Quick question, you created a sketch and dimensioned both legs, (can the second legs dimension equal the first legs, in case it changes), you also dim'd the top top plane up 36", which is the height of the first leg, but you didn't tell that dim to equal the first dim... what if you change the leg height? Does OnShape have a way of creating equations between dim's or a parameters windwo like Autodesk Inventor?
Quick question, you created a sketch and dimensioned both legs, (can the second legs dimension equal the first legs, in case it changes), you also dim'd the top top plane up 36", which is the height of the first leg, but you didn't tell that dim to equal the first dim... what if you change the leg height? Does OnShape have a way of creating equations between dim's or a parameters windwo like Autodesk Inventor?
Couldn't you just draw the angle with lines
Awesome video. It’s hard to watch with you saying “K” over and over again.
K lmao
Wow! First day on the job? It's not SolidWorks. Beams doesn't remember the previously used profile.
Muito bom agradecido
Omg stop saying ‘K’