Isn’t it amazing how decent and bipartisan American politicians used to be? JFK kept Eisenhower, a Republican, closely informed over the Cuban Missile Crisis and more. You’ll never see that in today’s politics, and it’s a shame.
That’s right. JFK was not your normal ideologue. He had is own way. He wanted everything: Your social rights, your end to communism, your fore thinking. He was what we needed. He made that Bay Of Pigs thing happen, which made him sick. He was a real American.
Kennedy and Nixon genuinely liked each other and regarded each other as friends in spite of their different political affiliations. In fact when it came to foreign policy, there was practically no daylight between JFK and Nixon
It happened with Bush and Clinton. It is permanent now. The former tools of the Empire passed it on to the Democrats, the current tools. They were best suited for stupifying and confusing the population. Theyve succeeded. We are screwed.
@@RichardSchiffman-jn1ds They were friends in Congress, and Kennedy supported Nixon in his Senate campaign against Helen Gahagan Douglas. But that changed in 1960. Kennedy began to share the contempt of his Ivy League colleagues for Nixon. Benjamin Bradlee's "Conversations with JFK" contains a number of snobbish JFK references to Nixon's mannerisms.
Johnson did the same thing and, Nixon who followed him did as well. Country mattered more than party back then. Something tells me this continued all the way up to Bill Clinton. It might’ve even continued with George Bush Junior and Barack Obama but, I absolutely guarantee that it did not continue with Donald Trump. Pretty sure Joe Biden isn’t doing it either.
In his memoirs President Nixon wrote that shortly after he lost the 1960 election he got a call from President Hoover to discuss a states matter, and talked to President Eisenhower on another important matter, and talked to the President elect Kennedy who wanted some advice on a matter, all on the same day. You know you have influence when you have a day like that.
Agreed. BUT as stated by another commenter Nixon was VP with Eisenhower, he was fresh in JFK’s mind as a worthy opponent and no one wanted to talk to Hoover ;)
Fore sure USA of that era and USA of now have.two things in common: grandfathers from then have their grandsons now... Second is language. Still understandible... ...
Exactly when the best and brightest called the shots made the decisions.....we had over 200 years of the best leadership until the cancer killing this country started during Bush-Obama regimes
I find it fascinating how history has realised now that Nixon was in fact a great president, but I was there at the time of Watergate, and at that time he was painted to be the devil's incarnate. US presidents in those days were in fact leaders who genuinely loved their country and their actions were for the betterment of the nation not completely their own interests.
As a teenager that grew up in the 60's in California (West LA) and "fancied myself a hippy"; hating Republicans and especially Nixon... It really opened my eyes to grow older (I'm 72 now) and start to read about history with a passion after returning from Vietnam... Reading G Gordon Liddy's books I got a close-up look at what Nixon's Whitehouse went through with the war protestors, draft card burners, school riots, urban riots, drug use and general mayhem in the country. What a nightmare ! I can't imagine what it must have been like for Nixon (Dealing with Watergate and oil embargo) and all the media tearing at him. Yes, some very crazy mistakes, but I look back on those years and compare them to today ? What a world folks ! Feel sorry for the youngsters inheriting this mess we left them !
And their doing the same thing to Trump now. History repeats itself for sure. The moment Trump announced he was running as a Republican for president the media had a frenzy. He wasn't even President yet and they attacked him with double barrels. 👍
What an interesting interview. How different the tone in Washington is today 😢. Kennedy called, invited him over and they discussed. Can you imagine that happening today?
But, they were getting together as reasonable men just to discuss the situation, and listening. I just don't know how reasonable anybody is anymore. People these days would be scared to death that the extreme end of their own party would find out.
The ONLY thing preventing something like that from happening today is Donald J Trump. All the previous presidents Republican and Democrat - including Obama and Bush, would contact their predecessors when they needed advice regardless of party. And I am sure that Biden has probably contacted Bush at various points in his political career. Trump is another matter entirely. He's beyond toxic and would see seeking advice from a predecessor as some bizarre form of weakness. And all of Trump's predecessors including Bush and VP Cheney, both hard core Republicans, can't stand Trump. When Trump attended Bush's 1's funeral, W and Laura Bush wouldn't even shake Trump's hand - although they did shake Melania's hand.
Yea, these Harvard Educated suit and tie boys and all too prim and proper to swear. That is a thing us low life blue collar people do. That why I hate these eletest CS!
By 4 letter word if he meant F..... you don't have to go to Havard, with the exception of priests/bishops/clergy almost all Americans utter that F.... letter word !
Funny line. Also when JFK went to Harvard in the Thirties it really was a great university. Now, outside of STEM, it is just living on past reputation.
He and Jack worked together on many bills throughout their tenure together. JFK trusted Nixon and his clarity on foreign and domestic policy. And this interview highlights this. We sure need a guy like Nixon now.
Why do right-wing conservatives admire corrupt politicians, power-hungry demagogues, and those who subjugate them? FACT IS, Nixon was a crook!! You've confused "brilliant" with corruption, blind loyalty to Corporate America, and obedience to the military-industrial complex. Remember Nixon's failed "Peace with honor" in Viet Nam? Subversive secret talks with North Viet Nam as a civilian prior to the election? The secret bombing of independent nations, Cambodia and Laos? Instituting trade with China, which shifted a large portion of American jobs overseas. Watergate? H. R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, Howard Hunt, James McCord, G Gordon Liddy, John Dean, John Mitchell, Charles Colson and numerous other Nixon advisors going to prison over Watergate. Last but not least, it was Eisenhower, Nixon and the CIA that planned, endorsed, and encouraged JFK to carry out the failed Bay of Pigs fiasco. "Brilliant"? Stop drinking the right-wing KoolAid!!
@@ScottA2345 And caused genocide in Cambodia. And presided over the deaths of more Americans in Vietnam than LBJ, for what? He was more big government than LBJ, creating EPA and OSHA, for instance. But Nixonians were the original RINOs.
Good video but I prefer it when these longform videos don't have an initial segment with dramatic music. I really just enjoy hearing the president's interviews the way they are.
I agree. I liked the bare bones clip. His analyses and voice are straight forward enough. I can't get over how good these are. In a very short clip I learn something about the time or get a somewhat different perspective.
@@NixonFoundationYou’ll reach a younger audience who don’t know much about Nixon with the production you did with this video. Speaking as a 30-something.
Oh, he certainly was. And unfortunately, the media refused to recognize that in him long before Watergate. They despised him because of his shrewd wisdom and his ability to accomplish goals that others could not. It was not until AFTER he left the presidency that Americans felt this leadership void which lasted virtually to this day.
I knew he talked to Eisenhower during the Cuban Missle Crisis, but I did not know that he talked to Nixon about anything during his presidency, which is remarkable. Nixon knew that Kennedy had stolen the 1960 election, but he didn't fight it, for the sake of the country, but for Kennedy to have the gall to call Nixon and for Nixon to have the maturity to be receptive to Kennedy and to try and help him, is amazing.
Mainly in South Carolina and other states where black voters were denied the vote because of education test to vote. In many rural areas Mexicans and Blacks were denied easy access for voting.
@@JeffreySuggsOhio went for Kennedy on 1960. Kennedy still would have won had Nixon carried Illinois. Two years after 1960 election, looking at a list of how all states voted in the election, I took Illinois' electoral votes(26 I believe at that time) and moved them to Nixon's side. Nixon still would have lost.
‘Worst day of his life.’ When a man gets his pride whipped like that, he’ll ask for help from people he normally wouldn’t. Maybe it was because he knew Nixon was just better than him (and practically everyone) at foreign affairs.
Richard M. Nixon was one of our most BRILLIANT Presidents, and he was one of our WORST at the same time. Such was his brilliance even his worst enemies PRAISED him and FORGAVE him when he finally DID admit (ACCEPT) that what he had done was WRONG and hoped later generations WOULD forgive him and they did and they have. That's because he was a PATRIOT! Dick Nixon would be REPULSED by the likes of Donald Trump and his INFATUATION with a certain RUSSIAN/COMMUNIST DICTATOR Vladimir Putin. The man who "opened" Red China to the Free world would be HORRIFIED by Trump's "love letters" with Communist North Korea's Kim Jon Un! Nixon lived long enough to KNOW who DJT was but when he passed Trump had NEVER spoken the way he has AFTER 9-11 and his first ill fated run for the Reform Party ticket he LOST to former Nixon speech writer Pat Buchanan .
Billy Clinton and his total lack of morals started us on the road to where we are now. DC is populated by sociopathic liars and every type of human vermin you can imagine. We are so screwed. There's a reason the Founding Fathers gave us the Second Amendment, the nature of man.
Aside from how interesting it is to get Richard Nixon‘s perspective on this part of American history, I must say that I am quite taken with the skill and the style of the interviewer. Is that Mike Wallace? Anyway, there is no interrupting. There is no disrespectful talking over the subject. There is no bias to the questions and nothing that can be accused of being a spin or an attempt to control the narrative. There is no aggression here. There is proper respect for a great man and the person being interviewed is, by God, allowed to answer the damn question in its entirety. I know it’s old-fashioned but, what a breath of fresh air that is! We truly lost something when the rules of decorum that were followed by men such as the interviewer were set aside by journalists.
you have to remember that the point of these interviews is to get down Nixon's version of things for posterity. so he''s not going to challenge him on any point or ask difficult questions. he's not serving in office. it's an entirely different type of interview. he's really not that skillful. he's asking general questions because he wants Nixon to take the ball and run with it in any direction he choses.
For POTUS or VPOTUS? If POTUS was it 60 and 68 or 68 and 72? There were probably some people who voted for him 5 times. Twice for VP and 3 times for POTUS.
I liked President Nixon. I think he was a very smart man. A good and shrewd leader. He was a great foreign diplomatic President. Only Nixon could go to China, I remember that phrase during his Administration.
Nixon's Presidency was chequered at best. For example Nixon was recorded on tape urging the South Vietnamese President (whose office was bugged by the CIA) urging him not to accept the peace plan LBJ was putting together. Nixon wanted a campaign message and peace in Vietnam would take away that talking point.
I think that I'll take Nixon's lead and go to China next during my "Presidency" while playing the board game "Mr. President'. The game puts the gamer in the role of POTUS and dealing with things that happened while Bush, Obama and Trump were president (October 2001 thru 2020) as well as the economy, Congress and other things. I've already gone to Russia and now have a trade deal in place with the country. China, though, is being a pain in my "rump roast".
The clips from this particular interview have been the best viewing this year. Sadly it reminds us of how far we as a nation (i.e. USA) have fallen in terms of the caliber of politician and leader. Nixon was the pearls that the United States cast away.
Nixon was a "pearl"? WRONG!!! Nixon was Trump with a brain! Unlike the Maga republicans of today, the republicans on Capitol hill during Nixon's administration stood up to his corruption and demanded his resignation. I'd suggest you do some research on tricky Dick and rethink your statement.
don't blame just the politicians and leaders. somebody elects them. the American people today are to blame. back in 1960 the American people simply would never have nominated clowns like Biden or Trump, or K Harris. the political system never would have allowed them to reach the stage of nomination back then. the public never would have tolerated them as the parties' candidates.
@@pkoven This is true. In a democratic republic, we get the leaders we deserve. "The fault . . is not in our stars but in ourselves." Wm. Shakespeare "Julius Caesar"
He was a good man, a smart man, but he also was paranoid about Washington politics. Had he exposed the Watergate break-in, as well as those involved, right after it happened, Nixon would have taken a hit, but he probably would have been reelected. However, he attempted a cover up, and then repeatedly lied about it, which led to many of his allies turning against him.
Nixon brought it on himself. He had a good mind, but he tried to destroy the careers (Nixon's enemies list) of others, and he allowed the criticism to get to him.
@@flash012234 He was paranoid because of being hounded over the Hiss case, the Fund case and doing Ike's political dirty work plus having an election stolen from him. I think anyone would be paranoid after that
Would have been much different if he'd have provided air cover, for the invasion. Could have gotten rid of Castro once and for all. Instead, Russians snuck those missiles in, and the next thing we know, they've a gun pointed to our heads.
I don't think many kids today will know what a hopper is, the agricultural machine that shakes up and separates grains from chaff. You throw ideas into the hopper to begin a discussion on them and see what shakes out.
what an incredible statesman Nixon was. he reminds me that we used to have men that really cared about this country and how they did the best they could even working with the other side to better this country. Kennedy calling Nixon is something that would never happen in todays politics because the tow sides are always looking for mud to throw at each other!
Thing is, we still have such men in the country. The problem is that we don’t seem to elect them and put them where they can do the most good. They are boring, you see. They don’t say outrageous things and in the looks department, some of them are short, some of them are fat, some of them are skinny, some of them have oversized noses or something wrong with the eyebrows. Some of them are bald. Etc. etc. They’re not as pretty or as entertaining or as famous or as glamorous as the ones we tend to elect. That’s a damn shame right there.
@@ScottA2345I strongly disagree: Nixon appears to be getting a well-deserved reappraisal in the eyes of the American public. As for his "criminality," I am hopeful that growing awareness as to the activities of the FBI, CIA and NSA are casting those that opposed the intelligence community - namely, Nixon and JFK - in a more sympathetic light.
@@47ejecting2 There have always been Nixon supporters who gloss over his criminal activity. That is their choice. I don't see how any amount of malfeasance on the part of the FBI, CIA or NSA erases the fact that Nixon engaged in criminal activity. That is on him - no one else.
Oh 🤢🤮What is wrong with you two people? Both of y'all are being obnoxiously self righteous. Please stop this l'm holier than thou ego tripping because that's exactly what you are doing whether you admit it or not. Neither one of you are being positive or saying anything constructive. We Americans need to quit fighting among ourselves and bringing down the country. There are several very dangerous countries out there who would love to see us collapse and fail as a nation! It is time that we grow up as a people and quit acting like spoiled children !
Jackie Kennedy said that when JFK came back to the bedroom after the disaster that he cried in despair over the failure. In the Arthur Schlesinger book she told hiim: "He came back over to the White House to his bedroom and he started to cry, just with me -- just put his head in his hand and sort of wept. And I've only seen him cry about three times."
Good thing he and Arthur couldn't see the Cuban wives and kids counting on the good ole USA to make freedom happen and help their daddy and husbands, AS PROMISED. No use for the Kennedys at all. And this one was the best of the bunch (that made it into politics).
Admiral Burke wanted to launch an airstrip with A4 Skyhawks to supplement the obsolete WW2 aircraft being used by the CIA, President Kennedy should have listened to him.
This period of American politics is fascinating to me. Cant get enough!The bipartisanship is just so foreign today. Never happens. What an awesome, respectful rivalry Kennedy and Nixon had. Very intelligent men.
It's a disgrace that we abandoned the Cubans we promised to help. President Nixon would've handled the situation differently and brilliantly. Would've changed Cuba for the better. Nixon forever. 🇺🇸
I personally think Nixon wouldn't approve it in it's current form. There was a lot of pride and arrogance and assumptions on steps that would happen hoping the landing parties would successfully establish a rebellion army instantly. NO plan on if it fails. No military assistance from us if a problem arises etc. Also, the CIA knew we had soviet spies. They gave Castro a heads up so he was ready and captured them as soon as they arrived. I think a different plan would be chosen if Nixon was elected that was less risky and long.
That mistake of letting Bay of Pigs invasion down has costed 65 years of misery to the Cuban people even though many of them supported the Castro’s regime at the moment. Later the Cuban Government declared the socialist character of the revolution and started all kind of reforms under Soviet Union guidance, the entire hemisphere got infected with communism as direct result of not stopping Castro in April 1961.
I remember telling my 7th grade teacher, who agreed, that in 50 years people would understand how great this president was…well here we are 50 years later. 🇺🇸
@@moncorp1the original plan was a mess from inception. Eisenhower himself said that plan should never have gone ahead. Kennedy was duped. The only way it could have succeeded is if Kennedy sent in the air force and marines, which would have resulted in Russia taking Berlin. From there things could have escalated.
@@user-ri8fn6sz7z Yes, but the point you're missing is that the CIA and several top military leaders, like Curtis Lemay, KNEW it was going to fail, and were counting on Kennedy sending in air strikes to save it. He (Kennedy) had been lied to from day one about the resources and chances of success.
What a thoughtful and well spoken man Mr.Nixon was.It’s a shame how the media painted him as a callous and boorish man.I am truly enjoying this channel,so many great stories recounted through the eyes of the former president.
When I was a kid in the midst of Watergate I got so tired of seeing him and hearing him now I could listen to him all day long I believe he is the most underrated president ever his intellect and insight on foreign policy could help any president or foreign relations person out there
@@DannyBurch-bo5mn JFk wasn’t corrupt which is why they had to get rid of em , Richard has a history of dirty deeds and what not a pure example is when J Edgar Hoover died he had his house ram-shacked to get dirt on all politicians and others , can’t forget watergate
I'm sorry he's not here now to experience how he has been redeemed. One of my law professors was a personal friend of the Nixons. He wept quietly in class when Pat Nixon died.
However in the 50s and 60s they were running pretty rogur on their own initiative. The UN Charter said you can't invade other nations to add territory to your own anymore (end of imperialism) and the US and UK had founded it and NATO with the Roosevelts and Churchill... So covert imperialism and the Pax Romana became the MO of the new CIA and MI6. The Soviets signed the charter but were busy since 1920 building their Empire. China hadn't signed it as wasn't in the club till the end of the century. The FBI was an anti-bootlegger federal police force from the Tommygun vs Mossberg Shotgun era of the 20s and 30s. Hoover was an Elliott Ness figure and had kept his boys in business through the years by gathering dirt on dirty politicians, judges and officials and leveraging that to get the bad guys or keep the officials on the straight and narrow. Every president had a fat file in Hoover's office. The Kennedy file was VERY FAT with a rum runner dad, and a lot of sex for most of the men and several of the women. Only Bobby seemed to be a true choir boy.
Nixon, like Kennedy, was a statesman first and foremost. Having always liked Nixon greatly, it is pleasing to see so many people lately discovering what a decent man he was, and a consummate politician.
What a fantastic mind Nixon had. When it came to foreign policy, he had some ideas that he did not waiver on. Who knows if he was correct on most of his ideas and thoughts. He was a great communicator. Easy to follow his well spoken train of thought. Great command of the language, clear thinking and talking ideologic narrative.
I was always amazed by Him. He had a great keen mind. Despite his own failures, his understanding of domestic and foreign policy was genius. Not many since could match him I think.
Imagining LBJ, JFK, and Nixon discussing a crisis. I would've loved to be a fly on the wall for that. 3 different and flawed men but powerful in their impact. Just amazing.
One of the most intelligent presidents. This is why older people shouldn't listen to young hippies. Those young hippies try to tell us a different story about Nixon, but after watching these videos decades later we are finding out what a intelligent President the man was.
@@EricForney-uz4iz - We’ve always had those. As George Carlin pointed out, term limits won’t do any good if the voters are stupid. And where they’ve been tried, it hasn’t done any good.
I was thinking exactly this as I listened to the way Nixon recounted the meeting. If JFK had Nixon as an ally, and a sounding board, in those days I believe the world would be a vastly different place. JFK had the charisma, the brains, the forward thinking, and the desire to do right by this country. Nixon had the experience, the political chops and, for all his idiosyncrasies, was one helluva a statesman.
That was DISCONTINUED after the 3rd. election and the 2nd. Constitutional POTUS John Adams was SADDLED with a VP whom he had just DEFEATED in the election. They faced each other again this time Thomas Jefferson won but they had "fixed" the problem which was WHY John Adams didn't serve VP for both Washington and Jefferson! (John Hancock was the OFFICIAL very FIRST President of the United States under the Articles of Confederation) Extra points; Who was VP under Thomas Jefferson???
Kennedy was also a Navy vet, like Nixon, but had seen combat on a PT boat and probably could relate to those men who lost their lives in an amphibious operation.
This is the difference between a statesman President and a business man President. We are in the age of the con man or woman Congress person. Everyone tries to be an entertainer and not a representative of the people.
Kennedy failed to read the details of the plan ahead of time. He accepted his advisors' recommendations that it could be done, and gave it the "go ahead". Then, as the plan unfolded, he saw what was going to be required of the part of the US armed forces. Kennedy never realized American military assets were going to be providing air cover for the invasion. Or worse, he knew, and chickened out for political reasons AFTER putting the lives of Cuban nationalists in danger.
Kennedy had no backbone. He was more interested in women than being president, or being president to procure women. Being Catholic, good looking, and a competent speaker doesn’t qualify a man to be president.
His chief advisor was brother Robert who organized a number of the details (logistics, etc.) of Bay of Pigs *WITHOUT* getting the military involved in the upfront planning, etc. He was in over his head.
No, he approved air strikes to take out Cuba's air defenses. That move was undone behind his back, setting him up to be blamed for the operation's failure, and by extension to be eliminated.
If you remember from the movie "Nixon," during a meeting with Bob Haldeman, years later, the Nixon character described a much different meeting that took place with Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs. He said Kennedy told him he(Nixon) had stabbed him in the back and then he called him(Nixon) a two bit grocery clerk from Whittier.
Here’s an interesting question I’ve been thinking lately: would Nixon, had he been President during the Cuba Missile Crisis, handle that crisis the same way JFK did?
you could argue Nixon would have deterred it by his reputation as staunch and more experienced than Kennedy. You could also argue that the world would have ended with nukes raining down like a video game because Nixon did not believe in negotiation on Cuba as he clearly expressed ways the US can create a false pretense for invasion.
@@OrnanVentura-mh1phYes, the "in charge" part is the bugger. We all know now that can never happen. Oaths, like rules, are made to be broken. We be screwed.
According to wikipedia: "CIA Director Allen Dulles and his deputy directors Charles Cabell and Richard Bissell were forced to resign by early 1962" Hopefully the firings went deeper than that.
Nixon had a great command of foreign policy and world politics. He was extremely articulate and intelligent and head and shoulders above most US politicians today.
Should be, though. He intended to get the truth about certain matters which he suspected the Democrats had, but his own staff sabotaged that in gettong caught on purpose. Nixon was indeed one of our great presidents. This is part odf a bygone era never to return.
Isn’t it amazing how decent and bipartisan American politicians used to be? JFK kept Eisenhower, a Republican, closely informed over the Cuban Missile Crisis and more. You’ll never see that in today’s politics, and it’s a shame.
That’s right. JFK was not your normal ideologue. He had is own way. He wanted everything: Your social rights, your end to communism, your fore thinking. He was what we needed. He made that Bay Of Pigs thing happen, which made him sick. He was a real American.
Kennedy and Nixon genuinely liked each other and regarded each other as friends in spite of their different political affiliations. In fact when it came to foreign policy, there was practically no daylight between JFK and Nixon
It happened with Bush and Clinton. It is permanent now. The former tools of the Empire passed it on to the Democrats, the current tools. They were best suited for stupifying and confusing the population. Theyve succeeded. We are screwed.
@@RichardSchiffman-jn1ds They were friends in Congress, and Kennedy supported Nixon in his Senate campaign against Helen Gahagan Douglas.
But that changed in 1960. Kennedy began to share the contempt of his Ivy League colleagues for Nixon.
Benjamin Bradlee's "Conversations with JFK" contains a number of snobbish JFK references to Nixon's mannerisms.
Johnson did the same thing and, Nixon who followed him did as well. Country mattered more than party back then. Something tells me this continued all the way up to Bill Clinton. It might’ve even continued with George Bush Junior and Barack Obama but, I absolutely guarantee that it did not continue with Donald Trump. Pretty sure Joe Biden isn’t doing it either.
In his memoirs President Nixon wrote that shortly after he lost the 1960 election he got a call from President Hoover to discuss a states matter, and talked to President Eisenhower on another important matter, and talked to the President elect Kennedy who wanted some advice on a matter, all on the same day. You know you have influence when you have a day like that.
Well he was vice president
If our national government embraced meritology over partisan politics, JFK would have appointed Nixon as his Secretary of State.
Agreed. BUT as stated by another commenter Nixon was VP with Eisenhower, he was fresh in JFK’s mind as a worthy opponent and no one wanted to talk to Hoover ;)
When the garbage isn't taken out &/or the bathrooms aren't cleaned properly: Eye👻, too, get calls.
@@bryanmack4054AND YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE SAY THE VICE PRESIDENT DOES NOTHING?? 💯💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸♀️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
I could listen to this man for hours
Me too ! It's the history of my generation.
I’m sure you are talking about the content, but he has a great voice and fantastic accent. Reminds me of my grandmother that was a similar age.
Thank you love to hear President Nixon speak .. thoughtful a eloquent.... awesome look back in history
Richard Nixon is the most fascinating president of the 20th century imho. The man was just an absolute wellspring of knowledge
Master Class in Geo Political and Domestic Political Chess
Nixon was 69 when this interview was conducted. He was a highly engaged, politician who saw America as one team.
Understand everyone Nixon and Kennedy were on opposite sides but came together for there country
Right 🎉
Like Trump & Robert Kennedy have come together for the country 2024
@@joycebrannen1943 Sure thing. Can you imagine Harris as president!
It’s like listening to a person from another country. . . the former USA.
Fore sure USA of that era and USA
of now have.two things in common:
grandfathers from then have their
grandsons now...
Second is language.
Still understandible...
Exactly when the best and brightest called the shots made the decisions.....we had over 200 years of the best leadership until the cancer killing this country started during Bush-Obama regimes
I find it fascinating how history has realised now that Nixon was in fact a great president, but I was there at the time of Watergate, and at that time he was painted to be the devil's incarnate. US presidents in those days were in fact leaders who genuinely loved their country and their actions were for the betterment of the nation not completely their own interests.
Trump is our chance for a return to normalcy.
@jamesstewart8377 our last shot
As a teenager that grew up in the 60's in California (West LA) and "fancied myself a hippy"; hating Republicans and especially Nixon... It really opened my eyes to grow older (I'm 72 now) and start to read about history with a passion after returning from Vietnam...
Reading G Gordon Liddy's books I got a close-up look at what Nixon's Whitehouse went through with the war protestors, draft card burners, school riots, urban riots, drug use and general mayhem in the country. What a nightmare !
I can't imagine what it must have been like for Nixon (Dealing with Watergate and oil embargo) and all the media tearing at him.
Yes, some very crazy mistakes, but I look back on those years and compare them to today ?
What a world folks !
Feel sorry for the youngsters inheriting this mess we left them !
Grew up in west l.A my self at that time. Haven't heard the fras West l.A in a long time. Times were different.
I know how you're feeling.
And their doing the same thing to Trump now. History repeats itself for sure. The moment Trump announced he was running as a Republican for president the media had a frenzy. He wasn't even President yet and they attacked him with double barrels. 👍
Vietnam was the heroin -opiuim war...they shipped it in coffins ⚰️ back to the States 🦅🇺🇸🕵🏾♂️👴🏻.. Government was and is the biggest drug couriers 💊💉
You grew up and became more mature.
What an interesting interview. How different the tone in Washington is today 😢. Kennedy called, invited him over and they discussed. Can you imagine that happening today?
He was looking for bi-partisan cover/ damage control. It was not magnanimity that motivated the invitation.
But, they were getting together as reasonable men just to discuss the situation, and listening. I just don't know how reasonable anybody is anymore. People these days would be scared to death that the extreme end of their own party would find out.
No. I Can't. Never.
The ONLY thing preventing something like that from happening today is Donald J Trump. All the previous presidents Republican and Democrat - including Obama and Bush, would contact their predecessors when they needed advice regardless of party. And I am sure that Biden has probably contacted Bush at various points in his political career. Trump is another matter entirely. He's beyond toxic and would see seeking advice from a predecessor as some bizarre form of weakness. And all of Trump's predecessors including Bush and VP Cheney, both hard core Republicans, can't stand Trump. When Trump attended Bush's 1's funeral, W and Laura Bush wouldn't even shake Trump's hand - although they did shake Melania's hand.
"Four letter word he didn't learn in Harvard" must be sleekest version of the word ever recorded
Yea, these Harvard Educated suit and tie boys and all too prim and proper to swear. That is a thing us low life blue collar people do. That why I hate these eletest CS!
"Unless he went there in 60's"
By 4 letter word if he meant F..... you don't have to go to Havard, with the exception of priests/bishops/clergy almost all Americans utter that F.... letter word !
Not in the early 60s they didn't, we still had class, style, morals, unlike people today who are all morons and trash
Funny line. Also when JFK went to Harvard in the Thirties it really was a great university. Now, outside of STEM, it is just living on past reputation.
He and Jack worked together on many bills throughout their tenure together. JFK trusted Nixon and his clarity on foreign and domestic policy. And this interview highlights this. We sure need a guy like Nixon now.
No we need a man like kenndy now
@robertmoniz6633 Nixon was the better politician.
I agree 100% with you, Allen!
We need people like both Kennedy and Nixon now.
@@robertmoniz6633 Nixon certainly was the more intelligent.
Mr. Nixon was a brilliant man especially when it came to foreign policy
If you don’t count war crimes.
Why do right-wing conservatives admire corrupt politicians, power-hungry demagogues, and those who subjugate them? FACT IS, Nixon was a crook!! You've confused "brilliant" with corruption, blind loyalty to Corporate America, and obedience to the military-industrial complex. Remember Nixon's failed "Peace with honor" in Viet Nam? Subversive secret talks with North Viet Nam as a civilian prior to the election? The secret bombing of independent nations, Cambodia and Laos? Instituting trade with China, which shifted a large portion of American jobs overseas. Watergate? H. R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, Howard Hunt, James McCord, G Gordon Liddy, John Dean, John Mitchell, Charles Colson and numerous other Nixon advisors going to prison over Watergate.
Last but not least, it was Eisenhower, Nixon and the CIA that planned, endorsed, and encouraged JFK to carry out the failed Bay of Pigs fiasco. "Brilliant"? Stop drinking the right-wing KoolAid!!
Too bad he involved himself directly in a number of serious crimes.
And caused genocide in Cambodia. And presided over the deaths of more Americans in Vietnam than LBJ, for what? He was more big government than LBJ, creating EPA and OSHA, for instance. But Nixonians were the original RINOs.
@@nicmart I like the EPA and OSHA
Good video but I prefer it when these longform videos don't have an initial segment with dramatic music. I really just enjoy hearing the president's interviews the way they are.
I agree. I liked the bare bones clip. His analyses and voice are straight forward enough. I can't get over how good these are. In a very short clip I learn something about the time or get a somewhat different perspective.
Love these videos. Thanks
@@NixonFoundationYou’ll reach a younger audience who don’t know much about Nixon with the production you did with this video. Speaking as a 30-something.
There is so much about this short video that is so fascinating I almost can’t believe it’s real. Nixon was (is) truly a most remarkable man.
Oh, he certainly was. And unfortunately, the media refused to recognize that in him long before Watergate. They despised him because of his shrewd wisdom and his ability to accomplish goals that others could not. It was not until AFTER he left the presidency that Americans felt this leadership void which lasted virtually to this day.
I knew he talked to Eisenhower during the Cuban Missle Crisis, but I did not know that he talked to Nixon about anything during his presidency, which is remarkable. Nixon knew that Kennedy had stolen the 1960 election, but he didn't fight it, for the sake of the country, but for Kennedy to have the gall to call Nixon and for Nixon to have the maturity to be receptive to Kennedy and to try and help him, is amazing.
Before you start singing hosanna's about Nixon's strength & ethics, I do believe there were some shenanigans on the GOP side in Ohio
Mainly in South Carolina and other states where black voters were denied the vote because of education test to vote. In many rural areas Mexicans and Blacks were denied easy access for voting.
An ‘education test’ to vote?
I’ll have to google this one.
@@JeffreySuggsOhio went for Kennedy on 1960. Kennedy still would have won had Nixon carried Illinois. Two years after 1960 election, looking at a list of how all states voted in the election, I took Illinois' electoral votes(26 I believe at that time) and moved them to Nixon's side. Nixon still would have lost.
‘Worst day of his life.’ When a man gets his pride whipped like that, he’ll ask for help from people he normally wouldn’t. Maybe it was because he knew Nixon was just better than him (and practically everyone) at foreign affairs.
Nixon and Kennedy were two of the top 5 smartest Presidents of all time.
Actually Kennedy was a failure. None of his actions worked, and that was why Khrushchev tried to put missiles in Cuba.
This country and the world would be a better place had JFK lived and Nixon had remained in office. Other than Regan, look at what we have had.
Kennedy? No.
@@jamesanthony5681 shut up Jack Allen Lawrence.
Kennedy was bold and principled. While no idiot, and with an extremely high verbal IQ, he was no intellectual standout.
Its refreshing to remember that our Presidents used to have a measure of class and respect. Look at what we have in our disgraceful government now.
It's very sad and it also seems to be true globally.
Richard M. Nixon was one of our most BRILLIANT Presidents, and he was one of our WORST at the same time. Such was his brilliance even his worst enemies PRAISED him and FORGAVE him when he finally DID admit (ACCEPT) that what he had done was WRONG and hoped later generations WOULD forgive him and they did and they have. That's because he was a PATRIOT! Dick Nixon would be REPULSED by the likes of Donald Trump and his INFATUATION with a certain RUSSIAN/COMMUNIST DICTATOR Vladimir Putin. The man who "opened" Red China to the Free world would be HORRIFIED by Trump's "love letters" with Communist North Korea's Kim Jon Un! Nixon lived long enough to KNOW who DJT was but when he passed Trump had NEVER spoken the way he has AFTER 9-11 and his first ill fated run for the Reform Party ticket he LOST to former Nixon speech writer Pat Buchanan .
Billy Clinton and his total lack of morals started us on the road to where we are now. DC is populated by sociopathic liars and every type of human vermin you can imagine. We are so screwed. There's a reason the Founding Fathers gave us the Second Amendment, the nature of man.
Aside from how interesting it is to get Richard Nixon‘s perspective on this part of American history, I must say that I am quite taken with the skill and the style of the interviewer. Is that Mike Wallace? Anyway, there is no interrupting. There is no disrespectful talking over the subject. There is no bias to the questions and nothing that can be accused of being a spin or an attempt to control the narrative. There is no aggression here. There is proper respect for a great man and the person being interviewed is, by God, allowed to answer the damn question in its entirety. I know it’s old-fashioned but, what a breath of fresh air that is! We truly lost something when the rules of decorum that were followed by men such as the interviewer were set aside by journalists.
No, it is not Mike Wallace here.
you have to remember that the point of these interviews is to get down Nixon's version of things for posterity. so he''s not going to challenge him on any point or ask difficult questions. he's not serving in office. it's an entirely different type of interview. he's really not that skillful. he's asking general questions because he wants Nixon to take the ball and run with it in any direction he choses.
UA-cam deleting my comment pro independent journalists.
I am proud to say I voted for Nixon twice.
You should be ashamed.
@@California1973-o1d< Media Matters troll 🧌
@@California1973-o1d Have you researched the CIA's involvement in taking down Nixon and JFK?
For POTUS or VPOTUS? If POTUS was it 60 and 68 or 68 and 72? There were probably some people who voted for him 5 times. Twice for VP and 3 times for POTUS.
Me too. Great President.
Nixon at the kitchen table may be the greatest politician of them all.. I’m always astounded at how well he can describe a scene, my goodness!..
Back when America's political class was competent.
Here in Canada too. It's breathtaking.
@@rickyb8636 Trust me, I know. I'm a duelie living in British Columbia for the last 20 years.
Well,Kennedys handling of Bay of Pigs was arguably very incompetent and likely what ultimately got him killed i.m.o. .
Simple common sense should have dictated that the militia would need air support. SERIOUS fk up!
watergate lol
I liked President Nixon. I think he was a very smart man. A good and shrewd leader. He was a great foreign diplomatic President. Only Nixon could go to China, I remember that phrase during his Administration.
Nixon's Presidency was chequered at best. For example Nixon was recorded on tape urging the South Vietnamese President (whose office was bugged by the CIA) urging him not to accept the peace plan LBJ was putting together. Nixon wanted a campaign message and peace in Vietnam would take away that talking point.
I think that I'll take Nixon's lead and go to China next during my "Presidency" while playing the board game "Mr. President'. The game puts the gamer in the role of POTUS and dealing with things that happened while Bush, Obama and Trump were president (October 2001 thru 2020) as well as the economy, Congress and other things. I've already gone to Russia and now have a trade deal in place with the country. China, though, is being a pain in my "rump roast".
Not exactly smart, but conniving crook, nothing straight about him
He went to china to deflect from watergate , those were exciting times .
The clips from this particular interview have been the best viewing this year. Sadly it reminds us of how far we as a nation (i.e. USA) have fallen in terms of the caliber of politician and leader. Nixon was the pearls that the United States cast away.
Appreciate you tuning in!
Nixon was a "pearl"? WRONG!!! Nixon was Trump with a brain! Unlike the Maga republicans of today, the republicans on Capitol hill during Nixon's administration stood up to his corruption and demanded his resignation. I'd suggest you do some research on tricky Dick and rethink your statement.
Well said.👍
don't blame just the politicians and leaders. somebody elects them. the American people today are to blame. back in 1960 the American people simply would never have nominated clowns like Biden or Trump, or K Harris. the political system never would have allowed them to reach the stage of nomination back then. the public never would have tolerated them as the parties' candidates.
@@pkoven This is true. In a democratic republic, we get the leaders we deserve. "The fault . . is not in our stars but in ourselves." Wm. Shakespeare "Julius Caesar"
The more I learn about this man, the more I regret what was done to him. One thing that strikes me in these posts I've seen, is his kindness.
He was a kind, civil, decent man.
He was a good man, a smart man, but he also was paranoid about Washington politics. Had he exposed the Watergate break-in, as well as those involved, right after it happened, Nixon would have taken a hit, but he probably would have been reelected. However, he attempted a cover up, and then repeatedly lied about it, which led to many of his allies turning against him.
Nixon brought it on himself. He had a good mind, but he tried to destroy the careers (Nixon's enemies list) of others, and he allowed the criticism to get to him.
Capable man but paranoid.
@@flash012234 He was paranoid because of being hounded over the Hiss case, the Fund case and doing Ike's political dirty work plus having an election stolen from him.
I think anyone would be paranoid after that
This channel is killing it.
Yes it is! GREAT content on Nixon!
Yes, but many interesting and informative comments are disappeared. Unfortunately real discourse and expression is simply arranged out.
The world would be a hell of a lot different, if Kennedy and Nixon would have gone full term!
Not so sure.
Joint Chiefs wanted Kennedy out, especially General LeMay
Would have been much different if he'd have provided air cover, for the invasion. Could have gotten rid of Castro once and for all.
Instead, Russians snuck those missiles in, and the next thing we know, they've a gun pointed to our heads.
I don't think many kids today will know what a hopper is, the agricultural machine that shakes up and separates grains from chaff. You throw ideas into the hopper to begin a discussion on them and see what shakes out.
I have heard of a hopper, though from a unexpected source mind you.
what an incredible statesman Nixon was. he reminds me that we used to have men that really cared about this country and how they did the best they could even working with the other side to better this country. Kennedy calling Nixon is something that would never happen in todays politics because the tow sides are always looking for mud to throw at each other!
Thing is, we still have such men in the country. The problem is that we don’t seem to elect them and put them where they can do the most good. They are boring, you see. They don’t say outrageous things and in the looks department, some of them are short, some of them are fat, some of them are skinny, some of them have oversized noses or something wrong with the eyebrows. Some of them are bald. Etc. etc. They’re not as pretty or as entertaining or as famous or as glamorous as the ones we tend to elect. That’s a damn shame right there.
It’s hard to square any Nixon interview I’ve (ever)seen with the media’s view of him or his performance in office.
The media had it out for Nixon ever since he became VP back in '52 when they gave him sh*t because of a stupid "slush fund' !
Nixon was a great mind and deep analytical thinker that will continue to polish his stature as time moves on. History will be very kind to RMN.
Hasn't been so far. Being a criminal kind of takes the shine off of a person.
@@ScottA2345 hes not a criminal dipshit. Never charged withany crime. Time to grow up.
@@ScottA2345I strongly disagree: Nixon appears to be getting a well-deserved reappraisal in the eyes of the American public. As for his "criminality," I am hopeful that growing awareness as to the activities of the FBI, CIA and NSA are casting those that opposed the intelligence community - namely, Nixon and JFK - in a more sympathetic light.
@@47ejecting2 There have always been Nixon supporters who gloss over his criminal activity. That is their choice.
I don't see how any amount of malfeasance on the part of the FBI, CIA or NSA erases the fact that Nixon engaged in criminal activity. That is on him - no one else.
I like how he and Kennedy had a talk after the Bay of Pigs invasion. That showed respect and humbleness between the two.
What a remarkable and fascinating man. We could definitely use a hundred men like him in Washington today.
I would like to thank my mother because of her, I have always been a fan of President Nixon.
Back when Americans still loved God, Family and Country.
Back when the South was segregated.
Oh 🤢🤮What is wrong with you two people? Both of y'all are being obnoxiously self righteous. Please stop this l'm holier than thou ego tripping because that's exactly what you are doing whether you admit it or not. Neither one of you are being positive or saying anything constructive. We Americans need to quit fighting among ourselves and bringing down the country. There are several very dangerous countries out there who would love to see us collapse and fail as a nation! It is time that we grow up as a people and quit acting like spoiled children !
@@gertstronkhorst2343 What does that have to do with this??
@@chuckydall9250 Really? Are you that dense?
You can't love God and hate your brother.
We were a civil society back then . I love these interviews .
So civil an acting President was assassinated 👌🏽
Jackie Kennedy said that when JFK came back to the bedroom after the disaster that he cried in despair over the failure. In the Arthur Schlesinger book she told hiim: "He came back over to the White House to his bedroom and he started to cry, just with me -- just put his head in his hand and sort of wept. And I've only seen him cry about three times."
Good thing he and Arthur couldn't see the Cuban wives and kids counting on the good ole USA to make freedom happen and help their daddy and husbands, AS PROMISED. No use for the Kennedys at all. And this one was the best of the bunch (that made it into politics).
It is so beneficial that these interviews have been preserved.
They help clarify many situations that have become quite murky
in the years since.
Bay of Pigs = GroupThink at its worst.
Military planning by political committee = the worst.
@@movinon1242 "They assured me it would succeed." Might have...WITH air support. No one to blame but himself for his own political cowardice.
The same thing happened in the Embassy rescue attempt during the Carter Ad ministration; they failed because the President lost his nerve.
Admiral Burke wanted to launch an airstrip with A4 Skyhawks to supplement the obsolete WW2 aircraft being used by the CIA, President Kennedy should have listened to him.
Yes, I remember that. A terrible time.
This period of American politics is fascinating to me. Cant get enough!The bipartisanship is just so foreign today. Never happens. What an awesome, respectful rivalry Kennedy and Nixon had. Very intelligent men.
I don't care what your politics are, this person is fascinating to listen to
It's a disgrace that we abandoned the Cubans we promised to help.
President Nixon would've handled the situation differently and brilliantly.
Would've changed Cuba for the better.
Nixon forever. 🇺🇸
Yeah its one thing not to back it or not to do it, but to send them to die was a disgrace.
I personally think Nixon wouldn't approve it in it's current form. There was a lot of pride and arrogance and assumptions on steps that would happen hoping the landing parties would successfully establish a rebellion army instantly. NO plan on if it fails. No military assistance from us if a problem arises etc. Also, the CIA knew we had soviet spies. They gave Castro a heads up so he was ready and captured them as soon as they arrived. I think a different plan would be chosen if Nixon was elected that was less risky and long.
Have you lived in Miami? You can't fix Cuban.
That mistake of letting Bay of Pigs invasion down has costed 65 years of misery to the Cuban people even though many of them supported the Castro’s regime at the moment. Later the Cuban Government declared the socialist character of the revolution and started all kind of reforms under Soviet Union guidance, the entire hemisphere got infected with communism as direct result of not stopping Castro in April 1961.
Not actually reforms,I should think
Compare these two to our present choices. Two razor sharp, experienced guys in their 40s.
I remember telling my 7th grade teacher, who agreed, that in 50 years people would understand how great this president was…well here we are 50 years later. 🇺🇸
Nixon has been consistently gracious, generous and dignified, during and after politics.
Unlike the cheap journalists who lived to destroy him.
What a fascinating man I could watch these interviews for hours!!
Good GOD we need President Nixon back in office, TODAY!!!!!
These videos really speak to who this man was. Excellent!!! Thank you!
Every clip is better than the last
The difference between a foreign policy genius and Kennedy. I can’t imagine what must have been going through Nixon’s head during that meeting
This is what happens when you install an entitled, daddy's Soy boy kid to play against men!
He was thinking, "You should have stuck to the original plan limp wrist."
@@moncorp1the original plan was a mess from inception. Eisenhower himself said that plan should never have gone ahead. Kennedy was duped. The only way it could have succeeded is if Kennedy sent in the air force and marines, which would have resulted in Russia taking Berlin. From there things could have escalated.
Excellent point@@user-ri8fn6sz7z
@@user-ri8fn6sz7z Yes, but the point you're missing is that the CIA and several top military leaders, like Curtis Lemay, KNEW it was going to fail, and were counting on Kennedy sending in air strikes to save it. He (Kennedy) had been lied to from day one about the resources and chances of success.
Thanks Rick! Appreciate the support.
A very RESPECTFUL answer from Mr. Nixon.
Intelligent, serious, man! The bar has been lowered so much over the years!
Back before we were multicultural, this is how we rolled here in america.
We were a civilized people then.
What a thoughtful and well spoken man Mr.Nixon was.It’s a shame how the media painted him as a callous and boorish man.I am truly enjoying this channel,so many great stories recounted through the eyes of the former president.
President Nixon is Very Lucky, He got to Talk about His Presidency After he was Finished.
Not So JFK,
The Dead can Not Speak.
RIP Kennedy and Nixon.
When I was a kid in the midst of Watergate I got so tired of seeing him and hearing him now I could listen to him all day long I believe he is the most underrated president ever his intellect and insight on foreign policy could help any president or foreign relations person out there
Im a big Kennedy fan,but I must confess I find Nixon very Fascinating.
He’s corrupt
@Sean.thegreat aren't they all particularly the one that's in there now or will be they all are.
@@DannyBurch-bo5mn JFk wasn’t corrupt which is why they had to get rid of em , Richard has a history of dirty deeds and what not a pure example is when J Edgar Hoover died he had his house ram-shacked to get dirt on all politicians and others , can’t forget watergate
I'm sorry he's not here now to experience how he has been redeemed. One of my law professors was a personal friend of the Nixons. He wept quietly in class when Pat Nixon died.
Nearly everything hitchens said has proven itself to be absolutely true. Orwell too.
Nicon, what an accomplished storyteller
Posting hater content half a century later is unreal
And Thank you for this.
Richard Nixon, such an enigma. A brilliant but troubled man.
Interesting to hear another overview of the situation.
The CIA and FBI need to be reined in.
For something done in the early 1960s???
@@davidweihe6052 ~ OP is obviously talking about today of course. Try and keep up.
You could easily name at least half a dozen other alphabet agencies that need reining in as well. That's the whole premise of draining the swamp.
@@moncorp1 OP is apparently 60 years behind the times. US Intel services have never been the same after the scandals and crackdowns of the 70s.
However in the 50s and 60s they were running pretty rogur on their own initiative. The UN Charter said you can't invade other nations to add territory to your own anymore (end of imperialism) and the US and UK had founded it and NATO with the Roosevelts and Churchill...
So covert imperialism and the Pax Romana became the MO of the new CIA and MI6. The Soviets signed the charter but were busy since 1920 building their Empire. China hadn't signed it as wasn't in the club till the end of the century.
The FBI was an anti-bootlegger federal police force from the Tommygun vs Mossberg Shotgun era of the 20s and 30s. Hoover was an Elliott Ness figure and had kept his boys in business through the years by gathering dirt on dirty politicians, judges and officials and leveraging that to get the bad guys or keep the officials on the straight and narrow.
Every president had a fat file in Hoover's office. The Kennedy file was VERY FAT with a rum runner dad, and a lot of sex for most of the men and several of the women. Only Bobby seemed to be a true choir boy.
Nixon, like Kennedy, was a statesman first and foremost. Having always liked Nixon greatly, it is pleasing to see so many people lately discovering what a decent man he was, and a consummate politician.
If we had Nixon or JFK right now if would a BLESSING
Amen to that!
I am Canadian. The world needs this man.
I really like the fact political foes at the time could get to together and chat for what they thought was best of the country.
What a fantastic mind Nixon had. When it came to foreign policy, he had some ideas that he did not waiver on. Who knows if he was correct on most of his ideas and thoughts. He was a great communicator. Easy to follow his well spoken train of thought. Great command of the language, clear thinking and talking ideologic narrative.
The four letters words he learned in the navy like you mr. Nixon.
I was always amazed by Him. He had a great keen mind. Despite his own failures, his understanding of domestic and foreign policy was genius. Not many since could match him I think.
He almost failed on PT109. But was courageous and saved the day.
It didn't happen. Bootlegger Daddy 's creations
@@mitchellmiller9729 Were you there when Jap's destroyer sliced PT-109 in half in total darkness?
Sort of blows Nixon's theory that JFK had NEVER faced diversity before. Just a load of crap by Tricky Dickie.
@@donaldcarpenter5328 Nixon was speaking of Kennedy in political office, not his WWII days in the Pacific.
Nixon is well spoken. I like to hear his take on things
I like those chairs.
Imagining LBJ, JFK, and Nixon discussing a crisis. I would've loved to be a fly on the wall for that. 3 different and flawed men but powerful in their impact. Just amazing.
One of the most intelligent presidents. This is why older people shouldn't listen to young hippies. Those young hippies try to tell us a different story about Nixon, but after watching these videos decades later we are finding out what a intelligent President the man was.
no one questioned back then his intelligence; he's got plenty. people questioned his honesty, and for good reason, as the evidence proved.
Loving this insights. Nixon very intelligent
Why such great politicians like Mr. Nixon don’t exist anymore?
Ironic to the video subject matter, all politicians got in line after what happened to JFK and Nixon. They’ve been puppets ever since.
Immigration and Voting Rights Act.
Corporate money 💰, Lobbyists and no term limits.
@@EricForney-uz4iz - We’ve always had those. As George Carlin pointed out, term limits won’t do any good if the voters are stupid. And where they’ve been tried, it hasn’t done any good.
@@KevinBalch-dt8ot "Never underestimate the stupidity of the American Voter" Mark Twain
These clips show a side of Nixon that many didn't and don't know.
Can anyone imagine potato Joe speaking so clearly and intelligently?
Yes very interesting but?why Richard Nixon has to resigned??
That's an insult to potatoes....
@@johngaltjkt62 😉
Joe would have been wandering the room looking for ice cream.
@@michaellazuka654 maybe Biden want some ass
The sad part is why what the hell did Cuba do to deserve an invasion?
President Nixon was professorial... imagine him being in the same political orbit as Kamala Harris!😊 7:24
very intelligent and very wise man!!!! Much Respect Mr. Nixon
Originally the loser of the election became the Vice President. Imagine the team of JFK and Nixon.
I was thinking exactly this as I listened to the way Nixon recounted the meeting. If JFK had Nixon as an ally, and a sounding board, in those days I believe the world would be a vastly different place. JFK had the charisma, the brains, the forward thinking, and the desire to do right by this country. Nixon had the experience, the political chops and, for all his idiosyncrasies, was one helluva a statesman.
TNO moment
That was DISCONTINUED after the 3rd. election and the 2nd. Constitutional POTUS John Adams was SADDLED with a VP whom he had just DEFEATED in the election. They faced each other again this time Thomas Jefferson won but they had "fixed" the problem which was WHY John Adams didn't serve VP for both Washington and Jefferson! (John Hancock was the OFFICIAL very FIRST President of the United States under the Articles of Confederation) Extra points; Who was VP under Thomas Jefferson???
Richard Nixon is the greatest of all time.
Nixon's head (from Futurama) would even do
Tan, rested, ready
Kennedy was also a Navy vet, like Nixon, but had seen combat on a PT boat and probably could relate to those men who lost their lives in an amphibious operation.
This is the difference between a statesman President and a business man President. We are in the age of the con man or woman Congress person. Everyone tries to be an entertainer and not a representative of the people.
Where in the world is the rest of this video?!?!!? Very amazing stuff!
Kennedy failed to read the details of the plan ahead of time.
He accepted his advisors' recommendations that it could be done, and gave it the "go ahead". Then, as the plan unfolded, he saw what was going to be required of the part of the US armed forces.
Kennedy never realized American military assets were going to be providing air cover for the invasion. Or worse, he knew, and chickened out for political reasons AFTER putting the lives of Cuban nationalists in danger.
Kennedy had no backbone. He was more interested in women than being president, or being president to procure women. Being Catholic, good looking, and a competent speaker doesn’t qualify a man to be president.
His chief advisor was brother Robert who organized a number of the details (logistics, etc.) of Bay of Pigs *WITHOUT*
getting the military involved in the upfront planning, etc. He was in over his head.
Which is why he was assassinated largely
No, he approved air strikes to take out Cuba's air defenses. That move was undone behind his back, setting him up to be blamed for the operation's failure, and by extension to be eliminated.
My God do we need this man’s sage advice and council today
Our country lost so much when this brilliant man succumbed to his demons following Watergate.
Demons = C.I.A. deepstate totally embedded.
Watergate was a drop in the bucket compared to the biden administration's crooked shit.
He didn't "succumb to demons", he was taken down by rogue government agencies who held the Constitution in contempt, and still do.
If you remember from the movie "Nixon," during a meeting with Bob Haldeman, years later, the Nixon character described a much different meeting that took place with Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs. He said Kennedy told him he(Nixon) had stabbed him in the back and then he called him(Nixon) a two bit grocery clerk from Whittier.
Here’s an interesting question I’ve been thinking lately: would Nixon, had he been President during the Cuba Missile Crisis, handle that crisis the same way JFK did?
Kennedy (and the world) got lucky in October 1962. Google the name Vasily Arkhipov.
Possibly he would have. But possibly it wouldn't have happened with a Nixon presidency.
you could argue Nixon would have deterred it by his reputation as staunch and more experienced than Kennedy. You could also argue that the world would have ended with nukes raining down like a video game because Nixon did not believe in negotiation on Cuba as he clearly expressed ways the US can create a false pretense for invasion.
Exactly. How would RMN handle ('handle', as FDR used to say) the situation had he been the president; and in charge.
@@OrnanVentura-mh1phYes, the "in charge" part is the bugger. We all know now that can never happen. Oaths, like rules, are made to be broken. We be screwed.
According to wikipedia: "CIA Director Allen Dulles and his deputy directors Charles Cabell and Richard Bissell were forced to resign by early 1962" Hopefully the firings went deeper than that.
Which largely led to the JFK assassination 😊
Please don't add captions to the video.
Reading is reading
Viewing video is different
UA-cam has a fully functioning CC technology.
generational hating
Nixon had a great command of foreign policy and world politics. He was extremely articulate and intelligent and head and shoulders above most US politicians today.
...except for Watergate he may have been regarded as one of our great presidents.
He killed a lot of people including Americans by continuing the war in Vietnam
Should be, though. He intended to get the truth about certain matters which he suspected the Democrats had, but his own staff sabotaged that in gettong caught on purpose. Nixon was indeed one of our great presidents. This is part odf a bygone era never to return.
That was a huge reason why he IS regarded as one of our great presidents. Seek and ye shall find.