The Dark Secret of Buddhism (that Westerners have no idea about)

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • Eugene joins Karl Gessler on Karl’s podcast, The Gospel for Planet Earth, to talk about Eugene’s book Leaving Buddha. Leaving Buddha dares to expose the mysterious world of Tibetan Buddhism, with its layered teachings, intricate practices-and troubling secrets.
    You can get the book here:


  • @Frooji-ps1xk
    @Frooji-ps1xk Місяць тому +9

    Dude you're wrong, Tibetan Buddhism is the expanded, some might say corrupted form of Buddhism. The pure Buddhism, i.e. the practice of what the Buddha originally taught (or closest to) is found in the Theravada school which is in Thailand, Sri Lanka and Burma. In Tibetan (Vajrayana) Buddhism it's all about the Guru as the authority, in Theravada Buddha's original teachings (The Dhamma) is the way. To call the Buddha Dhamma demonic is ridiculous, everything Jesus ever taught is found in The Buddha's teachings tenfold, and 500 years previous.

    • @soymour7
      @soymour7 11 днів тому

      Hello I get your point, but look Jesus is the way, There are many biblical prophecies that happened, and most of things happened in the bible really happened...Roman manuscript tell that Jesus was a real person and he died on the cross from our sins and rose again, I don't believe he went to India and learned Buddhism, he didn't have much time and didn't need to go to India but to pray to God and learn the Torah and be taught by the holy spirit...Remember...All good things come from God, so even if there are lessons in Buddhism that are similar to Jesus, remember all good things come from God

  • @KnightofEkron
    @KnightofEkron 10 місяців тому +8

    Really not helping counter that whole "Christians are dumb" stereotype.

  • @laapasakuna
    @laapasakuna 4 місяці тому +6

    This conversation is quite disinformed and dinformative. A case in point is “absolute nirvāṇa is to not exist”. This statement is explicitly rejected by the Buddha in several Suttas. That Tibetans believe that they come from a monkey is tantamount to say that Europeans believe that women come from the rib of the first man (and it is more scientifically accurate, I’d suggest). Saying “Buddhism is slavery, it’s violent” is a blatant lie: human beings are violent at any latitude of the world, but in the case of Buddhism there is no Buddha’s teaching that may possibly encourage or justify violence. The part on the causal relationship between religion and poverty (or lack of technology etc.) is, as someone else pointed out in the comments, absolute nonsense. Saying that “religion makes them [Indians] dumber” is offensive and easily refutable: some of the best scientists and mathematicians are Indian, just like some of the most underdeveloped countries are predominantly Christian (and some of the technologically advanced countries are predominantly Buddhist). Mocking Westerners that meditate in India or Nepal as “stupid” just speaks of the limited understanding of the speaker and deserves no comment.

  • @KellyKimLAc
    @KellyKimLAc 7 місяців тому +5

    I have thousands of Tibetan Buddhists on my Facebook who don't understand English. This testimony in a book needs to be translated into Tibetan and Chinese (many Tibetans are fluent in Chinese)

    • 6 місяців тому +2

      Also let them know about the thousands of priests and pastors who have committed evil acts against innocent children and people in general

  • @destroyerofdeath8264
    @destroyerofdeath8264 Рік тому +7

    I'm a Tibetan Buddhist. Would you like to debate me.

    • @gardenbliss6638
      @gardenbliss6638 Рік тому +1

      Did you read the book, "Leaving Buddha: A Tibetan Monk's Encounter With the Living God"? In that book, when the tibetan monk tried to tell the other monks that Jesus cured his tuberculosis and now he believed in Jesus, they beat him and left him for dead. Luckily some people took his body in the middle of the night and he survived. Years later, he went back to the monastery when a deadly plague broke out and he helped them as a Christian medic. He forgave them for trying to killl him and then he even tried to save their lives when the plague was killing them.
      One of the saddest things in the book was about a tibetan monk boy who was repeatedly raped by one of the TIbetan Lamas. Everyone in the monastery could hear the boy screaming. No one stopped the Lama or punished him. This is horrifying. I thought the TIbetan Lamas had sex with Tibetan women, not boys, and I never knew that the monks would permit child rape and not punish the abuser.
      I think TIbetan meditation is awesome, but at the end of the day, where do you want to go when you leave this body? Do you want to be with a truly holy God who radiates holiness that penetrates your body and mind and utterly transforms you and hang out with holy angels and divine beings who radiate love and compassion? Or do you want to never be in this holy God's presence? I think this is the question.
      I went to the nothingness. I think I would prefer paradise in a garden with the tree of Life and the holy angels and the creator heavenly father and Jesus and the saints.
      God bless you and may you be protected from deception while you understand the truth. ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤍

    • @adim00lah
      @adim00lah Рік тому +2

      @@gardenbliss6638 There are bad stories in every religion, not just Buddhism. There are plenty stories of Christian priests molesting little boys.
      Buddhism as a doctrine, and Buddhists as a people aren't the same thing. You didn't actually mention anything about Buddhist doctrine, only someone as a Buddhist who had a bad experience.
      And for all this hate he claims Buddhists have for Jesus in that book, I found not one video of any Buddhist speaking badly about Christianity nor Jesus. The book doesn't even use the authors real name, we can't even verify it was a true story.

    • @BackToJerusalem
      @BackToJerusalem  Рік тому +2

      Hi, Eugene would like to debate you. Could you contact us at:
      so we can arrange the call?

    • @adim00lah
      @adim00lah Рік тому

      @@BackToJerusalem Eugene made a bunch of claims he can't even prove, like the poverty in India is due to Hinduism / Buddhism.
      You realize Liberia is the poorest country in the entire world. And they are Christian? Most Christian nations didn't invent anything.
      What about Japan, they are a very affluent country, and some of the lowest crime in the world. And they are mainly Buddhist and Shinto.
      Japanese have invented numerous electronic gadgets, such as compact disks, DVD, CD-ROM, B.D., Battery(lithium-ion), dry cell Battery, MiniDisk, Optical Fiber, Light Emitting Diode, and White L.E.D etc....
      India has contributed a lot of inventions from mathematics, astronomy, cartography, and metrology. The most significant invention from India is the “zero,” without which mathematics couldn’t exist.
      He cannot prove that religion has anything to do with wealth or scientific innovation.
      And the idea that peace, love, and freedom do not exist in eastern religions is absolute nonsense.

    • @ShotGunMiMi
      @ShotGunMiMi Рік тому

      @@adim00lah it is true every religion has people in it who do bad things . We are all sinners . The difference is as Christians we have a living God who died for us so we can repent and go to God openly with our sin … a living God who loves us so much He died for us and rose again. Christians are not beating those who walk away from the faith. Christians allow questioning . Christians do not give up their children as sacrifices … Men will always make mistakes , do Christian’s? Absolutely , but it’s one religion that is not violently hurting it’s people who reject them .

  • @gardenbliss6638
    @gardenbliss6638 Рік тому +3

    Wow I asked for info about the buddha four days ago and then this video comes out. My deepest thanks for asking Eugene. I did read his book, Leaving Buddha, two years ago, and it was very eye opening.

    • 6 місяців тому

      I suggest you to read or watch a video about Theravada Buddhism which is the oldest and purest form of Buddhism not this video definitely. Buddhism was founded 600 years before Christ was born so probably early Christians adopt many teachings from Buddhism. Buddha teaches love for oneself and others, compassion and wisdom. Yes there’s evil monks that do non Buddhist acts and should be disrobed and jailed same with many pastors and priests. But they are the total opposite at what the real Buddha teachings are about.

    • @gardenbliss6638
      @gardenbliss6638 6 місяців тому another thing is that we are in the dharma ending age in which buddhism cannot save people anymore. The fact that Eugene found so many Tibetans who believe that they came from an ogress and a monkey sounds like darwin's stuff got mixed in. But I agree that the true genuine monks are amazing, whereas the wannabes can be satanic, as Eugene found that some of them tried to murder new Christian converts. Tibetan buddhism is not really buddhism.

  • @adim00lah
    @adim00lah Рік тому +7

    Honestly, this whole video was hard to listen to. There is a lot of hate here. Him using the fact that India is a poor country is because of the devil is weird. You realize Latin America is mostly Christian, and they are just as poor as India.
    The devil gives the opposite in the bible right? The devil came promising riches and land, not poverty. It was Jesus that said to give up everything, to follow him. Jesus preached a life of poverty, he said it was hard to get a rich man into heaven. And yet this man is citing the riches of the west as evidence of Jesus' teachings.
    Japan is probably one of the wealthiest nations in the world, and they aren't Christian. Most of them are Buddhist and Shinto. They have some of the lowest crime rates in the world.
    Correlation is not causation. For him to say poverty in India is because of Hinduism / Buddhism is odd. Liberia is considered the poorest counties in the entire world, they are 86% Christian. So that's because of Jesus, Liberia is poor.
    I love Jesus, and I love God, but this video is wrong. Stop judging these people, the bible teaches us not to do this. There are all these hate videos Christians make attacking Hindus and Buddhists, but they aren't doing that to us. They aren't judging us, but we certainly are judging them.

    • @edadan
      @edadan Рік тому

      I’m a Christian and I don’t hear any hate in this video. I hear two Christian men discussing a false religion for the purpose of educating and warning others not to be deceived. BTW, the people who crucified Jesus were greatly offended by His message and they also claimed to love God.

    • @adim00lah
      @adim00lah Рік тому +4

      @@edadan I'm not offended at all, I'm simply saying what he says is baseless.
      Saying India is poor because of the darkness caused by their religion? How on earth does he know that? Lots of Christian countries are crime ridden and dirt poor. Lots of Christian nations didn't invent anything.
      We don't have the right to attack anyone's religion. Jesus never taught that or did that. Let God judge if their religion is false, it's not our job, this is not a matter of litigation.
      Preaching the gospel is right, but nothing in the gospel says to attack others religions, and call them false. You catch bees with honey not vinegar. Would you want someone to do that to you? So why are you doing that to others?
      Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. nominated Thich Nhat Hanh for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1967. You think Dr. King would do that, if he thought this man was a devil worshipper?

    • @BackToJerusalem
      @BackToJerusalem  Рік тому +1

      Thanks for honest critical listening and thinking! Part of the intention is to look at the root of worldviews, and the impact that spiritual worship has in reality on a nation and society. There will always be righteous poor and wicked rich. The correlation is not a rule, but there are real implications for a society that is so influenced by the roots of teaching from religion that has disastrous impact on economy and well being of how people are treated.

    • @adim00lah
      @adim00lah Рік тому +1

      I agree, but the same criticism can be made for poor Christian countries. I mean, Jesus didn't speak highly about rich people.
      A matter of fact, Jesus said it was harder to get rich people into heaven, than a camel through the eye of a needle.
      His apostles literally had to give up everything, and become ascetics to follow him.
      So are these countries poor too because of Jesus?

    • @ShotGunMiMi
      @ShotGunMiMi Рік тому

      The Bible does teach us to judge and to speak the truth. We are not to judge people when we do the same thing they do , but when someone is in active sin , hurting themselves or others with their words and actions , yes we can and should Judge aka rebuke . This is a regurgitated statement from this who do not read or understand the Bible .

  • @ShotGunMiMi
    @ShotGunMiMi Рік тому +1

    Listened to this on audible …. Wow … thank you for writing this ! Eye opener ..

  • @Frooji-ps1xk
    @Frooji-ps1xk Місяць тому +2

    This is bullshit, so much hateful disinformation here it's of the charts. Rahula, his son joined the Sangha when he was a teenager so he had a full relationship with his father. His wife wanted for nothing, still living as a royal in the kingdom. The good that Buddha did for the world by spreading the Dhamma is incalculable compared to if he'd just stayed at home as a prince. To call the Buddha "selfish" for learning the ultimate truth and spreading it to the world is just beyond asinine.

    • @liminalzone909
      @liminalzone909 Місяць тому

      Exactly, although the some myths say he slipped out in the night, who's to say his wife didn't encourage him to go? What with him moping around the house being all existential. Most women suggest their men go out earn some money. He came home with the real goods and she got enlightened too. Good husband in my estimation.

  • @jaylinn416
    @jaylinn416 Рік тому +2

    Mahayana Buddhism was very much influenced by Christianity, IMO. Buddhism and Hinduism are both syncretic religions

  • @Rockman-qo7zy
    @Rockman-qo7zy День тому

    Actually, only Buddhism is the ultimate truth. Other religions are wrong views, wrong opinions, and delusions and cannot see the truth that everything is according to karma, not according to God. All living beings are according to karma, not according to anything else. We must believe in karma above anything else because it is the truth.

  • @Chicharrera.
    @Chicharrera. Рік тому +4

    I was a yogini for a few years. Eventually I studied a VERY expensive and long yoga teaching course and started teaching. It was expensive & long because they taught me traditional Indian yoga principles & practices, NOT the fake westernised asana version. I had to study the classical yoga texts and the yogi concept of the mind etc. However, I knew what I was teaching was not true yoga, because people only wanted to do asana and I couldn't teach them authentic practices, but the westernised invented version. So I decided to keep teaching until my "teacher" appeared. When he did (a Swami from the United States initiated by Swami Rama), I finally left teaching to study with him. Eventually, I grew unsettled with him. He was not the kind, loving peaceful person someone who is supposed to be "enlightened" was. He was gruff, short-tempered etc. At some point, I began studying the Bible and I became drawn in. My teacher said he too followed Jesus. But, one day, he asked me a question about a Scripture after I mentioned it to him. When I gave him the answer he didn't like it and proceeded to berate me for it, when I was simply the messenger AND HE had asked ME the question! From that very day, I stopped being his student. I stopped doing yoga altogetheras well (meditation) and studying the ancient texts. I have continued only with the bible and serving Jesus. I don't miss yoga. I learned on my own how dangerous and evil eastern practices were. I just didn't know why until hearing another video plus this one. I will buy the book now. Thank you.

    • @BackToJerusalem
      @BackToJerusalem  Рік тому +1

      That’s quite a journey! The truth always sets us free

    • @benrex7775
      @benrex7775 3 місяці тому

      I have a question to you. I have heard various people talk about the benefits of meditation. What is your opinion of it. Does it actually make you calm and collected? What happens in the spiritual world? Should Christians have a time where their thoughts calm down and if so, how should they go about doing that?

    • @miguelatkinson
      @miguelatkinson Місяць тому +1

      @Chicharrena thank you for the constant perpetuating of l8th century colonialist imperialist stereotyping of eastern religious practices and beliefs as demonic and evil like brother you should probably not associate yourself around such people and seek professional and qualified individuals then and just disregarding mediation like that truly shows that you really did not know what you where doing

    • @benrex7775
      @benrex7775 Місяць тому

      @@miguelatkinson Someone got triggered here.

  • @saintoflastresorts2272
    @saintoflastresorts2272 Місяць тому

    Tibetan Buddhism isn't a reflection of all Buddhism in the same way the Catholic church with its own nation the Vatican isn't reflective of Christianity.

  • @bx-ld
    @bx-ld Місяць тому

    I highly recommend the book "Leaving Buddha: A Tibetan Monk's Encounter With The Living God". I couldn't put it down. I was one of those westerners who thought there was truth to be found in Buddhism years ago until I discovered THE Truth in Jesus!

    • @BackToJerusalem
      @BackToJerusalem  Місяць тому +1

      Thank you for sharing this!

    • @bx-ld
      @bx-ld 27 днів тому

      @@BackToJerusalem One of the things that I love doing is gifting books to people who might find them helpful after I have finished with them.
      My copy of "Leaving Buddha" has been gifted to a Nepali pastor who is fellowshiping with our church while studying here in Australia.

  • @Laststop1989
    @Laststop1989 Місяць тому +1

    This guy don't know sit about Buddhism. Budha time there is no Hinduism. They start calling Hinduism a 11 centuries. You can read book of alburny travel to India the book is from 11 century and read book of xuezang Chinese traveler 6 centuries. You Don't know history of Buddhism.. you did big statement. You didn't study good enough about Buddhism. You need to study about history of Buddhism..

  • @wordscapes5690
    @wordscapes5690 Місяць тому +1

    This “Buddhists” is about as Buddhist as my Taoist grandfather. 😂

  • 6 місяців тому +1

    I apologize to my fellow Buddhists I’m aware we cant be too hard on our speech but the truth needs to be told. First Buddhism was born 600 years before Christ was even born so probably early Christians took from Buddhist teachings which are based on self love and to everyone else, compassion and wisdom. Read about Theravada Buddhism which is the oldest and more pure form of Buddhism. yes there are evil monks and nuns who do non-Buddhist acts and they should be banned and jailed, as well as child abusers, murderers and liars pastors and priests. Even buddhas said always act with pure love, compassion and wisdom, and we Buddhists follow pure Buddha’s teachings and anyone doing evil should be punished. We need to free our selves from division, dogmas, “gods” or “god” and rigid religious views and rituals, we need to cultivate our minds, and embrace each other with compassion as only humans with a hunger for knowing and develop for a greater good

  • @rachelm9350
    @rachelm9350 4 місяці тому

    This is interesting. I have a degree in East Asian Studies and Chinese studies and yes this is 100% accurate. Many in the West know very little to nothing of Buddhism, its just some pop nonsense. There is much superstition in Buddhism, along with a very violent history (including in Japan) that no one wants to talk about. People just think it is a peaceful meditative study religion, but even now in Japan Buddhism can be a vehicle for justifying violence if needed or desired. The same is true all over Asia. Lots of aspects of Buddhism remind me of Catholicism and indulgences, do good works you will be ok in the afterlife and hopefully not come back as a snail.

  • @angelascharmedlife
    @angelascharmedlife Рік тому +3

    Paganism. Period. Christianity is also paganism. You divide God, give him human qualities of procreation, and pray to Jesus. There's only God. Do not be confused by worshipping his messengers. Pray to God. Worship God. Respect the messengers. It's very simple for those with reason.

    • @NeytozINF
      @NeytozINF Рік тому +1

      what are you talking about?

    • @benrex7775
      @benrex7775 3 місяці тому

      @@NeytozINFShe is probably a Muslim.

  • @joyalways1179
    @joyalways1179 Рік тому +3

    Can you pray for me, the Lord Jesus sent me to a Taoist/Buddhist couple who have a martial arts school. I joined this school and now do tai chi. They know I am a Christian but they reject Jesus. They all need salvation. Thank you 🙏🏼❤️

  • @bright-n2k
    @bright-n2k 11 днів тому

    The higher the plant
    the stronger the wind😂😂
    so xo sad...😂

  • @gregbrogan9061
    @gregbrogan9061 3 місяці тому

    OH MY!!! You really are NOT a Buddhist scholar!

  • @kipstudiopl
    @kipstudiopl Рік тому


  • @KellyKimLAc
    @KellyKimLAc 7 місяців тому +1

    I was a Buddhist. Die hard one. People fail to understand that Satan uses powerful signs and wonders to keep them in bondage. When I was a Buddhist I saw these miracles and had vivid dreams of my "past life ". The Tibetans search for the reincarnation of a high level monk through familiar spirit-given dreams. They find a little boy who recites Buddhist scripture perfectly and can identify the objects of his previous alleged past life. This is why so many intelligent people are in the bondage of Buddhism! I should write a book.

    • @BackToJerusalem
      @BackToJerusalem  7 місяців тому +1

      Would love to hear your story!

    • @benrex7775
      @benrex7775 3 місяці тому

      Yesterday I had a conversation with a teacher of mine. He is Buddhist, or at least Buddhist inspired. And his knowledge is pretty good for a westerner. He has read various original texts in both Christianity and Buddhism.
      He had said one thing that I've heard a few times already from other people. And that is that he had a moment of enlightenment where he was one with the world. He saw everything in that moment and knew in that moment that he and God are the same being.
      As of now I always dealt with that experience from others that the demons can give you fancy illusions, if you are open to them. Can you give me your opinion on that topic. I would rather have a long replay than a short one. But don't feel pressured to reply, if you don't have the time or interest.

    • @miguelatkinson
      @miguelatkinson Місяць тому

      @kellykimLAc O spooky religion I don't understand must be demonic what gave it away that "it came from satan"