“ድሮም ብለን ነበር!”፣ “የሩዋንዳው ሬዲዮ!”፣ “እርምጃ እንወስዳለን!”

  • Опубліковано 13 вер 2024
  • “ድሮም ብለን ነበር!”፣
    “የሩዋንዳው ሬዲዮ!”፣
    “እርምጃ እንወስዳለን!”
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  • @junefirst500
    @junefirst500 15 днів тому +7

    አይደለም፡ ኤርምያስ፤ ምቀኞች፡ አገራችን፡ ችግሯን፡ እንዳትወጣ፡ ነው። ሌላው፡ ለአብይ፡ ለኦሮሞ፡ ንቀት፡ ስላላቸው፡ በአብይ፡ ዘመን፡ የሚሰራ፡ እድገት፡ በጣም፡ ያበሳጫቸዋል!

    • @Only-true91
      @Only-true91 15 днів тому

      Is jula oromo? Kkkkkkkkkk

    • @Say-2424
      @Say-2424 14 днів тому

      እባክህ ወደ ዘር አትውሰደው ?ሃሳብ ካለህ በሃሳብ አሸንፍ።ድንቁርናህን ወደ ሚድያ አታምጣ

  • @TamagnHunde
    @TamagnHunde 14 днів тому

    Recently, you have become more logical and rational. I really admire that instead of using political issues for group or personal benefit, national interest comes first. We have one country, Ethiopia.

  • @Aserkalayu
    @Aserkalayu 15 днів тому +8

    ትክክል ነህ ባንዳነታቸው ጎልቶ እየወጣ ነው እነ መሳይ እንደ አጋጣሚ እየተጠቀሙበት ነው

    • @wondwosenhailmarime8405
      @wondwosenhailmarime8405 15 днів тому +1


    • @kassahunbekele5234
      @kassahunbekele5234 15 днів тому +3

      @Aserkalayu Andergachew????? The man I supported and trusted when he was in prison. I wasted my time and money for him. I hate him now for being him and found that he is a Shabiya agent .

    • @Desalegn-v2e
      @Desalegn-v2e 15 днів тому +3

      ትክክል ባንዳው መሳይ ሁለ ይጥቀማል

  • @mohamedusman6744
    @mohamedusman6744 15 днів тому +4

    ምንድነው ምታወራው ኢትዬ ከሶማሊ ላንድ ጋር ትክክል ነዉ ካልክ እንደ አባት ነው እያሰብክ ነው

  • @orkaido-xm1py
    @orkaido-xm1py 15 днів тому +9

    ኤርሚ ገና አሁን አሁን ትንታኔህን እየተረዳሁ ነኝ ። ቀጥልበት

    • @user-sagiv.m.t
      @user-sagiv.m.t 15 днів тому

      እኔም እንዲሁ ነው የሚሰማኝ።

  • @stebanelakie2929
    @stebanelakie2929 15 днів тому +2

    I appreciate Ermias for his convincing critics and analysis . These groups are a curse imposed on the people of Amhara who do not trust oneanather . There is no other time in the history of Ethiopia that the people of Amhara is destructed , humilated , robbed , kidnapped , killed , frustrated e.t.c by deviants and evil minded individuals from its own ethnic members in the name of liberation .

  • @peacedevelop
    @peacedevelop 15 днів тому +3

    RIP He was kind and humble.

  • @MihiretTesfaye-ff4tg
    @MihiretTesfaye-ff4tg 15 днів тому +1

    የትግራይ ማህበረሰብ ስሪቱ የሚገርም ነው
    ምን ዋጋ አለው አሁንም ተጋዳላይ እያሉ ያስጨፍራቸዋል እያዘጋጇቸው ነው መሰለኝ

  • @abdurahmanmohammedsani343
    @abdurahmanmohammedsani343 15 днів тому +1

    በነካ እጅ መሳይ ተብየውን ባንዳ ንገረው

  • @Only-true91
    @Only-true91 15 днів тому +1

    Berhanu jula emimeraw serawit ye dest mekdega aykeftem bakeh!! Kkkkk😂😂😂

  • @shemsedinreshid1121
    @shemsedinreshid1121 15 днів тому +2

    ኤርሚ ጀግና በርታ ከሀገር ጥቅም በላይ ምንም የለም.
    መሳይ እና ቴዲ ባንዳ ተቃጥሎ ይሞታል

  • @LolumbaMa
    @LolumbaMa 15 днів тому +1


  • @jemalbisrat2491
    @jemalbisrat2491 14 днів тому

    ሻእቢያ ወደቡን ለትግራይ ክፍት እንደሚያደርግ ሰሞኑን ወደ ሰናፈ የሄዱት ያገር ሽማግሌዎች ተነግራቸዋል ከትግራይ የተወሰዱ መኪናዎች እየተሰበሰቡ ነው ህዋሃትም ትዲኤፍ ወደ ኢርትራ የሚደረግ ትንኮሳ እንደማይታገስና ህግደፍ ኣሰብን ኣተኩሮ እንዲሰራ ግብጽን በሚመለክት ትግራይ እንደማይመለከትና ለዚህ ሲባል የሚከፈል እንደሌለ ባጽኖት ለሓሊባይ ተነግሮታል

  • @bedrajemal9477
    @bedrajemal9477 15 днів тому +2

    ነብስ ይማር ኘሮፍ

  • @MihiretTesfaye-ff4tg
    @MihiretTesfaye-ff4tg 15 днів тому +1

    ቀላል ጊዜ የለንም በዛላይ የኢኮኖሚ ወላፈን አልቻልነዉም እኳን ጦርነት ተጨምሮ ።

  • @user-th9uv4ri9j
    @user-th9uv4ri9j 15 днів тому +1

    Unenet tasafraleh armias

  • @gojjamfano
    @gojjamfano 15 днів тому +1

    እንዳንተ አስተሳሰብ የኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት የሶማሊያን ተቃዋሚዎች አደራጂቶ የሶማሊያን መንግስት ሲጥሉት ትክክል ከሆነ፥የሶማሊያ መንግሥት የኢትዮጵያን መንግሥት ተቃዋሚዎችን ቢያደራጅ እና የኢትዮጵያን መንግስት ቢጥል ምንድን ነው ስህተቱ ? (ልብ በል ልክ ነው እያልሁ አይደለም)
    አየህ አዙረህ አለማየትህ ነው ችግርህ !
    ወጣም ወረደ ባሁኑ ሰዓት ፋኖ የህልውና ትግል ስራ ለይ ነው።የወደብ ጥያቄ የወለደው የቅንጦት ፖለቲካ አያራምድም።
    ግብፅም ሆነ ብልፅግና የኢትዮጵያ እኩል ጠላቶች ናቸው።

    • @yonastaye8803
      @yonastaye8803 15 днів тому

      ፋኖ ማንም ቢረዳው አይተርፍም እርስ በእርሱ ተባልቶ የሚያልቅ የሽፍታ ቡድን ነው። ለመሆኑ ሶማሊያ እራሶን እንኳን በኢትዮጵያ ወታደር ጥበቃና ቁጥጥር ስር ያለች ሀገር በምን አቅሞ ነው ጠላት የምታደራጅብን ? ካስፈለገ ኢትዮጵያ በአንድ ሰዓት ልቶቆጣጠራት የምትችችል የደከመች ሀገር ናት።

    • @seifutilahun1204
      @seifutilahun1204 15 днів тому

      አንገት የለውምቱሉተላ ነውኤርሚ ደሞአትርሣ ካድሬነው ካድሬደሞ ሃሣብ አሥተላላፊትቦእንጂ ማሠብአይፈቀድለትም።

  • @aezbmerid3612
    @aezbmerid3612 15 днів тому +1

    ሲጀመር ምን አገባህ አንተ ስለ አማራ አንተ አሜሪካዊ ነኝ ትል የለ እዛው ስለእሜሪካንህ አስብ ያልበላህን እትከክ
    ሚስትህ ጠዋት ማታ እየጠፈጠፈችህ ስጋህ ከሰውንትህ አልቆ የራስህን ሳታውቅ የሰው ታማስላለህ ሀሜተኛው ኤርሚያስ

  • @kassahunbekele5234
    @kassahunbekele5234 15 днів тому +1

    Ermi, you nailed it. Thank you for your analysis. Guys, open your eyes.

  • @ninaabay2140
    @ninaabay2140 14 днів тому

    Ermias never says anything about the genocide in Tigray

  • @azerihun1698
    @azerihun1698 15 днів тому +1

    አንተምኮ ስትቃወም የነበርከውን አሁን ተገልብጠህ ሰውን መከራ እያበላህ ነው:: 😜

  • @eshetu4148
    @eshetu4148 15 днів тому

    I love the intro music. Please let me know where I can get it

  • @abrahamazene1962
    @abrahamazene1962 15 днів тому

    Very logical explanation and analysis, bravo Ermeyas!!

  • @abrhahaftu8182
    @abrhahaftu8182 15 днів тому +2

    ኤርሚያስ አወቀህ ነው ሚትናገረው? ችግሩ ያለው ሶማልያ ላንድ ሉአላዊ አገር አይደለችም ድርድሩ መሆን ያለቤት ከሶማልያ መቋድሾ ነው.....የሉዓላዊነት ጉዳይ ነው እየተነሳው ያለው ይህንን አልተረዳህም ብየ አላስብም

  • @Ganebo-n4p
    @Ganebo-n4p 15 днів тому

    Genuine, well thought analysis and insights. Thanks 👍

  • @ErtaAbyssinia-d1q
    @ErtaAbyssinia-d1q 15 днів тому

    Why Ethiopia is dragging her feet to close the deal in Somaliland. Jubaland officials already started negotiation to join the Ethiopian federation. Ethiopia closing the deal in Somaliland and negotiation in jubaland will change the region politics. It is not Egypt that controls what is going on in the Horn. Egypt interference in Somali is not supported by USA

  • @Abrom-gg
    @Abrom-gg 15 днів тому

    ትግራይ እና የትግራይ ፖለቲካ ከአዲስ አበባ ካታንጋ እስከ US ማሲንጋ ለምን ዕለታዊ መነጋገርያ አጀንዳ ሆነ?

  • @user-sagiv.m.t
    @user-sagiv.m.t 15 днів тому

    አቶ ኤርሚያስ፥
    በሀገራዊ ጥቅም ጉዳይ ሁሌም ከገዡ ፓርቲ ሰዎች ልክ ወይም ከዛ በላ ስትሟገትለት ትታያለህ።
    አሁን ተቃውሞህም ግዳፍክም ግልፅ ሆነልኝ።

  • @solomongetachew9660
    @solomongetachew9660 15 днів тому +1

    አሻሽለሀል ጎበዝ አድናቂ ነኝ በርታ

  • @woldemirach5669
    @woldemirach5669 15 днів тому +1

    A talk with no substance

  • @gizawabaye763
    @gizawabaye763 15 днів тому

    ኤርምያስ ተስማምቶኛል ትንታኔህ

  • @zemenemekonnen727
    @zemenemekonnen727 15 днів тому +1

    ቆሻሻ አላወጣንም አሉ እኮ ምናባክ ታመጣለክ?

  • @mohamedusman6744
    @mohamedusman6744 15 днів тому +3

    ሶማሊ ላንድ የሶማሊያ አካል ነች አደርባይ ነህ እንኳን ቀኩህ

  • @mengistu9600
    @mengistu9600 15 днів тому +1

    ኤርሚ ግሬት ኤክስፕላኔሽን ይህ የኢትዯጵያን ቅድመ እይታ ግንዛቤን ማሳደግ ነው በርታ

  • @NabiyuMezana
    @NabiyuMezana 15 днів тому

    Yes en satwal woyana

  • @solomonkinfu7691
    @solomonkinfu7691 15 днів тому +1

    በእንጭጩ የኦነግ መሪ አብይ አህመድ የታገቱ የአምሓራ ተማሪዎች 4 አመት ከ267 ቀን ሆናቸው መቼም አንረሳችሁም

  • @NabiyuMezana
    @NabiyuMezana 15 днів тому

    Thank you very much

  • @NabiyuMezana
    @NabiyuMezana 15 днів тому

    Aseb ayasfelegem masat nau setresau torenat yamebal yalam

  • @NabiyuMezana
    @NabiyuMezana 15 днів тому

    Awo ej satwal woyana 😂😅

  • @etobiyahagere1913
    @etobiyahagere1913 15 днів тому

    ሽንታም አርገው ነው ወያኔ የጠፈጠፈችህ።አለም የጉልበተኞች ነች።ጉድ አንድ ሰሞን ነው።ችግሩ የጉጉት አይን ፖለቲከኛ ለፍላፊ ስለሆንክ ነው።

  • @woldemirach5669
    @woldemirach5669 15 днів тому

    Please Ato Ermias. It seems too late! As long as the genociders are in power Ethiopia unity is in danger. Because of the hate spread falsely against the people of Tigray and the unjustified war not only by the government but also the people active participation this is the result! Still The people of Tigray are under siege and also the Amhara and some parts of Oromia. Tigray doesn’t have a say in Ethiopia politics. Do you think the people of Tigray could have active participation in protecting Ethiopia? Is it fair to condemn them because of this? What is the meaning of mother country? Why the criminal PP. call a unity government to protect the country from eminent threats? To me I don’t have any difference between Abiy government and Egypt! If you call me treater it’s your right but to me I call you foolish! It is PP who disintegrated the country! Period! I was the loyal citizen of Ethiopia, but not now under the genociders! If you want Ethiopian to survive let us do equally for our common country. Otherwise what you said is cheap propaganda! Abiy sold GERD, he killed Enginer Simengew and many others. He is still committed crimes against Amhara, Tegarus and Oromo.

  • @Only-true91
    @Only-true91 15 днів тому +1

    Ermi you know you’re father 🪦 RIP’ where he is? So what you wish for others? Please stop your cheap nonsense rhetoric 😂😂😂😂

  • @ninaabay2140
    @ninaabay2140 14 днів тому

    Ethiopia was going to recognize Somalia land so what the heck are you talking about that is provocation

  • @aberakassa7971
    @aberakassa7971 15 днів тому

    Ermiyas you should beembarase your selfie not Enmout, Abeye is the primary enemy of Ethiopia, unlike Egypt and Somalia. Who brings this crisis, is int Abeye lack of leadership or capable. Besides what is new Egebt involve in Somalia peacekeeping. You always goes down because of your self-centred attitude. We now your stand supporting Abeyes regime because of your father ethnicity. Be depend on objective reality to analyze politics, rather than jumping from topic to topic(here & there)

  • @LolumbaMa
    @LolumbaMa 15 днів тому +1
