I'm not saying this was difficult, but it was the most complex puzzle that I managed to solve correctly. My play hasn't improved, I'm simply beginning to recognize various elements to the puzzles. Once these elements are identified, I'm able to form a strategy. Lack of difficulty aside, finding the solution is a satisfying feeling. I'm now ready to conquer the day.
Gives the white queen a chance to kill the black pawn before/right after it promotes. The other black pawns are all stuck, so it delays the inevitable. It's three stacked and trapped pawns vs a queen and king. You can delay checkmate, but you can't stop it.
I'm not saying this was difficult, but it was the most complex puzzle that I managed to solve correctly. My play hasn't improved, I'm simply beginning to recognize various elements to the puzzles. Once these elements are identified, I'm able to form a strategy. Lack of difficulty aside, finding the solution is a satisfying feeling. I'm now ready to conquer the day.
I like this and your explanations very much! This is very interesting today! 😃
Very nice!
Yay the first one i got right
I saw the solution, luckily before opening the video, because it was spoiled in the first visible comment😊
Kg2 kh4
c5. pxc5
a5 ….
Is it correct??
Sooo beautiful
What if they moved the last tripled pawn instead of running to promotion?
Then we will be queen up, because then we can take the not promoted pawn.
What if black does not promote but move K to h7 or g7?
Gives the white queen a chance to kill the black pawn before/right after it promotes. The other black pawns are all stuck, so it delays the inevitable. It's three stacked and trapped pawns vs a queen and king. You can delay checkmate, but you can't stop it.
Then we will be queen up, because then we can take the not promoted pawn.
1)Kg2 -- Kh6; 2) c5 -- b x c;3) a5-- c4;4)a6 -- c3;5)a7 -- c2; 6) a8 Queen -- c1 Queen; 7) Qh8 ch mate or 1)Kg2 -- g3; 2) a5 -- b x a ; 3) c5 -- a4; 4)c6 -- a3; 5) c7 -- a2; 6) c8Queen -- a1 Queen; 7) Qh3 ch mate. So white by gaining a tempo wins
Thank you for spoiling so well