@cabottaxi Alcohol consumption at the level of an addict will kill you off very effectively. Pharmaceutical heroin isn't all that dangerous. Thousands returned from WW2 with addictions due to injuries sustained in battle. They died off in the 80s and 90s, which is when imported black market heroin became a deadly problem. Been told by addicts that 80-90% of people in rehabs are abuse survivors. We have to look deeper into things.
The whole addiction system is done in reverse it should be done the other way round….tbh 99% of addicts are on big PIP payments which they receive straight away imho an addict should either pay for the free methadone/Espranor etc OR there sick money only goes up on the completion of a number of clean samples that way there is something for the addict to work towards.
Craig Houston..ye know me fae G.H.H...im an Army Veteran and when I was suffering with P.T.S.D.. actually inside Deepcut Barracks itself I ended up talking h*roin.. when I asked for help I was put on methadone and for years it was all consuming.. methadone makes someone money and I dare say this "scheme" will cost. I'm aff everything noo... four years.🤝🏴🇬🇧 Good post
Their not trying to help the addicts, but keeping them addicts. By being an addict, they pose no threat to the government, as the drugs given, keeps them compliant and makes the pharmaceutical producers in money. It's been going on for far too long.
Well said there is no money to be made getting addicts to stay clean….getting clean is pretty easy to do if the addict wants to……it’s the staying clean that’s the hard bit.
I am a veteran of 15 years. fighting my last 6 years day by day hoping for a cure of my MND ALS. I appreciate every day I get to spend with my family. I have been in some dark dark places and mentally too. I just wish and pray these addicts would open their eyes and see and appreciate what a life they could have if they had the courage just to say No Enough of this junk. Craig I watch your stuff every day. We come from different sides of the city tho I find myself agreeing with most of your opinions because it is a lot of common sense and I am glad you are bold enough to take a stand and voice your opinion and I am willing to listen. keep up the good work that you do. I
I am a heroin addict and I see why pharmaceutical grade heroin might save us from the sh1t they cut it with but govt condoning and enabling our drug use merely tells us what we're doing is okay, and 'it's not our fault'. Most of the addicts I started out with in the early 1980s got off heroin relatively quickly. How did that happen? The govt didn't give you help, in fact minimum sentencing for possession, etc & the small amounts of remand or jail time many experienced after stealing, etc to feed their habit, meant that they got off in prison. There was no 'help' on prison; your addiction equals your problem. Some of those who got clean did so via in-patient treatment in places like Cardross. The rest of those who beat it early stayed off after their first strung-out session, either due to the fear of going through it again or, and this is important, due to social pressure (aka being labelled a 'weak person, a hopeless junkie'). As for solutions, let me offer my prescription (cough! cough!), which aren't perfect but no solution is. First off the govt must stop condoning & enabling us addicts. We are weak, selfish people who always take the path of least resistance, this is especially important when it comes to prisons (why? see above). Stronger sentences for possession, even when it's the smallest amount of heroin, must be enforced by govt. This sends the message that addiction is bad for you and bad for society, and the resultant jail time gives addicts an amazing, though admittedly at the time, unwelcome, opportunity to get clean. Most importantly of all, there must be in-patient beds available on demand; it's when us addicts are at our lowest or our most optimistic & ready, that the best opportunity exists to get clean. Also, to stay clean, follow-up services are vital, though they must never be compulsory. Addiction is a life-long psychological struggle which can be eased massively using psychologists, psychiatrists, talking therapists, etc. This can be for the short term, the long term or a life-long part of the treatment. Well, that's the view of a multi-decades addict. Hope it helps.
@@nmcd7049 if you want it enough then..if I can get aff 80ml and aboot 100 stree V*lium per day and smoking that shit.. then you can. I was bang on it for twenty years.. Turning Point in Glasgow West Street (I think)..in the south side. There's always hope pal if you really want it.🤝
@@nmcd7049 .. and yer very much correct on the "after care" ..in my case there was none... apart fae some very solid pals...who put up wi me for at least ten years
My pal went into Berlinie he was a smoker but that was it and came out hooked on heroine & now the last time I seen him hexwas absolutely fucked & didn't even recognise me & me him I had to double look he certainly didn't recognise me or maybe he was too embarrassed not sure hope he's doing OK though too many youngsters dying from all the crap they are taking on the streets I know from the last time I actually spoke to him he had just lost another friend due to overdose wich was taking it up to atleast 4 in that years alone sad times for a lot of the youngsters today take care buddy stay safe
@@Michaelsymons-o1xps If you're lucky enough to see your ex-friend please let him know that you'll always remember him pre-heroin and let him know that person isn't dead, he's still inside needing him to love his old self enough to free him. Okay, he'll probably say, 'Whit uhr u oan about ya weirdo', lol, but later on when he's got time to think, he'll 'get it'.
I’ve read that it’s £5.60 for every visit that the addict makes and if pharmaceutical H is being GIVEN out surely they have to stop the methadone etc etc because they don’t need both
Whose going to go halfway across town ,after shoplifting selling and purchasing drugs ,exhausted ,they would go straight home or up a close somewhere to take their drugs ,not get high then have to stagger all the way home! Are these people plainly stupid or just wasting taxpayers money for the fun of it ,the latter I think !
Why are taxpayers feeding the habits of drug users anyway. There are millions of more deserving cases that need help with countless problems ------ none of them self inflicted!
In the era I was describing, namely the early 1980s, heroin nor any other drug wasn't available in prison, there were too few addicts to make it worth the 7 years minimum sentence for dealing. In 1982 I was the only addict on my landing and 1 of only 2 addicts in the whole Hall (in Glenochil Y.O). Fgs getting tobacco was bad enough with many going to the 'Tobacco Baron' out of sheer desperation.
Whatever the cost for safe consumption rooms has to be worth it to keep people from Brickdust Lane. However the harm reduction paradigm has affected how "treatment" has been delivered with no drive towards abstinence and remission. There should be measurement and targets.
Giving clean samples should be the first thing that needs looked at and if they can’t give clean samples when trying to stop then they either get there money reduced or have to pay for it because the days of rewarding the addict for failure HAS to stop
Here is a belter about the new consumption rooms. Can go and inject drugs in them, but cant smoke drugs in them, because of the smoking ban lol. Idea of consumption rooms came fae copying what portugal are doing. Can also get a shower in it and do ur washing in washing machines. What a country, were its a priority to help u to take drugs and not to actually help u get of them. Better access and more rehabs places/ beds are what is needed. People that now work in addiction field and are in recovery themselves are all saying this is great and way forward( wow) I say Glasgow isnae Portugal and totally different culture. So can now go to chemist and get ur script to supposedly help u to stop taking drugs. Then go to consumption room and take drugs aw within same hour/day. Only in Scotland. Get the finger out and get more rehab places. Castle craig top rehab in europe based in scotland, is full of people fae other countries on their health insurance. Sadly us scots dont get funding for places in it. Fucking joke man. Keep shining a light big chap, ur stuff is top notch.
Addicts go to these places at a massive cost to get clean then just go straight back to it once they are out because they move back to the same place where it all started
Craig I was told to go private for podiatry treatment that I paid for via my taxes, I’ve been type 1 diabetic for 50 years and I’m in the high risk group for amputation of limbs, I’ve had toes amputated, many ulcers with every outbreak possibly leading to amputation, hospital stays, medicines, I or my daughter can’t get access to insulin pump therapy but junkies and immigrants gets preferential treatment.
Craig it's not herion u don't get high it's diamorphine and it took me of the streets and the place saved my life .I'm illegal drug free and doing well cos of that place I still attend .cheers angus
It’s not even heroin that’s doing away with addicts it’s all the other crap they take with it like fake Valium and Xanax etc etc so somebody somewhere is just making story’s up and there are hardly any new addicts now with Crack (not addictive) being the new Heroin.
The only good thing about this centre is it will have addiction support, and I can only see people actually wanting help to get clean using it, the only problem with that is not nearly enough rehab beds/facilities to refer them onto. Build the rehabs and we save and change lives
You can put any addict into the best rehab on the planet but when they get out they just go back to live in the same area and go straight back to what they do
Strangely enough I am inclined to agree with Houston on this occasion. I think though laying it at the door only of the SNP stretches it a bit I believe it had quite wide support in parliament.
The rehabilitation centres were closed. Now free drugs? Assistance to rake illegal drugs? Surely that is conspiring to break the law? Has the law been changed?
They already gets free drugs with methadone and Espranor etc taken by the addicts in the morning and it doesnt stop them using and it’s more about the lifestyle than the drug on its own
Every rehab facility needs closing because the minute the addict comes out of there they go straight back to mixing with the same people and the addiction starts again almost immediately
My concern is that where are the drug addicts getting the money to buy their illegal drugs .Are they funding their drugs through robbery , dealing , muggings etc. What really annoys me I'd that NHS staff are watching them shooting up with drugs bought with the proceeds of crime . Someones life could be shattered but the addicts can't be prosecuted
In 2023/24, Police Scotland recorded 25,344 drug offences, during the same period, there were 1,922 robbery offences in Scotland; While these figures provide an overview of drug and robbery offences in Scotland, they do not specify the number of robberies directly related to drug use but it does (to me) provide an indicator as does the concurrent rise in serious violent crimes and drug-related deaths suggests as drug abuse can contribute to increased aggression and criminal behavior.
Data from the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research indicates that drug misuse is estimated to have a total economic and social cost to Scotland of £3.5 billion annually. Unfortunately there is NO UP TO DATE data - the SNP seem to be happy (?) to just keep pumping out the cash. BTW that level of money would cover 2 years costs of running Scotland's Civil Service.
I'm a chronic pain patient on opioids. Been chronically ill most of my life and there was a point at around 20 when I was both severely depressive and first got opioids after having had accepted daily pain. Needless to say I got addicted. I felt normal again on light opioids and more important, almost pain free. I eventually got it under control, slowly lowered the dose with the help of doctors. When my depression got much better, I lost any desire to take more than the medically necessary dose. That program is very inefficient but I am absolutely for giving them enough drug to not get withdrawal when they also get mandatory psychiatric care. You cannot get off addiction without addressing the motivation for them taking drugs
Are the drugs being supplied to the users? Or is it byod? Thanks Complete and utter waste of public money 💰 those signing off on this should be jailed for misuse of public funds. Not a single 1 of the drug users will stop taking drugs after using these facilities.
That was my question too, I don’t know either obviously. Total misuse of public money,as you say. But, the inadequate SNP, ridiculously think that’s their core voter supporter. Same as the ridiculous tax funded transport fares for, 18 to 22 year olds, I think that’s the age criteria…. What a damned mess we’re all in…
..... and I'm 60 in April, worked my whole life, except 6 months since i left school and can't get an effin dentist.... aye, get yer priorities right, absolute muppets !!!
If UK government had allowed Scot’s gov to create Junkie rooms this issue would be lessened greatly ( works in Portugal) and if UK gov dealt with the pedlars of this filth it wouldn’t be an issue as they’d be feart to bring the stuff into the country. Point the finger at the guilty mate .
All the substitutes like methadone and Suboxone etc do the exact same job as H and even after getting they’re dose in the morning they go straight and score after it so it’s a lifestyle choice plain and simple
@ Substitutes are enormously different psychologically. Reason for using is as much a part of things as chemical addiction. Not a "lifestyle choice" in the eyes of many users, and I'm not a user, but you're certainly overlooking a lot of what is going on in the minds of these people. I can't see the positives of my painkiller prescription that rarely gets opened, so who am I to say? I often view people with a few drinks in them with an equal amount of contempt, but I'm not a drinker, so how am I supposed to get what they see in taking the stuff?
ALL substitutes stop withdrawal symptoms but addicts will still use regardless so if they start giving out free heroin do they stop the substitutes? Because I will tell you through experience that you don’t need both.
It’s all about what the addict does with there free time and putting big PIP payments into the pockets of addicts who can’t give a clean sample is wrong wrong wrong and only enables them to continue using or even start up selling themselves
Why aren’t all addicts not given the choice to do cold turkey before throwing thousands of pounds at these stupid measures,if they refuse the should stop all help/benefits untill they want to help themselves.
Cold turkey is dangerous and only works on a tiny habit as long as the addict continues to live near the place they got addicted they will never stop….it’s a lifestyle choice
So many don’t understand that the substitutes the addict receives takes away all physical withdrawals so it’s up to the addict to fill there time doing something else instead of using so to continue to use is a lifestyle choice….the penny will drop with everyone else one day.
This rips my knitting. You can go to a pub and drink alcohol now you can go and hit up yet if you want a joint you have to hide indoors. Legalise weed and tax it and put the money to the NHS I’d also like to say that more people meet their end due to alcohol than drugs mate but I’m not hearing you say shut the pubs and ban the sale of alcohol.
As a midwife spent time looking after drug addicts in NZ, they were given methadone as substitute but many had been on it for 10 years, so doesn’t help them get off drugs. Medical opioids are actually cheap, this Glasgow centre is make the figures for death related to drugs look good, it’s mental health they need. Another venture only upstaged by ferries disaster.
What worries me as fentynal now being mixed into coke..Exeter had a guy who helped addicts to get into reh and helped them stay clean ...Craig you know why cv dart and drugs they want them gone to heaven..
They have dropped the funding in the last 20 years , the new room won't work , no addict is going to a room in the Calton unless they live beside it ,they never think of the full picture, im an x addict
I guess you've not lost a brother and sister to drug addiction ( drug death ). Can any life be measured in monetary terms? Or maybe addiction is a social or political term?
Why don't the SNP government open up free pubs for alcoholics. Supply free taxis to get them home safely saving the NHS money in case they fall over ?
@@Alextriumph1050 Just curious official government source?
@I-ww7hh Don't they just have to save the coupons to get a free alarm clock for about quarter of a million pounds?
@cabottaxi Alcohol consumption at the level of an addict will kill you off very effectively. Pharmaceutical heroin isn't all that dangerous. Thousands returned from WW2 with addictions due to injuries sustained in battle. They died off in the 80s and 90s, which is when imported black market heroin became a deadly problem. Been told by addicts that 80-90% of people in rehabs are abuse survivors. We have to look deeper into things.
That’ll do for me 😂🍺🥃
We’re fooked under this government SNP . Disband them immediately would be great.
The whole addiction system is done in reverse it should be done the other way round….tbh 99% of addicts are on big PIP payments which they receive straight away imho an addict should either pay for the free methadone/Espranor etc OR there sick money only goes up on the completion of a number of clean samples that way there is something for the addict to work towards.
Craig Houston..ye know me fae G.H.H...im an Army Veteran and when I was suffering with P.T.S.D.. actually inside Deepcut Barracks itself I ended up talking h*roin.. when I asked for help I was put on methadone and for years it was all consuming.. methadone makes someone money and I dare say this "scheme" will cost.
I'm aff everything noo... four years.🤝🏴🇬🇧
Good post
Well done you ❤❤❤
You've done great - stay focussed.
That's one great achievement on your part, well done.
keep strong brother. never out the fight
Well done you 👏
Their not trying to help the addicts, but keeping them addicts. By being an addict, they pose no threat to the government, as the drugs given, keeps them compliant and makes the pharmaceutical producers in money. It's been going on for far too long.
Well said there is no money to be made getting addicts to stay clean….getting clean is pretty easy to do if the addict wants to……it’s the staying clean that’s the hard bit.
Yup.... is an evil business.
Hope president trump can label the suppliers as "terror" group too.
The recovery world in Glasgow is massive, educate yourself before you make ignorant sweeping statements
99% of addicts on a substitute which stops withdrawals still use daily so it’s not a need it’s a greed and a lifestyle choice
@@nooldfirm2904what does that mean the recovery world in Glasgow is massive educate me because I’m born and bred in Glasgow 👍🏻🏴
Child poverty not a problem in Scotland.
I am a veteran of 15 years. fighting my last 6 years day by day hoping for a cure of my MND ALS. I appreciate every day I get to spend with my family. I have been in some dark dark places and mentally too. I just wish and pray these addicts would open their eyes and see and appreciate what a life they could have if they had the courage just to say No Enough of this junk. Craig I watch your stuff every day. We come from different sides of the city tho I find myself agreeing with most of your opinions because it is a lot of common sense and I am glad you are bold enough to take a stand and voice your opinion and I am willing to listen. keep up the good work that you do. I
Keep viewing. Giving veterans a voice is THE most important thing.
@@stuartcarmichael1880 Mr.Carmichael thank you for your service sir 🏴🇬🇧🫡🤝
Addicts are being constantly rewarded for failure which is a massive part of the problem
@BusterGeorge-c4b don't talk shite... unless you have been where I've been..no reward here.. just twenty years lost...... reward...naw
Meanwhile, as a diabetic I cannot access the GLP1 antagonist drugs on the NHS. How many diabetics die early per year in Scotland??
They need to begin with SERIOUS education of our young to tell them the dangers of beginning on any drug journey.
Wrong what’s the point of telling school children about the dangers of class a ? It’s only gonna make them interested in finding out more
Why education? Why don’t these children see it all around them ? Junkies on buses, pavements, shops, dads, mums, family members .
Exactly…they need to learn on there because education at a young age is no good and is more advertising
@ Could tell them some Class A drugs are awesome and safe. LSD would be an example. Safer than nicotine and alcohol, and great fun.
I would love to examine their accounts!!
So would the Auditors - The opening preamble by Swindle must be "I'm gonna tell you a story" in his best Max Bygraves voice - yep that old !
I am a heroin addict and I see why pharmaceutical grade heroin might save us from the sh1t they cut it with but govt condoning and enabling our drug use merely tells us what we're doing is okay, and 'it's not our fault'.
Most of the addicts I started out with in the early 1980s got off heroin relatively quickly. How did that happen? The govt didn't give you help, in fact minimum sentencing for possession, etc & the small amounts of remand or jail time many experienced after stealing, etc to feed their habit, meant that they got off in prison. There was no 'help' on prison; your addiction equals your problem.
Some of those who got clean did so via in-patient treatment in places like Cardross.
The rest of those who beat it early stayed off after their first strung-out session, either due to the fear of going through it again or, and this is important, due to social pressure (aka being labelled a 'weak person, a hopeless junkie').
As for solutions, let me offer my prescription (cough! cough!), which aren't perfect but no solution is.
First off the govt must stop condoning & enabling us addicts. We are weak, selfish people who always take the path of least resistance, this is especially important when it comes to prisons (why? see above). Stronger sentences for possession, even when it's the smallest amount of heroin, must be enforced by govt. This sends the message that addiction is bad for you and bad for society, and the resultant jail time gives addicts an amazing, though admittedly at the time, unwelcome, opportunity to get clean.
Most importantly of all, there must be in-patient beds available on demand; it's when us addicts are at our lowest or our most optimistic & ready, that the best opportunity exists to get clean. Also, to stay clean, follow-up services are vital, though they must never be compulsory. Addiction is a life-long psychological struggle which can be eased massively using psychologists, psychiatrists, talking therapists, etc. This can be for the short term, the long term or a life-long part of the treatment.
Well, that's the view of a multi-decades addict. Hope it helps.
@@nmcd7049 if you want it enough then..if I can get aff 80ml and aboot 100 stree V*lium per day and smoking that shit.. then you can.
I was bang on it for twenty years..
Turning Point in Glasgow West Street (I think)..in the south side. There's always hope pal if you really want it.🤝
@@nmcd7049 .. and yer very much correct on the "after care" ..in my case there was none... apart fae some very solid pals...who put up wi me for at least ten years
My pal went into Berlinie he was a smoker but that was it and came out hooked on heroine & now the last time I seen him hexwas absolutely fucked & didn't even recognise me & me him I had to double look he certainly didn't recognise me or maybe he was too embarrassed not sure hope he's doing OK though too many youngsters dying from all the crap they are taking on the streets I know from the last time I actually spoke to him he had just lost another friend due to overdose wich was taking it up to atleast 4 in that years alone sad times for a lot of the youngsters today take care buddy stay safe
@Michaelsymons-o1x Barlinnie
@@Michaelsymons-o1xps If you're lucky enough to see your ex-friend please let him know that you'll always remember him pre-heroin and let him know that person isn't dead, he's still inside needing him to love his old self enough to free him. Okay, he'll probably say, 'Whit uhr u oan about ya weirdo', lol, but later on when he's got time to think, he'll 'get it'.
A SICK JOKE !!🙄🤦♂️
Thank you for your commentary Craig, much appreciated
The last thing the government wants. Is a healthy high functioning societ with the family together
I definitely need to get myself a habit, fed up of working for absolutely nothing ❤
Go for it…….two grand a month top PIP…interest free loans….free bus pass….free dental care….what a life
It makes you wonder if anything in the UK actually works anymore 🙄
You’d think with Humzas connections they could be cheaper. This is nonsense!
You'd be shocked to find out the money a pharmacist receives for each methadone user,40k a patient 😮
I’ve read that it’s £5.60 for every visit that the addict makes and if pharmaceutical H is being GIVEN out surely they have to stop the methadone etc etc because they don’t need both
100’s millions pounds wasted nationwide every year trying to help addicts.
Who don’t want help
Because they are being rewarded for failure…..put me in charge I will have it sorted within six months on your money back 😂
Whose going to go halfway across town ,after shoplifting selling and purchasing drugs ,exhausted ,they would go straight home or up a close somewhere to take their drugs ,not get high then have to stagger all the way home! Are these people plainly stupid or just wasting taxpayers money for the fun of it ,the latter I think !
Why are taxpayers feeding the habits of drug users anyway. There are millions of more deserving cases that need help with countless problems ------ none of them self inflicted!
In the era I was describing, namely the early 1980s, heroin nor any other drug wasn't available in prison, there were too few addicts to make it worth the 7 years minimum sentence for dealing. In 1982 I was the only addict on my landing and 1 of only 2 addicts in the whole Hall (in Glenochil Y.O). Fgs getting tobacco was bad enough with many going to the 'Tobacco Baron' out of sheer desperation.
And how are the Snp going to finance this if they want independence 🤔
Last Stats I saw Dundee was worse but of course both a disgrace to the Country , why ?
Tows and city’s in Scotland are no worse than anywhere else in the home nations
Whatever the cost for safe consumption rooms has to be worth it to keep people from Brickdust Lane.
However the harm reduction paradigm has affected how "treatment" has been delivered with no drive towards abstinence and remission. There should be measurement and targets.
Giving clean samples should be the first thing that needs looked at and if they can’t give clean samples when trying to stop then they either get there money reduced or have to pay for it because the days of rewarding the addict for failure HAS to stop
None of this makes any sense whatsoever, but why are we surprised at any madcap ideas the SNP come up with.
Here is a belter about the new consumption rooms.
Can go and inject drugs in them, but cant smoke drugs in them, because of the smoking ban lol.
Idea of consumption rooms came fae copying what portugal are doing.
Can also get a shower in it and do ur washing in washing machines.
What a country, were its a priority to help u to take drugs and not to actually help u get of them.
Better access and more rehabs places/ beds are what is needed.
People that now work in addiction field and are in recovery themselves are all saying this is great and way forward( wow)
I say Glasgow isnae Portugal and totally different culture.
So can now go to chemist and get ur script to supposedly help u to stop taking drugs.
Then go to consumption room and take drugs aw within same hour/day.
Only in Scotland.
Get the finger out and get more rehab places.
Castle craig top rehab in europe based in scotland, is full of people fae other countries on their health insurance.
Sadly us scots dont get funding for places in it.
Fucking joke man.
Keep shining a light big chap, ur stuff is top notch.
Addicts go to these places at a massive cost to get clean then just go straight back to it once they are out because they move back to the same place where it all started
I live in Glasgow, and ive never heard of this place, why?
This can't be factual!
I'm going do some reasearch; this can't be happening!?
Education and tougher jail times and deportation we need to start a fresh in government. Great update mucker
The addict needs to stop being rewarded for failure another massive part of the problem
Craig I was told to go private for podiatry treatment that I paid for via my taxes, I’ve been type 1 diabetic for 50 years and I’m in the high risk group for amputation of limbs, I’ve had toes amputated, many ulcers with every outbreak possibly leading to amputation, hospital stays, medicines, I or my daughter can’t get access to insulin pump therapy but junkies and immigrants gets preferential treatment.
Its SNP we are talking about any thing they do get involved with always turns out to be disaster and you can never trust there numbers
Craig it's not herion u don't get high it's diamorphine and it took me of the streets and the place saved my life .I'm illegal drug free and doing well cos of that place I still attend .cheers angus
It’s not even heroin that’s doing away with addicts it’s all the other crap they take with it like fake Valium and Xanax etc etc so somebody somewhere is just making story’s up and there are hardly any new addicts now with Crack (not addictive) being the new Heroin.
The only good thing about this centre is it will have addiction support, and I can only see people actually wanting help to get clean using it, the only problem with that is not nearly enough rehab beds/facilities to refer them onto. Build the rehabs and we save and change lives
You can put any addict into the best rehab on the planet but when they get out they just go back to live in the same area and go straight back to what they do
Strangely enough I am inclined to agree with Houston on this occasion. I think though laying it at the door only of the SNP stretches it a bit I believe it had quite wide support in parliament.
What about policing drugs squad to nail further up the tree supply.
If You don’t reduce the availability you just end up with a conveyor belt
99.99% of dealers are addicts themselves and I guarantee they would rather not be selling
The rehabilitation centres were closed. Now free drugs? Assistance to rake illegal drugs? Surely that is conspiring to break the law? Has the law been changed?
They already gets free drugs with methadone and Espranor etc taken by the addicts in the morning and it doesnt stop them using and it’s more about the lifestyle than the drug on its own
Rehab centres are a waste of time and money because as soon as the addict comes out they go back to the same area it all started
Injecting room Cheap compared to priory. Usual SNP cheap virtue signalling
Every rehab facility needs closing because the minute the addict comes out of there they go straight back to mixing with the same people and the addiction starts again almost immediately
My concern is that where are the drug addicts getting the money to buy their illegal drugs .Are they funding their drugs through robbery , dealing , muggings etc. What really annoys me I'd that NHS staff are watching them shooting up with drugs bought with the proceeds of crime . Someones life could be shattered but the addicts can't be prosecuted
Big money PIP the addict goes on the sick straight away and receives big money…the Government are the biggest helpers of drug abuse you can get
In 2023/24, Police Scotland recorded 25,344 drug offences, during the same period, there were 1,922 robbery offences in Scotland; While these figures provide an overview of drug and robbery offences in Scotland, they do not specify the number of robberies directly related to drug use but it does (to me) provide an indicator as does the concurrent rise in serious violent crimes and drug-related deaths suggests as drug abuse can contribute to increased aggression and criminal behavior.
With big money PIP the government are behind most of the organised crime revolving around drugs
Data from the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research indicates that drug misuse is estimated to have a total economic and social cost to Scotland of £3.5 billion annually. Unfortunately there is NO UP TO DATE data - the SNP seem to be happy (?) to just keep pumping out the cash. BTW that level of money would cover 2 years costs of running Scotland's Civil Service.
You will achieve ZERO as an independent unless it happens Scotland wide. As it should
I'm a chronic pain patient on opioids. Been chronically ill most of my life and there was a point at around 20 when I was both severely depressive and first got opioids after having had accepted daily pain. Needless to say I got addicted. I felt normal again on light opioids and more important, almost pain free. I eventually got it under control, slowly lowered the dose with the help of doctors. When my depression got much better, I lost any desire to take more than the medically necessary dose.
That program is very inefficient but I am absolutely for giving them enough drug to not get withdrawal when they also get mandatory psychiatric care. You cannot get off addiction without addressing the motivation for them taking drugs
It took £2.3 million to provide them with a safe drug injecting facility. I could have done it for under a grand by a quick visit to B&Q.
Are the drugs being supplied to the users? Or is it byod? Thanks
Complete and utter waste of public money 💰 those signing off on this should be jailed for misuse of public funds. Not a single 1 of the drug users will stop taking drugs after using these facilities.
That was my question too, I don’t know either obviously. Total misuse of public money,as you say.
But, the inadequate SNP, ridiculously think that’s their core voter supporter. Same as the ridiculous tax funded transport fares for, 18 to 22 year olds, I think that’s the age criteria…. What a damned mess we’re all in…
Where's the MUSK salute video, you've taken it down pretty quick , why? Was it not going your way?
..... and I'm 60 in April, worked my whole life, except 6 months since i left school and can't get an effin dentist.... aye, get yer priorities right, absolute muppets !!!
If UK government had allowed Scot’s gov to create Junkie rooms this issue would be lessened greatly ( works in Portugal) and if UK gov dealt with the pedlars of this filth it wouldn’t be an issue as they’d be feart to bring the stuff into the country.
Point the finger at the guilty mate .
It's probably best to keep addicts stable on heroin, but heroin costs buttons to produce. Something's not right.
All the substitutes like methadone and Suboxone etc do the exact same job as H and even after getting they’re dose in the morning they go straight and score after it so it’s a lifestyle choice plain and simple
@@BusterGeorge-c4byou can't take h on subby lol so you're talking 💩.
@ Substitutes are enormously different psychologically. Reason for using is as much a part of things as chemical addiction.
Not a "lifestyle choice" in the eyes of many users, and I'm not a user, but you're certainly overlooking a lot of what is going on in the minds of these people.
I can't see the positives of my painkiller prescription that rarely gets opened, so who am I to say?
I often view people with a few drinks in them with an equal amount of contempt, but I'm not a drinker, so how am I supposed to get what they see in taking the stuff?
ALL substitutes stop withdrawal symptoms but addicts will still use regardless so if they start giving out free heroin do they stop the substitutes? Because I will tell you through experience that you don’t need both.
It’s all about what the addict does with there free time and putting big PIP payments into the pockets of addicts who can’t give a clean sample is wrong wrong wrong and only enables them to continue using or even start up selling themselves
Why aren’t all addicts not given the choice to do cold turkey before throwing thousands of pounds at these stupid measures,if they refuse the should stop all help/benefits untill they want to help themselves.
Have you any idea what cold-turkey is like?
Cold turkey is dangerous and only works on a tiny habit as long as the addict continues to live near the place they got addicted they will never stop….it’s a lifestyle choice
@@BusterGeorge-c4b I so agree with you
So many don’t understand that the substitutes the addict receives takes away all physical withdrawals so it’s up to the addict to fill there time doing something else instead of using so to continue to use is a lifestyle choice….the penny will drop with everyone else one day.
This rips my knitting. You can go to a pub and drink alcohol now you can go and hit up yet if you want a joint you have to hide indoors. Legalise weed and tax it and put the money to the NHS I’d also like to say that more people meet their end due to alcohol than drugs mate but I’m not hearing you say shut the pubs and ban the sale of alcohol.
Legalise everything for a 6 month trial then look again
Craig is it true they are removing all the statues inc burns in george square. I won't be setting foot in glasgow again the way they are going.
But they’re worth it, at an exchange rate of 1 junkie to 100 old folk.
Is all a business..... and a profitable by these "shooting stations"
I wonder who funded these "NGOs" to push it into law
Why don’t the SNP allow Protestants freedom of religion….
Craig 🫡 lad 🙏 , gawn yersel’ m8 🎯 …
Did Humzas brother n law set this scam up
Is it really true that junkies get a taxi to and from the safe injection room (sic). ffs, most addicts can walk or take a bus
This has been going on for over 20 years
They can have my heating allowance.
A think the suffering addict this city would prefer the 100 grand
As a midwife spent time looking after drug addicts in NZ, they were given methadone as substitute but many had been on it for 10 years, so doesn’t help them get off drugs. Medical opioids are actually cheap, this Glasgow centre is make the figures for death related to drugs look good, it’s mental health they need. Another venture only upstaged by ferries disaster.
Methadone is only used by addicts as a back up in case they are skint or there are no drugs around
What worries me as fentynal now being mixed into coke..Exeter had a guy who helped addicts to get into reh and helped them stay clean ...Craig you know why cv dart and drugs they want them gone to heaven..
They have dropped the funding in the last 20 years , the new room won't work , no addict is going to a room in the Calton unless they live beside it ,they never think of the full picture, im an x addict
Dealers will only hang around outside it or even in it….waste of time
I guess you've not lost a brother and sister to drug addiction ( drug death ). Can any life be measured in monetary terms? Or maybe addiction is a social or political term?
Addiction is a personal choice