@@shifeq9770 So what is your methodology, to do what the Christians and Jews do, to blindly follow your forefather as Gods and messengers beside Allah and Muhammad? While Allah has bestowed the greatest favor upon you and preserved the Quran for you?
Isn't there a hadith that the dajjal can't enter Makkah and Madinah?? Doesn't the sheikh say the riba paper money is haram?? Yet it entered into Makkah and Madina like every other country?? @@hewadsaad1378
I dont mean to be so offtopic but does anybody know a trick to get back into an instagram account..? I stupidly lost the account password. I appreciate any tricks you can give me.
@Dakari Elliot i really appreciate your reply. I got to the site thru google and im waiting for the hacking stuff atm. Seems to take a while so I will reply here later with my results.
Alhamdulillah, we are blessed to have a scholar like him. His words keep getting more relevant by time. It’s just plain disappointing seeing the present Muslim youth under the spell of daabbatul ard, that is the mobile phones playing reels 18 hours a day, and the Islamic Scholars (read ‘Celebrities’) being misguided and misguiding them.
"Allah takes the souls at the time of their death, and those that do not die [He takes] during their sleep. Then He keeps those for which He has decreed death and releases the others for a specified term. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought." ---Noble High Al-Quran 39:42
u have explained very very very very very very very very very well.........and i have now understood, the whole world history.world wars....and our current economics....American citizens are also fighting against this....but actually they don't understand it.....i pray that they watch this video.....
I love you my dear brother and scholar respected Sheikh Imran Hosein for the seek of Allah swt. You are a great blessing to Muslims with your great knowledge and insights on the most important topics of our time. May Allah swt reward you more with knowledge and a lifetime to be with us and help us to understand the events around us.
Sheikh Asalam may Allah give you long life you always speak the thruth may Allah protect you and all of your family long time peace and happiness thank you sheikh imran
Nothing makes me happier then seeing another new lecture by the sheig. Mashallah, I can't even keep up anymore, thats how many lectures is being uploaded. Hehe :)
All I can say is long life and good health, so that we can feed our brains with more before HE leaves us. May Allah Prolong the life of our sheick for us.
I Have To Visit Him!!...Covid 19... Cannot Stop Me!!... I Hope I B N...Has A Number For You Sheik...{SEE YOU SOON!!}... Can You Leave A Number At... I B N To Call You!!...Please?...Sheik!!
I enjoyed listening to him and he taughht me alot about Dajjal and the end times events. Hes eloquence is unmatch by non. May Allah bless you and his family and the entire umma AMEEN.
Very good point i was thinking the same thing.Ive also heard him discredit certain hadith of bukhari shareef in one of his lectures saying it was false. May allah protect all muslims from the fitnas of the end of times. Ameen
A MOST REMARKABLE LECTURE!!! I HAD FUN!!!... WHILE I STAYED? TO THE FINISH!!...THANK YOU SHEIKH!! Thanks A Million!! For... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"{THIS?...A TREASURED LECTURE!!}" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Haha Me too Im working on a bachelor in biology. I feel like making hijra. How does it feel now that you graduated and worked all that time for a piece of paper? Omg Imran is sacaring me. Im sure you feel the same way... :(
that's hella funny. i love the sheikh and endearingly i often see him as a peter seller's character. still i look forward to each lecture and i think about it a lot with an open mind.
1:22 the hadis said gold will be discovered after the euphrates river is dried, oil in the gulf states was discovered 50 years earlier before the river dried. so there is still a possibility that the gold will actually appear, till then, nothing is certain, yet.
I know this brother and al hamdolilah he is our beloved brother in Islam but how can he imply so much symbolism in his interpretations of things, especially Massih Dajjal and Gog & Magog. Nabi saws told us Dajjal will come riding on a donkey, how can he say it will be a fighter jet, it would have been said a flying mount and not donkey had it not been the case.
The Sheikh keeps mentioning this "theory of substitution" on who was crucified, but what I read and what most people in my area also say is that the one who betrayed Isa A.S. known as Jehuda al Iscarioti or Judas Iscariot was the one who was crucified. Wa Allahu A3lam, Allah knows best.
Salam & Solawat to the organizer of Sheikh Hossein's lecture series in Malaysia.. would you please be so kind to inform me of the next arranged lecture series in KL? I just have no idea of how to get such information. Jazakallah khair...
Those who want to taste the flavour of Khilafa, kindly watch Shaykh Anwar Awlaki (Rahimullah) lectures The Life and Times Of Umar Ibn Al Khattab RA Part 1/9 -9/9
can someone explain the hadith of Constantinople at minute 43:00 ++. I mean, it has already been conquered a long time ago. I didn't quite understand that point. It has been a land of Islam for many centuries now.
because many of muslim still denying what he said, there are few video that showing he told us about the experience meeting with muslim politician like PAS in malaysia and al-qaeda in afghanistan but they all reject him
I am a muslim from indonesia and i am aware and know a lot of thing when it come these mater and here the of thing that i had so many research on and i encourage many muslim to widen their knowledge of every part of the subject. 1. Classified military file/ project - MK ultra, Menhatan, Montauk, Paperclip, Pegasus, Spy glass, Sea Gate, Talent/ super soldier, blue beam , HAARP, Agenda 21 There are many more military project to be discover once you doing more research on above. 2. Royal families
+sheikhimranhosein I have a question brother! How come it will true that تميم داري saw dajjal as a huge scary man and mean while ابن صياد was born in Madinah and being watched by Prophet (محمد (صلي الله عليه وسلم ? Please explain . Thank you.
I think as he said in other lectures that salafis say that nothing new must be added to what the aslaf said before, and their tafaseer must be intacts and must be taken as they are, and none could give a different view to it. In fact this is what I realized, I was watching before Mohamad hassan, huwayni, 3awadi .... lectures, and none of them talk about the monetery system/paper money. And they talk about dajjal only as a beast with powers, that's all. Many other subjects were not mentionned
The Qur’anic view that emerges thereby is an Integralistic Spiritual View of the Universe, wherein the spiritual, or, the transcendental, has primacy over the physical, or, the spatiotemporal, and which provides not merely a formal ground for religious life but a sound vision as well as philosophy for meaningfully cultivating a life dedicated to God and directed to the realisation of the ultimate human destiny, which is essentially spiritual,-that being the mission of Islam.
The description of that donkey was like of that of an Aeroplane, thats why. It is possible the use of 'donkey' was a figure of speech. In the context of that Hadith, its not like the term 'fighter jet' couldve been used. Anything but animals flying would have sounded crazy i would think at that time. On the other hand it could still be a donkey, but the Sheikhs point of view cannot be completely dismissed because it still makes some type of sense. God knows. Peace
No. It's not Diego Garcia. The island being referred to is the U.K. Diego Garcia doesn't even come close in description. The U.K is also well known for the foundation of the global spy apparatus for "the west".
It was about the age of Aisha's marriage. It was already proven by many other scholars using the chronology of the events that it's impossible that the age of Aisha was at that time 9 years old but between 16 and 19. Arabs use to say numbers after a certain quantity if it's already known. As an example: "I was born in 86", everybody knows that it after 1900. A belgian converted talked about that accurately, if you mind I can give the link but it is in french.
I am not convinced about the interpretation of the spiritual eye=right eye. I can understand how being "one-eyed" can be taken in a non-literal sense. What I cannot understand is how the "right eye like a grape" is used in a non-literal sense. What does this mean?
Salam bro....Next lecture is on 29/6/2012 - The Muslim Village in Akhir al-Zaman at Surau Jumaat Nurul Hikmah, De Palma Hotel Ampang. Pls visit his website :)
Some of the comments are unnecessary and inappropriate. You all sound very intelligent people but you are wasting it. Please listen to Sheik Imran and learn something.
Dajjal = IS A SYSTEM OF DARKNESS TO THE PEOPLE OF THE BLIND.. the darkness / the blindness of the heart (qalb - one eyed.. he or (the darkness) will travel to each and every town (civilization) Do they not travel through the land, so that their hearts (and minds) may thus learn wisdom and their ears may thus learn to hear? Truly it is NOT their EYES that are BLIND, BUT THEIR HEARTS which are in their breasts. (سورة الحج, Al-Hajj, Chapter #22, Verse #46) Contrary to dajjal, messiah / rasul / messenger will give light to the darkness..he will be send to each and every town (civilization) Nor was thy Lord the one to destroy a population (town) until He had sent to its centre a messenger, rehearsing to them Our Signs; nor are We going to destroy a population except when its members practise iniquity (darkness) (سورة القصص, Al-Qasas, Chapter #28, Verse #59) A. L. R. A Book which We have revealed unto thee, in order that thou mightest LEAD MANKIND OUT OF DEPTHS OF DARKNESS INTO LIGHT- by the leave of their Lord - to the Way of (Him) the Exalted in power, worthy of all praise!- (سورة ابراهيم, Ibrahim, Chapter #14, Verse #1) BETWEEN THE SYSTEM OF BLINDNESS (DARKNESS- BATHIL) AND THE SYSTEM OF GOD/ RASUL/MESSENGER (LIGHT - HAQ) WILL ALWAYS TAKE TURN (ROTATE) Like the rotation /alternating of NIGHT AND DAY Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of NIGHT AND DAY,- there are indeed Signs for men of understanding,- (سورة آل عمران, Aal-i-Imraan, Chapter #3, Verse #190) Bcoz its prescribed by GOD, And of every thing (including darkness and light) We have created pairs: That ye may receive instruction. (سورة الذاريات, Adh-Dhaariyat, Chapter #51, Verse #49) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SO PLS DONT TAKE AL QURAN OR EVEN HADITH MEANING LITERALLY... We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption). (سورة الحجر, Al-Hijr, Chapter #15, Verse #9) In Book well-guarded, Which none shall touch but those who are clean: (سورة الواقعة, Al-Waaqia, Chapter #56, Verse #79) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Can he who was dead, to whom We gave life, and a LIGHT whereby he can walk amongst men, be like him who is in the depths of DARKNESS, from which he can never come out? Thus to those without faith their own deeds seem pleasing. (سورة الأنعام, Al-An'aam, Chapter #6, Verse #122)
To whoever helps to upload the Honorable Sheikh's videos: You can reduce the noise in the videos to almost none using Audacity. Audacity is a free and open-source digital audio editor and recording application software. It is super easy to use. You can reduce noise in a whole lecture in less than 10 minutes. Just wish there are no hindrances when listening to the Sheikh's lectures; because the amount of knowledge he imparts almost every single time is immense. www.audacityteam.org/
after they came out there are going to put a mark in every people forehead if am not wrong and mark is as believer or disbeliever and some theory also said they purpose is to destroy every enemy of Allah. When i think about it it kind a make sens and i think these creature which at the moment Allah SWT are lock them and when the time is come Allah is going to release them to destroy every evil in these world, because the enemy is so powerfull so thas why the beast is release to kill them.
I got it a long time ago brother. So since Anthropology is broken up into four separate fields, I am curious to know which one of these fields concluded this theory of yours about Aborigines, Arabs and were of European descent.
Really? that's all you have observed from this amazing lecture? about the color of his beard? Subhana'Allah.... If u listen and ponder, u might learn something useful.... isstead of getting carried out with how long someones beard is or what not!! FYI, In Islam, not only its permissible, its recommended to dye your hair and beard [“The best dye to change your old age is Henna (a red plant dye) and Katm (type of grass)”]
These were all dark skinned people from India, to Arabia to Abyssinia (Ethiopia). When Muhammad sought refuge for his followers in Abyssinia, he could have stopped in Egypt which was run by the White Christian Romans and closer or even Jerusalem, but yet he sought refuge with the Black Christian King way down in Abyssinia.
and for those athist or might i say trolls think that evolution is not a couse for athisem ur riding on a blind horse that would include those who have faith and also believe it
I don't understand why ppl are making comments like donkeys.... by the by Arabs had sacrificed themselves long ago, the moment they realized 'Money is a blessing of Allah' not the 'Simple Prophetic Life of Blessing lead by every single prophet including King David (Daud AWA), Prince Moses and verily Jesus, Muhammad', every prophet said absolutely clearly "It will be very Difficult to enter into the Jannah for the rich ppl".
I have been in many arab countries including saudia.and l can tell u for sure that arabs doesnt look white at all..but theyr dark skinned white race people..am an anthropologist and not blind by the way..
Sheikh is one man doesn't fear to speak up, being ridiculed or laughed at. Yet nothing happen to him. Where is this dajjal army? They skip his video and busy watching something else? it makes me wonder.....
I want to move to Malaysia and abandon my USA citizenship. I will trade it for my religion but who should i get intouch with because i would like to buy a piece of land.
It's a sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) to put henna on your hair and beard. His beard is dark browny red, what medication are you on, if he is a disinformation agent then strongly hold onto what the Quran tells you and make your prayers simple. If he's for real we are all very very lucky. Peace x
all sons of Adam are equal .............and god never did injustice to any race....but its our fore fathers who didn't listened to the prophets and made up fake religions
No one can explain Dajjal as good as him..I'm glad I was one of them there. :) Salam from Malaysia.
He has wrong methodology
@@shifeq9770 DO YOU CARE TO GIVE
So what is your methodology, to do what the Christians and Jews do, to blindly follow your forefather as Gods and messengers beside Allah and Muhammad?
While Allah has bestowed the greatest favor upon you and preserved the Quran for you?
but this sheikh has so many contradictions like on Ayesha RA @@hewadsaad1378
Isn't there a hadith that the dajjal can't enter Makkah and Madinah??
Doesn't the sheikh say the riba paper money is haram?? Yet it entered into Makkah and Madina like every other country?? @@hewadsaad1378
This is one man doesn't fear to speak up, being ridiculed or laughed at. My highest respect to Sheikh Imaran.
I dont mean to be so offtopic but does anybody know a trick to get back into an instagram account..?
I stupidly lost the account password. I appreciate any tricks you can give me.
@Bryce Devon instablaster =)
@Dakari Elliot i really appreciate your reply. I got to the site thru google and im waiting for the hacking stuff atm.
Seems to take a while so I will reply here later with my results.
@Dakari Elliot It worked and I now got access to my account again. I am so happy:D
Thank you so much you saved my ass :D
@Bryce Devon happy to help =)
10 years later… ALL of this is happening… May Allah bless you brother
I never thought I would be thanking the Creator for UA-cam but Allah knows best.
Salam from Canada 🇨🇦
Alhamdulillah, we are blessed to have a scholar like him. His words keep getting more relevant by time. It’s just plain disappointing seeing the present Muslim youth under the spell of daabbatul ard, that is the mobile phones playing reels 18 hours a day, and the Islamic Scholars (read ‘Celebrities’) being misguided and misguiding them.
My guru, my Khidr AS ,has noor to guide us .....so relevant in 2020,he always mentioned hagia sophia n now it is infull discussion after so many yrs
Salaam From Bahrain ( middle east) love for imran hosein
"Allah takes the souls at the time of their death, and those that do not die [He takes] during their sleep. Then He keeps those for which He has decreed death and releases the others for a specified term. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought."
---Noble High Al-Quran 39:42
u have explained very very very very very very very very very well.........and i have now understood, the whole world history.world wars....and our current economics....American citizens are also fighting against this....but actually they don't understand it.....i pray that they watch this video.....
May Allah safeguard you brother imran and bless you with ayis and afiyat . Barak Allah fik
May Allah grant him a long life. Ameen
I love you my dear brother and scholar respected Sheikh Imran Hosein for the seek of Allah swt. You are a great blessing to Muslims with your great knowledge and insights on the most important topics of our time. May Allah swt reward you more with knowledge and a lifetime to be with us and help us to understand the events around us.
What a SCHOLAR you are SHEIKH ..so blessed mashallah...you have internal EYE with NOOR in your heart.. ماشاءاللہ۔
I am convinced in everything you say ya sheikh hopefully one day I will have a voice to speak what you spoke ❤️
Sheikh Asalam may Allah give you long life you always speak the thruth may Allah protect you and all of your family long time peace and happiness thank you sheikh imran
اللهم احفظ شيخنا الجليل عمران حسين واجعل له نورا يمشي به في الارض وابعد عنه شر الاشرار واطل في عمره وارزقه العافيه
Thank you sheikh imran for informing us better about about Islam , may allah protect you , all my greetings from Algeria ♥️
from california my master you got my atention. thank you master
Nothing makes me happier then seeing another new lecture by the sheig. Mashallah, I can't even keep up anymore, thats how many lectures is being uploaded. Hehe :)
All I can say is long life and good health, so that we can feed our brains with more before HE leaves us. May Allah Prolong the life of our sheick for us.
I Have To Visit Him!!...Covid 19...
Cannot Stop Me!!...
I Hope I B N...Has A Number For You
Sheik...{SEE YOU SOON!!}...
Can You Leave A Number At... I B N
To Call You!!...Please?...Sheik!!
I am so glad you have recorded these videos.
I enjoyed listening to him and he taughht me alot about Dajjal and the end times events. Hes eloquence is unmatch by non. May Allah bless you and his family and the entire umma AMEEN.
Very good point i was thinking the same thing.Ive also heard him discredit certain hadith of bukhari shareef in one of his lectures saying it was false. May allah protect all muslims from the fitnas of the end of times. Ameen
thanx may allah shower u with blassings am african we all allahs servant
peace be on u
although I must say, I love the sheikh with a white beard :)
He is looking good in this lecture.
Masyaallah tabarakallah 💖
Longest ever lecture at 2 hrs 16 mins....can't wait to make time & listen to it :)
Jajakumullah... a fearless speech
Thanks A Million!! For... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"{THIS?...A TREASURED LECTURE!!}"
Wa'alikoumsalam my brother. You should come by and see it for yourself. Here,people are very friendly.
Jazakallah khair brother....
God’s bless you Maulana,
He said great scholars don’t like titles and I am not great!
So he will be happy if you call him with his real name
Sheikh Imran nazar hussain😊
this is wat we call real scholarship
his lectures should be watched in all masjids, iA!
Haha Me too Im working on a bachelor in biology. I feel like making hijra. How does it feel now that you graduated and worked all that time for a piece of paper? Omg Imran is sacaring me. Im sure you feel the same way... :(
Ya Sheikh, Subtitle Please,
Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.
that's hella funny. i love the sheikh and endearingly i often see him as a peter seller's character. still i look forward to each lecture and i think about it a lot with an open mind.
Who is peter seller?
it pumps blood so fast right after he said some i hope it wont be scary
1:22 the hadis said gold will be discovered after the euphrates river is dried, oil in the gulf states was discovered 50 years earlier before the river dried. so there is still a possibility that the gold will actually appear, till then, nothing is certain, yet.
Hey Sheik Peace ☮️.
assalamualaikum warahmatullah ahkee I am interested in making Hijrah to Malaysia how is the people and environment over in that part of the world?
salam from UK
What is Sheikh's opinion about Hazrat Mahdi? Will he be born in accordance with his Hadith or, according to Shiite belief?
I am going to malaysia next week, would it be possible to meet the sheikh in person?
I know this brother and al hamdolilah he is our beloved brother in Islam but how can he imply so much symbolism in his interpretations of things, especially Massih Dajjal and Gog & Magog. Nabi saws told us Dajjal will come riding on a donkey, how can he say it will be a fighter jet, it would have been said a flying mount and not donkey had it not been the case.
He does not mean donkey in that literal sense. When he explains the donkey, it makes sense that it means a jet. How else would the Dajaal travel.
It looks like the wrong doers are getting away with it in the dunya but in the ahkirah thy are doomed inshallah
The Sheikh keeps mentioning this "theory of substitution" on who was crucified, but what I read and what most people in my area also say is that the one who betrayed Isa A.S. known as Jehuda al Iscarioti or Judas Iscariot was the one who was crucified. Wa Allahu A3lam, Allah knows best.
Salam & Solawat to the organizer of Sheikh Hossein's lecture series in Malaysia.. would you please be so kind to inform me of the next arranged lecture series in KL? I just have no idea of how to get such information. Jazakallah khair...
Those who want to taste the flavour of Khilafa, kindly watch Shaykh Anwar Awlaki (Rahimullah) lectures
The Life and Times Of Umar Ibn Al Khattab RA Part 1/9 -9/9
You see they deleted all of Auwlaki lectures
Does anyone know the title of the qasida at the end of the video? Please help
can someone explain the hadith of Constantinople at minute 43:00 ++. I mean, it has already been conquered a long time ago. I didn't quite understand that point. It has been a land of Islam for many centuries now.
Thans for sharing the lecture, but
what means this sentence?
salaamualaykum can anybody me the name of the nasheed at the beginning of the lecture ?
Anyone know the name of the nasheed at the end?
because many of muslim still denying what he said, there are few video that showing he told us about the experience meeting with muslim politician like PAS in malaysia and al-qaeda in afghanistan but they all reject him
I am a muslim from indonesia and i am aware and know a lot of thing when it come these mater and here the of thing that i had so many research on and i encourage many muslim to widen their knowledge of every part of the subject.
1. Classified military file/ project - MK ultra, Menhatan, Montauk, Paperclip, Pegasus, Spy glass, Sea Gate, Talent/ super soldier, blue beam , HAARP, Agenda 21 There are many more military project to be discover once you doing more research on above.
2. Royal families
+sheikhimranhosein I have a question brother!
How come it will true that تميم داري saw dajjal as a huge scary man and mean while ابن صياد was born in Madinah and being watched by Prophet (محمد (صلي الله عليه وسلم ?
Please explain .
Thank you.
I think as he said in other lectures that salafis say that nothing new must be added to what the aslaf said before, and their tafaseer must be intacts and must be taken as they are, and none could give a different view to it.
In fact this is what I realized, I was watching before Mohamad hassan, huwayni, 3awadi .... lectures, and none of them talk about the monetery system/paper money. And they talk about dajjal only as a beast with powers, that's all. Many other subjects were not mentionned
The Qur’anic view that emerges thereby is an Integralistic
Spiritual View of the Universe, wherein the spiritual, or, the
transcendental, has primacy over the physical, or, the spatiotemporal,
and which provides not merely a formal ground for
religious life but a sound vision as well as philosophy for
meaningfully cultivating a life dedicated to God and directed to
the realisation of the ultimate human destiny, which is essentially
spiritual,-that being the mission of Islam.
Please dubbed this video in Urdu language
could please someone add subtitles in french please because i Understand english but it is easier for me with subtitles
lot of thanx
Imran Hosein could you watch I pet goat 2 and make an analysis
The description of that donkey was like of that of an Aeroplane, thats why. It is possible the use of 'donkey' was a figure of speech.
In the context of that Hadith, its not like the term 'fighter jet' couldve been used. Anything but animals flying would have sounded crazy i would think at that time.
On the other hand it could still be a donkey, but the Sheikhs point of view cannot be completely dismissed because it still makes some type of sense. God knows.
Is the island @ around 00:33 Diego Garcia (indian ocean) ?
No. It's not Diego Garcia. The island being referred to is the U.K. Diego Garcia doesn't even come close in description. The U.K is also well known for the foundation of the global spy apparatus for "the west".
It was about the age of Aisha's marriage. It was already proven by many other scholars using the chronology of the events that it's impossible that the age of Aisha was at that time 9 years old but between 16 and 19.
Arabs use to say numbers after a certain quantity if it's already known. As an example: "I was born in 86", everybody knows that it after 1900.
A belgian converted talked about that accurately, if you mind I can give the link but it is in french.
I am not convinced about the interpretation of the spiritual eye=right eye. I can understand how being "one-eyed" can be taken in a non-literal sense. What I cannot understand is how the "right eye like a grape" is used in a non-literal sense. What does this mean?
Sign of illuminati is one eye. Hope you understand now.
Salam bro....Next lecture is on 29/6/2012 - The Muslim Village in Akhir al-Zaman at Surau Jumaat Nurul Hikmah, De Palma Hotel Ampang. Pls visit his website :)
muslims4liberty (look it up) we're doing this in the states as well alhumdulillah
Some of the comments are unnecessary and inappropriate. You all sound very intelligent people but you are wasting it. Please listen to Sheik Imran and learn something.
Dajjal = IS A SYSTEM OF DARKNESS TO THE PEOPLE OF THE BLIND.. the darkness / the blindness of the heart (qalb - one eyed.. he or (the darkness) will travel to each and every town (civilization)
Do they not travel through the land, so that their hearts (and minds) may thus learn wisdom and their ears may thus learn to hear? Truly it is NOT their EYES that are BLIND, BUT THEIR HEARTS which are in their breasts.
(سورة الحج, Al-Hajj, Chapter #22, Verse #46)
Contrary to dajjal, messiah / rasul / messenger will give light to the darkness..he will be send to each and every town (civilization)
Nor was thy Lord the one to destroy a population (town) until He had sent to its centre a messenger, rehearsing to them Our Signs; nor are We going to destroy a population except when its members practise iniquity (darkness)
(سورة القصص, Al-Qasas, Chapter #28, Verse #59)
A. L. R. A Book which We have revealed unto thee, in order that thou mightest LEAD MANKIND OUT OF DEPTHS OF DARKNESS INTO LIGHT- by the leave of their Lord - to the Way of (Him) the Exalted in power, worthy of all praise!-
(سورة ابراهيم, Ibrahim, Chapter #14, Verse #1)
Like the rotation /alternating of NIGHT AND DAY
Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of NIGHT AND DAY,- there are indeed Signs for men of understanding,-
(سورة آل عمران, Aal-i-Imraan, Chapter #3, Verse #190)
Bcoz its prescribed by GOD,
And of every thing (including darkness and light) We have created pairs: That ye may receive instruction.
(سورة الذاريات, Adh-Dhaariyat, Chapter #51, Verse #49)
We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption).
(سورة الحجر, Al-Hijr, Chapter #15, Verse #9)
In Book well-guarded,
Which none shall touch but those who are clean:
(سورة الواقعة, Al-Waaqia, Chapter #56, Verse #79)
Can he who was dead, to whom We gave life, and a LIGHT whereby he can walk amongst men, be like him who is in the depths of DARKNESS, from which he can never come out? Thus to those without faith their own deeds seem pleasing.
(سورة الأنعام, Al-An'aam, Chapter #6, Verse #122)
I do want to go back to Indonesia
To whoever helps to upload the Honorable Sheikh's videos: You can reduce the noise in the videos to almost none using Audacity. Audacity is a free and open-source digital audio editor and recording application software. It is super easy to use. You can reduce noise in a whole lecture in less than 10 minutes. Just wish there are no hindrances when listening to the Sheikh's lectures; because the amount of knowledge he imparts almost every single time is immense. www.audacityteam.org/
after they came out there are going to put a mark in every people forehead if am not wrong and mark is as believer or disbeliever and some theory also said they purpose is to destroy every enemy of Allah. When i think about it it kind a make sens and i think these creature which at the moment Allah SWT are lock them and when the time is come Allah is going to release them to destroy every evil in these world, because the enemy is so powerfull so thas why the beast is release to kill them.
I got it a long time ago brother. So since Anthropology is broken up into four separate fields, I am curious to know which one of these fields concluded this theory of yours about Aborigines, Arabs and were of European descent.
Really? that's all you have observed from this amazing lecture? about the color of his beard? Subhana'Allah....
If u listen and ponder, u might learn something useful.... isstead of getting carried out with how long someones beard is or what not!!
FYI, In Islam, not only its permissible, its recommended to dye your hair and beard
[“The best dye to change your old age is Henna (a red plant dye) and Katm (type of grass)”]
These were all dark skinned people from India, to Arabia to Abyssinia (Ethiopia). When Muhammad sought refuge for his followers in Abyssinia, he could have stopped in Egypt which was run by the White Christian Romans and closer or even Jerusalem, but yet he sought refuge with the Black Christian King way down in Abyssinia.
and for those athist or might i say trolls think that evolution is not a couse for athisem ur riding on a blind horse that would include those who have faith and also believe it
look at your inbox message :)
Bill O'Reilly & Glenn Beck make Hannity looks like kindergarten kid.
is Dajjal now in Jinn form?
I don't understand why ppl are making comments like donkeys.... by the by Arabs had sacrificed themselves long ago, the moment they realized 'Money is a blessing of Allah' not the 'Simple Prophetic Life of Blessing lead by every single prophet including King David (Daud AWA), Prince Moses and verily Jesus, Muhammad', every prophet said absolutely clearly "It will be very Difficult to enter into the Jannah for the rich ppl".
In the Muslim Village, will ANY religion be tolerated ?
I have been in many arab countries including saudia.and l can tell u for sure that arabs doesnt look white at all..but theyr dark skinned white race people..am an anthropologist and not blind by the way..
Sheikh is one man doesn't fear to speak up, being ridiculed or laughed at. Yet nothing happen to him. Where is this dajjal army? They skip his video and busy watching something else? it makes me wonder.....
I agree with some things this man says but the story of Eesaa Alaihi sSalaam is very ridiculous.How can such a thing happen as told by Imran Hosein?
I want to move to Malaysia and abandon my USA citizenship. I will trade it for my religion but who should i get intouch with because i would like to buy a piece of land.
How are u doing rn
Salam Aleykum brother Keep me posted. I'm trying to make hijra as well
It's a sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) to put henna on your hair and beard. His beard is dark browny red, what medication are you on, if he is a disinformation agent then strongly hold onto what the Quran tells you and make your prayers simple. If he's for real we are all very very lucky. Peace x
And this same teaching are in tariqah
Do you not know what happened to sheikh when he was living in the USA?
@truthoftruthful astaghfirullah man, have some damn respect.
all sons of Adam are equal .............and god never did injustice to any race....but its our fore fathers who didn't listened to the prophets and made up fake religions
I don't know english. I know turkish :(