Let's not forget your movies Tarzan entertainers but who's making them rich black women mostly for them to take it and support another communities woman. They only come back when they're broke because she's going to get hers before he leaves a community. You need to know what pro-black is apparently
It’s clearly self-hatred, I studied psychology in college and as a therapist I see it as a way to fit in with the crowd they think is better than them …
Or maybe it’s because certain black people like to separate themselves from black people who don’t act like them, or people who they view as being too white if you were the black community in America is literally my most xenophobic communities in the world
Hmmmm always self hatred when it's the men. CDC stats in America says that African American women create mixed babies in the disparity of millions when compared to the men. Then there's the hash tag to terminate black boys by those women, and the termination of 20m unborn babies Can you break these points then for us?
Africans🤷🏿♀️skin whitening is far from being as Popular outside africa and Asia. We love our skin and we are proud. Whitening our Teeth maybe but not our skins.
From what I gather I think a lot of black women are more irritated that they build with them. They’re there from the foundation and once they make it, they choose another race but when they were down in the mud and need support, they get it from black women.
Black women need to get a generational clue and stop supporting them. They can't complain about the behavior they enable. When given advice about walking away and leaving them to their own devices, many get upset and and want to attack others who are looking out. It's well known BW have the reputation of building BM up and willingly accepting the role of the fall-back queen when BM become broke/decrepit looking for something to cushion their fall.
Marrying outside the race wouldn't matter IF the person of the same race wasnt demeaned and used as a negative reason why that person chose who they "preference". Non black men/women do NOT speak ill of their fellow people when dating out, its mainly black men who do it
There is no way in hell you can be pro-black and married to another race because that's who you are uplifting. Of those people are nothing more than Oreos that is trying to get something from there people that they can't get from the people that they're actually supported.
@@JayMich29Not at all. It’s just that people’s TikTok algorithm is set up to show them more of what they look for. I don’t know how everyone conveniently glosses over this. Whyte divestors are very real but they’re always going to be drowned out by other forms of Whyte media; meanwhile Black people are very isolated and exposed.
It’s typical and expected. Both racists and Black men capitalize off of the Black community, especially Black women. So many single Black women on earth🤦🏽♀️
Tbh there are people on both side of that argument I've had BOYS tell me I'm asict-ray because I have a preference but then they say some outta pocket ish like "you're a Latina you're supposed to sleep with me" "you're not really a Latina because you won't sleep with black people!" "You're a -nazi- because you won't sleep with me" but I explain I have trauma due to being sa'd by a black man they say "You can't be SA'd you're a Latina" or "Latinas can't be SA'd because they want to sleep with everyone" but that's not asict-ray because"I'm black I can't be rasssisss!"
@@Queenofthatank smh that’s so sad, black men have this mentality of everyone should want them, “I’m a black man you don’t want me?!” Bc of the fetishization from other races of women throwing themselves at them they believe every race of woman wants or should want them. It’s given them a false inflated sense of ego
I can not tell you why I unfollow, but there is a major creator I do not follow for that reason. They speak on all the Black issues, but when the community of the person they were dating was attacking us, they were quiet.
I'm Biracial but when ppl see me they quickly identify me with Black. Anyway, I live in a predominantly white area, like I've been the only Black person in my elementary school and in middle school I was the only Black person, in high school there was one other Black person who basically tried to blend in and be as "white" as possible. When I started dating my first boyfriend, he was white. It wasn't that I didn't love my community, I just really liked that boy plus there was no other people of color in my area. There's a town about an hour away from where I live that has a bigger Black population and I now have some Black friends from there. But I've noticed that there's a certain type of Black people, especially Black men and a lot of dark skinned Black men who just refuse to have anything to do with the Black community and will date white girls just to try and "become white". My dad is a dark skinned Black man and he has like 13 baby mamas, one of them is Black, the rest are white. If you're in an interracial relationship, be in an interracial relationship because you love one another, not because you're trying to become less of your community or more of a different community and don't do it just because you have a "type" with a certain race
We don't like being used and laughed at. We don't like being fooled. They don't say anything and they are relying on us taking them at face value. I will not support a yt woman. By supporting him, my efforts are supporting her. So, no. I am not putting money into his pocket for him to spend on her, when I have to work for everything I have.
I’m happy black women are putting themselves first and moving on code. Get away from these ninjas. Stop supporting them in general. They are not pushing black women to the forefront to get anywhere so why are you making them rich?. Man bw I need y’all to start playing the game too
Absolutely, black men disgust me, I try to tell my brothers to stop this self hate crap, they mainly divest to use women of no color as a weapon against black women.
What about us that have black sons ? Should we just allow them to believe they are a lost cause? This mentality is dangerous to young black children that haven’t done anything wrong to have us as adults give up on our own race. Please get a clue , you and every woman like you.
It's a catchy tune. I don't care if he's dating a white girl. Its not that deep. At least not for me. I'm ot wasting my energy on this one. Im more upset about BM who have BW until they get to the top of their mountain and then they switch to white or asain and then give them the glory, like they were the one that was there through the whole struggle. Now THAT gets to me.
Absolutely, black men disgust me, I try to tell my brothers to stop this self hate crap, they mainly divest to use women of no color as a weapon against black women.
Had to look it up right now and I found out the full theme is about BW being golddiggers who only look for white men The irony and the projection got me 💀💀
Same, this is what the black community get for helping fools like this go viral. This is why I disassociate from social media. Only thing I have is youtube. Idc who anyone date but don't speak as if you are for your people but secretly does others. This is why we get infiltrated in black community MLK Jr etc... some may think it's just a joke but it does goes much deeper then this video
Claiming vegans are the way while they are exposed to eating steak regularly makes them a fake. Nothing wrong with either but to promote yourself as the consummate vegan! He’s more than right to be what he wants. Expecting others to still follow…..well!
This song is hilarious. I had to download it. 😂 I definitely wasn’t shocked. But I understand why people are side eyeing him. His content came across as pro-black when he wasn’t.
This is not surprising a lot of Africans try to come off pro-black just to get paid but when you look at their life they are totally pro-white. That's why you have to look at people closely who they're with who they live around that tells you who they worship. If they're bleaching their skin know right away who they worship why waste your time on these useless people. That is why the continent is a mess because of these types of sell-out want to pretend they're one thing when they're going to people who look like them but everybody knows that they're another. The Caribbeans are the same way a lot of those 90% black country that have bleach in their skin and aligning with their oppressors. The thickness in the self-hate is real because they're all bleaching. Unity is something foreign to the black race other than foundational black American and maybe Europeans Canadians and South Americans but these 90% countries please most of their people a worshipping other races and have no self pride in their own. The exception to those 90% Cent countries is South Africa because they have awakened and they know who that enemy is but they still have a lot of sellout if you haven't noticed. Also I have to exempt the Rastafarians from that because they have always been true to their people and builders in their community.
I feel like you can be pro-black and still date outside of your race. But I guess it depends on individual interpretations of what being “pro-black” is.
@@Amara53 A man can be pro race and still date outside his race because the children will primarily resemble the race of the father but a woman can't be pro race amd date outside her race
@@Amara53 if you’re so proud about your race & community, you normally would date inside that.. not go & date the oppressor. black men are known for putting down black women for a white woman so i understand the frustration.
Hey Lea gurrrr👋...I'm still here supporting and ur still here giving great energy...beautiful smiles and great content🎉🎉💯💥🦸♀️...That dam YT song us funny and true n sad all at the same time😂😮😢
Why do BW stay playing themselves? Let that man date who he wants…if he doesn’t want you, then what has been taken from you? Date the people who treat you right. I’m tired of seeing my sistas all bent out of shape about a group of men who don’t care. It is embarrassing. Punishing them is not going to make them want you, either. Nobody is stopping you from doing the same, btw. But otherwise, let them GO! Find a man who values your blackness and save your energy for being open and ready for love if you find it.
I agree with you but I don’t think that was the issue. For me the issue was the betrayal after realizing when someone is using you for their own gain and not genuine. The song doesn’t have the same message cause it now feels like double talk. I honestly don’t care cause what matters is love and there’s no color in that.
At this point I think all blk males have white or non-blk women. I just wish more blk women would do the same, especially when it’s statistically proven that we have more success and happiness when partnered with non blk men. It’s time to move on sisters ❤
I'm with the chick at 6:30. I don't care about his preference because this trend has been going on for YEARS, and at this point, it is expected. I feel like black women are the majority that are in an uproar when shit like this occurs because they feel like they're running out of black dudes (or "good" black dudes), maybe? Idk, I've been dating out for years, and I feel like black males and their antics just don't bother me anymore because I'm not focusing on having a black partner. Maybe that's just me, though.
I feel the same way. I’m a black woman who’s never been with a non white guy and idc if his gf is white. I’m confused as to why this is a topic when black guys have been dating outside of their race forever now. Like?
I am bw married.. i dont approve because i see it as an act of war. Destruction of black civilization.. Malcolm x say it best wyt men will use their woman as weapon against bm.. economic ,social warfare maybe if they werent our arch menaces... so no, i t not cute... black dude was actually mocking bw ..
I could never get upset about a black man dating out, I think it's those that ONLY DATE BLACK MEN that are up set, feeling betrayed 🤷🏾♀️ We need to have more love of self, because it's a PRIVILEGE to be with us . let those that want Becky STAY THERE . Believe it or not Ladies we have the top pick of society (recognize it) if we so choose, annnnnd they get the throwbacks 😊 no anger needed
If you are the CEO of your life, then your partner/spouse is your deputy. Blk people complain about unemployment, but giving the most important person in your life the number 1 job to another race is mind boggling, esp when we know they only come when it is we who have resources and they solely come to drain it... That and because racism still exists. It is rampant. Where he is from in the U.K. he will have experienced it. Yet, he still decides to date those oppressing him while not investing in and building his own... Pro black is about building your community and furthering it
It’s just like Tina Turner dumb azz, she made all of that money just for it to go into her Whyte husband’s bank account. Black people constantly put money into the hands of whyte people and it irks my nerves. That’s why our community looks the way it does now. I h8te my people sometimes, they are so damn gullible🙄
I think that today, dating out makes sense for BW. The thinking that dating out speaks on your loyalty is the very reason that BW are suffering in the dating arena, as they will only date a BM. At the same time, BM are dating all over the place while blaming BW for their preference of non-black partners. If BW want to have better chances at finding love (and a husband), opening your options can be a huge game changer. All of a sudden, there ISN’T a shortage of “qualified” potential mates out there. That guy didn’t bother me at all. Now, if he would have been out there dragging BW…I still wouldn’t care…but at least it would make sense for people to be upset. Let the man live.
This is why I solely focus on Black Women Empowerment (BWE) content and don’t hop in the Black hotep and Black liberation movements. I long realized that Black liberation, hotep, and consciousness are about BM fighting for THEIR liberation, namely to ascend to the power WM have in this world and have access to WW. BW are often used as mules and foot soldiers in these movements and then discarded once the the BM can access WW (or even BW with light skin, biracial W, AW, LW, etc). Can BM date and marry whoever they want? Absolutely! But there is often a pathology involved that absolutely does bleed into the lives of BW. There’s the financial targeting and exploitation of BW, using BW’s time, labor, and resources to make a come up. Culture is generally kept by and passed on by the W. Who prepares the food, hairstyles, clothing, fashion, music (M can be included, of course)? Recall when Kanye spoke of giving Kim K the black culture, helping her co-op BW aesthetics for profit. Or TI helping an Aussie appropriate a Black accent/aesthetics and putting her on when so many BW rappers are trying to get into the rap game. I’ll get to the biracials in the rap game in a minute. The number of black comedians dating/married to non-BW (Richard Pryor, Jamie, Key & Peele) who profit off of negative caricatures of and tropes about BW. And it doesn’t just stop with their non-Black spouse. Their biracial sons have the same pathology as the Black father and prefer non-BW. And the daughters, who generally adopt the anti-BW sentiment of the non-Black moms, are frequently used to replace BW. Look at most movies, music, and tv. Many biracial actresses are used to represent the “Black” female; but an actual BM, usually with dark skin, represents BM. This dismissive “love is love” is BS when there is a clear pattern among no other group of M but BM, of choosing a non-BW once higher in financial stature or achieving more access to non-BW. Marketing and conditioning are powerful.
Nobody in their preference race would pay a dime to support them that's why. They have no self respect and it's really sick in the mind. I wonder what the white girl's family think that they're dating. What do you think they're telling the family members. We have men in our community who don't know that they're free to build for their own people always pandering. If something go wrong with him instead of the community there uplifting supporting them where do they run and hopeful ISM at the gutter silly black women
I am not triggered by black men who have decided to date out side their own race. I am fine with it as long as you are not trying to talk shit about black women to try to justify your dating choices. You can do whatever you want just leave us out of it.
My bf white, despite this passport bro antiblack women bullshxt I still support black men. Its funny because when Im out I see so many blck men with women from other races but I get the surprised pikachu face when they see me with my bf. 😂😂😂😂
I think creatives need to take responsibility for the fact that they are public figures and that they will be judged and held accountable for how consistent they are with how they portray themselves. If you come out as a creator marketing yourself as pro-black and positioning yourself as a voice on blackness, but then aren’t open and forthright with regards to your personal preferences people will feel deceived. And then, so many of these people double down and gaslight followers/ fans regarding how those preferences contradict the “black love” or “black solidarity” narrative they’ve been pushing because they believe they should be able to market the black experience even if their lifestyle is incongruent with what they portray to the world. It’s about being 100% authentic.
@@unapologeticallyBlack414 Why are you catering to a black audience about whyte people having privilege and you turn around and date one of them? IT MAKES NO SENSE🙄
@@unapologeticallyBlack414So he makes a song speaking of white privileged and anti-blackness which implies he’s pro-black when he isn’t. You can’t be pro-black and date white. Will there be issues that affect him as a bleach person yes, but can he be pro black while making generational wealth for his mixed kids, no! 😂
That is so true that's why they treat them like crap look at where their living most of them. They're videos out there they fight put nothing and they allow people to treat them like anyting but we're not going to do that in America.
18:05 pro black should never mean you completely dismiss a black person just because they’re dating another ethnicity, unless they are dating them “because that person isn’t black”. It’s never that black and white. I’m all for ANYONE pushing for pro black if they’re being sincere about it.
Idc about a blk content creator (or any blk person) dating a yt person. It's only an issue if that person either goes out of their way to put us down. Or if they imply they don't fuq with yt folk by going hard on them, only to pop up with one on their arm. I don't really see how a person can be pro blk and date outside, but maybe that's just me. Idk if he gives pro blk or not, but the implication is there. I'm also not interested in people who either put down their own people, or put down the people of the one they're in a relationship with. A likkle light shade and talking about the differences is fine. But some people go hard and then go home to the very people they trashed all day. That's fuqqin corny!
First, don't call us your brothers when you have low opinion of us. Second, Black females have always dated outside their race since forever, even longer than black men. Lastly, your type believes nonblack males treat y'all better and that's far from the truth. Y'all interracial relationships fail as much as y'all black relationships. HA!
We should be doing that anyway! Unfortunately, the Blackmail Collective mainly has Struggle, Poverty Love to offer! I need a man that values Building, Providing and Protecting! Just being able to "pay the light bill" isn't appealing to me at allllllll! 👀😐
@@MissTeaq You're say EXACTLY as if black females ever had their options closed. Um, y'all produced more mixed kids than black men. Y'all mingle outside the race for centuries and your lives are still where they are today.
@@mizzpoetrics Ma'am, there are many black females with nonblack males and they're still going 50/50 or playing the breadwinners. I guess both are bad when the men are black. Just admit y'all just want an excuse to swirl while pretending to be Afrocentric. Do me a favor, get use to saying Mixed Girl Magic😏
In my perspective, the issue I see here is not about his girlfriend being white. Rather, it seems to be a concern that some Africans may hold negative biases against African/Black Americans, and they make a point of emphasizing it. Additionally, there is a belief that many black men who date white women develop prejudice against black people and bond over anti-black sentiments. It is also believed that white Americans are preferred due to their privilege and wealth by Africans. Given the historical prejudice against black/African Americans and the other points mentioned, the fact that he released a song like this raises questions about his true intentions. From a financial standpoint, some might consider this good marketing, but it raises moral concerns.
Some people forgot the meaning of the word "viral". Something being popular in Africa doesn't mean it's viral. Viral means international. Means it's everywhere on the internet....wich is not the case. I have NEVER heard that song before or seen those stitches
Thats a stupid reason to cancel someone. Love is love. And it seems to be a thing that african natives are into interracial marriages and nothing is wrong with that.
I previously married a white man & because we fell in love. Even after our divorce, this man has picked me up from the hospital & walked in to sign me out because they told me that I could drive myself home the morning before my surgery, but when I showed up, they told me that wasn't possible. This man was traumatized from a medical school experience at this hospital, but he & our daughter came for me in an emergency. He was my last call. Some of y'all can talk badly about color all day with your discrimination, but this man has always seen and treated me like a human, and I wasn't always the best wife to him, either. Not everyone in my own family will treat me this well. Remember to look at people's hearts & not the color of their skin. I will love always & respect this man, this great human & father of our child, and till my very last breath. I know who I can count on & it's not a fictitious Black mate. I will only choose a partner for love & not the color of my future partners skin. Heal your prejudice & have a blessed day.
@@Ubothered Him being great as a person has nothing to do with our divorce. Sometimes, people grow apart & are better friends than partners. We have maturity, which I see some other people lack. He's still a good person, friend & father of my child. I don't have spread to hate about him, so sorry if that offends you.
@Ubothered I find it funny that you obviously want us to dislike or hate each other. We're adults, not children, nor prejudiced to each other. As if great people can't be divorced. He talks me up to & we support each other & our child. You can't comprehend probably because you have some prejudice or animosity towards divorced people. Sounds like a 'you' problem.
@Ubothered There's no irony. We just care about each other & for each other in spite of our divorce. Our health & relationship with each other has a direct effect & affect on our child, so we're showing her how to treat others & how she should be treated by others, regardless of the past. Maybe consider the philosophy of healing yourself so that you're not perpetuating harm because what you do comes back to you five-fold, so our philosophy is that we might as well be good to each other. What's wrong with that?
Is this a reflection of their own self hate? 🤷🏾♀️ Just goes to show you how in the efforts to get like they will sell out themselves and values.🤦🏾♀️ Sad.
I don’t think it was that deep because he is still black…does having a yt girlfriend mean he will get those interviews??is there an option that says “I’m black but I have a yt girlfriend“ on job applications??some things are just so unnecessary
Before I even listened to the video, I "liked" just because you look absolutely gorgeous. Between the make up and the outfit...but I did eventually listed and enjoyed the content...lol
To the video creator: To answer your question if you interacially date or marry what is the problem how does it take away from your ability to be pro-black and why is it considered disingenuous. TO ANSWER THIS you need to look at really global statistics between GENDER within black men and black women dating interacially, especially when it comes to choosing a white partner. It is known here in the states and well-documented that usually black men who date out are self-hating, and he generally brings harm to his own community by doing the following: He will give nothing back to his community once he "makes it big" and has all of these resources, he leaves his community forgotten but still faithfully remembers to demean, degrade, and basically spit at his own people while he is on the other side and while being boistrous he flaunts his white wife and resources to mock his people until something goes wrong (the wife takes all the money and resources and now he's broke and she leaves him) so he comes crawling back fake crying on his hands and knees to the black community (especially black women) looking for acceptance. However the opposite is seen in Black women who date out. We only grow the community and expand resources back to our community and we never spit at black women while on the other side we simply live our lives. Some examples of couples in the states who are like this (Starting with Black men) are: Brian McKnight, Jeezy, Childish Gambino, Kanye West (especially during his melt down with Kim taking the kids and Kanye all of a sudden started asking the Black community for help despite having numerous songs degrading black women, treating black women horribly outside of the music as well.), basically any black male athlete who has dated or married a white girl... literally any of them take your pick, and so many others chile.... AS FOR THE WOMEN: Look at Serena Williams she gives to charities often bringing resources back to the community despite constant attack for no reason), Eve, Tyra Banks, Tina Turner to name just a few.
Thanks for this well detailed explanation. The celebrities you named are real life proof of what you said, it just gave me a much clearer perspective on things. Thank you
Dating someone outside your race doesn't cancel out your black experience. Also, this race obsession is an American thing. Most black Brits already knew he had a white gf, and we don't care! Live your life folks! Some things are not worth arguing about 😂 My guy is now at 2m followers and still getting sponsored 🙌🏾 Life goes on as normal 🫶🏾
I don’t care either way, your life is your own, until you open it up, like social media. And I’m assuming you were what we call Black Strong, that meant, you your girl and your dog was black. For people like you, they would have been OK with it, had you been honest up front, and I get it, you figure what does she have to do with this? Well I’m glad you asked, see you’re considered a deceiver, someone who pretends to be someone else, to get what you want, (whether right or wrong).and lying with omission is not far from your bag of tricks, it’s not that you’re with a white woman, it’s the deception, you presented a certain persona, that your people gravitated to, the Black community is not going to lift up a person they don’t trust, if you didn’t know, while you were making that content, you should have read the room.
Gambino-ism is the PERFECT term for this, to be honest! I just thank God that we still have our Denzels, Morris Chestnuts, and Ryan Cooglers out there.
The black women that are dating out or doing no better honey. You hear them all over the Internet how the white man they're dating really don't like black people they didn't even know they were just a fetish. They want any do some to their families their family members called the niggars and they tolerated just to be close to whiteness
Why are some BP so easily fooled. He has an anthem singing ,every for WP, and nothing is for BP. 😕 Words have power, especially when you speak them in this manner. He's clearly uplifting and supportive WS. It's in plain sight. And these foolish BP are laughing, thinking its a joke. Never sing or repeat words that put you down and uplift another. Not everything is a joke. Be smart.
It is a big deal when u claim u r marginalised group then u go to the oppressor in his words, for example he gave many examples of black men dating white women and raised and issue, then he turns around do the same thing. You can not be a hypocrite, I am sure he will use this why he doesn’t date black women. I could care less who he date and anyone can date who they want but the problem is when u raise awareness by saying it is wrong for black men to solely date white women or non black. Interracial relationship is not bad it is the intention
I really don’t care about people dating outside of their race… it just comes down to don’t spend your time putting down your own to raise up another. It’s so easy to express your love or attraction towards someone without talking about someone else.
Laugh all the way to forfeiting his inheritance, with a milky bloodline as our men have done, THE WHOLE TIME and it didn’t work out well for them, look at Sampson
Mama, how do you know the white person that isn't racist, is it written on their fore head. Now I'm sure you've come across many case where BM dating WW downgrade BW just to get close to whiteness, so you can't blame blk people for their reaction okay, it's like coming out publicly to say u are vegan when you eat steak behind closed doors, it's that kind of feeling, feeling of deceit and betrayal, Also being PRO BLACK means everything you are doing is to uplift and add value to the black community and not deceive them. I'm sure you've heard of the saying that blk people should be wary and never trust a blk person with a white partner cos their loyalty doesn't lay with building the community, it will always lays to been close to whiteness, anyways we will be alright he's not the first neither will he be the last...... So we move, ahead ahead
Yes… your sentiments are correct, I feel like their loyalty could be split when they are with a non-black partner.. But just like I said I’m the video, I’ve seen a lot of strong voices in the pro-black niche on tiktok who don’t date or marry black so it just got me thinking… do we side eye all those people too?
It is like finding out a minister is married to a former prostitute or a prostitute. If they were up front from the beginning, no one is mad, but if you find out much later, than you are mad. Do you understand.
Nothing for you if you're black 🖤 something for you if you're white... come on black 🖤 people it's a song against black folks not for them we gotta wake up we just gotta when the man speaks of white people he means white men not women and when he says black he means him the white mans foot stool not black 🖤 women black women is no concern of his stop 🛑 being weak minded and let the man beg his master by himself . Black 🖤 power
He's vibing in his vlogs as if he relates to black issues (for views ofc )but suddenly you find out he's running away from black issues 😂 into the arms of Wyte Wyte Wyte‼️
Ironic that the song was about black women only looking for a white man and wanting nothing to do with black men, when the dude who ends up getting dragged is dragged because hes dating a white woman
Hear me out: this song should be the anthem of 99.999% the black players in the Premier League.
Let's not forget your movies Tarzan entertainers but who's making them rich black women mostly for them to take it and support another communities woman. They only come back when they're broke because she's going to get hers before he leaves a community. You need to know what pro-black is apparently
The real question is, if he doesn't think that he is doing nothing wrong, then why hide his girlfriend? If he has to hide her then it speaks volumes.
Right…..it’s deceptive
It’s clearly self-hatred, I studied psychology in college and as a therapist I see it as a way to fit in with the crowd they think is better than them …
Or maybe it’s because certain black people like to separate themselves from black people who don’t act like them, or people who they view as being too white if you were the black community in America is literally my most xenophobic communities in the world
It is disgusting, I would never want to become friends with them.
I've always said it: Self-hatred!
Hmmmm always self hatred when it's the men. CDC stats in America says that African American women create mixed babies in the disparity of millions when compared to the men.
Then there's the hash tag to terminate black boys by those women, and the termination of 20m unborn babies
Can you break these points then for us?
@@sheluvssmokedupeyes1Are you Black? Do you live in the Black Community? 🧐
The girl whose father buys her whitening creams is so heartbreaking. Colonization has destroyed the black consciousness..smh 😢
I agree, it’s so sad!
Africans🤷🏿♀️skin whitening is far from being as Popular outside africa and Asia. We love our skin and we are proud. Whitening our Teeth maybe but not our skins.
From what I gather I think a lot of black women are more irritated that they build with them. They’re there from the foundation and once they make it, they choose another race but when they were down in the mud and need support, they get it from black women.
It's not about us, it's about them and their self-hatred.
Stop supporting them.
Black women need to get a generational clue and stop supporting them. They can't complain about the behavior they enable.
When given advice about walking away and leaving them to their own devices, many get upset and and want to attack others who are looking out.
It's well known BW have the reputation of building BM up and willingly accepting the role of the fall-back queen when BM become broke/decrepit looking for something to cushion their fall.
Marrying outside the race wouldn't matter IF the person of the same race wasnt demeaned and used as a negative reason why that person chose who they "preference". Non black men/women do NOT speak ill of their fellow people when dating out, its mainly black men who do it
It's the "divestors" who do it the most
@@yoogeo1Same difference....
There is no way in hell you can be pro-black and married to another race because that's who you are uplifting. Of those people are nothing more than Oreos that is trying to get something from there people that they can't get from the people that they're actually supported.
@@yoogeo1 I just can't agree. It's too many vids of black dudes shuckin and professin about their yt.
@@JayMich29Not at all. It’s just that people’s TikTok algorithm is set up to show them more of what they look for. I don’t know how everyone conveniently glosses over this. Whyte divestors are very real but they’re always going to be drowned out by other forms of Whyte media; meanwhile Black people are very isolated and exposed.
It’s typical and expected. Both racists and Black men capitalize off of the Black community, especially Black women. So many single Black women on earth🤦🏽♀️
I am so dead.
Tbh there are people on both side of that argument I've had BOYS tell me I'm asict-ray because I have a preference but then they say some outta pocket ish like "you're a Latina you're supposed to sleep with me" "you're not really a Latina because you won't sleep with black people!" "You're a -nazi- because you won't sleep with me" but I explain I have trauma due to being sa'd by a black man they say "You can't be SA'd you're a Latina" or "Latinas can't be SA'd because they want to sleep with everyone" but that's not asict-ray because"I'm black I can't be rasssisss!"
Date whoever you choose. Just don't PANDER to BW or vilify them when THEY date outside THEIR RACE!
@@Queenofthatank smh that’s so sad, black men have this mentality of everyone should want them, “I’m a black man you don’t want me?!” Bc of the fetishization from other races of women throwing themselves at them they believe every race of woman wants or should want them. It’s given them a false inflated sense of ego
I can not tell you why I unfollow, but there is a major creator I do not follow for that reason. They speak on all the Black issues, but when the community of the person they were dating was attacking us, they were quiet.
Hmm.. I understand.
Truly, their loyalty would always be divided 🤔
You’re not going to tell us who? I want to avoid such a person!!👂🏽🤔😉
I'm Biracial but when ppl see me they quickly identify me with Black. Anyway, I live in a predominantly white area, like I've been the only Black person in my elementary school and in middle school I was the only Black person, in high school there was one other Black person who basically tried to blend in and be as "white" as possible. When I started dating my first boyfriend, he was white. It wasn't that I didn't love my community, I just really liked that boy plus there was no other people of color in my area. There's a town about an hour away from where I live that has a bigger Black population and I now have some Black friends from there.
But I've noticed that there's a certain type of Black people, especially Black men and a lot of dark skinned Black men who just refuse to have anything to do with the Black community and will date white girls just to try and "become white". My dad is a dark skinned Black man and he has like 13 baby mamas, one of them is Black, the rest are white.
If you're in an interracial relationship, be in an interracial relationship because you love one another, not because you're trying to become less of your community or more of a different community and don't do it just because you have a "type" with a certain race
We don't like being used and laughed at. We don't like being fooled. They don't say anything and they are relying on us taking them at face value. I will not support a yt woman. By supporting him, my efforts are supporting her. So, no. I am not putting money into his pocket for him to spend on her, when I have to work for everything I have.
Absolutely. Hard work for money and not a penny of mine will to them.
That’s exactly right! Ain’t buying no yte female’s botox!🙄🙄
I’m happy black women are putting themselves first and moving on code. Get away from these ninjas. Stop supporting them in general. They are not pushing black women to the forefront to get anywhere so why are you making them rich?. Man bw I need y’all to start playing the game too
Absolutely, black men disgust me, I try to tell my brothers to stop this self hate crap, they mainly divest to use women of no color as a weapon against black women.
What about us that have black sons ? Should we just allow them to believe they are a lost cause? This mentality is dangerous to young black children that haven’t done anything wrong to have us as adults give up on our own race. Please get a clue , you and every woman like you.
I read in one of the comments section and I think she explained it perfectly, it's like it went from somebody laughing with you to laughing at you.
It's a catchy tune. I don't care if he's dating a white girl. Its not that deep. At least not for me. I'm ot wasting my energy on this one. Im more upset about BM who have BW until they get to the top of their mountain and then they switch to white or asain and then give them the glory, like they were the one that was there through the whole struggle. Now THAT gets to me.
Let it go. Stop giving Black Men your all knowing that they will do this. Insanity is doing the same thing expecting a different result.
THIS ✊🏾💪🏾
BM always seem to make a profit off bw’s likeness… but swear not to like them. dude at the end told the truth
Absolutely, black men disgust me, I try to tell my brothers to stop this self hate crap, they mainly divest to use women of no color as a weapon against black women.
Lmao. This song has me in a choke hold.
Had to look it up right now and I found out the full theme is about BW being golddiggers who only look for white men
The irony and the projection got me 💀💀
@@VixxKong2 The irony is also that those men weren't white😭
Nollywood budget white. White enough, because real white actors cost too much to import.
I'm not on Tik Tok. I've never heard this song.
It’s currently trending over there.. big time!
This song is in lots of African movie
@@bandanaknickerbockerSad for Africa then.
Same, this is what the black community get for helping fools like this go viral. This is why I disassociate from social media. Only thing I have is youtube. Idc who anyone date but don't speak as if you are for your people but secretly does others. This is why we get infiltrated in black community MLK Jr etc... some may think it's just a joke but it does goes much deeper then this video
Claiming vegans are the way while they are exposed to eating steak regularly makes them a fake. Nothing wrong with either but to promote yourself as the consummate vegan! He’s more than right to be what he wants. Expecting others to still follow…..well!
That’s a great analogy😂
So he’s less black because of who he lay down with 🤔🤔😂
@@luckythagreat don’t know who says he’s less black.
@@luckythagreat yeah, they aren't white but still have a black mother, and that's the only one he (may) respect.
Me obviously 😂😂
Money over dignity.
Yep, that's what he said.
This song is hilarious. I had to download it. 😂
I definitely wasn’t shocked. But I understand why people are side eyeing him. His content came across as pro-black when he wasn’t.
Eboni k williams says she'sbpro black but she dates outside her race
This is not surprising a lot of Africans try to come off pro-black just to get paid but when you look at their life they are totally pro-white. That's why you have to look at people closely who they're with who they live around that tells you who they worship. If they're bleaching their skin know right away who they worship why waste your time on these useless people. That is why the continent is a mess because of these types of sell-out want to pretend they're one thing when they're going to people who look like them but everybody knows that they're another. The Caribbeans are the same way a lot of those 90% black country that have bleach in their skin and aligning with their oppressors. The thickness in the self-hate is real because they're all bleaching. Unity is something foreign to the black race other than foundational black American and maybe Europeans Canadians and South Americans but these 90% countries please most of their people a worshipping other races and have no self pride in their own. The exception to those 90% Cent countries is South Africa because they have awakened and they know who that enemy is but they still have a lot of sellout if you haven't noticed. Also I have to exempt the Rastafarians from that because they have always been true to their people and builders in their community.
I feel like you can be pro-black and still date outside of your race. But I guess it depends on individual interpretations of what being “pro-black” is.
@@Amara53 A man can be pro race and still date outside his race because the children will primarily resemble the race of the father but a woman can't be pro race amd date outside her race
@@Amara53 if you’re so proud about your race & community, you normally would date inside that.. not go & date the oppressor.
black men are known for putting down black women for a white woman so i understand the frustration.
You look gorgeous. Hope you are feeling very well still
Thanks sis! Yes I’m doing great now, thanks for checking 💜💜
Dating a yt does not change the struggle. The world will always see him as a black man.
Hey Lea gurrrr👋...I'm still here supporting and ur still here giving great energy...beautiful smiles and great content🎉🎉💯💥🦸♀️...That dam YT song us funny and true n sad all at the same time😂😮😢
Hi Precious! Thanks for your support. How is your day going?
@@DumebiLea blessed and busy
Why do BW stay playing themselves? Let that man date who he wants…if he doesn’t want you, then what has been taken from you? Date the people who treat you right. I’m tired of seeing my sistas all bent out of shape about a group of men who don’t care. It is embarrassing. Punishing them is not going to make them want you, either. Nobody is stopping you from doing the same, btw. But otherwise, let them GO! Find a man who values your blackness and save your energy for being open and ready for love if you find it.
I agree with you but I don’t think that was the issue. For me the issue was the betrayal after realizing when someone is using you for their own gain and not genuine. The song doesn’t have the same message cause it now feels like double talk. I honestly don’t care cause what matters is love and there’s no color in that.
So damn embarrassing,smh.
ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL 😍 💯🙏🏾Great video, beautiful 💯thanks
I’m black myself and i honestly don’t see what the big deal is with this 💁🏾♀️
At this point I think all blk males have white or non-blk women. I just wish more blk women would do the same, especially when it’s statistically proven that we have more success and happiness when partnered with non blk men. It’s time to move on sisters ❤
YUP. There’s nothing in blackistan for BW.
@@ibabechanelsay it again 💯💯💯💯
Statistics are skewed to meet any narrative. Just say you prefer white don’t try to demean ALL BM for preference. I say the same for BM.
@@ibabechanel nothing but extraction. Blackistan does nothing but abuse and extract everything from blk women. 🙅🏽♀️
Exactly 💯
I'm with the chick at 6:30. I don't care about his preference because this trend has been going on for YEARS, and at this point, it is expected. I feel like black women are the majority that are in an uproar when shit like this occurs because they feel like they're running out of black dudes (or "good" black dudes), maybe? Idk, I've been dating out for years, and I feel like black males and their antics just don't bother me anymore because I'm not focusing on having a black partner. Maybe that's just me, though.
I think people are bothered because majority of black men than only date white women are anti-black deep down
I feel the same way. I’m a black woman who’s never been with a non white guy and idc if his gf is white. I’m confused as to why this is a topic when black guys have been dating outside of their race forever now. Like?
I am bw married.. i dont approve because i see it as an act of war. Destruction of black civilization.. Malcolm x say it best wyt men will use their woman as weapon against bm.. economic ,social warfare maybe if they werent our arch menaces... so no, i t not cute... black dude was actually mocking bw ..
You're a whole contradiction
While he's in this state of mind and internal conflict, no Black woman should WANT to date him! Ever heard the term "dodging a bullet"?
I could never get upset about a black man dating out, I think it's those that ONLY DATE BLACK MEN that are up set, feeling betrayed 🤷🏾♀️ We need to have more love of self, because it's a PRIVILEGE to be with us . let those that want Becky STAY THERE . Believe it or not Ladies we have the top pick of society (recognize it) if we so choose, annnnnd they get the throwbacks 😊 no anger needed
If you are the CEO of your life, then your partner/spouse is your deputy. Blk people complain about unemployment, but giving the most important person in your life the number 1 job to another race is mind boggling, esp when we know they only come when it is we who have resources and they solely come to drain it... That and because racism still exists. It is rampant. Where he is from in the U.K. he will have experienced it. Yet, he still decides to date those oppressing him while not investing in and building his own... Pro black is about building your community and furthering it
It’s just like Tina Turner dumb azz, she made all of that money just for it to go into her Whyte husband’s bank account. Black people constantly put money into the hands of whyte people and it irks my nerves. That’s why our community looks the way it does now. I h8te my people sometimes, they are so damn gullible🙄
Majority will date white people go broke than blame the black community for their failures. They know not to challenge the white community…
I think that today, dating out makes sense for BW. The thinking that dating out speaks on your loyalty is the very reason that BW are suffering in the dating arena, as they will only date a BM. At the same time, BM are dating all over the place while blaming BW for their preference of non-black partners. If BW want to have better chances at finding love (and a husband), opening your options can be a huge game changer. All of a sudden, there ISN’T a shortage of “qualified” potential mates out there. That guy didn’t bother me at all. Now, if he would have been out there dragging BW…I still wouldn’t care…but at least it would make sense for people to be upset. Let the man live.
You look so lovely today. The hair, the make up plus outfit...amazing
This is why I solely focus on Black Women Empowerment (BWE) content and don’t hop in the Black hotep and Black liberation movements. I long realized that Black liberation, hotep, and consciousness are about BM fighting for THEIR liberation, namely to ascend to the power WM have in this world and have access to WW. BW are often used as mules and foot soldiers in these movements and then discarded once the the BM can access WW (or even BW with light skin, biracial W, AW, LW, etc).
Can BM date and marry whoever they want? Absolutely! But there is often a pathology involved that absolutely does bleed into the lives of BW. There’s the financial targeting and exploitation of BW,
using BW’s time, labor, and resources to make a come up. Culture is generally kept by and passed on by the W. Who prepares the food, hairstyles, clothing, fashion, music (M can be included, of course)? Recall when Kanye spoke of giving Kim K the black culture, helping her co-op BW aesthetics for profit. Or TI helping an Aussie appropriate a Black accent/aesthetics and putting her on when so many BW rappers are trying to get into the rap game. I’ll get to the biracials in the rap game in a minute.
The number of black comedians dating/married to non-BW (Richard Pryor, Jamie, Key & Peele) who profit off of negative caricatures of and tropes about BW.
And it doesn’t just stop with their non-Black spouse. Their biracial sons have the same pathology as the Black father and prefer non-BW. And the daughters, who generally adopt the anti-BW sentiment of the non-Black moms, are frequently used to replace BW. Look at most movies, music, and tv. Many biracial actresses are used to represent the “Black” female; but an actual BM, usually with dark skin, represents BM. This dismissive “love is love” is BS when there is a clear pattern among no other group of M but BM, of choosing a non-BW once higher in financial stature or achieving more access to non-BW. Marketing and conditioning are powerful.
It's always weird when these pro-black influencers date 🤚🏻 ppl
Nobody in their preference race would pay a dime to support them that's why. They have no self respect and it's really sick in the mind. I wonder what the white girl's family think that they're dating. What do you think they're telling the family members. We have men in our community who don't know that they're free to build for their own people always pandering. If something go wrong with him instead of the community there uplifting supporting them where do they run and hopeful ISM at the gutter silly black women
I am not triggered by black men who have decided to date out side their own race. I am fine with it as long as you are not trying to talk shit about black women to try to justify your dating choices. You can do whatever you want just leave us out of it.
😂😂😂😂 not the White Hunters soundtrack 🤣🤣🤣🤣
My bf white, despite this passport bro antiblack women bullshxt I still support black men. Its funny because when Im out I see so many blck men with women from other races but I get the surprised pikachu face when they see me with my bf. 😂😂😂😂
No they don't owe us that loyalty and neither we do. It's a two way streets.
I think creatives need to take responsibility for the fact that they are public figures and that they will be judged and held accountable for how consistent they are with how they portray themselves. If you come out as a creator marketing yourself as pro-black and positioning yourself as a voice on blackness, but then aren’t open and forthright with regards to your personal preferences people will feel deceived. And then, so many of these people double down and gaslight followers/ fans regarding how those preferences contradict the “black love” or “black solidarity” narrative they’ve been pushing because they believe they should be able to market the black experience even if their lifestyle is incongruent with what they portray to the world.
It’s about being 100% authentic.
The song is so unserious i love it so much (like of course there's truth to it but its still silly lol).
🎉🎉😂but why has the last girl literally got bleaching products in her house lol 😂
We find the fun in everything 😂😂😂
our folk in the UK never find an issue with anything i swear😂😂
I’m from America and I don’t understand the issue
Why are you catering to a black audience about whyte people having privilege and you turn around and date one of them? IT MAKES NO SENSE🙄
@@unapologeticallyBlack414So he makes a song speaking of white privileged and anti-blackness which implies he’s pro-black when he isn’t. You can’t be pro-black and date white. Will there be issues that affect him as a bleach person yes, but can he be pro black while making generational wealth for his mixed kids, no! 😂
Most of you are coonig anyways.Not even out from under the grip of colonizers you want to procreate with them. Enjoy the scent that pleases you
That is so true that's why they treat them like crap look at where their living most of them. They're videos out there they fight put nothing and they allow people to treat them like anyting but we're not going to do that in America.
18:05 pro black should never mean you completely dismiss a black person just because they’re dating another ethnicity, unless they are dating them “because that person isn’t black”. It’s never that black and white. I’m all for ANYONE pushing for pro black if they’re being sincere about it.
Our anger is profitable. So let’s stop enriching people who disrespect us. Be angry silently. Our silence doesn’t fatten their pockets.
Idc about a blk content creator (or any blk person) dating a yt person. It's only an issue if that person either goes out of their way to put us down. Or if they imply they don't fuq with yt folk by going hard on them, only to pop up with one on their arm. I don't really see how a person can be pro blk and date outside, but maybe that's just me. Idk if he gives pro blk or not, but the implication is there. I'm also not interested in people who either put down their own people, or put down the people of the one they're in a relationship with. A likkle light shade and talking about the differences is fine. But some people go hard and then go home to the very people they trashed all day. That's fuqqin corny!
Honestly i think we should just ignore this but i kinda get what got the people so upset.
Am not suprised the sooner black women know our brothers dont care for us the better, we can also expound our horizons date outside the race
First, don't call us your brothers when you have low opinion of us. Second, Black females have always dated outside their race since forever, even longer than black men. Lastly, your type believes nonblack males treat y'all better and that's far from the truth. Y'all interracial relationships fail as much as y'all black relationships. HA!
We should be doing that anyway! Unfortunately, the Blackmail Collective mainly has Struggle, Poverty Love to offer!
I need a man that values Building, Providing and Protecting! Just being able to "pay the light bill" isn't appealing to me at allllllll! 👀😐
@@MissTeaq You're say EXACTLY as if black females ever had their options closed. Um, y'all produced more mixed kids than black men. Y'all mingle outside the race for centuries and your lives are still where they are today.
@@mizzpoetrics Ma'am, there are many black females with nonblack males and they're still going 50/50 or playing the breadwinners. I guess both are bad when the men are black.
Just admit y'all just want an excuse to swirl while pretending to be Afrocentric.
Do me a favor, get use to saying Mixed Girl Magic😏
That top you’re wearing is really nice!❤
In my perspective, the issue I see here is not about his girlfriend being white. Rather, it seems to be a concern that some Africans may hold negative biases against African/Black Americans, and they make a point of emphasizing it. Additionally, there is a belief that many black men who date white women develop prejudice against black people and bond over anti-black sentiments. It is also believed that white Americans are preferred due to their privilege and wealth by Africans.
Given the historical prejudice against black/African Americans and the other points mentioned, the fact that he released a song like this raises questions about his true intentions. From a financial standpoint, some might consider this good marketing, but it raises moral concerns.
Some people forgot the meaning of the word "viral". Something being popular in Africa doesn't mean it's viral. Viral means international. Means it's everywhere on the internet....wich is not the case. I have NEVER heard that song before or seen those stitches
🤣🤣🤣 that song is hilarious
I knew he would get caught eventually lmaooooooooo….. He was doing to much
He's Ghanaian as well 🇬🇭.. It's their speciality!... If you know, you know! 😂
Thats a stupid reason to cancel someone. Love is love. And it seems to be a thing that african natives are into interracial marriages and nothing is wrong with that.
I really don't care, just don't drag people down while trying to justify why you're doing it.
I previously married a white man & because we fell in love. Even after our divorce, this man has picked me up from the hospital & walked in to sign me out because they told me that I could drive myself home the morning before my surgery, but when I showed up, they told me that wasn't possible. This man was traumatized from a medical school experience at this hospital, but he & our daughter came for me in an emergency. He was my last call.
Some of y'all can talk badly about color all day with your discrimination, but this man has always seen and treated me like a human, and I wasn't always the best wife to him, either. Not everyone in my own family will treat me this well. Remember to look at people's hearts & not the color of their skin. I will love always & respect this man, this great human & father of our child, and till my very last breath. I know who I can count on & it's not a fictitious Black mate. I will only choose a partner for love & not the color of my future partners skin. Heal your prejudice & have a blessed day.
If he was so great, why yall divorced?
@@Ubothered Him being great as a person has nothing to do with our divorce. Sometimes, people grow apart & are better friends than partners. We have maturity, which I see some other people lack. He's still a good person, friend & father of my child. I don't have spread to hate about him, so sorry if that offends you.
@Diana-Artemis09 offends? Not in this lifetime. I just found it ironic that someone so great, is no longer with you.
@Ubothered I find it funny that you obviously want us to dislike or hate each other. We're adults, not children, nor prejudiced to each other. As if great people can't be divorced. He talks me up to & we support each other & our child. You can't comprehend probably because you have some prejudice or animosity towards divorced people. Sounds like a 'you' problem.
@Ubothered There's no irony. We just care about each other & for each other in spite of our divorce. Our health & relationship with each other has a direct effect & affect on our child, so we're showing her how to treat others & how she should be treated by others, regardless of the past. Maybe consider the philosophy of healing yourself so that you're not perpetuating harm because what you do comes back to you five-fold, so our philosophy is that we might as well be good to each other. What's wrong with that?
I HATED THIS MOVIE WITH ALL OF MY GUTS!! And I still do lol lol lol. I hate that movie soooo much! Help! 🤣
Smh 🤦🏾♀️
That beat is discombobulated like his activism. A hot mess but hilarious.
Is this a reflection of their own self hate? 🤷🏾♀️ Just goes to show you how in the efforts to get like they will sell out themselves and values.🤦🏾♀️ Sad.
I don’t think it was that deep because he is still black…does having a yt girlfriend mean he will get those interviews??is there an option that says “I’m black but I have a yt girlfriend“ on job applications??some things are just so unnecessary
She did not say a chicken foot in his face. All I see is an actual chicken foot in his face
I just saw big meaty-ass fingers, ew.
Before I even listened to the video, I "liked" just because you look absolutely gorgeous. Between the make up and the outfit...but I did eventually listed and enjoyed the content...lol
To the video creator: To answer your question if you interacially date or marry what is the problem how does it take away from your ability to be pro-black and why is it considered disingenuous. TO ANSWER THIS you need to look at really global statistics between GENDER within black men and black women dating interacially, especially when it comes to choosing a white partner. It is known here in the states and well-documented that usually black men who date out are self-hating, and he generally brings harm to his own community by doing the following: He will give nothing back to his community once he "makes it big" and has all of these resources, he leaves his community forgotten but still faithfully remembers to demean, degrade, and basically spit at his own people while he is on the other side and while being boistrous he flaunts his white wife and resources to mock his people until something goes wrong (the wife takes all the money and resources and now he's broke and she leaves him) so he comes crawling back fake crying on his hands and knees to the black community (especially black women) looking for acceptance. However the opposite is seen in Black women who date out. We only grow the community and expand resources back to our community and we never spit at black women while on the other side we simply live our lives. Some examples of couples in the states who are like this (Starting with Black men) are: Brian McKnight, Jeezy, Childish Gambino, Kanye West (especially during his melt down with Kim taking the kids and Kanye all of a sudden started asking the Black community for help despite having numerous songs degrading black women, treating black women horribly outside of the music as well.), basically any black male athlete who has dated or married a white girl... literally any of them take your pick, and so many others chile.... AS FOR THE WOMEN: Look at Serena Williams she gives to charities often bringing resources back to the community despite constant attack for no reason), Eve, Tyra Banks, Tina Turner to name just a few.
Thanks for this well detailed explanation. The celebrities you named are real life proof of what you said, it just gave me a much clearer perspective on things.
Thank you
Chile ... it's not that serious 😂😂😂😂
Im black my husband is mixed blk and irish do i still get smoke or nah ? lol love who yall want just stay true to who u are..its not tht deep..
Truth, it's that deep!
Dating someone outside your race doesn't cancel out your black experience.
Also, this race obsession is an American thing. Most black Brits already knew he had a white gf, and we don't care! Live your life folks! Some things are not worth arguing about 😂
My guy is now at 2m followers and still getting sponsored 🙌🏾
Life goes on as normal 🫶🏾
No, it’s an everywhere thing. & It’s not a race thing, it’s an ethnicity thing. There’s only one race but multiple groups within that race.
I don’t care either way, your life is your own, until you open it up, like social media. And I’m assuming you were what we call Black Strong, that meant, you your girl and your dog was black. For people like you, they would have been OK with it, had you been honest up front, and I get it, you figure what does she have to do with this? Well I’m glad you asked, see you’re considered a deceiver, someone who pretends to be someone else, to get what you want, (whether right or wrong).and lying with omission is not far from your bag of tricks, it’s not that you’re with a white woman, it’s the deception, you presented a certain persona, that your people gravitated to, the Black community is not going to lift up a person they don’t trust, if you didn’t know, while you were making that content, you should have read the room.
she said... a chicken foot on his face. haha
2 thumbs up for canceling him.
Gambino-ism is the PERFECT term for this, to be honest! I just thank God that we still have our Denzels, Morris Chestnuts, and Ryan Cooglers out there.
Bw start dating out. Bm been doing it for ages. Don’t worry about the internet and what they think you should be doing with your life.
The black women that are dating out or doing no better honey. You hear them all over the Internet how the white man they're dating really don't like black people they didn't even know they were just a fetish. They want any do some to their families their family members called the niggars and they tolerated just to be close to whiteness
That the spirit! Get them for aiding in the destruction of black civilization
😂😂😂FUCK that.... where can I find this song 🎵 😂😂😂
There should be NOTHING FOR HIM😂
The man makes no sense and is a complete hypocrite!!! We need to restrict TikTok from these people honestly, for their own good lol
Who would have known that this song would become popular like this.😮😮😂❤
Why are some BP so easily fooled. He has an anthem singing ,every for WP, and nothing is for BP. 😕 Words have power, especially when you speak them in this manner. He's clearly uplifting and supportive WS. It's in plain sight. And these foolish BP are laughing, thinking its a joke. Never sing or repeat words that put you down and uplift another. Not everything is a joke. Be smart.
It is a big deal when u claim u r marginalised group then u go to the oppressor in his words, for example he gave many examples of black men dating white women and raised and issue, then he turns around do the same thing. You can not be a hypocrite, I am sure he will use this why he doesn’t date black women. I could care less who he date and anyone can date who they want but the problem is when u raise awareness by saying it is wrong for black men to solely date white women or non black. Interracial relationship is not bad it is the intention
I really don’t care about people dating outside of their race… it just comes down to don’t spend your time putting down your own to raise up another. It’s so easy to express your love or attraction towards someone without talking about someone else.
Laugh all the way to forfeiting his inheritance, with a milky bloodline as our men have done, THE WHOLE TIME and it didn’t work out well for them, look at Sampson
Mama, how do you know the white person that isn't racist, is it written on their fore head. Now I'm sure you've come across many case where BM dating WW downgrade BW just to get close to whiteness, so you can't blame blk people for their reaction okay, it's like coming out publicly to say u are vegan when you eat steak behind closed doors, it's that kind of feeling, feeling of deceit and betrayal, Also being PRO BLACK means everything you are doing is to uplift and add value to the black community and not deceive them. I'm sure you've heard of the saying that blk people should be wary and never trust a blk person with a white partner cos their loyalty doesn't lay with building the community, it will always lays to been close to whiteness, anyways we will be alright he's not the first neither will he be the last...... So we move, ahead ahead
Yes… your sentiments are correct, I feel like their loyalty could be split when they are with a non-black partner..
But just like I said I’m the video, I’ve seen a lot of strong voices in the pro-black niche on tiktok who don’t date or marry black so it just got me thinking… do we side eye all those people too?
It is like finding out a minister is married to a former prostitute or a prostitute. If they were up front from the beginning, no one is mad, but if you find out much later, than you are mad. Do you understand.
No matter these message if the song has a beat were naturally gunna rock to it ..we find the positive in anything.. WE GON LAUGH!!!!
Should we expect the same now from Dr Umar Johnson?? 🤔 😂😂😂.. Nothing surprises me anymore!
I think it’s time to stop caring. They are who they are. Let’s focus on ourselves and whoever loves us.
Nothing for you if you're black 🖤 something for you if you're white... come on black 🖤 people it's a song against black folks not for them we gotta wake up we just gotta when the man speaks of white people he means white men not women and when he says black he means him the white mans foot stool not black 🖤 women black women is no concern of his stop 🛑 being weak minded and let the man beg his master by himself . Black 🖤 power
I thought Jordan peele was biracial
This goes way back to the start of slavery "CANDY MAN ".
He's vibing in his vlogs as if he relates to black issues (for views ofc )but suddenly you find out he's running away from black issues 😂 into the arms of Wyte Wyte Wyte‼️
First time hearing this song…
Ironic that the song was about black women only looking for a white man and wanting nothing to do with black men, when the dude who ends up getting dragged is dragged because hes dating a white woman
Are you sure about that? 🤔 Seems like majority of the videos made, it was Bm with Yt or Yt adjacent wives! I didn't see any of Bw with Yt men!
I stand corrected, what you said was finally mentioned at the end! Now I want to see that movie, lol!
@@mizzpoetrics nollywood films are the best
Sleeping with the enemy, so standard 💩 different day
Why is he saying ytie.. when his lady friend is yt?
Ghanaians have always been like this! They have always stuck up for the palm coloured people. When are people ever going to realize this fact?! Urghh.
Let me grab some snacks before scrolling down in the comment, because this comment section is about to be toxic. 😂😢😅
Gonna watch cheeky girls!! I love African movies!!
Im gonna play that song to my man hahahahahaa