Pastor Jason Lim courageously preached against Pastor Kong Hee & Joseph Prince in a worship service

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • For details of this article, read it on my website:
    Pastor Jason Lim courageously preached against Pastor Kong Hee & Joseph Prince in a worship service by Rev George Ong
    Important Note: Pastor Jason Lim, the Senior Pastor of Gospel Light Christian Church had rightly preached against the Prosperity Gospel teachings of Pastor Kong Hee in 2016.
    Since then, thankfully, Pastor Kong Hee had repented of such teachings. But the same cannot be said of Joseph Prince. To this day, Prince has remained defiantly unrepentant.
    0:27 - 5:19 mins
    Pastor Jason Lim spoke against the false Prosperity Gospel doctrine of Joseph Prince, in a sermon at a worship service in 2016: 0:27 - 5:19 mins
    5:25 - 6:00 mins
    In one of Pastor Jason Lim’s concluding statements in the same sermon, he said: 5:25 - 6:00 mins
    Unlike Pastor Kong Hee, Joseph Prince has remained defiantly unrepentant of his heresies.
    In case you aren’t aware, you ought to know that the Bible treats heresies and heretics very seriously.
    Under the Old Covenant, God Commands that all heretics and their cohorts be killed (Deut 13:1-11).
    You may protest, “George, are we to do the same to the false teachers of today? Kill them? You gotta be kidding?”
    I would be mad if I were to teach that, but honestly, is that all you can ask, and is that all you can say?
    Don’t you know that the way God treats the false prophets in the Old Testament is a picture of how we ought to deal with the false teachers today?
    Yes, we must not kill them, but do we work hard at ‘killing’ their false teachings?
    Do we sweat our guts out by refuting their false teachings aggressively and rebuking them sharply, and cutting off our fellowship with them if they are unrepentant?
    Or do we pretend that the problem doesn’t exist at all because we don’t want the inconvenience of getting our hands dirty with controversies?
    In the New Covenant, the Apostle John taught that we are not to even greet false teachers as that would constitute active participation in their evil and wicked work (2 Jn 9-11):
    2 John 9-11 GW
    9 Everyone who doesn’t continue to teach what Christ taught doesn’t have God. The person who continues to teach what Christ taught has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and doesn’t bring these teachings, don’t take him into your home or even greet him. 11 Whoever greets him shares the evil things he’s doing.
    This means that if you greet Joseph Prince, one of the world’s most popular heretics, you are sharing in his wicked or evil work of corrupting people with heretical falsehood and sending them to their eternal ruin.
    There is a true account of a Singapore Bishop who was told to greet Joseph Prince in a common meeting. But that Bishop wouldn’t budge as he refused to do it knowing full well that Joseph Prince is a heretic, and he doesn’t want to share in Joseph Prince’s wicked and evil work by greeting him.
    How do I know? That bishop personally told me.
    What has really gone haywire with the church is that: Those who are acting according to the scriptures by opposing heretics, such as Joseph Prince, are mocked for acting in a harsh and unchristian way, while those who violate the scriptures by embracing him in fellowship are praised for acting in a magnanimous and ‘Christian’ way.
    Heroes who courageously expose and warn the church of false teachers, such as Joseph Prince at great personal risk are ironically being treated as villains for being judgmental, censorious and unloving.
    So, the people who take courage and risk for confronting heretics would end up being hated and accused of being unloving and causing disunity.
    Finally, may many more Pastors, especially from Singapore, arise to speak against the heresies of Joseph Prince such as Rev Yang Tuck Yoong and Pastor Jason Lim had done, so as to save more people from falling into Joseph Prince’s damnable heretical lies.
    For details of this article: “Pastor Jason Lim courageously preached against Pastor Kong Hee & Joseph Prince in a worship service” by Rev George Ong
    Read it on my website:
    10 eBooks comprising 4,800 pages of notes, free for download:
    Rev George Ong’s UA-cam Channel:
    / @revgeorgeong5714


  • @SingaporeLifeChurch
    @SingaporeLifeChurch 11 місяців тому +12

    Thank God for your boldness in preaching the Truth and warning against false teachings. May the Lord continues to anoint and bless your ministry 🙏🏻😇

    • @SingaporeLifeChurch
      @SingaporeLifeChurch 11 місяців тому +2

    • @SingaporeLifeChurch
      @SingaporeLifeChurch 11 місяців тому +2

  • @auntylee555
    @auntylee555 Рік тому +15

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we can't just listen to all Preacher's only. Children of God need to read the whole Bible for ourselves. The Holy Spirit will give us revelation when we seek the truth. Let God be the judge. We have the Holy Spirit, He gives us discernment. What is important is also to save the lost, nowadays the Good news are hardly preached, the Gospel of Grace needs to be heard. We need to hear the Good News in times like this.
    Do you read the Holy Bible and have an intimate relationship with our loving Abba Father? Are you led by the Holy Spirit? Be Jesus-Focus.

    • @trulyso734
      @trulyso734 Рік тому +3

      Agree. But woe is the one through whom a falling away from the truth / purity of the gospel comes, so all pastors need to be careful as they are being listened to for obvious reasons that they are leaders of the flock.
      Unfortunately it isnt just the embrace of new age law of attraction success formula into the fruit of God's salvation that they have got wrong. But guess it's a good starting point that he would hopefully heed and correct. Just my 2cents

  • @robintang7304
    @robintang7304 Рік тому +7

    My friend obediently attend his church, JP preaches things what people loves to listen. I know deep his heart his conscious is harden,success had brought massive joy, richness and power, can't give it up or repend.

    • @tonykiang9052
      @tonykiang9052 Рік тому +2

      In days ahead Lord God wil demand repentance cos the sins have reached Heaven, as days of old..
      Brimstone n fire are the outcomes of rebellion n deep darkness..Be very afraid

  • @nikhwalee4252
    @nikhwalee4252 Рік тому +6

    Matthew 19:23-26 King James Version (KJV)
    Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

    • @jersmith1486
      @jersmith1486 9 місяців тому +4

      25 When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved?
      26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.
      27 Then answered Peter and said unto him, Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee; what shall we have therefore?
      28 And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
      29 And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.
      30 But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.

  • @davidnhc
    @davidnhc Місяць тому +2

    Self fulfilling prophecy. God is not a vending machine which you can choose what you want. Christians should align with God’s will and not the other way around.

  • @jonardcayton1395
    @jonardcayton1395 5 місяців тому +4

    Their teachings are mostly for this earthly life actually

  • @kampongkaporfsc6216
    @kampongkaporfsc6216 3 місяці тому +3

    This is not the case in America where speaking out against false teachings are encouraged. Justin Peters is one example of a pastor who openly speaks up against false preachers in the US

  • @paulbeaudry5791
    @paulbeaudry5791 Рік тому +5

    It's an itching ears preaching. He's not the only controversial Pastor.... many of them out there. Christ said there will be false teachers amongst you! But very few are believing that. God can break chains, he can Save you but you must believe that!

  • @seekeanchew4029
    @seekeanchew4029 Рік тому +14

    Around 2003/04 I was waiting for a pickup at Suntec City Tower 4. Was a Friday night & JP's church was at The Rock. There were queues lining up to go in. While waiting for my pickup, I saw many well dressed guys with mics. 5 mins later, a BMW 7 series rolled up (that's not my pickup btw) and out came this designer clad lady and a suave looking fellow alighting, quickly whisked away by these guys. I overheard them saying, Pastor is here, pastor is here, get ready. The BMW went off maybe to the carpark or stand by. I thought WOW! A pastor can have a 7 series BMW and personal driver, wife/partner decked in designer togs, body guard escorts etc.
    Then I think of my church's pastor. Drives a Japanese sedan, simple and humble.
    These people like JP and the rest will have their day of reckoning. I sincerely support that their practices be brought out to the front.

  • @theblack1971
    @theblack1971 21 день тому +4

    Powerful rebuke from this Pastor in times such as this, where most pastors are selling the gospel for a price, as Apostle Paul said, peddling the word of God for a profit.
    The gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation and we have very few pastors such as this wonderful pastor who dared to swim against the tide. May the Lord bless this pastor and how blessed is the congregation to have a shepherd such as this man of God. May the Lord bless Him and His family in every way.

  • @runtoget7523
    @runtoget7523 19 днів тому +4

    We were attending City Harvest and this is exactly why we came out. We thought Tamil Churches will be different. But we realised most Churches, preach the same feel-good Prosperity Preaching, "Come to Christ and all your problems will be gone", in varying degrees. Absolutely no intent shown to bring people to repentance/correction. Praise God for this video. God shows how he preserves his remnants.. Otherwise we were thinking there are no bold leaders in Singapore. people like Paul Washer, Justin Peters, John Mcarthur , etc who would preach the truth, even if it is uncomfortable for people.

  • @WenchiChen-w8m
    @WenchiChen-w8m 16 днів тому +2

    Responding to: I get it, Joseph Prince’s message sounds so good, but is it really what the Bible teaches? Think about it-"effortless success," "victory over every sickness," and "reigning in life" for EVERYONE who follows Jesus? This sounds more like a prosperity gospel trap than the true Gospel of Christ. Where’s the reality of suffering, trials, and the call to take up your cross that Jesus Himself spoke about?
    If this was all true, why aren’t all his followers living in perfect health and unlimited wealth? Why do people in his own church still struggle, get sick, and face loss? It’s dangerous to sell half-truths wrapped in feel-good promises that ignore the true depth of discipleship and sacrifice that Jesus called us to.
    The reality is that following Jesus isn’t about chasing after wealth and success, it’s about faith, trust, and sometimes enduring suffering for His sake. Is it time we start calling out this prosperity gospel lie for what it is? 🧐👇
    LIKE if you think it’s time to hold preachers accountable, COMMENT with your thoughts, and SHARE to get this discussion going!

  • @psalm3745
    @psalm3745 Рік тому +7

    Pray and believe in God to judge heretic Joseph Prince and all cohorts the same way as Ananias and his wife Sapphira was judged in Acts chapter 5 for theirs unrepented sins in openly lied to the Holy Spirit so that the entire body of Jesus Christ could be warned to be awaked in the fear of the LORD to renounce and stay away from heresy teachings.

  • @Hrhyrdgikf
    @Hrhyrdgikf 10 місяців тому +8

    Justin Peters had once said all unbeliever HATE God.
    Joseph prince is not a Christian & does not deserve to b a pastor. He preaches another gospel. May he repent & turn to God for his salvation.

  • @zutzut1659
    @zutzut1659 Місяць тому +5

    I have been wondering what's wrong with most of the pastors here who dare not preach against KH and JP's false teaching! Thank you for the courage to unfold the truth. I stumbled when I visited many different churches in sg but all seems preaching in the same tune. Finally I get to hear this and regain my faith to know there are still real pastors and real churches in sg!

  • @jesusiloveyou9337
    @jesusiloveyou9337 11 місяців тому +8

    Read bible by ourselves and ask God for understanding. So many pastors is falling😢

  • @NorinaRozila
    @NorinaRozila 6 місяців тому +5

    😂 LMAO. If people wanted to be rich, don't go hear prosperity gospel talking about finances. Tolonglah 😂.. There's like property/insurance/ trading seminars.

  • @cheeboonlim2192
    @cheeboonlim2192 Рік тому +6

    Didn’t Jesus said you will have troubles in this life . Prosperity Theology goes counter to the tenets of biblical truth , In every NT books . It’s pagan idolatry throw in with the grand prize of eternity . Many will like such theology

  • @geokhee3665
    @geokhee3665 Рік тому +10

    Good job PastorJason

  • @kitty2527
    @kitty2527 Рік тому +6

    We need to stand up for what is wrong. Thank you for your courage cos most ppl would prefer to sweep it under the carpet, when we do that, we are not protecting the gospel, we are allowing The Towel of Babel to not only exist but expand leading more ppl to hell.

  • @Amy-we4ij
    @Amy-we4ij Рік тому +8

    A sister of mine is also a follower of JP, she always sent me his sermons and she adores him so much due to his prophetic sermons and this sister claims herself as one of the chosen prophets of the end time. She go round different churches to seek recognition from the pastors but many times she was turned down by the pastors which made her mad and angry with the pastors and church leaders.

    • @matreen427
      @matreen427 4 місяці тому

      it’s such a sad thing that the fruit of his ministries is to decieve people to be prideful

  • @AyakaShota
    @AyakaShota Рік тому +8

    Is very sad. Alot of the people around me likes JP's preaching and there seems to be no way turning them back.

    • @kevinjanghj
      @kevinjanghj Рік тому +4

      I stopped trying. They need to learn from their own errors.

    • @mattcheah69
      @mattcheah69 7 місяців тому +1


  • @JHxianjin411
    @JHxianjin411 Рік тому +13

    Praise God for you Pastor Jason Lim. In this great apostasy time, we need more pastors and church leaders who are daring enough to stand up to speak publicly against the false teachers and contend for the Truth to wake up those church goers who are slumber!!!! We need to be careful and always be reminded that the days are evil!!!

  • @markmk44
    @markmk44 Рік тому +4

    Joseph Prince have been peddling the gospel for many years.. I say “peddle” because he used to have snippets of his sermons and it cut off after 10-15 min and ask the viewer to pay to listen to the whole sermon… such is the peddling and selling of God’s words…. This is even before his preaching got so twisted with half truths and concealed lies… I am now - more than ever convinced that this is done deliberately to sell the preaching … and we definitely know the Holy Spirit does not do this and if he does this, he does not have the Spirit of our God.
    We should pray for his deliverance.

  • @rustynut1967
    @rustynut1967 Рік тому +15

    2 Timothy 4:3-4 ESV
    For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

  • @markmk44
    @markmk44 Рік тому +38

    Thank you for this.. I always feel that Prince uses a lot of half truths which borders on lies and deception. It is scary because in my knowledge only Satan is capable of using half truths just as in the garden of Eden where Satan perfected the half truth. So we should discern what type of spirit Prince has …. and our Jesus also says look at the fruits of the person in order to discern the false teachers…

    • @trulyso734
      @trulyso734 Рік тому +2

      Fyi, as a more general comment.. there is now too many ecumenist teachers from fellowships with the vatican, which brings on the spiritual confusion essentially Im afraid.
      So take care.
      Heresies preceding the great apostasy even of traditionally protestant/reformed churches, breaking out left right and centre.
      To worship a "Mother Grace" now? (idk what/who that is referencing exactly) rather than about reigning solely due to the Kingdom of God within the heart of our lives through the triune omni Christ alone. We dont worship a gender sensitive or non-genderized deity in Christ.!
      The Christian's God is NOT "father and mother". Nobody should put words into His mouth. The unadulterated Holy Bible remains the ever relevant standard compass and final authority in any true believer's / pastoral teacher's life.
      We receive with gladness and preach/share the Word of God (not a substitute) Period. So may all glory go back to Him.
      Said as a female beloved of the Father in Christ Jesus. The Father and Son are one in Spirit. We are to reign spiritually against all the powers of darkness, but that does Not necessarily equate material riches and never a sickness. Job was tested not due to sin or lack of faith, and he was well loved from above, and had a deep close fellowship with his/our eternal God. So yes even without having read that book, I can agree it is most likely only gonna contain half truths again. Catchy title i must say, love the sound of reigning with Christ our champion victor, but if it's just another hollow shallow success guide for fame and mammon gains with God just a side accessory, I'll pass..

  • @pearly4697
    @pearly4697 Рік тому +4

    The day when saw one of JP clip, he boasted that a couple came up to him n was in awe with him regarding his sermon. N u know what he said that he does not know this couple n out of the blue they approached him. He made them sound like aliens with the tune like twilight zone. I should said he was very rude thinking too highly of himself. Did not Jesus said we have to be humble n show humility. He lacks that to compare how Paul the apostle guide those in the correct ways when he set up the church. Can never find one like Paul. Not judging. Is just when we read the Bible, the instructions is there for us to take note n not be falling into wrong doctrines. Understood people made mistakes, still it is very important to discern what is right n wrong. N for trying to warn our sisters in the church to be careful n make her own judgement. I got scolded for sharing n calling me a busybody watching videos on pastors preaching thru utube. Very hurt. Never again will share anymore n avoided her.

  • @peterluo1776
    @peterluo1776 Рік тому +4

    excellent points raised by Pastor Lim.
    I don't follow Joseph due to similar reason.
    We need to preach according to the scripture - within context and principles.

  • @unbiasyoutuber7117
    @unbiasyoutuber7117 Рік тому +22

    I am so embarrassed. I was with NCC due to laziness to read the bible and I was lead astray by Joseph for 2 years. Fortunately my bible foundation is still withstanding falsehood and mercy of God, Holy spirit keep alerting me somethinv is off. I left the church and now was with a scripturesl base church.
    Bible warnings of false teachers is so real !!😢 😢😢

    • @revgeorgeong5714
      @revgeorgeong5714  Рік тому +1

      I wish to get in touch with you. Can you contact me at Thanks

    • @JeniferMorris789
      @JeniferMorris789 Рік тому +1

      My in-laws are deep into his teachings and church. My husband deals with chronic health issues and it has been so painful to listen to them spew lies. I am constantly fighting for the one true gospel, but I’m having a hard time making an impact.

    • @kitty2527
      @kitty2527 Рік тому +1

      Amen to you. Knowing the bible is very important. Pick up pieces here and there and then make up stories or form their own version.

    • @karenchan1663
      @karenchan1663 Рік тому +2

      Prise God for your obedience! You shall b blessed!

  • @c.greystone9825
    @c.greystone9825 Рік тому +11

    Yes if Prince’s doctrine is true, then there will not be any sick and poor amongst all his followers in New Creation Church and other countries. Then Prince and his followers will say that those who are sick and poor are those who failed to grasp the secrets to reigning in life as taught by the Singaporean Chinese Indian Joseph Prince.

  • @senghupcheng1938
    @senghupcheng1938 Рік тому +5

    Reminds me of snake oil seller.

  • @Lucas-ix8bg
    @Lucas-ix8bg Рік тому +4

    Rom 5:17 For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.
    The scripture says that we should reign in life in Christ just as much as we were slaves to sin in the first Adam. For all the promises of God are "yes" in Christ. Does that mean by default every born again Christian will succeed in life ? No. Only those who walk by faith and not by sight. Only those who have allowed themselves to be disciplined by the Father and whose faith have been refined by fire.

    • @epiphanytimes7719
      @epiphanytimes7719 Рік тому +5

      Well according to your logic, Jesus and all the apostles were great failures because they didn't succeed in life according to the worlds standard. The Jews were expecting a king yet a poor man, riding on a donkey showed up. You and so many of these prosperity Christians are so blind. It's always your fault because you have little faith. I know so many poor Christians throughout the world with more faith than most Christians and they will never have riches. Blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Repent and read the bible in context before its too late. First time I've ever heard this pastor speak but he is 100% correct. I wish we had more Christians like this with guts to tell the truth.

    • @benwinnerkam6717
      @benwinnerkam6717 2 місяці тому

      First of all, Define success properly, according to the Word
      Then define prosperity.
      Prosperity means increase.. not necessarily materialism, but should include it not exclude it.
      The trouble is the colour of the the spectacles we wear. We see everything red when the frame is red. Those who wear a different colour will never agree with you.

  • @naglish81
    @naglish81 4 місяці тому +4

    Good job pastor!! Preach!

  • @sramdeojohn4428
    @sramdeojohn4428 Рік тому +6

    Beware of the leaven... 🙏

  • @hannahyong2237
    @hannahyong2237 8 місяців тому +6

    We met JP in one of shopping mall in kl...bck home, my husband so excited & sent an email to his church said that we saw him. And JP replied to him & give him prophecy, both of them keep sending emails to each other regarding the prophecy he gave to my husband. Guess what.... He said if God really touch you.. Give your offering to Him, then gave my husband bank account number... Luckily my husband is very kia su.. 😂He quickly stop replying his email. 😅

  • @kevinjanghj
    @kevinjanghj Рік тому +9

    Kong Hee seems to have become relatively tamed down in terms of the prosperity gospel he used to preach after his jail term. Hopefully, this was the means by which God really disciplined him so that he would stop by now in the middle of a post-pandemic world.

  • @jonardcayton1395
    @jonardcayton1395 4 місяці тому +2

    That's why it is important to know fully the true meaning of God's full Grace ,the Lord Jesus to be able to apply the truth regarding His blessings .Yes, God can prosper us,heal us and protect us but if you teach the wrong way of Salvation your grasp on other things will be different and out of context sometimes go extremes

  • @jonardcayton1395
    @jonardcayton1395 5 місяців тому +2

    Thats why hyper teachings cause confusion to some believers later

  • @ryancarver585
    @ryancarver585 Рік тому +5

    Spot on

  • @MikaSwee
    @MikaSwee Рік тому +28

    May God convict JP to repent and not deceive his congregation. Praying for this daily that those who seek God will find God. I know of his church people who left when the truth was revealed. Glory To God to those who seek after Him

  • @kayqq361
    @kayqq361 Рік тому +10

    JP way is very destructive. Literally leading people down a dark path. Thank you for your courage in exposing the spirit of leviathan in Joseph Prince

  • @nikhwalee4252
    @nikhwalee4252 Рік тому +7

    What defiles a person
    Matthew 15:
    10 And he called the people to him and said to them, “Hear and understand: 11 it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.”

  • @andrewglh
    @andrewglh Рік тому +7

    Thanks for sharing and explaining the biblical truth, God bless you and your family 🙏📖⛪🌈

  • @noelgarbellotto7400
    @noelgarbellotto7400 Рік тому +6

    You cannot serve two masters, you will love one and hate the other scripture tells us. So are you building the kingdom of God by prayer, worship , intercession and repentance daily in humility. The modern day Church will go through hardships, trials and tribulations to refine the carnality of it,s leadership. For we are in much need of a reformation of CHARITY and LOVE first to a broken world with the Gospel of Salvation by the Holy Spirit not by a prosperity Gospel of greed and idolatry. For God will turn over the money changes tables in his temple once again. Being blessed to be a blessing to others is the way of the kingdom as good stewards of abundant resources given to the givers is our duty before God.

  • @GatherFaithMinistries
    @GatherFaithMinistries Рік тому +8

    Keep up the good work.. I am trying my best to save these people

  • @Little_Shepherd777
    @Little_Shepherd777 Рік тому +4

    This is what every God - fearing, scriptures - believing preacher/pastor should be doing lest more false teachers delude more undiscerning people into hell by introducing them to a totally different god (god of fortune for instance😂).

  • @beulahrani3626
    @beulahrani3626 Рік тому +3

    Praise the lord 🙏🏼

  • @samwang1115
    @samwang1115 Рік тому +5

    Thank you for calling out JP. prosperity teaching model after USA pastor's format for max money in name of jesus

  • @peter-ne7kj
    @peter-ne7kj Рік тому +6

    Revelation 20:10
    And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

  • @ahsl
    @ahsl Рік тому +6

    Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

  • @gannanettan7133
    @gannanettan7133 Рік тому +5

    Destined to reign is your bible? Suggest you read the bible together with Holy Spirit.

  • @NanzKomo
    @NanzKomo Рік тому +7

    Love Pst Jason !!!

  • @admaiusbonum977
    @admaiusbonum977 Місяць тому +3

    Joseph prince sermons are mindblowing. It's like reading the gospel upside down

  • @spanishjo4282
    @spanishjo4282 Місяць тому

    I award you the best speaker of the year 2024!

  • @kingofthemultiverse4148
    @kingofthemultiverse4148 Рік тому +13

    I realise that Prince teaches truth mixed with error.

    • @kitty2527
      @kitty2527 Рік тому +2

      Just like ther serpert who told half truth to Eve, you will be like God and surely you will not die!!!!! Satan is the author of confusion. When I see Prince on UA-cam, I just shake my head but ppl who dun seek the truth only wants to hear what they want to hear. May God have mercy on all of us.

    • @markmk44
      @markmk44 Рік тому +1

      And we do not know if this is deliberate or preach in ignorance. What we do know is that it is not from the Holy Spirit which do not confuse. God bless.

    • @Little_Shepherd777
      @Little_Shepherd777 9 місяців тому +1

      Half truth mixes with lies is the best way to mislead & convince those who are not grounded in the Word, to their detriment.

  • @SantoshKumar-gg2sq
    @SantoshKumar-gg2sq Рік тому +5

    absolutely true, agreed 100%

  • @spanishjo4282
    @spanishjo4282 Рік тому +6

    I agreed and fully agreed your righteousness and truthfulness as a pastor! Amen. God blessed son.

  • @davidclarke5198
    @davidclarke5198 6 місяців тому +5

    Joseph Prince is a prosperity gospel preacher. He has left Jesus behind long ago.

  • @joedaw3003
    @joedaw3003 Рік тому +7

    Slippery slope and straw man arguments aplenty against the Word of God in this video.

  • @berniegatchalian2630
    @berniegatchalian2630 3 місяці тому +4

    Amen. If you are looking a good church in Singapore, check out Pastor Jason Lim’s church, Gospel Light Christian Church. Biblically grounded and discipleship focused church.

  • @trulyso734
    @trulyso734 Рік тому +3

    Intresting my comment got deleted.
    The soundtrack sounds familiar. What is it?
    On the topic of false teachings, i agree JP like many others are mixing truth and error. Just carry on teach the Whole Bible in contrast. Many examples in there to remove all inflicted confusion.
    It tells us we can reign now with Christ in our hearts spiritually speaking, but know our faith may get tested or we go through setbacks (even being framed by others), as Job and Joseph of old were respectively. Or we could be persecuted as ministers actively doing as God commands the way His apostles had been.

  • @samwang1115
    @samwang1115 Рік тому +3

    Support for your courage to speak out on his 2 prosperity preacher ...... Jail bird seems to be humble now.....

  • @CrosbyStill
    @CrosbyStill Рік тому +7

    I have a fren who decided to "migrate" to his church bcos she felt his message is easy to listen to n understand...I guess she fell for his sweet talk...

    • @ip3vk
      @ip3vk Рік тому +3

      Not only fell for his sweet talk but his 'handsome' botoxed face.

    • @kitty2527
      @kitty2527 Рік тому +1

      She wants to listen what she wants to listen cos we need to face our sins for the bible is a mirror that show us who we are. Pray for her to wake up. Pray for mercy for everybody cos we need it.

  • @spanishjo4282
    @spanishjo4282 Рік тому +7

    Pastor Jason Lim is a marvelous charismatic goddess SPEAKER! I loved his preaching and righteousness as a pastor! Amen. God blessed son.

  • @Wang-z5f
    @Wang-z5f 5 місяців тому +7

    JP preach to what human like to hear 😂 no wonder he is so famous