@ it’s a combination of high dmg and lifesteal %. There is a lifesteal formula vs reflect formula. Only element is useless in the reflect formula because element is not counted. Final ppen, final pdmg bonus, pvp final pdmg bonus, final dmg bonus and lifesteal have to be high to overcome opponent’s reflect.
哥 想請問你都不會被反射打死 是怎麼做到的
@@x5931496 if you have high dps, your lifesteal will be stronger than the priest’s reflect.
@@A7171gaming 跟自己的物理吸血無關嗎?我以為是自身物理吸血%高過對方物理反彈% 才不會被反射死
順帶一提 你是我的偶像
@ it’s a combination of high dmg and lifesteal %. There is a lifesteal formula vs reflect formula. Only element is useless in the reflect formula because element is not counted. Final ppen, final pdmg bonus, pvp final pdmg bonus, final dmg bonus and lifesteal have to be high to overcome opponent’s reflect.
@ thank you lol
Pre-nerf impo magnus Ab😢
Yes, everyone is impacted
Kuat sgt ninja tu boss. +12 ninja. Ab and sage pon super tanky. Physical dmg x masuk. Gg terus 😅