible
    Speak to the Israelites and tell them: The following are the festivals of the LORD, which you shall declare holy days. These are my festivals: Leviticus 23:2 Please look into this as these are NOT Jewish feast days, they are HIS holy appointed times that ALL the children of Israel are to follow throughout ALL generations. Please ask Him to show you His truths and be ready to have a paradigm shift in your understanding! Shalom

  • @malcolmduanetaylor
    @malcolmduanetaylor 7 годин тому +1


  • @jorgeborrero8862
    @jorgeborrero8862 20 годин тому

    Matthew 7:26-27
    And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.
    Jeremiah 13:17
    If you will not listen, my soul will weep in secret for your pride; my eyes will weep bitterly and run down with tears, because the Lord's flock has been taken captive.
    Luke 19:41-42
    And when he drew near and saw the city, he wept over it, saying, Would that you, even you, had known on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes.
    Isaiah 48:18
    Oh that you had paid attention to my commandments! Then your peace would have been like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea;
    Matthew 13:14-15
    Indeed, in their case the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled that says: You will indeed hear but never understand, and you will indeed see but never perceive. For this people's heart has grown dull, and with their ears they can barely hear, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them.
    Jeremiah 5:31
    the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule at their direction; my people love to have it so, but what will you do when the end comes?
    2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
    The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
    John 3:19-21
    And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.
    Ephesians 5:9
    (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true),
    Ephesians 6:14
    Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
    Luke 12:35
    Stay dressed for action and keep your lamps burning,
    1 Peter 1:13
    Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

  • @enebama
    @enebama 17 годин тому

    What is the name of the background music? It accompanies the message so powerfully.

  • @pretribtruth
    @pretribtruth 20 годин тому

    Luk 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
    Luk 17:27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.
    Luk 17:28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
    Luk 17:29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.
    Luk 17:30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
    Most people key in on the life will be as normal part but there is another very important point made in these verses. The very same day that Noah and Lot were protected was the day when the wrath of God was poured out. These two events occur at the same time. We are raptured during the same harvest that gathers the wicked.
    Mat 13:24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:
    Mat 13:25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
    Mat 13:26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.
    Mat 13:27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?
    Mat 13:28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?
    Mat 13:29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.
    Mat 13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
    The wheat and tare parable shows us this same thing. Both groups are to grow together until the time of the harvest. Then the reapers remove the tares from among the wheat yet gather the wheat to the barn. Both these events occur during the same harvest.
    Mat 13:47 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind:
    Mat 13:48 Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away.
    Mat 13:49 So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just,
    Mat 13:50 And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
    The net parable is the most condensed version of the story. One net was cast that gathered of all kinds, good and bad. Both groups were gathered in the same net at the same time during the same net casting. The wicked are severed from among the just. Both groups must be present for that to be true. Everywhere we see the saints harvested we also see the sinners punished.
    Rev 14:14 And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.
    Rev 14:15 And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe.
    Rev 14:16 And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped.
    Rev 14:17 And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle.
    Rev 14:18 And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe.
    Rev 14:19 And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.
    Again both groups harvested here in Rev 14.
    Rev 16:15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
    Jud 1:14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,
    Jud 1:15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
    Rev 16:16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
    Jesus returns as a thief to rapture us and we join Him as part of the armies of heaven heading to Armageddon to execute judgment on the ungodly. So again rapture/wrath sequence contained in the same harvest.

  • @praveencmhydro5826
    @praveencmhydro5826 17 годин тому

    🤗 ... people
    this is what expect come back of Jesus
    Jesus said that...
    Naked Sins in street are drained my eye 👁️by rains of sorrow crime inact
    Jesus said that....
    Naked sins in street are
    Neuro boil crime act
    Neuro boil: death of spell vision to commit crime act

  • @NgoQuynhY
    @NgoQuynhY 3 години тому

    this video’s take really clicks with some of the things I've been reading in ebook magnetic aura from Borlest

  • @chavotapia3168
    @chavotapia3168 7 годин тому

    I don't know if anyone can help me, but I just recently dream of 5 moons in sequence. Two red , one regular and two red again. Has anyone ever had such a dream?

  • @SamSamuelBuda
    @SamSamuelBuda 9 годин тому

    I am also part of this great event, and believe that my Spiritual Man will be highly uplifted, Glory be to God Almighty amen

  • @kennethprato3165
    @kennethprato3165 20 годин тому

    God bless you guys for the information you provided that helps to share what is happening to our world. Sadly most people are too busy to want to hear what you want to share. Thanks again, in His love ❤

  • @Jesusiscominglive777
    @Jesusiscominglive777 18 годин тому

    Beware the shameful scammer and report just click on the dots‼️

  • @frankcanary
    @frankcanary День тому +4

    Rapture in 2024
    God speaks to mankind in numbers. The number 24 is associated with the priesthood. Since it is composed of a multiple of 12, it takes on some of 12's meaning which is God's power and authority, as well as symbolizing a perfect foundation, except in a higher form. 24 is also connected with the worship of God.
    Revelation 5
    10 “You have made them to be a kingdom [of royal subjects] and priests to our God; and they will reign on the earth.”
    The event of the Rapture is when God the Father tells His Son to call all of His saints and priests’ home and to prepare them for, they will rule and reign over the entire earth.
    Revelation 20
    6 Blessed (happy, prosperous, to be admired) and holy is the person who takes part in the first resurrection; over these the second death [which is eternal separation from God, the lake of fire] has no power or authority, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and they will reign with Him a thousand years.
    Prepare yourself for God will only call the ones living in “Righteousness”, “Doing His will” and have the “Holy Spirit” living inside them up at the Rapture.

    • @edbaker7490
      @edbaker7490 17 годин тому

      2024 is pagan calendar number. There is no rapture in 2024.

  • @FelVirgo
    @FelVirgo 2 години тому

    Feast of trumpets is only for the jews and rapture is for the church, not for the jews

  • @pattif192
    @pattif192 23 години тому +1

    This is really happening! ❤

    • @objetivoel
      @objetivoel 22 години тому

      ❤🎉❤🎉❤ YES!!!!!❤🎉❤🎉

  • @AnnetteCarolanFourie
    @AnnetteCarolanFourie 11 годин тому

    Yes yes blow loud Lord Jesus finally free from evil and with the Lord Jesus and safe in his home Heaven plus home horay at last

  • @objetivoel
    @objetivoel 22 години тому

    During a solar eclipse the braille sounds made for blind people are Trumpet like sounds



  • @revivalcycle
    @revivalcycle 18 годин тому

    You said mamy true things; but none of them supported the ritle of your video.

  • @JosiahBlackstock-zn3cf
    @JosiahBlackstock-zn3cf 22 години тому +4

    Believe in Jesus. Repent of your sins. Jesus loves you and he is coming very soon!

  • @colomtnhigh77
    @colomtnhigh77 19 годин тому

    There is more to be explored here and missing evidence: The Essenian calendar!

  • @u.s.aarchangelforgod3679
    @u.s.aarchangelforgod3679 22 години тому

    To God be the Glory always and forever and ever. Amen 🙏

  • @champferguson5335
    @champferguson5335 8 годин тому

    This will prove that you are a false prophet when nothing happens

  • @tc8404
    @tc8404 22 години тому

    I want to happen too. Happy with God decisions but how many dates have we heard in the last few years. So yes I hope EVERYDAY but …..

    • @edbaker7490
      @edbaker7490 17 годин тому

      Are you tired of the false predictions? There's a reason for them (Matthew 24:11, Amos 8:11-12, 2 Tim 4:3-4). If you want to really know what's happening with prophecy look at this channel I found 'follow the lamb today'

  • @jeanniegray5681
    @jeanniegray5681 5 годин тому

    💛💜💛THANK YOU, " GOD BLESS ALL . . .

  • @kim7011491
    @kim7011491 День тому +3

    I can only pray that we are witnessing the beginning of the end. THY WILL BE DONE, THY KINGDOM COME......COME LORD JESUS

  • @coconu_
    @coconu_ День тому

    A few Days ago, we had also a Moon eclipse.

  • @angelsamoungus2630
    @angelsamoungus2630 22 години тому


  • @Whycare52
    @Whycare52 3 години тому

    No rapture Read Matthew 24

  • @daoanhSOS
    @daoanhSOS 3 години тому

    this format really suits me

  • @4D0LFH1TL3RwasRite
    @4D0LFH1TL3RwasRite День тому

    My comments get deleted lmaooooo

  • @u.s.aarchangelforgod3679
    @u.s.aarchangelforgod3679 22 години тому

    Have true faith Amen 🙏

  • @anneonymous8491
    @anneonymous8491 18 годин тому

    What seals have been opened?