Dr. John A. Zoidberg, often referred to mononymously as Zoidberg, is a fictional character from the animated series Futurama. He is a Decapodian, a crustacean-like species of alien, who works as the staff doctor for Planet Express, despite his woeful understanding of human physiology and allusions to his questionable credentials. His character parodies the supposed wealth and automatic respect of modern doctors-for example, his incompetence at human medicine makes him extremely poor despite his profession, and he is implied to be frequently homeless when not at work. The Decapod (named after the actual Decapoda order of ten-footed crustaceans) are an extended parody on Jewish culture-the bigger joke being that shellfish are not kosher.
0:00 Part 1
2:38 Part 2
5:27 Part 3
Who’s more focused on Peppino dancing
@@ZE-ZOISE Sclermp
@@Eggman-x8t hell yeah
Lol you have the same pfp I had in early 2022 XD
The kirbie with sunglasses?
@@ZE-ZOISE Yeah lol, it takes me back to those times
@@someonecalledrichardthehuman not anymore because I swapped identities
omagaaa that's crazy bro
@@Joke.ExeTheJokingLookingDevil A Sports, this is a game
@@Alessandro101a oh. I meant "omega" btw.
Music: banger
Thumbnail: BEPPINO
When you are the last one alive on your team and it gives you a imense HP( 6,800):
Very good.
Ty (even if I didn't make it)
🍕 indeed
@@HawloKnight 😡🍕
Tbh that's the best part of the video..
haha 69th like
I have the honor
That's the one, Officer!
the algorithm bouta blow this comment section
Is Mega Mashup***
lol bruuuuh
Funny how it's almost been a year
It's now been a year.. (more than that)
im saying random stuff. zoidberg. whats a zoidberg anyways. oh hey peppino is gangnumin
Dr. John A. Zoidberg, often referred to mononymously as Zoidberg, is a fictional character from the animated series Futurama. He is a Decapodian, a crustacean-like species of alien, who works as the staff doctor for Planet Express, despite his woeful understanding of human physiology and allusions to his questionable credentials. His character parodies the supposed wealth and automatic respect of modern doctors-for example, his incompetence at human medicine makes him extremely poor despite his profession, and he is implied to be frequently homeless when not at work. The Decapod (named after the actual Decapoda order of ten-footed crustaceans) are an extended parody on Jewish culture-the bigger joke being that shellfish are not kosher.
@@luigivoncheeseburgerjenkinsiv oh ok thanks
Zoidberg kinda sounds like zoise..
Туду туду тудуууууу😎