US: Behind every blade of grass... Switzerland: Naturally fortified Russia: It's about to get VERY cold. UK: Stiff upper lip. Afghanistan: The Graveyard of Empires. All of these lands have several advantages. From insane topography to a crap load of munitions. The US alone has like what? 6 different biomes in it's borders?
Afghans advantage is its overall climate and mountainous terrain, which can be invaded but not held for long, even then there isn’t much worth it there anyways.
The Iron Chancellor Bismarck himself said it best about America: “The Americans are a very lucky people. They’re bordered to the north and south by weak neighbors and to the east and west by fish.”
Canada may be considered weak but it's also one of the largest and most difficult terrain in the world with only one or possibly two major highways going across the country that are easily disabled. It would be almost impossible too try to take Canada for means of attacking the US. Also canadians records in war tend too terrify most adversaries they have alot of hunters and hold the record for the longest sniper kill.
@@Breakerr yeah the Germans in ww1 had quite the gripe with Canadians committing actions that these days would be considered Geneva Convention violations
@@simplesimon8255 First of all, that dog looks tan af, second of all, it has a more rounded snout and floppy ears, not pointy ears, and THIRD of all, zoom in on it to see the features yourself.
How this video described Alaska, it could've been Finland, or Sweden or Norway. Except Finland doesn't have proper mountains, and I'm not sure how big Norwegian forests are.
Back when I was in Alaska, it could get so cold regardless of what you Wear. I could only be outside for less than 10 minutes or risk losing some fingers.
@@AanaartuNorwegian forests are vast but the sheer size of Alaska makes it’s forests much bigger. The population density in Alaska is also a fraction of Norway so there will naturally be more.
@@flyer3455guns didn’t need a serial code on them before 1986 I believe, we’ve had 400million guns made since then so who knows how many 100millions are out there with no way to tell who’s they are
@@flyer3455 in Commiefornia, anytime we purchase, we gotta go through a whole registration process when we buy and like 15 pages of paperwork. Probably easier in every other state except NY. But the point remains, there's probably wayyy more unregistered and not kept track of firearms than tracked, which is the way it should be, imo.
I got a few unregistered firearms. There is no federal or state registration but ffl dealers are supposed to keep records in the event police need to see who 1 was sold to. So they probably talking about how many been sold through ffls. 80kits aren't being counted
Most of them will be amongst the red states. Look at a voting map to see who will fight and who will fold. In any case I don’t think anyone would mind if Cali gets invaded untill they push to the border of Arizona.
The Admiral of the Japanese Navy (I believe his last name was Yamomoto) said back during WW2 that it would be near impossible to invade America saying: "Theres a rifle behind every blade of grass."
@@BrowncoatGofAZ its true. he was an officer that lived and trained in the US, rode his motorcycle from coast to coast and got to see how huge vast and diverse the US was. He knew we were a sleeping giant, he told his chain of command. They didnt listen
@@joebaxi01Are you referring to China and the fact that they mount a semi automatic rifle to a row boat and call it a "navy vessel" false inflated numbers that they release?? Don't be so gullible
@@joebaxi01Jesus Christ Yes in terms of numbers it’s china But in terms of tonnage it’s America no doute china has around 800k tons and America has 3.4 million
The thing about invading the mainland US is this: Not only is our road system DESIGNED with rapid mass military deployment to ANY godforsaken corner of our continent in mind. But there are about 333,000,000 people in the US. Possibly above 400,000,000. And about 32% of our country... AT LEAST... is a registered or unregistered firearm owner. This means that there are 106 MILLION PLUS armed people in our country. If even TEN PERCENT of that chose to resist the invasion as militia because only that many were more than just bluster. That would be 10,000,000 militia members. Ten. Million. TEN MILLION. IF JUST 3.2 PERCENT OF THE US CITIZENRY FOUGHT BACK, the invader would be facing down FIVE TIMES THE NUMBER OF THE STANDING ARMY OF CHINA. In just CIVILIAN MILITIA ALONE... That is not even LOOKING at the military forces and equipment that would soon be deploying alongside them. 3.2 percent of the US CITIZENRY resisting results in an opposing force TEN MILLION STRONG. All with access to a road network allowing said numbers to move easily from one side of the country to another IN LESS THAN A WEEK. Invading the US is a terrible idea for THESE REASONS ALONE.
Unless the threat is from within. And provides for the invading force by flying and busing them to small towns all over the us Hopefully that's not happening but lots of signs point to it is
@daveb3910 Yes, the extreme alarmist anti-immigrational take. Which ignores, of course, the simple fact that immigration both legal and illegal has been happening continuously on a similar level for our entire nation's history and, of course, on average immigrants are even more supportive and protective of the US than natural-born citizens are. Because natural-borns were just born here. Immigrants CHOSE the US.
@@GuukanKitsune Maybe in the past but you are seeing a huge increase in the last 15 years of anti American sentiment, defacing of historical pieces, Flag burning, etc. Even worse then after the Vietnam war. It has now become the "cool" thing to hate America and be a victim of it's "oppression". You see this type of rhetoric mainly on the left, which based on voting statistics, immigrants especially those from third world countries align with. If we went to war with Mexico who do you think the illegal/legal Mexican immigrants would side with? I would bet my house that a majority would align with Mexico.
@@GuukanKitsune Immigrants don't necessarily "choose the US" culturally or ideologically speaking, many are just here for money and will gladly sell the country out. This isn't a hypothetical either, it's a reality in pretty much every western country.
I honestly love how much the animation and art style has improved over the years. I can only imagine how great a remake of some of your old videos with updated information would be.
@@ThatHigh1r u Wild we have the guy who had the most ints last year and we had Patrick queen and have Roquan Smith and one of the best safety in the league plus Amazing cbs!
Switzerland was known for having good shooters. When a german general asked: 'Say, what would you do if we invade your 100'000 strong army with simply 200'000 soldiers?' To which a swiss high ranking said: 'well, we all shoot twice and go home' I hope its needless to say its a joke ;-)
One thing that people should realize about the US military is it's more of a logistics organization that dabbles in war fighting. Since WWII we know logistics better than anyone else. While the Germans and Japanese were worried about getting ANY food to their troops, we were worried about how to keep our ice cream cold longer.
More recently, in Iraq, some of our bases had Burger King. We literally took land in a country halfway across the planet and brought our fast food along with us.
Imagine a soldier surviving a failed attack in the Appalachia "There were people rising from the dirt and a guy wearing a deer head rushed one of us with a spoon"
It's happened a few times, including a bridge built IN THE EARLY 2000'S! The German contactor asked "Why, after nearly 60 years of peace don't you trust us?" The Swiss guys just said "The fact you're counting how many years you've been at peace is why we don't trust you". Burn!
Not to mention the US explicitly build the highway system to make it easier to move tanks across the country in the event of an invasion. Switzerland being so hard to invade over the centuries is especially impressive since it borders so many countries that were at war with each other.
@@janet6421History has told us Unless you can take Russia in a year, and start in January You're revolution/invasion will be squashed without the support of the local people.
Russia's Siberian territory is bigger than Canada is in total land mass by 3-4 million square kilometers. This doesn't count the European section of Russia which has the same land mass as half of Brazil
Meanwhile Brazil: surrounded by way weaker countryes, and any non south american army would need do trespass the whole amazon forest to be able to invade.
@@ralphvelthuis2359that why we won 2 world wars, made it to the moon, AND built motor vehicles???? Stop me when someone else has done anything note worthy
Correction on US gun count. We have over 400,000,000 new gun sales since we started counting and doing background checks in 1996. We have no clue on how many guns were made and sold prior to 96. Serial numbers on domestic rifles and shotgun were not required until 1986. Based on gun manufacturer profit records divided by average cost of their weapons at the time estimates exceed 1 Billion. Then there are home made guns, a surprisingly popular hobby, there is no way to estimate the number of these weapons. We do know that many gun buyback programs go broke quickly after boxes of $15 home made guns are turned in for $300 Walmart gift cards, which then presumably are used to hit up hardware isles and make more guns as well as getting some groceries and ammo. A beautiful example of American cobra farming. Also 2/3s of Republicans admit to surveyors that they own at least one gun. All told the US civilian population owns more guns than the combined militaries and police of the earth. Yet has only a 0.003% higher homicide rate (3 per 100,000) compared to the UK.
@@George83_Thomas and we need more. 2/3 of conservative households admit to owning at least one gun. Many of us have basically family armories. It shouldn’t be surprising to those familiar with rural life. My town for example has no police except the odd statey rolling through our mostly desolate highway and a county Sheriff office that seldom has more than three deputies on duty (and one is on the radio) covering about a thousand square miles. If you call 911 you can expect 45 minutes to an hour response time. If someone meaning harm pulls off the highway or if a bear, moose, cougar of wolf pack is threatening us or livestock we are on our own and since the days of the pioneer and lone fur trapper we have preferred this self sufficient life style and been armed to the teeth with every kind of weapon available to meet any threat. When you drive through a small rural town you see people watching your unfamiliar car because we all watch out for ourselves and each other. The result is some of the safest areas on the map. My town for example has had two homicides in the last 120 years, both killers were stopped with armed townsfolk. One of these was a early 1900’s fight over a woman that was ended with a .45 bullet from the woman’s brother, the other was about five years ago when a crazy drug addled out of towner veered off the road into a random home and attacked the homeowner which was stopped by the homeowners wife with a “bear gun.” This armament makes small towns safe, quiet, and very polite.
Another problem with invading the US would be the time required to collect the men, material and supplies needed for such an invasion. Landing craft, transport ships and planes, men, armored vehicles, ammunition, food, water, etc are all necessary on Day 1. Anyone stockpiling such items, especially landing craft, would certainly be suspect. Unless we piss off Canada or Mexico.
You forget about our "friends" in Cuba. That would be the launching point with resupplies coming from Venezuela (and surrounding areas). There is a reason America purposefully keeps that area in Central America unstable.
@@JacobWillits Japan did send thousands of explosive balloons to the US during WW2, only single-digit number of people died. And for drone swarm, if that is actually a viable strategy, Russia would easily conquered Ukraine and China would've conquered Taiwan for now. Small drones have poor range, so you have to be able to deploy them relatively close to the frontline anyway. Plus, you literally could be spending tens of millions of an equivalent of 155 mm round a month, which is too heavy for cheap commercial drones to carry, and your chance at conquering a medium-sized country by the end of the year would still be unlikely. And no countries can produce an equivalent of 155 mm shell fast enough to sustain spending a few hundred thousands rounds a month, let alone tens of millions.
Something Abraham Lincoln said, "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we lose our freedoms it will be because we have destroyed ourselves from within."
Yeah I live in a super liberal city, people get surprised when they realize that a lot of people here own firearms. I own over 30 different rifles, shotguns, and handguns and have probably close to 20,000 rounds of ammo in my closet.
When people think of a state with a lot of guns everyone thinks Texas, I live in Kentucky we have no permit laws here plus the only thing you need to own full auto gun is to pay the federal tax to get one. It only took me 2 hours to purchase my first gun and my second only took 5 minutes.
I have a lot of international warfare experience. According to the board for Risk, the Australia-New Zealand-Indonesia region is the hardest to invade. Also the easiest to lock up and get the region troop recruiting bonus for.
@@lancetheking7524because they are islands with massive distances to cross before you reach them. Australia also has next to no resources from the northern approach so supply lines are insanely stretched
@@MrThePsychologist Eh Vietnam had no army to defend against that invasion, it wasn't until 1944. when Viet Minh was created that Japanese started to bite way more than they could chew.
@@FijyFilmsI don't know anyone with a registered firearm. And everyone I know has firearms. There's no firearm registration system in my state that I know of.
@@FijyFilms I don't know anyone with a registered firearm. And everyone I know except for felons has several firearms. I don't even know how to registered any of my firearms. It's just not a thing in my state
@@BenWilson-cp6ld if you bought modern guns from a gun store there is a number engraved on the firearm and that number is connected to you based on the purchase date... if you were to privately sell a firearm to someone else and they were to use it in a crime, it would come back to you. Just a warning. If all of your firearms were purchased via private sales then you are likely correct that there is no connection between you and the firearm. In fairness it isnt so much a registry as it is a purchase record that is maintained by the State.
The other thing of Britain is of course the highlands of Scotland will be difficult to traverse and along with the many canals that are in Britain choke points along bridges will become inevitable. Combine that with the maize of hedges and muddy lanes will make Britain hard to conquer even after crossing the channel which will have to be done in favorable sea conditions.
But an invasion to Britain would not need to cross these - the vast population of Scotland are in their cities, and Scotland is a small population compared to the the rest of the UK combined.
Except the mountains and being able to buy their service rifle, that sounded pretty much like Finland. We even employ the same way of having bunkers in every new building of a certain size 😂
Impassable desert and the Rio Grande to the south, allied Canada to the north, the impenetrable Rocky Mountains in the west, and the eastern shield of Appalachia defending the heartland, with both coasts guarded by the most powerful navy the world has ever seen. It’d genuinely take every military on the planet to try and even land on one of America’s coasts
@@thiccchungo1041 and to the south is mexico. As funny as it is to say, you think the cartels and such would allow free passage to an invasion force to come to the south of the US? They would never risk losing the rich corporate people that pay for the cocaine they bring up. Whatever the invasion force is, would have to deal with that first before even thinking about making it to the US.
@@thiccchungo1041 even the Great Plains poses a risk to an invading army. Even though an invading army would be able to spread out across it, the problem is that the land is far in land that they are dead center wide open, and would be seen hundreds of miles away.
The thumbnail kinda sums it up, while the "a rifle behind every blade of grass" quote likely wasn't actually said by admiral Yamamoto, the sentiment behind it is still very much true.
He forgot to mention that of equal importance with the two oceans and an armed citizenry is our interstate highway system. The original name of the system was the Dwight D. Eisenhower System of Interstate and Defense Highways. The primary purpose of our highways is not civilian transportation and commerce. It was built to move armies. The system is meant both to repel invasion and to put down rebellion.
There's a common misinformation about admiral Isoroku Yamamoto saying the US is impossible to invade is because "A rifle behind every blade of grass." While Isoroku known full well that the US isn't possible to invade and even suggested to the higher-ups that they shouldn't do it, there's no evidence he said this quote. Alongside with the popular "I fear that I may have awaken a sleeping giant." Which is from a movie. The closest thing he ever said was "I shall run wild for 6 months to a year, victory after victory. After that, I have no expectation of success."
@@mynamesjeff.f Taiwan had virtually no military on the island when Japan invaded. The Taiwan Strait has some of the roughest waters in the world which means Qing Dynasty China had a lot of trouble sending its wooden navy boats across to Taiwan
Strange that one of the reasons for not being able to invade Afghanistan wasn't mentioned: U.S. armed the "rebels" to fight the Soviets- then were attacked by those same "rebels" when US decided to invade. That's got to be one of the top 5 stupidest military decisions of all time.
Yeaaaaaa that wasnt really the USs fault 100% but yea there was a whoops there for sure. Maybe someone should have ran a background check on the Tallyban
No, the US arming the rebels to fight to Soviets was a good decision because it help lead to the collapse of the USSR, the rebels the US armed werent the ones that they fought when they invaded afghanistan
We don’t just invade we occupied basically the whole country for twenty years we simply left because it was to expensive and the us population didn’t want us to be there anymore
Honorable mention about Alaska. If anyone can recall. The Aleutian Islands had some taken over by the Japanese in World War 2. Also dring World War 2, they also conquered Guam and the Philippines before they became an independent country (the Philippines). So, in general. Yes, the United States of America is a difficult country to invade, but they don't teach your everyday person in our country about this.
2:00 I'm Alaskan Winter is end October to beginning may Spring beginning may to beginning June Summer is beginning june to end October (this is for the interior) In spring it starts slushy ends muddy and 30⁰f (0⁰c) In summer it can get up to 110⁰f Fall is very short but it is 50⁰f Winter is -30⁰f with up to 2-3 ft of snow Down in the Aleutian Islands could be a blank of snow for a week then no snow Edit No population centers Anchorage Alaska has a population of 280,000 in an area of 2,000mi² For comparison LA is 500mi²
I don’t think people realize how overpowered the US really is. Texas alone could take down most nations alone quite easily. Most people in Texas own guns and a good portion practice quite frequently. So good luck to anyone who tried to invade the US
As a Texan who has to deal with extreme storms and tornadoes every spring and brutal, potentially deadly heat every summer not to mention the hurricanes that can stampede through during both seasons... I can confirm that we are stubborn enough to fight mother nature herself. That scene of an American firing a hail of bullets at a tornado is accurate. The planet itself tries to kill us. An invading army would be about as intimidating as a yappy chihuahua in comparison.
You know if Texas was ever attacked by an invading army, there'd be Okies coming down from Oklahoma. And probably Arkansans, too. Why should y'all have all the fun.
bet it would've been amazing seeing Hannibal cross the Alps with that giant force. dude was a genius and doesn't get enough credit, one of the brightest generals to ever live
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Where is Canada
Like video
@@AdrianShepard2000or Isreal.
you should have included australia
US: Behind every blade of grass...
Switzerland: Naturally fortified
Russia: It's about to get VERY cold.
UK: Stiff upper lip.
Afghanistan: The Graveyard of Empires.
All of these lands have several advantages. From insane topography to a crap load of munitions. The US alone has like what? 6 different biomes in it's borders?
Afghans advantage is its overall climate and mountainous terrain, which can be invaded but not held for long, even then there isn’t much worth it there anyways.
@JustADiamondBlock indeed. I don't belive there has ever been a national super power in history that could ever hold that place.
@@alnu8355 yea nor is there any strategic advantage
US has the case of the Minecraft biome syndrome.
i beleive that the only major biome that eh USA doesn't have is tropical rainforest, with the argument that hawaii might count for that
The Iron Chancellor Bismarck himself said it best about America: “The Americans are a very lucky people. They’re bordered to the north and south by weak neighbors and to the east and west by fish.”
Canada may be considered weak but it's also one of the largest and most difficult terrain in the world with only one or possibly two major highways going across the country that are easily disabled. It would be almost impossible too try to take Canada for means of attacking the US. Also canadians records in war tend too terrify most adversaries they have alot of hunters and hold the record for the longest sniper kill.
Those fish are pretty strong neighbors.
fish nation 🐟🐟🐡🐡🐠🐠
@@Breakerralso commit the most war crimes
@@Breakerr yeah the Germans in ww1 had quite the gripe with Canadians committing actions that these days would be considered Geneva Convention violations
You say invasion, we say "opportunities to acquire automatic weapons and explosive devices that ATF won't know about".
As an american can confirm the majority of us gun owners are literally waiting for the day we get invaded for the spoils of war
atf is working hard to make the usa easily invadeable and the population oppressable
True lmao
Always remember, the GC is a wishlist.
The frigging golden retriever bringing back the M1 Garand while the kids play at shooting each other is EXACTLY what I picture 1960s US
In the 1960s I had my toy M-14. Battery operated noisemaker. My dad was in the Army when M-14s were issue.
It’s a German shepherd
@@simplesimon8255No, no it’s not. German Shepard aren’t usually that bleached, that is a golden retriever.
@@Leethaltimee3:25 how is that bleached? It’s a German shepherd.
@@simplesimon8255 First of all, that dog looks tan af, second of all, it has a more rounded snout and floppy ears, not pointy ears, and THIRD of all, zoom in on it to see the features yourself.
When you’re neutral, you’re Belgium.
When you’re aggressively neutral, you’re Switzerland.
One survives war, the other doesn't.
@@areaxisthegurkhawhich one survives ? Excuse my inexperience .
@@VeerBhogamBhasundharaBelgium was invaded in both World Wars
Belgians fought like dogs. They're just unlucky enough to be positioned as the trafficway of Germany and France.
@oldrabidus2230If I had Belgium's history I would demand this, lol
Every McDonald's in Alaska is fitted with broken ice cream machines to demoralize invading troops
It demoralizes the populace too. Also Burger King Cola Slushy machines.
Extremely underrated joke! 😂😂😂
Every state
A bald eagle dual welding assault rifles is the most American thing I've ever seen.
just need to play the guile theme from street fighter and it would be perfect.
*Automatic Rifles
That needs to be our war flag or somethin
Canada had wayy more bald eagles than the USA. We kept our great hunters alive and free instead of killing them off and pushing them further north.
Saying that alaska regularly gets below freezing is such an understatement
How this video described Alaska, it could've been Finland, or Sweden or Norway. Except Finland doesn't have proper mountains, and I'm not sure how big Norwegian forests are.
It’s just dropped to 0 here. It was -18 Thanksgiving. Alaskans have motorized toys and know the terrain.
Back when I was in Alaska, it could get so cold regardless of what you Wear. I could only be outside for less than 10 minutes or risk losing some fingers.
@@AanaartuNorwegian forests are vast but the sheer size of Alaska makes it’s forests much bigger. The population density in Alaska is also a fraction of Norway so there will naturally be more.
Not sure if anyone caught that......they said "registered firearms"....kinda makes you wonder how many unregistered there are across the country
I wonder what they mean by registration. Where I live, no registration is required. Perhaps they're referring to background checks for sales?
@@flyer3455guns didn’t need a serial code on them before 1986 I believe, we’ve had 400million guns made since then so who knows how many 100millions are out there with no way to tell who’s they are
@@flyer3455 in Commiefornia, anytime we purchase, we gotta go through a whole registration process when we buy and like 15 pages of paperwork. Probably easier in every other state except NY. But the point remains, there's probably wayyy more unregistered and not kept track of firearms than tracked, which is the way it should be, imo.
I got a few unregistered firearms. There is no federal or state registration but ffl dealers are supposed to keep records in the event police need to see who 1 was sold to. So they probably talking about how many been sold through ffls. 80kits aren't being counted
Most of them will be amongst the red states. Look at a voting map to see who will fight and who will fold. In any case I don’t think anyone would mind if Cali gets invaded untill they push to the border of Arizona.
The Admiral of the Japanese Navy (I believe his last name was Yamomoto) said back during WW2 that it would be near impossible to invade America saying: "Theres a rifle behind every blade of grass."
yes his lst name was Yamomoto!
Wait. I heard that that was just an urban legend?
@@BrowncoatGofAZ its true. he was an officer that lived and trained in the US, rode his motorcycle from coast to coast and got to see how huge vast and diverse the US was. He knew we were a sleeping giant, he told his chain of command. They didnt listen
@@BrowncoatGofAZ It is, there's no evidence that he made that quote.
@@misaelarroyo5712 that I believe, but not the rifle behind every blade of grass part.
"Alexa, We need guns"
"Alexa, close the drawer"
"Alexa, We need alots of guns"
"Alexa, locate nearest gun shop"
@@jasonchiu272 more like 'order me a crate of ammo on amazon'
@@jasonchiu272 you men nearest walmart
“Alexa, locate M14’s near me.”
A little fun fact: The US Air Force is the largest airforce in the world. The second largest is the U.S. Navy
The second Largest Navy in the world is the US Naval Museums
good guess but you are incorrect, saying it is a "fact" is even more embarrassing
And the US navy is the second largest navy...
@@joebaxi01Are you referring to China and the fact that they mount a semi automatic rifle to a row boat and call it a "navy vessel" false inflated numbers that they release?? Don't be so gullible
@@joebaxi01Jesus Christ
Yes in terms of numbers it’s china
But in terms of tonnage it’s America no doute china has around 800k tons and America has 3.4 million
Lol at the beginning Americans shooting at a Tornado.
Literally the plot of the new movie Twisters. Not joking (except they used rockets instead of bullets).
What if we drive a structure into the tornado, thats spinning the opposite direction.
Don't knock it till you've tried it!
Just a normal friday night
@@AICWwtf wouldnt that turn it into a giant fire 😂
Finland: land of the thousand lakes, endless forests and defence moral is at staggering 80%
How much land did Finland give to Russia ? 11% I think it was. That was to buy them off and stop the invasion
Drunkness in the snow is a staggering 90% in Finland
Bro minnisota has over 10,000 lakes and thats just 1 state.
And 800000 hunters all basicly snipers
@@ryanthomas985 um no?
Why invade when you can infiltrate and conquer from within.
Which is sadly what is currently happening...
I doubt it’ll last long term based on the upcoming presidency.
Seems pretty genius doesn’t it? Combined with weak leaders, it’s the perfect plan.
When the dog ran up with grandpas M14 I lost it 😂😂😂
This? 1:05
That was an M1 Garand
M1 Garand
The goodest of boys.
M1 Garand actually
The thing about invading the mainland US is this:
Not only is our road system DESIGNED with rapid mass military deployment to ANY godforsaken corner of our continent in mind.
But there are about 333,000,000 people in the US. Possibly above 400,000,000.
And about 32% of our country... AT LEAST... is a registered or unregistered firearm owner.
This means that there are 106 MILLION PLUS armed people in our country.
If even TEN PERCENT of that chose to resist the invasion as militia because only that many were more than just bluster.
That would be 10,000,000 militia members.
Ten. Million.
In just CIVILIAN MILITIA ALONE... That is not even LOOKING at the military forces and equipment that would soon be deploying alongside them. 3.2 percent of the US CITIZENRY resisting results in an opposing force TEN MILLION STRONG.
All with access to a road network allowing said numbers to move easily from one side of the country to another IN LESS THAN A WEEK.
Invading the US is a terrible idea for THESE REASONS ALONE.
Unless the threat is from within. And provides for the invading force by flying and busing them to small towns all over the us Hopefully that's not happening but lots of signs point to it is
@daveb3910 Yes, the extreme alarmist anti-immigrational take. Which ignores, of course, the simple fact that immigration both legal and illegal has been happening continuously on a similar level for our entire nation's history and, of course, on average immigrants are even more supportive and protective of the US than natural-born citizens are.
Because natural-borns were just born here. Immigrants CHOSE the US.
@@GuukanKitsune Maybe in the past but you are seeing a huge increase in the last 15 years of anti American sentiment, defacing of historical pieces, Flag burning, etc. Even worse then after the Vietnam war. It has now become the "cool" thing to hate America and be a victim of it's "oppression". You see this type of rhetoric mainly on the left, which based on voting statistics, immigrants especially those from third world countries align with. If we went to war with Mexico who do you think the illegal/legal Mexican immigrants would side with? I would bet my house that a majority would align with Mexico.
Daveb is right. Our only threat in our lifetime is ourselves
@@GuukanKitsune Immigrants don't necessarily "choose the US" culturally or ideologically speaking, many are just here for money and will gladly sell the country out. This isn't a hypothetical either, it's a reality in pretty much every western country.
I honestly love how much the animation and art style has improved over the years. I can only imagine how great a remake of some of your old videos with updated information would be.
The thumbnail needs more explosions.
It needs more Mac donalds
Needs more red white and blue
The dog is the best part of the thumbnail
@@Mistah_Boombastic_BiggieCheese the dog need a little bit more America on it
Needs more black hawks
2:52 best part
Bro had to defend his honor 🫡
I came to the comment section to say just this lol
average florida man
Im pretty sure Americans have actually done that exact thing
No invader could ever break through the Baltimore Ravens or Pittsburgh Steelers Defense
The Browns seem to do it pretty well recently 🤣
As a Steelers fan myself I can agree
Maybe the ravens because our defense has been iffy for a while now
@@ThatHigh1r u Wild we have the guy who had the most ints last year and we had Patrick queen and have Roquan Smith and one of the best safety in the league plus Amazing cbs!
Switzerland was known for having good shooters. When a german general asked: 'Say, what would you do if we invade your 100'000 strong army with simply 200'000 soldiers?'
To which a swiss high ranking said:
'well, we all shoot twice and go home'
I hope its needless to say its a joke ;-)
What a dumb comment
Anybody who knows anything about a invasion is well aware u need 10 x as much power for it to have a chance at success
U don't know what guerilla war is how it takes 10x as much power to win .. but your giving us a history lesson make sense bruh ..
@@lilwoodiewood3457 u mad bro? :D
The "average" citizen walking down the sidewalk with an rpg and shorts killed me, 😂
One thing that people should realize about the US military is it's more of a logistics organization that dabbles in war fighting. Since WWII we know logistics better than anyone else. While the Germans and Japanese were worried about getting ANY food to their troops, we were worried about how to keep our ice cream cold longer.
The Ice Cream Barge is my favorite ship type in the US fleet, no competition.
This is so painfully true. Thr Berlin Air drop during the cold war effectively won the war in the end.
I worked in logistics in the US army from 2006-2015
More recently, in Iraq, some of our bases had Burger King. We literally took land in a country halfway across the planet and brought our fast food along with us.
I mean, you lot DID join the war rather late, it's no wonder infrastructure would be in excellent shape
11:03 - "Me and the boys going to invade Russia"
*gets screwed by General Winter*
*global warming intensifies*
Who is this Mysterious Russian 🇷🇺 General Winter ☃️❄️ 😅😊😂?@@AntarcticState
Except for Mongolia and they even did it during the winter
@@thegradyfiles Mongols are built different
The dude shooting a tornado with a machine-gun and burgers exploding out of it 😂
An invasion would never cross the Appalachian mountains… too many old heads who still know the Old Ways.
Drunken hillbillys with old shotguns and banjos
The old ways would pick off a few by themselves. The cryptids will take their blood tax
Imagine a soldier surviving a failed attack in the Appalachia "There were people rising from the dirt and a guy wearing a deer head rushed one of us with a spoon"
“Under every granny’s wheelchair there will be a derringer”
I'm pretty sure in Fallout 76, there's mission to take out Chinese Remnants hiding in caves.
The thumbnail had me rolling even as someone from the US.
You can just smell the American off it haha
It’s accurate af, my guy!
The kids with guns and mullet man shooting at the tornado had me 💀 man these animations are incredible 😂
6:41 funny enough, Germany was not so happy when they found out that a bridge they built with Switzerland between them had been packed with explosives
Only the Swiss half had explosives. The German half did not.
@@endyender1703 yeah
@@endyender1703 😄 "What are complaining about? Your half is still there."
It's happened a few times, including a bridge built IN THE EARLY 2000'S! The German contactor asked "Why, after nearly 60 years of peace don't you trust us?" The Swiss guys just said "The fact you're counting how many years you've been at peace is why we don't trust you". Burn!
Surprise, Surprise. All the bridges or tunnels are loaded in Switzerland. The tunnels not loaded are prepared as hospitals or trupp quarters.
Not to mention the US explicitly build the highway system to make it easier to move tanks across the country in the event of an invasion.
Switzerland being so hard to invade over the centuries is especially impressive since it borders so many countries that were at war with each other.
Is that true? I've never heard of that.
@@LawrenceW-vo1tgyeah, the interstates were initially built for moving military vehicles of all sorts quickly
@@NinjaWeedlewasn’t that also a big reason the autobahn was made?
@@spencerspillman7904the interstates were actually modeled after the autobahn.
@@LawrenceW-vo1tg Eisenhower, with his history it's clear why he was a big proponent.
You really need to worry when the trees start speaking "Yee-Haw"
I live in the Midwest and I could totally see someone shooting at a tornado that was throwing hamburgers.
You were looking into a mirror 👑
There was that one year someone said they should shoot a hurricane so that it would go another way. (think it was in Florida)
Fallout Switzerland lore: a vault that was filled with aging cheese closed but had a minor radiation filtration...that created sentient cheese
Cheese Crawlers 😱
it will find all crackers and cover them in a hot nuclear cheese
Cool big chunks of sentient cheese trying to kill people
That would be interesting to see a Fallout Switzerland. Modders! Get to work on it please!
Nice to meet you, human 😁
3:23 Emotional Support RPG
I don't feel safe going outside without my emotional support RPG7 (I'm depressed)
We've all been there.
Not support enough. When I go out, I need to put a leash around my emotional support nuke so i dont have a conniption in public.
It’s his right to bear an Emotional Support RPG. Several states allow this in exchange for a $50 fee
Where you can get one?
Even though we have incredible topography, we also have an incredible interstate system.
Yes you can invade russia , but you're neither staying nor getting out
Same can be said about a lot of places.
@@janet6421History has told us
Unless you can take Russia in a year, and start in January
You're revolution/invasion will be squashed without the support of the local people.
@@janet6421 not france or poland lol
Russia's Siberian territory is bigger than Canada is in total land mass by 3-4 million square kilometers. This doesn't count the European section of Russia which has the same land mass as half of Brazil
Yep even I as an American believe we cannot entirely invade Russia, but neither can they
Errors in the map at 1:39:: Kyrgyzstan has been conquered by China, the Caspian Sea has been drained, Sudan has reconquered South Sudan
In the map of Britain they didn't include Northern Ireland
@@withchristalonefulErin go Braugh
Having a China mapped like that is always an indicator that the video is full of crap.
Meanwhile Brazil: surrounded by way weaker countryes, and any non south american army would need do trespass the whole amazon forest to be able to invade.
Brazil is a living nigthmare to any invader
Switzerland get to sit back and enjoys a drink while the whole world is fighting
3:55 POV: someone tried to invade Texas😂
and lost big time 😮.
Seemingly a 15 year old with an AR15 can invade parts of Texas
The way you integrated the sponsor into the video is the best I've seen.
Ohio Fried Chicken, Burger Queen and WcDonald's!
@@ChrisKane- 😂
@ChrisKane- Ha ha 🤣😂
Goofy ahh brands💀☠️(Popeyes = plockmouths)💀☠️
Don't forget Pizza House!!!
@JoshIsSoGoofy Dairy King
0:32 WTF IS A KILOMETER!!!!!!!!!🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
The leangth measurement all the civilized countries on earth use.
@@ralphvelthuis2359that why we won 2 world wars, made it to the moon, AND built motor vehicles???? Stop me when someone else has done anything note worthy
@@ralphvelthuis2359"civilized", where? All I see are not sees in your countries.
Where do we go after we die?
I love Napoleon doing the doctor livesey walk meme at 11:04
it's just funny
He was the Chad of his era.
Oh my god he is I can see the sway in his shoulders now lmao
Correction on US gun count. We have over 400,000,000 new gun sales since we started counting and doing background checks in 1996.
We have no clue on how many guns were made and sold prior to 96.
Serial numbers on domestic rifles and shotgun were not required until 1986.
Based on gun manufacturer profit records divided by average cost of their weapons at the time estimates exceed 1 Billion. Then there are home made guns, a surprisingly popular hobby, there is no way to estimate the number of these weapons. We do know that many gun buyback programs go broke quickly after boxes of $15 home made guns are turned in for $300 Walmart gift cards, which then presumably are used to hit up hardware isles and make more guns as well as getting some groceries and ammo. A beautiful example of American cobra farming.
Also 2/3s of Republicans admit to surveyors that they own at least one gun.
All told the US civilian population owns more guns than the combined militaries and police of the earth. Yet has only a 0.003% higher homicide rate (3 per 100,000) compared to the UK.
God I love this country
All l can say is…
that’s a lot
@@George83_Thomas and we need more. 2/3 of conservative households admit to owning at least one gun. Many of us have basically family armories.
It shouldn’t be surprising to those familiar with rural life. My town for example has no police except the odd statey rolling through our mostly desolate highway and a county Sheriff office that seldom has more than three deputies on duty (and one is on the radio) covering about a thousand square miles. If you call 911 you can expect 45 minutes to an hour response time. If someone meaning harm pulls off the highway or if a bear, moose, cougar of wolf pack is threatening us or livestock we are on our own and since the days of the pioneer and lone fur trapper we have preferred this self sufficient life style and been armed to the teeth with every kind of weapon available to meet any threat.
When you drive through a small rural town you see people watching your unfamiliar car because we all watch out for ourselves and each other.
The result is some of the safest areas on the map. My town for example has had two homicides in the last 120 years, both killers were stopped with armed townsfolk. One of these was a early 1900’s fight over a woman that was ended with a .45 bullet from the woman’s brother, the other was about five years ago when a crazy drug addled out of towner veered off the road into a random home and attacked the homeowner which was stopped by the homeowners wife with a “bear gun.”
This armament makes small towns safe, quiet, and very polite.
Great point with that last sentence. Many politicians will have you believe that America is the murder capital of the world.
God bless America
As Isoroku Yamamoto said once about America: "A gun behind every blade of grass."
Another problem with invading the US would be the time required to collect the men, material and supplies needed for such an invasion. Landing craft, transport ships and planes, men, armored vehicles, ammunition, food, water, etc are all necessary on Day 1. Anyone stockpiling such items, especially landing craft, would certainly be suspect. Unless we piss off Canada or Mexico.
You act like they wouldnt just try to send an endless wave of balloons or drone swarms
You forget about our "friends" in Cuba. That would be the launching point with resupplies coming from Venezuela (and surrounding areas). There is a reason America purposefully keeps that area in Central America unstable.
@@peterwhitcomb8315 Not really. Again, we'd see any build up years in advance.
@@JacobWillits Japan did send thousands of explosive balloons to the US during WW2, only single-digit number of people died. And for drone swarm, if that is actually a viable strategy, Russia would easily conquered Ukraine and China would've conquered Taiwan for now. Small drones have poor range, so you have to be able to deploy them relatively close to the frontline anyway. Plus, you literally could be spending tens of millions of an equivalent of 155 mm round a month, which is too heavy for cheap commercial drones to carry, and your chance at conquering a medium-sized country by the end of the year would still be unlikely. And no countries can produce an equivalent of 155 mm shell fast enough to sustain spending a few hundred thousands rounds a month, let alone tens of millions.
American citizens own over 300,000,000 firearms. Almost every man woman and child could be used to fight an invasion force lol
As an American my eyeballs are telling me to be offended by the family gun scenes but it's so ridiculous I can't help but laugh.
As an American it's hilarious but kinda true too 😅
That's how it's supposed to be
You don’t play fetch with a rifle?
@hotshtsr20 been doing that since I was 1 month old.
As an American myself, I'm not offended by that. I'm offended that it's disappearing.
I love how the first thing i see as I enter youtube is a family with guns a baby with a bazooka and an eagle with 2 m16’s
The baby in the thumbnail holding a bazooka was funny asf😂 😂
That would have been Maggie in a Simpsons episode.
I love that they referenced the video of the guy pulling all the firearms out of his pants. I remember seeing it in like the 6th grade
Something Abraham Lincoln said, "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we lose our freedoms it will be because we have destroyed ourselves from within."
The Swiss: "shooting is fun hobby."
The US: "Cute. Its our way of life."
You people are sad
@crow8737 id rather be in the shittiest place here than wherever you're from.
“An invasion of the mainland United States is impossible. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.”
-Adimral Yamamoto
Yeah I live in a super liberal city, people get surprised when they realize that a lot of people here own firearms. I own over 30 different rifles, shotguns, and handguns and have probably close to 20,000 rounds of ammo in my closet.
@@rudridz Why dont you put it to use then?
@@Chadrick2cause that's called murder, definitely illegal.
It was impossible because US tanks, ships, and planes destroyed his military instead.
He never said that. Myth
When people think of a state with a lot of guns everyone thinks Texas, I live in Kentucky we have no permit laws here plus the only thing you need to own full auto gun is to pay the federal tax to get one. It only took me 2 hours to purchase my first gun and my second only took 5 minutes.
I have a lot of international warfare experience.
According to the board for Risk, the Australia-New Zealand-Indonesia region is the hardest to invade.
Also the easiest to lock up and get the region troop recruiting bonus for.
Elaborate good sir/madame.
Curios, why is that
@@lancetheking7524because they are islands with massive distances to cross before you reach them.
Australia also has next to no resources from the northern approach so supply lines are insanely stretched
@@goverat ah interesting
Have you ever played Axis and Allies? A lot like risk but better imo
Believe it or not there is one fun fact. And that is that US Army before WWII, was smaller than the Yugoslav army.
@@brandytoney7604 Well, it happened that.
Yea but once the war happened we exploded in size and power
@@JustADiamondBlock Also was Yugoslavia as well.
Damn,I never knew that
3:27 even the German shepherd carrying 😂
it is not difficult to invade afghanistan it is difficult to keep it
On the other hand, Vietnam is hard to both invade and keep lol
@@dobridjordje japanese flaten vietnam
@@MrThePsychologist Eh Vietnam had no army to defend against that invasion, it wasn't until 1944. when Viet Minh was created that Japanese started to bite way more than they could chew.
@@dobridjordje so did afghanistan
You're correct, the US actually managed to topple the Taliban government in just weeks, but they spent a whole generation dealing with insurgents.
It's actually 188 guns per 100.
@@FijyFilmsI don't know anyone with a registered firearm. And everyone I know has firearms. There's no firearm registration system in my state that I know of.
@@FijyFilms I don't know anyone with a registered firearm. And everyone I know except for felons has several firearms. I don't even know how to registered any of my firearms. It's just not a thing in my state
@@BenWilson-cp6ld if you bought modern guns from a gun store there is a number engraved on the firearm and that number is connected to you based on the purchase date... if you were to privately sell a firearm to someone else and they were to use it in a crime, it would come back to you. Just a warning. If all of your firearms were purchased via private sales then you are likely correct that there is no connection between you and the firearm. In fairness it isnt so much a registry as it is a purchase record that is maintained by the State.
@@solvency2690it’s actually illegal to federally register a firearm to a person. That would have to be a democratic state thing
Actually surprised Finland isn't on the list, the entire country's military doctrine and infrastructure is built around this very concept
2. US Navy
3. US Army (aviation)
The other thing of Britain is of course the highlands of Scotland will be difficult to traverse and along with the many canals that are in Britain choke points along bridges will become inevitable. Combine that with the maize of hedges and muddy lanes will make Britain hard to conquer even after crossing the channel which will have to be done in favorable sea conditions.
Also the border regions between England and Scotland. There was a reason that Border Reivers were a thing there for 4 centuries.
Great Britains civil defense is to put it mildly and politely well you know the thing.
The British cannot defend against riots. Why would you send in an army when all you have to do is wait a few decades and run the joint?
But an invasion to Britain would not need to cross these - the vast population of Scotland are in their cities, and Scotland is a small population compared to the the rest of the UK combined.
The Swiss sound like a nation of preppers.
Except the mountains and being able to buy their service rifle, that sounded pretty much like Finland. We even employ the same way of having bunkers in every new building of a certain size 😂
the geography in usa is beyond perfect for defense too. barrier mts on both east and west coast.
Impassable desert and the Rio Grande to the south, allied Canada to the north, the impenetrable Rocky Mountains in the west, and the eastern shield of Appalachia defending the heartland, with both coasts guarded by the most powerful navy the world has ever seen. It’d genuinely take every military on the planet to try and even land on one of America’s coasts
@@thiccchungo1041 and to the south is mexico. As funny as it is to say, you think the cartels and such would allow free passage to an invasion force to come to the south of the US? They would never risk losing the rich corporate people that pay for the cocaine they bring up. Whatever the invasion force is, would have to deal with that first before even thinking about making it to the US.
@@thiccchungo1041 even the Great Plains poses a risk to an invading army. Even though an invading army would be able to spread out across it, the problem is that the land is far in land that they are dead center wide open, and would be seen hundreds of miles away.
The thumbnail kinda sums it up, while the "a rifle behind every blade of grass" quote likely wasn't actually said by admiral Yamamoto, the sentiment behind it is still very much true.
He forgot to mention that of equal importance with the two oceans and an armed citizenry is our interstate highway system. The original name of the system was the Dwight D. Eisenhower System of Interstate and Defense Highways. The primary purpose of our highways is not civilian transportation and commerce. It was built to move armies. The system is meant both to repel invasion and to put down rebellion.
There's a common misinformation about admiral Isoroku Yamamoto saying the US is impossible to invade is because "A rifle behind every blade of grass."
While Isoroku known full well that the US isn't possible to invade and even suggested to the higher-ups that they shouldn't do it, there's no evidence he said this quote. Alongside with the popular "I fear that I may have awaken a sleeping giant." Which is from a movie.
The closest thing he ever said was "I shall run wild for 6 months to a year, victory after victory. After that, I have no expectation of success."
They didn't mention the numerous military bases that house divisions of military personnel that are stateside.
I dunno what’s funnier in the thumbnail: the dog with a gun or the baby with a bazooka
thumbnail did ‘murica dirty
phil cassidy
It’s accurate
@@dimitraartistautisticidiotrDuuuude based reference. I always wanted to grow up like him.
Nah we be a special kinda crazy in some parts of the USA. Like nobody is giving a literal baby a gun but many children know how to shoot.
The bald eagle with 2 m16s
People talk about Switzerland in ww2, but no one talking about the real reason hitler didnt want to conquer the alps, Lichtenstein
Whoever did the animation for the US needs a raise
I am surprised Taiwan isn’t on this list. It’s a floating Switzerland for christ’s sake
Not Switzerland, it’s a fortress. And it ain’t neutral…
Taiwan was invaded successfully before by Japan.
Only reason it was relinquished was due to a surrender agreement by the US
@@mynamesjeff.f that was a 100 years ago when it was still Chinese I believe, now it’s independent and heavily fortified against China.
@@mynamesjeff.f Taiwan had virtually no military on the island when Japan invaded. The Taiwan Strait has some of the roughest waters in the world which means Qing Dynasty China had a lot of trouble sending its wooden navy boats across to Taiwan
The idea of even trying to invade the US or Russia is just time wasted
All russia has is weather bro.....we would steam roll them in a week of we didnt have to follow the "Geneva convention" amd rules of engagement
@@derigel7662 who is “we” nobody knows where you live
@@derigel7662 I'd like to see you get an Army and try, good luck comrade
USA was able to supply there troops in russIa USA could do it. do 2 our overwhelming supply.
it’s simply do we want to track it to Moscow
Well everyone has to remember what happened to the last country who messed with Hawaii. “We sunk 3 ships and they dropped the sun on us twice!”
Strange that one of the reasons for not being able to invade Afghanistan wasn't mentioned: U.S. armed the "rebels" to fight the Soviets- then were attacked by those same "rebels" when US decided to invade. That's got to be one of the top 5 stupidest military decisions of all time.
Yeaaaaaa that wasnt really the USs fault 100% but yea there was a whoops there for sure. Maybe someone should have ran a background check on the Tallyban
Check the history of Afghanistan. No one has been able to take it over. Invade? But take over no.
All because of rules of engagement, if those restrictions are lifted, the invasion will end in weeks
No, the US arming the rebels to fight to Soviets was a good decision because it help lead to the collapse of the USSR, the rebels the US armed werent the ones that they fought when they invaded afghanistan
We don’t just invade we occupied basically the whole country for twenty years we simply left because it was to expensive and the us population didn’t want us to be there anymore
Like the detail of Switzerland "borrowing" gold from germany
I know "Mad Max" was located in Australia ...but in a "Postapocalyptic Max-World" ... Switzerland would be one of the biggest and fiercest Warlords ^^
Honorable mention about Alaska. If anyone can recall. The Aleutian Islands had some taken over by the Japanese in World War 2. Also dring World War 2, they also conquered Guam and the Philippines before they became an independent country (the Philippines). So, in general. Yes, the United States of America is a difficult country to invade, but they don't teach your everyday person in our country about this.
Aleutians campaign was a bloodbath for the Japanese as well as Americans, extremely inhospitable terrain.
They do though, this is readily common information taught in any basic high school history class.
@@pslacumYeah basic geography and history as we can clearly anywhere on yt or real life see masterfully mastered by wokemericans🤣
That's like... US History 101 in the chapters about WWII. Every highschooler learns about what US territories the Japanese invaded.
@@ieetpeople4003 yeah but basic geography is not💯
Keep in mind that the most common rifle in the US is the AR-15, often chambered in the same caliber as NATO rifles use on the front lines.
@2:47 fcking savage, shooting at tornadoes
Floridian man actually had an event for that. When hurricane Irma was gonna hit the south Floridians held a Facebook event to shoot the hurricane
He's a true American Patriot
Ain't no Love in Oklahoma.
Good we don't want wimps here anyways@JoshIsSoGoofy
2:00 I'm Alaskan
Winter is end October to beginning may
Spring beginning may to beginning June
Summer is beginning june to end October (this is for the interior)
In spring it starts slushy ends muddy and 30⁰f (0⁰c)
In summer it can get up to 110⁰f
Fall is very short but it is 50⁰f
Winter is -30⁰f with up to 2-3 ft of snow
Down in the Aleutian Islands could be a blank of snow for a week then no snow
No population centers
Anchorage Alaska has a population of 280,000 in an area of 2,000mi²
For comparison LA is 500mi²
I don’t think people realize how overpowered the US really is. Texas alone could take down most nations alone quite easily. Most people in Texas own guns and a good portion practice quite frequently. So good luck to anyone who tried to invade the US
As a Texan who has to deal with extreme storms and tornadoes every spring and brutal, potentially deadly heat every summer not to mention the hurricanes that can stampede through during both seasons... I can confirm that we are stubborn enough to fight mother nature herself. That scene of an American firing a hail of bullets at a tornado is accurate. The planet itself tries to kill us. An invading army would be about as intimidating as a yappy chihuahua in comparison.
Let alone cactus, misquite, briar, rattle snakes, corral snakes, copper heads,cotton mouths, black widow's, brown recluse, wild hogs, coyotes, bull sharks, and oilfield workers.
You know if Texas was ever attacked by an invading army, there'd be Okies coming down from Oklahoma. And probably Arkansans, too. Why should y'all have all the fun.
@@jevans.writer lol by the time you drove down here there may not be much left xD
@@Psycho-go5yr Haha yeah probably
@@jevans.writer and volunteers from Tennessee
The video: 😃😃😃. The thumbnail: 💀💀💀 is the family even allowed to let the baby have a bazooka 💀💀💀💀
He didn't mention the creatures that lurk the Appalachian mountains
bet it would've been amazing seeing Hannibal cross the Alps with that giant force. dude was a genius and doesn't get enough credit, one of the brightest generals to ever live
Curious to know though what percentage of his army he lost during the crossing.
@garymelchisky2880 it was apparently a lot
I’m surprised Australia wasn’t in this episode from the land size and the amount of water around it
I think maybe because the vast amount of their population are near the coast, but yes, there is thousands upon thousands of miles of ocean to cross.
Who would want to invade it? That's the defensive strategy.
Population mostly unarmed by manginas and socialists. Easy pickings for invaders.
Isn’t stopping albanese helping the Indians invade.
Don't forget the Outback and the animals in, around and above the water. And everything not in water as well.
Switzerland. Others see their neutrality as passive and harmless, they see themselves as an impenetrable fortress
THUMBNAIL GOES HARD 🦅🦅🦅🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🗣️🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🔥🔥🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🔥🔥🇺🇸
2:03 .... ayo what
Helps keep the body warm
@@Shabrone oh
Know what else is massive
It's just keeping him warm what are you thinking?
@@TheChamp0503That LOW TAPER FADE
The vault suits made me laugh, not sure if anyone else said that. Nice Easter egg
I feel like one of the best reasons America is hard to invade is we have a culture of bravery, that from what I've found far surpasses any country.
Love the Maurice Gomberg map reference!
Let's not forget that America has also thousands of bases outside the mainland.