Broken Britain: The Truth About The Tory Legacy

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024


  • @jaymcgann6637
    @jaymcgann6637 Місяць тому +126

    I'm continually amazed that Britain's version of MAGA is as stupid as the US version. That's the real problem that drives all else.

    • @ZeroCrystal
      @ZeroCrystal Місяць тому +1

      Why is it surprising? When you race to the lowest common denominator, you'll find plenty of others who are willing to join you. Additionally, Conservatives between the U.K. and the U.S. talk to each other, which I can only imagine consists of grunting and a consistent loss of brain cells.

    • @thecheesefactor
      @thecheesefactor Місяць тому +9

      Might as well say 'let's drive backward into the future'.

    • @petefl1818
      @petefl1818 Місяць тому

      It's not stupidity, they're just greedy people who no longer care what people think about them so long as they're pocketing the money. Perhaps their mistake was to think that the people of the UK would be like the MAGA people in the US who worship the rich, so would let them carry on filling their pockets whilst they ruined the UK.

    • @marcuswalters8093
      @marcuswalters8093 Місяць тому +5

      Brexit, for me. Once that came through, I realised that the UK had no place looking down at the yanks.
      The UK is getting everything it deserves.

    • @thecheesefactor
      @thecheesefactor Місяць тому +3

      @@marcuswalters8093 There will be more embarrassment once the full Russia Report is released. We may never know if Putin and co. tipped the scale on the UK's destiny. The vote was very close.

  • @raypickles537
    @raypickles537 Місяць тому +45

    WHEN...I haven't stopped blaming Thatcher for all her failed policies and ideology yet.

    • @scottyfive4319
      @scottyfive4319 Місяць тому +13

      She laid the foundations for EVERY social and economic problem the UK faces today.

    • @AxGerm756
      @AxGerm756 Місяць тому +2

      The conservative party in general laid the foundation. Not just ONE Tory.

    • @scottyfive4319
      @scottyfive4319 Місяць тому

      @@AxGerm756 True, now the mantle has been taken on by Starmer.

    • @helenamcginty4920
      @helenamcginty4920 Місяць тому

      And I recently found out the the whole 'trickle down' economic policy of the Reagan/Thatcher years was the brainchild of the Hetitage Foundation of Project 2025.
      For 'trickle down' read 'crumbs from the tables of the multi billionaires'.

  • @leviathon2
    @leviathon2 Місяць тому +91

    It’s almost as if the last Conservative government were treacherous!

    • @wayneford2481
      @wayneford2481 Місяць тому +3

      The word is treason.

    • @theotherandrew5540
      @theotherandrew5540 Місяць тому +2

      Gosh! You mean they weren’t working hard, day and night, for the nation’s benefit? Surely not! 😅😅

    • @obscurum6
      @obscurum6 Місяць тому +2

      But they still sit in the commons unpunished being paid by the taxpayer for doing nothing.

  • @Ant.Gib.
    @Ant.Gib. Місяць тому +84

    It's just a pity that a lot of people have such short term memories when it comes to politics; even though the Tories have all but destroyed the country over the last fourteen years, you know that it won't be too long before a lot of voters start to consider them as a viable option for running the country again. This is why PR is a necessity.

    • @Faluzeer
      @Faluzeer Місяць тому +24

      Sad but true. If Labour do manage to secure a significant improvement in the economy or public services, too many will then return to voting Tory because of the fallacy that the Tories are more fiscally responsible.

    • @therealrobertbirchall
      @therealrobertbirchall Місяць тому

      ​@@FaluzeerLabour are as much to blame for allowing the 'mamas purse' theory of national economies to persist.

    • @michaelfoy
      @michaelfoy Місяць тому

      ​​​@@FaluzeerAnd...IF you look at the MANY independent studies that have been done into this subject....It Turns out (Surprisingly!! ..not) that LABOUR ALLWAYS deliver a better standard of Services and Living standards when in Power....Grow the economy And pay off some of the ongoing National debt! More than Tories have done....But, the TORIES just get the Media to Continue the LIE...Continously...that THEY are the 'Natural party of Good Government '......Against the Countries best interests, Therefore, our so-called 'patriotic ' msm ....are actually Traitors!

    • @robinmcara793
      @robinmcara793 Місяць тому +8

      Sadly, I agree with you. One of these vultures will find a way to con people again & there are plenty lining up to be conned 😂😂😂

    • @rachel.mcgowan
      @rachel.mcgowan Місяць тому +1

      Hopefully Reform UK, odious as they are, will not fade away and therefore continue to be a serious detriment to Tory prospects of regaining power.

  • @garryferrington811
    @garryferrington811 Місяць тому +90

    I'm surprised the tories didn't get rid of the National Audit Office.

    • @lloydbelle3406
      @lloydbelle3406 Місяць тому +16

      Without doubt, Reform would have done so.

    • @skasteve6528
      @skasteve6528 Місяць тому +1

      @@lloydbelle3406 No, he's campaign for Brexit from the OECD.

    • @ilokivi
      @ilokivi Місяць тому

      The Tories used the NAO to cherry pick which NGOs they didn’t agree with and didn’t want to have to keep funding, with a partial approach to evidence acceptance. Such as a fire service procurement body set up in 2006, which had costs incurred by DCLG before the organisation was established attributed to it. Recognising the running costs (£17.5 million) but not recognising the value of its services to 46 fire brigades in England and Wales (£40 million in 2008 alone). That was the fate of Firebuy in 2011.

    • @Rayn072012
      @Rayn072012 Місяць тому +4

      They were too busy stuffing cash in their pockets.

    • @verttikoo2052
      @verttikoo2052 Місяць тому

      Is it still around?

  • @catgladwell5684
    @catgladwell5684 Місяць тому +154

    The Tories were still blaming Labour ten or more years after they had been in power.

    • @seebarry4068
      @seebarry4068 Місяць тому +22

      Labour will be as well. The difference is it'll be true.

    • @JupiterThunder
      @JupiterThunder Місяць тому +2

      "There's no money left. Good luck." - Liam Byrne, Labour

    • @mrsubject1
      @mrsubject1 Місяць тому

      ​@@JupiterThunderA long running back and forth joke used to dupe the voter base, which obviously worked on you

    • @minischembri9893
      @minischembri9893 Місяць тому +22

      @@JupiterThunder That was meant as a joke which unfortunately is the truth now and no joke after the Tories' departure !

    • @thecheesefactor
      @thecheesefactor Місяць тому +29

      @@minischembri9893 The Tories tripled the national debt while waving that letter. Cameron was much worse than people realise. He, along with Osborne, set the stage for all of this nonsense with the austerity con job.

  • @thecheesefactor
    @thecheesefactor Місяць тому +47

    At each election since 2010, I have been amazed people kept voting for the Tories. The electorate really need to have a think. Is the only way they can elect Labour this form? Would it have been so bad to have elected Miliband in 2015 and have spared ourselves a near decade of pain? This was the year Cameron and Osborne introduced their 2-child benefit cap. It has since failed to discourage poor families from having more children. All it does is put children into poverty. That's why UNICEF has been noticing how we, a 1st world country, have 3rd world levels of child poverty.

    • @reiw5802
      @reiw5802 Місяць тому +12

      "...discourage poor families from having more children "
      It's more ridiculous that long term we'll have a workforce shortage that needs more children being born.
      I suppose we can use foreign workers, but we "need" to get immigration down.
      They have to choose, more children less immigration or more immigration less children.
      Reducing both just reduces the economy, reducing everything for everyone.

    • @anpj2006
      @anpj2006 Місяць тому

      The rabid right wing press? Not as influential as they used to be but still, Labour to Tax...everything and illegal Immigrants to be allow to sleep in you bed, headlines do gradually permeate into peoples minds.

    • @thecheesefactor
      @thecheesefactor Місяць тому

      @@reiw5802 The mainstream media manipulate the cognitive dissonance for their own ends. The aging population reality often gets avoided so they can push their false narratives about immigrants or young people and families struggling on benefits and/or minimum wage. Then suddenly, a shortage of carers. They can't have it both ways.

    • @adamknight4087
      @adamknight4087 Місяць тому

      Tories have
      o££shored 14 years of robbing .£20Bn shortfall... Get the £37Bn back from Harding, Mone etal.

    • @marijo1951
      @marijo1951 Місяць тому +4

      I sometimes wish the other Milliband i.e. David had won the Labour leadership election in 2010, not because of any great political preference, but because he hasn't got an awkward nerdy voice like his brother, and I think would have had enough nous not to be snapped while eating inelegantly, so Sun-readers and others who vote for the most superficial reasons might have gone for him rather than Cameron. Just think - no referendum, no brexit, no two child cap, NHS continuing to improve, and the Tories could have gone to hell in a different way, destructive only to them and not to the country as a whole.

  • @TrevorJohnsMoment
    @TrevorJohnsMoment Місяць тому +79

    This is an important piece. Thank you for covering the trail of disastrous mismanagement and croynism left by the conservatives.

  • @David-nd4to
    @David-nd4to Місяць тому +26

    who knew the party historically only interested in helping themselves, have done nothing for public services

  • @federicoprice2687
    @federicoprice2687 Місяць тому +21

    A superb summary of a shameful legacy national disaster - should be on prime time TV.

  • @rjy8960
    @rjy8960 Місяць тому +63

    I can't criticise what Starmer has done so far. I am more thankful that the Tories are gone and the adults have taken over. I can actually have some hope that the country will start to become a better place to live and will once again be able to find some level of pride in my country.
    The shit-show that has been left by the Tories will take more than one parliament to fix. Everything cannot be fixed overnight and so long as I see a steady and determined trajectory in the right direction I will be happy.

  • @bereal6590
    @bereal6590 Місяць тому +11

    Deep down we knew it was going to be really really bad. It's just disheartening to know it in actual fact 😔

  • @wattyler6075
    @wattyler6075 Місяць тому +22

    The country is practically bankrupt,going to take time to change that. But they need to go after the PPE Tory cronies. I want a lot of what you said,but am realistic enough to realise that after 14yrs of Tory corruption it won't happen over night. My main thing I want to see fixed is the NHS & social care.

    • @thecheesefactor
      @thecheesefactor Місяць тому +3

      There are billions in tax revenues coming in all the time. The problem is the Tories have changed things to suit them, not us. Sometimes I think Labour's top line could have been 'change back' instead of 'change'. During austerity, the term 'change' was often associated with redundancies, deteriorating pay, and/or worsening terms and conditions.

    • @martinmurphy9679
      @martinmurphy9679 Місяць тому +1

      @@thecheesefactor And what is the word "back" associated with? Surely, we need to progress.

    • @thecheesefactor
      @thecheesefactor Місяць тому

      @@martinmurphy9679 Look at where we were in 2010 and try to return the scale of the economy to that. It is 18% smaller in real terms. Dismantling the apparatus of austerity built up over the past 14 years, rebuilding what austerity destroyed. Repairing neglected public infrastructure.

  • @rodneycooperLMSCoach
    @rodneycooperLMSCoach Місяць тому +10

    I would dearly love to live in a country where incompetence is a criminal offence. Not the daft things they are trying to criminalise but ineptitude that does so much damage to a nation and it's people. We would very soon find only the ablest putting themselves up for leadership in all areas.

    • @howardosborne8647
      @howardosborne8647 Місяць тому +2

      This isn't simply the result of ineptitude but deliberate wrongful conduct of those in power.

    • @rodneycooperLMSCoach
      @rodneycooperLMSCoach Місяць тому +1

      @@howardosborne8647 If that is so then it is treason.

    • @martinmurphy9679
      @martinmurphy9679 Місяць тому

      @@rodneycooperLMSCoach Absolutely. Scorching the earth for the incoming government at the expense of the country is treason.

  • @geordiedog1749
    @geordiedog1749 Місяць тому +9

    It’s common for the incoming gov to exaggerate the extent of the problem left to them but the current situation is just criminal. And I say “criminal” without hyperbole.

    • @thecheesefactor
      @thecheesefactor Місяць тому +3

      Mother Hubbard syndrome is a political reality, but this video shows the Tories really have left financial challenges for Labour. Austerity was never fit for purpose and it's been entrenched for 14 years now. That's not being dismantled quickly.

  • @eddys.3524
    @eddys.3524 Місяць тому +51

    My critisism on the Starmer Government? They came in 14 years too late.

    • @ahgversluis
      @ahgversluis Місяць тому +1

      @@eddys.3524 at her first conference, theresa May wanted to fire Jeremy Corbyn. I couldn't agree with her more, in retrospect

    • @sirmeowthelibrarycat
      @sirmeowthelibrarycat Місяць тому +14

      @@ahgversluis😲 What are you on? How could Mrs May do any such thing as ‘fire’ a politician representing a different party in Parliament?

    • @theotherandrew5540
      @theotherandrew5540 Місяць тому +3

      And the Guardian helped to keep them out by attacking Corbyn.

  • @JHatLpool
    @JHatLpool Місяць тому +9

    Very well said here. Over the last fourteen years, the Tories have relished destroying any part of life with a public service or public ownership part to it. The modern Tory belief is that the more autocratic the behaviour, the more likely you are to get a big bucks consultancy with the Heritage Foundation.

  • @ohyeah2816
    @ohyeah2816 Місяць тому +56

    The Conservatives and the people behind them who benefited from them will go down in history as the biggest waste of our money. Support Labour!

    • @annenunney9907
      @annenunney9907 Місяць тому +5

      Spot on

    • @MrGrantSloan
      @MrGrantSloan Місяць тому

      I don't support those who say, "Israel has the right to defend itself".

    • @ohyeah2816
      @ohyeah2816 Місяць тому +1

      @@MrGrantSloan nor do I, but sorting out our problems at home puts us in a better position to do something about foreign issues. As we can surmise, Putin is the one to blame for the situation there. Support Labour 👍🏼✌🏼❤️😀

    • @AM-fs1je
      @AM-fs1je Місяць тому


  • @stevesmith4667
    @stevesmith4667 Місяць тому +10

    Must be actively investigated and those responsible held to account.

  • @jon-paulfilkins7820
    @jon-paulfilkins7820 Місяць тому +80

    "When are Labour going to stop blaming the previous government for the mess"?
    Says the party that spent a decade blaming Labour for the "no money left" note or even decades of conjuring up the ghost of the winter of discontent to scare voters.

    • @frostbite9
      @frostbite9 Місяць тому +8

      Blaming? It's reality.

    • @thecheesefactor
      @thecheesefactor Місяць тому +13

      @@frostbite9 Tories no longer even the party of fiscal responsibility. That whole party is compromised now. Should not be back in government for a long, long time.

    • @mrsubject1
      @mrsubject1 Місяць тому +12

      Seriously, the amount Cameron waved around that letter I'd say they are allowed to go in as hard as they want

    • @teesman61
      @teesman61 Місяць тому

      🤣🤣 a right wing mug speaks. ​@@frostbite9

    • @nitsujism
      @nitsujism Місяць тому +6

      Indeed. And now the Tories have left us £20bn in the hole. It's way, way, worse than no money left. They had fourteen years...

  • @Kiltking
    @Kiltking Місяць тому +10

    I’m a Scotsman get me out of here.!

  • @paulharrion3398
    @paulharrion3398 Місяць тому +27

    "I think that people have had enough of experts!" Once those words were uttered the UK was in trouble.

    • @stewie7338
      @stewie7338 Місяць тому

      Hi Paul - what is the 'expert' opinion on the difference between a man and a woman?

    • @thegrouchization
      @thegrouchization Місяць тому +9

      @@stewie7338 Cringe comment, mate.

    • @californiadreamin8423
      @californiadreamin8423 Місяць тому +4

      @@stewie7338. Since you’re only new to UA-cam , I presume you’re in the flower of your youth, with finding the answer to that question top of your wish list. Don’t ask a stranger, ask Mummy and Daddy.

    • @michaelfoy
      @michaelfoy Місяць тому

      ​​@stewie7338 The Countries future prosperity and Survival of ESSENTIAL Services....more IMPORTANT than Silly Tory Culture wars SHITE.....

    • @Matt-vo1ge
      @Matt-vo1ge Місяць тому +4

      Hi Stewie, well an expert may point to the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis, but probably a better question to ask is in the context of the wrecking ball that's been taken to this country's infrastructure and services does that topic warrant as much attention or ire that that general public have given it?

  • @FAngus-ly8lk
    @FAngus-ly8lk Місяць тому +10

    Canada now appears likely to elect a far-right Conservative government next year. The leader, Pierre Poilievre, is a libertarian ideologue who has spent almost his whole adult life in Parliament and has never held a job outside politics. His agenda is a program of tax cuts for the rich and deep cuts to the scale and and powers of government. Thatcherism straight down the line. At last year's Conservative Party of Canada conference, Poilievre chose as keynote speaker the Tory peer and outspoken Brexiteer, Daniel Hannan. He gave a vigorous speech touting populism, the horrors perpetrated by the "Liberal elites" (no mention of what the Tory elites have been up to), and how Brexit delivered on the needs and aspirations of the British people. I kid you not.

    • @AxGerm756
      @AxGerm756 Місяць тому

      This is because Canada doesn't have strong social Democrats.
      Trudeau is just a left leaning Neo-Liberal.
      He is not social democrats.
      The social Democrats are notoriously weak in Canada.
      Canada also needs a String Labour/Social Democratic party.
      Unless this happens people will always choose between.
      Hardcore capitalism and hardcore capitalism with a nice smile.

  • @jonathanwetherell3609
    @jonathanwetherell3609 Місяць тому +5

    The only important question is "After 14 years of power, are the rich and powerful better off?" That is from the Conservative point of view, the party of the rich and powerful. The rest of us don't matter to them.

  • @andybeans5790
    @andybeans5790 Місяць тому +7

    Being an MP _is_ the second job for many right wing politicians

    • @obscurum6
      @obscurum6 Місяць тому +2

      Actually nearly 50 labour MPs and nearly 200 MPs in total have second Jobs. In fact being an MPs is their second job. 🙄

  • @MaBaKar
    @MaBaKar Місяць тому +21

    I think you played down how bad things are Rob. And the leftover Tories already daring to criticize the new government. Shameless.

    • @martinmurphy9679
      @martinmurphy9679 Місяць тому

      Exactly. 3 weeks in; Why havent they done this, why havent they done that? An urgent review of the MSM's unregulated propaganda is desperately needed.

  • @kirstymctear5030
    @kirstymctear5030 Місяць тому +17

    Tories couldn’t run a bath‼️

  • @igavinwood
    @igavinwood Місяць тому +15

    Media reform and better communication.
    There is very little you can do when whole swathes of the population believe something is true due to years of bigoted and misleading 'news'.

    • @thecheesefactor
      @thecheesefactor Місяць тому +2

      Tory client media are a huge part of the problem. GB News should have been shut down. A party political broadcaster. For some MPs, it was their second job. It's not just GB News that hardly anyone watches. They almost got Paul Dacre in to head Ofcom.

  • @anthonyhill6943
    @anthonyhill6943 Місяць тому +21

    It needs to be said. Powerful stuff.

  • @brianmorton1380
    @brianmorton1380 Місяць тому +12

    Glad to see information being made public. Next should be curbs if not an outright ban on lobbying, reigns on second jobs for MPs and clawing back cash from PPE fiddles and any other dubious schemes involving government jobs for mates. End the slease and the wheels won't need so much oiling.

  • @rjjrbrem
    @rjjrbrem Місяць тому +3

    I actually felt emotional when I voted this time for the first time in 40 years of voting. Just you listing their achievements and promises from the labour government in 3 weeks has made my day, week and year. Thank you! I started working in the 80s with thatcher so I’ve witnessed the scandalous and carnal regimes of too many Tory governments. Im optimistically wishing for a glorious finale when I retire with Starmer.

  • @jimleishman8599
    @jimleishman8599 Місяць тому +2

    Keep up the good work, so few voices speak out so eloquently about the selfishness of Tory misrule. They are children with me, me, me all day long every day as their only goal. 🤬

  • @timfulwell8472
    @timfulwell8472 Місяць тому +2

    A brilliant political comment. Clear, balanced, nuanced. Thank you. I shall recommend to everyone I know.

  • @adamlee3772
    @adamlee3772 Місяць тому +9

    When will they stop blaming the tories? Well the tories went on for 14 years for the supposed mess they inherited. Lying bastards.

  • @davidmcintyre8145
    @davidmcintyre8145 Місяць тому +4

    Old people use the NHS more than anyone else with over 70% of NHS spending spent on the elderly yet the elderly disproportionately vote for the Tories who fought to stop the NHS being created and have tried to destroy it since 1948

  • @johneveleigh6324
    @johneveleigh6324 Місяць тому +4

    Thanks for your honesty you are a breath of fresh air how did it ever get this bad talk about being badly governed beggars believe

  • @anpj2006
    @anpj2006 Місяць тому +10

    They were still talking about that "Theres no money left" joke note 14 years later!!!!!!!

    • @michaelfoy
      @michaelfoy Місяць тому +7

      And Now there REALLY IS NO MONEY LEFT......SO...where the TORY "Note"? It Needs to be a VERY VERY long one!.....

    • @AM-fs1je
      @AM-fs1je Місяць тому

      "We stole everything."

  • @michaelaskew6025
    @michaelaskew6025 Місяць тому +8

    We knew the report would be horrific; It's even worse! Thanks, Rob, and, as always, shared as far and wide as my reach allows.👍🥰🌱

  • @dmisso42
    @dmisso42 Місяць тому +5

    Labour has only been in power long enough to find out where the LNP hid the toilet rolls.
    Give them a bit more time. They've already done more in a few months in unpicking the LNP's 14 year mess than should be expected.

    • @wolfen210959
      @wolfen210959 Місяць тому +1

      A few months? It's been 24 days, or 3 and a half weeks, it only feels longer because so much has been announced/changed that it's difficult to reconcile all of the new policies, especially when the Tories have spent 2 years obsessing over just one policy, Rwanda.

  • @godot-whatyouvebeenwaitingfor
    @godot-whatyouvebeenwaitingfor Місяць тому +5

    I have NO problem with Labour.

  • @loyalroyal
    @loyalroyal Місяць тому +6

    Compared to the Tories, this Labour Government are at least identifying priorities and putting plans in place to address them. Early days, but I'm impressed with some of what they are planning to do and how they are going about it. And at least I see less of c**ts like Rhys Mogg, Shapps, Sunak, Braverman etc on the TV .

    • @thecheesefactor
      @thecheesefactor Місяць тому

      Gove, Cameron, Osborne, the list goes on.

  • @juliegale3863
    @juliegale3863 Місяць тому +4

    Thank you Rob for saying all the things I was thinking and feeling. It is going to take a while for the general run of the public to stop hating politicians, the all the same brigade and realise these new people are going to try to do things differently.

  • @MisterBurtonshaw
    @MisterBurtonshaw Місяць тому +3

    I dread to think what Fishi meant by "let us finish the job" !!

  • @cjh0751
    @cjh0751 Місяць тому +2

    I had to go to A&E recently and we were queuing out the door. I've never seen it like this before. I was shocked.

  • @stevenbusby5702
    @stevenbusby5702 Місяць тому +3

    Yes. I know we want it all back now. But as you said it took 14 years to dismantle and destroying is much easier and quicker. So be patient and do not let the Tories ever forget all the rubbish they gave us.

  • @stephanieking4444
    @stephanieking4444 Місяць тому +2

    This excellent summary should be on national and international TVs and all over the Internet

  • @ahgversluis
    @ahgversluis Місяць тому +16

    And of course, brexiters still believe that potholes are the fault of migrants, while finding razor clams in the Thames is a benefit of Brexit 😂😂😂

    • @howardosborne8647
      @howardosborne8647 Місяць тому


    • @wayneford2481
      @wayneford2481 Місяць тому

      Clams in the Thames are they safe to eat ?.I don't believe they are.

    • @ahgversluis
      @ahgversluis Місяць тому +2

      @@wayneford2481 😂
      Let me jus say that they're certainly not passing the EU smell test at the border here

    • @wolfen210959
      @wolfen210959 Місяць тому

      @@wayneford2481 You'd better ask the EU about that, as that is where they are being processed, we have no industries over here, we're a service economy remember.

    • @AM-fs1je
      @AM-fs1je Місяць тому


  • @lwalker8785
    @lwalker8785 Місяць тому +2

    The conservatives recently in government need to be held accountable for misuse of public funds. And by accountable I mean in jail.

  • @simonpkershaw
    @simonpkershaw Місяць тому +3

    Bloody Hell man, your on fire, it’s like the smothered voice of my own depression burst out of your gob, keep it up, I want to hear more of what I’m thinking!!!!

  • @beverlyhitchon4901
    @beverlyhitchon4901 Місяць тому +1

    I have no comment, instead I have clicked the like button on nearly every single comment, because everything I want to say has already been said!
    Thank god there are still sensible and reasonable people doing critical thinking!
    👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 to all of you. Well said. ❤

  • @leor7870
    @leor7870 Місяць тому +6

    Agree with your statement. However, Labour need time to really assess the finances and then implement the financial strategy which will guarantee better public services

  • @ggmiethe
    @ggmiethe Місяць тому +3

    And will any single one person be criminally charged for these obscenities? Of course not.

    • @martinmurphy9679
      @martinmurphy9679 Місяць тому +1

      I'm hoping Keir goes after them. He knows when a conviction can be made.

  • @MrsGardiner
    @MrsGardiner Місяць тому +2

    Every word! Thank you!

  • @brianc5788
    @brianc5788 Місяць тому +3

    Can you honestly expect Labour to fix 14 years of Tory ineptness in the next 5 years? Because that's all the time there is until another GE! I truly hope thay can!

  • @jamieashton3835
    @jamieashton3835 Місяць тому +4


  • @brianperry
    @brianperry Місяць тому +12

    What amazes me is 'all' the right wing tubers are telling their fawning followers that it will be far worse with a Labour Government....How is that even possible!!

    • @michaelfoy
      @michaelfoy Місяць тому

      It isn't, but unfortunately IF they follow that SHITE.... they know Very little about the truth in the 1st place anyway.....

    • @wolfen210959
      @wolfen210959 Місяць тому +1

      They have to cling to their ideology, and play to their followers, because they are terrified that Labour will actually succeed in saving the NHS, and create real growth. Plus, they have seen the list of prospective Tory leaders, and that scares them even more, Patel is the frontrunner. lol

  • @SlowhandGreg
    @SlowhandGreg Місяць тому +2

    The fiscal rules arent neoliberal and Reeve has already said she would change them to fit Labour's agenda
    Last year we borrowed 130 billion and paid debt interest of 120 billion the whole thing is unsustainable

  • @dfishpool7052
    @dfishpool7052 Місяць тому +2

    Like you Rob, I was so relieved to see the back of so many tories in Westminster. They ran down all the public services since, when many of them are from wealthy backgrounds, they do not in the main need public services - Sunak's preferred method of transport, a helicopter wasn't bothered by potholes, nor those in their luxury SUVs. As for health they all went private - the same for education. None of them ever had to go to the Labour Exchange, daddy always made sure to find a sinecure for his little darlings. Starmer isn't my cup of tea but he has made some worthwhile changes but when one compares what Atlee achieved to what Starmer is going to do I think we will be disappointed. With the likes of Akehurst, Mandelson and Blair hovering in the background, prodding Starmer and Reeves at various moments a lot of what we hoped for will be spiked to say nothing of the influence of big business.

  • @michaelgoss9606
    @michaelgoss9606 Місяць тому +3

    Thanks Rob. A good video.

  • @plerpplerp5599
    @plerpplerp5599 Місяць тому +2

    There's a lingering nostalgia for Britain's past "greatness" that hinders progress and realistic policy-making in a changed world.
    UK's highly partisan media landscape distorts public understanding of complex issues, making it harder to build consensus for necessary changes.
    Added to that, Partisan politics often trumps pragmatic problem-solving, with good ideas rejected simply because they come from the "wrong" party.
    The UK's current issues are the result of decades of systemic failures, chronic underinvestment, short-term political thinking, entrenched class divides, and bureaucratic inertia.
    These problems have been compounded by misguided privatizations, an education system that hasn't kept pace with modern needs, and the divisive fallout from Brexit.
    It's a complex web of long-standing issues that transcend any single government or political party.
    These issues aren't just the fault of the Tories or Labour or any single party - they're the result of a political and social system that's been failing to adapt and evolve for a long time.
    The NAO findings are just scratching the surface of much deeper, long-standing problems that will require significant political will and public engagement to address.
    The UK's current state is the result of decades of systemic failures, short-sighted policies, and a political class that's often more concerned with staying in power than actually solving problems.
    Many of the UK's current challenges have their roots in decisions and policies implemented as far back as the post-war period or even earlier.

  • @jaynemacklyne1462
    @jaynemacklyne1462 Місяць тому +4

    Zero hours contract and the 2 child cap were the most dreadful, cruel things to adress

    • @Matt-vo1ge
      @Matt-vo1ge Місяць тому +3

      Let's hope no MPs suffer for opposing them, eh?

    • @sirmeowthelibrarycat
      @sirmeowthelibrarycat Місяць тому

      @@Matt-vo1ge🤔 No MPs suffer from supporting the removal of the two child cap . . . except seven MPs who voted for that policy and who have been suspended from the governing party by Sir Kid Starver and his acolytes 😡!

    • @martinmurphy9679
      @martinmurphy9679 Місяць тому

      @@Matt-vo1ge If they want to oppose the party manifesto that won them their seat, then they want to FO and find another party. Traitorous *****

  • @joaomarreiros4906
    @joaomarreiros4906 Місяць тому +3

    Starmer has two major choices to balance the State to, at least, a manageable situation, because the issues with brexit and what the Tories did to the economy and social services, with debt, no investment or refurbishing of methods and infra structures, will endure for many years if not decades. Starmer can obtain funds two ways, one, with indirect taxing of the middle and low classes and productive businesses, like commerce and manufacture, and two, taxing property, financial gains, the "City", people with large bank accounts and high income. From an economic point of view in a crisis situation there is where the money is, because there is no Empire, no Commonwealth, and no EU to mooch funds and investment, there are only the British citizens, so, to me, honesty would spare them a lot of grief in the future. Whatever Starmer decides will set the course for the future.

  • @MissR-hn8be
    @MissR-hn8be Місяць тому +1

    Agree with you 💯 👍 👌

  • @tonygrantham3213
    @tonygrantham3213 4 дні тому +1

    It was mainly Labour voters in the red wall seats that voted for Brexit

  • @kimpetersen358
    @kimpetersen358 Місяць тому +2

    Labour most certainly needs to turn all these tory friendly channels into neutral channels by law. Otherwise they risk all their good work not being reckognised by their voters !
    And that would be fatal !

  • @GillMosley-wo9mf
    @GillMosley-wo9mf Місяць тому +2

    They were in for at least 14yrs and were still blaming things for when Labour were in power 14yrs down the line. Labour have been in power for less than a month and are only just finding out how much the conservative gov have been spaffing down the drain litterally,so incompetent. We are trillions more in debt yet the standard of living has plummeted ,where's it all been going?

    • @mickrap6001
      @mickrap6001 Місяць тому

      Into a lot of rich b**tards pockets.

  • @alexharrington6459
    @alexharrington6459 Місяць тому +3

    I think it's criminal what they've done and those responsible have just walked away. There should be a police investigation and serious jail time for the guilty.

  • @user-ov7hp2cw1h
    @user-ov7hp2cw1h Місяць тому +1

    They did it all but will always blame others for there miss !😢

  • @scoates9910
    @scoates9910 Місяць тому +3

    Thank you ❤

  • @jackiehenderson9781
    @jackiehenderson9781 Місяць тому +15

    Labour need to keep drumming it home about how this country became like a 3rd world and who is to blame

    • @therealrobertbirchall
      @therealrobertbirchall Місяць тому +1

      Labour need to explain MMT to the public.

    • @michaelfoy
      @michaelfoy Місяць тому +5

      ​​@@therealrobertbirchallIF only! Be helpful IF stuff like this vid could be more mainstream....Most people are unfortunately clueless about monetary policy....And therefore easily manipulated by vested interests...

    • @stewie7338
      @stewie7338 Місяць тому

      Hi Jackie - yes I don't think they want to bring mass immigration into it.

  • @user-xq6fj2sd7z
    @user-xq6fj2sd7z Місяць тому +2

    Its a relief that UK politics is becoming normal sensible and boring again. And I want to see the sum tory profiteers found and fleeced of their undeserved ill gotten gains.

  • @AM-fs1je
    @AM-fs1je Місяць тому +1

    Thanks, Rob!

  • @wecanworkthisout7834
    @wecanworkthisout7834 Місяць тому +1

    Thank you

  • @aob4214
    @aob4214 Місяць тому +4

    I did not vote labour in the last election. I voted green in my area because it was a safe seat and secondly the green candidate actually lives in the area where the other candidates lived out of the area so we’re not not true representation. I did not trust labour but I have to say within a two weeks they have done such a lot and I wasn’t even expecting that. My expectations was so low that the bar was under the floorboards. So I’m not gonna sit here and screech and moan and bitch after such a small time in office good luck to them And they seem to be making a concerted effort there such a lot of crap that the toys are left behind they have a tumultuous heavy lift. So good luck to them it’s easy to scream on the sidelines. They’re not doing enough what you expected such as short amount of time. Be reasonable in your observations and yourO

  • @SuperMarion61
    @SuperMarion61 Місяць тому +1

    Recently found your channel & enjoying it. The only thing I’m very concerned about with Labour is they seem to be picking up the Tory mantle regarding DWP & it’s “work will set you free mantra”. Myself & many others have lived through horrendous times with this, people have died & if they didn’t have mental health issues when they started, they do now😢 I have experienced DWP as an employee when Blair’s Labour was still in & I could see the direction of travel. They treated myself & other disabled/chronically ill employee badly, despite the pretence of the 2 tick ✔️ thing for supporting us.
    In the end I couldn’t cope, left & went on Jobseekers Allowance & they tried to deny me that too.
    I took them on & won on that. I’m a pretty strong woman who’s battled most of my life. I’m convinced they made us sick deliberately & tried to kill us off. I’m now 63, robbed of state pension until age 67, disability has got worse & my cognitive decline is noticeable, shouldn’t have to be worrying about this & don’t even start me on bloody Liz Kendal😮😢

  • @michaelvdunne
    @michaelvdunne Місяць тому +2

    How long have Labour been in power? TWO WEEKS to undo the Tory mess .

  • @robertmaitland8728
    @robertmaitland8728 Місяць тому +1

    Interesting Fact : I am 84 years old and the Conservative Party have been in power for almost 70% of my voting life. And were in this mess today caused by whom?

  • @djappleby1578
    @djappleby1578 Місяць тому +3

    Starmers stubborn refusal to admit that without rejoining the EU there'll be no growth

    • @nicks4934
      @nicks4934 Місяць тому +1

      So what can he do

    • @thecheesefactor
      @thecheesefactor Місяць тому

      There can be growth without the EU, but it will be much slower. Trade with the EU will increase in the next 5 years, and that will help. Sadly, Starmer is negative about working toward actually rejoining. I think the main point was to get Brexit out of the way, because it was the entire focus of the 2019 GE.

    • @martinmurphy9679
      @martinmurphy9679 Місяць тому +1

      @@thecheesefactor Starmer is a rejoiner. There are ways and means to reach your objective.

    • @thecheesefactor
      @thecheesefactor Місяць тому

      @@martinmurphy9679 In time, rejoining seems inevitable.

    • @wolfen210959
      @wolfen210959 Місяць тому +1

      Rejoining is not, and never will be, up to Starmer. He knows, and you don't, that public opinion must change significantly before a referendum could be held, and the Conservative and Reform parties must change their stance on the EU before the EU will even consider an application to join. The Tories and UKIP lied about brexit, and Reform are just a rebranded UKIP with the same guys in charge. It may be possible to rejoin the EU within the next 30 years, but I wouldn't hold my breath, love him or hate him, Starmer is just being realistic about the chances of him being PM to see it happen.

  • @cjh0751
    @cjh0751 Місяць тому +1

    The NAO report strengthens in my view why we require proportional representation in the UK.

  • @brianjrichman
    @brianjrichman Місяць тому +1

    It appears to me that the Tory Party were voted out and by a substantial margin too. Time for Labour to start telling them "no" and to 'reset' Government spending so things get underway after a decade and a half of retraction.

  • @Eris123451
    @Eris123451 Місяць тому +1

    The fact that they're intending to fund wage increases for some of the most bloated and least productive areas of society, teachers, council worker, police, (and the charities mostly operated as lucrative rackets for the same people,) by cutting support for the old, the unemployed, the disabled and families teetering o the very edge of destitution gives the game away.
    The middle classes have grabbed the countries finances and are now barricading themselves in.
    Don't get old, don't get sick and don't become unemployed.
    It's tragic but sacrifices have to be made, (just no by us.)
    These are exactly the same kind of people who put Hitler in power.

  • @martincarty3067
    @martincarty3067 Місяць тому +1

    I really hope that the Starmer government doesn't become a Blair Mk2. Since 1979 I've lived most of my married life as a victim of a neoliberal nightmare. Starmer needs to use his majority to make a real change and not just tinker around the edges afraid of what the oligarch owned media write about him.

    • @wolfen210959
      @wolfen210959 Місяць тому +1

      Blair made one mistake, he trusted the Americans. Life was much better under him than it is now.

  • @simonmcglary
    @simonmcglary Місяць тому +2

    This is looking like the Tories thinking “Well I’m all right, what’s the issue?”

  • @jamieashton3835
    @jamieashton3835 Місяць тому +1

    Well said rob the labour party gave done more in 3 weeks than the tories did in 14 years

  • @seebarry4068
    @seebarry4068 Місяць тому +2

    I think the disgusting state of our roads is the reason everyone is driving land rover size cars. I don't blame them, I bought a car with low profile wheels/tyres and I was replacing a tyre every month. I was forever using the spare wheel.

  • @Demun1649
    @Demun1649 Місяць тому +1

    I ticked the thumbs up, I don't have any "social" media, other than FB, but that is just for my hobby.

  • @michaelashall4523
    @michaelashall4523 Місяць тому +1

    Well, it’s been a month, so we have fourteen years or more to go. So we should cheer up, and enjoy our coming freedoms.

  • @simonmitchell7071
    @simonmitchell7071 Місяць тому +1

    On the button again Rob!

  • @disklamer
    @disklamer Місяць тому +1

    Shockingly the ever diligent audit office has sat on their collective hands until "Timmy" was well underwater, as such is their lean.

    • @wolfen210959
      @wolfen210959 Місяць тому +2

      The reports were published only after the Labour government authorised their release, the Tories refused to allow publication whilst they were in power. The Tories even refused access to the reports for the OBR or the Treasury, which is why even they were unaware how bad of a state the country was in.

    • @disklamer
      @disklamer Місяць тому

      @@wolfen210959 Yet many other government employees were perfectly capable of leaving all kinds of laptops with sensitive information on trains or just outright leak /s

  • @thegreatvincenzo8159
    @thegreatvincenzo8159 Місяць тому +16

    Biggest disappointment? Easily the vote on removing the 2-child benefit cap. Then again, who can be surprised by this when there's a £20bn hole in the country's finances?
    Thank you, Tories 👏👏👏👏

    • @thecheesefactor
      @thecheesefactor Місяць тому +3

      Same here. The 2-child benefit cap is largely responsible for how we have distinguished ourselves with UNICEF for all the wrong reasons.

    • @ncammann
      @ncammann Місяць тому +2

      1) The cap is not on child benefit, it is on child support in universal credit.
      2) Labour have said they want to lift the cap, but will not do any spending that is not fully funded. (After the Liz Truss fiasco they cannot)
      3) The current government is still tied to the previous government spending guides until the next budget, when they can announce any taxes, spending changes etc.
      4) The seven rebel MPs are all far left, Corbyn supporters, not fond of Starmer.
      5) In Scotland the SNP lost ground to Labour, so it is no surprise, and probably reasonable for them to try and score points against Labour. That is the nature of the game.
      6) It was a fiasco, but if Starmer wants to maintain party discipline and not turn in to a rabble like the Tories became, he probably had no choice. It is debatable if he needed to be so severe. That was his choice. MY opinion was that he went too far,. but he was there and I was not.

    • @scottyfive4319
      @scottyfive4319 Місяць тому

      @@ncammann The SNP did not really lose ground to Liebour, they did however fail to get their vote out. Liebour did however get enough votes from the Tories and Lib-Dumms to gain seats. NOTE The SNP ran second in every seat in Scotland. EDIT Starmer has started the way he has been going since he took charge of Liebour, dictatorship.

    • @martinmurphy9679
      @martinmurphy9679 Місяць тому +3

      @@scottyfive4319 grow up ffs

    • @scottyfive4319
      @scottyfive4319 Місяць тому

      @@martinmurphy9679 It is called counting try it sometime. Liebour would also have got nowhere near the number of seats had "Reform" not stood and those voters chose to vote Tory. Again it is called counting try it sometime. Oh yes and the way Kid Starver is going he will throw out anyone not doing as they are told, i.e. a dictator.

  • @michaelaskew6025
    @michaelaskew6025 Місяць тому +3


    • @TruthToPower
      @TruthToPower  Місяць тому +2

      Michael, that is so kind of you. Thank you!

  • @punditgi
    @punditgi Місяць тому +5

    Excellent summary 😊

  • @EdParnell
    @EdParnell Місяць тому +2

    Good work, mate. I've cut down on political content for my own sanity.

  • @billywiz1307
    @billywiz1307 Місяць тому +3

    Come on, you know Labour are more likely to sort things out than the Tories ever were or ever will.

  • @user-ch7ri7sm7h
    @user-ch7ri7sm7h Місяць тому +1

    14 years of waste for the country

  • @daviddunmore8415
    @daviddunmore8415 Місяць тому +1

    The new Labour government has certainly 'Hit the ground running', but there's just so much to do. Regarding Taxes - ending VAT exemption for fee-paying schools is a good start, ending their charitable status would be better, as they're fundamentally 'For Profit' businesses. Properly ending 'Non Dom' statusas well - that's a good start. As Sir Kier has said ( I may be paraphrasing somewhat) - Those with the broadest shoulders should bear their fair share of the load.

  • @claraross5429
    @claraross5429 Місяць тому +4

    Greg Hands was still blaming labour a few months ago with that "no money" note. Sadly I fear Labour's paucity of ambition and repackaged trickle down won't deliver Rob, the UK's on a death spiral.

  • @gu1tarman233
    @gu1tarman233 Місяць тому +1

    Steady...the government owned energy company is, I believe, an investment vehicle for big businesses, and according to the FT, private health companies were getting excited about doing business with Wes Streeting, so things may be far less rosy than they seem! You may be right, perhaps we should give Starmer's Labour a chance, but I'm not going to hold my breath! And like you I'm disappointed about so many things they don't seem to care about.

  • @annishilcock4587
    @annishilcock4587 Місяць тому +4

    The rebellion by 7 mps was not about principles it had a different agenda. It was about political jockeying. Starmer was right to suspend them!

  • @michaelashall4523
    @michaelashall4523 Місяць тому

    It's early days. It has to be one step at a time.